Are you a genius? Determined by external signs. Is the genius of children a gift from above or the result of upbringing? How to determine that a person is a genius

The problem of genius, arguments in favor of the importance of innate abilities, are opposed to the techniques of raising and training geniuses. Where is the truth? In this article we will consider the issue in detail - the nature of genius, the main signs of genius, the concepts of giftedness, talent, genius, reasons for its occurrence.

Every parent dreams of raising a talented and successful child. Why do some children learn willingly, grasp everything on the fly, while others, despite the efforts of their parents, do not show interest in learning, preparing for school, or doing homework? What development methods are the most effective and what is the secret of their impact?

The problem of genius, the nature of the phenomenon

Giftedness and genius are often associated with early development and innate abilities. It is assumed that a child is born either a genius or a mediocre one. I wonder, if a child of genius is born and spends time in the company of animals, will he be able to become what he should be - a great man? Of course not, a child develops through interaction with people, and upbringing plays a key role.

"Mowgli" are not adapted to life in society; they have the habits of animals.

This means that the nature of genius has two factors: innate parameters, human properties and the environment of upbringing. In many ways, the determining factor is the influence of parents, methods of communication, what ideas they bring to children, whether they can interest them and instill a love for learning about the world.

Often in programs dedicated to brilliant children, they themselves thank their parents and mothers for their help in learning, realizing that they owe much of their success to loved ones. This is a mutual process - the desire of the child and the help of the parents. What comes first - interest, abilities or education, training?

Wise teachers know how to interest children from an early age and pay attention to the phenomena of life - rain, snow, seasons, nature. And classes are conducted in a playful way. A child perceives the world on an emotional level, so it is often difficult to force him to learn.

Let's define the concept of genius, what is the essence of the phenomenon?

Genius- the highest level of development of intelligence and creative potential, allowing one to make scientific discoveries, propose new philosophical concepts, and create great works of art.

Genius allows one to influence social progress; such people are often ahead of their time, help in the development of society, and manifest themselves in science, culture, and social activities. Often such people are innovators, pioneers, rationalizers.

What distinguishes brilliant people, what are the characteristics of behavior, psyche, physiology?

  1. Creative thinking- a non-standard approach to solving issues and problems. They strive to find new ways and approaches to life, which helps create discoveries in science, technology, and the creation of masterpieces of art.
  2. Productivity in a specific area- geniuses usually manifest themselves in a certain field - art or science, they can have a mathematical or humanitarian mindset. At school they don’t strive to be excellent students; they prefer to focus on their favorite subjects. This is what is surprising: many successful people did not even graduate from school or university, but succeeded in life. Thus, Bill Gates, a famous programmer and creator of Microsoft, did not enter university at one time, and Einstein did not study well in primary school and was considered a retarded child. Maxim Gorky had only 2 years of education behind him, but became a famous writer, a classicist. Therefore, the task of parents is not to force them to learn everything, but to develop innate abilities in various ways, to give freedom of self-realization.
  3. Understanding calling- brilliant people feel their sphere on a subconscious level. They strive for the best results through trial and error and never give up. They achieve what they want by any means. They are guided by a higher idea: to make a discovery for the world or to write a useful, interesting work. But the main thing is not to strive to create a masterpiece, but to do something for people. It is the highest goal that helps them overcome all obstacles on the way. The problem of genius, arguments in favor of ideological thinking and the desire for self-realization.
  4. Perseverance- a genius needs persistence in order to break through the asphalt, leave a mark in the history of life, and be remembered for centuries. Among such people there are no spineless or weak ones. They are all individuals with a capital P. We compare great athletes and personalities to geniuses and talents, but they succeed in many ways through hard work and perseverance. Thus, Schwarzenegger, Mike Jordan and Will Smith consider their success to be the result of work and perseverance.
  5. Self confidence- geniuses know that they are called to create something new, to make a contribution to public life. Of course, they are ahead of their time, which is why their creations are not always recognized during their lifetime, as with Van Gogh, but many shine during their lifetime, amazing those around them with their music, creations, and discoveries. They are characterized by courage, the ability to take risks and think outside the box, they understand that they can do something great and new in history, they believe in their strength and potential. They never think about defeat, they look for ways to find and achieve the desired result, like Edison when creating an electric light bulb.
  6. Use intuition- many geniuses and great people see prophetic dreams and visions. Thus, Mendeleev dreamed of a table of elements, and Chopin heard music in his sleep. Mystic? No, the work of the subconscious, which, even in a state of rest and rest, continues to solve existing problems, helping the conscious mind. Geniuses listen to the inner “I”, develop intuition, which helps in creating masterpieces. Musicians often say: “The piece came to me from above.” This is intuition. It is important to hear your inner voice, understand yourself and the world around you, not get hung up on rational thinking, listen to your intuition. At times, brilliant people deliberately go into a state of rest, half-asleep, in order to solve complex problems and gain inspiration. Sounds like meditation, doesn't it? Probably, the sages of the East also knew how to use internal reserves.
  7. A special state of mind and innate abilities- there are many capable and talented people, but why are there so few geniuses? History knows about 400 people who are recognized throughout the world as geniuses: Plato, Macedonian, Aristotle, Mozart, Beethoven, Einstein, etc. How did these people manage to become the best?

One of the reasons is a special perception of the world; for them there are no barriers or obstacles, they believe in the possibility of the impossible and help others perceive the world differently. They are often born leaders, aware of the importance of their activities and calling. Such people go beyond the usual, are distinguished by special thinking, courage of views and the ability to express themselves and realize.

The problem of genius, arguments and examples of the lives of brilliant people confirm: innate talent is not enough, it is important to have special qualities for its implementation, bringing ideas to life. How can you help a child become a genius?

How to raise a genius

Abilities, giftedness, genius are concepts similar in meaning, but genius is the highest degree of talent and human development. In the 21st century, scientists, psychologists, and sociologists are actively studying the nature of genius and offering new methods of raising children and approaches to development.

Genius, genius - these words are shrouded in mystery and seem unattainable to the average person, but is that so? Any child is talented by definition, many have abilities in several areas. Why do some become more successful than others, and grades at school do not help in future life? Recommendations from experts in raising geniuses will help you find the answers.

The problem of genius, arguments in favor of educating geniuses. Genius Development Program:

  1. Determine the child’s abilities and type of thinking- to determine the method of development and upbringing of a child, it is important to understand his way of perceiving the world, interests, and inclinations. There are tests and characteristics that help to understand the child. The book “How to Develop Genius and Charisma in a Child” talks about ten types of thinking in children, each with its own characteristics and predispositions. Having understood the child, it is easier to find an approach to education, determine what talents to develop, what path in life to choose.
  2. Help in development, do not interfere- observing certain interests and hobbies, it is worth supporting the child’s aspirations for development, not interfering and not imposing your ideas. The main rule: do no harm. There are so many situations when children, under pressure, play sports or go to clubs and music school. The child must determine for himself what is closer to his spirit, what his hidden strength is; parents can give a choice, offer, nothing more.
  3. Develop leadership and charisma- when a child realizes his advantages and strengths, he can feel his strength. You can offer to teach other children, help those behind in class, show talents in society: performances, competitions, concerts.

    Leadership is the ability to lead people; its development is possible with high self-esteem and a sense of self-worth. The child needs the support of his parents and approval of his actions and life choices. The problem of genius, arguments for the development of a child capable of becoming outstanding and making a contribution to public life. Leadership is a necessary quality of genius.

  4. Increase self-confidence- the development of talents and the manifestation of genius does not happen without confidence. How can a person declare himself in the world if he is used to hiding from people like a snail? How to help your child develop confidence? Keep a success book, record achievements, positive reviews;
    In case of failures, remember your life experience, everyone has difficult periods, the main thing is not to give up;
    Never generalize - difficulties have reasons, it is important to understand them, find ways to achieve results;
    gain life experience - the child develops confidence by overcoming difficulties, it is useful to give the opportunity to act independently, cope with simple tasks first, and later complicate them;
    Positive thinking - the example of parents is irreplaceable; if the mother does not despair and always strives to achieve what she wants in life, the child will also be able to accept failures more easily and strive to succeed in his affairs.
  5. The main thing is skills, not cramming- school and education are needed to develop learning skills, often they do not keep up with the times, the programs do not correspond to modern life. It is important to be able to find the necessary information and educate yourself. A child should be taught useful skills - searching for data, setting goals, planning, achieving the desired result. Why do C students succeed in life? They often have developed resourcefulness and creativity, they understand their inclinations and preferences earlier, they concentrate on their own interests, and do not waste time on uninteresting subjects.
  6. Develop persistence- to realize talents, achieve their desires, make dreams come true, a child will need persistence. It is this property that can develop even from small inclinations to the level of high skill. Children who are able to persistently do what they love every day will definitely become the best, ahead of their peers.
  7. Develop creativity and out-of-the-box thinking- Nowadays even adults strive to discover their creative potential and learn creative thinking. For what? This is a huge competitive advantage; creative people are able to create new technology, make discoveries in science and art, find solutions where others see only problems. How to develop creativity?

    Listening to music with your child, starting from pregnancy, is especially useful classics (Mozart, Vivaldi), jazz and blues also increases creativity;

    Do modeling, drawing, crafts, helping to develop creativity. In addition, working with your hands stimulates the development of the brain and speech;

    Develop imagination, imagination - come up with a continuation of the fairy tale, your own plot with famous characters, answers to various questions. For example: where are the clouds flying, where is this woman going, where is the plane flying in the sky? Let the child learn to invent and fantasize. You can make up stories, act out pantomimes. This quality will help you find new approaches in life and think differently than others.

    The problem of genius, arguments for the development of non-standard thinking, which is considered a key factor in distinguishing geniuses.

  8. freedom of choice- a child should try himself in different activities and directions in order to determine what he is more drawn to, has abilities, what is more interesting, more enjoyable. It is important to experiment, try - sports, music, technology. You shouldn’t get hung up on finding talent; any child can become a genius if they have an interest in their studies and constantly improve their skills. At a certain stage of life, they will make a choice and can take up their main field seriously by their own decision. There is no need to force children, to persuade them, let them feel that they are closer.
  9. Don't stop there- having noticed a tendency towards linguistics and good memorization of words, you can learn several languages. Why only English? There are also German, Chinese, French and other languages. This will be an advantage in the future. For musicians, it is useful to be able to play several instruments; such specialists are also valued more and can excel in concert performances or music production. Versatility and versatility are always at a premium. It is important to be able to quickly adapt and adapt to living conditions.
  10. Be objective- you shouldn’t realize your dreams in your children, send them into medicine or law, because they themselves didn’t succeed. Also, negative experiences in the lives of parents should not interfere with children. They are different and can succeed in any field that is close in spirit.

It is very important for a child to choose his own profession and life path. After all, when parents decide, children in the future suffer from unloved work or change their field of activity years later, and time cannot be returned. The task of parents: to raise a happy and successful child, to help find a calling in life.

Ability and genius can be developed and help a child succeed in life, express himself, realize his talents. Parents should teach them useful skills and abilities, and creativity, confidence and perseverance are the most important ones.

Books about genius, raising geniuses

Books for parents will help develop abilities, talent, genius.

The problem of genius, arguments and theories are presented in the following books that will help understand the nature of genius in children and adults:

  • “Variability and Genius” S. V. Savelyev - a scientist devoted his entire life to the study of man, the structure of the brain and understanding the problem of genius. He made his new discoveries in understanding the issue of predisposition to thinking at the level of brilliant people, but not all people with the desired structure become famous. Perhaps you need special mental properties, skills to realize your abilities, motivation and aspirations?
  • "Genius" by Lombroso - the book examines the problem of the nature of genius, and also reveals the similarities between brilliant people and crazy people, why? The structure of the brain is different than that of ordinary people. Maybe it’s better to just have a talented and developed child than a great genius? And if there are oddities, that’s also normal, this is compensation for special skills. Modern scientists do not fully support Lombroso; geniuses are special people and comparing them with madmen is not entirely correct. Brilliant people may have some deviations in thinking and psyche, but not all crazy people are geniuses.
  • "Genius: The Natural History of Creativity" Hans Eysenck - this British scientist draws his conclusions about the nature of genius. He found that only in 15% of cases the phenomenon of genius is associated with the physiology and structure of the brain, and in the remaining 85%, especially creative manifestations, it is the result of human development and improvement, accumulation of experience. Among the characteristics of geniuses is a highly developed Self, awareness of one’s own importance. This means that low self-esteem harms achievements. Hans analyzes the factors in the formation and emergence of geniuses and draws new conclusions.
  • “The genius is in each of us: genetics, talent and IQ” David Schenk - American writer, lecturer and director offers his understanding of the nature of geniuses. Every person has talents and hidden resources, it is important to find them and use them to their full potential. Nowadays, people who succeed are those who are able to go beyond the usual, believe in the impossible, and success requires: ambition, discipline and perseverance in achieving goals. All these qualities can be developed from childhood throughout life. The influence of genes is only a predisposition; they determine talent by 50%, the rest is a person’s personal qualities and skills. The idea of ​​self-improvement and development helps people progress throughout their lives and achieve high results. So, the problem of the nature of genius has different understandings, but recently scientists and psychologists have paid attention to the balance of physiological predispositions, innate abilities and the possibility of their development, the presence of important personality qualities. Now the people who win are those who know how to think outside the box and boldly move forward, who are constantly learning and who do not back down in the face of difficulties.

How to help children develop abilities and become geniuses? Among the most useful books for raising talented children are the following:

1. "Harmonious development of the child" Glen Doman- Doctor Glen Doman initially worked on the development of children with damaged areas of the brain and greatly succeeded in this direction. Later he developed a method for the development of healthy children - Doman cards. His students read, count, write, and speak foreign languages ​​from the age of two or three. Physical development is also very important to activate the brain - crawling, exercise.

The author argues that it is better to develop genius at a young age, from one to six years is the most suitable period. Children's possibilities are limitless; almost all of them are inclined to memorize information if they organize interesting activities in a playful way.

  1. "Early development and education of your baby" by V. Dmitrieva- the book talks about early development methods, mainly from birth to four years. The author will help you determine a training program for your child and select appropriate teaching methods. All children are different, it is important to try what will be interesting and suitable for the child. It is useful to conduct all classes in a relaxed atmosphere, without pressure or coercion.

With a careful approach and the ability to interest a child, there will always be a result: early development and advantages in future life if the child is drawn to knowledge. Early age is the best for learning - nature itself has laid down the mechanism for perceiving the world, information is absorbed and assimilated very quickly.

  1. "Genius at your fingertips" T. Kislinskaya- talent and genius can be developed from an early age. A great way is finger games. Psychologists have noticed that poems and songs accompanied by hand movements stimulate the development and activity of the child’s brain.

The book offers more than a hundred games and nursery rhymes that can be used at home or in group classes. The Zheleznovs also use a similar technique, but there are more songs and music, and in the usual version there are rhymes and games. Such activities help develop speech and thinking in young children.

Every child has the makings, talent, and genius; the main thing is to help him realize his potential, pay attention to his interests, help him develop, and explore our wonderful world.

A glimpse of genius can appear either early in life or later in life. Psychologists have determined that talent can develop and manifest throughout life, so it is worth continuing to experiment, develop creativity, and explore new directions.

The problem of genius, arguments in favor of innate talents or upbringing are initially in opposition, but in fact complement each other. Talented children do not necessarily have a special brain structure, but an environment for the development of abilities is necessary.

Now the priority is personal qualities, abilities, and skills that we help children master and give knowledge that is ignored at school. After all, children often do not understand why they study school subjects, when in life they need something completely different: the ability to find solutions, build a business, set goals, and great people achieved a lot without education.

The task of parents is to raise a happy, successful child, so you shouldn’t get hung up on super knowledge, gold medals and certificates. Let him live his own life, develop his abilities and talents, while maintaining a lively and inquisitive mind. Parents can only help, support, develop independence, the desire for achievement and self-realization.

Brilliant children are not an end in themselves, but a consequence of harmonious development and upbringing. And for this you need: a good atmosphere in the family, mutual understanding, trust. Children, feeling supported and loved, develop better.

We wish everyone talented, brilliant and happy children!

Only a genius can understand how difficult it is to be a genius. But how can you understand that you are a genius who has figured it out and will share your opinion (based on the opinions of scientists, of course) with your readers!

But let's start with the fact that there is a certain IQ test that demonstrates in points the speed of thinking per unit of time. Geniuses have a score on this test above 150 (and only geniuses have a variable score). After studying 2,000 people with these results, scientists found 11 common traits among all of them.

So, how to understand that you are a genius:

You speak more than one language

Research suggests that speaking more than one language may reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. It also affects brain development and efficiency: the more languages ​​you know, the more efficiently your brain works.

Your IQ is over 150

IQ tests only measure one aspect of intelligence, but can still be used as an indicator.

You are the eldest child in your family

One study found that older children in a family scored on average three points higher on IQ tests than their younger siblings. This is not due to genetics, but to family relationships.

Do you like cats more?

Cat lovers are less sociable than dog lovers, but one study suggests that those who prefer cats score higher on intelligence and personality tests (study of 600 university students).

Do you like alcohol

A number of studies have linked high intelligence to a tendency to drink more alcohol than most people. According to a 2013 study, university graduates begin to drink more as they get older, compared to those who did not attend university.

You dropped out

It turns out that a brilliant brain cannot learn according to the average program. She seems boring and uninteresting to him.

You're left-handed

Approximately 10% of the world's population is left-handed, and although no one knows what determines this feature, there are studies showing that left-handers have slightly higher cognitive abilities than right-handers.

You often worry

One study found that students who were more anxious than others scored higher on verbal intelligence tests.

Do you have a good sense of humor

A study on how we perceive attractiveness found that people who scored high on tests of abstract reasoning and verbal intelligence were also better at telling jokes, which in turn made them more attractive.

You are lazy

Laziness is the engine of progress. Therefore, every lazy person is a potential genius...

Do you doubt that you are a genius?

A healthy ability to doubt yourself can indicate that you are smart. As the Greek philosopher Socrates said, “I know that I know nothing.” Dunning-Kruger Effect: Intelligent people are less self-confident, have an easier time detecting and correcting their mistakes, and tend to view others as more competent.


We all like to think that we are geniuses. Whether it's academics or smarts, we feel like we're one of the few who have something exceptional.

But should you trust intelligence tests to determine how smart you are?

There are a number of habits and characteristics that you consider ordinary, but which indicate that you may be a genius.

Take this test to find out if you are a genius.

Signs of a genius

Here are some oddities and features that indicate that your intelligence level is higher than others and you have a keen mind for solving problems.

You are drawing doodles

Doodles seem like a waste of time, but in fact, it is a creative way to keep yourself busy and explore new ideas. Your hand gets used to it and lives with its own mind. This is the way our body tries to escape boredom and discover something new.

You have few friends

Very often, smart people maintain a small circle of friends in order to achieve their goals and focus better. They are also selective in terms of who they spend time with.

You're in no hurry

People often think of slowness as a sign of laziness, but this is not always the case. The habit of taking time is a systematic approach to achieving goals.

You're not getting results

It may come as a surprise, but the reason you're not getting results may be because your brain is too busy. Try to discipline your mental activity to get the most out of it.

Talking to yourself

The habit of talking to oneself is a sign of intelligence. This creates order in thoughts, and verbal expression helps in finding lost items

You are sloppy

People often find creativity in chaotic, disorderly environments.


The habit of looking for the easy way out is not a sign of a lack of hard work, it is a definite strategy.


When you spend your time and energy wisely on people, it is a sign of intelligence. Others may see you as uncaring, but you are simply selective about who you spend your energy on.

Distribution of duties

The ability to distribute responsibilities to others is a sign of intelligence, since smart people take on things that are more difficult.

Lack of sleep

Your brain is often on overdrive and needs rest. Taking a nap during the day can help you recover quickly and refresh your mind.


Last week, Prime Minister Putin confirmed that he would appoint President Medvedev as prime minister when he himself becomes president. This surprised some citizens. Maybe, they ask, the prime minister sees in the president some special talents that are invisible to mere mortals?

AND Are there any universal methods for determining human talents?

We answer: of course, such methods exist. For example, the Italian Lombroso believed that a person of genius can be identified by 13 signs:

1. Brilliant people have large skulls. Often - irregular shape.

2. A man of genius has almost no character at all. For example, some geniuses, Lombroso claims, loved to scold high-ranking officials and at the same time grovel before them. And others flaunted their sublime feelings, but showed complete ingratitude towards the people who were disposed towards them.

3. Early development of abilities. Some geniuses began to speak at 6 months, others began to read Latin at 7 years.

4. Alcohol abuse. Or coffee. Or drugs.

5. Obligatory presence of vanity and pride. Many geniuses have hinted that they are inspired by God.

6. Abnormalities in the functions of the reproductive system. Some geniuses, for example, led an extremely depraved life for half their life, and then an absolutely chaste one. Others did exactly the opposite.

7. Geniuses cannot sit quietly in one place and must constantly move - from St. Petersburg to Moscow, from Moscow to Brussels, from Brussels to Cheboksary, etc.

8. No less often, brilliant people change professions and specialties. Let's say, first they study philology, then economics, then serve in the judicial department and end their lives writing blank verse.

9. Geniuses love to express their opinions on issues alien to their specialty.

10. Almost all geniuses suffer from religious doubts. And they consider these doubts themselves a crime.

11. They talk a lot about themselves. If they don’t talk, they write diaries.

12. Geniuses attach great importance to their dreams.

13. Their state of excitement alternates with a state of decline, and gaiety is replaced by gloom.

It is clear that using these signs it is easy to distinguish a genius from an ordinary person. The president's genius can be seen, although it is not yet completely obvious. For a number of reasons, he can be considered an absolute genius (say, according to points 2, 7 and 11), but for others, there is not enough information yet.

Of course, knowing Lombroso's theory (he, unfortunately, made no secret of it), genius is easy to feign. Therefore, it is not harmful to give him a little test when hiring a genius. For example, the kind that Buddhists did.

One day a young man came to the Zen teacher Bankei and complained:
- Teacher, I have such an unbridled character. How can I fix it?
“You have something strange,” Bankei answered, “let me look at it.”
“I can’t show it right now,” the student answered.
- When can you?
- It appears unexpectedly.
“Then,” Bankei concluded, “it cannot be your true nature, otherwise you would be able to show it to me at any moment.” .


Of course, you can pass many tests, but as you know, they are not always objective... Therefore, Robert Dilts developed his own rules by which you can determine a genius, the so-called signs of a genius...

Properties of geniuses:

1. Well-developed visualization ability.
Vision was the main "navigation" tool of geniuses. “The thinking thinks forms in images” (Aristotle).

2. Creation and use of multiple connections between the senses (synesthesia). Brilliant individuals tend to use all other senses and form synesthetic connections between sensations. This ability takes us back to the origins of perception characteristic of children, to the origins of the formation of concepts.

3. Use of multiple perspectives.
Einstein's theory of relativity is at its core a description of the interaction of different perspectives. Searching for details that do not fit into the usual pictures of the world and finding a new point of view is a common strategy of geniuses.

4. A highly developed ability to constantly switch from one perceptual position to another.
Geniuses have the ability to identify with different positions of perception: the first (myself, my point of view, my feelings), the second (another, the object of study, his point of view and feelings) and the third (the position of an outside observer of the interaction of our “I” and the object) .

5. The ability to easily move from one level of thinking to another and use “pieces of information” of different sizes.
Geniuses knew how to work with little things ("Little things create perfection, and perfection is not a small thing." Michelangelo) and at the same time did not drown in details; could see the whole picture without losing sight of its smallest components, and had a unique ability to find a balance between the big and the small.

6. Maintaining feedback between the abstract and the concrete.
Geniuses form a persistent and dynamic loop of brotherly communication between abstract images and their real expression, allowing them to constantly adjust and improve both. According to Einstein, the only justification for a theory is “the measure of the view of experience received from our senses that we can achieve with its help.”

7. Balance of mental functions: Dreamer, Realist, Critic.
Geniuses not only have a developed ability to dream, but also the ability and ability to translate their dreams into concrete forms and be critical of their ideas and their implementation. Tesla argued that the ability to be a "thorough" dreamer made it easier to realize ideas and inventions.

8. Raising fundamental questions.
Geniuses tend to place more importance on questions than answers. The key characteristic of all geniuses is their indomitable curiosity and enthusiasm. A genius asks more direct questions than looking for the “right” answers. Failure is a springboard for a successful solution.

9. Use of metaphors and analogies.
Geniuses constantly resort to metaphors and lateral, or non-linear, thinking strategies. Metaphor or analogy lies at the heart of every act of genius. Einstein made extensive use of metaphorical structures: a flat world of two-dimensional creatures, a beetle crawling on a ball, etc.

10. Purpose other than self (Mission).
What all geniuses have in common is that they perceive their work as serving something greater than themselves. In the introduction to his anatomy, Leonardo boldly remarked: “I want to do miracles... even if I have less peace in life than other people and have to live a long time in extreme poverty.” Einstein wrote about his reasons for studying physics: "I want to know God's thoughts, everything else is details."
