E.P. Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine". The Seven Root Races of Humanity. Root races of earthly humanity Racial evolution of life on Earth

Based on theosophy and the Teachings of the Lords of Wisdom

Lecture 4. Distant past and near future of the Fifth Root Aryan Race

Chapter IV. Distant past and near future of the Fifth Root Aryan Race

Fifth Root Aryan Race

Finally, our narrative has reached the current Fifth Root Race, also called Aryan. According to the Secret Doctrine, it began approximately 1,000,000 years ago, that is, almost 200,000 years before the catastrophe that destroyed the main land masses that made up the continent of Atlantis. Since the “Secret Doctrine” states that the majority of humanity still belongs to the Fourth Race, it can be concluded that the periods of the Fourth and Fifth Races “superimposed” each other for almost a million years.

Great Exodus

The Secret Doctrine states that when the time comes for a change of Races, that part of humanity which is to become the progenitors of the new Race is separated from the rest in order to be preserved, while those who have “fallen into sin” are doomed to destruction. during the next cataclysm.

This group is called in esoteric philosophy by the term Shishta or Manu seed– that is, the seed for the new Root Race of humanity.

So "from a small number of people of the Third Race, the northern Lemurians", who remained unharmed when the continent of Lemuria was destroyed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the Atlantean Race arose.

A similar event occurred when those who were to become the ancestors of the people of the Fifth Root Race left the continent of Atlantis, doomed to flood. This event has been preserved in the memory of many peoples around the globe, in the form of various tales and legends. In particular, the Secret Doctrine states that it is precisely this that underlies the story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, as set out in the book of the Old Testament, Exodus.

“Many hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the events described in the Bible as the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. And in fact, I incarnated on Earth with the mission to lead the Fifth Root Aryan Race from the continent of Atlantis to the continent of Eurasia, then recently formed. Much later, these events were transformed and transformed in legends and tales of different peoples and reached modern readers in the form as they are set out in the Bible.

But these events are much older.

We were on a hostile continent. There was a continuous war between those who retained devotion to God in their hearts, and those who, remembering their Source, nevertheless succumbed to the temptations of the illusory world and used their abilities to gain benefits in this world.

Everything was exactly the same as in your days.

There were people who retained a spark of Divinity within themselves, and there were those who decided to use Divine energy to assert their own power and power.

Everything was exactly the same as now. Very few people belonging to the new Race, which grew up in the depths of the old Atlantean Race, were ready to rise to the next stage of evolutionary development.

I incarnated on Earth, and I was faced with the task of separating this chosen people, the seed of the future Race, from the Atlantean Race, mired in sin, leading this people to the Promised Land, so that the continent on which sin reigned would be destroyed by the waters, swept away from the face Earth together with the rebellious Atlanteans, unwilling to submit to the Will of God.

I gathered people who believed me and led them to a new Land in the East.

These people had to forget the very existence of sin on the Earth. I gave them a new Law written on tablets, a Law that was understandable and established the basic principles necessary for the development of a new human Race."

Place of origin

According to the “Secret Doctrine”, the Fifth Race, like each of its predecessors, had its own “ancestral home” - a place where it could develop and separate itself from the previous Fourth Race. The Secret Doctrine repeatedly mentions that this place was in Central Asia:

“Occultists say that if the fourth race, in a sense our antipode, originated and developed on the Atlantic continent, then the fifth race originated and developed in Asia. (For example, the ancient Greek geographer Strabo calls Aryana, the land of the Aryans, a country located between the Indian Ocean in the south, the Hindu Kush and Paropamise in the north and the Persian Gulf in the west)" .

“Under the huge “salt valley” of Dasht Beyad near Khorasan, the remains of the world’s most ancient civilizations are buried; It took a lot of time for land to appear in place of the sea, and then the fertile soil turned into the dead Shamo desert, under the shifting sands of which the traces of the first civilization of the fifth race probably disappeared forever.” .

It was from this center that subsequent waves of Aryan migration to other areas began.

Branches of the Root Races

Just as any relatively long cycle consists of smaller cycles, so the Root Race is divided into seven components, called sub-races. Each sub-race, in turn, is also subdivided into seven smaller components, which may be called branches or related races, which, in turn, are also divided into separate nationalities. All these sub-races, related races, etc. also represent certain stages that evolving human monads go through. Thus, the total number of incarnations that a monad goes through during each Root Race is significant.

As Mahatma Kuthumi writes to his correspondent Sinnett:

“...the most sublime (spiritually) of the peoples now living on Earth belongs to the first subrace of the fifth root race; these are Asian arias. And the race that is most advanced in terms of physical intelligence, the youngest subrace of the fifth race, is you, the white conquerors. The majority of humanity also belongs to the seventh sub-race of the fourth root race - these are the aforementioned Chinese and their offspring and offshoots (Malays, Mongols, Tibetans, Javanese, etc.) with the remnants of other sub-races of the fourth race and the seventh sub-race of the third race. All fallen, degraded examples of humanity are direct descendants of highly developed, civilized peoples who left behind neither memory nor name, except perhaps in some books, such as the Popol Vuh (the sacred book of the Guatemalans) and several others unknown to science » .

The division of the Root Race into sub-races and smaller divisions can be schematically represented in the form of a tree:

“The main trunk of the tree can be compared to the Root Race [A].

Its large branches are with various sub-races, the number of which is seven [B1 B2, B3, etc.].

On each of these branches there are seven "branches" or "related" races[s].

The cactus-like plant is the best illustration, for its "fleshy" leaves are covered with sharp needles, each of which can be compared to one nation or tribe of human beings." .

Subraces of the Fifth Root Race

There is not much information about the various subraces of the Fifth Root Race in the Secret Doctrine. We can say with confidence that the first subrace includes the Aryan population of India, and the last fifth subrace includes their Western brothers: the peoples of Europe, the Slavs:

“The most sublime (in spiritual terms) of the peoples now living on Earth belongs to the first sub-race of the fifth root race; these are Asian arias. And the race that is most advanced in terms of physical intelligence, the youngest subrace of the fifth race, is you, the white conquerors.” .

A.P. speaks about another subrace of the Fifth Root Race in one of his letters. Sinett teacher Kuthumi: “The Greeks and Romans were small sub-races, and the Egyptians were an integral part of our current Caucasian trunk” .

Also in the “Secret Doctrine” there is a mention of a fourth subrace:

“Nevertheless, the meaning is clear, for all three Zodiacs belong to three different eras; namely, to the last three kindred races of the fourth sub-race of the Fifth Root Race, each of whom must have lived from about 25,000 to 30,000 years. The first of them, the "Aryan Asiatics", witnessed the judgment of the last peoples - the giants of Atlantis (Ruta and Daitya - Islands-Continents), who died about 850,000 years ago at the end of the Miocene Age . The fourth sub-race witnessed the destruction of the last remaining Atlanteans, the Ario-Atlanteans, on the last island of Atlantis, about 11,000 years ago." .

Also belonging to the Fifth Race are Semitic peoples, including Arabs and Jews:

“The Semites, especially the Arabs, are the later Aryans, degenerated spiritually and improved materially. All Jews and Arabs belong to this category. The former are a tribe descended from the Chandala of India, from the outcasts, many among them being ex-Brahmins who sought refuge in Chaldea, Sind and Arya (Iran) and, in fact, were born from their father A-Brahm (Non- Brahmin), about 8000 BC. The latter, the Arabs, are the descendants of those Aryans who did not want to go to India during the dispersion of nationalities, some of them remained in the lands bordering it, in Afghanistan, in Kabul and along the Amu Darya River, while others penetrated and captured Arabia . But that was when Africa had already risen like the Continent.” .

The approximate time of existence of each of the sub-races and their smaller branches can be deduced from the following fragment:

“So, our Fifth Root Race had already existed - as a Race sui generis and completely independent of its main trunk - for about 1,000,000 years; therefore it should be noted that each of the four preceding sub-races lived approximately 210,000 years; thus each kindred race has an average existence of about 30,000 years, and thus the European "kindred race" has plenty of thousands of years ahead of it, although the peoples or countless needles on it change with each successive "season" of three or four thousand years. It is very interesting to note the comparative approximation in duration between the lives of the “racial family” and the Star Year.” .

At the end of the passage quoted above, a hint is given of the connection of the life cycle of each kindred race (one of which is the European kindred race) with the concept of the Sidereal Year. Despite the fact that astrological calculations are one of the most secret components of the esoteric Doctrine, several facts have been revealed. Let us dwell on this issue in a little more detail, since it is extremely important for the present historical moment.

Language of the stars

According to the “Secret Doctrine”, astrology, that is, the science of predicting probable future events from the movement of stellar bodies, together with its “exoteric sister” astronomy, were part of those Sacred Sciences that were taught by the Lords of Wisdom to humanity, starting with the Third Root Race. The secrets of this science were possessed by the Initiates of the Third and Fourth Races. For example, the Secret Doctrine mentions Asuramaya, a great astronomer of Atlantean origin, whose astronomical calculations are still used by Initiates:

“The chronology and calculations of the initiated Brahmins are based on the Hindu records of the Zodiac and on the works of the above-mentioned Astronomer and Magician - Asuramaya. The Atlantean records of the Zodiac cannot be mistaken, for they were compiled under the guidance of those who were the first teachers of mankind and who taught them astronomy among other things." .

This area should be the subject of special research. In this work, we will briefly touch upon only one of its aspects.

In the "Secret Doctrine" the concept of the Sidereal or Sidereal Year is repeatedly encountered - this is the cycle of the so-called precession(changes in direction) of the earth's axis. The consequence of precession is the annual displacement of the points of the spring and autumn equinoxes towards the apparent annual movement of the Sun. In other words, each year the equinox occurs approximately 20 minutes earlier than the previous year.

Due to precession, the points of the spring and autumn equinoxes, which are the intersection of the equator (the plane perpendicular to the Earth's rotation axis) and the ecliptic (the plane along which the Earth rotates around the Sun), shift relative to the zodiacal zone. Considering that the entire cycle takes a period of 25,868 years, then for each Epoch (the location of the vernal equinox point in a certain sign of the Zodiac) there are a little more than two thousand years. Now the point of the spring equinox is on the border of the areas of the signs of Pisces and Aquarius.

“According to Seneca, Berosus taught to prophesy about every future event and cataclysm according to the Zodiac; and the times established by him for the destruction of the World by fire - Pralaya - and for the flood, correspond to the times given in one ancient Egyptian papyrus. A similar catastrophe occurs with each resumption of the cycle of the Sidereal Year, calculated at 25,868 years." .

To know when the next Star Year will end, you need to understand when it began. Different astrological systems count the beginning of their Zodiac in different ways.

The Secret Doctrine gives information about the Hindu Zodiac and states that this calculation of the beginning of the Sidereal Year most accurately corresponds to the information received from the original teachers of mankind. When this happened can be judged from the following fragment:

“It is said that the Kali Yuga Cycle began between the 17th and 18th February in the year 3102 BC. But the Hindus assert that in the year 20,400 before Kali Yuga, the beginning of their Zodiac coincided with the vernal equinox - and at that time the conjunction of the Sun and Moon occurred - and Bayi proved, by a long and careful calculation of this period, that even if it were fictitious , then nevertheless the era from which they established the beginning of their Kali Yuga was quite real. This “epoch is the year 3102 BC,” he writes.” .

Having carried out simple calculations, we find that from the beginning of the Hindu Zodiac to 2017: 20400 + 3102 + 2017 = 25519 years. And there are 349 years left before its end, which is just over one percent of the total duration of the cycle of 25,868 years.

That is, the Star Year is coming to an end!

“Sub-races are just as susceptible to similar purifying processes, as are their lateral branches or racial families. Let him who is well acquainted with astronomy and mathematics look back upon the twilight and shadows of the Past. Let him observe and note what he knows of the history of peoples and nations, and compare their respective rises and falls with what are known as astronomical cycles - especially with the Sidereal Year, equal to our 25,868 solar years . Then, if the observer is gifted with even the weakest intuition, he will see how the happiness and misfortune of nations are closely connected with the beginning and end of this Sidereal Cycle.”

“There are certain critical moments in the history of the Earth, as well as of any planet, determined by the Zodiac and determined by cosmic cycles, when the direction, the information field of the Cosmic Law is verified with the direction of the evolution of the life streams inhabiting the planet. And at these moments the development of the planet is adjusted if its deviation from the given direction of movement exceeds a critical level.

This is what happens in your days. The evolution of the planet has deviated from the trajectory set by Cosmic Law and requires adjustment.”

Prophecy about the future of the Fifth Root Race

According to esoteric philosophy, the period of each Root Race can be divided into four intervals: Krita (Satya) Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga or, respectively, the Golden, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages.

These centuries correspond to certain stages in the life cycle of each Race from its infancy, adolescence, maturity to decrepitude and decay. The first of these eras, or the South, is characterized by the fact that in this blessed time people are ruled by Divine Dynasties - the incarnate Lords of Wisdom.

Like its predecessors, the Fifth Root Race had its Satya, Treta, Dvapara Yugas (that is, the periods of the Golden, Silver and Bronze Ages) and in 3102 BC. or about 5 thousand years ago, its Kali Yuga began.

Moreover, in the periods preceding the age of darkness, or Kali Yuga, the Fifth Root Race was also ruled by Divine Dynasties - incarnations of the Lords of Wisdom:

“They reappeared, in turn, as the great Sages and Teachers who “taught” the Fifth Race after they had instructed the two previous Races, and were Rulers during the Divine Dynasties and finally sacrificed themselves to be born again amid various circumstances on the benefit of Humanity at certain critical periods...".

The second volume of The Secret Doctrine provides a table of the duration of the Yug:

However, apparently, these figures are averages, or the data necessary to use them to calculate racial cycles is hidden.

Indeed, if we consider that the Fifth Root Race began only a million years ago, then, according to the table above, it should be located in the Golden Age - Krita Yuga. However, she is in Kali Yuga.

“Knowledge of the previous and absolutely correct divisions of time formed an integral part of the Mysteries, where these sciences were taught to students and where they were transmitted from one Hierophant to another.” .

“No numbers have ever been so confused and distorted as the famous 4, 3, 2, accompanied by the zeros South and Maha-South” .

It should also be taken into account that these cycles are different for different Races. Let us once again quote the fragment already quoted above:

“At its very beginning, the Fifth Race witnessed the death of the cursed sorcerers during the Dwapara Yuga.”

“Dvapara Yuga is different for each Race. All Races have their own cycles, which is a factor for greater differences. For example, the Fourth Atlantean Race was in its Kali Yuga when they were destroyed, while the Fifth was in its Satya or Krita Yuga, the Aryan Race is now in its Kali Yuga and will be there for another 427,000 years; while the various "kindred races," called Semites, Hamites, etc., are in their own peculiar cycles. The coming Sixth Race - which may begin very soon - will be in its Satya (Golden) Age, while we will still be reaping the fruits of our iniquity in our Kali Yuga." .

Correct calculation of cycles would make it possible to calculate with mathematical accuracy the time of the main critical events for a particular Root Race, sub-race, related race or people. Apparently, humanity is not yet ready for this knowledge to be widely open. However, some hints are still given.

As Mahatma Kuthumi wrote to Sinnett:

“The approach of each new darkening is always heralded by cataclysms associated with fire or water. But beyond this, the history of each root race is, as it were, divided in two by another of these catastrophes. Thus, having reached the pinnacle of its glory and greatness, the fourth race - the Atlantean - was destroyed by water. And now you see only its wild and degenerate remnants, each of whose sub-races nevertheless had periods of later glory and relative greatness.

Since at the beginning of its cycle each sub-race, like the Root Race, passes through its Krita Yuga, those who are fortunate enough to be among the pioneers of this sub-race will taste all the joy of life in the Golden Age.


The time has come to summarize all of the above and draw conclusions.

The general pattern in the evolution of the Root Races of humanity is as follows:

  • People who have reached a level in their consciousness corresponding to the new Race coexist for some time with the predecessor Race.
  • At a certain point, the development of scientific and technological progress and the simultaneous moral degradation of society reaches such a level that such a civilization begins to threaten the continuation of evolution on the planet. Its mainland is destroyed by a cataclysm. And the surviving representatives of this Race begin their downward cycle of decline and degradation.
  • Shortly before this, the most advanced representatives of the old Race in terms of their level of spiritual development, as well as the pioneers of the new Race, separate from the rest of the people in order to become the seed of the new Race. For them, the era of the Golden Age begins, characterized by the flourishing of culture, true sciences and arts. In this environment, the best representatives of humanity, as well as the Lords of Wisdom, are embodied as Rulers and Mentors.
  • The surviving representatives of the old Race and their descendants coexist with the old Race for a long time. So they are given chance after chance to ascend to the required evolutionary level.

Many of the above materials make you think, Are we not living in this critical time of choice?

After all, how else can one explain why the Lords of Wisdom, especially over the past 150 years, have made such efforts, trying to convey their Ancient Teaching to as many people as possible in order to save as many human souls as possible.

God doesn't want us to suffer. He always provides the opportunity to take the easy path. It is we who doom ourselves to suffering, degradation and extinction by violating His Law. Everyone is given the opportunity to choose. Everyone chooses for themselves which reality they will find themselves in in the near future: the Golden Age of the new subrace or the gloomy Kali Yuga of the old one.

“Those who are with God are not afraid of anything!” They will be saved and will be unharmed. Those who made the opposite choice will have a hard time.

In conclusion, we present a number of fragments from the Messages that the Lords of Wisdom give in our time. Perhaps now much of what is hidden between the lines will become clear.

He who has ears, let him hear!

Messages from the Lords of Wisdom

“The cyclical nature of the development of the Universe and the human community involves cycles of development and cycles of decline. Depending on how much humanity follows the Divine Laws and is ready for the majority to recognize the primacy of the Higher Law in their lives, at critical points in the development of humanity, a global breakdown or partial suspension of the stability of development may occur.

There is always an opportunity to take an easier path. But this opportunity is open only to a few people who sincerely follow the Ancient Teaching and forever connected themselves with God.

The rest of humanity, unfortunately, must face the return of the karma that it itself created through the misuse of Divine energy.

Each person makes his own choice. And each person receives the fruits of his own choice. And those of you who have chosen the illusory world and are enchanted by its devilish attraction, you will remain in the world of your choice.

Those of you who did not succumb to the charm of the illusory world and chose the Divine world will continue their evolution on a new energy level.

The entire Teaching about the time of choice, and the time of separating the wheat from the chaff, and the time of the final battle between Light and darkness has been given by us many times.

And now comes the period when the consequences of your choices must be manifested on the physical plane.”

“...time is inexorable. And the moment of final choice came.

Everyone chooses for themselves: death or life.

Nature has to get rid of those individuals who are not capable of further evolution.

The time of harvest is coming. The harvest is coming.

The grains are separated from the weeds.

Everything that is ready to continue evolution is carefully collected in the Divine bins.

Everything that is not ready to continue evolution remains in the dustbin of history.

Therefore, I use this last opportunity so that at least a few people can hear me and return to eternal Life.

Only a dead person could not hear.”

“The time in which you live is characterized by the term “Spiritual Battle.” This is a battle between Light and Darkness.

Each time cosmic cycles come to an end, there comes a time when souls must make a choice. And depending on this choice, they will either continue their evolution at a new level, or lose their achievements and continue evolution at a lower level, or the evolution of the soul will stop altogether and the angels of death will reap their harvest.

Therefore, at the end of each such cycle, people are given the opportunity to receive an updated Teaching, which will allow souls to have the right guidelines and maintain the possibility of evolution.

Nothing less than Divine perfection can ascend to the next stage of evolutionary development.

A large cosmic cycle is ending. Everything that is not from God will be subject to destruction.

To do this, God allows the riot of opposing forces.

Someone has to do the work to cleanse the planet of space debris.”

“A world that has cut itself off from God is doomed to die. Gradual degradation and death. Along with the dying of the old world, space is made available for the New World. Divine.

However, it is precisely the moment of transition from the old to the New that is the most dangerous time for souls. Because they lose their Divine guidelines and can get lost and die without ever finding a way out of the illusion.

It takes a gigantic force of Faith and Love to survive.

Control over every desire is required.

It is required to take control of the Higher Self with every choice.

You need to walk along a cobweb over an abyss.

Please do not neglect Our advice.

Re-read all the Messages given through our Messenger.

Every single one of them.

It is there that the thread that will lead you out of the labyrinth of illusion into the Divine world is hidden.

And I will meet each of you who have conquered the illusion personally!”

“But what should those who consider themselves light-bearers and are confused before the new reality do?

For you, the task remains the same.

You must act, act and act!

Personal salvation in your time cannot be achieved through prayers and meditation alone.

Service is required, help is required to those who need help.

You have to worry about the future.

Developed souls cannot come to the present conditions.

Only the souls of backward evolutions can be attracted to the conditions that exist on Earth now, especially in large cities.

Therefore, in order for worthy souls, advanced souls, spiritually developed souls to come into incarnation, you must create conditions for the arrival of these souls on the planet right now.

Every step - from preparing future parents to conception, upbringing and education - must be carefully thought out.

Whether you will do this within individual settlements or existing settlements, you will decide for yourself.

However, in large cities the conditions are unsuitable for the coming of the future saviors of humanity.

Your task is to prepare a springboard, a kind of Noah's Ark for preserving the gene pool of Homo sapiens.

Everything matters: food, water, living conditions, training.

If in order to provide all the necessary conditions you need to go into the forests, you need to go into the forests.

If new laws need to be written to ensure conditions, you need to go into politics and seek the adoption of these laws.

You cannot secure your personal salvation at this time without helping humanity as a whole.

You do not have enough “passing grade” to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

So get ready to work.


Roll up your sleeves!

Right now, self-sacrifice is required for the future of humanity!

Salvation is in your hands!

Don't wait for step-by-step instructions!

Get to work immediately!”

The lecture was prepared by K.E. Krasnikov

One of the Mahatmas says in "Esoteric Buddhism" (p. 64): "In the Eocene Period, even in its first part, the great cycle of people of the Fourth Race [Lemuro] of the Atlanteans had already reached its highest point [of civilization], and the great Continent, the father of almost of all real continents, discovered the first signs of immersion." And on page 70 it is shown that Atlantis perished entirely during the Miocene period. To show how continents, races, peoples and cycles overlap one another, one need only think of Lemuria, the last of whose lands perished 700,000 years before the beginning of the Tertiary Period (p. 65), and the last land of “Atlantis” only about 11,000 years back; and thus one overlapped with the other: one was the Atlantean Period, and the other was the Aryan Period.

Encyclopaedia Britannica". We mentioned this cycle in " Isis Unveiled"(volume I) in connection with other cycles. Each cycle has a significant influence on its contemporary race.

"The Secret Doctrine". Volume II, page 417.

We are talking about the division of Root Races into sub-races, related races, etc. and their connection with the Star Year.

"The Secret Doctrine". Volume II, page 504.

Ibid., p. 86.

Ibid., p. 171.

People of the Fifth Race.

The Fourth Race of the Atlanteans.

"The Secret Doctrine". Volume II, page 514.

Efimov was right. Nobody and nothing can fix the Soviet consumers. A terrible herd, ready to hand over all their loved ones for sausage, to sell their homeland and their lives. That is why, understand the logic of the cause-and-effect relationships between each other and the tomorrow that the Creator is preparing for you.

We are all biorobots - holograms. But, a great device is built into the biorobot - the Soul Matrix. It is she who develops. It is called the Essence or Personality of a person. She is immortal and eternal. And the body is just a temporary hologram. The essence is to be in another dimension next to God. This is a particle of the Creator. And upon rebirth, she is given a new holographic spacesuit - a dense holographic body. The Entity controls this holographic body and senses everything through it. Emotions, pain and fear. This is exactly how the great Essence develops into the likeness of God the Creator. Before us, the earth was inhabited by an energetic race, again temporarily. This is what Jesus Emmanuel told people about. A great prophet who is worshiped by all people on the planet. He talks about a field that the Creator sows with seeds - new races, which each time improve in their abilities. Thus, the Essence Personality itself accumulates experience and strength. The energetic essence of holograms is changing. Some races are lucky, they are energetic and feed on the energies of the Alive. They don't need food. They are free from consumption. This virtual field is constantly being cleaned, rotten chaff is separated from living grains capable of further evolution in the worlds of God. This is necessary for the further expansion of the universe and the creation of new worlds in the Universe. This is how the Essence itself learns.

Scoops are essentially rotten chaff. God says that it is impossible to transform them and make a God-man out of them. Their zombification has gone too far. They are already dead in their essence. The evolution of these consumer souls is useless.

Those who were before the 5th race did not need to eat. They had no kitchens or toilets. They fed on the energies of Alive and were happy.

https://dizzokoo.livejournal.com/110095.html How these holograms were erased before.

Just imagine that you don’t have to worry about your daily bread all the time. There is no need to eat or get food. What freedom of action. There is no need to plow fields and dachas. You don't have to work to buy food. This race had creativity and the creation of beauty in the first place. They created wonderful things at home too. Remember antiquity? The paintings of the statue are beautiful. Only the ability to create beautiful things was valued. Beautiful music and poetry.

https://dizzokoo.livejournal.com/113608.html Facts of the existence of the energy form of holograms.

The 6th race will also be energetic. Read Nostradamus.

https://dizzokoo.livejournal.com/90515.html STAR LADY OF MICHEL NOSTRADAMUS.

He saw the future. These people of the 6th race will be able to breathe underwater and will build cities there. They will fly to the planets of the solar system and build cities there too. And very beautiful and comfortable. But the most important thing is how they will differ from the 5th race. This is faith in God. This is a direct connection with the Creator through a spiritual channel. God says that he is disappointed in the 5th race and the majority will go to hell. You representatives of the 5th race violated the Covenant with God. You came here to become gods. That is, restore direct communication with God and restore your channels of spiritual clairvoyance, spatial knowledge and power. But you forgot everything and betrayed God. Without ever becoming his assistant Creator. But being a Creator means working with his energy flows and managing the earth. The capabilities of a man of God are enormous. We could build a paradise here for everyone. But the 5th race became an enemy of the Creator and fell into the terrible sin of unbelief. By the way, there are a huge number of artificial people on earth. Robots or golems made of clay. And they were also created by the alchemists of the 5th race as slaves. They had so much fun without thinking about the consequences.

The alchemists planted such a bomb on us. And then she exploded. Clay Adamites, simply put - robots without a soul matrix, robbed potential gods and made them slaves. Robots have taken over all the earth's resources. God says: aren’t you ashamed, failed gods, to realize all this? Stooped to the level of slaves? After all, Efimov is telling the truth about you.

These are the children of the 6th race gathered by God in a safe place. It is the center of Siberia that will not be affected by the flood. The remaining areas will be flooded. The 5th race will gradually be removed from the earth. This is already the decision of the Creator and I have been writing about this for a long time. There is such chaos and destruction on earth now. And the erasing of the holograms of the 5th race will be covered up by the 3rd world war and these children of the 6th race will think that the people fought and everyone died. Cunning cover plan. So, all of you enter the octahedron of the Spirit. This is more important than all political games. There are no more politicians. There is only a quantum transition of the 5th race. And there is God’s Last Judgment and your fate for the next 2,600 years. Your birth in some dark and scary worlds depends on your choice now. There is only one year left. You yourself have broken the direct channel of communication with the Creator. You tore it apart, not him. Restore this connection, you have no other way to escape.

The implementation of My Plans is already underway, especially for you, but none of the people yet feel that the World is changing and people’s attitude towards Me is changing.
Because of the hopelessness of the political and financial situation in the country, people are increasingly turning to Me in the hope that I will solve this issue and be able to help people in building a fair society.
This psychologically important “perestroika” process is underway and is expressed in the form of a wide discussion of these issues in society, in the media, most often with an appeal to Me!

This cry of the Soul is already heard not only by Me, but also in society, it is heard by people, and My support for this cry of a person’s Soul is felt in society.
All I need now is an announcement about My presence through you and the appearance of a person to whom I give Knowledge and constant information about changes in society, about changes in a person’s mentality.

This Knowledge will fall on fertile soil, and this information will be positively received by people of all social strata of society, except those in power.
The churches will be one of the first to accept this great News with gratitude, and none of them will oppose it, because the event expected for centuries has happened - people have felt My Participation in human affairs.
Through My Knowledge I address people like this, directly, for the first time in recent thousands of years!

Of course, My Appeal was both through the prophet Christ and through Mohammed, but in terms of the scale of impact, the scale of the volume and means of transmitting Knowledge, such My Appeal is incomparable to anything!

I have already said it, but I will repeat it again: at the border of eras I turn to people and will be heard and accepted by them.
My Appeal, My cry of the Soul is your salvation, there is your new path to the Future! I will unite people with a Single Religion, and all the religious movements of our time will flow into this religion, just as rivers merge into one mighty stream, for which there are and will not be barriers.

When I talk about the revival of the Spirituality of Russia, I mean a surge in the activity of people turned to God, to Me, as the arbitrator, as the Organizer of the World. Spirituality in Russia is the rejection of the material, consumer attitude towards life, the acceptance of the Spiritual essence of religion and basic postulates and goals of human life.

Spiritual values, the desire for personal improvement, for deepening the human Soul will come to the fore. All this will open the gates of Heaven on Earth for people, and everything that was said in the prayer “Our Father” will be realized, and the meaning of human life will be revealed and sparkle star of My Kingdom on Earth!

All the words that I spoke through all the Prophets, including you, will turn out to be real prophecies, and from all the Commandments a single pyramidal structure of the World will be built, finally based on the Spiritual Essence.
What was considered simply unrealistic will become possible - the creation of a human society of the highest justice, Harmony of man and Nature!
A person who has risen to the heights of the likeness of God will be in demand by Me for the high tasks of Eternity.

Of course, not all people will meet My criteria immediately, but the path of recovery will be shown to humanity, and this is the most important thing, since a route will be given, new Knowledge and boundaries of the heights of human Spirituality will be given, to which people should gravitate regardless of the level of development.
Material wealth will no longer be the criterion of success; gold will cease to be a measure of human power and control of others.

New words, new forms of communication between people will become strict rules, and deepening Knowledge, improving personality will very soon be the main criterion for a person’s success before Me. People will finally understand that I determine their purpose in life and I give a task to everyone for a short period of life for On Earth and in Eternity, there cannot be several goals - for each person there is one and its fulfillment is mandatory.

But this is not a military camp with iron discipline, but a reasonable combination of the tasks of man as part of the Universe, and the Harmony of man and the Universe is a manifestation of the highest degree of Love, Faith, and this is Happiness! I don’t want to reveal now all of man’s tasks, but what he must do is his first step into Eternity with Me, is the first step towards harmony between man and Eternity.

I will show and prove to the overly zealous and doubtful this great path of man to Eternity. The first step has already been taken, and humanity is at the brink of the Great Transformations planned by Me and being implemented by Me now.
The world will shake up when I announce new tasks for humanity for the next thousand years and when I reveal your future, destined and inevitable by Me.
Your and your (people's) task is not to resist My Works and accept My Faith, My path for you to Eternity, as Truth, as My Grace!

Sins, sins... How they torment the human Soul and how they crush people and hinder the development and improvement of personality!
It’s good at least that people are aware of their sins and are trying to correct them and join the Highest ideals of Eternity. It’s difficult, I understand how difficult it is to tear yourself away from the dirt, this process is painful, because for a very long time a person was at the bottom, and the path to the top is not only difficult physically, but also especially difficult mentally.

A person, rising, breaks the chains that shackled the Soul and chained him to sins and vices. The process of reviving the personality itself is difficult, not to mention the breaking of a person’s character and the need to rethink the values ​​of the Material World.
I see how this process is going on, I see how difficult it is even for a person chosen by Me to leave, to break free, to break free from the shackles of the sins of this World.
And if it’s difficult for you, then imagine how difficult it will be for ordinary people who have no contact with Me, people who must accept My Words on Faith and receive the illusory Hope of a righteous life “Tomorrow”!

Look how it feels for you and imagine what will happen to people who, after reading the Revelations, after meeting you, will have to accept the Faith and change their ideas about the Material World and its values. Imagine how difficult it will be for them to move to Spiritual values, to change radically your life, while there are still people nearby who not only do not try to change their lives, but do not even want to hear about such things.

Imagine what will happen to these people when the whole world collapses on them, when everything that surrounds them screams about the blessings of material life, about the opportunities and “sweets” of the Material World. How to throw wealth at these people and push away the messages of the Evil One , His offers of a wonderful life now, today and exchange all this “sweet” for My promises of a virtual righteous life “Tomorrow”?

What effort must a person make on himself in order to step into My “Tomorrow”, armed with Knowledge and only Hope for a bright future, not so much even “Tomorrow”, but “the day after tomorrow”! A person can do this only under one condition: when he can be convinced of that My Messenger, My Prophet is real, that he is valid and that he is the guarantor of the happiness I promised!

Therefore, in a sense, you are a hostage of My Reforms, therefore everything good will be good, but the bad will be only yours! I understand that I am telling the naked truth, but you need to know it and understand your role in future events!
Events, historical events that are coming, are really similar in the intensity of human passions to the Day of Judgment, and to the Second Coming, and even to the end of the World! But none of this will happen, but the emotional situation, when a person himself must and tries to tear away yourself from the dirt, it will be akin to Judgment Day!

The only important thing is that this “Judgment Day” will be up to man, his choice of his fate, for only he is given the right to determine his position and place in this historical Performance. I have already said many times that this choice, this independent choice is up to man and he himself will have to decide his fate and make a choice between “Today” and “Tomorrow”!

A difficult, fateful choice between the hand stretched out by Me, the hand of Spiritual Divine Help, and the sticky grip of the Evil One, whispering about the blessings of the world and the sweets of human life on Earth, now and today! The Evil One dissuades a person from choosing “Tomorrow”, offering the satisfaction of any of his desires, until the person is alive.

The evil one insists that nothing will happen later, because “after us there may be a flood” and therefore we must take everything from life now: gold, pleasure, honor, women... - everything you want to satisfy any lust. The Word of God must be of strength in order to overcome the pressure of the Evil One and open the path to the Truth for Man, open his eyes to himself, to the role of Man the Creator in Eternity!

What an intensity of passions, what a breakdown of human consciousness, how difficult the process of revival is, how great and responsible is your role, the real Messenger of God living on Earth. And not just a Messenger of God, or a Prophet, but a Man who is responsible for these historical events before people, going to God!
I showed you what's happening to you. How many times have I prevented you from sinful not only actions, but also thoughts, and now you see how difficult it is to overcome sins and vices. You yourself have seen and felt how difficult it is to overcome yourself and how easily a person engages in self-deception.

I gave you the opportunity to feel the fall and rise, I gave you the opportunity to see these shuttle movements of a person up and down. I showed that without My Help it is difficult for a person to tear himself away from dirt, sins and vices.

Only I can help, only I can tear a person away from the Fall, and the first step towards his purification is My Revelations. A person must hear My Words, understand and accept them, and then he himself, but with My Help, must step over the sins and vices of the Material Peace, take a step into the future.

The first step is difficult, and help to a person in this should come from you, the Man chosen by God for the “God-Man” dialogue, and from My Words written in Revelations. But a person needs to take this step himself, for the sake of the future of his children, his family , country and future of humanity.
..People always get what they strive for, and none of you have ever experienced happiness. It always seems to everyone that it is better with another partner or in another family.

Sincerity and self-sacrifice have always been excluded in human relationships, and life and the Evil One are still adjusting difficult partnerships.
So it turns out that everything is smooth on the surface and disgusting on the inside, because in the family there is constant falsehood, a constant game of decency ultimately results in a family that is fragile, without ideals and common views on life.

I have said many times that life on Earth is “not sugar,” but only a person striving for the Truth, for God, can achieve Harmony of the two halves.
But this happens extremely rarely, and you live following strange rules without Love, without Harmony. And if there is no Love and Harmony in an elementary social unit, in a family, then what can you expect from this Society, from the entire State?

Faith, Truth, Love, Hope and Wisdom begin with the elementary cell of Society. And if there is no agreement in it, but only falsehood, vice and deception, then what can we say about the country as a whole?
This is how your World works: vices and sins determine the style of life both in the family and in society. I understand that it is impossible to overcome this, but there is a path to revival. You only need to tell the truth once, whatever it may be, and only after that you can come to the Truth, to God!

The path to God, the path of purification is a difficult and even very difficult path, but the only one, and there is no other! The whole life of a person on Earth, starting with the family, is an interweaving of sins, vices, lies, self-deception and pride, everything is mixed in this strange word “ marriage” and all that comes out of this “cocktail” is only problems, distorted destinies and a “rotten” new generation.

What do people need, what path do they have to finally come to happiness?
So this is one thing: honesty in everything - both in happiness and in sin; only honesty will put everything in order and open the storehouses of the Soul and give the opportunity to build a Home, Family, Happiness! You cannot accumulate sins, you cannot constantly live in sin or remember it. You need to once open your eyes to each other, open your hearts to each other and repent of your sins before the person (partner), but most importantly, repent of your sins before Me!

I will decide and determine the level of sin and, perhaps, I will even forgive it later, because this sin was provoked, but I will not forgive the person’s Soul.
I still must warn you that your sins, your inconstancy and incorrect lifestyle create problems in family life and excite the inflamed consciousness of a material person, and torment his Soul in the Spiritual World. What do you want if you change your mind every time, Are your decisions related to emotions? Not with serious analysis, or Wisdom, but with emotions, the consequences of which you do not even see.

What can you expect from life “Tomorrow”, which you do not know, but are trying to build this “Tomorrow” based on your superficial emotional ideas?
How much deception, how many betrayals, how many broken destinies, and only because no one wants to look or think about what will happen “Tomorrow”!
And “Tomorrow” belongs to Wisdom, calmness and a balanced decision, and if you have already decided to be with this other half, then please determine the objective criteria for the existence of two sexes.

I know that Love and Harmony are difficult to achieve feelings on Earth, and people, often deceiving themselves, play these games. But you must not forget that this is the main violation of the System, albeit local, but of the Worlds!
You cannot play these games, since Love (and Harmony) is one of the cornerstones of the Universe! Human games in these fundamental concepts lead to an imbalance of the World, and therefore contradict the foundations of My Eternity!

Therefore, dear people, either look, which is really difficult, for a harmonious couple, or do not play these games, because the violation of the Harmony of the elementary cell of society affects the unity of the World. And the greater this violation of Harmony, the greater My reaction in the form of signs, natural disturbances and catastrophes.

Remember: you yourself create natural disasters, you yourself disturb My energetic Space, and the more you rock the World, the worse it is for you. Your life is in your hands!
Remember, I said that “the hand of the giver will not fail”, but “the hand of the one who takes will wither beyond measure”! While humanity only takes, only steals from Nature, and by stealing the natural resources that belong to the Earth, it appropriates, distributes unfairly and unevenly. Some people , including from government agencies, appropriates the lion's share of natural resources that do not belong to them.

Remember that the one who took more, including people from government agencies, will take more either in misfortunes, or health, or family. Everything that is done incorrectly is punished, and the punishment will be ten times greater than what was done. This must never be forgotten; any person, especially those in power, must remember this. If the Church removes such sins, then the punishment will be even more severe.
Everything in this World has its price, including the price of punishment.

Think about these words! You are looking for love, but you only find suffering. And all this is not accidental. Distorted people cannot give you love and happiness.
But God is silent. For a grave sin. For doubting God. He punished everyone with love, so that in torment they learned to believe.

The numbers of the Fibonacci sequence not only underlie different forms of life, but also set the transitional levels of CONSCIOUSNESS of Races (Civilizations), at which qualitative changes in Human CONSCIOUSNESS occur.

In other words, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are sacred numbers and codes through which the CONSCIOUSNESS of Humanity changes according to energy-informational matrices.

Let us analyze Human Civilizations from these positions. As you know, the subtle world is primary in relation to the physical. Therefore, the subtle world arose first, and then the physical.

The densification of the subtle world led to the creation of different forms of life. Among them: elements (water, earth, air, fire, ether), metals, minerals, plants, animals, people, planets, stars, star systems, Galaxies, Universes and MetaUniverses.

All these are forms (BODIES) for the evolution of Divine SUPERENTITIES in successive cycles of reincarnation along the Great Wheel of Samsara. So, Man is only one of the perfect Divine forms of Creation for the embodiment of the Divine SUPERESSENCE.

According to E.P. Blavatsky, it developed on Earth for hundreds of millions of years, successively passing through several Races.

Schemes of the development of Races (Civilizations) of Humanity are presented in Fig. 1 and 2. Until now, the following five Races have consistently developed on Earth:

1) “Self-born”,

2) “Later Born” (Boneless),

3) "Lemurians"

4) "Atlantas"

5) “Aryans” (Slavic-Aryans).

The last Fifth Race of the Aryans (not to be confused with the Germans) is our human Civilization. We are awaiting a Quantum Transition into four-dimensional space to a new evolutionary level of God-Humanity of the Sixth Race of the “Radiant” (Luminous) and the subsequent evolution into the Higher Races.

Each Race develops from the previous one, using all the previously accumulated experience. Representatives of different Races have completely different bodies and different ways of perceiving Reality.

Each Race develops energy information matrices of CONSCIOUSNESS of the corresponding levels (n) and has a certain level of CONSCIOUSNESS (Fig. 2)

The word “CONSCIOUSNESS”, written in capital letters, refers to many levels of CONSCIOUSNESS: “Unconsciousness”, Subconsciousness, Consciousness itself, Awareness, Knowledge, etc.

Regarding our level of OverConsciousness of the Fifth Race (matrix 8 of the 12th levels - n = 8-12), the First Race is at the level of “Half-Consciousness” (n = 1), the Second is at the level of “Unconsciousness” (n = 1-2), the Third - at the level of the Subconscious (n = 3-4), the Fourth - at the level of Consciousness (n = 5-7), the Sixth - at the level of Superconsciousness (SubConsciousness, n = 13-20), the Seventh - at the level of Consciousness (n = 21- 33), the Eighth - at the level of Superconsciousness (n = 34-54), the Ninth - at the level of Superconsciousness (SubKnowledge, n = 55-88), and the Tenth - at the level of Knowledge (n = 89-143). As we see, qualitative changes in CONSCIOUSNESS during transitions through the CONSCIOUSNESS matrices occur at levels corresponding to the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 143…


The first Race of people, which was called “self-born,” arose on Earth under the sign of the Sun, in the form of astral, semi-ethereal beings by densifying the subtle world, that is, the world of psychic energy. More precisely, such a “person” was a structured information hologram of the astral level. These were angelic people with a wave body structure who could freely pass through any solid objects. They appeared as glowing, ethereal forms of moonlight in the form of shadows. The size of such “people” was enormous - comparable to the size of mountains - about 1.5 km in diameter.

The body of the people of the First Race had a coral-like shape and easily changed its contours. The self-born were one-eyed and did not have physical vision, but astral-etheric vision. This function was performed by something like a “third eye.” They had no linguistic communication. Communication with the outside world and the Higher Cosmic Mind was carried out telepathically - by “transferring thoughts” at a distance.

Representatives of the First Race had no Reason and were like plants, reproducing through division and budding. They could live in any conditions and at any temperature. People of the First Race were on the matrix of the first level of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 1), which corresponds to a semi-conscious level of CONSCIOUSNESS in relation to the modern Man of the Fifth Race (Fig. 2). Both at the beginning of its development and at the end, the CONSCIOUSNESS of this Civilization corresponded to the Fibonacci sequence number n = 1. The frequency of transition to the next evolutionary level was equal to 2 Hz, therefore the vibration frequency of this space is in the range from the 1st to the 2nd overtone. The First Race did not die, but simply dissolved into its offspring - the Second Race, which was more physically dense. “Death did not exist in that era, more blissful than the “Golden Age.” Humanity will come to such a radiant existence only in the Seventh Race.”


The Second Race of people was called “later born” or “boneless”. It arose through budding from the First Race. The Second Race was born under the sign of the planet Jupiter. These “people” were also ghost-like, but denser than the First Race.

“Man” of the Second Race went through the process of compaction and materialization. It already had significant elements of matter and was an ethereal, semi-materialized ghost-like being with a golden yellow color. The height of the “people” of the Second Race was about 30 - 50 meters. The early boneless were also one-eyed, and communicated with each other through thought transfer. They reproduced through budding and sporulation. At the end of the Second Race, representatives of the Higher Civilizations (HC), supervising the development of earthlings, gave the boneless a kind of “grafting” for the appearance of male, female and neuter genders in “people”. Late boneless - intermediate forms - hermaphrodites appeared, in which three personalities began to develop simultaneously in one body: male, female and average. These forms already had three eyes: the left - female, the right - male and the middle - the third eye. Such an entity, only vaguely reminiscent of a person, was an insect-like creature with three faces (each with one eye), three pairs of arms and three pairs of legs. This allowed her to move easily and provide herself with food.

This has come to us as ancient Indian images of the Gods: Brahma with three faces and Shiva with many arms (Fig. 3 and 4). Representatives of the Second Race were on matrices from the first to the second levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 1 2), which corresponds to the unconscious level of CONSCIOUSNESS (Fig. 2). At the beginning of its development, this Civilization corresponded to the Fibonacci sequence number n = 1, and at the end - n = 2. The transition frequency was 3 Hz. The vibration frequency of this space is from the 1st to the 3rd overtone. The Second Race was already mortal, it could be destroyed by the elements of Water, Air and Fire. Its location is Hyperborea - “a country that extended its capes in a southern and western direction from the North Pole ... and contained all that is now known as Northern Asia.” She was a flourishing continent that did not know winter or night. But the time has come for this Race to change due to a planetary catastrophe - a shift in the Earth’s axis. The great waters of the oceans changed the appearance of the continents. Most of the representatives of the Second Race died during the first planetary cataclysms and the solidification of the Earth.


According to the information of God Thoth and the Sumerian chronicles, the Human Civilization itself (the Third Race - the Lemurians) is about 200,000 years old, but on Earth long before that and long before the Nephilim (see below) there were other Higher Civilizations, much more developed than the Nephilim and all civilizations that existed after them.

Information about the origins of Human civilization is presented in detail in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” and with additions by E. N. Vselensky is briefly discussed below. There are Sumerian clay tablets written at least 2005 years before Moses lived, and they say almost word for word the same thing as the first book of the Bible.

These tablets contain Adam and Eve, the names of all their children, and the full set of events described in the Bible. All of this was written before it was received by Moses, which proves that he was not the author of Genesis. Thus, all this knowledge could not have been acquired by the Sumerians in the process of developing their civilization, but was transferred to them from the Higher Civilizations overseeing the development of planet Earth.


According to the chronicles, several billion years ago our Earth was a large planet Tiamat, which revolved around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The ancient Earth also had a large Moon. There was another planet in our solar system, which the Babylonians called Marduk, and the Sumerians called Nibiru. This huge planet rotated retrograde - in the opposite direction and in a different plane in relation to other planets. Every 3600 years, when it came closer to them, it passed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. One day, while passing through orbit, Nibiru came so close to Tiamat that one of its moons collided with Tiamat (our Earth) and broke it into two parts. One of these parts, together with the Moon, after the impact, moved into orbit between Venus and Mars and became the Earth we know now. The other part crumbled into many pieces and became the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (Fig. 5).

Only now, in 1983, American scientists from NASA discovered the tenth planet of our solar system - Nibiru - in the direction of the constellation Orion using an orbital telescope on the IAS astronomical satellite. And recently this planet was photographed from two NASA probes located at a great distance from the Sun.

The planet Nibiru (Marduk) was inhabited by conscious beings - the Nephilim. These were very tall creatures: women - from 3 to 3.7 meters, men - from 4 to 5 meters. They did not have immortality, but their lifespan was about 360,000 Earth years. Approximately 450 thousand years ago, the Nephilim had a problem with their planet. Nibiru's orbit is so far from the Sun that the Nephilim needed to retain heat, so they decided to spray gold particles high in the atmosphere to reflect light and heat back to their planet like a mirror. Since the Nephilim at that time possessed only primitive rocket technology similar to ours, they could not leave the solar system and, having studied all its planets, discovered that there was a large amount of gold on Earth. A team of several hundred Nephilim under the leadership of Enlil was sent to mine it more than 400,000 years ago. They established a colony in the area of ​​modern Iraq, and mined gold in southeast Africa in the Zambezi basin (Fig. 8). At that time, dolphins and whales had the highest level of Consciousness on Earth, and to this day they are representatives of the Highest Civilization on our planet. Therefore, Enlil first had to obtain permission from this civilization in order to live and mine gold on Earth (there is a galactic law according to which any alien Race can enter the system of another Consciousness only after receiving permission to do so). According to the Sumerian chronicles, Enlil remained with them for a very long time. Note that the home of dolphins and whales is the third planet of Sirius B, which is called Oceana. Only on its two small continents do humanoid creatures live, and there are not very many of them. The remaining part of the planet, completely covered with water, belongs to cetaceans. There is a direct connection between them and the humanoid inhabitants of Oceana, so when Enlil (Nephilim) came to Earth, he first established a connection with the cetaceans (Sirians) in order to receive their blessing. Then he came onto land and began the process that led to the creation of the human Race.



Every 3,600 years, when Nibiru came close enough to Earth, the Nephilim could transport the gold mined on Earth to their home planet. Gold mining continued for a very long time, and somewhere between 200 and 300 thousand years ago there was an uprising of the Nephilim who worked in these mines. They refused to continue working. The Sumerian chronicles describe this uprising in great detail. Therefore, the leaders of the Nephilim colony decided to use the DNA of animals (mostly primates) then living on Earth, and their own DNA to create a new Race that could be used to mine gold. This genetic experiment led to the creation of the Human Race about 200 thousand years ago. Interestingly, modern scientists who developed the so-called “Eve theory”, based on an analysis of human DNA, came to the conclusion that the first representative of humanity, called Eve by researchers, lived somewhere between 150 and 250 thousand years ago and came from the very valley where, according to the Sumerians, we mined gold. Such conception on the physical plane was preceded by enormous work on the subtle planes. The seven Nephilim, consciously throwing off their physical bodies, formed a matrix of CONSCIOUSNESS from seven intersecting Spheres of CONSCIOUSNESS, exactly as in the model of Genesis (Fig. 6). As a result of this fusion, a blue-white Flame arose, called in ancient times the "Flower of Life", which they placed in the womb of the Earth, the so-called Halls of Amenti. This Flame (1.2-1.5 m high and about 0.9 m in diameter) represents pure prana, pure CONSCIOUSNESS, which is a kind of “Planetary Egg”

The Halls of Amenti, used primarily to create new Races or species, are a fourth dimensional space. Now in our third dimensional reality they are located underground at a depth of about 1832 km and are connected to the Great Pyramid of Giza by a fourth dimensional corridor. Inside the Halls of Amenti there is a room whose shape is based on the Fibonacci proportions. It contains a cube, on the upper surface of which the Nephilim placed the “Planetary Egg” they created. With such a planetary conception, the Nephilim were only the maternal aspect for us, and the Sirians from Oceana, the third planet of Sirius B, became the paternal aspect.

They too were giants, just like the Nephilim. But if the Nephilim were mainly creatures of three-dimensional space, then the Sirians were essentially creatures of four-dimensional space. 32 representatives of this Race (16 men and 16 women), who made up a single family, arrived from Oceana to our planet. In the Halls of Amenti they materialized 32 slabs of rose quartz according to their dimensions. Then they lay down on these slabs around the cube with the Flame, heads to the center and face up, alternating men and women, forming the matrix of Awareness “Flower of Universal Spiritual Love and Wisdom” of the 32nd level (Fig. 7).

The Sirians performed a planetary conception—in other words, they merged with the Flame or “Planetary Egg” of the Nephilim. There was a connection between the matrix of Consciousness of the “Flower of Life” from seven Nephilim and the matrix of Awareness of the “Flower of Universal Spiritual Love and Wisdom” from 32 Sirians. If conception on the physical plane occurs in less than 24 hours - this is the process of the birth of the first eight immortal cells, then fertilization on the Planetary level was carried out for approximately 2005 years - all this time 32 Sirians lay motionless, conceiving a new Human Race with Mother Earth. The merging of two matrices of CONSCIOUSNESS at the planetary level made it possible to create a new type of planetary DNA - the Spiritual basis of Humanity. Finally, after these 2005 years, the first human beings appeared on the island of Gondwana (Fig. 8).

H. P. Blavatsky describes the planetary conception of the Human Race as follows: The ancestors of the present Arhats, or Mahatmas, were created in the Third Race in an immaculate way. They were truly created, and not begotten, like their brothers in the Fourth Race. For Creation is only the result of Will acting on phenomenal Matter... They were the hidden seeds of the future Saviors of mankind.” The information from the Sumerian chronicles about the origin of Humanity is consistent with the data received by D. Melchizedek from God Thoth. According to Thoth, the Human Race was born exactly 198,214 BC. e., i.e. about 200-200 years ago. The first people were settled on the island of Gondwana, located off the west coast of South Africa, and evolved there in isolation for about 50 - 70 thousand years (Fig. 8). When they developed enough to be useful to the Nephilim, they were transported to the mining area and various other places, where they were used to mine gold and do other work. It is no coincidence that in all the creation myths of different tribes of West Africa, a single thread can be traced that the first people came from an island off the west coast of Africa, which was called Gondwana. Only the Zulus claim to have come from outer space. The Sumerian chronicles depict a man one-third the height of the Nephilim, ranging from 3 to 5 meters. Therefore, the Nephilim were giants compared to people. This is also reflected in the Bible. The sixth chapter of the Book of Genesis says: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong people, glorious people of old.” In more ancient editions of the Bible you can find the names of these giants. So, in the ancient Hebrew Bible we find the names: “nephilim” - absolutely the same word as in the Sumerian chronicles, and “elohim”. Elohim is the plural form. This word means “Those who came from Heaven”, or “Heavenly Brothers and Sisters” - that is, it refers to the whole Race of beings that created Humanity. In later editions of the Bible, this word was replaced by the word "God" due to misunderstanding.


The birth of the Third Race - the so-called "Lemurians" - is the most mysterious of the first five Races. The mystery of how the birth of human civilization occurred is outlined above. More detailed information is kept in the Hall of Evidence under the Egyptian Sphinx in Giza. The development of the Third Race proceeded in two parallel branches. The first branch, evolving naturally from the Second Race, developed into branches corresponding to plants, insects and animals, and was never able to reach the level of Man. Its representatives (early Lemurians), unlike the Second Race, were completely material. They had dense physical bodies with a skeleton. Initially, their height reached 20 meters, later it began to decrease. The bisexual hermaphrodite began to accumulate male characteristics in one case, and female ones in the other, retaining the average characteristics in both cases. As a result of this, the separation of the sexes occurred, and sexual reproduction appeared. Representatives of this branch, which later evolved into apes (primates), had two eyes in the front and a “third eye” in the back. The front eyes performed the function of physical vision, and the back one provided astral vision. They communicated with each other by transmitting thoughts, pronouncing sounds and gestures. Thus, the representatives of the first branch - the early Lemurians - were “devoid of reason.” As it is written in Dzyan: “Their jivas were not ready. These were separated among the Seven. They have become narrow-minded." The narrow-headed ones began to combine with huge female animals and gave birth to dumb monsters. Seeing this, the Lha shed tears, saying: “Amanas have desecrated our future dwellings. This is karma. Let us establish our dwellings in others. It’s better to instruct them so that the worst doesn’t happen.”



Realizing the futility of the development of the first branch, the Nephilim and Sirians, as a result of the Planetary Conception described above, artificially created the second branch of the Third Race - the late Lemurians. This branch marked the beginning of human civilization. The first specimens of this genetic experiment were "neters" - hybrids of animals and humans (Fig. 9 A-B).

In Egyptian mythology, neters were mythical human creatures with animal heads (Fig. 10). Each neter was an ARCHETYPE and in its chromosome set carried a certain dominant chromosome with the genetic program of a particular animal species. Only the dominant chromosome was connected to a specific Constellation, and the remaining chromosomes were disconnected. The first hybrids were little intelligent and uncontrollable. They possessed the qualities of animals - their strength and, most importantly, the instinct of survival, which was important for their subsequent evolution. Representatives of the EC were looking for the perfect form for human beings and trying to develop their intelligence.

At the next stage of selection, to obtain two intelligent human beings (men and women), the dominant chromosomes of 42 different Nethers (42 animal ARCHETYPES) ​​and two sex chromosomes of the Sirians (2 alien ARCHETYPES) ​​were introduced into the egg of the future man. The dominant chromosomes of 42 other neters (42 other animal ARCHETYPES) ​​and two sex chromosomes of the Nephilim (2 other alien ARCHETYPES) ​​were implanted into another egg of the future woman. In total, a man and a woman had (42+2) + (42+2) = 88 chromosomes, which provided a connection to the 88 Constellations visible (manifested) at the present time. Subsequently, there was a process of Cosmic biogenesis - receiving and using information from these Constellations for the further development of man. Thus, the evolution of people is controlled from Space through Planetary biocomputers.

Representatives of the Higher Civilizations placed human eggs obtained in this way into the wombs of seven Nephilim women who were specially selected for this purpose. Thus seven human babies were born, not just the pair Adam and Eve. With this genetic experiment, recorded in the Akashic Chronicles of our planet and leading to the creation of the first people about 200 thousand years ago, the history of the development of Human Civilization began. As we see, the DNA of the chromosomes of each person of the Fifth Race contains the genetic material of animal organisms, therefore even in modern man the psycho-emotional qualities inherent in animals are manifested. But, ultimately, our ancestors - representatives of the second branch of the Third Race (they are called the late Lemurians, or Lemur-Atlanteans) - were gifted with Manas - Reason. The Nephilim used cloned humans not only to mine gold, but also as servants in their cities - settlements in what is now Iraq - for example, to tend their beautiful gardens. According to the Sumerian chronicles, one day Enlil's younger brother Enki (whose name means "Serpent") told Eve why people were not allowed to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or the Tree of Life. This Tree contained not only a dual worldview, but also gave people the ability to reproduce their own kind. According to the Ecumenical Ones, eating the forbidden fruits of the Tree of Life means that the woman Eve, as a result of sexual contact with a man (Adam), acquires the ability to give birth to children and give rise to the Human Race. The fact is that the first individuals obtained by the Nephilim as a result of the described genetic experiment were sterile, and now people have the opportunity to reproduce their own kind and become “immortal”, like the Nephilim.

As we know, Eve found Adam and they broke the Nephilim's ban and had children. Upon learning of this, Enlil drove Adam and Eve out of his garden, but continued to monitor them because he wrote down the names of all their sons and daughters. He knew everything that happened in their entire family. All this was recorded in Sumerian tablets 2005 years before the Bible. Since that time, our Race has developed in two directions. The first branch (human animals) could not have children - they were slaves. They were cloned and raised by the Nephilim in special incubators. According to modern scientists, this branch continued to mine gold in Africa at least 20,000 years ago. The bones of representatives of the first branch found there were identical to ours. This branch was completely destroyed during the Great Flood about 12,500 years ago. The second branch of Adam and Eve, being free but controlled by the Nephilim, continues its lineage to the present day. The descendants of this branch - Homo sapiens - are representatives of our Fifth Race. The later Lemurians were much more developed than the representatives of the first branch. They were born under the sign of the planet Mars, had a height of about 7 - 8 meters and a chromosome set consisting of 42 chromosomes (40 + 2). They became two-eyed and two-armed. The “third eye” went inside the skull. Skin color darkens to yellow or red. They developed monosyllabic speech, which is still in use among modern people in the Southeast region of the earth. Blavatsky considered the descendants of the late Lemurians to be the flat-headed aborigines of Australia who survived and went wild on the Australian mainland, which had been isolated since ancient times. Below we look at four pole shifts on Earth when they went under water: Gondwana, Lemuria and Atlantis (the latter was the Great Flood), the fourth pole shift is happening at the present time. According to Thoth, after Adam and Eve, a pole change occurred, as a result of which Gondwana sank, and an archipelago of thousands of islands, barely visible above the water, was formed in the Pacific Ocean, the so-called Lemuria. It extended from the Hawaiian Islands to Easter Island (Fig. 11).

The race of Adam and Eve was transported there and allowed to develop on its own without the interference of the Nephilim. Human civilization remained in Lemuria for about 65-70 thousand years. The later Lemurians quickly advanced along their evolutionary path. They had control over the elements and made many physical changes to their bodies, changing the structure and shape of their skeleton, especially the base of the spine and skull. The Lemurian civilization had one common language and was mainly right-hemisphere - the female aspect was dominant. By the time of the immersion of Lemuria, this Race corresponded in its development to a 12-year-old girl. Let us note that the representatives of the first branch (human animals) had only a semblance of SOUL - primitive Spheres of Consciousness in which the individual’s life experience was accumulated. In the middle of the Third Race, the Hierarchs of the Higher Civilizations descended to Earth from the Higher Planets - our parents from Sirius - and instilled in each representative of the second branch an individual SOUL (5D-Ball-Zvezdatron), which was connected to the floppy disks of the Human aura and united all Spheres of Consciousness into a single energy-informational system. In fact, this marked the birth of true Man; now people could fully use the life experience accumulated by all previous evolutionary links, from the elements to animals and the first people. About a thousand years before the change of poles in Lemuria, one married couple (Ai and Taya) made a discovery: if you make love in a certain way, using special breathing, then conception leads to the birth of an unusual child. This was the so-called interdimensional love act, in which the man and woman do not have to physically touch each other. They don't even need to be in the same room. Thanks to this new method and through the Awareness of such conception and birth, all three - mother, father and child - became immortal. Indeed, as everyone around them died, Ai and Taya remained alive. Eventually they founded a school. This was the Naakal Mystery School, where Ai and Taya taught how to achieve what we call Resurrection or Ascension through tantra (union with God, through sexual yogic practices). They were able to train approximately one thousand people. Everything was going to the point that in the next few thousand years they might have moved our entire Race to a new level of CONSCIOUSNESS. But it was not the right time yet. Lemuria gradually sank under water. They had just begun this work when Lemuria completely sank. During archaeological excavations in Egypt, a statue of Tayi was discovered. From it you can judge what the late Lemurians looked like.

Representatives of this Race had powerful psychic abilities; they knew about the upcoming change of poles and the immersion of Lemuria, and therefore prepared for this in advance. They took everything significant out of the country, and when Lemuria went under water, they all already left the islands. The Lemurians spread from Lake Titicaca throughout Central America and Mexico to Mount Shasta in the north. The late Lemurians were on matrices from the third to fourth levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 3 - 4), which corresponds to the subconscious level of CONSCIOUSNESS (Fig. 2) - the level of the animal world of the Fifth Race. At the beginning of its development, this Civilization corresponded to the Fibonacci sequence number n = 3, and at the end - n = 4. The transition frequency was 5 Hz. The vibration frequency of this space ranges from the 2nd to the 5th overtone. The fact of the existence of Lemuria was recognized by our society back in 1910, when at a depth of 550 meters on the surface of the ocean floor, scientists discovered coral rings stretching from Easter Island over vast distances in accordance with the location of the islands of sunken Lemuria. This means that originally there were indeed islands inside the rings that slowly sank into the water, because corals must be close to the surface of the water, up to 46 meters deep, in order to grow. In addition, all Polynesian islands in the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to Easter Island have, in comparison with other islands, absolutely the same flora and fauna, for example, the same species of trees, birds, bees, and small insects. Science can explain this phenomenon only by the fact that land bridges once existed between these islands.


According to Thoth, the sinking of Lemuria and the rise of Atlantis occurred at the same time, at the time of the next change of poles. The rise of Atlantis consisted of a small mainland and nine islands: one in the north, one in the east, one in the south and six in the west (Fig. 13). The present southeastern part of the United States did not exist then.

Graduates of the Naakal Mystery School - the immortal beings of Lemuria - moved from their homeland to the small island of Undal, north of the main continent of Atlantis. After some time, they began to recreate their spiritual science on the scale of an entire continent. The people of the Fourth Race were called “Atlanteans”. They were even denser than the representatives of the Third Race. This Race was born under the sign of the Moon and Saturn. The Atlanteans had the physical form of a modern Man of the Fifth Race, but their height was 3 - 4 meters. At the end of the period of their existence, a decrease in growth to 2.5 meters was noted. Atlanteans had skin of different colors: yellow, black, brown and red. In the later stages of its existence, Atlantis was inhabited mainly by yellow and black Atlanteans, who fought among themselves. Representatives of the Fourth Race used not only two physical eyes, but also a “third eye” hidden inside the skull, which anatomically corresponded to the pineal gland. Their third eye functioned very well. The Atlanteans received knowledge telepathically by connecting to the Unified Energy Information Field of the Earth, which, however, was not yet developed. They used remote hypnosis, the transmission of thoughts at a distance. At first, the Atlanteans used agglutinative speech, i.e. primitive, which remained among some native tribes of South America until the present day. But later, inflectional, i.e., highly developed speech developed, which is the basis of modern languages. The inflectional speech of the Atlanteans served as the root of Sanskrit, which is now the secret language of the initiates. The Fourth Race has reached the highest level of development. The Atlanteans were fluent in energy information (torsion) technologies. Considering the gigantic size of the stone blocks that made up the megaliths they built, the Atlanteans were even subject to gravity. They had their own aircraft (vimanas), in which they used gravitational engines. The Atlanteans possessed the secrets of genetics and genetic engineering. They could clone not only animals or people, but also mixed entities (mutants), for example, centaurs (human-horse) and sphinxes (lion with a human head). Apparently, there was a search for the optimal form of a living intelligent being. Many scientists believe that the Atlanteans built stone idols on Easter Island, the Egyptian pyramids and many other megalithic structures of antiquity. However, according to the Ecumenical, most megaliths (for example, many Pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, China, Tibet, etc. ) was built much earlier (about 250 thousand years ago) by representatives of the Higher Civilizations (HC) - time travelers, and even those structures that were actually built by the Atlanteans were built under the leadership of the HC. It was the representatives of the Higher Civilizations who transferred the advanced technologies described above to the Atlanteans. The Atlanteans were on matrices from the fifth to seventh levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 5 - 7), which already corresponded to the conscious level of CONSCIOUSNESS (Fig. 2). But the spiritual plans of this civilization were not developed, which subsequently led to its death. Representatives of the Fourth Race that have survived to date (for example, some Aboriginal tribes in modern Australia) have a height of 120 to 170 cm and a chromosome set consisting of 44 chromosomes (42 + 2). At the beginning of its development, the Atlantean civilization corresponded to the number of the Fibonacci sequence n = 5, and at the end - n = 7. The transition frequency when changing the poles is 8 Hz. The vibration frequency of this space is from the 3rd to the 8th overtone.

In the middle of the Fourth Race, representatives of the Higher Civilizations instilled in each Atlantean an individual SPIRIT. This is the time of birth of the Spiritual Man. Man began to receive Spiritual energy to replenish his Life Forces, SOUL and SPIRIT from the Spirit of the Sun, Spirits of the Moon, Earth (through the planetary Dhyans (Spirits)) and from the Planetary Spirits of other planets of the Solar System. THE CONSCIOUSNESS of the representatives of the first human Races was constantly connected to the Universal Energy Information Field, then this ability was lost, since the Atlantean Civilization accumulated too much negative mental energy. At the end of its development, this Race placed itself above God and thereby broke the connection with the Universal energy-information field. The Atlanteans used the knowledge of the Supreme Mind not only for good, but also for aggressive purposes. Therefore, the Creator had to block the information contained in the grafted matrix of the SPIRIT and close the access of the entire Fourth Race to Divine Knowledge, and only a few, the so-called “Initiated Teachers,” remained in direct contact with the Universal Mind.

Partial unlocking of the SPIRIT matrices was carried out only in the next Fifth Race for 18% of the population.

An unprecedented flowering of black magic and an unsuccessful experiment with the planetary “Merkaba” led to the death of Atlantis and the Fourth Race. Some of the Atlanteans were rescued by representatives of the CC and transferred for further development to Egypt and Tibet. An ancient image of Atlas is shown in Fig. 14. This is a marble metope (slab with sculptures) in the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, which depicts (from left to right): Athena, Hercules holding the firmament, and Atlas with golden apples. Evidence of the existence of Atlantis was found in 1998. Near the coast of Bimini, scientists discovered a huge pyramid underwater and opened hermetically sealed rooms, finding in them confirmation of all the information of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato about Atlantis.


At one time, representatives of the Martian Civilization passed on to the Atlanteans (Fourth Race) knowledge about the construction of the “Merkaba” macrocrystal, with the help of which it was possible to accumulate the mental (vital) energy of the Sun and the Moon. Using the energies generated by this crystal, the Atlanteans materialized many objects and achieved absolute power over people. The abuse of this energy to conquer other countries and enslave peoples, as well as the widespread use of black magic, led to a planetary catastrophe. The psychic energy of the Atlantean “Merkaba” macrocrystal came into resonance with the planetary “Merkaba” crystal, which is part of the Single Planetary Crystal of the Earth’s core. Let us recall that the Single Planetary Crystal of the Earth consists of many crystals - Platonic solids and other polyhedra, occupying the same volume and having different vibration frequencies. As a result of this, annihilation occurred - the destruction of both the macrocrystal of the Atlanteans and the Planetary crystal of the “Merkaba” of the Earth, which led to the subsequent instability of the electromagnetic field of our planet. Where the fragments of the broken macrocrystal “Merkaba” of the Atlanteans sank, a space-time crater formed. This is the Sargasso Sea (Bermuda Triangle) - an anomalous zone in which ships and planes often disappear. This unsuccessful experiment led to the death of Atlantis and a planetary catastrophe, and subsequently it had a negative impact on the Single Planetary Crystal of the Earth and the planet as a whole. Subsequently, representatives of the Martian Civilizations, through the hands of earthlings, made attempts to correct this situation in 1913, 1943 (Philadelphia Experiment) and 1993 (Montauk Project), but to no avail. The problem was solved by the International Center for Cosmic Intelligence (ICCR) in 2000-2007 through the activation of the new Planetary system “Merkaba-Universum-Zvezdatron” (MUZ), which took control and harmonized the old uncontrollable planetary “Merkaba” of the Earth. It should be noted that each Race that possessed a physical body followed the path of both evolution and involution. Modern humanity should take note of this and take advantage of the experience of previous Civilizations. Just like all of Humanity, each of us, while living our lives, leaves behind a certain trace - it is measured by the amount of psychic energy (negative or positive) brought into the energy field of the Earth. The state of the planet and the occurrence of cataclysms depend 70% on us, since the principle “what goes around comes around” applies to earthlings. For example, a team of high school teachers, having held a stormy and emotional teachers' council (meeting), can cause a local earthquake in this place with a force of 4-5 points (as a rule, each teacher, without realizing it, is a psychic who controls group energy). Such earthquakes have indeed been repeatedly recorded by the author in Moscow.


People of the Fifth Race, called “Aryans” or, according to other ancient sources, “Slavic-Aryans” (not to be confused with the Germans) - this is our modern civilization to which we belong. The Fifth Race was born under the sign of the planet Mercury. It arose during the late Atlanteans. Most of the people of the Fifth Race went wild and were unable to use the knowledge of the Atlanteans for their development. At first, the Aryans were tall (up to 2 - 3 meters). Gradually, their height began to decrease, and their appearance acquired the features of a modern person. The first genetic experiment to improve the gene pool of the Fifth Race was carried out by Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti -

These beings arrived from Sirius - they were members of that family of 32 people who participated in the Planetary conception of the Human Race. Through the children of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, alien genetic information (an additional pair of chromosomes) was introduced into the Earthling Race to improve its intelligence. From this moment until the present time, the chromosome set of representatives of the Fifth Race consists of 46 chromosomes (44+2). In those shown in Fig. 15 A and B, photographs of Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their daughters (Fig. 15 C and D), based on their huge elongated skulls, large ears and other features, it is clear that these are representatives of the CC. Their bodies were anatomically and physiologically very different from human bodies. Akhenaten's height was approximately 4.5 meters, and Nefertiti - about 3.5 meters! Their daughters were also very tall. Finally, Akhenaten and Nefertiti had two hearts (the Sirius star system, where they came from, has two stars - Sirius A and Sirius B, and living beings there have two hearts).

The function of the “third eye” among representatives of our civilization has almost completely disappeared (telepathic abilities have been lost), and the constant connection with the Unified Energy Information Field of the Earth has been interrupted. We have lost contact with the Cosmos, Nature, deviated from the correct evolutionary development and followed the technocratic path. Representatives of the Fifth Race receive the bulk of information through visual and auditory analyzers. Knowledge transfer occurs through well-developed language systems. By the beginning of the 21st century, pollution of the Earth's ecology had reached alarming proportions, which brought our Civilization to the brink of destruction. We have completely forgotten about spirituality, about control over our feelings, thoughts, words and actions. Humanity is trying to compensate for the severance of communication with the energy-information field of the Earth by creating artificial energy-information networks in the form of power lines, telephone, radio and television communications, cellular and satellite communications, as well as the Internet computer network. All this together led to the pollution of the general energy-information space of our planet (the Earth’s CONSCIOUSNESS field) and a growing crisis in all spheres of Human life. People of the Fifth Race are on matrices from the eighth to the twelfth levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 8 - 12), which corresponds to the supraconscious level of CONSCIOUSNESS (Fig. 2). We have a height of 1.5 to 2.1 meters and, as noted above, a chromosome set of 46 chromosomes (44 + 2). At the beginning of its development, our Civilization corresponded to the number n = 8, and by the transition (change of poles) it will be equal to n = 12. The transition will occur at a frequency of 13 Hz to the twin of our planet in another parallel world of four-dimensional space. The vibration frequency of our world is in the range from the 5th to the 13th overtone. Let us note that the bulk of humanity is late in its development due to lack of spirituality and constant wars (the vibration frequency has not even reached 8 Hz). Since in the Sixth Race the frequency of 8 Hz corresponds to the animal plane, most people will make this transition on a subconscious level. In order not to perish, we must enter a new round of spiritual development with a high frequency of vibrations. The frequency of the transition to the Sixth Race can be fixed - this is the so-called “Schumann frequency” - a wave emanating from our planet. This is the "heartbeat" or rhythm of the Earth. For a long time, this frequency was 7.8 Hz and was so stable that the military adjusted their instruments to it. However, Schumann's frequency gradually began to increase: 1994 - 8.6 Hz, 1999 - 11.2 Hz, 2005 - 12 Hz, 2006 - 12.2 Hz, 2007 - 12.4 Hz, early 2008 - 12.6 Hz, July 2008 - 12.89 Hz, and November 13, 2008 at 21 hours 13 minutes. it reached 13.0 Hz. The Schumann frequency corresponds to the frequency of vibrations of the energy-informational field of CONSCIOUSNESS of the Earth. Using it, you can determine at what level of CONSCIOUSNESS matrices our planet is located.


At a frequency of 13 Hz, a change of poles will occur, but at present, representatives of the Higher Civilizations (HCs) supervising our planet have made the following adjustment. A Great Universal Experiment is being conducted on Earth. To reduce the consequences of a planetary catastrophe, the Quantum Transition is carried out smoothly - and they are trying to maximize its frequency in order to create favorable conditions for the emergence of a new branch of the Supercivilization of God-Humanity on the Evolutionary Tree of Life of all life on planet Earth (Fig. 16). Representatives of many CCs believe that the old branch of Humanity of the Fifth Race (species Homo sapiens) is not intelligent, since over the past ten years our Civilization could have destroyed all life on the planet at least five times if not for the timely intervention of the CC. Let us note that Humanity has lagged significantly behind in its development due to the frequent and almost never-ending wars waged on Earth, so that other Civilizations, which began their evolution later than earthlings, are today significantly ahead of us in their development. The Great Universal Experiment involves many Higher Civilizations, who kindly provided their experience in genetic engineering of alien Races for the development of intelligent life in Space. To reach the level of God-Humanity, our Cosmic Teachers instilled in each Person who completes his development in the Fifth Race and who belongs to the Golden Gene Pool of Humanity, an individual MONAD. This will give quick and effective results of the accelerated evolution of earthlings. But this is a kind of advance that is given to the individual, since in order to become a God-man, it is also necessary to develop the MONAD. Its development is achieved by the consistent activation of energy-information matrices “Flower of Universal Spiritual Love” from lower to higher. Activation of each matrix gradually unlocks some part of the MONAD, thereby expanding the capabilities of the individual, making him more and more perfect. History knows an experiment to improve the gene pool of the Fifth Race, which was carried out during the time of Pharaoh Akhenaten, a representative of the CC (Fig. 15). In the above photographs of Akhenaten, his wife Nefertiti and their daughters, it is clearly visible that these are representatives of an alien Race by their large elongated skulls. Representatives of the EC are trying to obtain a new branch of a completely different Supercivilization of God-Humanity and use it in the future for their development. The fact is that the Higher Civilizations are with us in the same evolutionary chain, therefore the underdevelopment of our civilization greatly hinders their development. Hence the interest of the EC in the speedy intellectual and spiritual improvement of earthlings. This experiment includes the emergency repayment of the karma of the Fifth Race of Humanity and the consistent activation of the matrices of Awareness and Knowledge of the Highest levels. On December 19, 1999, a new era of the Sixth Race had already begun, which was marked by an eclipse of the Sun, a sharp increase in its activity and the transition of our star to the predominant use of another type of nuclear reactions (instead of hydrogen - helium). The karma of the Fifth Race by now (as of November 2008) has only been worked out by about 70%, and many earthlings do not even have the slightest idea about karma, therefore they do not think about the need for their development and do not know that they have a program (karma ) the unfinished Destiny of the Fifth Race, laid down by the SUPERCREATOR. Therefore, the species Homo sapiens has not reached the level of intelligence and spirituality intended by the Creator. Thus, now all Humanity of the Fifth Race faces the main task of transitioning to the Sixth Race. To do this, it is necessary to fulfill the entire Divine Development Program of the Fifth Race planned by the SUPERCREATOR, extinguishing all unfulfilled karma.

It is Russia that has been assigned the role of the World Leader in the implementation of this Program, therefore now many Ascended Masters and Higher Hierarchs are incarnating on Earth, and especially in Russia. The Bible says about them: “And many false prophets will come, but we know them by their works.” Not everyone understands and realizes the Mission of these Initiates - their task is to reprogram people from negative programs to positive ones. They will basically repay the unprocessed universal karma of the Fifth Race in order to bring our civilization to a higher level.

Now there is a selection of Souls from the human gene pool for the prospects of its further development. Therefore, only the chosen ones will fall into the new branch of the Supercivilization of God-Humanity, about whom the Bible says: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” The scientist C.R. Darwin, the author of the well-known theory of evolution, found many similarities in the development and behavior of humans and animals, especially primates. Based on this, he concluded that man descended from apes. He was partly right, since these are links of one evolutionary chain, and Cosmic biogenesis was carried out on the basis of the Evolutionary Tree of Life of all life on planet Earth, however, it is not the forms (physical shells) that evolve, but the SUPERENTITIES in them. Therefore, it was not possible to find strict evidence of the development of apes into humans; they simply do not exist. Other scientists who refuted it were also right. They saw a huge qualitative gap between these species, which could not be filled with anything. At one time, the famous Russian breeder-practitioner I.V. Michurin amazed the world with his experiments, especially when he grafted an apple and a pear tree onto a birch tree, which bore fruit. Based on the method of distant hybridization (crossing), he developed many amazing hybrids: apple and pear, apricot and plum, quince and apple, bird cherry and cherry, apple and rowan, almond and peach. But before this, such plants did not exist in nature. All of them were obtained artificially. This should not be forgotten. That is, this experience of obtaining new plant varieties by grafting has long been known to Mankind. Similarly, ECs, through grafting on the Evolutionary Tree of Life, receive individual branches of all life on planet Earth, thereby consistently improving the gene pool of living beings in order to finally come to the Higher Intelligent Creatures. Thus, man is ultimately a hybrid of these genetic experiments of the EC, since the Tree of Life itself cannot give all the diversity of forms of living beings that we observe on our planet. Representatives of the new branch of God-Humanity on the Evolutionary Tree of Life, with their intellectual and spiritual qualities and other characteristics, will be radically different from the representatives of the Homo sapiens branch, in much the same way as animals now differ from humans. In the future there will be scientists who will believe that the God-Man originated from man in the process of natural evolution and will unsuccessfully seek confirmation of this.

As stated above, each representative of the Sixth Race has an individual MONAD, the development of which makes it possible for him to become a God-Man. On Venus, on subtle planes (in other dimensions), there are bases of the CC. For this reason, these bases on Venus, like sacred Shambhala on Earth, are not accessible to earthlings on the physical plane (VC safety precautions). Representatives of the Sixth Race have a chromosome set of 48 chromosomes (46 + 2). At first, their height will be within 2-3 meters, and at the end of the period of development of the Sixth Race it will reach 3-4.8 meters. This is the Race of the Epoch of the Mother of the World, the space of Harmony of the Golden Age. Humanity of the Sixth Race will become immortal, the brain will be 100% open, as opposed to 3-4% at present. The experience and knowledge of past lives will be restored. Our appearance will change. External features will be preserved, but in details everyone will find that perfection of which they now have a distant concept. The New Man of the Sixth Race will be beautiful with ideal beauty. All people will be young. Children will grow up, and older people will become younger until they are 20-30 years old. The skin will not be dark in color, it will become lighter. Hair color - from light to brown. Eyes - from blue and blue to green, black and brown eyes will lighten. The human form will be brought to perfection, and our possibilities will be limitless. People will discover unusual abilities and talents that only a few now possess. Every Person of the Sixth Race will be a genius. There are already such people on Earth who have superpowers: telepathy, extrasensory perception, levitation, materialization of objects, etc. The main active force for the Sixth Race will not be technology, but the energy of the Mind, with the help of which Man will control matter and change it. Humanity will primarily communicate in a language that knows no boundaries—the language of telepathy. Although on planet Earth itself, residents will still communicate in one common language. Humanity will receive open access to Space, so that now the entire Universe will become the field of our activity. The male and female principles will certainly be preserved, for they are eternal. There will be personal attachments, but they will rise to another level - spiritual. Intimate contacts will remain intact. Everyone will have the opportunity to find their half.

The creatures of the Sixth Race are on matrices from the thirteenth to twentieth levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 13 - 20), which corresponds to the superconscious level of CONSCIOUSNESS (level of Subconsciousness, Fig. 2). At the beginning of development - the Fibonacci sequence number is n = 8 (for animals), and for people - n = 13 (the number of the Mother of God); at the end for people - n = 20. The frequency of the next transition when changing poles will be equal to 21 Hz. The vibration frequency of this space is from the 8th to the 21st overtone. To reach the level of Demigods of the Seventh Race, our Cosmic Teachers will instill in each Person who successfully completes their development in the Sixth Race an individual SUPERMONAD. In Fig. Figure 18 shows three girls who are typical representatives of the Sixth Race. The girl Lena (in the center of the photo) painted the picture “Friends” shown in this photo, depicting herself and her friends in other dimensions.

Statues of representatives of several Races with different levels of CONSCIOUSNESS can be seen in the Egyptian temple of Abu Simbel. As D. Melchizedek writes: “The Egyptians did not erect these sculptures arbitrarily - they never did anything arbitrarily, there is not a single line on any stone, I believe, that was not deliberately applied. There was a reason and purpose for everything. And usually it was created on many, many different levels...” The premises in the Abu Simbel temple were built according to the different heights of their inhabitants. By the height of the statues you can tell exactly which Race they belonged to. For example, inside the temple there are statues of representatives of the Sixth Race (Fig. 18), which are about 4.8 meters tall, which indicates their male gender, since the women of this Race were between 3 and 3.6 m tall. In their section of this building - rooms with ceilings of about 6 m, proportional to the height of these creatures, equal to 3 - 4.8 m. Next to this room, through the doorway (it is not visible here) there is a small room with much The Seventh Race is Divine Beings (Demi-Gods) with the Awareness of the Holy Trinity, including the Awareness of Christ (masculine aspect, Yang), Awareness of the Mother of God (feminine aspect, Yin) and Awareness of the Holy Spirit (middle aspect, Dan). They have a chromosome set of 50 chromosomes (48 + 2). At the beginning, their height ranges from 9.0 to 10.6 meters, at the end of the period of development of the Seventh Race it reaches 13.5 meters. This is the Race of the Creator, the Triune World of the Holy Trinity. The beings of the Seventh Race are on matrices from the 21st to the 33rd levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n=21 - 34), which corresponds to the level of Awareness (Fig. 2). At the beginning of development - the Fibonacci sequence number is n = 13 (for people), and for the Divine Beings of the Seventh Race - n = 21 (the number of the Holy Spirit); at the end for Divine Beings - n = 33. The transition frequency when changing the poles is 34 Hz. The vibration frequency of this space ranges from the 13th to the 34th overtone.

In Fig. 20 shows statues of representatives of the Seventh Race 10.6 meters high on one of the outer walls of the Abu Simbel temple noted above, and the doorway in the middle was intended for people of the Sixth Race, whose height was 3-4.8 meters (compare with the height of tourists - representatives of the Fifth Race). Another monument depicting a representative of the Seventh Race is the 13-meter statue of King Datusen near the city of Anuradhapura on the island of Sri Lanka, carved entirely from granite rock (Fig. 21). This is an excellent example of a Planetary biocomputer - a complex of a radiating form (statue) and a pyramid (rock), which serves to control the CONSCIOUSNESS of people.


Eighth Race - Gods have a height of 15 - 18 meters and a chromosome set of 52 chromosomes (50 + 2). This is the Race of the era of the Almighty, the level of representatives of the Higher Civilizations. The beings of the Eighth Race are on matrices from the 34th to the 54th levels of CONSCIOUSNESS (n = 34 - 54), which corresponds to the level of Superconsciousness At the beginning of development - the Fibonacci sequence number n = 21 (for the Divine Beings of the Seventh Race), and for the Gods of the Eighth Race — n = 34 (the number of the Lord God); at the end for the Gods - n = 54. The transition frequency when changing poles is 55 Hz (the number of Harmony and the Most High). The vibration frequency of this space is from the 21st to the 55th overtone. We also find statues of representatives of the Eighth Race in the temple of Abu Simbel (Fig. 22). If these stone people were to stand up, they would fall into the eighteen meter height range, indicating that they are members of the Eighth Race. In Fig. 23 presents sculptures of creatures belonging to different civilizations. You see a huge eighteen-meter creature of the Eighth Race, near whose foot stands a statue of our height - this is a woman of the Fifth Race. This is the ruler and his wife, located at different levels of CONSCIOUSNESS. Every ruler - pharaoh who ever lived in Egypt, had five names representing the five levels of his CONSCIOUSNESS. Some of the rulers and rulers had the ability to move from one level of CONSCIOUSNESS to another in order to help the evolution of their people. Ras. That is, at each stage of evolution, representatives of three aspects simultaneously exist: lower, middle and higher. The majority of representatives of this civilization belong to the lower aspect. The middle aspect is the leaders, teachers, scientists, artists, etc., teaching this Race. The highest aspect includes Cosmic Teachers, Ascended Masters and Hierarchs of Higher Civilizations. Thus, there are always present: Student, Teacher and Representative of the Higher Cosmic Mind

My world Vesta's Message 1 (180)

Racial metaphysics of the Earth.

(1.08 metaphysics)

We have already said that The 5-pointed star is a symbol of Man, or full “likeness of God,” as you say. Only 5 chakras of the aura are responsible for the Material part of a Person. Only 5 races live on 5 continents of modern Earth. The races of your Universe are distinguished by their own Logo and intelligent Logos. Just as each Person has his own Mission at birth (incarnation), so each Race of the Universe has its own karma. External and conceivable, form and content are always interconnected.

(races in the light of the aura)

Modern Olympus already has 5 peaks, which are waiting for representatives of a certain race to together determine the karma of the five-pointed astral constellation of the Earth. This will be the final completion of the unique program of your Galaxy and the entire Universe. You cannot yet see the projection that is being viewed from the Astral sphere of the Earth, but this metaphysical projection is already there. Moreover special credit for this belongs to Russia - the country of the 6th race, as well as the Main metarace (more on this below).

Geographically, Russia unites Astria and Asia (i.e. Astrasia is a continent that was formed in the new Galactic era). However, Russia also has enormous genetic diversity, united by a single mental projection. Nothing like this has happened to any other civilization, on any other continent. Therefore, in the new Galactic season, the bet was made on Russia.

Despite all the diversity of the American population, the main thing was never created on this continent - a single mental space of the 6th race. That single Spirit was not created that would unite people (Humanity) on the basis of mutual understanding, mutual support, mutual intersections of interests, on the basis of preserving genetic and mental uniqueness. America did not have such experience. (There are reasons for this, see below)

Until now, in a country like the USA, there is a clear bias towards the interests of the astral minority of the Universe, which still dictates its will to the majority, unifying (globalizing) the diversity that exists not only on Earth, but also in the Universe. This is bad because... this expresses the inability to preserve any manifestation of the positive; there is only unification and fitting into a certain template, and not according to the best model.

But “Individuality” is not expressed in the chaotic variety of everything that exists and is manifested in the material plane. “Individuality” in races is Evolution, an evolutionary process, i.e. selection of everything mentally best, and not everything in a row. In the USA, the non-evolutionary approach of the flea marketer is being imposed - it doesn’t matter “what?”, it doesn’t matter “is it useful?”, only quantity and profit are important. This is a DICTAT of a MINORITY to its Whole (majority), without which the minority would never have survived - and this should not be the case in the Harmony of the Universe.

Black (1), red (2), yellow (3), green (4), blue (5) - this is not only a symbol of the continents on the Olympic rings, it is a symbol of the 5 chakras of the Material body of Man (in the likeness of an earthly modern humanoid) . Let us remind you what each chakra is responsible for: 1 CHAKRA (black) - nutrition system, 2 CHAKRA (red) - reproductive system, 3 CHAKRA (yellow) - protection system, 4 CHAKRA (green) - breathing system, 5 CHAKRA (blue) - communication system. Thus, Africa (1), America (2), Asia (3), Australia (4), Austria (5) - reflect their main karmic goals in their Unity and Similarity in the Universe, and on planet Earth as well.

(why are there only 5 races?)

Let us immediately make a reservation that one of the metaphysical races of the Earth is “out of competition”, since it is directly connected with the ROD and Logos of the Universe. The main Metarace was directly created after the first astral beings. We have already said that planet Earth (and before that Phaethon) were created specifically for the ROD race. Then the “cohabitation program” expanded both the functions of the first earthlings and the functions of all other races that came to the Earth of the ROD.

We will consider the remaining 4 races not so much by their current residence on certain continents (today it is almost impossible to consider this a converter element), but rather according to the TIME FORM of their arrival and the development of civilizations with their participation.

According to time it is associated with the yugas - the seasons of the Galactic year(calculated from the Era - the time the Sun flies around the center of your Galaxy), equal to 6420 years (25,680 years era: 4 seasons). Thus, your current Era (a total of 25,680 Earth years) is the time of activity of all four races, which are secondary races on Earth. We won’t even talk about the subraces (peoples) of the Earth, because... all of them developed based on 5 races (the main race of Logos and the new 4 races).

So, let us consider in order the “arrival” of the races of your Galactic Era. It is also worth adding here that the races of previous haloeras on Earth did not completely disappear, which turned your planet into a truly unique experiment on a universal scale. However, in At the moment, only 5 races “make the weather”, so let’s focus on them (more precisely, on 4 “new races”).

Yes, one more point - the beginning of your current Era (and since 2000 the 2nd Yuga began, which will accordingly last 6420 years) already included all 5 races. So The “arrival” of the new 4 races occurred at the end of the previous Galactic Era. We will indicate the continent on Earth conditionally, according to the degree of maximum authenticity of the development of the Civilization of a given race (preserved, by the way, in very real artifacts).


1st new race- time of arrival: Kali (1st) south of the previous galoera. According to rough calculations, this is 32,100 years ago, because... your galoera has already passed the 1st south - that’s 25680 z/l plus 6420 z/l.

It should be noted that the concept of “1st race” is very conditional, because the American subraces of that period alone number about a hundred. But the civilizational aspect of the conversion gives a very clear picture - and this is the so-called Pyramid Civilization or the “Era of the Pyramids.”

Let’s make a reservation right away: the influence of the Atlanteans (4th metarace, anthropologically not people) on this civilization was enormous - it is comparable only to the influence of the Olympian gods on the Main Race of the Earth. The tectonic activity of the Earth (remember that the Earth is a former satellite of Phaeton) was then colossal - hence the fashion for pyramid-shaped buildings.

If we take into account the Galactic races, then the starting point of the “American race” is the alpha quadrant of your Galaxy (i.e. your alpha quadrant is associated with the location of the Sun). This is actually why the letter “A” is the first letter of all alphabets of the peoples of the Main Metarace. Hence the names of all the continents of the Earth, which all begin with the letter “A” - Austria, America, Antarctica, Africa, Asia, Australia. In this list of continents, we will not consider Astria and Antarctica, since Astria belongs to the Main Metarace (when there was only one metarace on the planet), and Antarctica generally belongs to the 3rd metarace of the Earth, when the current anthropological type of people did not even exist. Although you still have to engage in economic activity again on the fertile soil of Antarctica in the conditions of the future south of your galoera.

But let’s return to the 4 “new races” of the Earth.


2nd new race- time of arrival: Dvarpa (2nd) south of the previous galoera. According to rough calculations, this is 25,680 years ago, because... your galoera has already passed the 1st south - that’s 32,100 z/l minus 6,420 z/l.

Since the “African race” was the second, it immediately came under the powerful influence of the 1st new race of the Earth. Moreover, this circumstance is clearly visible today. This was further aggravated by the fact that the conflicting 1st new “American race” did not leave the Main race alone. For example, a nuclear war broke out on the territory of modern India, which greatly affected the ecology of the entire planet.

If we take into account the Galactic races, then the starting point of the “African race” is the beta quadrant of your Galaxy (in relation to the alpha quadrant, i.e. according to the location of the Sun - and in the direction of rotation of the Galaxy).


3rd new race- time of arrival: Treta (3rd) south of the previous galoera. According to rough calculations, this is 19,260 years ago, because... your galoera has already passed the 1st south - that’s 25680 z/l minus 6420 z/l.

The “Asian race” of the new form of time was much more fortunate, since they turned out to be neighbors not of the “American race” (see also Atlanteans), but of the Main meta-race of the ROD. Therefore, the conversion of the “Asian race” on Earth took place under rather favorable conditions.

The “Asian race” always had very close contacts with the Main Metarace, even when the continents were separated. In the war with the “American race,” Asians took the side of the Main Race, although not all subraces of the “Asian race” decided so. Today one can observe a much greater mutual understanding of this particular “Asian race” with the Main Race of the ROD. It is clear why - friendly relations initially influenced the relationship between the two races.

If we take into account the Galactic races, then the starting point of the “Asian race” is the gamma quadrant of your Galaxy (in relation to the alpha quadrant, i.e. according to the location of the Sun - and in the direction of rotation of the Galaxy).

It is curious that even the sound language of the Main Race retained the memory of a friendly connection with the “Asian race”; in any name “Asia”, “Asia” the second letters indicate close friendly communication. The letter “Z” also corresponds with the number “3”, 3rd. And the letter “C” is a symbol of the Main Race - LIGHT, SUN. Let us recall that the original location of the “Asian race” is poetically called “the land of the rising sun”, where “Sun”, “Solo” is a symbol of the Main metarace, like all swastika and solar symbols.


4th new race- time of arrival: Quarta (4th) south of the previous galoera. According to rough calculations, this is 12840 years ago, because... your galoera has already passed the 1st south - that’s 19260 z/l minus 6420 z/l.

Despite the innocent appearance of the "Australian race" today, this race was quite aggressive towards the "Asiatic race". There were even clashes between the warlike Australians and the weakened “American race,” and with victories for the Australians. And only the intervention of the Master Race put an end to the large-scale dominance of the Australians.

However, the “Australian race” has spread across all continents since the days of its power. The main limit to the spread of this race was set by the Great Glaciation, which you know well.

If we take into account the Galactic races, then the starting point of the “Australian race” is the delta quadrant of your Galaxy (in relation to the alpha quadrant, i.e. according to the location of the Sun - and in the direction of rotation of the Galaxy).

Let us also note that the “great wall” of the Galaxy is directed towards two “new races” (more precisely, their ancestors) - African (beta quadrant) and Australian (delta quadrant) - and this is the birthplace of the most intense stars. Survival itself in these quadrants is very problematic, however, your Galaxy is populated in all 4 quadrants. Note that the Main Metarace prefers quieter star formation sites in any galaxies in the Universe.

I am Vesta and wish you Peace and Prosperity. The next topic is “Metarasic Principles”, in the next topic we will take a closer look at the current “New Races”, along with their problems and advantages.

Let us consider in detail the formation of the human race from the point of view of esotericism. In Theosophy it is generally accepted that the development of mankind is divided into seven stages. At each stage of evolution, that is, stage, according to theosophical concepts, one of the seven basic types of man, the root race, predominates.

Root race is a theosophical term used to designate each of the seven stages of human evolution on any planet in esoteric anthropogenesis, set out in E. Blavatsky’s book “The Secret Doctrine” (1888). During any of seven such stages of evolution, sometimes called small circles, one of the seven basic types of man predominates. The Secret Doctrine states that the development of indigenous races is inextricably linked with changes in the geographical face of the planet: the destruction of some continents and the emergence of others. However, Blavatsky notes, it should be borne in mind that both for racial evolution and for the displacements and movements of continental masses, it is impossible to draw a clear boundary between the end of the old order and the beginning of the new.

It is assumed that intelligent life on Earth was created purposefully by a whole complex of higher forces, for which there are no words in human languages. The first monads, created simultaneously with the emergence of the Earth, consisted of subtle bodies and were devoid of intelligence. This was the First Race. Gradually all the primary monads disintegrated, and from their elements the Second Race was formed. These were monads similar to the first ones, but in the course of evolution they found a new method of reproduction, which can be described as “secreting an egg.” Gradually this method became dominant. And as a result, the Third Race arose - the race of the Egg-born, who at the beginning also did not have a dense, physical body (the geological conditions on Earth were then unsuitable for the physical existence of protein bodies).

The third race, which arose at the beginning of the Archean era, quickly developed to the level of separation of the sexes and the formation of the rudiments of intelligence. The first three subraces (traditionally there are seven of these subraces within the boundaries of the “basic” races, according to Theosophy) of the Third Race gradually built up a dense shell, until finally, during the period of the fourth subrace of the Third Race, the first, in fact, people with a real physical body appeared. This happened during the era of dinosaurs, i.e. around 100–120 million years BC. The dinosaurs were big, and people looked the same: up to 18 meters tall or more.

In subsequent subraces, their growth gradually decreased. Proof of this, according to Theosophy, should be the fossil bones of giants and myths about giants. The first people did not yet have a complete set of bodies: they did not have a conscious soul, i.e. bodies of spiritual mind. The higher primates (monkeys) originated from these human animals. After this, according to one version, the higher powers-creators, who brought about intelligent life on Earth, introduced into the consciousness of people those actually rational principles, which allowed them to act as teachers of subsequent generations.

The last subraces of the Third Race created the first intelligent civilization of people on the proto-continent of Lemuria, according to other versions - Gondwana. This continent was located in the Southern Hemisphere and included the southern tip of Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and in the north – Madagascar and Ceylon. Easter Island also belonged to the Lemurian culture.

During the period of the seventh subrace of the Third Race, the Lemurian civilization fell into decay, and this continent itself went under water. This happened at the end of the Tertiary period, i.e. about 3 million years BC. (The third race is sometimes called the Black Race. Its descendants are considered to be black tribes, African and Australian.)

At that time, the Fourth Race had already arisen - the Atlantean race on the continent called Atlantis (it is assumed that the northern edge of Atlantis extended several degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland and the northern part of England, and the southern edge - to the place where Rio is now located -de Janeiro). The Atlanteans were the offspring of the Lemurians, who moved to another continent about a million years before the death of Lemuria.

The first two subraces of the Atlantean race descended from these first settlers from Lemuria. The third subrace of the Atlantean race appeared after the destruction of Lemuria or Gondwana: these were the Toltecs, the Red Race. According to theosophy, the Atlanteans worshiped the Sun, and their height reached two and a half meters. The capital of the Atlantean Empire was the city of the Hundred Golden Gates. Their civilization reached the pinnacle of its development precisely during the period of the Toltecs or the Red Race. This was about 1 million years ago.

The first geological catastrophe, which occurred about 800 thousand years ago, disrupted the land connection of Atlantis with future America and Europe. The second - about 200 thousand years ago - divided the continent into several islands, large and small. Modern continents emerged. After the third catastrophe, about 80 thousand years BC, only the island of Poseidonis remained, which sank about 10 thousand years BC.

The Atlanteans foresaw these catastrophes and took measures to save their scientists and the knowledge they had accumulated: they built giant temples in Egypt and opened the first schools of esoteric wisdom there. Esotericism in that era acted as a kind of state philosophy and a familiar view of the world. In the face of the threat of the destruction of the continents, the highest Initiates were considered to be of the highest value, thanks to whom ancient knowledge was able to survive thousands of years. The catastrophes of Atlantis caused new waves of migrations and the following subraces of the Fourth Race arose: the Huns (fourth subrace), proto-Semites (fifth), Sumerians (sixth) and Asians (seventh). The Asians who mixed with the Huns are sometimes also called the Yellow Race, and the proto-Semites and their descendants who formed the Fifth Race are called the White Race.

Modern humanity is interpreted by esotericism as the Fifth or Aryan race, which also traditionally includes seven subraces, of which only five are currently available: 1) Indians (light-skinned tribes), 2) younger Semites (Assyrians, Arabs), 3) Iranians, 4) Celts (Greeks, Romans and their descendants), 5) Teutons (Germans and Slavs). The Sixth and Seventh Root Races must come later.

According to the teachings of Theosophy, all human races and their subraces perform one or another task of universal human evolution. When one race completes its mission, then the next one appears to replace it, and this is always connected with the transition of human civilization to a new stage.

Race Appearance Characteristics and habitat
First root race (self-born) about 150-130 million years BC It arose on Earth under the sign of the Sun, in the form of astral, semi-ethereal beings by densifying the subtle world, that is, the world of psychic energy. Ethereal, sexless and unconscious. These were creatures with a wave body structure that could freely pass through any solid objects. They looked like luminous, ethereal forms of moonlight in the form of shadows, and could live in any conditions and at any temperature. The self-born had astral-etheric vision. Communication with the outside world and the Supreme Cosmic Mind was carried out telepathically. It reproduced by separating from the parent bodies, which was eventually refined to “budding,” and it was in this way that the second root race began.
Habitat: Far North
Second Root Race (later-born) about 130-90 million years BC The second race was denser, but did not have a physical body; its height was about 37 meters. The “Man” of the Second Race underwent a process of densification, had significant elements of matter, representing an ethereal, ghost-like creature.
She inherited vision from the first root race, and she herself developed a sense of touch, which at the end of the race reached such perfection that with just one touch they understood the entire essence of an object, i.e. both the external and internal nature of the objects they touched. This property is today called psychometry.
The method of reproduction is the release of drops of vital fluid and their combination into a single whole (being).
Habitat: Hyperborea (Gondwana)
Third root race (Lemurians) 18.5 million years BC The bodies of the first subrace of the Lemurians consisted of astral matter (like the first root race). The second Lemurian subrace had the appearance of condensed astral matter (like the second root race). And already the third Lemurian subrace, in which the separation of the sexes occurred, became purely physical. The bodies and sense organs of the third subrace of the Lemurians became so dense that the people of this subrace began to perceive the physical climate of the Earth.
Height is about 18 meters. The Lemurians developed a brain and nervous system, which laid the foundation for the development of mental consciousness, although emotionality still predominated.
Habitat: Lemuria (Mu).
Fourth Root Race (Atlanteans) About 5 million years BC The first Atlanteans were shorter than the Lemurians, although they reached 3.5 meters. Gradually their growth decreased. The skin color of the first subrace was dark red, and the second was red-brown.
The minds of the representatives of the first sub-races of the Fourth Race were infantile, not reaching the level of the last sub-races of the Lemurian Race. The civilization of Atlantis reached a great level, especially during the existence of the third sub-race of the Atlanteans - the Toltecs. The skin color of the people of this subrace was copper-red, they were tall - reaching two and a half meters (over time, their height decreased, reaching the height of a person of our day). The descendants of the Toltecs are the Peruvians and Aztecs, as well as the red-skinned Indians of North and South America.
They used psi energy. Habitat: Atlantis, Lemuria
Fifth Root Race (Aryans) About 1.5 million years BC Modern humanity is interpreted by esotericism as the Fifth or Aryan race, which also traditionally includes seven subraces, of which only five are currently available: 1) Indians (light-skinned tribes), 2) younger Semites (Assyrians, Arabs), 3) Iranians, 4) Celts (Greeks, Romans and their descendants), 5) Teutons (Germans and Slavs). The Sixth and Seventh Root Races must come later.
Sixth and Seventh Root Races in future Between the second and third sub-races of the sixth root race there will be a transition from organic to etheric life.
People of the sixth root race will, over time, open and develop subtle energy centers (chakras), which will gradually lead to the discovery of miraculous abilities, for example, such as transmission of thoughts at a distance, levitation, knowledge of the future, vision through dense objects, understanding a foreign language without knowledge of his and other phenomenal abilities.
