How to make labor and labor easier. How to ease childbirth and contractions: effective tips What to do to relieve pain during contractions

As a rule, they indicate impending birth.

They are aimed at preparing the walls of the uterus for the upcoming process. How to recognize false contractions? Quite easy because they are irregular and a little painful. Most often they begin in the last trimester of pregnancy at 38 weeks. If you start having false contractions, do not give in and go to the maternity hospital, they will soon end. If you notice that each contraction is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, lower back and sacrum, and the interval between them is decreasing, this means that labor has begun.

What is the pain during contractions?

Many women in labor compare it with the pain that precedes the onset of menstruation. However, the severity of pain is individual for each woman, and it depends not only on the characteristics of the body, but also on the mood of the expectant mother. Also, the nature and intensity of pain can be affected by such aspects as the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid, what kind of birth a woman has, what is the time interval between them. During contractions, the baby also moves a little along the mother's birth canal with each contraction. Most often, the duration of contractions averages 12 hours, but for women who have previously given birth, the duration of contractions is reduced. Most often, the time interval between contractions is about 30 minutes, and the duration of the contraction is about 10 seconds. Each time the gap between them decreases and the duration increases.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance?

It is advisable to record the intervals between contractions and their duration exactly at the moment when they began. You should go to the maternity hospital when contractions are regular and the interval between them has been reduced to 20 minutes.

How to relieve pain during contractions?

Childbirth is a natural process that is often accompanied by pain. This is intended by nature itself. There are many ideas to help ease the pain of contractions. For some, a bath with warm water becomes a salvation; for others, jumping on a gymnastic ball - a fitball - helps them relax and relieve pain. So, let's look at the most effective ways to relieve pain during contractions. The main rule is to walk and move as much as possible. This will not only reduce the duration and intensity of the contraction, but also contribute to the rapid opening of the cervix. Back massage and rubbing the sacrum is another way to cope with pain and relieve pain in the lower back. Therefore, take a loved one with you to the maternity hospital who can help and support you.

Proper and deep breathing during contractions can relieve pain. Try to go to the toilet as often as possible, this helps the muscles of the uterus contract. In between contractions, try to take a little nap or just relax, then you will have strength for the upcoming attempts. There are times when you cannot do without anesthesia. This applies to those women who have low

Be positive

Think that a happy meeting with your baby awaits you ahead. Now you know how to relieve pain during contractions. Go to the maternity hospital in high spirits and in anticipation of the upcoming happiness!

Greetings to all readers and guests of my blog. Today we will talk about how to make childbirth easier?

First, you need to reduce the fear of childbirth, learn to respond correctly to contractions, using massage and breathing during contractions and pushing.

During contractions, contractions appear (the uterus contracts), the cervix opens and the baby moves along the birth canal. And pain occurs due to:

  • Ligament and muscle strains
  • Cervical dilatation
  • Pressure on the cervix and vagina

In order for the baby to progress easily, the mother needs to learn to relax and behave calmly. If the mother is calm, her body produces a sufficient amount of oxytocin (a hormone that stimulates labor). If the mother panics and is afraid, her body produces adrenaline (a hormone that makes the muscles tense and the cervix stops contracting, thereby slowing down labor, provoking the production of an even larger portion of adrenaline).

And a vicious circle appears:

fear - muscle tension - pain - fear

You cannot control the contractions of the uterus, but you can consciously relax the muscles surrounding the uterus, thereby reducing pain.

You need to learn to overcome your fears, anxieties and worries and help your baby be born as calmly as possible.

How to reduce fear of childbirth?

1. The unknown is known.

Everyone is afraid of the unknown and uncertainty. If you know the main stages of childbirth, have an idea of ​​what awaits you in the prenatal period, what contractions and pushing are, how to breathe correctly, you will be much easier and calmer.

It is best to take a course on preparing for childbirth, but you can also talk with friends who have given birth, read information on the Internet, and read special literature on this topic.

Choose in advance the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth. Find out about the features of this establishment. Find out what the conditions are there. If you are very worried, choose the doctor with whom you want to give birth and discuss all the nuances with him, ask questions.

2. Pain is an ally, not an enemy.

Many people fear pain during childbirth, but pain is a part of childbirth. By following special breathing techniques during childbirth and relaxation methods, you can endure the pain, reduce it and still have the strength to push.

But you shouldn’t scream or silently endure the pain with clenched teeth, as you will only prevent the opening of the cervix and lose a lot of strength.

Pain is an advisor who will tell you when you need to relax, change position or take a certain position for the most comfortable passage of the baby through the birth canal.

3. The alarm case is ready!

It is much easier to prepare for the start of labor when you know that you have everything ready. Pack your things for the maternity hospital in advance according to the list (lists are available in the maternity hospital, antenatal clinics, from friends who gave birth, or on the Internet).

Decide how you are going to go to the maternity hospital (call an ambulance or your spouse can take you), which route (so as not to get stuck in traffic).

Prepare yourself mentally for any situation, for example, your water breaks in the store or contractions start while walking. Don't worry, you will manage everything, you have time. You will be able to go home or ask to be picked up. The main thing is don't panic.

4. A positive attitude is the key to success!

Pray, meditate, sing. Imagine your baby as you press him to your chest, kiss him and hug him. Think positively, do not use the particle “not”.

5. Husband’s support – in what way?

Think in advance whether you want to see someone close to you (husband, mother) during childbirth. What kind of help do you expect from them? Are you going to a partner birth or not? Just remember that your loved ones will not read your thoughts. You need to explain what and when you want them to do.

6. Oh this head!

During childbirth, you don’t need to think about how the birth will end quickly, don’t rush things. Your body knows what, how and when it needs. Let him act.

How to postpone contractions?

  • If you are at home, then water is your faithful assistant. If contractions are strong, try immersing yourself in warm water or taking a warm shower to relieve tension.
  • Heat helps relieve pain. For example, it could be a bag filled with wheat (flax) grains. This pouch can be heated in the microwave for a few minutes and can remain warm for about an hour. This is an excellent way to warm your back or stomach. Or you can use a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel.
  • Go to the toilet as often as possible to empty your bladder.
  • Use proper breathing during labor (more on this below).
  • Massage is another great option.
  • Good position (choose your position in which you are most comfortable to endure contractions), change position as often as possible.

During contractions you can:

  1. walk, stand with your hands on the table or squat.
  2. get on all fours or sit on a chair with your legs spread apart
  3. lie on your side with pillows between your legs and under your breasts (if you decide to lie down)

Stages of breathing

There are 3 stages of breathing + breathing during pushing, depending on what stage of labor you are at. These breathing techniques will help you relax and rest between contractions.

Stage 1 of breathing – deep breathing

This breathing should be deep. You need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. When the contraction begins, start breathing like this, and when the contraction ends, stop. It turns out about 6-9 such inhalations and exhalations per minute. If the contraction lasts 30 seconds, it will take about 3-6 breaths.

Breathing stage 2 – controlled breathing

Used when contractions last more than 1 minute (1-3 minutes). In this case, you need to breathe shallowly and as if with acceleration. The contraction begins slowly (at this time you need to take several chest breaths and exhalations), then the contraction increases (we begin to breathe more shallowly) and reaches its peak (we breathe frequently and shallowly), then the contraction gradually subsides (breathing becomes less frequent, ending with deep inhalation and exhalation ).

Stage 3 – cleansing breath

It is used at the last stage of cervical dilatation. Now the contractions are most sensitive, the distance between them is reduced.

So let's do it

1 deep breath

4 frequent shallow inhalations and exhalations

1 deep, intense breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth (as if you were chilling soup)

Stage 4 – breathing during pushing

While pushing, you need to push (as if you really want to go to the toilet in a big way, but you are constipated).

So let's do it

  1. Chest deep breath
  2. Deep chest exhalation
  3. Full chest inhalation (you need to draw more air into the chest and into the “stomach”)
  4. Hold your breath for 30-50 seconds, and then slowly exhale the air as if blowing out a candle.
  5. Press your chin toward your sternum (looking at your belly button) and push down your belly.

During one contraction you can push like this 2-3 times.

It is important to remember that deep breathing is the main breathing during labor. Always return to deep breathing whenever possible. Stay at each stage of the breath for as long as possible. Only if necessary, include the next stage of breathing.

And yet, you may completely forget about all the techniques you read. The most important thing is to listen to your body.

Types of breathing during childbirth:


  • Massage from the tailbone up to the lower back. Pressing forcefully, slowly move your fists (fingers) from the tailbone to the lower back. 10-20 times per minute.
  • Move your fist from the sacrum to the lower back and back with circular pressing movements.

While pushing, listen carefully to your obstetrician. The doctor will tell you when to push.

With the birth of the baby, all pains are quickly forgotten. And remember the newborn to the breast in the maternity hospital.

How to relieve pain during childbirth? During childbirth, try to learn to relax, not be afraid, listen to your body, help yourself with breathing and massage. Then the birth will take place calmly, without unnecessary pain and stress.

Women often look for ways to ease the pain of contractions when they are pregnant with their first child because they are so afraid of childbirth. Pain does not threaten the mother in any way, and its presence is an important factor for the normal birth of the baby. In the process of expelling the fetus, the female body produces a large amount of hormones that significantly reduce sensitivity.

- This is the muscular effort with which the reproductive organs help the fetus pass through the birth canal. This process is quite long and is divided into several periods. During pregnancy, a woman expecting a child needs to learn to feel her body in order to determine what is happening to her at each stage of labor. Then she will be able to relax, and the pain will delight her.

There is no need to look for ways to reduce pain during contractions. It helps to understand that all processes are proceeding as normal. It’s much worse when the pain suddenly subsides and the baby freezes before it’s even born. This means that the body has not coped with its task, and the fetus faces death on the threshold of birth.

Why does pain occur?

To give birth to a child, the endocrine system begins to produce special hormones. These are active substances that trigger the birth process. They force the muscles of the cervix and the birth canal, through which the baby must pass, to relax. The muscle cells of the uterus begin to actively contract due to the appearance of special hormones in them.

The mechanism of fetal expulsion is complex. A wave of excitement spreads along the bottom of the uterus, and in response the rest of the body begins to contract. These alternating movements resemble a swinging swing. The more the bottom contracts, the more actively the top will react. Such expelling forces were called contractions. They are formed as a result of the conversion of the energy of biochemical substances into the mechanical activity of muscles.

Prostaglandins begin labor. They give way to oxytocin, and under its influence the muscle cells of the uterus begin to contract more and more rhythmically and the intervals between contractions become shorter. Muscle work is accompanied by pain.

Contraction of the uterus is painful because its fibers at the moment of expulsion of the fetus tend not only to contract. They actively twist around their axis and intertwine with each other, increasing the compression force. Like any muscle effort, rhythmic contractions of muscle cells are accompanied by pain. The weaker the muscles, the more painful the woman will be during their contractions. This rule applies to all muscle tissue that a person has.

If a woman in labor understands what is happening in her body and suppresses her fear with thoughts that everything will end soon, her positive mood will begin to release happiness hormones. Endorphins increase the release of oxytocin, and the birth process is active. At a time when a woman feels sorry for herself, is afraid of pain, she experiences a stressful situation. A depressed mood leads to an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood. This stress hormone suppresses the production of oxytocin, and the labor process will drag on indefinitely.

The intensity of the compression force and pain depends on many factors. The meaning is:

  • woman's age;
  • features of the functioning of the internal secretion organs;
  • genetics;
  • pain threshold.

Each woman is an individual organism, and the sacrament of birth for everyone takes place according to a personal scenario. A low pain threshold requires special training and the possibility of mandatory anesthesia. High – allows you to feel the pain as insignificant. The doctor will always be able to alleviate the patient’s condition with strong sensations, using painkillers, if necessary.

What doctors do to ease childbirth

A woman who has not undergone psychological training, due to her false fears in anticipation of inhuman pain, can lead to labor failure, which will increase the time of birth of the baby. Normal labor lasts from 8 to 10 hours. Some women may be in labor for up to 24 hours or more. Medical intervention in the natural process occurs as specialized care during childbirth. During weak labor, the obstetrician begins to take urgent action if he sees that the child may die.

In a normally ongoing process, the doctor does not interfere with the mystery of nature, but observes the course of events, and the woman’s painful sensations help him in this. An obstetrician can, by administering oxytocin, speed up the process of giving birth to a baby by up to 1-3 hours, but they prefer to do this in emergency cases. The injection of the hormone leads to severe pain. The reason for this is that oxytocin actively accumulates in cells, and from an excess they become strongly compressed and twisted. Then it is necessary to administer some antispasmodic or analgesic agent to partially reduce the pain. Complete pain relief is impossible because the absence of pain will prevent the doctor from determining what is happening to the woman.

Induction of labor is rarely used, because a healthy woman who has carried her baby to term can give birth on her own. Caesarean section is performed only when indicated. Fear of pain should not be the main reason for having a baby through surgery.

In order for the muscles to expel the fetus faster, doctors suggest increasing physical activity before giving birth. Then other muscles located in the pelvic cavity join the muscle cells of the uterus, and labor accelerates. To achieve this effect, obstetricians suggest using:

  • fitball;
  • squat;
  • walking along the corridor;
  • rhythmic breathing;
  • tension and relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

Some women prefer distracting procedures. Massage or water distracts from the pain that contractions bring. Some maternity hospitals use aromatherapy. Rose oil is believed to reduce pain during childbirth.

What can a woman do to get relief?

How painful childbirth will be largely depends on the woman herself. For a correctly configured expectant mother, childbirth proceeds according to a favorable scenario if her endocrine system functions normally. A woman in labor who has weak muscles will experience more pain during labor than one who led an active lifestyle until the end of pregnancy. With the help of physical exercise, the expectant mother can easily cope with the problem of how to relieve pain during contractions and prepare her body for the birth of a healthy baby.

Women giving birth for the first time should not see themselves as martyrs. This is the wrong position. They need to remember that the muscles of the uterus, going through the labor process for the first time, may respond more slowly to the effects of hormones. As a result, labor will proceed at different speeds. It can speed up and slow down for a while. This is a special process that must end when the time comes.

To reduce pain, muscles and psyche need to be trained in advance.

A woman can work on this while she is pregnant. You need to learn to listen to your body and understand what is happening inside it. Yoga and meditation help you gain this skill. The ability to feel all the changes in the body, relax and tense up in time during childbirth helps to give birth to a healthy baby even in the most difficult situations.

The birth of large children is much easier if a woman can feel the rhythm of contractions and report them to the doctor in time. This skill is very important if the fetus suddenly gets stuck in the birth canal.

In situations where the baby's shoulder diameter is larger than the head diameter, pain helps the woman help the team of obstetricians and doctors push him out. There are special techniques that help you do this without putting forceps on the child’s head. To do this, you just need to inform the doctor about the beginning and end of contractions, and he will do the rest on his own.

Eastern techniques claim that the sound “om” made during a contraction significantly reduces pain. Many women who scream during labor reduce their suffering by screaming loudly.

A woman does not need to be afraid of pain. Her body has mechanisms to make it tolerant. The main thing in childbirth is that the baby is safely expelled by the uterus. He must pass through the birth canal, and the muscles of the reproductive organs will push him safely out. Painful sensations only indicate that the process is going well.

The process of childbirth, although physiologically determined, is still stressful for the female body. The most debilitating contractions during labor are painful contractions that can last for quite a long time. At the same time, a woman, feeling pain, may wilt psychologically, which naturally affects the duration of the birth itself and the recovery period after it. That is why it is very important to know several techniques that can help reduce pain during contractions and preserve strength for the upcoming attempts. Read today's article about how to relieve pain during contractions.

Many women are very afraid of the upcoming birth precisely because of the inevitability of pain during labor. Some even decide to have a caesarean section to avoid pain during labor. But it is always important to remember that natural childbirth is a physiologically determined process for which a woman’s body prepares throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, and the accompanying pain is always subject to your body. Let's understand the nature of pain during the birth process. In general, childbirth can be divided into two periods.

  1. Contractions. At this time, the cervix opens, which contains a lot of pain receptors. In addition, the uterus itself begins to contract, the ligaments and peritoneum stretch, the pressure inside the abdominal cavity and in the retroperitoneal space changes. The pain that a woman feels during this period is called visceral. It has no specific localization and is characterized as dull. Many women compare this pain with cramps in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
  2. Attempts. After contractions, pushing begins. At this time, the fetus moves along the birth canal, stretching the tissues of the lower part of the birth canal. This pain has a precise localization: in the rectum, vagina and perineum. Pain during pushing is considered somatic, and women describe it as acute.

It is also worth noting that nervous tension, fears and negative emotions before childbirth can reduce the pain threshold. Sometimes this is precisely the cause of severe pain during contractions, that is, it is not the pain itself that causes nervous exhaustion, but its perception. In addition, severe pain during contractions can be due to:

  • premature birth;
  • first birth;
  • at the birth of a large child;
  • if you have previously experienced painful menstruation;
  • during long labor;
  • if oxytocin was used;
  • after the discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • with insufficient psycho-emotional preparation of the woman in labor.

How to relieve pain during labor and childbirth

How to relieve pain during contractions? For this, there are several recommendations from doctors who help different women to varying degrees during labor.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions

During contractions, it is very important to choose the optimal position, which will reduce sensitivity to pain. There are about 10 such poses; depending on the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus, the pose is selected individually.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions while standing:

  • rest your hands on the headboard or any other surface of suitable height. With your legs slightly apart, relax your stomach and back so that the weight of your body is redistributed to your limbs. In this pose, make swaying movements left and right, back and forth;
  • squat down. With your legs as wide apart as possible, rest on your full foot. In this case, the back should rest against a fixed support;
  • spread your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hips with your hands. In this pose, make swaying movements.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions in a kneeling position:

  • get down on your knees, place your hands and head on a stationary support so that the body sag and the weight is redistributed to the limbs;
  • in a kneeling position, lean your chest and arms on the fitball, make swaying movements.

Poses to relieve pain during contractions on the bed:

  • Get on all fours on the bed, leaning on your elbows and knees. In this case, the legs should be slightly apart, and the woman should arch her back upwards as far as possible;
  • Get on all fours on the bed, leaning on your knees and elbows. With your legs slightly apart, sway left and right;
  • Get on all fours on the bed and shift from one knee to the other. In this case, you need to stand on your knees and rest your hands on the headboard of the bed.

Poses that relieve pain during contractions while lying on your side:

  • Lie on the bed on your left side, bend your legs at the knees and hip joints. Place a pillow between your legs if desired.

It is worth noting that if you had painful periods before pregnancy and the pain was localized specifically in the lumbar region, then it is not recommended to lie down during contractions - this will only make the painful sensations stronger. It is best to spend the entire period before pushing on your feet, walking or taking the poses described above.

It will also not be a bad idea to squat. This position will speed up the dilation of the cervix.

Massage during contractions? to ease the pain

According to reviews from many mothers on how to relieve pain during contractions, massage has become a salvation from debilitating pain during contractions. This method of pain relief works especially well if the pain is localized in the lumbar region. However, to perform a massage during labor, you must have a partner with you. Ask him to massage your lower back, shoulders, head, neck, and the area near the protruding pelvic bones.

If you are not having a partner birth, you can try self-massage. To do this:

  • clench your hand into a fist;
  • during contractions, rub the lumbar area with it;
  • During the break between contractions, knead the protruding pelvic bones on the abdominal side with your fingers.

Such manipulations will allow the muscles to relax after a sharp tone.

Water treatments to ease contractions

Many modern maternity hospitals practice a new method of easing pain during contractions - a warm shower. The bottom line is that a woman from time to time, of her own free will, stands under flowing warm water during contractions. As I note for women in labor, this manipulation is very relaxing and allows you to rest a little.

Music and relaxation to ease contractions

It’s not for nothing that modern maternity hospitals offer expectant mothers to take a player with recordings of soothing music or the sounds of nature and the sound of water during childbirth. Something as simple as music can significantly calm a woman in labor and help her relax between contractions.

It is also worth noting that during labor you need to relax as much as possible in between contractions. In addition, the psychological attitude is very important. Take childbirth itself not as a test, but as a necessary step towards meeting your baby. Remember that it is even harder for the child at this moment, because the little bundle goes through a difficult path to meet its mother.

How to Breathe During Contractions to Relieve Pain

The ability to breathe correctly during contractions and pushing can greatly simplify the birth process and relieve pain.

At the beginning of the effort, we breathe like this:

  1. Inhale through the nose for four counts.
  2. Exhale in six counts through your mouth, pursing your lips into a tube.

The inhalation should be much shorter than the exhalation.

During intense contractions, we breathe like a dog:

  1. Open your mouth.
  2. Take shallow breaths and breaths.

Accelerating breathing during intense contractions significantly reduces pain and helps you endure it without compromising your emotional state.

During dilatation of the cervix we breathe like this:

  1. Take a quick, shallow breath through your nose.
  2. Pursing your lips like a tube, exhale through your mouth just as quickly.

Inhalations should be very fast and not deep, then the pain will subside a little.

How to breathe while pushing:

  1. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  2. When singing any vowel, exhale through your mouth as long as you inhaled.

It is important that the exhalation is as if you are blowing out a candle.

During labor, it is very important to remember that the long and exhausting process of contractions and pushing is only the final step towards meeting your baby. Stay calm, learn to relax at the right moment and be sure that childbirth will go easily and quickly, and the unforgettable first meeting with your little one will remain in your memory as the warmest memory for the rest of your life.

How to relieve pain during contractions. Video

The expectant mother looks forward to her child's birthday (birth) not only because she wants to see her baby, but also because she is tired of pregnancy. At the same time, a pregnant woman, especially a first-time mother, is concerned about how long labor will take and how easier it is to endure labor pains during childbirth.

A little about contractions

Labor contractions are periodic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, accompanied by pain. The average duration of contractions ranges from 9-13 hours, while the pushing period ranges from 15-20 minutes.

If at the beginning of the onset of contractions the frequency between them is about half an hour, then by the time of birth the time between contractions is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

The pain of contractions also increases. At first, a pregnant woman can still endure the pain, but as the contractions become more frequent, they seem to her more and more painful each time. This is due to the fact that as it moves along the birth canal, the fetus puts more and more pressure on the woman’s pelvis.

Labor pains are quite painful, but it will be much easier to endure them if you follow a few rules. Let's look at the main phases of contractions, as well as recommendations on how to reduce pain during them.


This phase is considered latent, its duration is from 5 to 9 hours. In this phase, the birth canal opens. All this time the woman can stay at home. The main task during this period is to relax and save energy. During the latent phase, the cervix can dilate up to 5 cm. The duration between contractions is initially 30 minutes, and by the end of the phase it reaches 10 minutes.

What should mom do:

  • Keep a contraction diary
  • During contractions, breathe deeply into the stomach (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). The ratio of inhalation and exhalation is 1 to 2 (inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds)
  • Lie down, relax, spend time with your husband
  • Listen to music
  • Carry out hygiene procedures, put yourself in order. You can take a shower, the water temperature should be no more than 38-39 degrees.
  • Have a snack. A small amount of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products is acceptable.
  • Pack your bag for the maternity hospital

What not to do in the preparatory phase:

  • Panic and randomly rush around the apartment
  • Eat heavily before the maternity hospital
  • Forgetting about the necessary documents for the maternity hospital


During this phase, contraction intervals decrease from 10 minutes at the beginning to 3 minutes at the end. The cervix dilates by 7-8 cm and the waters drain due to the natural rupture of the bladder. It is important not to miss the moment and come to the maternity hospital when the intensity of contractions is at least 5 minutes.

What should mom do:

  • Talk and communicate with your child
  • Focus on the result, not the process
  • Stroke your stomach in the direction from the waist to the navel. You can also clench your hand into a fist and, at the moment when the next contraction hits, rub it on your lower back in the area along the spine. This will help you bear the pain
  • Breathe slowly and deeply, trying to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Look for a comfortable position that would make it easier to endure contractions.
  • Stimulate the approach of labor by walking more.

Yes, yes, do not lie in bed, but move along the corridor or the birth room. When labor pains overtake a pregnant woman standing on her feet, it is easier to endure, since the woman’s body is not relaxed, but is in some tone.

In addition, periodic movement of a woman on her feet will allow the fetus to quickly descend to the cervix, which will speed up its dilation. And, therefore, it will bring the moment of birth closer.

A pregnant woman should not be afraid that as a result of constantly being on her feet, she will become weak and will not have the strength to give birth. There will be enough strength, as Nature intended.

What not to do during the active phase:

  • Sit upright on a hard surface with your entire pelvis
  • Drink and eat
  • Retain urination
  • Self-administer painkillers
  • Refuse doctors' recommendations
  • Clenching and straining muscles
  • Go to the maternity hospital on your own
  • Screaming, being afraid, panicking

The last point can lead to the cessation of labor due to a stressful situation. In addition, during screaming, air is inhaled superficially and mother and child may experience oxygen starvation.

Transitional phase (lowering)

The phase period is from 1 hour to 2 hours. In this phase, contractions last up to 2 minutes. There is pain in the sacrum, it can cause nausea, vomiting, freezing, and fever.

What should mom do:

  • If you want to push, you should first call a doctor.
  • If the doctor says that dilation has occurred, but it is too early to give birth, this means that the baby’s head is still high. In this case, the mother needs to push vertically during contractions.
  • If the opposite situation occurs, when there is no full dilation, but you want to push, you need to stand in a knee-elbow position, thus rolling the child away in order to reduce the pressure on the perineum.

What not to do:

  • Start pushing without your doctor's permission
  • Squeeze your hips, stand up sharply, jump
  • Push on your face and puff out your cheeks
  • Holding back bowel movements due to inconvenience and shame

Positive attitude during childbirth

By talking to your child and reassuring him that everything will be fine, you put yourself in a positive mood. Follow these tips to help you ease your labor pains.
