What to do if you don’t want anything in life. What to do if you don’t want to do anything? Treatment of apathetic depression - the right approach is important

How often can you hear this statement from the lips of a modern person. Moreover, women suffer from this condition no less than men. It's just that the male gender has more opportunities for camouflage. That’s why they admit that they don’t want to do anything much less often. As a rule, they refer to fatigue after a difficult day at work. It is much more difficult for a woman in this regard.

Let's try to figure out why you don't want to do anything from time to time? Where does this condition come from and how to overcome it?

I don’t want to do anything or...

It is important to understand for yourself purely psychologically what the cause of this condition is. It often happens that the habitual “I don’t want to do anything” hides a banal reluctance to do some specific work. This happens due to everyday routine. We all perform most of our official and household duties under some kind of psychological compulsion. That's how it's supposed to be. That's all. This is not disputed. Therefore, a state often arises when it seems that there are no longer any desires of one’s own.

What to do in this case? It's very simple. You need to stop and take a time out to think. It is important for us to understand whether depression is really overtaking us or is it just a desire to find time for our own desires and hobbies. Very often, the reluctance to perform any actions is associated with a depressive state. In this case, all the colors of the surrounding world fade. It seems that absolutely nothing interests him anymore. Sometimes it begins to seem that life has been lived completely in vain and there is no meaning in what we do every day.

Only experienced psychologists and long-term work on one’s own spiritual development can help with this condition. It is necessary to find the lost meaning. This is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. However, without it, life really seems absolutely meaningless.

If such a state is associated with a desire to engage in another type of activity, then you just need to set your priorities correctly. If this is not a job you love, then quit without hesitation. You can pay very dearly with your health for this coercion. Look for a job that will give you moral satisfaction. If this is not possible, then you should look for the positive in the place where you work now. It is quite possible that your workplace is simply not organized correctly or there are difficulties in relationships with colleagues. Because in a friendly team there is always someone who is ready to lend a reliable shoulder to a friend in difficult times.

Actively involve family members in completing household chores. You shouldn’t put all the responsibilities of cooking, buying groceries, washing dishes and washing clothes on your fragile female shoulders. For this there are stronger husbands and more energetic children. Instead of walking down the street, your daughter or son can vacuum the apartment or peel potatoes. There is a special technique for the husband’s workload, which we will talk about next time.

This illness or laziness when you don’t want to do anything? Why is this condition dangerous?

When you don’t want anything at all, that’s already a disease. Its name is nervous exhaustion. Only a specialist and long rest can help. If you feel this condition, then immediately go to see a psychologist. There you will understand your psychological problems. After that, take a vacation and go somewhere far away. Out of town. Towards village life. A good way is to live in a nunnery. If you have such an institution in your area, then call its abbess and tell her about your desire to live there for a few days. Most likely, after your arrival you will be given various assignments to do physical labor. But fresh air, physical activity, communication with a priest and proper natural nutrition will do their job very quickly. After a week, you will return to your normal life in a completely renewed state of mind. There will be so much strength that there is more than enough. Try it, you will understand everything yourself.

An alternative to this method is to visit relatives in the village. But you should not go to resorts and holiday homes. You will not find your healing there. A radical change of scenery is needed.

Do not delay treatment. This condition is dangerous for the psyche. At one point you may feel like you should end your life. And, believe me, in a depressed state you will try to do this. It is possible that after this step it will be too late to change anything.

Ecology of life: This morning when I approached the car, I discovered that the front tire was flat. All business and trips had to be cancelled. Having gone home with the clear intention of finally cleaning up, the bummer happened again. The water was turned off. Then, I decided, I won’t do anything at all. Don't want!

This morning, when I approached the car, I discovered that the front tire was flat. All business and trips had to be cancelled. Having gone home with the clear intention of finally cleaning up, the bummer happened again. The water was turned off. Then, I decided, I won't do anything at all. Don't want!

Are you familiar? The end of January and February are traditionally considered the most depressive months. The holidays are over, the money spent has somehow returned in the form of a tasty barrel and a cute crease under the chin. It's cold, slippery and dreary outside. Valentine's Day no longer promises a pleasant surprise in the form of a trip to the Maldives or a gold bracelet. Why, there’s a cardboard scarlet heart, it’s not a fact that you’ll get it. And March 8th is a long way off.

©David Stewart

In short, melancholy! I don’t even want to want anything anymore. I'm tired of good alcohol, and discounts in stores don't excite me. Intense workouts are tiring. Cheerful companies are annoying. And uncertainty about the future is really annoying.

And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are. 40 plus or minus.

I just don't want anything!

And if I tell you that this is not despondency, but a natural state, will you believe it? I want to remind you, but we are all animals. Let them be more civilized and organized. Take, for example, a groundhog. So at this time he sleeps and does not worry. And the bear? He does not respond to calls - Get up and act! He is overgrown with fat, sleeps and is not interested in smoothies.

Do you know why? He is gaining strength. Even a good personal growth coach won’t get him there. It won’t tempt him even with the first consultation with a free barrel of honey in addition. And if he wakes up, he would rather eat his fitness trainer. And arguments like – get up, you furry ass and do a push-up, it will be late tomorrow – will not work. Those who really have a good time are the cranes. They are in warm regions. But this is not our story.

Therefore, rest and gain strength. For those who are awake, this is an excellent chance to think about themselves in a relaxed state. Listen and understand what you like and what you don’t. What you want and what you no longer have. What to focus on and what to send away. And those who take advantage of this opportunity have an advantage over those who fuss and try to find a use for themselves in order to escape from melancholy.

And if you don’t want to do anything, then don’t do it! I think so.

You can't fool the body. When he wants to eat, he gives you signs. And when he wants to pee, he also gives it. And if he doesn’t want anything, then you will hear this signal.

This might interest you:

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  • The mantra will help: “I would rather be alive than dead. If I try for a long time, I will definitely want something.”
  • Don't be a moralist. Any desires are good for you now, rejoice even in the forbidden. Especially them.
  • When deciding to save all of humanity, do not forget to save yourself.
  • Set your boundaries. Even the dog has a rug under the door. What about you?
  • Remembering your debts is great. But issue an order: “From 17.00 to 19.00 I don’t owe anyone anything.”
  • “Does the pony run in circles?” Take a walk with him for a little while. Talk to random passers-by, fellow travelers, and so on.
  • No one knows how tired you really are, including yourself. Start doing the unnecessary instead of the necessary - this will make real fatigue go away, as well as the attitude towards it.
  • A tired person “does not see” others, cares for them incorrectly and does not receive energy from this, because his care is not really needed. Write down on a piece of paper what your loved ones really like and don’t like. If your care becomes more precise, it will give you energy instead of draining it.
  • Learn to express anger, even a little exaggeratedly.
  • Make yourself a special, personal little exercise. It should include stretching, tumbling, and plasticity exercises. Roll your shoulders and straighten your back often.

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Where do most of our problems and worries come from? British writer John Parkin suggests declaring war on the meanings that control our lives.

  • Desires- the desire to possess something;
  • Motivations- willingness to do anything to achieve what you want.

This condition can be short-term, or it can drag on for many months, which is quite dangerous.

Causes of apathy and what to do if you don’t feel like doing anything

Before you challenge apathy, you should find out the cause of its occurrence, and then take action. Common culprits for lack of desire and motivation are the following:

Causes of apathy

1 Common lack of energy
3 Laziness
4 Non-acceptance by society
8 Doing something you don't like
9 Distress
10 Physical reasons
11 Asthenia, neurasthenia
15 Depression
  1. Common lack of energy

Everyday routine, problems of relatives, running around at work, streams of endless information and news are exhausting, taking all the energy without a trace.

What do we do when we feel tired? Let's take a mug of warm tea and wrap ourselves in a cozy blanket? No. We go back to work, take care of the children and the household. We think about anyone or anything, just not our loved ones. It is not surprising that there is no strength left at all.

How to deal with this?

  • After work, don’t turn on the TV, don’t surf the Internet, don’t read anything. Stop the flow of any information. Such rest will only take away your strength. Better take a walk around the city, take a bath, do something pleasant. The main thing is that you are left alone with your thoughts at least for 30 minutes.
  • Think about your past desires. Even children's. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, eat ice cream, go somewhere, but still haven’t done it. In psychology there is such a direction as “Gestaltherapy”. Gestalt is something unfinished that takes energy. Complete your past affairs, fulfill your childhood dreams, and you will release the energy that is holding you back from living.
  • Learn to forgive. If you hold a grudge against someone, you get upset when you think about someone. Stop doing this, you don't need this negativity at all. Let him go. Forgive both that person and yourself. Think about how it will be easier for you if you let go of this problem.
  • Hobbies are really cool! Better than psychologists. While doing what we love, we are distracted and receive positive emotions, and some even note that while doing what we love, solutions to some current issues come to them. Remember your childhood hobbies: knitting, embroidery. Maybe you liked making bracelets from beads? Or you liked to glue something - create a family album by hand, make paper garlands for the holiday or a decorative element. Do what you love. You will feel how you began to think about your desires, and not about the desires imposed by others.
  • Remember that everything is cyclical. Let's draw an analogy with the change of seasons in a year. Spring is the beginning of something new, beautiful, in the summer we are full of strength and energy, in the fall we reap the fruits of our labors, in winter there is emptiness. So it is with us. The old is gone, but the new has not yet appeared. Winter for nature is a time of rest. During such periods, we force ourselves to work even harder. The onset of this period suggests that you need to gain strength for the next breakthrough, and not waste what little is left. Take a break and take care of yourself. And remember about cyclicality - everything passes, and this will pass.

Everyone has probably watched the old American film Groundhog Day, where the main character has to relive the same day over and over again. This happens in life too. Every day the same work, the same tasks, calls. Sooner or later it gets boring. Any job, even the lightest one, puts a heavy burden on your shoulders. You can't squeeze out a single idea or line. How then can you increase productivity?

What to do?

  • Jogging. Even if you're not into running, just give it a try. Take a run around the house at least once. You'll see, you'll come running home charged with energy and full of new ideas.
  • Change of work environment. If you work from home, move your workspace to another room or kitchen. If in the office, then try to find a place in the next office, for example. Create an unusual environment for yourself and inspiration will not take long to arrive.
  • Changing working tools . Turn off the computer and pick up a notebook or notepad. Make plans and diagrams necessary to work on paper. A letter will help launch the thought process and get you out of your stupor.
  • Try to start from the end . While working on a project, change the order of tasks. Choose the tasks that are most attractive to you and start completing them. So gradually you will do everything that is required.
  • Change your daily routine . For example, do in the evening what you usually do in the morning and vice versa. Add some variety to your daily routine. For example, if you clean your house after work, then at least try vacuuming in the morning.
  • Take a rest . If nothing helps at all, agree with yourself that after a couple of hours of rest and pleasant activities, you will devote yourself to work. This way you motivate yourself with “idleness” and will happily take on any work after a two or three hour break.

Yana. Story-woman editor . Due to the nature of my work, I constantly read a lot of information on the Internet in search of inspiration and new trends in the women's industry. But sometimes, passing by Rospechat, I still buy a magazine to read it in the evening, feel the smell of freshly printed paper and take a break from the monitor.

  1. Laziness

Banal laziness is one of the simplest and most harmless reasons for not wanting to do anything. But is she so harmless?

Let's say, in order to become healthy and slim, you decide to run in the morning. In the evening you are full of enthusiasm to start right in the morning. But when you wake up the next morning, you find that running in the morning doesn't seem so rewarding. Healthy sleep is the key to health, you think. You wake up during the allotted time for a run, and in the evening you already regret that you couldn’t get up and blame your laziness for everything. The next morning, history repeats itself... Days, weeks, years pass. So laziness has become a serious obstacle to health and slimness. And now there are extra pounds on the sides, a sore back and other “charms”.

And so it is in everything. Laziness does not allow you to complete your tasks, achieve your goals, or live a full life.

How to deal with laziness?

  • Dream. It's part of human nature. Close your eyes and let your thoughts fly free. Pleasant pictures, thoughts and desires will begin to appear in your head... You still want something, you always wanted it. There is no point in resisting this.
  • Listen to good music. Favorite music can be a great motivator.
  • Write wish lists. The main thing is to do it right. When you are alone with yourself, take a pencil and a blank sheet of paper and write down all the desires that can come to your mind. We need to score at least a hundred. According to psychologists, the first 50 desires are not yours, but imposed by society. After about 50 desires, consciousness will begin to reveal the truth to you.
  • Use visualization. Think about what you want. Attach a vision board in a prominent place and place on it images of everything you dream about. This way you will see in which direction you need to move.
  • Learn to break big things into small ones. It's the same with big dreams. As soon as some goal seems unattainable, think about what you can do to get what you want, think through all the small steps on the way to your dream. You will not even notice how you have achieved something that seemed impossible to you just a week, month or year ago.
  • Leave your comfort zone. Do what you were afraid to do before. Let changes into your life and it will sparkle with new colors.
  • Track your progress. Every day or every month, write down all your successes and achievements and re-read this list from time to time. This will inspire you to further exploits.
  • Reflect on your past successes. You graduated from school or college with honors and got a good job. This will help you cope with despondency and lack of faith in your strength. You succeeded once and of course you can again!
  • Sometimes it's good to do nothing. At all. Turn off the TV, computer, phone, tablet, sit on a chair and fold your hands. Let's see how long you can stand it. Absolute inaction will force you to do even the least favorite job.

How to overcome laziness: soft, hard and super hard way

  1. Non-acceptance by society

Do you feel lonely and unwanted? Do your colleagues refuse to do business with you and ignore you in every possible way? Are they whispering behind your back? Doesn't anyone appreciate your efforts? Without will you give up, you lose motivation and your self-esteem falls.

According to research, people who are rejected by society, over time, cease to adapt to social norms and monitor their appearance. The process of self-destruction begins. A craving for alcohol and smoking appears, eating behavior is disrupted, for example, an outcast begins to abuse sweets. You lose control over yourself and your life.

What to do?

Talk to people around you, ask about the reasons for such a negative attitude. If you cannot establish contact in a team or in a society in which you have to be for a long time, then it is better to completely change your environment.

  1. Neglect of physical needs

You often wake up for work because you go to bed late. You fast for half a day, and in the evening you try to finish what you haven’t eaten all day due to lack of time for a normal lunch break. You often snack on the run. You don't have breakfast. You work so much and so hard that you completely forget about rest. Situations familiar? Neglecting your physical needs can be a serious cause of bad mood. After all, fasting causes a lack of sugar in the body, which makes you irritable and tired. Lack of sleep and rest negatively affects the nervous system. With such a schedule, sooner or later you will simply “break.”

What to do?

As corny as it sounds, take care of yourself. Be more attentive to your body. Eat regularly, walk in the fresh air, relax and your mood will improve in an instant.

You are about to take a big step in life, but you are not sure of any of the possible decisions. Or vice versa, you just need to go to the store, but you don’t know what exactly to buy. The more decision-making situations happen to you, the more energy you lose. You begin to feel tired, but not physically, but psychologically.

What to do?

Keep a notebook where you make a schedule for making decisions. This way you will know roughly when and what you need to decide and won’t get away with it. Because then, . Over time, you will get used to it and it will not seem so difficult to you. Don't forget to include rest hours in your schedule.

Let's say you decide to lose weight. Started to actively exercise and eat healthy. The weight has begun to come off little by little, but you are still far from ideal. You were inspired to see the results and began to practice even more intensely. At some point, weight loss slows down and stops completely. It seems to you that all the effort you expend, the restrictions you endure, are in vain. Instead of waiting out this period, calmly continuing to train and stick to your diet, you get upset and give up everything. You are tired of everything and the best solution for you is to buy fatty and unhealthy food and start eating, eating and eating, sitting in front of the TV. And so in everything: in work, in sports, in self-development.

What to do?

It is necessary to realize that everything does not always go straight into your hands. To get what you want, you need to spend a lot of energy and a lot of time. See the higher meaning in this. Perhaps what you didn’t get, you simply don’t need, or obstacles on the way to what you want will give you the necessary experience. What you got with difficulty will be valued much more.

  1. Doing something you don't like

You hate your job, but every day you get out of bed to do what you hate. Why? Because you need money, you have a family, or perhaps, someday, you were promised a good promotion.

Sooner or later you will burn out. You will be overtaken by a state of fatigue, overwork, and inner emptiness. You will begin to blame everyone around you for your misfortune. And you also ask: “why don’t you want to do anything?” Yes, because you are doing the wrong thing!

What to do?

Listen to yourself, what would you really like to do. It seems to you that life or society requires the right things from you, and you obey people and circumstances, drowning out the cries of your own self. Stop doing this and look for your true self. Try new things so you don’t regret missed opportunities later.

  1. Distress

Stress can sometimes be good. In stressful situations, the body mobilizes its entire reserve to combat the unpleasant factors that caused stress. Improves performance, attention and memory. But if a stressful situation drags on too long, our body begins to get tired of such tension. There appears complete indifference to what was important. A state comes when you don’t want anything, nothing makes you happy. This kind of long-term stress is called distress. You begin to imagine your future and see little good in it.

Why is this happening?

This is due to the development of the frontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for our imagination.

  • The brain can fill in the blanks. If we didn’t hear something or missed a word in the text, our brain fills in the blanks to get the full picture. Sometimes we don’t even realize that something was missing somewhere. So it is with our thoughts about the future. The brain fills in the blanks regarding your current state.
  • We perceive our future in relation to the present. If the current situation causes only negative thoughts, then it becomes more difficult to see a “rosy” future.
  • We cannot always guess our feelings in relation to upcoming events. It seems to us that we will be happy when we get married, our team wins, we win the competition. But in fact, when this happens, the surge of positive emotions is not as violent as we expected. But if we suffer now, it is difficult to imagine happiness in the future.

What to do?

  • If some events in your life make you wonder how you will feel in the future, it is worth talking to someone who has already encountered this situation. For example, you lost a prestigious job and it haunts you. Talk to a person who has already been fired from a good position, find out how his life turned out.
  • Stop trying to control the future. We can imagine, but we cannot predict.
  • Do not limit your vision to the future with subjective sensations. Circumstances always happen that can dramatically change your life. Don't look at your feet, look around so you don't miss anything.
  • Don't delve into the past. You will not be able to remember past sensations, determine what you liked and what you didn’t. The brain erases all memories of feelings. You will look at the past from the point of view of your condition in the present.
  • Not imagining what it will feel like in the future. If you are unable to remember the sensations you experienced, then there is no point in trying to predict future ones.
  • Live here and now. If something serious happens, do not engage in deep analysis of the situation. React and act immediately. This will help you cope with difficulties 100% more effectively.
  1. Physical reasons.

Often, the state of apathy can be associated with any physical diseases, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, or the use of certain medications.

Physical reasons:

  1. Disruption of the endocrine system;
  2. Oncological diseases;
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  4. Alcoholism and drug addiction;
  5. Past serious illnesses;
  6. Lack of vitamins;
  7. Taking hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) and oral contraceptives;
  8. Taking medications that help lower blood pressure (Enalapril).

What to do?

First of all, you should contact a medical institution for a full examination. If it turns out that apathy is caused by problems in the body, it is necessary to undergo treatment.

  1. Asthenia, neurasthenia.

The consequence of a serious illness (flu or pneumonia) can be asthenic syndrome. All the forces of the organism were spent on fighting the disease. Doing usual things requires more effort and time, and any nervous shock, even pleasant, can provoke hysteria and tears. Asthenia can also be caused by a chronic disease that leads to loss of strength: AIDS, hypotension, diabetes. A person experiences complete indifference to everything, powerlessness.

There is also a type of asthenia - neurasthenia, a consequence of psychological trauma. The body saves strength and recovers from the shock it has experienced. This is more likely not apathy, but irritation, frequent mood swings.

The development of neurasthenia goes through three phases:

  1. Equalization. A person reacts equally violently to an everyday trifle and to a larger problem.
  2. Paradoxical. The person is unable to respond to serious problems, but gets upset over little things.
  3. Ultra paradoxical . Absolute fatigue and indifference. A person does not understand what is happening around him, it is difficult for him to respond and react.

How to fight?

  1. Take medications and vitamins that help improve brain activity;
  2. Start using special psychological techniques. For example, during the paradoxical phase, the “Watchman” exercise will help:

We lie down on the sofa, close our eyes and try to dismiss all thoughts except one. We imagine that in our head sits a pumped-up guy in a security guard’s uniform, on his head is a cap with the inscription “Security”. He has no sense of humor, he says only one phrase: “Goodbye!”

  1. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

Apathy may be a consequence of CFS. What is CFS? Here the opinions of scientists are ambiguous. Some believe that this is the same as asthenia and neurasthenia. Others call CFS immune dysfunction or encephalomyelitis.

Unlike asthenia, the syndrome affects groups of people. It is unknown why this happens. Common versions: undetected virus, intestinal disorders, immune problems, hidden food allergies.

Symptoms of CFS:

  1. Insomnia;
  2. Muscle weakness;
  3. Body aches;
  4. Exhaustion.

Scientists agree that this is the result of fatigue. You can get positive emotions from the patient, a sincere smile towards friends and family.

What to do?

Contact a specialist for a full examination.

  1. Schizophrenia and organic lesions in the brain

The cause of apathy can be dementia, neuroinfections, Pick's disease, Alzheimer's, which leads to degradation, accompanied by the loss of any desires other than satisfying physical needs.

Apathy can also be a symptom of schizophrenia. It all starts with the emergence of delusional ideas and loss of interest in everything. It is difficult for the patient to “kill time”; he stops taking care of himself and the house, which is gradually turning into a garbage dump. Then hallucinations appear, a delusional idea attracts his attention and temporarily returns energy to the patient.

What to do?

As soon as possible, contact a psychiatrist who will prescribe specialized treatment.

  1. Burnout syndrome (EBS)

SEW is psychological exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. The risk group for this disease includes mainly citizens who work with people. Some of the most dedicated professionals are suffering: doctors, teachers, social workers... These people face a wave of negativity every day, while putting their “soul” into their work. They do not recognize their right to fatigue and rest, trying to help not only formally. Over time, energy “leaks away” and psychosomatic diseases develop. The psyche tries to defend itself, “turns off” emotions, human activity becomes formal, specialists become irritated and indifferent towards their clients.


  1. Persistent fatigue;
  2. Constant feeling of sadness;
  3. Ennui;
  4. Lack of self-confidence;
  5. Inability to express any emotions;
  6. Lack of desires.

CMEA develops as follows:

Stage 1 . A sudden onset of fatigue, frequent mood swings, loss of interest in previously loved work. A person tries to work through force, not paying attention to the alarming signals of his body, and stops sleeping peacefully. The feeling of anxiety increases.

Stage 2 . The person stops communicating with people. Expresses a negative attitude towards others, becoming sarcastic and irritable.

Stage 3 . A person loses all contact with society, withdraws into himself, and stops taking care of himself. Bad habits develop: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking.

How to deal with CMEA?

But it is best to prevent the development of such a condition. If you feel that regular sleep has ceased to save you from fatigue, take the following measures:

  • Get more rest, don’t miss vacations and weekends, leave your workplace on time;
  • Don't fill your head with unnecessary information. Turn off the TV and read a good book;
  • Do what makes you happy;
  • More physical activity;
  • Do not use gadgets too often and for a long time;
  • Seek new experiences;
  • Learn to prioritize. You can't keep up with everything at once. Important things first, the rest can wait;
  • Think about your health first. Sleep at least 7 hours. Consume sweets and caffeine in moderation;
  • Express your emotions. Man is imperfect. Be human;
  • Don't promise too much, otherwise it will poison your life;
  • Think about what you dream about and what will help make your dream come true;
  • Don't neglect sedatives. They will help prevent the development of CMEA.
  • Try to avoid situations that upset you.
  1. Depression

Depression is one of the most dangerous causes of apathy. Depression is a psychological disorder accompanied by loss of interest in life, eating disorders, sleep disorders, and emotional inhibition. The bad mood does not go away within two weeks. Sometimes thoughts of suicide arise.

According to experts, a depressed person will not necessarily look depressed. Sometimes people deliberately have fun and become overly active in order to hide their condition. But everything they do brings them no joy.

Causes of depression can be:

  • Predisposition to this condition;
  • Death of someone close;
  • Severe exhaustion;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Prolonged stress;
  • Life changes (retirement, divorce, job loss).

How to overcome depression?

In the first six months, you can cope with depression on your own. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try to distract yourself. Don't be alone, do something enjoyable, find a hobby. After all, loneliness and idleness are ideal conditions for gloomy thoughts;
  2. Move more, or better yet, go in for sports. Physical activity means health, slimness and endorphins. Three components of a great mood. But choose gentle activities such as yoga or Pilates, as too intense workouts can worsen the condition;
  3. Don't set the bar too high. By demanding that we fulfill high goals and endless tasks, we do not allow ourselves to relax and create stressful situations ourselves;
  4. Watch your diet. Don't skip meal times, eat healthy and nutritious foods. This will strengthen not only your body, but also your nervous system;
  5. Try to understand the reason. Think about what triggered your condition. Rethink the situation, perhaps this will help you cope with negative thoughts.

If you can't cope with depression on your own:

  1. Contact a specialist who will prescribe antidepressants and prescribe psychotherapy;
  2. Strictly follow all doctor's instructions;
  3. Be attentive to your condition, notify your doctor of any changes;
  4. Make a plan for the next day, take up every hour of your time;
  5. Set yourself achievable goals;
  6. Keep records;
  7. Leave bed immediately after waking up;
  8. Discuss measures to combat a possible relapse with your doctor.

Unfortunately, our children can also be susceptible to apathy. Since they spend most of their time at school and at home, the cause of apathy should be sought there.

The most likely causes of apathy in children

  1. Lack of parental attention;
  2. Incorrect approach to the child on the part of teachers;
  3. Problems communicating with peers.

How to deal with childhood apathy?

More attention from parents is needed. Joint trips, games, and activities will be beneficial. You should talk and have conversations with your baby more often. In the case of peers, organizing events and games will help the child find a common language with other children and communicate more often outside of school hours.

And finally, some advice from the famous coach Leonid Krol on what to do when you don’t feel like doing anything:

  • You need any desires, especially forbidden ones;
  • A tired person will not be able to care for others, because he does not know what these “others” really need. Find out from your loved ones what they want. Once your care becomes precise, it will become much easier;
  • If you decide to save the whole world, start with yourself;
  • Express emotions, even anger;
  • Outline your territory, everyone should have one;
  • Do your exercises every day, which should include exercises to develop plasticity and somersaults. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back;
  • Remember your debts, but don’t forget about time for yourself;
  • Make new acquaintances, do not hesitate to communicate;
  • How tired are you? Start doing more work than planned and you will understand what fatigue it is like.

Down with Dejection! Apathy and laziness
