Openwork crochet pattern: an interesting selection of patterns. Openwork crocheted blouse Crochet openwork blouses pink

Openwork summer blouses can serve as both an independent element of clothing and integral part fashionable ensemble. If you throw such a sweater over an ordinary T-shirt, you will get a very interesting look. A crocheted openwork blouse with sleeves or a top type can be knitted from linen, cotton or mixed yarn. Look at the proposed selection of models and choose something new for the summer.

Summer openwork sweater for women

Size: 42-44 (European).

We will need:

  • yarn, 100% cotton (100g per 450m) – 200g;
  • hook No.2.


The blouse is crocheted. Openwork Japanese motifs need to be connected using the given diagrams.

First we knit Japanese motifs - 15 pieces of Grafico No1 charts, then -
15 pieces of Grafico No. 2 diagrams.

We continue the Japanese motifs by knitting 20 pieces of Grafico charts No. 3, then 14 middle charts of Grafico No. 6. Knit the middle of the sleeve at the neck following chart No. 4 (1 piece) and chart No. 5 (1 piece).

Attach the bases of the diagram elements according to the indicated pattern at points Z. Make the lower part of the blouse and cuff according to the Barrado diagram. Crochet a summer blouse around the neck using a Bico pattern.

Beautiful openwork crochet blouse: video MK

Black summer blouse

Using the proposed description, knitting the pattern can be done for sizes: a) 34-36; b) 38-40; c) 42-44; d) 46-48; e) 50-52.

We will need:

  • yarn containing 93% acrylic, 7% elastane (50g per 144m) – 250; 250; 300; 300; 350g;
  • hook No. 3.5.

Pattern: crochet according to the pattern.

Abbreviations used:

  • VP – air p.;
  • RLS – double crochet;
  • CH – column s/nac.

Density: 6 crochet pattern motifs No. 3.5 equal 15cm, 12r. equal to 10cm.

How to knit a summer blouse


On the base chain of a) 86 p.; b) 91p.; c) 101p.; d) 111p.; e) 121p. crochet No. 3.5, tie a CH 2 cm high (3 p.).

Continue knitting with openwork patterns of the pattern. We get a) 17 mot.; b) 18 motor; c) 20 motor; d) 22 motor; e) 24 mot.

At a height of a) 55.5 cm (66 rubles); b) 56.5 cm (68 rub.); c) 57.5cm (RUR 69); d) 58.5 cm (70 rub.); e) 59.5 cm (71 rubles) from the CH row, form a neck, stopping in the center a) 9 mot.; b); c); d); e) 10 mot. We continue further knitting of each part of the sweater for women separately.


This detail of a sweater for women is made according to the previous description up to the height of the armholes. At this stage we have a) 13 cars left; b) 14 motor; c) 16 motives; d) 18 motives; e) 20 motives.

At a height of a) 50cm (60r.); b) 51cm (62r.); c) 52cm (63r.); d) 53cm (64r.); e) 54 cm (65 rub.) from the row of CH, form a neck, stopping in the center a) 9 motifs; b); c); d); e) 10 motives. We continue further knitting of each part of the sweater for women separately.

At a height of a) 57 cm (68 rub.); b) 58cm (70r.); c) 59cm (71r.); d) 60cm (72r.); e) 61cm (73r.) from the CH row stop a) 2 motors; b) 2 motor; c) 3 motor; d) 4 motor; e) 5 shoulder motifs.

We finish the second part in the same way.


We make seams on the sides and shoulders. Crochet No. 3.5 around the neck 2p. SN. Do 2p around the armholes. RLS.

Crochet women's summer blouse: video master class

Openwork sweater for women

This summer blouse can be knitted in any size option: S; M; L; XL.

We will need:

  • yarn containing 50% cotton, 50% acrylic (50g per 140m) – 250; 250; 300; 300g;
  • hook No. 3 for sizes S; M;
  • hook No. 3.5 for sizes L; XL.

Abbreviations used:

  • VP – air loop;
  • RLS – double crochet;
  • PBN (SS) – half double crochet (connecting stitch);
  • PSN – half-column s/nak.;
  • CH – double crochet.


  • rosette: made with a No. 3 or No. 3.5 crochet hook according to the pattern being crocheted. We form a ring, then knit:
    1 cr.: 14 columns. b/n in the ring. Closed cr. 1 PBN (SS) in the 1st st. b/n beginning of cr.;
    2 cr.: 3 VP (replace the 1st table. s/n), 1 table. s/n in the 1st st. without n., then 2nd st. s/n in each of the following. With. without n. Close cr. 1 PBN (SS) in the 3rd VP began the cr. (=28 CH);
    3 cr.: 5 VP, skip the first 2 p., * one dc in the next one. p., 2 VP, skip 1p.* – repeat from * to *. Close cr. one PBN (SS) in the 3rd VP began the cr. (=14 arches from 2p.);
    4 cr.: 1 VP, 3 s. b/n in the 1st arch, *one s-k without n. in the next units table. s/n, 3 sc in the next. arch* – repeat from * to *. Close cr. 1 PBN (SS) in the 3rd VP began the cr. (=56 stlb.b/nak.);
    5 cr.: 5 VP, skip the first 2 p., * one dc in the next one. p., 2 VP, skip 1p.* – repeat from * to *. Close cr. 1 PBN (SS) in the 3rd VP began the cr. (=28 arches from 2p.);
    6 cr.: 1 VP, 2 s. b/n in the 1st arch, *1 st without n. in the next table. s/n, 2 s. b/nak. in the next arch* – repeat from * to *. Close cr. 1 PBN (SS) in the 3rd VP began the cr. (=84 stlb.b/nak.);
    7 cr.: 1 VP, 1 s-k without n. in the 1st p., * 6 VP, skip 5 p., one st without n. in the next p.* - repeat from * to *, finish cr. 6 VP, one PBN (SS) in the 1st s.b/nak. the beginning of the cr. (=14 arches from 6p.);
    8 cr.: 1 VP, then in each arch of 6 p. knit 1 s-k without n., one half table. s/n, 6 CH, one half-table. s/n and one s. without n. Close cr. 1 pbn (ss) in the 1st sc at the beginning of the cr. and stop.
  • “Arch” pattern: done with crochet No. 3 from pattern No. 1;
  • “Grid” pattern: done with crochet no.3. The number of loops is a multiple of 3+1p. Description:
    1p.: 5 VP (replace the 1st table. s/n and the 1st arch from 2p.), through the first 3p. move on to the next step, * 1 table. s/n in the next p., 2 VP, skip 2p.* – repeat from * to *, finish 1 table. s/n in the last paragraph;
    2 rub. and every word p.: 5 VP, through the first 3 p. move on to the next p., 1 dc in the 2nd dc, * 2 ch, 1 dc in the next one. CH*, repeat from * and to *;
  • phantom pattern: made with crochet number 3 on a number of loops that is a multiple of 16+1p. in odd p. Continuation of the “Grid” pattern. Description:
    1st: 1 VP, 1 s. without n. in the 1st p., * 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 s. without n. in the next p.* repeat from * and to *;
    2nd row: 3 VP (replaces the 1st table. s/n), skipping the 1st st.b/nak., * in the next. st-k without n. knit 3 table. s/n, 3 VP and 1 s. without n., 3 VP, 1 table. s/n in the next st.b/nak., 3 VP, in the next. st.b/nak. knit one post. b/n, 3 table. s/n, 1 table. s/n in the next st.b/nak.* – repeat from *and to *;
    3p.: 1 VP, 1 st. without n. to the 1st table. s/n, 3 VP, 1 st-k without n. in the next arch of 3 p., * 3 VP, 1 st without n. in the next table. s/n, 3 VP, skipping 1 arch, 1 st.b/nak. in the next arch* – repeat from * and to *, finish p. 3 VP, 1 single crochet in the last stitch;
    4 rows: knit again from the 2nd row;
  • Step: Crochet No.3.


  • 1 crochet rosette No.3 = 12cm in diameter;
  • 1 crochet rosette No. 3.5 = 13 cm in diameter;
  • “Grid” pattern: 10 motifs for 10 rubles. will give 10cm by 10cm;
  • phantom pattern: 1 motif is 5 cm wide, 13 r. equal to 10 cm in height.


Knitting the back of a blouse for women

We knit 4 openwork rosettes (hook No. 3 for sizes S; M, hook No. 3.5 for sizes L; XL.) and gradually assemble them - see instructions for pattern No. 1. Then, following the instructions of pattern No. 1, with crochet No. 3 we knit an arch of 8 VP and 3p. arches of 6 VP. In the words r. we knit:

S: 1 VP, 3 s. without n. in the 1st arch, 1 s. without n. in the next RLS, 3 stb. b/n. in the next arch, 1 st. b/n. in the next single crochet, *4 tbsp. in the next arch, 1 st. b/n. in the next pillar. b/n, 3 st.b/n. in the next arch, one pillar. b/n in sl. pillar. b/n* – knit 11 times from * to *. Finish 2 tbsp. in the last arch. Total 109 RLS;

M: 1 VP, 3 columns. b/n in the 1st arch, 1 st.b/n. in the next pillar. b/n, *4 st.b/n. in the next arch, 1 st. b/n. in the next st.b/nak.*, – knit 23 times from * to *. Finish 2 tbsp. in the last arch. Total 121 RLS;

L: 1 VP, 3 st. b/nak. in the 1st arch, 1 column. b/n. in the next pillar. b/n, 4 columns. b/n. in the next arch, 1 st. b/n. in the next pillar. b/n, *5 columns. b/n. in the next arch, 1 column. b/n in the next st.b/n., 4 stlb. b/n. next arch, 1 single crochet in the next. With. without crochet * – knit 11 times from * to *. Finish 3 st.b/nak. in the last arch. Total 133 RLS;

XL: 1 VP, 5 st. b/n. in the 1st arch, 1 column. b/n. in the next Art. b/n., *5 st.b/n. next arch, 1 st.b/n. next single crochet *, – knit 23 times from * to *. Finish 4 stitches. b/nak. in the last arch. Total 148 RLS.

We continue knitting sweaters for women, making an openwork mesh according to the instructions in the diagram. Let's do 36; 40; 44; 49 motives. Having knitted 8p. (8cm) “Mesh”, then we will knit a fantasy sweater for summer. pattern. For 1st r. the algorithm is like this:

S: 1 VP, 1 st. b/nak. in the 1st p., 3 VP, skip 2 p., 1 column. b/n in the next p., 3 VP, skip 2 p., 1 column. b/n in the next p., * 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 single crochet in the next. p.*, repeat from * to * and when 7 p. remain. on the left knit: 3 VP, skip 2 p., 1 st. b/n in the next p., 3 VP, 1 single crochet in the last one. p. (=113p.=7 motives);

M: 1 VP, 1 stlb. b/n. in the 1st p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 st. b/n. RLS next. p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 RLS in next. p., *3 VP, skip 2 p., 1 RLS in next. p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 single crochet in the next. p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 single crochet in the next. p.*, repeat from * to * and when 7 p. remain. knit on the left: 3 ch, skip 2 stitches, 1 single crochet in the next row. p., 3 VP, 1 single crochet in the last one. p. (=129p.=8 motives);

L: 1 VP, 1 column. b/n in the 1st p., *3 VP, skip 2 p., 1 st.b/n. next p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 st.b/nak. next p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 single crochet in the next. p.* repeat from * to * (=145p.=9 motives);

XL: 1 ch, 1 single crochet in the 1st stitch, 3 ch, skip 3 stitches, 1 stitch. b/n in the next p., *3 VP, skip 2 p., 1 st. b/nak. next p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 st. b/nak. next p., 3 VP, skip 3 p., 1 column. b/n in the next p.* repeat from * to * (=161p.=10 motives).

Knitting armholes

At height 8; 9; 9; 10cm (9; 11; 11: 13r.) from the beginning of the forfeit. We decrease the pattern on both sides in every 2nd r. according to the instructions in diagram No. 2:

S: once in 8 p.;

M: once in 8 p., once in 4 p.;

L: once in 8 p., 2 times in 4 p.;

XL: once in 8 stitches, 3 times in 4 stitches.


We start knitting the neckline at height 27; 29; 30; 32cm (33; 37; 39; 43r.) from the beginning of the forfeit. pattern. We leave the central ones 39; 47; 47; 55p. and continue each openwork part separately, decreasing from the neck side 3 times by 4 stitches. in each 2r.


At level 32; 34; 35; 37cm (39; 43; 45; 49r.) from the beginning of the forfeit. pattern we stop.


We knit as a back to the neck.


at an altitude of 20; 22; 2325 (23;2; 293.) from the beginning of the phantom. pattern. We leave the central ones 31; 39; 39; 47p. and continue each openwork part separately, decreasing from the neck side 4 times by 4 stitches. in each 2r.

Assembly and finishing

We sew the shoulders. We make seams on the sides. Along the edge of the rollout and armholes we knit 1 r. crayfish step.

Openwork crocheted blouse: video MK

Women's tops and openwork blouses are the highlights of the wardrobe. Usually there are a lot of these things and they allow you to always be different. They are often bright and eye-catching. They form perfect combination with everyone basic elements clothes: trousers, jackets, skirts. Love tops and blouses, but there is nothing in stores that suits your style? Want even more variety? In this case, our website will become your guide to the world of beauty.

How will our site help you knit tops and attractive openwork blouses?

Here you will find patterns that will help you knit or crochet these items. The catalog presents a wide variety of models, differing in style and color. Women adoring bright colors, will be able to find women's tops that incorporate the richest colors. Ladies who prefer coquetry and lightness will be able to choose women's openwork blouses that are both attractive and discreet.

Our models have different patterns and cuts. Some are tight fitting, others are loose fitting. Craftswomen who have been knitting for a long time will be able to find patterns that will allow them to get a real work of art that will be appreciated even by a person who is far from knitting. Beginner girls who have recently taken up knitting needles will appreciate easy patterns that will allow them to practice and knit the desired item.

"Pineapple" is considered one of the most common openwork patterns in crochet needlework. It's all about not only the relative simplicity of knitting it, but also the final result of the process - a “pineapple” pattern made using any of the many patterns turns out to be truly magnificent!


Tunisian knitting has many names - Afghan weaving, Victorian knitting, tunnel technique. This method of knitting has been known since ancient times, however, only a few knitters can boast of skills in this technique. This is because knitting with Tunisian motifs is not as popular among needlewomen as, for example, the fillet technique, Irish typesetting or ribbon lace.


Sometimes, luxurious women, whose shapes have crossed the XL size line, find it difficult to choose the desired wardrobe item that suits all their requirements for femininity and visual attractiveness. So, in addition to an attractive design, clothes should be visually sophisticated female silhouette, while simultaneously hiding minor figure imperfections.


Tunic is that item women's wardrobe, whose relevance will never be lost. In short, a tunic is an elongated blouse, usually reaching mid-thigh. Her main secret in a loose cut, thanks to which the advantages of the figure are emphasized, and minor flaws, on the contrary, are neatly hidden.


The “fillet” technique has gained unprecedented popularity among needlewomen, not only in terms of creating interior decor items (decorative napkins, tablecloths, window curtains), but also as a basis for knitting exquisite clothing models - jackets, boleros, tunics, cardigans.


Competition work No. 9 - Knitted dress and a blouse for a girl (Burova Elena)
Hello! I decided to take part in the competition. Here are my works.

A knitted blouse for a little baby is knitted with soft yarn in a light green color.

MATERIALS 100 g of fine yarn (100% acrylic) light green, 5 buttons and embroidery thread in green and beige tones. HOOK No. 3 and long hook No. 3.

TYPES OF HINGES: V. p., art. b/n, art. s/n.

Art. "crawfish step": elm, like Art. b/n, but from left to right. Yoke: according to scheme 1. Fantasy patterns: according to schemes 2 and 3. Tunisian elm: according to the drawing and description.


A beautiful delicate blouse is crocheted with openwork patterns.

Competition entry No. 23 – Bolero jacket made from motifs

I love handicrafts. Things made with your own hands have a special energy. You wear them with special pleasure. Such a thing always has its own story - it is not just a wardrobe item.
I spied the design of such a sweater from one model of the rather expensive Desigual brand.


Knitted from 100% cotton. (I took about 10 skeins)
Hook No. 2.5

Approximately 52 hexagonal shaped motifs were used in the work.

Crochet openwork blouse- an indispensable product in the summer wardrobe. Such a thing can improve the image of a fashionable, modern girl, it can be worn with skirts, shorts and trousers. And don’t think that only older women love knitted summer blouses; girls who adhere to popular clothing are increasingly coming to this style. boho style. It is important to choose the right pattern for a knitted item and thin, good threads. Such a blouse can even be found in the house of Princess Kate Middleton, whose exquisite taste is appreciated by everyone.

Summer things can be different colors, but the basic thing for almost any wardrobe is a white blouse. Therefore, for beginners it is very important to find a simple pattern for a white summer openwork blouse. And for advanced craftswomen complex drawings not a hindrance. Practical knitting will help you create a pair - a blouse and a jacket. Well, in fact, diagrams and descriptions for them, as well as photos of models and useful videos, are provided on our website completely free of charge.

You can easily choose openwork sweaters for yourself, and the patterns can be individual motifs, which are then sewn into one product, or there can be products that are created in a circle, starting from the throat. The thing can be done with a long or short sleeve, 3/4 sleeves or flounce sleeves, which make the look cute and feminine. The blouse can be made with buttons, or it can be made with a wrap that will be tied to a thin silk belt. In a word, your imagination has room to roam, so you can move on to choosing a specific model and schemes.

In your summer style, the most important thing is not to overdo it knitted things, you should achieve the right combination knitting and textiles, so if you have already dressed for a walk knitted skirt then you need to take a wonderful cotton shirt or T-shirt with it, but a summer openwork sweater will go perfectly with light things.

Young girls can combine in their own style knitted blouses long sleeve and T-shirts with denim skirts and shorts, completing the look leather shoes and colorful bracelets.

Materials for work.

  • Alize Forever yarn (with a density of 300 meters / 150 grams) - 400-600 grams.
  • Hook No. 2.5.
  • Plastic markers for knitting (pins).

Job description

You need to choose very thin threads for knitting, but do not forget that if you take too thin yarn, the openwork part of the product will look too revealing. Perhaps, before moving on to calculations and main knitting, it is worth making a control sample according to a certain openwork pattern. The number of skeins will depend on the size of the item, but if you took a “rare” brand or create an order via the Internet, it is better to always buy yarn with a reserve, otherwise your item may remain unfinished. Of course, the color scheme of the yarn will completely depend on your desires, because it is important that a fashionable hand-knitted product fits into your wardrobe.

Crochet openwork blouses: patterns

The best women's openwork crochet sweater will turn out from motives: first, we should knit the motif blanks according to the pattern, which are then attached together with a mesh. The mesh pattern elegantly includes multi-petal “Flower” motifs, which are evenly located on the canvas. Remember that depending on the choice of colors of the yarn, you may end up with an elaborate, colorful thing or a delicate, light one if you take a snow-white or beige thread.

There is one more serious rule - Not all girls are suitable for knitted clothes, especially light, mesh, for example, overweight women You should refrain from such outfits, but thin, slender girls with sizes 36-40 definitely need to try the shown pattern.

Materials for work.

  • Viscose yarn (174 meters / 50 grams) - 400 grams
  • Hook No. 2.5
  • A needle with a large eye for working with details.

You can take and natural cotton thread, great for summer clothes bamboo, A viscose can be translated into a versatile yarn that makes interesting summer whites.

In our case, there is no need to knit a control sample to determine the knitting density, but we need to create one floral motif, which is considered the main detail of our item. A flower knitted according to the presented pattern will look like a square with a side of 7.5 cm

To make an even crocheted openwork blouse, you can watch videos and master classes on the Internet before work. Having learned how to create motifs, you will not have problems with assembling the finished product.

You can take any other motif that you find very cute for the sweater that you will wear in the summer. And come winter, you can learn cardigan knitting to complete your winter wardrobe. In fact, knitting sweaters and blouses is quite easy, the main work is creating the sleeves, but if you read the instructions, you will succeed.

Crochet sweater pattern
