Driving around the traffic circle, turn signals. Features of circular motion. But there must be a good reason to challenge it.

Since November 8, 2017, significant changes have been made to the traffic rules regulating the rules of roundabouts. They must be followed to avoid accidents.

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Compliance with traffic rules is vital necessity. A motorist must know what to do in a certain situation.

For example, if an intersection includes traffic in a circle, the traffic rules for this section mean right choice lanes and safe exit from this part of the road.

It is important to comply with certain standards, because otherwise there may be a possibility of an emergency situation.

Key Aspects

Driving around roundabouts is a problem for some drivers, and many are unaware that they are driving roundabouts incorrectly.

Thus, they create emergency situations and make other traffic participants worry, who are forced to maneuver to avoid an accident.

For driving incorrectly around the roundabout, the driver will be fined. The driver's driver's license may also be taken away.

It is especially important to understand all the features of traffic rules for beginners who have recently gotten behind the wheel and have not yet gained experience.

What is a roundabout intersection

A roundabout is a section of the road that is shaped like an island and travels counterclockwise.

If traffic is driving on the left side of the road, then at this intersection traffic will be directed in the opposite direction.

Photo: Roundabout at an intersection

Circular traffic is carried out until vehicles leave this part of the road. Intersections of this type are not regulated. There are no traffic lights installed on them.

In such a situation, the one driving around the circle has priority; drivers entering the circle are required to give way.

Turning on the turn while driving this part of the road is not mandatory. The need for their use is advisable only when the motorist wants to change lanes.

Where are these signs installed?

The “Roundabout” sign is placed at the entrance to the roundabout. Pedestrian crossings located on the ring are always unregulated.

And signs and markings indicate priority traffic at the intersection. The traffic rules have a specific list of road elements that are allowed to be installed on the roundabout and in front of it.

Signs that may appear before:

  • "Roundabout Circulation";
  • "Give Way";
  • "Main Road";
  • "Non-stop traffic is prohibited."

When driving with stops, a car approaching an intersection must stop and let other vehicles moving on it pass and then enter. Otherwise, the motorist will violate the traffic rules, which may lead to an accident.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The traffic rules do not provide a separate paragraph that would describe in detail how to move correctly on a roundabout.

Traffic rules experts point to paragraph 13.9, but it only stipulates the rules about entering a circle in two situations - the circle is the main and additional road.

This paragraph does not specifically describe circular motion. Paragraph 13.9 teaches motorists to only pay attention to the signs when entering the roundabout.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation”, which entered into force on November 8, 2017, prescribes the rules for driving roundabouts.

After this document comes into force at intersections, priority is given to vehicles located on the circle.

According to the decree, at the intersection of equivalent roads, the owner of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles passing on the right. Tram drivers must also follow this rule.

Directions for driving around a roundabout

Driving through the circle begins at the entrance to the circle. Regulation at intersections of this type occurs without the help of a traffic light.

Turn signals are devices that drivers sometimes forget about when crossing this section of the road. This is a gross violation, because driving in a circle may contain many maneuvers, about which other motorists must be warned.

Photo: roundabout rules

It is important to pay attention to the technical means of organizing travel before entering. Usually the roundabout intersection is a priority, but other roads are not always of secondary importance.

When moving around the ring, a motorist is obliged to follow his lane and not become an obstacle to other road users.

And when performing a maneuver you need to use turn signals. In another situation, there is a greater possibility of an accident occurring.

Many motorists do not turn on their turn signals when driving around the ring, deceiving other motorists on the road. Therefore, you need to follow the rules of the DD.

When driving in a circle, each driver must adhere to the rules of passage. There are often other roads adjacent to the roundabout. The motorist must think in advance what maneuvers he will perform.

How to choose the right stripe

In modern traffic rules there is clause 8.5, which prescribes that motorists, when turning right or left, as well as when making a U-turn, take the extreme position on the road, taking into account the direction of the turn.

The exception is when driving through a roundabout. That is, today a motorist can enter the ring along any of the lanes.

At the same time, the motorist must remember that if he enters from the right lane, then he must drive in a circle in the right lane. The same is true for the left inner lane.

If you prefer the entry lane to the roundabout, you should not forget about the exit. For example, consider a three-lane intersection.

When a parent needs to go to the first exit, the correct choice would be the first page. If another exit is necessary, it is better to choose the middle lane.

For the third exit, it is better to choose the left lane on the roundabout. This choice of lanes helps reduce traffic jams.

However, according to the DD rules, nothing will prevent a motorist from driving in any chosen lane. As a result we have:

  • driving around the circle starts from any lane;
  • it is necessary to start moving around the circle from the same lane from which you entered the circle;
  • the choice should be made taking into account the required congress.

Using turn signals when there is a traffic light

The driving rules for the first and second turns are different. The first one is much easier to do. To do this, you need to move into the outer lane as you pass, without interfering with other cars.

Be sure to pay attention to turn signals. You should also reduce your speed. Turning left is more difficult and must only be done in accordance with traffic regulations.

Therefore, you first need to take the left side of the road. The lane change maneuver is performed with the corresponding turn signals turned on.

When driving at intersections regulated by traffic lights, you must first determine which traffic light signal corresponds to the required direction.

If the traffic light consists of three parts, then there will be no problems. In this situation, signals respond in all directions.

If the traffic light has additional green sections, the situation will become more difficult. If the driver needs to turn left or turn the vehicle around, then the direction is answered either by an additional section, the arrow of which points to the left, or by the main section of the traffic light.

When driving straight, the main section of the traffic light always corresponds to the direction. When turning right, you must be guided by either the right section or the main section.

After this, it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to travel at a given time and whether it is necessary to let cars through.

When the green signal turns on, the motorist must give way to vehicles completing the circle and to pedestrians who have not completed crossing the road.

Departure from this traffic according to the new rules

It is not necessary to drive in a circle only in the far right lane. True, it is better for beginners to drive through the ring on the right side.

This solution has a number of advantages. This will save time, because you will not need to change lanes.

The exception is those cases when cars are parked in the right lane. But then it is better to go around them and continue driving on the right side. This solution will help prevent accidents.

If a motorist needs to continue driving straight after crossing the circle, then he must occupy the middle row. This will prevent an accident.

After all, most often motorists who want to continue driving straight along the outer lane meet with motorists in the middle lane who want to turn right.

When leaving a roundabout, a motorist must learn one rule. Exit is only allowed from the far right lane. Before this, if you were driving in another lane, you must give way to the car, after which you can move out.

Amount of fine

Since there are rules, there are also penalties for breaking them. They depend on the violation. The roundabout won't cost you anything if you follow the traffic rules.

The most common mistakes made by motorists:

  • driving in the oncoming lane;
  • ignoring the priority of vehicles traveling along the main road;
  • The turn signal was not turned on when maneuvering.

The exact amounts of fines can be found in regulatory documents. For example, for driving clockwise, a driver’s license is taken away from a motorist.

Having learned to drive on motorways and around the house, everyone sets off on the road with the hope of safe and comfortable driving on the roads. But without knowing the traffic rules, this is almost impossible, especially at intersections.

The first thing you have to determine quickly and accurately on a real journey is: who is in charge, who has what priority on which road, and only then instantly assess your rights to direction, speed and movement.

Traffic rules: roundabouts. Who's in charge

Rules traffic they say that roundabout practically no different from any other road intersection.

Traffic regulations pay attention to intersections, but their significance is equivalent to straight sections of roads and various options rounding on them. Instructors often say that if you look at a circle from above and straighten it out, it will still be the same straight road with turns.

From any point of view, it is road signs that change the state of priorities of road users that are of primary importance on any road. It is especially spelled out in the traffic rules. Who is in charge is determined by road signs 4.3, 2.4, 2.5, and plate 8.13.

You don't need to know much to get it right:

  • enter the circle;
  • drive along it (and this is again a straight road);
  • leave the circle in the right direction.

The simplest and first rule: move from the far right lane to the far right, unless signs or road markings indicate otherwise. Drive only in your own lane and show only the right turn in time. On the roundabout, only to change lanes to the left you need to indicate a left turn. Only leave the circle from the right lane with a right turn unless signs and road markings indicate a different driving option.

On particularly dangerous sections of the roadway, road signs are necessarily repeated - this is further confirmation that of the two important concepts in traffic rules: “circular traffic”, “who is in charge”, the emphasis is on the latter.

Roundabout intersection

By general rule An intersection is where two roads intersect. When one of them is the main one, the question of priority is obvious. When roads of equal importance intersect, priority is determined by the standard formula: and it is always right." The presence of road signs changes the priority.

In traffic rules, traffic in a circle, when it is a roundabout, is determined by sign 4.3 “Roundabout”. At such a road intersection there is always an island, and movement is directly impossible. Both the road and the ring can have several lanes.

As a general rule, entry into a roundabout is made only to the right, only from the far right lane of the road to the far right lane of the roundabout. may indicate other movement options.

Typically, before a roundabout there is a sign 8.13 “Main Road Direction”, as well as signs 2.4 and 2.5.

Thus, in the vast majority of cases, it is difficult to make a mistake in determining priority, since traffic rules around the ring regulate traffic in full. Despite this, there are many nuances.

Psychological aspects of priority

Moving along a familiar route rarely causes difficulties, however, as in any other situation, there is always a chance of being faced with a difficult choice. The road, like an airliner, like an ocean ship, like any other massive structure, harbors the power of cruel objectivity - it does not forgive mistakes, but it always provides enough options for safe movement.

You should never assume that all road users are in a balanced state, not only have high-quality knowledge of traffic rules, but also intend to follow them. “Driving” to a conflict, rather than to the road, is an all too common problem today.

Therefore, it is always important to know, as described in Who's in Charge? The new rules make this clear. It’s just that old habits, which are too strong among experienced drivers to this day, can be a problem for a beginner who finds himself on the right, especially in a difficult situation on the ring.

When choosing a route and determining the behavior of other road users, you should strictly follow the rules and expect that others will do the same, but you should never lose sight of the possibility of an unforeseen situation.

Determining priority in any matter rarely causes difficulties for a person. Here's the time to take the right decision practically not required. On the road, the scale of values ​​comes to a grinding halt, and everything changes significantly.

Strange roundabout

A roundabout isn't anything special compared to other road crossing options, but it never hurts to be vigilant and prioritize correctly.

Such a circle is difficult to notice; here, entering (and not passing by) the roundabout is carried out in a straight line. It is not always made in the form of a circle. Various tangent options appear in the most unexpected places. Therefore, it is very important to pay close attention to the signs.

Entering a roundabout

On the road, you need to take into account all the nuances. To drive through a roundabout safely and comfortably, first of all, you need to pay attention to the road signs in front of the intersection. If there is only a 4.3 road sign, it is best to choose the right lane, indicate a right turn, make sure that the cars on the circle remember that they have an obstacle on the right instead of priority, and boldly enter. But as soon as the vehicle is on the circle, everyone has equal rights until the first intersection, at which the one on the right will be right.

If 2.4 or 2.5 is added to sign 4.3, you will have to give way or stop altogether.

If the road in front of and at the intersection is divided into traffic lanes, and there are road markings or signs of special regulations on them, then priority and actions should be determined taking this into account.

Driving through the intersection

We should never forget what is defined as driving on a straight road. When changing to a lane to the left, you need to show a turn, to a lane to the right - too, but a right turn does not give any right to turn right if the car is in the second lane. Even if there are road markings on the second lane allowing a right turn, you should make sure that the car to the right will not go straight.

An important point: the rules for driving around the ring require you to remember where the main road begins and ends. Where this is important, an appropriate version of the 8.13 sign indicating the direction of the main road is displayed at each entrance.

Leaving the intersection

As a general rule, it begins with an indication of a right turn, made from the right lane to the right lane. If there are signs and markings and there is no obstacle on the right, then you can turn from the second or even third lane. Although the third, fourth or more stripes on the ring are intended for other purposes.

All changes in lanes inside the ring are carried out similarly to driving on a straight road, taking into account those moments (usually only the right lane is affected) that are imposed by the priority of drivers entering the ring at the place where their main road is.

Before leaving the roundabout in the wrong lane, you need to be absolutely sure that there is no obstacle moving straight ahead on the right.

Have a nice trip!

Knowing the rules and following them is important and necessary, but after 2010 it is advisable to re-read the section in the traffic rules “Circular Traffic”. Who is in charge on the ring, the rules are described in detail. This is just one paragraph, but many experienced drivers can, out of habit, drive like in the old days. good times, and this is already creating an emergency situation.

Just don’t take this as a basis. The road is the road, and it's not a matter of roundabouts, and certainly not new changes in the rules.

You need to know the traffic rules and apply them correctly, you need to drive carefully and carefully, and set your priorities correctly. Then the journey will be safe and comfortable, and passengers and cargo will be delivered to the right point at the right time.

Lyudmila asks:

What is the procedure for turning on your turn signals when entering a roundabout?

Answers the question Yuri Krasnov:

In this article, an attempt will be made to consider the issue of turning on direction indicators when approaching a circle, when exiting a circle, when driving around a circle and when leaving a circle.

Let us immediately make the following reservations:

1. We do not initially determine where the driver plans to go when passing a roundabout

It is better when the driver takes a position in advance that will allow him to take the desired exit from the roundabout without any problems.

Thus, if you immediately go right across the circle, then it is better to occupy the first row.

If you need to leave the roundabout and take the second exit, we occupy the middle row.

If you leave the circle for the third (fourth and further) exit, take the middle or leftmost lane.

And in practice, experienced drivers use this. They know that the fastest way to enter the circle is from the first row, since then they can easily change into any row they need and move to where they need to go.

Therefore, we will not specify where the driver needs to go after going on the circle, since in real conditions there can be many possible options for the development of situations.

2. We don’t deal with dangerous situations.

In the article, the issue of motion trajectory is discussed in relation to one car.

Naturally, in most cases, the driver does not move alone and must, when entering the main road, when changing lanes, or when a vehicle approaches from the right (in the absence of markings), give way to the neighboring driver.

There is one more unspoken rule - you need to maintain a “row” when driving around the circle. But many drivers have the wrong concept of rowing.

And you can establish a safe exit procedure by competent traffic management, in particular by markings.

The issue of rowing is also not discussed in this article.

3. We do not indicate what kind of traffic organization is at the intersection

The main road in the Republic of Belarus is mainly in a circle. There are different intersections. The number of rows on the circle and the number of rows when entering the circle may be different, and the markings may be applied in different ways. In the article we will consider the issue of turning on direction indicators in relation to the applied markings or in the absence of markings. And you, dear drivers, when you find yourself in real road conditions, you will be able to understand for yourself which turn signal to turn on under what circumstances.

We will give examples of possible vehicle trajectories based on practical observations of how our drivers move in real conditions. All situations will be dealt with separately.

What is a circle?

So, based on the traffic rules, a “circle” is an intersection at which roundabout traffic is organized.

Let's take an average intersection with a generally accepted traffic pattern. Three lanes for traffic on the circle and three lanes for entering and exiting the circle.

Let's mark the boundaries of this intersection.

All that is shaded is one intersection, not four (three, five) separate T-intersections.

Approach to the roundabout

Based on the fact that the circle is one intersection, when approaching the intersection in any car, regardless of lane, the right turn signal must be turned on. After all, when entering an intersection in any lane, we make a right turn.

As soon as we have crossed the boundary line of the intersection, we begin to move along the bend to the right and look at the same time, what should we do next? That is, leave the right turn signal already on, turn it off, or switch to the left turn signal.

Departure for a circle

Let's consider possible options when exiting (entering) a roundabout:

1. We enter the circle in the first lane and take the first exit to the right

2. We enter the roundabout in the second lane and take the first exit to the right

We enter the intersection with a right turn and exit the intersection with a right turn.

3. We enter the circle in the first lane, intending to continue moving in a circle

We enter an intersection with a right turn. Moving along the bend, we switch to the left turn signal, as we see that when entering the circle we will cross the marking line on the left.

4. We enter the circle in the second lane, intending to continue moving in a circle

When entering a roundabout, you can avoid changing lanes to the left.

We enter an intersection with a right turn. Having entered the circle, turn off the turn signal and continue driving in the circle.

You can drive out and change lanes to the left.

In this case, when entering the circle, we will cross the marking line on the left. Therefore, we enter an intersection with a right turn, and moving along the bend, we switch to the left turn signal, since we see that when entering the circle we will need to cross the marking line on the left.

5. We enter the circle in the third lane, intending to continue moving in a circle

We enter an intersection with a right turn. Moving along the bend, we switch to the left turn signal, as we see that when entering the circle we will cross the marking line on the left and, changing lanes, occupy the lane we need.

Moving in circles

If we are moving in a circle in our lane and there are marking lines to the left and right of the car, there is no need to blink when turning.

The name of the intersection contains a traffic pattern: a roundabout.

This means that if we do not need to change lanes to the left, right, or move to the right, then the blinking of the turn signal is not a light signal provided for by the rules.

To avoid getting into trouble, the driver should be aware that not all roundabout intersections have a roundabout. Driving rules corresponding to roundabouts apply only at those intersections where these road signs are installed. Thus, if a 4.3 traffic rules road sign is not installed in front of an intersection, then you must drive through it in accordance with the general requirements for driving through street intersections.

Road sign 4.3 “Roundabout”

Roundabout: driving rules

At intersections with organized roundabouts, the direction of movement along the circular road is set counterclockwise, which, by the way, is indicated by arrows on the road sign. If the arrows on the sign are directed clockwise, this means that the sign is “homemade” and its effect has no legal force. In this case, you need to cross the roundabout like a regular uncontrolled intersection, if there are no other priority signs.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on October 26, 2017 changing the priority of cars at a roundabout intersection. New rules for driving around roundabouts come into force on November 8th. According to the decree, now priority will be given to those who move in the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. The new rules apply only to equivalent intersections, which are indicated only by sign 4.3 and are installed in all directions. At unequal intersections, priority signs are additionally installed and drivers are required to follow the requirements of the signs. Read more about this below.

Driving through roundabouts requires drivers to follow certain rules. These include correct entry into the intersection, traffic, and exit selection. Violation of established standards can easily lead to an accident.

Basic rules for driving around the ring

A roundabout is a section of a road in the shape of a circle that travels counterclockwise. It is a continuation of the right-hand route.

According to the new roundabout rules, the following procedure applies::

  1. The car located on the ring has priority over other participants;
  2. When entering a circle, you must give way to all cars passing through it.

The changes have streamlined the process of driver orientation at the roundabout, and also simplified the passage process. Therefore, when determining who is in charge at such an intersection, it is worth considering that according to the new rules, the circle has a preferential position in relation to adjacent routes.

The absence of a “Give Way” instruction does not change the order of passage at the intersection. Additional regulation is carried out through a traffic light. It is usually installed at intersections with multiple lanes. There is no traffic light on a single-road roundabout.

While driving around, each driver stays in his own lane. If it is necessary to change lanes, a signal must be given to other participants.

Before such an intersection, 2 types of signs are installed:

To properly navigate the roundabout, you must follow the following rules:

Video: Driving through roundabouts

Administrative punishment

Driving in a circle implies the likelihood of committing the following violations:

  • The driver did not yield the right of way to the vehicle having the right of way.
  • Following in the lane of the opposite direction.
  • Lack of signals warning of the intention to perform a maneuver. You only need to turn on the turn signal when changing lanes at the roundabout. When entering, you are allowed not to use the signal.
  • Stop at the roundabout.
  • Leaving the circle without first changing lanes to the farthest lane on the right.

Violation of the rules will result in administrative punishment in the form of a warning or fine. Depending on the violation, the relevant article of the administrative code applies:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules for crossing an intersection (Article 12.13). Failure to comply with the requirement of the rules to give way to vehicles in the right of way is a fine of 1,000 rubles.
  2. Incorrect execution of the maneuver (Article 12.14). Performing a maneuver without giving a warning light signal, entering or exiting a roundabout without first occupying the corresponding lane. Reversing. For such violations, a warning or 500 rubles is provided.
  3. You can park your vehicle at a distance of at least 5 meters before the intersection. If this requirement is violated, the fine will be 500 rubles (12.19).

A more severe penalty, including deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle, is applied when driving through a red traffic light (repeated violation) or driving against the same direction.

Following the rules will help you not only avoid punishment, but also avoid getting into an accident on the ring.
