The girl said that I was good. How to determine that a girl does not value relationships and choose a solution based on the degree of her indifference When a woman says go wherever you want


A woman may say that she does not want a relationship. And not for any specific reason, but simply “because.”

And don't take it seriously “I have too much work to do right now.” or “I haven’t moved on from my past relationship yet”. These are all excuses. The reason is different. Why doesn't a girl really want a relationship? What to do if a girl doesn't want a relationship? Should I give up and not date or turn on man mode and woo her?

What if a girl doesn't want a relationship:

1. What is the reason that she doesn’t want a relationship?

If a girl said she doesn't want a relationship, she's lying. Yes, yes, that's exactly it.

3. You can’t force it.

What should be done? First of all, explain to yourself that all is not lost. You have many other options.

It is with this attitude that you can begin to take action to win a girl.

4. Stop worrying about what she thinks.

Stop thinking about what's on her mind. Develop the habit of not scrolling through different options for the outcome of events in your head. Simplify the situation for yourself. Be that as it may, the main person in your life is yourself.

Therefore, you should only care about what you personally feel. Your behavior should be based on your feelings and emotions. A woman acutely senses your mood and notices all the hidden signals of behavior. How you feel is of paramount importance.

Your self-confidence, resilience and originality will determine which group you are in: potential friends or men.

Relax and accept that she needs you as a friend. Take care of yourself, have fun, have fun and do not limit yourself in communicating with other women.

It is forbidden:

  • send her messages every day;
  • share your “feelings”;
  • asking her when she will be ready for a relationship;
  • pay too much attention to her;
  • put pressure on her.

What then is possible?

1. Make friends with her friends.

No one has such a strong influence on her as her friends. Therefore, one of your goals is to become friends with her friend.

If you suddenly find yourself at the same party, try to get to know her friend better. Chat with her, show your best side.

You can use this useful acquaintance for another purpose. She will see how much attention you pay to her friend and may become unconsciously jealous.

There is a chance that her fear of missing you will awaken. It will also get worse if a friend starts telling her how great you are.

2. Let events develop gradually.

I understand how difficult it is to force yourself to be patient and learn to wait.

So, if she is not ready for a serious relationship, build a frivolous one. Start dating her on an irregular basis without determining your status.

The goal is to give her the impression that she doesn't owe you anything. That she is still free and dating you just like that.

After calling her a couple of times, wait for the next time she does it herself. Don't try to talk to her about relationships.

The essence of this method is that over time she will begin to get used to your meetings and become attached to you. And this leads directly to a permanent relationship.

3. Set deadlines.

This doesn't always work. Therefore, you must determine for yourself the time frame during which you are ready to continue to achieve it.

If you haven't invested, get over it. Most likely, it really is her. Then give her freedom.

You have no right to waste a lot of your time on something that cannot be fixed now. It is likely that on the next street you will meet a woman who is ready to build a relationship with you.

If a girl told you that she doesn’t want a relationship, know that this is not always true and not necessarily forever. Try to find out what is really hidden behind these words.

If you do everything right, you will see that you have every chance of becoming her boyfriend.

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES.”

Hello, dear readers! Today I will reveal women's secrets. Girls are very difficult to understand. We already speak different languages. When one of a couple tries to hide information, it is not at all easy to understand the situation.
Today I will try to tell you how to understand that a girl doesn’t need you.

Many women are afraid to break up with their boyfriend and do everything to be abandoned. It is much more profitable to look like a defenseless victim of a “scoundrel” than to take on the courage and... Especially if they lasted more than two months.

However, there is another situation when, for other reasons, for example, he does not know how things can be different. She was accustomed to a certain model of relationships that she saw in her family. This scheme is completely unsuitable for a young man. He is convinced that he is no longer needed. In fact, people are just...

Heart puzzle.

How to understand the situation?

Have you met yet?

One of my acquaintances has been corresponding with a girl on VKontakte for 6 months now, and every time: she’s pregnant, then she’s giving birth, then she has to go film the beatings of her ex-husband. He just throws up his hands and says: “I don’t understand, is she playing with me or what?”

Some girls, through chatting with fans, increase their own self-esteem, prove that they are not a failure and can. They have no desire to move on; they are satisfied with everything as it is.
The best way to find out the truth is to stop communicating for a while.

Under no circumstances should you disappear silently or suddenly. Explain your action: “I am not happy with this state of affairs. If you ever get ready to meet, you can call me. I don't want to chat anymore. I have more important things to do."

A woman who values ​​relationships will definitely find a way to prove her affection: she will explain the situation or try to make concessions and meet. She is afraid of losing a potentially loved one. Not necessarily now, maybe in a week she will find a way. If not, you were right, the girl was just playing with your feelings.

The main thing is to be persistent; the situation should not return to normal without changes in your favor.

If you feel that you cannot cope and cannot find answers to important questions, together we will analyze the situation and find a solution.

Don't live together

The most obvious sign that a girl no longer needs you is that she has no desire to spend time together.

Situations are also individual, sometimes a girl may simply have other priorities. For example, preparing for an exam, competition, or getting stuck at work. If she values ​​the relationship, she will most likely tell you about it.

If they begin to hide something from you, this is a sign of reluctance to be together and a frank conversation will help to sort this out.

Why do we love you?

Personally, I really don’t like it when they say about men and women: “registration, sex” and so on. With such thoughts you humiliate yourself. Every person is good at something. Agree, we would call a man strange if we heard: “My girlfriend is with me only because I am incredibly handsome, smart and charming.” Now you are doing even worse by prioritizing things.

Your woman is wonderful. I am sure she is able to find another person with an apartment, a car and other benefits of civilization that will complement his good qualities. The same goes for you. Is money really all that a woman can be around you for? I'm afraid that such thoughts can plunge me into... They are dangerous.

Why do you feel like a girl is not dating you because of yours? If you are not satisfied with the relationship in some way, try to figure it out rather than look for external sources. Do you lack care, love, affection, alone time? Talk to your significant other about this. She may not even be aware that you are unhappy.

I can recommend you the book by Carl Rogers " Marriage and its alternatives" It tells in great detail how to learn to coexist together, develop and everyone to take their place in a couple. It will come in handy even if you decide to break up.

At least make every effort to improve them and become happier. If it doesn’t work out with this one, you’ll find another one and this knowledge will help you build a new love correctly.

If you are not satisfied with the personal qualities of the person who is nearby, do not try to blame him. Admit to yourself honestly that you want to break up because you think the girl is cold, angry, and not feminine enough.

You are beautiful. The fact that you have achieved success is a plus, a bonus, an advantage over other males. Only princes hide their property so that the young lady falls in love with them, and not with wealth.

Think of walruses fighting for females and territory. How would you react to a male who loses on purpose so that someone will fall in love with him?

Remember the book " Pride and Prejudice", the main character of which claimed that she fell in love with Darcy after she saw his estate. Of course it was a joke. He used his fortune to help the girl. , but a means. Something that helps make someone else happier.

Never allow yourself or others to think that money is your main quality. There is a lot to love about you. Do not humiliate yourself and your woman with such thoughts. Solve real problems.

Sign up for a Skype consultation with me, we will look at the problem together and find the most acceptable solution.

With this I say goodbye. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and learn more about love and relationships in the book by Carl Rogers.

Do you clearly understand that something has changed for the worse in your relationship, but have not yet understood what exactly? Perhaps, boy, she wants to blow you off. But maybe you're just too sensitive.

How can you understand that a girl has long wanted to break up and not fall into the trap of her dubious guesses - I’ll tell you about this now...

TOP 9 Worrying Symptoms of a Dating Couple

The foreshadowing of a future breakup is manifested in standard actions. They are clearly visible before parting, but many do not pay attention.

The main thing is to understand in time that feelings have cooled down; your choice is: to correct or allow separation.

Symptom No. 1. You are rarely alone

  • If you used to often go to the movies together, go for a walk, or just spend a lot of time alone, but now you only meet in the company of friends, most likely the girl doesn’t want to be with you.
  • You can invite her to go for a walk together, and she will drag her friend.
  • When you suggest going on a romantic picnic, she will answer that it’s better to go drink beer with friends, etc. Yes, something is clearly wrong here
  • She doesn’t want to be alone with you, which means she’s no longer so pleased with your presence, she doesn’t want kisses and hugs. She'll leave you soon!

Symptom No. 2. You no longer know about her dreams and plans

If before she told you about her dreams, shared her most intimate things with you, and now the girl doesn’t want to communicate with you and doesn’t tell you anything, a tragic moment in your relationship will soon come.

Read also:

You can feel it right away - she will simply feel cold, she will move away and stop trusting you.

Symptom No. 3. "Actively searching"

If earlier it was written on her VK page that she was dating you, but now something like “Single” appeared or the status simply disappeared - this is another alarming symptom.

Girls rarely immediately set the status to “Actively searching”; they often make a more cunning move - change it to neutral.

Symptom No. 4. Doesn't hug, doesn't kiss...

This means that the lady is not pleased with intimacy with you.

Think about it, if she no longer holds your hand, avoids kisses and hugs. If she does not want physical contact, or moreover, you notice that it is unpleasant for her - she is no longer interested in you.

Symptom No. 5. She makes you angry on purpose

Girls are weak creatures, not only physically, but also mentally. And breaking up with a guy turns out to be very difficult. At such moments, girls often do everything so that the guy leaves them himself. That is, they begin to behave provocatively, humiliate a man in public, show signs of attention to other guys in front of their boyfriend, dress revealingly, constantly provoke scandals, and much more.

Listen to your intuition! If she tells you that it was not without reason that your girlfriend suddenly lost her temper, perhaps she is waiting for you to run out of patience and leave her.

Symptom No. 6. Everything annoys her

You call her - it makes her angry. You call her a bunny - she suddenly begins to think that this is the stupidest name. You hug the wrong way, you kiss like a fool, etc.

Unreasonable irritability, of course, can be a sign of critical days, but it can also mean that you are just pissing off the girl and she doesn’t know how to get rid of you.

Symptom No. 7. She remembered her old friends and started walking without you

Suddenly her old friends appeared, trips to the club, drinking, partying, in which there was no place for you, resumed? Or maybe your girlfriend doesn’t even tell you where she’ll be spending the evening today, she lies and doesn’t finish speaking?

She has almost crossed you out of her life and is looking for a new candidate, or wants to take a break from the relationship.

Symptom No. 8. Harasses guys in front of you

Is she no longer embarrassed to show signs of attention to other men in front of you? She casually touches others, dances with them, flirts. Then she almost crossed you off her list. Get ahead of her - throw her first.

BUT: if you recently fought because of her jealousy, if it seemed to her that you were showing interest in some girl, perhaps she just wants to teach you a lesson in this way.

Symptom No. 9. She humiliates you in front of others

If your girlfriend starts comparing you with the guys from your company in front of everyone. If she says in public that “you are not as strong as Dima,” “and you, weakling, could not do that,” she compares you and you are clearly losing in her eyes.

A loving girl will not humiliate her beloved in front of others (unless, of course, she is a bitch).

Misleading signs of an impending separation

Women's psychology is a very complex thing. Sometimes even women themselves cannot understand themselves. That is why I do not advise you to believe one hundred percent the list of signs of an upcoming separation.

Many of the symptoms are suitable for a girl who is about to leave you, but mostly they also appear in those who have not even thought about breaking up.

Sign No. 1. She doesn't write 30 letters an hour

Previously, she constantly called, wrote romantic messages to you on VK, uploaded videos with cute cats and woke you up in the morning with her call? Has this really gone away after 3 months of your relationship?

You don't have to worry too much, because this is absolutely normal. The euphoria from a new relationship sooner or later passes and communication becomes habitual. Stormy passions are left behind, and calm romantic evenings become the norm. That is why she can gradually stop calling and texting you so often. Her mind will again be taken over by studies, some interests and everything that she loved before. You will simply become the most valuable addition to her life.

Anxiety: but if her phone is often turned off or she simply doesn’t pick up the phone for a long time, think about it. She constantly doesn’t have time to talk, she’s annoyed by your calls, and she practically doesn’t call or write - yes, this is where she wants to leave you.

But don’t panic - ask about the reasons for this behavior. Perhaps she is really busy or has some problems.

Sign No. 2. She doesn't want sex with you anymore

At first you just didn’t get out of bed, had a very active sex life, and now you can’t get her into bed? Does she have a constant headache, is she tired or something? Then things “smell fried.” This can be considered a sign that she is no longer physically interested in you and needs to look for a reason to meet...

But there is another side to the coin. Are you having sex, but not as often as you would like, and you suspect something? Put aside panic, because the reason for this may not only be the desire to break up.

She may not have wanted to have sex 8 times a night before, but at first she didn’t want to offend you or seem like a passive, unpassionate girl. That is why she easily made concessions to you, always agreed and was more proactive. And now, when you have become very close, began to trust each other and your relationship has moved to a new level, she simply stopped seeing the need for this pretense.

Over time, any relationship loses its ardor and passion.

Listen when she speaks and when she is silent

Yes, yes, it didn’t seem to you to hear her silence. Are you annoyed by quarrels, long conversations and showdowns? Is that why you think you're on the verge of breaking up? No - if she tries to talk to you, if she conveys to you some of her experiences and talks about grievances, then everything is not so bad for you.

When a girl talks and cries, it means she is just trying to save what you have. In this way she solves problems that you may not see and tries to say that she feels bad. She is waiting for an answer and some changes. And while she does this, she loves you.

But if she becomes silent, this is not good. No, if everything is fine and smooth for you, then this is normal. But if yesterday you were arguing, hysterical and still didn’t decide anything, and today she’s just coldly silent about it, looking at you condescendingly - it’s better to talk about it first.

When a girl is indifferent to the problems in a couple, it means that she has either fallen out of love or harbors a big grudge for which she simply does not see a way out.

Let her tell you herself

You are a man. Therefore, do not wait until the moment when she decides to leave and leaves you with nothing. Just talk to her and find out what her plans are. She can lead you by the nose for months, and then cheat on you with one of your friends.

You need to do one thing: in a calm environment, just ask a direct question: “I see that something is happening. Tell me honestly, do you want to break up with me?” That's it!

If you have a chance to save the relationship, she will definitely start talking about what doesn’t suit her. And if she made a decision for herself a long time ago, you will make her task easier and you will be able to quickly move away from the situation.

Initially, you need to figure out why the girl is losing interest, and then solve the problem:

Always take into account women's perspective on the issue:

Want say something to a girl to make her melt? Let's first figure out how and why to do this.

As you’ve already heard somewhere, girls love with their ears. They like it when guys compliment them. But you should understand that a compliment is different from a compliment. Because you can say something that is not at all appropriate in a given situation, and also look unnatural at the same time.

I would like to say more about the last point. When you communicate with a girl, try to make your communication with her look as natural as possible. Guys often try to say what they think the girl wants to hear. This is wrong, as speech begins to sound forced and unnatural. Of course, when you behave unnaturally, it repels the other person.

How to say nice things to a girl

Therefore, when you want to give a girl compliments to make her melt, try to speak from the heart, and the way you want it. In this case, he will really appreciate your sincerity. This article gives some examples of what to say. But if you want to say it sincerely, you can very quickly come up with something of your own. After all, every girl is unique. Think carefully about what you like most about her, what makes your heart beat faster. Maybe it’s some kind of cute habit of hers, a way of speaking, behaving, or just a peculiarity in her appearance. Highlight it, tell her, and show her how this trait has a positive effect on you. The more unexpected the compliment, the more it will impress the girl.

Remember that everything should be in moderation. You can say something very pleasant and unexpected to a girl. But if you constantly bombard her with compliments, she will get used to it and will not perceive them.

What to tell a girl to make her melt - examples

All the phrases below really work. However, use them at the right time. You can write these sentences on VK, or just say them in real life.

#1 Talking to you makes me think about the soulmate theory.

#2 I can't imagine my life without you in it.

#3 How do you always manage to look so attractive?

#4 I feel happy next to you.

#5 You always know how to surprise me.

#6 You're so cute when you smile.

#7 I dreamed about you last night.

#8 I'm crazy about your smell.

#9 You dance so well!

#10 When I see your smile, my mood rises to the skies.

#11 And why did I only meet you now?

#12 You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.

#13 Your eyes are so deep and expressive that you can drown in them.

#14 Your love for me makes me move mountains every day.

#15 You are very cute when you sleep.

Now you know what to say to a girl to make her melt.
