An argument from the captain's daughter on the topic of fidelity. The story of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter” (about betrayal in friendship). Loyalty to yourself, your principles, your ideals, your word and promises

How do you understand the word “loyalty”?

What is loyalty? In my opinion, this word can be understood differently depending on the situation. If we are talking about love relationships, then fidelity is, first of all, steadfastness and constancy in one’s feelings, readiness to be with a loved one in any situation.

Thus, N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women” tells about Princess Trubetskoy, who followed her Decembrist husband to Siberia. The governor of Irkutsk dissuades her, describing the difficulties she will face: the harsh climate, the need to live in barracks with convicts, meager and rough food, the upcoming renunciation of all the rights and privileges of a noble person. However, the heroine is not afraid of his words. She is ready to do anything just to be close to her husband, to share both joy and sorrow with him. To all warnings she replies: I am a woman, a wife!

Let my fate be bitter -

I will be faithful to her!

We see that Princess Trubetskoy personifies loyalty and devotion to a loved one.

The word “loyalty” can also be understood as steadfastness in fulfilling one’s duties and duty, for example, to the Motherland. The Defender of the Fatherland, soldier or officer, is obliged to remain faithful to the oath and not betray it, no matter what happens.

An example is Pyotr Grinev, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter.” When the Belogorsk fortress was captured by Pugachev, all officers were asked to go over to the side of the rebels. If they refused, a tragic fate awaited them - to be hanged. The author shows that, faced with a choice, Pyotr Grinev was ready to give up his life, but remain faithful to the oath. Later, he also refuses Pugachev’s offer, who promised to reward him with high titles: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” The writer emphasizes that above all for the hero was honor and loyalty to military duty.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: the word “loyalty” implies devotion to someone or something: a loved one, the Fatherland, duty.

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What action can be called treason?

What action can be called treason? Of course, everyone will answer this question in their own way. I'll try to formulate my point of view. In my opinion, treason is such actions as betraying a loved one, or in wartime, going over to the side of the enemy. To support my words, I will give several examples.

Let us remember N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza.” The main character, a simple peasant girl, fell in love with a young nobleman named Erast with all her heart. He, too, seemed to have found his ideal in Lisa. However, the happiness did not last long. The author shows that soon the passion in the hero’s heart gave way to boredom and coldness. Moreover, having lost at cards, he decided to improve his situation by marrying a rich elderly widow. He did not say a word about his intentions to Lisa, moreover, he deceived her, saying that he was going to the army and would certainly return to her. She learned the truth only by accident. This was such a heavy blow for her that out of despair the girl committed suicide. Erast’s act can undoubtedly be called treason, because he betrayed the feelings of the girl who loved him, acted dishonestly, lying to her and secretly marrying another.

Another example of betrayal can be called the act of the Fisherman from the story “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov. The work tells about two partisans who were captured by the police. If Sotnikov bravely withstood torture and accepted death with honor, Rybak, on the contrary, from the first minutes in captivity only thought about how to save his own life. He was ready to do anything for this: to reveal the location of a partisan detachment, to go over to the side of the enemy, to execute a comrade with his own hands. By doing this, he betrayed his comrade, despised his duty as a defender of the Fatherland, and betrayed his Motherland.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion: treason can be called such actions, which are based on betrayal. By cheating, a person betrays the trust of loved ones, comrades, and sacrifices duty and honor.

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What can push a person to cheat?

What can push a person to cheat? It seems that there may be many reasons that prompted a person to commit treason. It could be selfishness, fear for one’s life, cowardice, or weakness of character. Let's look at a few examples.

So, in the story by N.M. Karamzin “Poor Liza” we see the young nobleman Erast, who won the heart of the simple peasant woman Liza. The author shows that after some time, Erast cheated on his beloved: when he went to the army, he promised the girl to return, but in reality he left her forever. Moreover, having lost almost all of his estate at cards, he decided to improve his affairs by marrying a rich woman. What prompted Erast to commit such an unseemly act? This is also greed, because he did not want to lose his fortune and settle for poverty. At the same time, the reason for the betrayal can also be considered the selfishness of the young man, who thought only about himself and his interests, not caring at all about the impact his action would have on Lisa, who was devoted to him with all her heart. Erast treated the girl as something that could be thrown away as unnecessary, and did not think that for her his behavior would be a fatal blow, which ultimately ended her life (the reader learns that Lisa committed suicide after learning about her lover’s betrayal) . Selfishness and selfishness are what pushed him to betrayal.

Let us now turn to V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. We see a partisan named Rybak, who, having fallen into the hands of the enemy, decides to betray: he is ready to betray the location of the partisan detachment to the enemies, serve in the police, and even take part in the execution of a comrade. What pushed him to betray his Motherland and his duty as a defender of the Fatherland? First of all, fear for your life. Cowardice and weakness of character determine his post-farts. The fisherman wants to live at all costs. For him, this is more important than duty to his homeland, honor, and camaraderie. He thinks only about himself, and is easily ready to sacrifice others in order to save himself. This is also selfishness, which can be considered the cause of betrayal in this case.

Summing up, we can come to the conclusion: various reasons push a person to betrayal, but they are always based on selfishness, concern only for one’s own interests, and disregard for the lives of other people.

How do you understand the expression “fidelity to duty”?

How do I understand the expression “fidelity to duty”? In my opinion, the meaning of this expression is revealed when it comes to military duty. For a defender of the Motherland, this is, first of all, the readiness to fulfill one’s duty in any situation, to be ready to give one’s life if necessary. I will illustrate what has been said with several examples.

Thus, in A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” the main character Peter Grinev demonstrates loyalty to duty. When Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, all its defenders were asked to go over to the side of the rebels. Otherwise they were executed. The author shows that Pyotr Grinev, just like the commandant of the fortress, refused to become a traitor and was ready to accept death, but not betray his oath. Only a happy accident saved the hero from the gallows. Later, Pugachev again invites Grinev to join him in his service, to which he responds with a decisive refusal: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” When Pugachev asks him to at least not fight against him, Grinev again answers negatively: “How can I promise you this? ... You know, it’s not my will: if they tell you to go against you, I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. You are now the boss yourself; you yourself demand obedience from your own. What will it be like if I refuse to serve when my service is needed? We see that the hero shows loyalty to military duty: he does not betray the oath, even risking his life.

Loyalty. What is it? This is the moral foundation on which the human world rests. This is devotion to one’s principles, duty, one’s Motherland, one’s land, parents, friends and loved ones. The opposite concept is treason. A person cheats first of all on himself, failing to pass the test of moral strength. People are tested for loyalty and treason primarily in relation to their duty, to the Fatherland. This is especially evident during years of difficult trials, during the war.

Let's look at examples from fiction.

In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is about a popular uprising led by Pugachev. Almost all the plot lines of the story are connected with this. The main character is Pyotr Grinev, a young officer who serves in the Belogorsk fortress. When the fortress was captured by the Pugachevites, he was faced with a choice: to die, but remain faithful to the oath, to the Fatherland, or to stay alive, but betray his duty, betray the moral principles that had been ingrained in him since childhood. “Take care of your honor from a young age,” the father instructed his son, seeing him off to service. And Grinev preserved his honor, remained faithful to the oath and was ready to die, but not go over to the side of the impostor. And Pushkin talks about treason in his work. Shvabrin, also a young officer, swears allegiance to Pugachev so as not to be hanged. He betrays his military duty, his oath to faithfully serve the Tsar and the Fatherland. Of course, who wants to die young. But betrayal is a shame, people’s contempt, and it has never made a person happier.

M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” talks about loyalty to human and military duty. The main character, Andrei Sokolov, endured many trials: he fought, was captured, lost his family, but even in the most difficult moments of his life he managed to remain a man and a faithful defender of his native land. Loyalty does not live in every heart. Let us remember the episode that tells how prisoners were kept in a barn in inhumane conditions. And one of them is ready to betray others, to point out communists and Komsomol members to the fascists in order to survive, curry favor with enemies, and save his life. He does not withstand the tests, betrays his duty, would become a traitor if not for Andrei Sokolov, who kills the traitor. The author wants to say that only qualities such as loyalty and courage help people preserve the human being within them.

V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” also talks about loyalty and betrayal of one’s human and military duty. The action takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The two main characters, Sotnikov and Rybak, find themselves facing death: they fall into the clutches of their enemies. Sotnikov holds on courageously. Beaten and tormented, he does not agree to go into service with the fascists, but remains faithful to his comrades in arms, his military oath, and his Motherland. Courage, boldness, and loyalty to his native land help him remain human to the end. And what about the second one – Rybak? He became a coward even when he abandoned his comrade on the road, who was alone in a shootout with the police. And only fear of the partisans forced Rybak to return. He became a traitor in the face of death: he agreed to join the police to save his life, and even became an executioner: he knocked out the stool under the gallows on which Sotnikov stood. Loyalty and betrayal manifest themselves most clearly in war.

Thinking about fidelity and betrayal, re-reading the works of Russian writers, I came to the conclusion that fidelity, devotion to the country, love for the Fatherland are the keys to courage, honor, and the preservation of human dignity, and betrayal is a shame, cowardice, the path to betrayal.

One of the directions of the final essay is “Loyalty and Treason.” It may contain themes related to the following concepts: loyalty and betrayal to a loved one, oneself, a friend, one’s family.

"Loyalty and Betrayal" works

Almost every work studied in school contains storyline, to one degree or another associated with fidelity and betrayal. Let's consider possible products for the first point:

  1. « » , Natasha Rostova, who cheated on Andrei Bolkonsky with one, and is marrying a third.
  2. "Quiet Don", Grigory Melekhov, who cannot decide who he should be with: Natasha, his wife and mother of his children, or the married Aksinya.
  3. « » , Margarita, who, being married, loves her master and is trying to find him.

For the second point you can take:

  1. « » Bazarov, who at first is iron-confident in his views, and then meets a woman who changes his world, he begins to doubt himself.
  2. « » , Sonya Marmeladova, a highly moral person who is forced to deviate from her principles and, for the sake of her family, take the “yellow ticket”.
  3. "Taras Bulba", the main character, Taras, is true to himself, to his homeland, so he, without deviating from his views, kills his son for betraying his homeland.
  4. Poems by Mayakovsky "About the Soviet passport". The lyrical hero is proud that in his hands is a “Hammer-faced, sickle-faced Soviet passport.”
  5. “And the dawns here are quiet...”. A squad of women and their commander sacrifice themselves to save the Motherland from the Nazis.
  6. "Taras Bulba", Andriy falls in love with a Polish princess and betrays his homeland.

Loyalty and betrayal in the work "Taras Bulba".

As an example about friendship, you can take the following works:

  1. "Scarecrow". Here is an example (Lenka, who takes the blame for her friend’s misdemeanor upon herself), and anti example – Dima Somov(afraid to tell the truth, looking at how classmates mock her friend).
  2. "Oblomov", Andrei Stolts, who does not abandon his lazy, inert friend and helps him organize things in the village.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal in the family circle is illuminated in the works:

  1. "Quiet Don", Grigory Melekhov leaves his family: wife, parents - for the sake of his mistress.
  2. "Taras Bulba“Andriy goes against not only the laws of his society, but also against the will and teachings of his father.

Attention! You can use any suitable examples from classical Russian, as well as from foreign and modern literature.

Loyalty and betrayal - introductory part

The introduction should reveal the meaning of terms"loyalty" and "betrayal". After you have given the definition, comment on the problem, give your assessment, express your thoughts on this occasion, talk about its significance and relevance.

Complete your thesis – highlight main idea, literally in one sentence. And then move on to argumentation.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal

Here you can talk about what cheating leads to, tell about the consequences. Think about what feelings the traitor will experience, and what will happen to the person who trusted him.

You may wonder whether a faithful person will ever be happy and much more. The description of the problem will depend from a specific topic.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal, arguments for an essay

Arguments for the essay should be taken from works relevant to the topic. You can format them as follows:

And after that, you can move on to writing a conclusion and summing up.

Loyalty and betrayal: arguments for essays, quotes

  1. “Consistency is the basis of virtue” - Balzac.
  2. “Be faithful to those who are faithful to you” - Plath.
  3. “What is my father, comrades and homeland to me? So if that’s the case, here’s the thing: I don’t have anyone! Nobody, nobody! — Andriy, Taras Bulba.
  4. “Take care of your honor from a young age” - “The Captain’s Daughter” epigraph.

Attention! It is not at all necessary to use quotes in your essay.

Loyalty and betrayal: conclusion

Summarize based on the above arguments. Do you agree with the theme? Think about what you want to convey in your essay. Perhaps you can recommend something to solve this problem. Draw the reader's attention to something call them to action.

You can use the following templates to indicate the output:

  1. In conclusion, I want to say that… .
  2. I agree (agree) with the author that... .
  3. Please note that betrayal is fraught with far from happy consequences.

Loyalty and treason to the Motherland

This topic raises the concept of “patriotism” - love for the Motherland.

This problem is advantageous in that it allows you to select a lot of examples from literary works devoted to historical and military topics (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” “Vasily Terkin,” “The Little Soldier,” etc.).

Each of us understands that this topic is very important nowadays. Therefore, there will be no problem in identifying its relevance and significance.

The captain's daughter: loyalty and betrayal

This work can be used for argumentation in the following directions:

  • loyalty and treason to the Motherland;
  • to a loved one;
  • to myself.

Let's take a closer look. Maria Mironova can be used as an example of pure, true love.

And Peter Grinev can be cited as an example as true patriot, confident in his views on life, Shvabrin is his anti-example. And we also saw traitors to the Motherland here, when they were offered to die or go over to the side of the invader.

Evgeny Onegin: fidelity and betrayal

The main character of this work can be used as examples in several ways. He is courting a married woman, especially since she is the wife of his best friend. This ruins friendships and starts enmity. You can also consider and use tangled love line Evgeny Onegin - Tatiana.

Another example is the biography of Tatyana’s mother, a domineering, callous woman who became like this because of her husband. In her youth, she dreamed of moving to the capital and marrying a military man and leading a social life. But since she became the wife of a landowner, she had to forget about all your dreams.

Loyalty and betrayal, essay examples

Loyalty is constancy in your views, feelings, beliefs. Of course, this is a positive quality. But for each concept there is a term that has the opposite meaning. The antonym for the word “loyalty” is – “betrayal” is uncertainty, retreat in one's beliefs.

The topic of fidelity and betrayal has interested many writers. I think they got their attention emotions and feelings of people, who were loyal and betrayed, thoughts that were the driving force of the traitor at the time of committing vile acts. In order to confirm my words, let us turn to examples from the literature.

A striking illustration of this topic will be “Oblomov” by Goncharov. Here we see the standard of a faithful friend - Andrei Stolts. This character is quite pragmatic: this person’s views on life are absolutely stable and constant. It seems to me that it was for this reason that Stolz always helped out his not very independent friend Oblomov and did not leave him in trouble throughout the entire work. I think that kind of loyalty and devotion deserves respect.

A more interesting plot, full of intrigue, is tied up in Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”. Here we will encounter both loyalty and betrayal. Before the readers are ordinary students from an ordinary school. The main character Lenka is new to the class, she is quiet, modest, and sincere. The girl makes a friend, because of whom she is bullied by her classmates. When Dima reports to the teacher that the class skipped class, Lenka shows nobility and takes the blame for the class upon herself.

I think this is a very brave act, because she knew how it could end. But how will her only friend behave, looking at how the whole class is mocking an innocent girl? And we see that he is suffering, thoughts about this haunt him, but at the same time, he is afraid to be in her place. Therefore, he chose to preserve his reputation rather than help out Lenka, who helped him in difficult times. I think this is treason and betrayal. But I think that after reading this book, few people will want to find themselves in such a situation, because the author so masterfully describes the mental torment of a traitor.

Loyalty and betrayal. direction of the final essay

“Loyalty and Betrayal” Essay example


In conclusion, I want to say that by reading various works on the topic of fidelity and betrayal, we can learn from actions and mistakes heroes in order to avoid unpleasant situations in life and be good, loyal friends.

In the final essay it is very important fully expand on the topic, therefore, for a better result, try to choose examples where the first shows the positive side, and the second, the negative side of the phenomenon indicated in the topic of the essay.

  • Betrayal of the Motherland is shameful and knows no forgiveness
  • A traitor is a cowardly person who adapts to the current situation by making concessions
  • A man who abandoned an innocent girl who loves him madly can be called a traitor
  • You can betray not a person, but your own beliefs and moral principles
  • Betrayal of one's country is a serious crime
  • A man who betrays himself cannot be happy


A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Alexey Shvabrin, one of the defenders of the Belogorsk fortress, turns out to be a coward and a traitor. At the first opportunity, he goes over to the side of the impostor Pugachev in order to save his life. Shvabrin is ready to kill those whom until recently he could consider friends and allies. Completely opposite to him is Pyotr Grinev, a man of honor with unshakable moral principles. Even under the threat of death, he does not agree to recognize Pugachev as the sovereign, because he is loyal to the Motherland and military duty. Difficult life circumstances allow us to see the main character traits of the heroes: Shvabrin turns out to be a traitor, and Pyotr Grinev remains loyal to his country.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". The love of Taras Bulba and other Cossacks for their native land deserves respect. Warriors are ready to give their lives defending their homeland. Betrayal in the ranks of the Cossacks is unacceptable. Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, turns out to be a traitor: he goes over to the side of the enemy, because his love for a Polish woman is higher than his love for his father and his native country. Taras Bulba kills Andriy, despite the fact that this is still his son. For Taras, loyalty to the Motherland is much more important than love for his son; he cannot survive and forgive betrayal.

N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza". Love for Erast becomes tragic for Lisa. At first, the young man sees his future in Lisa, but after the girl gives herself to him, her feelings begin to cool. Erast loses money at cards. He has no choice but to marry a rich widow. Erast betrays Lisa: he tells her that he is going to war. And when the deception is revealed, he tries to pay off the unfortunate girl with money. Lisa cannot stand Erast's betrayal. She thinks she is better off dead and throws herself into the pond. The traitor will be punished: he will forever reproach himself for Lisa’s death.

M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man.” The traitor Kryzhnev, in order to save his own life, is ready to hand over his colleagues to the Germans. He says that “his shirt is closer to his body,” which means he can sacrifice the lives of others for the sake of his well-being. Andrei Sokolov decides to strangle the traitor and thereby save several lives. The hero fulfills his military duty without feeling shame or pity, because the traitor Kryzhnev deserves such a shameful death. Betrayal is always unacceptable, but during war it is a terrible crime.

George Orwell "Animal Farm". Fighter Horse worked hard for the Animal Farm, promising to “work even harder” with each failure. His contribution to the life of the farm cannot be overestimated. However, when the misfortune happened, Napoleon, the head of the Animal Farm, simply decided to turn him into meat, telling all the animals that he was sending the Fighter for treatment. This is a real betrayal: Napoleon turned his back on the one who was so devoted to him, who did everything for Animal Farm.

George Orwell "1984". Julia and Winston understand that they are thought criminals, which means they can be caught at any time. Winston says that if they are discovered, the betrayal will be a loss of feelings, and not a confession of what they have done. As a result, they are caught, but not killed or tried, but forced to learn to think differently. Winston betrays Julia: when a cage with rats is brought to him, where they want to place his face, the hero asks to give Julia to the rats. This is real betrayal, because if a person says something, he wants it. Winston really wanted Julia to be in his place. She later admits that she also betrayed Winston. It is difficult to judge the heroes, because it is impossible to imagine what they had to endure before they committed betrayal.


This topic can be considered in three aspects of fidelity:

  1. Loyalty and betrayal in love.
  2. Loyalty and betrayal of ideals
  3. Loyalty and betrayal to the Motherland and people.

Let's look at each aspect in detail.

"The Master and Margarita", M.A. Bulgakov

Cheating on my husband

Margarita cheated on her unloved husband. But only this allowed her to remain true to herself. A marriage without love could doom her to death (spiritually and physically). But she was able to find the strength to start life from scratch and become happy.

Loyalty to your loved one

Margarita loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to search for him all over the world and beyond. She remained faithful to him even when there was no hope of finding the Master.


Pontius Pilate betrayed his ideals, which is why he could not find peace after death. He understood that he was doing wrong, but out of fear he betrayed himself and the person in whose innocence he believed. This man was Yeshua.

Loyalty to your ideals

The master believed so much in what he was doing that he could not betray his life’s work. He could not leave it to be torn to pieces by envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.

"War and Peace", L.N. Tolstoy


Natasha Rostova could not remain faithful to Andrei Bolkonsky. She spiritually cheated on him with Anatoly Kuragin, even wanted to run away with him.
She was pushed to betrayal by 2 reasons: lack of worldly wisdom, inexperience, and also uncertainty about Andrei and her future with him. When leaving for the war, Andrei did not clarify personal matters with her and did not give her confidence in her position. Anatol Kuragin, taking advantage of Natasha’s inexperience, seduced her. Rostova, due to her age, was unable to think about the consequences of her choice; only chance saved her from shame.

Loyalty to the Motherland

Kutuzov is presented in the novel War and Peace as a man loyal to his Fatherland. He deliberately makes unpopular decisions to save his country from destruction.

Most of the novel's heroes sacrifice their lives to win the war.

Loyalty to parents and one's principles

Marya Bolkonskaya devoted her entire life to serving her loved ones, in particular her father. She endured reproaches addressed to her and steadfastly endured her father’s rudeness. When the enemy army was advancing, she did not leave her sick father, she did not betray herself. She put the interests of her loved ones higher than her own.

Marya was a deeply religious person. Neither the hardships of fate nor disappointment could extinguish the fire of faith in her.

Loyalty to your moral principles

The Rostov family showed that even in the most difficult times you can maintain dignity. Even when the country fell into chaos, the members of this family remained true to their moral principles. They helped the soldiers by hosting them at home. The hardships of life did not affect their characters.

"The Captain's Daughter", A.S. Pushkin

Loyalty and betrayal of duty, Motherland

Pyotr Grinev remains faithful to his duty and his state, despite mortal danger. Even his sympathy for Pugachev does not change the situation. Shvabrin, saving his life, betrays his country, stains the honor of the officer, betrays the people who defended the fortress with him side by side.

The following situation in the novel is also indicative: when Pugachev captures the fortress, people have a choice: remain faithful to duty and honor or surrender to Pugachev. Most of the residents greet Pugachev with bread and salt, while brave people, such as the commandant of the fortress (Masha’s father) Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna, refuse to swear allegiance to the “impostor,” thereby dooming themselves to death.

Loyalty in love

Masha Mironova is a symbol of fidelity in love. In a difficult life situation, when she is faced with a choice: to marry Shvabrin (without love) or wait for her loved one (Peter Grinev), she chooses love. Masha remains faithful to Grinev until the very end of the work. Despite all the dangers, she defends the honor of her beloved before the empress and seeks pardon.

Loyalty to yourself, your principles, your ideals, your word and promises

Pyotr Grinev remains faithful to the principles, honor, and truths that his father revealed to him. Even the fear of death is not able to influence his decisions.

Despite the fact that Pugachev is presented in the novel as an invader, for the most part a negative character, he nevertheless also has a positive quality - he is faithful to his words. Throughout his entire work, he never breaks his promises and believes in his ideals to the last, even though they are condemned by a large number of people.
