Angelica Varum with short hair. “Thanks to Agutin for his wife’s figure. Angelica Varum's new Pixie haircut - photo

Angelika Varum turned 46 years old, and Leonid Agutin showed what his wife looks like without makeup.

Leonid Agutin dedicated poems to his wife that ended with the following lines:

On the shore of your hopes. Freeze without any movement
Like on the very first birthday - No dreams, no thoughts, no clothes...
Dear, beloved, Happy Birthday! Happiness, health and joy to you, my spring.
I'm with you. I'm nearby.

Along with this message, a photo of Angelica without any makeup appeared on the page.

It should be noted that such photos are very rare for public people, but Anzhelika Varum always loved to show off herself. Her singing career began with simple songs “La-la-fa” and “Drummer,” but in her first video she appeared in a completely transparent T-shirt and surrounded by completely naked girls. With this image, Angelica moved on with her life.

In the 90s, Russian performers were sharply drawn to eroticism, but Masha Varum never stooped to vulgarity a la Masha Rasputin.

But her concert outfits always smacked of light eroticism.

And in the videos she tried to be playful and sexy.

At some point, Angelica enlarged her breasts and this was immediately reflected in her dresses.

Transparent inserts on her weekend outfits became a real calling card. In some cases the fabric exposed the chest, and in others the legs.

And white fabric was replaced by black suits, slightly shifting the accents from light eroticism to a light sadomasochistic style.

But in conclusion of all this, I still want to remember the clip from which it all began - Anzhelika Varum. "Babylon".

The life and any changes of stars never cease to be observed by fans. Angelika Varum is a famous singer and a very talented woman, she has conquered great heights and found her way to the stage. Angelika Varum's new short haircut 2018 is called Pixie. Her fans immediately noticed the changes in her image. He changes his image like gloves, posts his photos on social networks and Instagram, which sometimes causes bewilderment. Varum's Pixie haircut made the woman younger, more attractive and became a real surprise for both family and friends, because everyone was accustomed to her long hair.

Angelica Varum's new Pixie haircut - photo

Angelica will turn 50 in 2019, but time has no effect on her. The physical form is excellent, the woman is always stunning and sexy, Angelica Varum’s latest haircut is proof of this.

The secret of her youth is simple, it has absolutely nothing to do with plastic interventions. The singer constantly makes her image new so that fans can admire her; she not only takes care of her hair, but also takes care of her gorgeous figure.

During the filming of the video “The Woman Walked,” Angelika Varum with a short haircut began to look like Katya Lel. At first it was not even immediately possible to make it out, but numerous photographs allowed us to see Varum’s new image, beautiful, stunning and stylish. Angelica's short haircut is neat, and the rear view looks unusual.

For a long time, the woman was looking for a suitable hairstyle for herself, and if you look at the photo of the singer’s haircut, then it was she who became careful in working with her hair. Angelika Varum's short hairstyle corresponds to the popular style. You can paint it any color or do any procedure such as highlighting. This hairstyle looks extremely impressive with darkened roots, which corresponds to fashion trends.

A Pixie haircut like Varum’s looks perfect with or without makeup.

An important advantage of the haircut is that it will fit perfectly into the image of both a young woman and women over 50 and 60 years old. A rejuvenating effect will be ensured.

Varum's Pixie haircut - how to do it - video

If long hair used to be valued, today many beauties try to imitate singers. This Pixie haircut, which Angelica Varum gave herself, is not just luxury, it is made using a special technique, is relevant and resembles such short haircuts as bob, bob and Varum's haircut has aroused unprecedented interest, a simple and dynamic image.

Now the singer emphasizes her beauty and girlish image. Pixie has an amazing quality that can be seen in Varum’s appearance along with the effect of youth. It is impossible to follow all fashion trends, but you can note the simplicity and dynamism of the image. Perky and charming Angelica, you can pay attention to her eyes, the line of her neck is clearly visible.

– a fashionable haircut, it didn’t take long to choose where to focus your attention. The representative of the star world looks incredible. Short hair is one of the main features; you can get a neat regular haircut or ruffle your feathers. Angelika Varum perfectly highlighted her expressive facial features with a short hairstyle. Her husband appreciated her innovation very well and supported it.

The Pixie haircut can be done in various variations, or it can be asymmetrical, when one temple is shaved and the other is not. The new look suited Angelica's hair type perfectly. Basic short hair is styled perfectly, starting from the top of the head, thereby adding volume to the finished hairstyle.

Today our regular expert, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev decided to turn his attention to the wardrobe of singer Anzhelika Varum.
“Angelica, of course, is not a style icon,” says maestro Vasiliev. - I’m not sure that thousands of women all over Russia dream of being like her, but I would call Varum a well-dressed pop star. Which is already a wonderful compliment, considering the terrible bad taste that flourishes everywhere among her colleagues in show business. Angelica has the right approach to makeup. He beautifies her, and does not disfigure her, unlike our other pop stars. She has a sense of proportion when it comes to accessories.

Sometimes, however, Varum does not guess the size of the flowers with which he decorates his outfits, or goes overboard with the slits on the hips. However, her hips are in amazing shape. As does her incredibly flat stomach, which she's probably proud of. I can imagine how much time she spends in sports clubs. At over forty years old, the singer has an amazing figure. Let's thank her husband for this. He is certainly a powerful incentive for his wife.

Thanks to Agutin for his wife’s figure

Once I was traveling on the Moscow-Kyiv train with Anzhelika and Leonid, in the next compartment. And I was amazed at how warmly they were greeted at the station. I was pleasantly surprised by the abundance of flowers on the platform and the sincere joy on the faces of the crowd of people greeting me.

I realized that the public really loves this couple. Why? Firstly, we love family duets on stage, because there aren’t many of them. And they believe in the union between Varum and Agutin; it is real, not ostentatious.

Secondly, Leonid and Angelica have been together for a long time. Despite all the rumors and gossip. After all, quite often in the press there appear either compromising photographs of Leonid, in which he hugs girls, or information that the couple is on the verge of divorce. And yet they do not part.

Family happiness of a beautiful couple

Well done! May God grant them to continue to preserve this picture of family happiness for all of us. What happens at home behind closed doors is none of our business. I understand why Angelica's husband is such a success. There are an abundance of single women in our country. According to unofficial statistics, their number is more than 60 percent. What is called - shout the guard! Therefore, any singer on the stage who looks heterosexual and masculine, like Leonid Agutin, is perceived by the female part of the audience as a gift from God.

Please note that in the television project “The Voice” almost all female participants dream of being on the team of Agutin, and not of Dima Bilan. With what delight they look at him, with what tenderness they kiss him! I wish Angelica wisdom and patience. I sincerely want this wonderful couple to live in peace, receive well-deserved fees for wonderful performances and delight us with their melodic songs.”

Leonid Agutin - why not James Bond?

“Angelica’s dress is quite cute. I also like the image of her husband Leonid Agutin. He cut his hair a while ago, and did the right thing. He looks much better with short hair than with long curls. Leonid now looks very courageous and even reminds me of the movie character James Bond in the latest episodes performed by actor Daniel Craig. Why not a secret agent in Her Majesty's service? By the way, Craig and Agutin are the same age, they were both born in 1968!”

Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin

Flower glade

“Look how Angelica loves flowers! In general, this is a wonderful accessory; it can decorate any fashionista. But it shouldn't be so exaggeratedly large. This huge flower on the white dress in which our heroine performs on stage, in my opinion, simply ruins her appearance, she gets lost in it. But it seems that the singer herself doesn’t think so and transfers it to a draped mini (in which she poses with Laima Vaikule).

The black flower on the head is also too large. But I would like to compliment Angelica's makeup artist. Her eyes, eyebrows, lips are painted with such tact! Thanks to her wonderful makeup, Varum is extremely attractive.”

Inheritance from the Lord

“A good casual ensemble: cardigan, jeans and nude shoes. There is nothing to complain about. Such sweaters appeared thanks to one English lord. As a result of being wounded in the war, this respectable citizen could no longer wear his jacket or tuxedo, because his arm would not bend and fit into the sleeve. A comfortable knitted jumper with buttons was invented especially for him, which was named in honor of the veteran - a cardigan.”

Thanks to Agutin for his wife’s figure

Frightened nymph

“Beautiful Art Deco dress. Such styles were popular in the late 1920s. Dropped at the waist, with an elegant belt at the hips and beaded embroidery. I'd like to bring your attention to this beautiful powdery pink shade. This is the famous "frightened nymph's thigh" color. I was once asked: what or who is this nymph afraid of?

I will answer: she runs away from the satyr pursuing her and turns pink with fear. The name of this color appeared in 1802, when the famous breeder Jean-Pierre Vibert developed a new variety of roses, “Thigh of a Frightened Nymph.”

Unless you are Montserrat Caballe

“Three options for floral prints, using which we can talk about the main rule of fashion. It says: for miniature women - a small flower, for large women - a large one. Angelica is a porcelain marquise, not a rough stonemason. And she should choose feminine and graceful colors. So why, pray tell, does she need such strict contrasting black and white graphicism if she is not a brunette with a bob hairstyle? This outfit would suit an actress from the Japanese kabuki theater, whose face is made up with white powder. These kinds of colors are meant for people like Montserrat Caballe.

Angelica's second dress is much better, more natural. In it, the singer looks much more proportional. The size of the flower corresponds to her height and body shape. But there is a minus - the glasses are too big.

The third outfit is perfect, in my opinion. A small flower, elegant, well-chosen fabric, a retro style reminiscent of the designs of the Parisian fashion trendsetter of the 1930s, Madeleine Villone. It’s these kinds of toilets that make women mysterious.”

And there is a hole in the old woman

“Vertical stripes perfectly elongate the figure. A visual, optical illusion is created: your body looks slimmer than it actually is. But in this case, this is hampered by the abundance of transverse stripes, which spoil the very idea of ​​the dress. I admit that the outfit was invented by some famous couturier. But even an old woman can have trouble. Not all design ideas are successful.”

Like in a play by Moliere

“The “Yurlu-Berlu” hairstyle made of a mass of curls was popular in the 17th century. This was worn by the heroines of Moliere’s play “Funny Primroses.” It creates a lot of volume on the head and does not suit the miniature Varum at all. I don't like the corsage either. Well, what outrages me most is the white panties; they should only be shown to your husband in the bedroom, and not to the whole world at a music competition.”

The rose grew in the wrong place

“This braid extension was made by a famous stylist, I even know his last name. He loves those messy braids. The dress is spectacular, but something about it raises questions for me. Firstly, the slits on the thighs, it would be better to do without them. Secondly, Varum’s yellow rose, a symbol of separation, grew in completely the wrong place. And most importantly, it kills the mustard shade insert. It seems that either the insert is dirty or the rose is “very synthetic.”

My applause!

“I approve of this dress of an unusually beautiful scarlet color. Varum has a radiant smile, painted eyelashes and eyebrows, but at the same time the singer does not look doll-like or artificial at all. And the magnificent condition of her bust is also striking. I don’t know if Varum had breast augmentation surgery, although there were rumors about it. But even if there was intervention from surgeons, everything was done at a decent level. Bravo!".

Angelika Varum is one of the most recognizable pop singers in Russian show business, who also holds the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and a member of the International Union of Pop Artists. However, no matter how many titles are awarded to an artist, a woman still generates rumors and gossip about herself through radical transformations in appearance.

Biography of Angelika Varum

Angelica is a stage name closely attached to the singer, and her real name is Maria Yuryevna Varum. The girl was born in the Ukrainian city of Lvov on May 26, 1969. Her parents were quite popular people. Dad Yuri Itshakovich Varum was a famous composer, and Shapovalova's mother Galina Mikhailovna worked as a theater director. As in any creative family, there was a catastrophic lack of time for the child, so her grandmother was involved in her upbringing.

Masha studied at a regular secondary school in Lvov, and the girl was taught music at home by her father, who did not trust the quality of education in state music schools. Already at the age of 5, Masha mastered playing the piano, later the guitar, and in high school she already went on tour.

The future star was captivated by creativity, so she began performing original songs to guitar accompaniment. Without entering the Shchukin School, Maria returned to her father’s studio, working as a backing vocalist for the stars.

Maria's musical career

The singer's musical biography begins in 1989.

  • The first solo compositions “Hello and Farewell” and “Midnight Cowboy” were released. At the same time, the heroine took the pseudonym Angelica. The first composition “Good Bye, my boy” immediately broke all chart ratings. All her subsequent albums are certainly successful.

  • In addition, the young lady is trying out in theater and cinema, playing roles in the play “Emigrant Pose”, the play “The Banker” and the film “The Sky in Diamonds”.
  • In 1999, the star duet of Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin began with the album “Only She”. Each joint song is a story of beautiful and tender love, and creativity is appreciated by the 6-time Golden Gramophone award. In 2013, the album “Crazy” was released, in which Masha not only performs songs, but also tries her skills as a video director.

  • Let us note that our heroine succeeded as a business woman, as she organized the production of a line of fragrances with the same name “Angelika Varum”, and also created the recording studio “Varum Records Company”.

  • In 2016, Anzhelika Varum and Igor Krutoy presented their joint album “The Woman Walked.” The singer personally wrote the lyrics of the new songs, and the eminent composer set them to music. The compositions “Girls Can Do It,” “Late Love” and “Mom” have already won all-Russian recognition.

Plastic surgery by Angelika Varum

One can only envy the singer’s appearance, because her age is approaching the half-century mark, and her weight has never exceeded fifty kilograms, remaining at 48. Although the heroine has been going out less and less lately, living with her daughter in Miami, each of these appearances is a real sensation. The celebrity is getting prettier and younger before our eyes.

One can only guess whether Angelica Varum’s plastic surgery is to blame for everything, or a happy and carefree life.

  • Blepharoplasty. Looking at photographs of the artist, the changes in the shape of her eyes become especially noticeable. The transformations are especially visible at the lateral (outer) corner. As experts note, this operation is quite easy and is recommended for all women in good health who want to maintain fresh and youthful eyes. The singer paid 2,000 euros for the changes.

  • Rhinoplasty. It cannot be said that Anzhelika Varum changed dramatically before and after the operation. But the correction of the back and tip of the nose can be judged with confidence. Initially, the nose looked hooked and wide, with a massive tip. The surgeons thinned the back, giving it elegance, and trimmed the tip so that it no longer resembles the organ of representatives of the Caucasus. The cost of the procedure is about 5000 euros.

  • In order to achieve a sculpted face, like that of the 30s star Marlene Dietrich, stars are ready to do a lot. Agutin's wife used fillers. The cost of the complex is about 4000 euros.
  • Facelift. Angelica also had her face contour corrected. The mesothread method helped narrow it down. To put it in more accessible language, the skin is stitched with microscopic threads that hold the entire muscle frame without sagging. Lifting, eliminating wrinkles on the forehead, was also carried out using mesothreads. This procedure costs about 1000 euros.

  • Mesothreads consist of polylactic acid and are inserted under the skin with a very thin needle, as if stitching its area. This creates a kind of frame for support.
  • Botulinum therapy. In the case of our heroine, the singer goes through this procedure systematically, treating the area between the eyebrows and forehead. Using the same method, wrinkles near the eyes are carefully smoothed out. The beauty cost about 2000 euros.

  • Contour plastic surgery of labiomental and nasolabial folds. The sagging transition from the lips to the chin immediately reveals the age and fatigue of a woman, so at the age of 40 she decided to have a lift. The beauty succeeded, fans and husband noticed a rejuvenation of at least 10 years. Note that the cosmetologist worked competently with the nasolabial folds, so the effect looks natural and does not disturb the facial expressions of the smile. The artist effectively disguises her characteristic “purse-string” wrinkles by taking serious preventive measures.

  • Breasts are an important part of the harmonious image of a romantic female singer. Angelika Varum's plastic surgery in this area was performed twice. For the first time in Switzerland, since after the first birth Angelica’s breasts sagged.

The result was unpleasantly shocking. The skin of the décolleté was stretched, the implants turned out to be of irregular shape and poorly positioned. Dresses with plunging necklines showed the world all the “splendor”.

Over time, a second intervention occurred, but in Russia. The result exceeded all the singer's expectations. The voluminous balls are not overfilled with silicone and look quite attractive and unobtrusive. Note that Anzhelika Varum, before and after plastic surgery, adored revealing cutouts. Now all fans can admire the rich contents of the neckline.

Interesting! To take care of her neck, the heroine spends about 2,000 euros per cream, as she considers the neck to be the main indicator of a woman’s age.

The screen star believes that her parameters, beauty and youth are the end result of the method of separate nutrition, intensive training and proper water balance in the body.

Personal life of Angelika Varum

There are no rumors about the singer’s personal life. The woman is extremely frank with journalists and fans.

  • Maxim Nikitin is the first husband, a former classmate, who eventually began working as a lighting designer for his wife. The marriage lasted for 8 years. At this time, Varum’s father, who had long left her mother, had a second child, Mikhail.
  • In 1997, the girl met her second husband. Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin initially became stage partners, but later they were connected by a relationship of a different nature.

In 1999, “Angela” gave birth to a daughter, Elizaveta, who followed in the footsteps of her musician parents and participates in the rock band “Without Gravity.”

  • More recently, in 2017, the network was rocked by the latest news from an Instagram star. She posted photos in which the woman appears to be pregnant. When checked, the information turned out to be erroneous, because in them Angelica simply trains the cat, patting herself on the stomach, and children are no longer included in the singer’s plans.

Angelika Varum sees herself as a successful and self-sufficient woman who has a favorite business and an adored family. The plastic surgery performed only rejuvenated the heroine, gave her charm and emphasized her beauty.

Video: Angelika Varum - “Late Love”
