What to do to please a 13 year old boy. How to please a boy in adolescence (at school, in camp, in correspondence) and what to do if he doesn’t like you? For your information

You like the guy. Or you have long been in love with a boy who does not notice you. What can you do to interest a man, to make a guy fall in love with you, to please the boy whom you have loved for a long time and unrequitedly?

Try 14 ways to get HIS attention.

How to get a boy to whom you are not indifferent? We must act!

Of course, you can wait for days, weeks and months for the water to flow stone by itself and your beloved man to become interested in you... But if the wait for his attention to you has lasted long enough, and a miracle does not happen, then stop sitting still, rubbing fashionable pants - it's time to take decisive action in the fight for your place in the sun - i.e. next to the guy you really like!

Love, sympathy, attraction, passion - these are such subtle matters that are difficult to distinguish from each other. But if you feel something serious for a boy - something that stirs your blood, confuses you and makes you blush, then most likely it is love! And you have to fight for love! At the very least, you cannot give up without a fight, even without trying to become interesting to your lover - this is a crime against yourself.

You know, I have always adhered to the rule in life - it is better to do and regret than not to do - and also regret! After all, if the result is the same, then why not take a risk - why not at least try to make your life better, happier? What if everything works out and you can interest this guy, manage to intrigue him with yourself and he will become your official boyfriend?

Well, if it doesn’t work out, then it’s not fate - the main thing is that you made every effort to please this boy, and if it didn’t work out, then it’s even better. This means that in the near future you will definitely meet YOUR man - the one who is destined for you by Heaven. And already having experience (albeit negative, but so valuable) behind you, it will be much easier for you to build a relationship with him.

Love for the first time is always a difficult question. If you fall in love with a guy, and he doesn’t even look in your direction, then the situation can actually be changed. If you think that you are in a unique situation, then you are very mistaken - most people went through this at school or college, at their first job.

It’s just that some men are such specific people in themselves who do not notice anything at all except their hobbies - what they have been interested in since childhood. For example, radio engineering, cars, computers, programming or studies.

Even if a boy is interested in other girls, but not in you, it’s okay, even this situation can be corrected.

You just have to make it clear to the guy you want to fall in love with you that you are interested in him - after all, it is possible - and even most likely, because of your modesty or incomprehensible behavior, he does not even suspect that you like him!

So, let's begin the process of learning how to please the guy you love. All you have to do is choose from the 14 methods given below those that are most suitable for you, and try to apply each of them in life. Your attempts may be a little awkward and even ridiculous, but believe me, if you are destined to make this boy fall in love with you, then this will happen if you make at least a little effort.

How to please a guy or a man

  • 1 Secret. The first thing a girl must understand in order to seduce a man and win a guy is that men love ACTIVE women.

It is in nature itself that even not the most beautiful or intelligent, but the most active (but not stupidly active!) and purposeful animals always receive more food, attention from their parents and create pairs with the strongest individuals of the opposite sex.

Just remember newborn kittens - the mother cat most often licks the kitten that is the most nimble - he gets the most milk. And if a cat family lives on the street, then the most agile cat is taken home by compassionate passers-by. While his more passive brothers and sisters are malnourished, do not receive enough affection from their mother, and are forced to vegetate on the streets all their lives.

This natural law also applies to people.

If you are not confident in your beauty, attractiveness, intelligence, abilities, etc. - then it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you are an active and purposeful girl who knows how to set goals and go towards them. Even if now you are not the most active girl, start pushing yourself with today’s quality, get active, wake up from sleep and start acting.

Even if you make a lot of mistakes, don’t be upset if things don’t work out the way you wanted. This is fine. And it’s even wonderful: after all, a lot of mistakes mean a lot of experience, and a lot of experience always leads to victory in a matter that interests you.

What should your activity be? Yes in everything! Don't sit still and don't watch TV at home in the summer - but go for a walk, join a sports club or go to the tennis court, walk down the street and along the way look into such men's stores as household and computer equipment, a car dealership, sporting goods, a bookstore .

Even if you don’t meet the boy you want to fall in love with there, you can make acquaintances with other guys who you will like and with whom you will want to keep in touch and communicate.

If you graduated from school, vocational school or technical school and are sitting at home, not working, then go further to study at an institute, university or academy - full-time or part-time: there you can meet many good guys who will be able to dispel your longing and boredom for an unrequitedly beloved man . And perhaps he will see how purposeful you are, become interested in you and fall in love with you. After all, men love strong women! Didn't you know?

Be active in terms of physical activity - sit at home less, walk more; in terms of making new acquaintances - be open to communicating with new guys and girls, but be careful - do not fall into bad company; in terms of maintaining pleasant communication for you - with a guy who you like as a man, or with whom it’s just nice to chat and have fun.

  • The 2nd secret of how to please a guy is that in reality, relationships with men are difficult to both create and maintain.

You will have to put in a lot of effort, time and energy to make the boy you care about fall in love with you. But all the most precious things in this life come at the highest price - you have to pay for happiness. But don't overpay!

I recommend implementing the tips below in life, without overstepping yourself and your principles, but trying to interest a man in such a way as to remain yourself. If your loved one demands radical changes from you for his sake, then such a relationship is unlikely to become happy - after all, most likely he does not truly love you, otherwise he would allow you to be yourself.

What to do to interest a boy

  • 1. In order for a boy to like you, you must first like yourself. That is, if you want to make a man fall in love with you, fall in love with yourself first. Love yourself. If you know what a cool and wonderful girl you are, then bringing this to the guy’s attention will be a piece of cake.
  • 2. Always be confident in what you say, think and do. People love confident people - they attract you like a magnet. And guys like girls’ positive attitude to life - this really attracts them. Develop your self-confidence.
  • 3. If you are unsure of yourself, then you constantly doubt yourself and do not do the things you want to do. But guys feel your doubts and uncertainty in their own words and actions - they literally feel your bad attitude towards themselves with their skin. Men don't like girls who constantly talk about themselves, talk about their problems over and over again, or who don't know how to stand up for themselves.

Be yourself, but don't be selfish and negative. Try to think and act positively, smile more and avoid displaying your own insecurities in public.

  • 4. Get his attention. To get a guy's attention, you must first give him yours - that is, be the first to show attention to him. This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Although, due to the lack of experience in such matters, you may feel awkward and embarrassed - but we agreed to fight for love, didn’t we?

So, don't be afraid to look at him—don't hide your gaze. If he sees that you are looking at him, he does not immediately look away - make an effort and look into his eyes, look into his soul for a few seconds. Smile at the corners of your lips to let the guy know that you like him, let him notice the sparkle in your eyes, and only then look away.

  • 5. Don’t hide your face or turn it away from him when you pass by the boy you want to make fall in love with you. If you happen to meet him on the street, stairs, or you just pass by him, look in his direction, say “Hello!” with a smile. or even “How are you doing?”, ask a question to the point (for example: “Do you know what audience the lecture will be in now?”).

Don't hide from the boy you want to please, because if you turn away from him, he may think that you are unpleasant or unlikable. Make the guy’s task easier - subtly show your interest in him, greet him, ask a question, carry on a light conversation... and you yourself won’t notice how much the boy you’ve been suffering for for so long will like you.

  • 6. If you have common topics for conversation, offer to continue communication. Just take your time and don’t impose yourself - act delicately and very carefully.

So, you are no longer afraid to look the guy you want to fall in love with you in the face, you don’t turn away and don’t act like a hard-to-get person from other civilizations - you even say hello and exchange a few phrases from time to time. Great.

Now find common topics for conversation - find common ground, what the guy and you like equally strongly, and when you have to interrupt the conversation, for example, to go to a couple, agree to meet with him later: “Let you tell me about string theory today after the couples at McDonald’s , I'm very interested!"

Or simply show interest in further getting to know each other: “It’s so interesting to communicate with you - I didn’t even realize before how much you know. Can you tell me later where I can learn to drive? I’ve been wanting to for a long time, but I can’t do it...”

The main thing is don’t lie, show interest in topics that are really interesting to you.

Don’t rush the guy - men at an early age usually take a long time to mature before the need for intimacy. That is, do not intrude with your conversations and rationalization proposals, if he simply does not have time for this now - he needs to hurry. Give him time to get used to you.

In general, your maximum task at this stage of the relationship is to become his friend.

  • 7. A good sense of humor allows you to make boys and boys fall in love with you once or twice. Humor is always useful in a relationship - and it is the first aid to getting a man to like you. You can prepare a funny joke or anecdote, a wise aphorism or a witty phrase in advance.

But it will be better if you simply insert your humorous remarks at appropriate moments - not angry and in no case malicious, but simply if you joke around in the conversation, smile a lot and joke.

Men easily fall in love with cheerful girls with a great sense of humor. Develop this character trait in yourself - to be witty. And to do this, you just need to not be afraid to be (look) funny - in order to joke well, you need to be relaxed and ready for the fact that they can laugh at you too - this is normal!

How to make a man or guy fall in love with you

  • 8. Flirt with him! In general, I don’t like the word “flirting”, because... it scares me - to be honest, I’ve always been afraid to flirt.

Therefore, I will say in other words - in order to please a guy, to make a man fall in love with you, PLAY with him!

Play cat and mouse with him, smile, intrigue, ask riddles, use feminine flirting techniques to take your relationship from the zone of “I’m just your friend” to the level of “Yes, I’m your best friend - and your girlfriend at the same time.”

In order not to get stuck in the status of his best friend, but to become the girl he loves, show the boy your interest in him.

  • 9. Get closer. When a boy likes you and he is almost in love with you - seize the moment, don’t miss the love! Show him that you like him as a man, that you are interested in him as a woman, and not just a friend.

Don't rush into this until you know each other well and there is trust between you. As soon as a guy begins to trust you, it’s easy for him to joke and communicate with you, which means it’s no longer difficult for a boy to fall in love. We must act - but carefully, so as not to scare off the “prey.”

Touch his hand or face if the right moment presents itself, and say something that will make him think about you for the rest of the day, intrigue him.

For example, if you are running to a stop in the rain, as if by chance grab his hand so as not to fall, and say, “Your hands are so STRONG!” He will then wonder all day long whether you only liked his hands, or whether in general you consider him a strong and very sexy man.

  • 10. Dress to please a man, to make him fall in love with you from the first dress. I mean girls never know what to wear to attract boys.

The most correct answer is DRESS COMFORTABLY, so that you feel comfortable in clothes next to your lover.

If you are dressed in uncomfortable clothes, the guy will feel this discomfort on your part and may take it personally. You can’t explain to a man on a date or after meeting him that you’re wearing a too tight bra or that your dress is rubbing under your arms. So dress comfortably.

To make a guy fall in love with you, you shouldn’t dress too provocatively and sexy. Yes, of course, revealing clothes will draw his attention to you - but nothing more.

  • 11. Subconsciously, many serious boys avoid girls who dress too brightly and provocatively, because... they are looking for a serious girl for a long-term relationship. And such a frivolous form of clothing makes them doubt your feminine fidelity, devotion and even decency.

Dress nicely but comfortably. If, in order to interest a man, you change your jeans to a dress, he will notice it and appreciate your efforts for him.

But don’t go too far and dress like a stripper, who can easily be confused with a prostitute or other woman of similar behavior.

Usually simple clothes like jeans and a shirt or T-shirt (but with breasts in a bra!), a skirt with a blouse, a dress work.

Too sexy and provocative clothes can work against you - and turn a guy away from you altogether.

  • 12. Find out what the guy likes, what the man likes to do - and share his interest. After all, if you want to spend more time with this man, you need to know how he lives and breathes. Moreover, you should share his hobbies and, ideally, be passionate about what your loved one likes.

Look for real points of contact between you - these efforts will pay off handsomely.

  • 13. If a man is interested in movies, games, music, sports, cars, computers, making money or any other hobby, then you also need to join this topic, find a way to get closer to him in this matter.

After all, the common interests of women and men bring them together and make them fall in love. And the lack of common topics and hobbies is divisive.

Find something common that unites your hobbies - something that can become a bridge between your hearts. After all, understanding on some important issue generates trust, and trust generates love.

  • 14. Be careful. Proceed carefully. Rushing in matters of the heart is never a wise decision. Now you already know how to please a boy, interest a man, how to make a guy fall in love with you - you already know how to make your loved one begin to notice you, you know how to become his friend - and girlfriend.

But don’t rush to complete all these points headlong. Talk to a guy not to seduce him, but to better understand - maybe he’s not the one you need? Let your communication be two-way - and mutually enriching, get to know each other gradually, without initially setting a super goal to achieve his love. Then it may turn out that you don’t really need his love. Maybe he is a tyrant, or a womanizer, or just a frivolous person?

You've already received 14 tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you. But still, hand on heart, I will say - the successful outcome of winning a man’s heart depends not only on you, but also on whether this boy is destined for you by God, by fate.

Using these methods, you can check whether a guy who likes you, but who doesn’t notice you yet, can like you. But this does not mean that you need to start a serious relationship with him if, in the process of communicating and getting to know each other, something about him really alarms you.

Do not use these techniques for selfish purposes - after all, deception and calculation at the beginning of a relationship usually turns against the deceiver.

And don’t use these tips on how to win a man to hurt him without having the goal of being with him. Any pain caused to another comes back to you - not immediately, over time. Therefore, do not launch this boomerang if you are not ready for a full game.

In general, I want to say that if a guy likes you, then even the slightest effort on your part will be enough to interest him and mutually fall in love. Sometimes even a fleeting friendly nod is enough to move the iceberg in a relationship and mark the beginning of a new love.

So, in order to please a guy, a girl must love herself, be confident, attract his attention with her gaze, say hello and don’t turn away her face, try to start a dialogue and become his friend, laugh often and show your great sense of humor, flirt, touch him, dress to please the man you love - beautiful and comfortable, but not hypersexual, share his interests, get involved in something together, and most importantly - take your time!

how to please a 13 year old guy and got the best answer

Answer from Vlad Ustelyomov[guru]
We often hear the question - how to please a boy at 13 years old. Today we will try to answer it.
1) If you are 13 years old and like a boy, but he doesn’t pay attention to you and you don’t know how to please him, then don’t run after him. Boys don't like this and the likelihood that he will ever be interested in you drops catastrophically. Just be yourself, dress stylish and beautiful. Be a girl, a real lady, and then he will be drawn to you.
2) After you stop chasing him, start looking beautiful and dressing well, then you can try to flirt with one of his friends. If he sees that you are smart, interesting, and even beautiful, he will begin to be jealous and try to conquer you. If he doesn’t do this, then you don’t need such a fool.
3) Under no circumstances, do not guard him at home or near school, do not call and be annoying. Make him pay attention to you. If you can do something that your classmates or the girls around him cannot do, then do it. Let him notice you in a good way.
4) Don't try to be promiscuous or dress provocatively - this will only push him away from you even more.
5) Be a sincere, interesting, not downtrodden girl, dress nicely and keep your body in good shape and then more than one boy will be drawn to you
As a result, we can say that there can be only one answer to the question of how to please a boy at 13 years old - be yourself, take care of yourself and everything will be fine.
If you have a completely different situation, if you are tormented by the question of how to please a 13-year-old boy, then the advice is simple - become interesting to him so that he can communicate with you at the same age level. Find out what he does, his hobbies, how he spends his time, do the same thing if you are interested. So you’ll get to know each other, make friends, and soon you’ll be in love :)
In general, in any case, be yourself, be interesting and sincere, and then your girlfriends will ask you questions like how to please a 13-year-old boy!

At any time, today and centuries ago, the relationship built between a boy and a girl may initially appear harmless and very simple, but if we look deeper into this issue, it is quite complex. And difficult for adults and children themselves on the way to growing up and becoming individuals.

Ways to please a boy

Do you want to attract the attention of the boy you like? We will analyze in detail the methods and methods taking into account the age group - this will allow you to understand all the specifics of relationships as you grow older and how you should build relationships that are harmonious and productive, not ending halfway.

At 10

At this young age, the boy is more interested in playing together with friends at school and in the yard than with girls - football and pranks, chess games and the computer. At the very beginning - in the same class, sit with him at the next desk and help with his homework, help with the test. If a boy plays basketball, do it yourself, as a player, but at least as a fan.

At 11 years old

These first teenage years are the most difficult for girls, when they are already ready to meet the opposite sex, although the boys themselves are not yet. Help him with his lessons simply and effectively, and as an option, ride a bike with him and show off your skills. In this case, psychologists advise adhering to the principle of competition– just don’t give the boy a head start the first time, and then give in. This will definitely work.
At 12 years old

At this age, teenagers are already ready to meet girls in the evenings, and, most importantly, meet them halfway yourself - boys are no longer children, but teenagers, ready to talk and hear, to hold a girl’s hand. In this case, the girl should take the first steps, the main thing is not to push too actively, without pushing away the timid teenager. He loves sports - we put on sneakers and run together, taking a bottle of water with us. If he is looking for his calling, he has signed up for several sections - study with him, treat him to an apple on a busy day. The guy will appreciate your attention and will pay attention to the girl.

At 13 years old

Since in adolescence girls are more drawn to romance, and boys are more drawn to knowledge of the world and their own body, relationships should be eradicated very carefully, even delicately. In this case, it is important for girls to understand– it is important to find your own individual style and develop charm, sometimes let you hold your hand. But you shouldn’t be overly inaccessible - boys are fickle and will soon find a new object of desire.

At 14 years old

At this age, many girls open up to boys - this can result in an unwanted pregnancy. And the main mistake is that you shouldn’t wear a short mini, showing off all your charms. Simplicity and understanding that an easy secret is important in a girl- this is her main weapon for attracting the attention of the boy she likes. Don’t be the Snow Queen - it can have the opposite effect, because it works on the principle of approaching and repelling. Guys are hunters by nature and this principle will be successful.

At the age of 15

A girl at this age will not be able to stand out from the general background of beauties, so she should act with cunning - a pleasant timbre of her voice and an alluring look, communication outside of school. The main thing at this age– take care of your own appearance, since your chosen one and the object of imitation will always look back at the open shoulders and neckline of other girls. You are not a nun to wear a black and closed cassock - be open.

At 16 years old

Coming of age is a crucial period in the life of a teenager, and at this stage it becomes increasingly difficult to build relationships with boys. They have already met or are dating beauties and they want more. But it's important to remember– the teenager will brag about his beautiful girlfriend and gadgets, cars. Therefore, the girl’s appearance should be at its best, somewhere defiant and catchy.

In 17 years

17 years old is already an adult and a full-fledged person, but this does not exclude teenage difficulties in relationships. How to attract:

  • just light flirting– in this case, we adopt a luxurious appearance, a smile and then simply enjoy a minute of attention.
  • dating for romantic walks– Direct communication is important in this case. If previously you were unapproachable and could not be approached on the street, now the time has come to make such a step a reality. You just need to sit on a bench in the park and a new acquaintance will definitely find you.

How to get a boy's attention if he likes someone else

He has a girlfriend? And you really like him– the main thing is to take the initiative into your own hands. So let's get started.

First of all, collect as much information and views about him as possible, whether he has a relationship and how productive and harmonious it is, whether there have been quarrels and, after assessing the situation, think about whether you want to destroy the relationship.

Don't be completely like your opponent– analyze its strengths and weaknesses and build on that.
Find your object of adoration on social networks - start communicating first and, quite possibly, virtual communication will develop into a more real relationship, long and strong.

If the object of affection does not respond to flirting - there is no need to continue communication imposing himself, thereby looking stupid. But if a boy starts courting you, accept this relationship.

And the main thing in this case.

  1. Emphasize our strengths– the beauty of the eyes or legs, the outfit is seductive, but not provocative.
  2. Behavior is restrained, At the same time, you shouldn’t laugh too loudly, smoke or comment too negatively on people in a cafe sitting at neighboring tables.
  3. Listen, don’t be afraid to ask questions yourself - your interest, genuine in its manifestation, will definitely attract the guy’s attention to you.
  4. Don't be afraid to compliment your guy At the same time, you should not make up anything, introducing yourself to a guy in a form that is unusual for you.

How to get sympathy from a boy who doesn't pay attention to you?

  1. His interests are important. If he is attracted to football - cheer for his team at the stadium, loves morning jogging - we stand in his way by actively playing sports.
  2. Get noticed by your crush more often– he will definitely notice you and light flirting will be very appropriate. But these meetings should not be too intrusive and annoying - otherwise they will have the opposite effect and result.
  3. Flirt, but don't go too far– you shouldn’t hang yourself in pairs on your neck right from the doorway. For example, invite him to a club - they say there is an extra ticket, but your friend won’t be able to go, and you yourself are not interested in going.
  4. Always project a positive vibe– the couple should feel comfortable with him, communication should be pleasant, your voice radiates warmth and affection. The guy will definitely not let you go.

What to do if a boy likes you but he doesn’t like you

Don't just wait to see what direction events will take and the relationship will develop - just approach the guy and start a conversation. Simple but a little scary? As psychologists note - in 9 out of 10 cases, guys react positively to such a move from a girl.

Try to create a situation where communication is as natural as possible. This could be sports in the gym or general work on a school or college project.– we focus on the guy’s interests.

Create random non-coincidences yourself - try to be where your object of adoration is, for example, in a scorched transport or in one cafe, where there is only free space at his table.

Ask your girlfriends or mutual friends to introduce you - this may work.
Actively look for him on social networks. Today, almost every person has his own account on the Internet, and the Internet in this case provides considerable opportunities for communication.

What kind of girls do boys like?

Every boy has his own standard of female beauty, in practice, there are some general statistics about which girls are attracted to the opposite sex. These are beautiful facial features and breast size, makeup and refined manners - you can talk long and thoroughly. But here it is worth considering the issue from a slightly different position– all guys see not only the pros in a girl’s appearance, but also the cons. It is the latter that we will consider and intensively eliminate in order to please the guy.

Excessive hair on the body. Legs and armpits, face and hands - we remove them immediately. Today, the beauty industry offers a lot of ways and means to combat excess hair – there is plenty to choose from.

Choosing hair color. It's worth remembering - bright colors mostly scare guys, therefore we opt for natural shades and tones.

Women's hands– Guys often pay attention to thin fingers and curves. TO beautiful and neat manicure, the absence of dirt under the nails is generally chic, glossy and beautiful.

Unpleasant smell of sweat an unwashed body – there’s not much to say here. Compliance with personal hygiene rules and daily showers, new perfumes, mouth fresheners - the arsenal of tips and remedies is large, there is plenty to choose from.

Cleanliness of clothes- this is an indicator of the purity of your body and attitude towards yourself and everyone around you. Old things, out of fashion and dirty, not washed trousers for a long time, and even more so underwear - this is repulsive. You don’t have to stand out from the crowd with newfangled clothes, but the main thing is that they are calm, stylish and clean.

Makeup is important– you shouldn’t put kilograms of makeup on your face, it’s simply vulgar for a girl. Everything here should be natural - the main thing is to emphasize the dignity of appearance, but there is no way to disguise it under a layer of powder. This will only repel and turn a beautiful and young girl into an old woman.

Gait. According to statistics, guys pay attention to how a girl walks and how she walks in 9 out of 10 cases. The gait should be easy, without club feet and heavy waddling steps - if you don’t know how to walk, then start learning. At the very beginning, we walk around the apartment, and then we put on our heels and go outside.
And, of course, the figure - a flabby body and sagging layers of fat will turn guys off. Therefore, it is worth taking care of yourself - no cellulite and maximum muscles, tightening the abdomen and thighs. All you have to do is sign up for a gym, follow the principles of proper nutrition, and you will definitely shine.

In conclusion, it’s worth saying - guys They don’t like young ladies who smoke and drink. First of all, you are a woman, being whom is a real art and not an easy task, but if you have the desire, everything will work out for you.

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If you are just tired of dreaming about when a big and bright feeling will burst into your life, or you urgently need to know, how to get a guy to like you who doesn’t want to pay attention to you, then try to take just 12 steps and see how easily everything will change in your life.

Just let's agree, the first 2 steps you change the way you think. While you are doing the next four, you are implementing. You take two more steps with new hobbies and the final four - flirt.

You probably know this incomprehensible feeling - you see the guy of your dreams, you know for sure that it is Him, but there is some kind of distance between you that is so difficult to overcome. What to do?

Stage one: how to get a guy to like you at school

1st step. You won’t change overnight, so first change the way you think, or rather their form, stop thinking like this: “I need a boyfriend.” Better repeat to yourself: “I will soon have a boyfriend.” You have to believe it.

2nd step. How often do you compare yourself to other girls? Hmm, this one has longer legs, and that one has more beautiful hair, and Lisa has green eyes. Well, why don't you have these? And if there were, what difference would it make? You shouldn’t compare yourself with others - this is a useless exercise, we are all different, we are all different from each other, you will not find a girl exactly like you anywhere in the world. You are unique and inimitable, stay that way! After all, you have your own advantages that no one else has, they just need to be emphasized. And making comparisons is simply a waste of time.

Stage two: learn to take care of yourself

3rd step. Legs that have long forgotten about waxing can be hidden by wearing jeans - this is, of course, a way out, but the trend itself is fundamentally wrong. You will still know that they do not look ideal, and if there are several such “minor flaws” in their appearance, then you can forget about self-confidence, as well as about charm. And this is what guys notice first.

4th step. The same rule applies to your clothes, even your underwear, you should like everything you wear. Let no one see that you are wearing cute shorts and not “grandmother’s rarities,” but your walk will be completely different in exactly the underwear that you like.

5th step. Of course, it's much more important to put things in order every day that everyone can see, so clean, beautiful hair, well-groomed nails and glowing skin will require effort on your part. And how they can change your inner sense of self is beyond words!

6th step. Fashion is so important to you now, I understand, but don’t forget that clothes should be comfortable. Too short skirts and a large number of trinkets will hamper your movements, what kind of grace and beautiful gait can we talk about then? But in the question of how to please a guy at school, this plays an important role.

Stage three: go out into people

8th step. The school will give you the widest choice, of course. Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired, tall and not very tall, plump and thin - you can communicate with many and gradually come to an understanding of which of them you really like. But try to always give a chance to those guys who don’t look perfect at first glance. More often than not, they turn out to be real princes.

Stage four: how to get a guy to like you at school? - Flirt.

9th step. Try to overcome yourself and one day just nod or wink in response to a guy who has been looking at you for quite a long time. This is the easiest and most effective way to let him know that you don't mind if he comes and talks to you. True, don’t expect him to say something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Most likely, it will be some kind of banality or even stupidity, but you will always be able to appreciate his courage (sometimes for them this is a feat).

Even if you don’t like this guy too much, do it anyway, later he may turn out to be a good friend. Or maybe, after communicating, you will understand that it is He (sometimes we do not immediately understand this).

10th step. Our thoughts almost always come true. Therefore, sometimes (not during lessons) imagine how he talks to you, smiles, holds your hand. Imagine what he looks like, what he is like, what he is wearing. And such a guy will soon appear in your life (this rule does not work if you want to meet a famous movie character, musician, or if you missed the previous 9 steps).

11th step. If you have already met someone because of whom you are haunted by the question of how to please a guy at school, then you need to force yourself to say 2-3 phrases to him or ask at least one question. Are you afraid of saying some nonsense? Try to practice first on other guys whose opinions you don't care too much about. The skill of flirting is not given to us from birth, we acquire it with experience. Some recommendations for young men on this topic can be read in the article:.

12th step. If the guy of your dreams does not dare to speak first, invite him to go somewhere (to the cinema, a cafe, on a date with you) yourself. Well, think about it, what's scary about this? Will he refuse? If this happens, don't be sad, this is just not your guy. Whatever you think, the meeting with The One is still ahead, he will appear in your life later (he always carries them somewhere when you need them now!).

Just keep following these 12 tips and loneliness will never enter your life.

One of the most interesting periods of your life is school. No matter how difficult, uninteresting, or boring it was at school, this time is always remembered with quiet sadness in the future. For any girl, school is an opportunity to find friends, girlfriends, and meet your first crush here. Often such sympathy develops into a feeling for both the girl and the guy.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are: at 11 years old, at 12 years old, and at an older age - falling in love comes without asking your age.

Of course, everyone wants to please the person she likes. But she doesn't know how, or the boy from another class. How to get a boy to like you at school? Let's try to understand the difficult situation and find solutions.

  • The main reason is that girls spend a lot of time with them, especially if they are classmates. Studying in different classes, you constantly cross paths during breaks, general school events, on the way to school and home. When you constantly see a handsome and interesting guy, it’s difficult to make sure you don’t like him. How to get a boy to like you in 1 day at school? Nothing is impossible, you just need to believe in success!
  • When does one fall in love, if not during school years? The coolest, most carefree time. Where, if not at school, can you get to know a guy, evaluate his qualities: does he know how to make friends, how does he treat girls, does he have serious hobbies, his character.
  • The strongest and most fun companies are school ones, and their peculiarity is that you can have an interesting and fun time outside of school.

Finally, you like the guy, your liking for him becomes more and more, and you understand that you need to do something to make him like you too. We offer girls answers to the question: how to make a guy fall in love with you - 10 ways.

  1. Remember: appearance is a woman's main weapon. Every girl is beautiful in her own way, but if you want a guy to like you, you need to try. Guys don't like provocative looks, most of them like those with natural beauty, so stick to minimal makeup. Any guy will always pay attention to the clothes a girl is wearing, provided that these are not jeans and trousers, but dresses and skirts. Make sure that these clothes are not too short or tight. Remember that your task is to please, and not to provoke the guy with your provocative appearance. Sometimes a skirt that is too short or a revealing neckline turns off a young man.
  2. Simplicity is power! Try to keep your behavior as close to natural as possible; you don’t need to try to be better than you really are. Smile as often as possible and try to be in a good mood. Guys like cheerful girls and attract attention. A sincere smile makes any guy pay attention to the girl once again.
  3. People try to avoid obsessive people, remember this. A golden mean is needed here. Because of an excess of feelings, girls often behave stupidly - they chase a guy, and then run away, giggling. You can't do that, it's indecent. Don't show that you're in love. How to make a guy fall in love with you at school? If you are in different classes, then you should try to meet more often at school, but such meetings should not be intrusive and look like harassment.
  4. Surprise and try to be different. To do this, you need to use the best character traits, focusing on them. For example, today you are a dreamy and thoughtful person, and tomorrow you are a cheerful and mischievous girl. And don’t think that if you are not the first beauty, then you need to hide in a corner and not stick your head out! Beauty is important, but people don’t love people for their beauty. Look around: here comes a couple of lovers: she is nothing special, but she carries herself with dignity, and next to him is a handsome, interesting man. Or vice versa. The main thing in a person is not beauty, but character and charisma!
  5. Don't ignore your self-development. How ? Develop your intellect and work on improving your personality. This also applies to the Internet. Now there are so many opportunities to learn new things, things to argue and talk about. Working on yourself will help you not only interest a guy, but also become better and more interesting for yourself and those around you. Find out what his favorite movies, games, etc. are. You must be aware of everything.
  6. Color is a very powerful energy which helps in relationships. Just recently, 100 years ago, lovers gave each other clothing items of the same color: ribbons, scarves, silk scarves, and even camisoles and outerwear. Why do you think? To look like a couple! If you know how the guy you're in love with dresses, dress in his style, in his colors, to look like a couple with him. If you are already communicating with a guy, then build your communication wisely. For example, try to praise him, but do it unobtrusively and for visible merits.
  7. Patience is also very important! Try to be patient and know how to wait. Remember that it takes time for a guy to show interest in you, especially if before that your communication was minimal.
  8. Believe in yourself and in your strengths. It's difficult to please someone if you don't like yourself and are constantly looking for flaws. Note your strengths; if you have weaknesses, try to work on getting rid of them. Many guys like confident girls.
  9. Sometimes you have to take the initiative first, because young people are more shy compared to girls. Not everyone is ready to take the first step and start communicating.
  10. Thoughts tend to come true, so think more about the good. How to get a guy to like you at school? Imagine that the guy likes you too, your first conversation, your first date. These dreams can very well become reality, provided that you put some effort into it.

It is also necessary to remind you that there are many things that should not be done in relation to a young man, as they can only push him away.

  • Don't try to attract attention with provocative behavior. Many girls believe that if they suddenly start smoking or drinking alcohol, the guy will pay attention to it. In most cases, this will happen, but there is no need to wait for his approval of such behavior.
  • You don't need to become a guy's friend. A girl friend rarely becomes a soul mate, so clearly define for yourself what you want from this person.
  • Don't rush your time and don't expect quick results. Achieve your goal gradually, boys, to some extent, also love when they are conquered. And even more, they like girls who are picky and have self-esteem.
    Don't tell everyone you know about your new crush. It is unknown in what form this information will reach the person you like. Trust only the most trusted and close people.
  • The worst question you can ask a guy you like is whether he likes children.
  • Don't impose your society. You shouldn't follow your guy everywhere, constantly call him, and leave a lot of messages on social networks. A girl who doesn’t allow you to pass peacefully only pushes you away, and not the other way around. In the case of such behavior, the young man will have a desire to limit communication, because it will only cause him unpleasant emotions.

Well, if you find out that the guy you like already has a girlfriend, you shouldn’t despair. Life is striped like a zebra! Today you are unlucky, but tomorrow everything will be different! Try different ways and means to get reciprocal sympathy.

And take note: even if your love is not mutual, and the boy does not look in your direction, this is not a tragedy. It is important that you have learned beautiful feelings, which means you have become spiritually richer! The ability to present yourself, a good mood, confidence and sociability are irreplaceable things in your life.

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