How to celebrate Valentine's Day at home. How to celebrate Valentine's Day - romantic options. Make the world brighter

On February 14, many will go to a restaurant, give/receive flowers and chocolate, then kiss in public transport, and have sex in the evening. All this, of course, is great, but why not have more original dates? Our scripts will be useful to you not only on Valentine's Day, but also on any other day of love.

PLOT: you give your loved one a ticket (lucky and winning) to the “Museum of Love”. Today the apartment has been converted into an exhibition, and you are its curator. The exhibits are general photos, notes, postcards and various things relating only to the two of you. It is possible that by the end of the tour a new gift will be given to the museum.

ENTOURAGE: pleasant music, soft light, exhibits with explanations, program poster.

SURPRISE: edit a film about you (from photos or videos).

YOUR ACTIONS: tell the exhibition visitor about the most bright moments your relationship. Organize a surprise film presentation. A light buffet is welcome.

AFTER PARTY: walk through the city at night holding hands. You can end the evening with a “magical” ritual (traditions strengthen relationships!) - whisper a general spell at any crossroads.

PLEASE PROVIDE: tickets, poster, exhibits, gift, buffet.

Quest cross

PLOT: The hunt for hearts is open! Don't worry, no piercing or cutting. While hunting, you and your loved one will need to complete three tasks (as in folk tales - apparently, their authors were partial to quests). Well, in the finale - a feast on the mountain. In your favorite cozy restaurant.

YOUR ACTIONS: Prepare three tasks for each other: for example, a love crossword, a puzzle, a treasure map. Develop a route and a system of clues that will lead from one riddle to another. The game arena can be an apartment, a house, a street, or a shopping center. The scale depends on your imagination. Once you've had a blast of fun, go celebrate. Today's dinner will definitely not be left without topics for discussion.

ENTOURAGE: all details are kept strictly secret until day X.

SURPRISE: Let each task come with a gift. Let's say, wish coupons (which can be played on other days) or a certificate (for something unique).

AFTER PARTY: If finances allow, book a honeymoon room at the hotel. Or just a room for two.

PLEASE PROVIDE: riddles and tasks, surprises and gifts.

History in faces

PLOT: There are never too many photos together, especially successful ones. So go to a photo studio to capture your love story. You can even act out scenes: the beginning of a relationship, the first kiss, a declaration of love... Several hours in the spotlight will fly by unnoticed.

YOUR ACTIONS: Conduct marketing research on photography services and choose a studio.

ENTOURAGE: grab some props or shoot in places that are iconic to you.

SURPRISE: remember some interesting moment from your love story and play with it. Or find in your closet the outfit you wore on your first date - unexpected and so touching.

AFTER PARTY: Posing in front of the camera is not easy - it wastes energy, nerves, and emotions. So, hearing: “Stop! Cut!”, go home, order pizza and relax with your favorite comedy.

PLEASE PROVIDE: photo studio, costumes, props.

Two in a boat

PLOT: in your youth, did you read Scarlet Sails and dreamed that one day a ship would come for you? Dreams must come true! But you will have to take care of the magic yourself. Fill the bath with water, add special salt. You can even turn on the fan to simulate a light breeze. Now invite your Gray to swim in a quiet haven...

YOUR ACTIONS: if the bathroom area allows, place a stool there, and on it a candle, glasses, champagne and light snacks.

ENTOURAGE: decorate the room with red fabric or hang a scarlet bath curtain - the “sails” are ready. If there is a fuse left, make an anchor out of cardboard and glue your shared photos onto it. Very symbolic (we are talking about stability, not about your couple going down!).

SURPRISE: Give your loved one a vest with a cheerful print like “Give me Assol!”

AFTER PARTY: from the “ship” smoothly move to the bedroom.

PLEASE PROVIDE: scarlet fabric (curtain), everything for serving, drinks and snacks, a gift and fluffy towels.

First time on screen

PLOT: Today, marriages are made not only in heaven, but also on the World Wide Web. Submit an application to the Virtual Wedding Palace and on the appointed day and time, turn on the computer - each one of them. All questions must be answered in the affirmative. Bitterly!

YOUR ACTIONS: schedule registration ( or After the procedure, you will receive a marriage certificate. Alas, it has no legal force, but you can invite witnesses and guests to the wedding. Online, of course.

ENTOURAGE: The bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can come in handy. wedding cake Same. At home with tea...

SURPRISE: it will be a marriage certificate, which needs to be printed from the website and then inserted into a frame.

AFTER PARTY: you have the first one ahead wedding night

PLEASE PROVIDE: top up your account with your internet provider.

And one more thing...

7 date ideas:

  • AUTOMOBILE: Take a ride together through the city at night. Don't forget a thermos of tea.
  • TRAIN OR ELECTRIC TRAIN: Buy tickets for any train, take a walk in unfamiliar places.
  • ATTRACTIONS: Test all the slides at the indoor water park. Film each other.
  • KARAOKE CLUB: Dedicate love songs to each other.
  • STREETS: Camera in hand - and run outside, trace your tracks - with chalk, gouache, or even shaving foam! But they say it’s difficult to leave a mark on history...
  • DANCE SCHOOL: Go to trial lesson couple dances - let your passion spill out.
  • MOVIE: Simulate the beginning of your relationship: have each get to the movie theater on their own.

How touching...

“I gave my beloved 25 tickets for a massage - performed by me, of course. On some pieces of paper I wrote “neck”, “back”, “legs” massage, and on others I left a dash. Let him write in the part of the body that needs to be “mashed.” I sewed the leaves together with a stapler and wrapped them in a cardboard cover. He had already used one blank form. True, he, cunningly, wrote in “full body massage.”

February 14 is the holiday of all lovers. And lovers, of course, know this. How exactly to celebrate it? There are no specific rules. But I want this day to be special. How to do this? Giving a valentine or flowers is not enough. You need to come up with something unforgettable to rekindle your feelings. And for this it is not necessary to enrich sellers of plush toys or chocolates.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day?

The first one, though, not very much original version- cook for your loved one. Just don’t forget about the appropriate atmosphere: candles, beautiful dishes, romantic music, etc. Great idea- select all dishes for holiday menu red. Starting with beet salad and ending with... Don't forget that red is the color of passion and love. Just suitable color for such a holiday.

If your plans do not include cooking and standing at the stove all day, you can go to a restaurant. And to save money, study the offers of various establishments in advance. Many of them offer good discounts to couples on this day. You can also purchase a discount coupon.

Are you and your loved one excited about the movie? Go to the cinema. This is exactly the place where many couples try to celebrate Valentine's Day. Moreover, many cinemas show romantic melodramas or comedies on this holiday. Does your loved one not want to watch such a movie? Then there will be many other interesting topics.

Another idea is to take a day off from work and turn off all communication devices: phones, tablets, computers. Stay with your loved one just the two of you.

If you want a change of scenery for the whole day, go to the countryside together. For example, to friends at their dacha or to a hotel located somewhere in the mountains.

Alternatively, you can celebrate Valentine's Day by exchanging apartments for one day with friends, the same married couple. A change of scenery and new experiences are good grounds for romance. Even if it's just another apartment.

Some couples who have common hobbies celebrate Valentine's Day by doing what they love. For example, someone goes to a climbing wall, someone goes on a hike, someone goes to another city on an excursion, etc.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day if you have been married for a long time and have children? What to do with them? In this case, there are several options. For example, you can ask your grandparents or an elderly neighbor to babysit for a couple of hours. Or you can take them with you to a restaurant. In some countries, Valentine's Day is a family holiday, so children in these countries do not interfere with having a great holiday.

Finally, someone may not want to celebrate the holiday with just the two of them, because doing it in the company of friends is both more fun and interesting. You can go to a club or gather at someone’s apartment. At the same time, a well-chosen program will not hurt. For example, you can arrange themed party. Just imagine how you, all in Japanese clothes, eat your own prepared sushi with chopsticks. You can choose a different theme for the party. For example, in the decorations and dishes, play on the theme of some literary work or movie about great love.

A little about choosing a gift

So, you have already decided how to spend Valentine's Day. And now about the gifts. When choosing a gift for your spouse on Valentine's Day, ask yourself the question: “How will my husband feel after receiving a gift from me?” Let’s say you decide to give a banal “After Shave” set. What will he think? Probably something like: “Oh yes, she loves me and cares about me, so she gave me something I needed.” Many women do just that - they buy eau de toilette or something like that: “Darling, I’m ready to spend even a few seconds thinking about what to give you.” But you can, spending much less money, make a more meaningful gift for your loved one. For example, confess your love to him and give him a massage if he gets tired of sitting for a long time in the office at the computer or rearranging heavy boxes from place to place in the store. But in order to give an expensive (of course, not in the financial sense) gift, you need to really know your man well.

And finally, remember the basic rules of this holiday. First, don't forget to remind your spouse how much you love him. Secondly, wherever you decide to celebrate Valentine's Day, try to look your best on this day, and do not spare any money or effort for this. Third, prepare a good one.

Valentine's Day began to be celebrated in European countries quite recently. The older generation of our country completely refuses to recognize this day as a holiday, considering it American, and everything American is alien to them and is not needed. While young people welcomed the introduction of this holiday into our culture with a “Hurray” and celebrate Valentine’s Day with pleasure.

Of course, it is not necessary to celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. But since the whole world has dedicated this day to love and lovers, why don’t we join them? After all, how wonderful it is to watch a crowd of lovers walking along the streets on this day with armfuls of bouquets in their hands. And this variety of Valentine cards in the shape of hearts, which you come across everywhere on this day - isn’t it wonderful? So what, your heart will refuse such a holiday and will not want to give it to your soulmate, who will only be delighted by the extra manifestation of love on your part? Of course, you too will join the all-encompassing celebration of love. But how to carry it out is the question that worries many couples in love? We'll look at some Valentine's Day scenarios right now!

First scenario for Valentine's Day.

There is an opinion that in order to revive or resurrect your feelings, you need to recreate the day you met your soulmate. Although this may not necessarily be the day of acquaintance, but for example, the day of the first kiss, first intimacy, first declaration of love. Try it! This option is suitable for reverent natures who remember every moment, touch and word. If this isn't about you. Then just stock up on a picnic basket and provisions, not forgetting wine or champagne, and go on a picnic. Tell me, is it winter outside? So that's the beauty of it! Spread a warm blanket on a snow-covered lawn in a nearby park or forest and enjoy the conversation. You can also wrap yourself in a blanket while sitting on a bench in a park or square. Just don’t linger, but rather hurry to warm up in each other’s arms in a warmer place.

Second scenario for Valentine's Day.

Celebrate Valentine's Day at the skating rink or go on a guided tour into the forest. After which you can warm up with a glass of mulled wine or coffee with cognac. Take a stroll through the exhibition, and then discuss your impressions in a cozy bar or cafe.

Third Valentine's Day scenario.

Relax with your significant other - book a massage! Moreover, now they exist various options massage. Of course, you can try spa treatments. For example, chocolate wrap, stone massage. Or just go to the bathhouse!

Fourth Valentine's Day scenario.

If your relationship has just entered the “bed” phase, then you can also celebrate February 14th in bed. On the menu: fruits, chocolates, wine and, of course, cream! It’s better to put gifts under the pillow.

Another equally romantic option is a trip out of town. Rent a hotel room, reserve a table at a restaurant, and before dinner, wander around the area and admire the sunset. Find out about local entertainment - bowling, billiards, sauna. And after dinner, go have fun or relax in your room.

Valentine's Day scenario number six.

Spend this day together. And not only while relaxing, but also preparing a festive dinner. Chop salads together, whip up cake batter, and arrange fruit. The main thing is not to delay cooking for too long, otherwise you will be so tired that you won’t want to eat. Afterwards, watch a new erotic movie. This Valentine's Day scenario is more suitable for experienced couples.

Seventh Valentine's Day scenario.

This scenario is intended for those who celebrated Valentine's Day anywhere and anyhow. Take a city map and select this on it unusual place, in which you would like to “love” each other. Emotions will be spurred by the possibility of being caught at the scene of a crime. And if you do have an incident and they interfere with you, then you can continue at home, the adrenaline charge received in this situation will be enough for more than one day.

Eighth Valentine's Day scenario.

If you are not constrained by financial matters and can find some free time, leave the city for a couple of days. Organize a “Roman Holiday” or some other holiday for yourself and your significant other. Travel to warmer climates or snow-capped mountains. It all depends on your desires and capabilities.

Valentine's Day scenario number nine.

Romantic dinner in a restaurant. Make a reservation in advance as Valentine's Day usually gets busy. Dress evening dress, expensive jewelry. It's so nice to at least sometimes remember that you true lady or at least just a woman, and not a draft horse. A man, too, would not mind “showing up” in society with such a beauty. Give and accept compliments, they are so lacking in everyday life.

Tenth Valentine's Day scenario.

If you have been together for a long time, if your feelings are rechecked, make an offer or accept it. And it will be even more romantic to get married on this day. And then it will be the best Valentine's Day of your life!

As you can see, there are plenty of options to celebrate Valentine's Day. The main thing is to open your heart to your loved one on this day. Give each other love and be loved!

Romantic dinner by candlelight.

For those who spend this evening together, it is best to arrange romantic dinner by candlelight.

To create a romantic atmosphere, you need to decorate the room using holiday symbols: you can hang an elegant curtain with hearts or tie up the main curtains with decorated tiebacks, attach a garland of hearts to the window, hang it around the room balloons in the shape of a heart, and decorate the chandelier with embroidered medallions or small hearts made of paper or fabric.

Place pillows in the shape of hearts or with embroidered “heart” motifs on the sofa, and decorate the door of the room with a vertical garland or wreath with hearts.

A table covered with a red tablecloth or table runner decorated with festive attributes will look festive.

Two red scented candles in decorated candlesticks and souvenir hearts on stands next to each of them will create a romantic mood.

Hang an embroidered medallion on a wine bottle or tie a decorative knitted bow on its neck, place a heart-shaped crocheted napkin in the center of the table, and place a vase with sweets or fruit on it. The holiday begins!

Useful tips for organizing a Valentine's Day party

1. On February 14, do not forget to congratulate your family and friends, give them small sweet gifts and present Valentine cards with wishes of love and happiness.

2. If the holiday takes you by surprise, don’t despair: you can find ready-made hearts in the store and decorate your home with them.

3. If you want your house to look elegant, but you don’t have any time to prepare for the holiday, arm yourself with scissors, cut out hearts from bright colored paper and hang them throughout the house.

4. Even if you only know how to sew on buttons, you can decorate an old bedspread with holiday symbols. Make a heart-shaped pattern from thick cardboard and cut out several hearts from bright fabric. After sewing buttons to the middle of the hearts, attach the parts to the bedspread. This decoration is easy to remove after the holiday.

5. Valentine’s Day is loved not only by lovers, but also by children, because for the holiday you can get soft toy or sweet gift. Or you can give your favorite teddy bear a hand-sewn heart that your mother or grandmother can help you make.

6. Involve children in decorating the house and creating souvenirs - they will happily draw and cut out holiday attributes and hang them throughout the house. You can hold a competition for the biggest heart or the most original congratulations Happy holiday.

7. Children love the holidays, so it's worth making a small mailbox for love messages. Small cardboard box cover it with bright paper and make a slot for cards. Place the box in a visible place.

8. On Valentine's Day, you can prepare simple sandwiches for breakfast, but be sure to make them in the shape of hearts. For this you will need a heart mold.

9. The most common cake for tea on a holiday is best made in the shape of a heart so that everyone gets their portion of love.

10. If there are no candlesticks with holiday symbols in the house, you can make them from bottles. Make a stencil from thick cardboard and apply acrylic paint on a clean dry bottle a pattern of hearts. All that remains is to insert a candle into the neck of the bottle. You can decorate drinking glasses in the same way.

11. From the Valentine's cards received on this day for next year's holiday, you can make a garland that will decorate your home, or a romantic album of memories.

12. After the holiday, it is best to put all souvenirs and decorations in a separate box and label it, then next year you will not have to worry about the holiday decorations at home.

It's hard to find more suitable holiday for those who want to fully feel alone. On February 14 you can hear from everywhere: “Flowers, Valentines, romantic dinner" And it seems like you want to be sincerely happy for others, but you can only think about your difficult lot: “Well, another Valentine’s Day without a soulmate. I’ll probably always be lonely and die surrounded by ten cats”... Stop, the blues! Let's stop being sad and look at this holiday positively. Believe me, you have a lot of opportunities to spend it perfectly, since you won’t have to coordinate plans with anyone but yourself.

Your mood on this day directly depends on what you want. Agree to feel sorry for yourself and envy ideal relationship other people? Then buy a pack of disposable handkerchiefs in advance and get ready to cry while smearing mascara on your cheeks. Well, for those who don’t want to simply shed tears and feel that even Valentine’s Day can be ideal for singles, we advise you to pay attention to our advice. In the end, today you are left alone with the most dear and beloved person in the world, it’s worth making him happy. Which one, you ask? Just look in the mirror.

Give yourself a gift

Of course, if you had a lover, you would definitely give him something like that. But since your lover is not there, you avoid all the stores. Why? Isn't it possible to give a gift to yourself? For example, look into a seductive lingerie boutique and buy a stunning set that you will wear tonight to feel like a cover girl.

Go to the nearest flower shop and choose the most beautiful bouquet for your beloved.

Place flowers at home

February 14th is winter holiday with a spring soul. Men all over the world buy bouquets for their loved ones and give them, saying the most important words in the world. Flowers are in vases in almost every apartment and make you happy beautiful girls its appearance and aroma. Yes, we remember that there is no person who could present you with a bouquet on this day, but believe me, not only men can buy flowers. They are also sold to women. Therefore, go to the nearest flower shop and choose the most beautiful bouquet for your beloved.

Send yourself a valentine

Do you think that this is definitely a cry for help from a desperate loner? Then, at the moment of choosing your mood, you settled on sadness and blues. Why not look at such a gesture differently? February 14 is Valentine's Day. Do you love yourself? For sure. So admit it yourself dear person in love! Is it worth it to deviate from established traditions and deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive a neatly signed postcard with beautiful words? Just take care of this “surprise” in advance.


... attitude towards the holiday. If you still perceive Valentine's Day as a mockery of single people, then urgently change your attitude towards the holiday! Do something that will make your colleagues, friends, relatives and neighbors happy. Buy a bunch of cards and heart-shaped sweets and give them to every friend you meet on this day. It seems that there is nothing special about this, but in fact, with the help of valentines and ordinary chocolates, you will cheer up those around you and yourself.

The fact that you don’t have a partner right now doesn’t mean that you won’t have one in the near future. So why not create the right mood in advance by switching from films about unhappy love to films that show funny stories of two lovers that certainly end with a happy ending? Today is a more than suitable day for such film screenings.

Call everyone who celebrates February 14th alone and keep each other in great company.

Throw a party

This could be a simple party for your friends or a themed meeting of singles you know (surely all your friends in a relationship will be busy that day). Call everyone who celebrates February 14th alone and keep each other in great company. By the way, it’s not at all necessary to gather in someone’s apartment: winter outside allows you to go to the skating rink or have a snow fight in the courtyard. Today you will have fun, and tomorrow, who knows, perhaps you will accept an invitation from someone you know to meet for a cup of coffee alone.

Surely most singles will simply ignore this holiday, pretending that it does not exist. But this approach is unlikely to save you from sad thoughts and certainly will not help create a cheerful mood. Perhaps it is worth recognizing that a good half of humanity today is in the mood for romance, and you simply cannot turn a blind eye to the myriads of valentines, flowers and passionate confessions. Instead of denying everyone's joy, celebrate with others. And it doesn’t matter - next to your loved one or alone with yourself.
