What to do with children. How to spend a weekend with a child? Children's ball gowns: fashionable colors

One day, every mother runs out of imagination: the children whine or misbehave, and you don’t know how else to entertain them... Let this list be your lifesaver, bookmark it and gradually try all the ways.

1. Try organizing a picnic at home - believe me, it can be a lot of fun.

2. Using chairs, armchairs, and any other materials at hand, build a blanket fort.

3. Find instructions online and make cute little dolls out of old socks.

52. Design and make your own journal - if the child does not yet know how to write, combine your efforts to create it.

53. Bake a cupcake. Let the children do most of the work.

54. Plan and prepare a family vacation together.

55. Teach children to sew up holes, for example, in socks.

56. Rearrange the furniture in the children's room.

57. Open a home cocoa cafe. The cocoa in it can be served with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolates - your imagination is unlimited.

58. Make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle. Pour some seeds there and hang it outside the window.

59. Make mini pizzas using bread, tomato sauce, cheese and any ingredient you like. Readiness is easy to determine - as the cheese melts.

60. Let the kids try themselves as makeup artists - it will be a lot of fun!

61. Play patient and doctor. Any child would be interested in being a doctor at least for a while.

62. The game “the mummy returns” - anyone can play the role of the mummy. The other participants in the game wrap the “mummy” in many layers of toilet paper.

63. Throwing balls. Place several buckets of different diameters and invite children to throw balls into them from different distances.

64. Offer children bright lipstick, which they can use to leave traces of kisses on their family and friends.

65. Read a simple story to the children, and then invite them to try themselves as theater actors.

66. Play grocery store with your kids. Products in the store may be items from the pantry.

67. Take a bath! Allow your child to take toys into the bathroom that you wouldn't normally allow (it's important that they are waterproof!).

68. Do spring cleaning together. Of course, children do not always like to do housework. However, it is very important to teach your child to help around the house at an early age.

69. Draw comics with your children and color them.

70. Allow your child to independently choose and print beautiful color pictures from the Internet.

It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of time spent with your child. Here are just a few points that make it clear what value they represent for your baby.

  1. I'm needed! When communicating with parents, the child feels your attention: he is needed, he is loved, his parents like to spend time with him. Showing attention becomes an important strategy for showing love, which will greatly help the little person build harmonious relationships in the future.
  2. I'm like you. The child learns, adopts the behavior of his parents, which will help him adapt more easily to society, in particular to school life.
  3. Development of intelligence, expansion of horizons. By communicating with parents, the child learns something new, receives answers to his numerous and sometimes tricky questions that arise in his little head almost every second.
  4. Strengthening the bond between parents and child. Thanks to this, even in moments of your absence, he will feel the security and support that you generously gave him in moments of time together.
  5. Formation of positive self-esteem. The child will understand how valuable he is to you, because you are ready to give him the most valuable thing you have - your attention and time.

How to spend quality time with your child

It is important that you yourself enjoy communicating with your child, and do not do it formally, for show. Children sense falsehood very well. Do not forget that your child easily “reads” your emotional state, and the event you forced will not benefit anyone.

Try to plan your time together, consulting with your child: mutual anticipation of the holiday brings no less positive emotions than the holiday itself. Be attentive to your child's wishes. He must understand that they are also important to you. If you have a controversial issue, try to come to an agreement with your child so that the child is not left disappointed.

It will be great if such a pastime becomes your family ritual. For example, preparing a special dinner with your child on Fridays, when the menu includes the dish most loved by the household. Or the ritual of feeding ducks while walking in the park. Such rituals strengthen family ties. As an adult, your child will practice such traditions in his own family, introducing his children to family holidays and gatherings.

Ways to spend quality time with your child

  • Board games. Choose and buy a new board game and explore it together. The joint thought process brings people closer together.
  • A trip to the zoo, museum. Communication with animals brings children untold joy. It’s good to visit some petting zoo, where you can pet and feed the animals. Don’t forget to communicate, tell your child what you know about them.
  • Joint creativity: drawing, modeling, singing, inventing stories. Creative energy is the most creative. You may be amazed at the results of your joint creativity with your child. This is a very valuable experience and valuable memories. You can be proud of your shared creation by displaying it in a prominent place in your home.
  • Reading books, discussing favorite characters and storylines. This also applies to watching feature or animated films.
  • Go to your favorite cafe.
  • Walking, feeding ducks, flying a kite, other outdoor games.
  • Going to an amusement and amusement park.
  • Going to a skating rink, a swimming pool, or a sporting event, such as a football match.
  • Party! A joint holiday dedicated to some joyful event. It doesn’t necessarily have to be large-scale. Let it be something not very significant, but joyful. Just celebrate something positive with your child. This will teach him to notice and celebrate his victories and strengthen his positive self-esteem.
  • Picnic in nature.
  • A heart-to-heart conversation, during which you listen sincerely and carefully, delving into everything that the child wants to convey to you, and answer all his questions.

Something that will be remembered for a long time

When you spend time with your child, a joint emotional field is formed. It includes new impressions, sensations, emotions, and the formation of new behavior. Shared joy will bring you closer together much better than teachings, instructions and formally obligatory events.

Being close to you will allow your child to feel safe, which means he will be bolder in his actions.

Such activities contribute to the development of sensory organs and strategies for expressing emotions. Creativity develops imaginative thinking and forms new neural connections.

Remember that days spent together are a wonderful resource for a child, something that will be remembered for a long time. Even as an adult, these good memories will provide strength and support.

The communication skills that the child actively acquires at such moments will help his social adaptation; he will learn to communicate openly and productively with other people.

Parents are the first people with whom relationships are built in a person’s life. This is a kind of training ground. The child will carry the skills acquired there further into his adult life. The wonderful thing is that in such communication he has the opportunity to get to know you more, to understand that an adult can also be childishly spontaneous and even a little reckless. Adults do not always have to be strict and serious, like robots, but can easily allow themselves to relax in play, creativity and sincere expression of feelings and emotions. This will help the child, becoming an adult, to avoid constant stress or attempts to level out tension in less than the best ways, for example, with alcohol.

And finally, a wonderful and very useful trait is strengthened - the ability to enjoy simple things, to see good and interesting things in the world around us. After all, to please a child, you don’t need to order a yacht or take him to an exotic island, you just need to show attention and interest. Such simple joys form positive ideas about the world around us. In the future, he will not have to go out of his way to do anything extraordinary in order to somehow please himself.

There is no such thing as a boring weekend, but there can be a complete lack of ideas on what to do with your child. We will show you how to organize a fun outdoor holiday with your children.

1. Have a picnic in the park

What could be better than lying on the grass, breathing in the fresh air and basking in the warm rays? Sunbathing is beneficial for everyone, regardless of age, and especially for modern “recluses” of offices and apartments. You can have a picnic in the yard, or go to a city park, to the river bank, or to the nearest forest. Don't forget to bring delicious treats, as well as a ball, badminton, and Frisbee.

2. Become a “fun postman”

We often don’t have enough time to communicate with relatives and friends, so we can organize a small marathon among our acquaintances. Prepare in advance with your child beautiful drawings for each recipient - grandmother, aunt, child’s friends. While the child is busy drawing, call the recipients and find out if they will be at home, warn them about their arrival - let them prepare a symbolic reward for the “postman”, for example, candy or fruit. If you have a car, then in just a couple of hours you will have time to send postcards to many friends - just don’t linger anywhere.

3. Master the good old games

Many parents complain that their children hardly spend time outside or play games. Maybe they just didn’t tell the kids about them? Teach your child to jump over an elastic band, draw hopscotch or a snail, tell about Cossack robbers and tag.

4. Learn traffic signs

Go for a walk, and along the way, tell your child about the main road signs. Let this not be a boring lecture, but a fun quiz, where rewards are given for correct answers. In general, the theme of the “camping quiz” can be anything, depending on the age of the participant - colors, letters, reading inscriptions, professions, numbers.

5. Visit a zoo, dolphinarium or aquarium

Here we have combined different options for getting to know the world of wildlife - depending on what you have in your city. Such trips are perceived with delight by children. Maybe the child will like some section at the zoo - the problem of how to occupy part of his free time will be solved.

6. Feed the animals and birds in the park

If in a zoo you can mainly only look at the animals, then no one forbids feeding the inhabitants of the parks. These could be ducks in the pond, squirrels, and, of course, you will see pigeons in any public garden. Don’t forget to bring treats for the animals you are visiting.

7. Go to the pool or water park

Such water activities are good for everyone: in the summer, a trip to the water park can compensate for the inability to go to the sea, and in the winter it will remind you of the warm months and relaxation.

8. Go to the children's theater

If you have never been to the theater, it's time to catch up! Usually all information on performances can be found on city posters or on theater websites. Study the repertoire in advance to find something that suits your child’s age and interests.

9. Visit an amusement park or arcade

This is a “summer” and “winter” holiday option. Of course, the amusement park usually has more entertainment, but it is only open during the warm season. Halls with slot machines for children are always available. Here you can not only shoot and run, but also go on popular 5D attractions. You just need to carefully choose the film - small and overly impressionable kids may be scared of a realistic picture.

10. Organize a race, swim, flight

Today, children's toy stores sell cars, helicopters, and radio-controlled boats. Many of these toys are quite affordable, and they will cause genuine delight in the child. Such games captivate not only children, but also adults, so be prepared to spend more than one hour controlling your “equipment”.

11. Arrange a photo shoot or video shoot for your child

The most unforgettable weekends often end with the phrase “What a pity we didn’t take a camera.” A separate entertainment can be a photo shoot, for example, in a park or on a playground. To prevent your child from getting tired, allow him to change outfits, make faces, and take a variety of poses. You can give your baby a children's camera.

12. Organize a game "In Search of Treasure"

Draw a map on an A4 piece of paper, for example, of a playground labeled “Treasure”. While the baby is not looking, hide a little surprise in this place. Tear the sheet with the map into equal parts (for example, 4 or 6). Come up with competitions on how your child can earn a piece of the map, for example, by asking riddles. Once the treasure hunter has collected all the pieces of the map, he can put them together and find your surprise.

13. Launch lanterns into the sky

Today, sky lanterns are very popular; they fly skyward with bright lights, reminiscent of a miracle. Such an interesting thing will certainly delight the child, in addition, he can make a cherished wish by launching a flashlight into the sky.

14. Make and fly a kite

If you have at least a modest ability to create things with your own hands, invite your child to make a kite. You are responsible for the “engineering” part, and the child can decorate the kite as he or she wishes. On the right day, fly your kite into the sky.

15. Visit an exhibition, quest or some master class

The weekend can be not only interesting, but also educational if you go to a museum or gallery. Various math classes for children are becoming increasingly popular among city mothers: one day you can learn how to cook pizza or chocolates, make some kind of toy, or take a painting lesson. Study the city poster - there will probably be an event in it that you can attend with your child, for example, some exciting quest in a museum or in the fresh air.

16. Go pick mushrooms, berries, and go fishing together

If the child is big enough, you can take him with you on a forest hunting trip. Such an adventure will be remembered for a long time, and a sound sleep after a day in nature is guaranteed. A trip to the forest is also a great chance to start collecting your own herbarium.

17. Take your child to the circus

This place is associated with celebration, fun, laughter and joy. Surely the child will receive a lot of positive emotions.

18. Visit a library, bookstore or exhibition

Introducing a child to a book is the responsibility of every parent. A book for a child is a ticket to the magical world of adventure.

19. Go to a sporting event

These can be serious football matches, hockey, basketball, and junior section competitions. Perhaps your child will like some sport so much that he will become seriously interested in it.

20. Build a sand castle

There is nothing more interesting than building castles, digging sand trenches, and sculpting sand cakes. Help your child build something grand, like a castle for dolls or soldiers.

We hope that among all the options presented you will find something useful and give your child a wonderful weekend filled with emotions and pleasant events. Well, for those parents who, in parallel with planning the weekend, are preparing the next vacation with their children, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our unique collections all over the world. Perhaps, it is on the pages of our website that you will quickly find the resort and those entertainments that you will definitely want to visit with your child.

1. Box of emotions

Create your own box of emotions. It's very easy to do. Choose a relevant theme, such as spring, and collect all the objects that remind you of it through hearing, taste, smell, sight and touch.

How does your child perceive spring? Maybe she reminds him of the birds chirping outside the window? The taste of spring may be similar to the taste of early apples, and its smell resembles the smell of melted snow. In spring, our eyes rejoice at the blue sky and bright sun, and our hands feel the chill of the barely receding winter. Put it all in one box - toy birds, apples, images of the sky and the sun.

By discussing any chosen topic in this way, you and your child will use all the senses as much as possible. This way you can discuss different feelings with him, such as happiness or sadness. This will teach the child to better understand his own and other people’s emotions, which means he will develop.

2. Seven types of content

Choose any topic that your child might be interested in and create seven different presentations of that topic. This is an ideal exercise for developing imagination and creativity. For example, your topic is “Planets”.

  1. Poster. You can look at the planets on a large poster, studying their shapes, colors and locations.
  2. Craft. To create a home planetarium, you can inflate balloons of different sizes and colors and hang them on the ceiling or walls.
  3. Theater. Act out the movement of planets in their orbits.
  4. Modeling. Make planets with your child so that they look like real ones. Make Mars red, Earth blue and green, and the Moon gray. In this case, the Moon should be smaller than the Earth in size.
  5. Drawing. Draw space with planets with paints or pencils.
  6. Story. What could be more interesting than reading children's literature about the origin of the Universe? Something you can do is create your own story about the planets.
  7. Visual representation. If you have a telescope at home, then in the evening you can look at the starry sky and imagine all the planets.

You can come up with 10 interesting topics for this exercise in advance, then you will have an exciting program ready for the three months ahead. This will not only give you vivid and unforgettable emotions and impressions.

3. Sand therapy


The sandbox is a special world for a child, in which he sets the rules himself.

Independence in play teaches children to set priorities correctly and make the right decisions as adults.

Therefore, it is so important to give your child as many opportunities as possible to play with sand.

In our case, kinetic sand, which was created specifically for playing at home, is ideal. Build a beautiful castle or interesting figures with your child, create with him that same fairy-tale world in which children feel most comfortable.

This not only compensates for the lack of your attention when you are busy with work, but also perfectly develops creativity, creativity, imagination, regulates thinking mechanisms and develops fine motor skills.

4. Smart sculpting


Modeling plasticine is incredibly useful emotionally, because it allows the child to express his feelings and experiences, helps him relax and completely surrender to creativity. However, sculpting with mom can be even more beneficial if you include educational elements in this activity.

For example, you can teach your child numbers and letters by molding them together from plasticine. Make interesting numbers in different colors and different thicknesses.

For example, if the number 1 is made of thick red plasticine, it will seem very strong. And if a two is molded from thin white plasticine, it will seem weaker than a one. Use your imagination, come up with ideas, observe the child’s reaction and continue only the topic that arouses his emotions and interest.

This way you will not only have fun, but also teach your child numbers, letters, and help him develop imagination and abstract thinking.

5. Reading with a twist


Reading fairy tales can become even more fun if you choose a book with entertaining exercises and educational games.

After each story you tell, you can engage your child’s imagination by inviting him to play a themed game or complete an interesting task.

The book “Monsiki. What are emotions and how to be friends with them.” Each story of the fairy-tale Monsies reveals one of the emotions for the child, and each task helps to understand this emotion and manage it. This exciting activity will give you and your child a lot of pleasant impressions and moments of happiness.

Even if you couldn’t devote time to your child today, every smile, look or second of communication is priceless for him. These moments always fill the child with warmth and love.

No matter how much time you devote to your child, any minute spent together can become incredibly interesting, bright and memorable. Create your own world together with your child, invent, create and feel!

One day, every mother runs out of imagination: the children whine or misbehave, and you don’t know how else to entertain them... Let this list be your lifesaver, bookmark it and gradually try all the ways.

1. Try organizing a picnic at home - believe me, it can be a lot of fun.

2. Using chairs, armchairs, and any other materials at hand, build a blanket fort.

3. Find instructions online and make cute little dolls out of old socks.

4. Throw a dance party to your favorite tunes.

5. Have a tea ceremony. Look on Youtube to see how to organize everything correctly.

6. Read poetry to children.

7. Play nail salon: give each other a beautiful manicure.

8. Make an ABC book. Have your child take photos of things that start with certain letters of the alphabet. These will be illustrations.

9. Play school - let the child try himself as a teacher.

10. Look through old photo albums - sometimes it’s so nice to plunge into the past.

11. If you have a video camera, try making a film about your family.

12. Ask the children to draw their favorite cartoon characters; it is best to choose Soviet cartoons online for your child to watch.

13. Play board games, such as Monopoly or Lotto.

14. Paint with watercolors.

15. Hide “treasures” somewhere. Play treasure hunters.

16. Bake cookies.

17. Play dress up: try dressing like famous people or people you know.

18. Learn to make caps from newspaper. It's easy to find instructions on the Internet.

19. Play hide and seek.

20. Teach your children to cook some simple and tasty dish.

21. Organize a relay race or obstacle course at home that you need to complete.

22. Build a toy fort together using cardboard boxes and tape.

23. Play snowballs at home using rolled up socks instead of snow.

24. Organize a movie show: pop some popcorn, get some cola, watch a movie together.

25. Make dough figures and bake them.

26. Take some fun, funny photos and email them to your loved ones.

27. Make an imitation car out of a large cardboard box. Inside the box you can place a seat for the driver, and cut holes for the legs at the bottom. The legs in this case will play the role of car wheels.

28. Make handmade cards for the next holiday: with drawings and appliqué.

29. Play tic-tac-toe.

30. Make your own puzzles out of construction paper, color them and then cut them out.

31. Create your own competition game.

32. Draw pictures as gifts for grandparents.

33. Play an active game. For example, scatter pillows on the floor. They will be "safe islands" and the rest of the floor will be "lava". You need to jump from pillow to pillow without hitting the floor.

34. Draw a tree trunk and branches on a large sheet of paper. Cover your palms with easy-to-wash green paint and smear lots of green “leaves” on the branches by simply placing your hands on the paper. Many years later you will be interested to look at the prints of tiny hands.

35. Jump on a pile of pillows pre-collected in one place from around the house.

36. Bowling at home. Take a variety of plastic jars from the bathroom (shampoos, creams), arrange them in one line. All you have to do is find a small ball, and your home bowling alley is ready!

37. Learn a new song. It will be possible to perform a musical number in front of dad or other relatives later.

38. Cover one of the walls with posters of your favorite characters or actors.

39. Make necklaces from seed beads and colorful beads. For yourself or as a gift to someone.

40. Host your own talent show. Let everyone demonstrate some number.

41. Make a snowfall in the room - from snowflakes cut out of paper.

42. Is someone's birthday coming up? It's time to get ready and make decorations for the home. Make a garland from colorful paper. Cut out figures from paper and fasten them together.

43. Make figures from special polymer clay and bake them in the oven until they harden.

44. Draw and color your favorite characters (from cartoons or books) on paper, cut them out. Give them accessories: new clothes (for girls), cars and weapons (for boys). Play with paper dolls.

45. Write a paper letter to your grandparents. Go send it together.

46. ​​Make a crown for a princess or prince.

47. Make a superhero costume from scraps.

48. Try on mom's or dad's clothes.

49. Rewatch a family video.

50. Make and fly a paper airplane.

51. Read their favorite book out loud to your children.

52. Design and make your own magazine - if the child does not yet know how to write, combine your efforts to create it.

53. Bake a cupcake. Let the children do most of the work.

54. Plan and prepare a family vacation together.

55. Teach children to sew up holes, for example, in socks.

56. Rearrange the furniture in the children's room.

57. Open a home cocoa cafe. The cocoa in it can be served with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolates - your imagination is unlimited.

58. Make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle. Pour some seeds there and hang it outside the window.

59. Make mini pizzas using bread, tomato sauce, cheese and any ingredient you like. Readiness is easy to determine - as the cheese melts.

60. Let the kids try themselves as makeup artists - it will be a lot of fun!

61. Play patient and doctor. Any child would be interested in being a doctor at least for a while.

62. The game “the mummy returns” - anyone can play the role of the mummy. The other participants in the game wrap the “mummy” in many layers of toilet paper.

63. Throwing balls. Place several buckets of different diameters and invite children to throw balls into them from different distances.

64. Offer children bright lipstick, which they can use to leave traces of kisses on their family and friends.

65. Read a simple story to the children, and then invite them to try themselves as theater actors.

66. Play grocery store with your kids. Products in the store may be items from the pantry.

67. Take a bath! Allow your child to take toys into the bathroom that you wouldn't normally allow (it's important that they are waterproof!).

68. Do spring cleaning together. Of course, children do not always like to do housework. However, it is very important to teach your child to help around the house at an early age.

69. Draw comics with your children and color them.

70. Allow your child to independently choose and print beautiful color pictures from the Internet.
