What do you call a person who reads a lot? Why people who love to read are better than others What are people who love to read called?

1. They tend to be more sophisticated/sophisticated.

Reading allows people to delve into opinions and realities that differ from their own. This helps them refine their point of view. Reading also helps develop intelligence, wisdom, composure and patience. Also, do not forget that people who read with pleasure can, like no other, fully enjoy such little things as good lighting, comfortable furniture and delicious tea.

2. They are more intelligent

When you read a lot, you learn a lot. If a person reads fantasy where we are talking about elves and dragons, this does not mean that it is stupid reading. Books like these can be filled with life lessons. You can find a lot of people reading fantasy. And they have a better vocabulary than those who read various magazines or don’t read at all. They understand clues better and absorb new information better. They are also more pleasant to communicate with. And this is very important in a relationship. I do not want to say that a reading person is a universal soldier, ready for anything. But from such people you will be much less likely to hear the phrase “I don’t know.”

3. They are creative

Creativity is important in relationships. After a couple of years of relationship, it is very difficult to surprise your soulmate. When a person reads a lot, he absorbs the creativity of authors like a sponge. All of these books present ideas that readers may not have known about. And if you want a truly long-term relationship, then reading people are more suitable for this. After all, they will find a way to maintain novelty in the relationship and make it interesting. They will simply use ideas they once read about.

4. They are still children at heart

And such people understand children better, and they know how to deal with them. After all, good relationships sooner or later lead to children. And let's be honest, these are the kind of people who can teach our children while they are growing up. Such people know many fairy tales and can even come up with them themselves. They will ensure that children are truly engrossed in the story.

5. He will be a more passionate lover.

Have you ever read a tastefully described sex scene in a novel? They are very visual, but not vulgar. In the worlds that are described in books, people are very passionate. And, as we said, people who read will learn a lot. This means that a book can teach you how to be passionate.

6. They are more patient

Reading books takes quite a lot of time. And busy people take weeks to read a book to the end. Some people can devour a couple of hundred pages in just a few hours. In both cases, a lot of patience is required. And patience is a skill that takes years to hone. And people who read really hone it for a long time. These people will be patient enough to solve problems in relationships.

7. They will teach you a lot

As we have repeatedly stated, people who read know a lot. They have read many pages, and these pages contain various lessons. After all, not all the books they read are fantasy, drama or romance. Such people love not only to read. They also love to study. They like it. This means they can teach you a lot too. Life, relationships, technology, etc. Are there any topics that are completely incomprehensible to a truly well-read person? If there is, he can read about it.

8. You are guaranteed personal time

Readers love to read. This sounds a little stupid, but read to the end. As we read, we imagine the landscapes, people, and scenes that are described in the book. And when we are taken away from reading, everything breaks down. And we have to start over. When a person reads, he does not like to be disturbed. This means that you have time for yourself. You can sleep, take a bath, go shopping or do what you like.

9. They really know what romance is.

They read books containing elements of romance. Even if it is a fantasy novel written specifically for young boys or men, there will be romance in it. The heroes and heroines of his books experience the worst moments in their lives. They experienced battles and betrayals, separation and despair. But, despite everything, they stay together, overcoming all difficulties. And if you meet a person reading, be sure that he knows everything about romance. This means that your life will soon be filled with this very romance.

10. They know what it means to care.

Books are made of paper. And paper is a very fragile thing. It can be destroyed by fire, water, and simply time. So rest assured that the people reading know how to take care of their belongings. After all, they will want to reread their books again and again. You can rest assured that such people will take care not only of their own things, but also of yours. And they will treat you with care. Of course you are not a thing! It’s just that these people take care of everything that is really dear to them.

In general, people who read are better than many others. But be careful! Not every person reading is like the one described in my article.

Recently, the fashion for reading, fortunately, is gaining momentum. A person who does not read books is perceived by most young people as limited and not having a sufficient level of intelligence. No matter how rude it may sound, it’s really worth thinking about the horizons of a person, which is limited to glossy magazines/imageboards/news feeds on social networks - emphasize what is necessary.

But I will not be ironic about those who neglect literature. A friend of mine (who doesn’t read, of course) once said the phrase: “What’s the point of reading, it doesn’t bring any benefit.” At that moment, I completely lost all words from indignation. After all, a person who loves books knows very well about the benefits of reading.

Therefore, in this article I want to take revenge from my friend and talk to you about the benefits of reading.

1. A person who reads always has an advantage over those who neglect reading.

First of all, a well-read person is always one step higher than someone who can count the books he has read in his life on his fingers. And here we mean the attractiveness of the reading person to the opposite sex. Remember the slogan of the series “The Big Bang Theory”, which read “Smart is the new sexy”? When a person comes out of that age when a partner’s appearance meant literally everything, there is a desire to see in his partner not only a beautiful picture, but also an interesting interlocutor. What can you talk about with a person who doesn’t read?

2. When you read, your imagination works to its fullest.

Isn't this a reason for a creative person to read a lot? Only a book lover knows this feeling of disappointment while watching another film adaptation of another book. After all, while reading the filmed book, you imagined everything completely differently, brighter, richer, more beautiful. And then a significant part of the work was thrown out, the event was depicted differently from how it was described in the book, and the main character is generally strange...

3. You have something to keep yourself busy.

Imagine the situation: you just woke up, it’s wildly cold outside, so neither you nor your friends have any desire to leave the house. Your day turned out to be completely free, and you planned to spend it watching movies, TV series or a computer game. And then, because of an accident, the power at the station is turned off for the whole day. What to do? Horrible! But you have an excellent way out of the situation - a book. And for the whole day you are immersed in another world, watching your own movie in your imagination, which is much better than the films you wanted to watch. What would a person who doesn’t read books do in such a situation?

4. The book allows you to escape from your problems for a while.

And you won't need a large amount of alcohol or anything else to forget. Just pick up a good book and start reading it. After a couple of dozen pages, you won’t notice how you stop thinking about your problems. You will simply escape to another world for a while. And who knows, perhaps in this book you will find a solution to your problems.

5. Books give you a deeper view of the world.

As you read, you become calmer, make more informed decisions, and choose your social circle more carefully. And this is not due to the fact that after reading a dozen books you gained a lot of knowledge. It’s just that any book requires the reader to think about what is happening in it. And this habit of thinking about a work carries over to events in real life.

6. Reading brings variety to life.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go on a trip around the world right now, read a book about a country or about such a trip. When you and the main character return home from long wanderings, you will notice that your desire for a change of scenery has been slightly satisfied. Of course, books cannot replace a real trip, but an adventure novel will act on you like a vitamin against the blues.

7. You will make new acquaintances and friends.

Books bring people together. Every person who reads knows those moments when it turns out that someone you know also read the book you recently read, and it also changed his mind. There is nothing more pleasant than sharing your impressions of what you read and finding support in the words of your interlocutor. And, of course, in the age of the Internet, you can discuss books on forums or somewhere else and find new like-minded people.

8. You will have something to pass on to your children.

And here the books themselves fade into the background. The important thing is that you have enough information and knowledge to give your child practical and wise advice. A developed imagination will allow you to come up with your own fairy tales, and a parent who tells a fairy tale rather than reads it is much more admired by the child. Well, you can come up with a more interesting story.

9. It is easier for people who read to learn.

This pattern has been noticed for a long time - a person who reads books is easier to learn than one who neglects literature. It is not known what exactly gives such a result - more developed thinking or already acquired perseverance - but the fact remains a fact.

10. Beautiful speech.

A book lover will outshine a person who prefers to avoid reading. And there is absolutely no pleasure in communicating with someone who has a meager vocabulary. Who wants to wait until the interlocutor remembers the right word, replacing the gap in speech with a moo like: “Uh... well... that's... sort of... in short.”

In conclusion of the article, I want to say that you should not go to extremes and replace all types of activities with reading. There are many worthwhile films, the Internet is full of useful information, and computer games can also develop some skills. So, keep a balance in your hobbies and develop yourself.

    People who read a lot are often called by the following names: bookworm, bookworm, book lover, well-read, nerd, nerd (although the latter is more suitable for those who learn a lot from books, nevertheless, this is also what people who read in large numbers are called).

    There are a lot of options: bookworm, avid reader, bookworm, book lover, bibliophile, nerd, nerd, bookworm. In Russian, most of them have a dismissive or even derogatory connotation, and a friend of mine who studies Chinese said that in Chinese a bookworm is translated as someone who knows something important. I can’t vouch for the authenticity of the last statement.

    I would call such a person: a book lover, a book lover, but in general, I would call this person smart and erudite, now in our time reading books is irrelevant and a person who reads and loves this activity is a rarity!

    If it is necessary to characterize a person who reads a lot in one word, then he can be called this: a reader, a well-read person, a book lover, a reader, a reader, an intellectual, a reader, a bibliophile, a bibliomaniac, and so on.

    Good question - kind and very informative! It’s a pity that I saw it only now, and unfortunately, all I can do is put an end to it, after many versions of answers.

    Undoubtedly, the most correct option for the name of a person who reads a lot, as they say literally avidly, like me and many of my peers in our Soviet childhood, would be the beautiful old Russian word knigochey (knigochiy), meaning a book lover, scribe, or lover of knowledge, which happened by combining two words - book and eyes. Unfortunately, it is now quite rare to call a person this way, and even more so you will not hear such ancient Russian words as knigovocht or knigovochet (the latter, by the way, has its roots in the Old Slavonic language, and tells us that even our distant ancestors had the greatest respect for the written word on paper to an instructive word).

    Today, most often, people who cannot imagine their life without a book are disparagingly called bookworms, and even the word book lover, which was heard only a few decades ago, is used less and less often.

    I don’t know, but it seems to me that even in centuries, when for sure any work can be read with the effect of presence in virtual reality, books will receive their rebirth, and true bookworms will carefully turn the paper pages, inhaling the indescribable aroma of knowledge!

    I don’t know for sure whether there is any special term for people who read for days on end. Personally, I call such people simply book lovers. Probably a lot of people agree with me. But I will wait with interest for other options.

    Such people are mainly called bookworms, since they can’t go anywhere without a book, in general it’s good when a person loves to read, and learns something new for himself, and reading develops memory very well, so read, but don’t over-read, as reading will make you happy your eyesight is very fast, you need to read in well-lit places but never by candlelight, otherwise you will quickly lose your eyesight and you will become not only a bookworm but also a four-eyed oscasaurus)))

    I used to read books avidly. It happened that I read a book in a day and immediately grabbed the next one. Friends called me a smart book lover, a book lover, a damn reader - this is when I didn’t want to go anywhere because I couldn’t tear myself away from a book.

    Such people are called by different names. Some of the names are bibliophile, polyglot, book lover, bibliomaniac and others. That is, from the name it is clear that the person reads a lot))

    A person who reads a lot is called differently. For example, well-read, book lover.

    Sometimes offensive, such as nerd, bookworm. Or you can call it this: reader, reader or reader. In ancient times they were also called scribes (remember the lines: Pharisees, scribes...).

1. They tend to be more sophisticated/sophisticated.

Reading allows people to delve into opinions and realities that differ from their own. This helps them refine their point of view. Reading also helps develop intelligence, wisdom, composure and patience. Also, do not forget that people who read with pleasure can, like no other, fully enjoy such little things as good lighting, comfortable furniture and delicious tea.

2. They are more intelligent

When you read a lot, you learn a lot. If a person reads fantasy where we are talking about elves and dragons, this does not mean that it is stupid reading. Books like these can be filled with life lessons. You can find a lot of people reading fantasy. And they have a better vocabulary than those who read various magazines or don’t read at all. They understand clues better and absorb new information better. They are also more pleasant to communicate with. And this is very important in a relationship. I do not want to say that a reading person is a universal soldier, ready for anything. But from such people you will be much less likely to hear the phrase “I don’t know.”

3. They are creative

Creativity is important in relationships. After a couple of years of relationship, it is very difficult to surprise your soulmate. When a person reads a lot, he absorbs the creativity of authors like a sponge. All of these books present ideas that readers may not have known about. And if you want a truly long-term relationship, then reading people are more suitable for this. After all, they will find a way to maintain novelty in the relationship and make it interesting. They will simply use ideas they once read about.

4. They are still children at heart

And such people understand children better, and they know how to deal with them. After all, good relationships sooner or later lead to children. And let's be honest, these are the kind of people who can teach our children while they are growing up. Such people know many fairy tales and can even come up with them themselves. They will ensure that children are truly engrossed in the story.

5. He will be a more passionate lover.

Have you ever read a tastefully described sex scene in a novel? They are very visual, but not vulgar. In the worlds that are described in books, people are very passionate. And, as we said, people who read will learn a lot. This means that a book can teach you how to be passionate.

6. They are more patient

Reading books takes quite a lot of time. And busy people take weeks to read a book to the end. Some people can devour a couple of hundred pages in just a few hours. In both cases, a lot of patience is required. And patience is a skill that takes years to hone. And people who read really hone it for a long time. These people will be patient enough to solve problems in relationships.

7. They will teach you a lot

As we have repeatedly stated, people who read know a lot. They have read many pages, and these pages contain various lessons. After all, not all the books they read are fantasy, drama or romance. Such people love not only to read. They also love to study. They like it. This means they can teach you a lot too. Life, relationships, technology, etc. Are there any topics that are completely incomprehensible to a truly well-read person? If there is, he can read about it.

8. You are guaranteed personal time

Readers love to read. This sounds a little stupid, but read to the end. As we read, we imagine the landscapes, people, and scenes that are described in the book. And when we are taken away from reading, everything breaks down. And we have to start over. When a person reads, he does not like to be disturbed. This means that you have time for yourself. You can sleep, take a bath, go shopping or do what you like.

9. They really know what romance is.

They read books containing elements of romance. Even if it is a fantasy novel written specifically for young boys or men, there will be romance in it. The heroes and heroines of his books experience the worst moments in their lives. They experienced battles and betrayals, separation and despair. But, despite everything, they stay together, overcoming all difficulties. And if you meet a person reading, be sure that he knows everything about romance. This means that your life will soon be filled with this very romance.

10. They know what it means to care.

Books are made of paper. And paper is a very fragile thing. It can be destroyed by fire, water, and simply time. So rest assured that the people reading know how to take care of their belongings. After all, they will want to reread their books again and again. You can rest assured that such people will take care not only of their own things, but also of yours. And they will treat you with care. Of course you are not a thing! It’s just that these people take care of everything that is really dear to them.

In general, people who read are better than many others. But be careful! Not every person reading is like the one described in my article.

The widespread dissemination of interests in the area of ​​the unknown in our time cannot but ignore such a phenomenon as mind reading. Surely there is hardly anyone among people who does not periodically want to become the owner of this ability. In fact, a person who reads people’s thoughts is always protected from deceivers at home and at work, from various kinds of scammers, and is always able to give the correct answers to questions, win the lottery, and so on. But, unfortunately, most people are deprived of this ability. At the same time, there are those who claim that such a useful skill as mind reading can be developed with the help of various kinds of exercises and techniques. So people?


Thought transmission is not just an oriental tale, it is a phenomenon studied by scientific and parascientific organizations, parapsychologists, physiologists, physicists and other enthusiasts. There were experiments and research initiated even by government authorities and carried out in the most modern laboratories. Accordingly, there is a special, specially developed terminology for this phenomenon. The very phenomenon of transmitting thought images, according to her, is called telepathy, and a person who reads thoughts is called a telepath. This is a narrow concept. In a broader sense, a telepath is someone who can not only read someone's thoughts from a distance, but also put their own into someone else's head. Therefore, it is necessary to learn two more terms - inductor and percipient. An inductor is a person who is the source of thought. He can actively instill it in others or simply scroll it through his head - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the inductor is the one whose mental images are perceived. A person who reads people's thoughts is called, accordingly, a percipient - a perceiver.

For this article, these three terms will be sufficient.

The existence of telepathy

Many people doubt the existence of such a phenomenon as telepathy and similar phenomena. Moreover, they deny the opportunity to learn to read other people's thoughts. A person has the right to choose what to believe. This article does not aim to convince a skeptic of the reality of the phenomenon, and therefore various arguments regarding the question of whether it is possible to read people's thoughts will not be presented here. Let us assume a priori that it is possible, and devote further research to finding an answer to the question of how. This is the most productive approach to solving a problem: try and find out.

The nature of telepathy

Firstly, we must deeply understand the simple truth that today this has been practically proven by experiments. Therefore, we will not be far from the truth if we imagine a mental image as a series of waves emanating from a person’s head, like from a radio transmitter. Of course, the statement that thoughts literally float in space is technically somewhat simplified, but, in essence, it is quite true.

Secondly, if not from natural gullibility, then at least for the benefit of the matter, the existence of a common information field should be stated. Some scientists, for example Nikola Tesla, assigned this role to the ether, which supposedly fills the entire universe invisibly to humans. Others proposed even more fantastic hypotheses. The majority preferred to remain silent. One way or another, the general information field stores and displays, as in a mirror, the entire amount of information that is present in the world. Among other things, the thoughts of every person fall into this great universal archive. Interesting, isn't it? Let's move on.

From here theories are born about how you can read people’s thoughts - either by connecting to this universal information field, or by learning to directly record and process the flow of mental images emanating from the inductor’s head, or in some other way. There are arguments and supporting facts for each of these versions. But let psychics, parapsychologists, esotericists and others argue about this. Most likely, the truth is closest to the statement that in parallel there are several ways to make telepathic contact, as is the case with any other type of communication.

Unintentional telepathy

Most of us have unintentionally made telepathic contact more than once. Most likely, we simply did not notice most of these types of episodes in our lives, because we did not have the opportunity to recognize the phenomenon. Think of times when you and your friend or spouse, or perhaps someone else with whom you are in a good close relationship, suddenly uttered the same words and even entire phrases at the same time. Or how exactly the same answers came to your mind when asked a question. Or suddenly a thought appeared in your head out of nowhere, and a moment later it was voiced by the person next to you. All this applies to cases of unintentional telepathy, when the consciousnesses of two people connect, vibrations and subtle mental rhythms are tuned to each other and a process of partial synchronization of two people, two minds occurs.

Attentive attention to such manifestations of the psyche and a detailed, scrupulous study of them is the key to success if you have a desire to learn how to learn to read people's thoughts consciously, intentionally and at the right time.

Preparing for telepathy

It’s worth saying right away that there is no magic wand or pill that would allow you to overnight transform from an ordinary person into a telepath. Anyone who wants to acquire mind reading skills will have to seriously work on themselves - on their body, on their mind, on their speech. At this stage, it is important to understand the fact that all mental processes in a person (like all life processes in general) are provided by subtle energy, called, in accordance with Eastern terminology, prana, and among domestic psychics called bioenergy. A person who reads people's thoughts is no exception. And the more prana accumulates in the body, the easier and faster the process of mastering such things as telepathy will be. And on the contrary, the less prana, the slower this process will go, if it even gets off the ground. Therefore, the first thing to do is to learn to spend as little prana as possible and collect as much of it as possible in the surrounding space.

Rules for accumulating vital energy

What does it mean to accumulate prana? It's simple. This means doing less of what consumes it, and more of what contributes to its accumulation. To be more specific, this means that you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid unnecessary sexual impressions and contacts, eat right (preferably on a vegetarian menu, since meat poisons and burdens a person, taking away a colossal amount of vitality), spend more time in nature, do not give in to negative emotions, breathe deeply, talk less, refrain from emotional outbursts, engage in physical exercise, etc., observing the principle of moderation in everything.

Order in your head

The next step is to put your thoughts in order. Since the thinking process also takes away prana, you need to learn to turn off the meaningless muttering of the inner voice and dialogue with it. Regular practice of meditation and relaxation will help us with this, as well as exercises to develop concentration and concentration, for example, looking at one point or at a candle flame for a long time.

Affirmations and self-belief

Believing in yourself, in your own strengths, is a necessary condition to help you achieve success. If you do not sincerely convince yourself that you are a person reading thoughts at a distance, then your brain simply will not be able to remove the block and allow itself to consciously perceive information from someone else’s head. Therefore, every day, as often as possible, imagine that you have already achieved success, that you already know how to perceive and inspire mental images. Imagine this figuratively, as clearly as possible, and be sure to say some formula, like this: “I am a telepath. I read people's thoughts." You can choose the words yourself. The main thing is that the phrase should be spoken in the first person, in the present tense and without negative prefixes, that is, without any “not”, since the subconscious does not catch them.

Exercise to develop telepathy

Here's an exercise to help you understand how to read other people's minds. Choose a partner who will take the matter seriously. Choose a room where no one and nothing will disturb you. It is better if it is dark there (so that attention does not wander). Next, take a comfortable position with your back straight and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply several times. Your partner must also do all this. Then clear your mind of thoughts, stop the internal dialogue. Focus only on your partner, give your brain the setting to perceive his thoughts. And let the assistant, in turn, think intensely about something. And then just wait. Over time, with regular persistent training, you will learn to exchange biofields with your partner and perceive his thoughts. There is no need to guess them - a clear vision will come on its own when you are ready for it.


There are other techniques for learning to read people's thoughts. They were developed in ancient times and continue to work on this issue today. There is no need to jump from one method to another if the first attempts did not bring visible success. Regularity of practice, unbreakable will and confidence in the result will ultimately ensure victory. Therefore, once you have found your method, be persistent and persistent in its practice. Who knows, maybe in the near future you will realize that you are also a person who reads people's thoughts.
