How to make your own cold costume. Children's elegant suits and dresses for the matinee. Tools for work

With the onset of the first spring days I want to take off my warm winter clothes and change into something comfortable and light, but at the same time warm enough so that the piercing wind does not cause a cold. In March-April, few people go without a hat, but fur hats are no longer relevant. Therefore, it’s time to get a fashionable beret.

By the way, this headdress can also be used for winter if it is made of fur or other warm material. In general, the material plays an important role and determines the seasonality of the item. The pattern of a fur beret is no different from summer model, but the canvas used sets the mood, style and seasonality.

Tools for work

So, the main thing is to set a goal, choose the most suitable model, determine a work plan, and you can take up the tools. The work will require a measuring tape, scissors, fabric for the base, optionally for the lining, material for the strap if the main fabric does not stretch, bias tape for processing seams and sewing supplies. And now it’s time to understand how to sew a beret. The pattern of which model will be more understandable, that model is worth taking, especially for beginners. And after mastering the simplest template, you can try a more complex option.

Material selection

Natural fabrics such as linen, cambric, and cotton are perfect for summer. These berets will perfectly protect you from the scorching sun, and you won’t be too hot in them. For autumn and spring, it is better to choose thicker fabric, for example, velor, velvet, angora and other warm knitted fabrics. A winter beret can be made of artificial or natural short-cropped fur or fine-pile wool. Also for such models you can take coat fabric eg cashmere. Don’t forget about soft and warm materials such as fleece or polar. A scarf made of the same fabric will perfectly complement the beret. The pattern of the beret determines its shape and fit, so you should consider all possible models and choose the most suitable one both in terms of complexity and personal preferences.

Option one: two parts

The most simple pattern is a circle, which around the perimeter is approximately 10-15 cm larger than the volume of the head. The second detail of such a beret is a strip knitted fabric 7-8 cm wide and length equal to the volume of the head. Naturally, such a fabric beret pattern is built directly on the fabric, and there are no problems during assembly. All you need to do is place the cut of the circle evenly along the stitched strip.

Option two: three parts

The next model is also simple to make, although it consists of three parts. This beret pattern is constructed based on head circumference measurements. First of all, draw an even circle equal in perimeter measured. After, stepping back from the figure 6 cm, a circle is also drawn, strictly parallel to the first one. When cutting, a circle is cut out of the fabric along the larger border, then a circle without a middle along the measurement line and a strip of fabric for the strap along the volume of the head (in stretched form, 8 cm wide).

When assembling the top “pancake” with the beret brim, you can insert a piping into the seam, which will hold its shape well and give beautiful waves when planted. You can also cut out a lining along the main parts to cover the seam at which the strap is attached.

Third option: from wedges

The most difficult model to perform is the wedge beret. The pattern of such a headdress has many details and requires careful adjustment of the seams during assembly. To build a template, you will need a sheet of paper on which to place an even circle with a perimeter equal to the volume of the head (a distance from its boundaries of approximately 7 cm).

First, draw a circle, then retreat 7 cm from the line and draw a parallel closed line. The small circle is divided into the required number of equal wedges. Next, from the points of intersection of the division lines and the boundary, the part is brought to the outer line without expansion. Afterwards, the part is aligned along the edge by drawing a straight line at right angles to the first and second lines (the lateral boundaries of the wedge). This way it will turn out finished pattern a beret made of fur and other warm fabrics, when it is necessary to reduce the number of waves on the fold when planting.

It is worth noting that it is not at all necessary to finish drawing all the wedges on the template; it will be enough to finalize one and cut out the rest from it. In this model, the wedges can be narrowed towards the edge so that the product does not need to be placed on an additional bar. Just one such wedge - and the finished beret pattern comes out. This option also looks great in fabric, especially if it is lightweight fabric. Additional seams with stitching can become a real decoration of the headdress.

Assembly and processing

In order for a neat product to come out, the beret should be properly processed. The pattern is only half the battle. Of course, ideally, all seams are best processed with an overlocker, but if such a unit is not available, then it will do just fine sewing machine with a zigzag stitch. You can also decorate the seams with bias tape, covering all the cuts in it. Winter hats made of fur can be lined. It is also cut out according to the basic patterns and the same allowances are made. When sewing the lining fabric, the seam for attaching the elastic strap is hidden inside, leaving a small area of ​​​​the unclosed seam, after which the product is turned inside out and the slit is closed manually.

Department of Education

Administration of the Saransk urban district

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 93"

Organized activities with older children

preschool age:

"If you want to be healthy"

Conducted by: Mitrofanova I.B.

Saransk, 2011

Topic: “If you want to be healthy...”

Target: consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the prevention and treatment of colds, the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human life and health.


1. Foster a desire to take care of your health;

2 .Form a conscious attitude towards the need to take vitamins;

3. Teach children not to be afraid of the doctor;

4. Strengthen knowledge about the medical profession.

5. Teach children non-traditional drawing methods (tamponing).

Preliminary work:looking at children's encyclopedias, talking about health, reading literature, asking riddles.

Methods and techniques: artistic expression, situational tasks, conversation, reference to life experience, productive activity in an unconventional way, drawing and tamponing, physical education, use of visuals, game.

Materials and equipment:telephone, cut cards, apples, products containing vitamins, cold suit, record, sponges, brush, gouache, wet wipes, album sheets, illustrations of nature and sports.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, guests came to our kindergarten today.

Say hello to them. The word hello means “Be healthy” - with this word we wish everyone health.

Today we will talk about the prevention and treatment of colds, the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human life and health.

Old legend: Once upon a time, gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They began to decide what kind of person a person should be.

One of the gods said: “A person must be strong.” Another said: “A person must be healthy.” But one god said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hidethe main thing a person has is health. They began to think and decide where to gohide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the sea, others in high mountains. And one of the gods suggested: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.”

This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods!

So health turns out to be hidden in me, and in you, and in each of you guys, but do you feel healthy? What does it mean to be healthy?

(The group includes Colds). Cold: So-so! And, as always, they forgot about me and didn’t invite me?! I, Cold, don't want you to get sick, and then it will be quiet in kindergarten.

(Starts coughing and sneezing on children. Then he leaves).

Educator: Guys, can you imagine what the evil Cold wants to do? She wants to infect us all with diseases, so that we will be sick and frail, so that our kindergarten will be empty. Guys, do we need it?(Blows). Go away, go away, you have a cold.

Guys, what should we do, what should we do? Who can help us in our trouble.

Children: Doctor Aibolit!

Educator: Well, of course! Doctor Aibolit is kind and caring. Helps both birds and animals. Guys, what do you know about Aibolit?

Child: Good Doctor Aibolit

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone.

If someone is sick and eats a lot of sweets,

I caught a cold in my nose and throat, and suddenly broke my knee,

If your eyes are red or your ears are sore,

Contact Aibolit, he will help and give advice.

Educator: Guys, let's call Doctor Aibolit and invite him to come to us.(Calls on the phone)

Hello, Doctor Aibolit? Come quickly to kindergarten No. 93, we are in trouble.

(Tells children) . He promised to come.

(There is a knock on the door, Doctor Aibolit comes in with a suitcase).

Aibolit: Hello guys! I know, I know your trouble - I will help you. Guys, tell me, what faithful servants does the Cold have?

Children: Cough, runny nose, high temperature.

Aibolit: Right. They are very cunning and strong, but we are stronger than them. Because we have knowledge with which we can defeat all diseases. I'll tell you my most main secret: The medicine lives next to you. Do you know where? The products contain tiny magic balls - vitamins. A person needs vitamins, without them he becomes weak, grows poorly, he does not want to run and jump, because he has no strength and health.

Guys, what vitamins do you know?

Child: I am Vitamin B.

Aibolit: Tell us about yourself.

Child: Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast

Black bread is good for us

And not just in the morning.

Aibolit: Do you know what products contain it?

Child: In black bread, rolled oats, cottage cheese.

Child: I am Vitamin A.

Aibolit: Tell about yourself.

Child: Remember the simple truth

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice

Aibolit: Choose products that contain it?

Child: Carrots, apricots, watermelons, butter.

Child: I am Vitamin C.

Aibolit: Tell us about yourself.

Child: For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat lemon,

Although it is very sour.

Aibolit: What products does it contain?

Child: Orange, lemon, cabbage, parsley, rosehip, onion, garlic, apples.

Child: I am Vitamin D.

Aibolit: Tell about yourself.

Child: Fish oil is the healthiest

No matter how disgusting, you need to drink

He saves from diseases

And you are better off living without them.

Aibolit: What foods contain vitamin D?

Child: Fish oil, eggs, milk.

Aibolit: That's right, that's right, to cope with a cold, my vitamins help faithful helpers: raspberry jam, hot tea, honey, mixture, garlic and onion. Remember.

Educator: I have prepared gouache and sponges for you, let’s use the padding method to draw the foods where vitamins live.(Children draw).

Educator: All this will come in handy during illness. What else should you do in the morning to avoid getting sick?

Children: Exercise.

Physical education minute.

Physical training!

1 . To grow and harden

Not on weekdays, but by the hour.

Do physical exercise

We need to study.

(swing back).

Chorus: And we are already today

Stronger than yesterday.

(Step in place and extend your arm).

Physical education - Hurray (3 times)

(Jumping with clapping).

2. We need potions and pills

And in the frost and in the cold(let's walk on the spot)

Physical education strengthens

And cold water (strongmen – bend and straighten your arms).


3. We are not afraid of colds

We don't care about a sore throat(skaters).

We are skates and skis

We are friends with the puck and the ball.

Chorus: (In the last karate).

Educator: So, to be healthy, what should you do?

Children: Do exercises every day.

Children: Exercise.

Educator: Look at these pictures. What seasons are shown here?

Children: Winter, summer.

Educator: Name winter sports?

Children: Skates, skis, sleds, hockey.

Educator: And now the summer views?

Children: Swimming, football, volleyball, basketball and others.

Educator: Guys, choose your favorite sport and complete the puzzles.

Educator: Guys, why do you need to play sports?

Children: To be strong, resilient, fast, not to get tired for a long time, to always be cheerful, to have strong bones, muscles, breathing.

Aibolit: What smart guys!

If you want to be healthy

Eat right

Eat more vitamins

Don't know about diseases.

Let's summarize what we should do to avoid getting sick


Walking in any weather means breathing fresh air.

Dress for the season.

Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, drink milk.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

Take vitamins every day.

Goodbye, it was very nice to meet you.

So that you don't get sick, I want to treat you to delicious apples that contain vitamin C.

Educator: Guys, let's say thank you very much for the advice and the treat. We really liked your tips. Guys, you want to be healthy, right?

Children: Yes!

Educator: The group has a branch of a children's clinic where we will treat our toys.

Hello my readers)

November is upon us and it’s almost the end of autumn (I thought), but it turned out! That in some places autumn is still in full swing! And one of these magical places is a kindergarten.

I was even surprised when I received an urgent order for an acorn hat for autumn holiday in kindergarten (after all, it’s November). I thought they would be here soon united lending services Our children are waiting for Santa Claus, but it turned out that I spent Autumn early!

And I wondered: what kind of costumes could there be for this? theme holiday? What interesting things can you come up with for kids? What can I do?

You can also make these mushroom hats knitted, they will also look bright and fit the theme. That's exactly what I did over the weekend: knitting an Acorn hat! I'm waiting for photos from the holiday to show off!

An interesting “supplement” for those who like to create and get creative - autumn mask . Look how beautiful it can turn out! The colors alone are worth it!

And you will find a hint on how to make such an Autumn mask with your own hands here
Of course, additions to the look are brooches and hairpins on an autumn theme!

Such knitted brooches I knitted “Rowan berries” for two sisters in kindergarten for the autumn holiday. I can do this for your children too. Price 1 piece 500 rubles.

And the knitted brooch “Yard of Acorns” was adorned by a teacher at one of the holidays! I can knit these brooches for you to order, the price for 1 piece is 500 rubles.

But the knitted acorn hat is very colorful, decorated on one side with a large oak leaf and on the other with hanging acorns. This is suitable for both girls and boys. I can knit such a hat for you too. Price 1500 rubles.

I can knit SUCH a hat for your child to order.

I will knit it to order for you. Price 1500 rubles.

Add to such an acorn hat a cloak decorated with oak leaves (real, cut out of paper or knitted) - and you get a colorful image of the Oak Tree! This is the kind of hat I’m currently knitting to order based on Tatyana Rukodelkina’s MK. I can knit it for you too. Price 1500 rubles.

And here's another interesting idea- often during the holidays they are given a task: for example, to make a pumpkin, carrot and other vegetable costume with your own hands.

This is what I created to order for a first-grader girl for a school play: a soft clutch in the shape of a Carrot debt consolidating loan and bright carrot beads. Small additions to the school dress! And such knitted carrot beads (with fragrant juniper beads) can then be worn after the holiday.

And in addition to your autumn look, you can knit such a pumpkin yourself using my master class, which is already on sale.

I can also knit costumes for your children for Matinees in kindergarten: For the Autumn Festival, New Year, March 8, birthday or just for a bright photo shoot.

If you have any ideas, I will be glad to work with you to create a UNIQUE COSTUME for your child, so that looking at him you will be happy)

Write, I will be glad to see your comments and orders!

Everyone for us - more bright colors, positive emotions and creativity in life! And let nothing darken our lives) Victoria Kirdiy, of course, helps me personally with this! Sincerely, Svetlana Tsvetkova (Maj-ja)
