How to keep a weight loss diary? A sample of a proper weight loss diary. The best weight loss diary. Weight loss diary to help

If a girl wants to lose weight without harming her health, it will not be possible to carry out the action quickly. The fight against excess weight can take a long period of time. Can help in the process of body correction weight loss diary. It allows you to control the process of body correction and contributes to the speedy achievement of results. Typically, the first results of weight loss appear after one or two months of following one of the weight loss regimens.

The diary allows you not to give in to temptations. Experts have developed a number of rules that should be followed when keeping a weight loss diary. Thus, experts recommend not only noting the starting parameters of your figure, but also attaching a photo before you start losing weight. It will allow you to compare the result obtained with what it was before you started losing weight. A person losing weight can start keeping a classic diary, in which he will note all the features of figure correction, and use the online option. In a notebook, a fashionista can write down the thoughts that come to her while losing weight, as well as note information about her well-being. We’ll talk further about what a weight loss diary is, how to keep it correctly, and where to find the online version.

Having decided to start a diet diary, a girl must figure out what it is. In the classic version, this is a notepad or notebook into which information is entered daily to track calories. Additionally, you need to make entries in the diary about the number of kg lost and the work done. Typically, the notebook contains information about the training and diet performed.

Practical advice: If a girl consistently keeps a diary, it will become an additional incentive to achieve her goal.

Keeping a diary gives you discipline. By making daily entries, a fashionista will significantly reduce the likelihood of breaking the program or breaking the diet.

How to keep a diary

Before keeping a food diary for weight loss, a fashionista should take care of its appearance. If you fill out a standard notebook, this activity may seem boring and routine. Experts advise choosing a notebook that has a bright and beautiful design. Taking the notebook in her hands, the girl will experience positive emotions.

Typically, the following information is included in a weight loss notebook:

  • fashionista height;
  • the weight of a girl who wants to lose weight;
  • waist size;
  • hip volume;
  • breast volume;
  • the weight that a fashionista wants to achieve;
  • body parameters that a girl strives for.

Additionally, you should attach a photo. It will serve as another incentive on the way to achieving the goal. When the result is achieved, the girl will be able to compare her figure with the original version.

Please note: To make keeping a diary more convenient, experts advise placing the calorie content of foods in it, reflecting the glycemic index and recording the calorie consumption that occurs during various physical activities.

When a girl needs information to adjust her diet, she can quickly find it. If a fashionista doesn’t want to enter unnecessary information, she can always use ready-made tables posted on the Internet or an online calorie calculator.

Information that needs to be entered every day

Having started a food diary, the girl must enter information into it daily. To speed up weight loss and better control yourself, experts advise recording the following data on the pages of a notebook:

  • current weight (weighing should be done in the morning, before meals);
  • body parameters;
  • amount of water drunk;
  • fashionista nutritional information;
  • the presence of physical activity to lose weight per day;
  • serving size expressed in grams;
  • the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in each dish eaten, included in the daily diet for weight loss.

It is not necessary to enter body parameters every day, but experts recommend performing the action. At the bottom of the page you need to summarize the calories consumed per day. By performing the manipulation, the girl will be able to clearly notice deficiencies in nutrition. The result will reveal whether the girl really complies with the parameters of the chosen diet or has gone beyond the limits.

Important! A girl can develop a unique design for a weight loss diary. To do this, you can use ready-made samples and supplement them with your own ideas.

All changes occurring in the body should also be recorded. Positive entries that appear in a weight loss notebook will stimulate the girl to further move towards her goal, and failure will allow her to quickly correct the current situation.

Is it possible to conduct online?

The development of modern technologies has also affected weight loss diaries. Today, all records that allow you to monitor your diet and lose weight faster can be done online. To do this, you need to download a special offer to your mobile device or create a diary on one of the sites that allows you to record information without downloading additional programs. If the latter option is chosen, the fashionista will have to enter all the information about her figure on a specialized website located on the Internet.

In an online diary you can keep track of:

  • the number of kilograms that the fashionista managed to lose;
  • nutritional characteristics;
  • physical activity performed per day;
  • calorie content of food eaten.

Additionally, in an online notebook, a fashionista will be able to write down her thoughts and enter information about her well-being. The electronic program allows you to record recipes for dishes included in your daily diet. Having reflected the recipe on the Internet in a notebook, a fashionista will be able to calculate the calorie content of food, as well as take into account the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates included in the composition. Typically, sites that host personal online weight loss diaries also contain calculators. By entering the necessary data in the appropriate fields, the girl will be able to find out the calorie content of the dish. The program will calculate automatically.

This is interesting! Typically, websites containing online weight loss diaries also contain dietary recipes.

After reviewing the presented list, the fashionista will be able to independently create a menu, based on her own preferences and desires. Most sites are constantly updating their recipe database. This will allow the girl to eat as varied as possible and saturate her body with all the necessary substances.

If a fashionista keeps a diary online, she will be able to communicate with like-minded people. By sharing useful information and making new acquaintances, a girl can more easily cope with dietary restrictions and reach her goal faster.

Practical advice: If a fashionista does not want to depend on a computer, she can download a free application to her phone. This will allow you to access the online weight loss notebook at any time of the day and anywhere where there is Internet access.

A sample is not required to create such a diary. This significantly increases the convenience of filling out an online notebook and monitoring yourself. Within a few weeks, filling in your journal will become a habit. The girl will not have to remind herself every time about the need to enter information. By following the basic rules of losing weight, a girl can quickly achieve the desired result.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will discuss a topic such as keeping a food diary. At first glance, this may not seem like an “essential” item, but it really helps improve your diet. And, as you know, 70% of success in losing weight and maintaining a slim figure depends on what you eat. Therefore, a nutrition diary that can be printed from the Internet is a necessary thing for everyone who monitors their health and strives for an ideal figure.

What is a food diary

For those who have not encountered this before, keeping records of what and when you ate is unusual and somewhat strange. However, there is nothing unusual about this. A nutrition and training diary is an indispensable thing for athletes training in the gym for results. After all, to achieve an ideal figure, you need to consider how much you eat and what exactly. How to do this? - Only by writing down what you eat during the day in a notebook. Then you can analyze this data and understand whether you are doing everything correctly and whether you need to remove something from your diet or, perhaps, add it. Therefore, a diet diary for losing weight should definitely become one of your main “accessories”.

A proper nutrition diary for weight loss allows you to find out the following:

  • how much or little you eat in a day;
  • how many calories do you consume;
  • Do you have a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU).

In addition, this is another way to combat the desire to eat something harmful. You probably don’t want to write down a high-calorie piece of cake in your notebook, do you?

How to keep a diary

If you've never tracked what you eat before, keeping records may seem daunting. But everything will most likely turn out to be simpler than it seems, especially if you can find and download it here.

However, you can create a food diary yourself, leaving in it those items from the examples that you need. But there are some general rules on how to conduct it correctly - they will suit everyone, regardless of the purpose of such control over what is eaten.

So, how to keep a food diary:

  • Always write foods or dishes in a column - and in the adjacent column indicate their quantity in grams;
  • a separate column is the number of calories eaten;
  • for each dish or product the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is indicated;
  • You also need to record your meal times to understand how regularly you eat and how this affects your well-being;
  • if you have diabetes, be sure to indicate the glycemic index of the dish or product;
  • Write down what you eat immediately after lunch or dinner, not in the evening before bed.

Such a diary for every day should become a habit - that is, you need to fill it out every day, and not try to “remember everything” once a week. The concept “I keep a diary” implies the regularity and daily occurrence of such entries.

A food diary is not just a notebook!

If previously records with calorie counting existed exclusively in the form of an ordinary notebook, then thanks to modern technologies we now have greater variety. Don't know which one to choose to fill out? We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Paper diary

You can just buy a regular notebook or notepad and write down in detail everything about what you eat. In general, this is one of the most popular methods - even though technology has already stepped far forward. Moreover, many people are more accustomed to handwritten notes rather than their electronic version. For “moral” support, you can buy Koroleva’s book about proper nutrition and control over it.

Advantages of the method:

  • simplicity and speed of filling;
  • you can make notes in the margins throughout the day;
  • This weight loss diary does not need to be charged, unlike a smartphone.


  • you need to take it with you, and this is additional space in your bag;
  • Difficulty with counting calories – it’s easier to do this online, because everything is calculated automatically;
  • there is a risk that the pen will run out of paste at the wrong time.

You can keep notes in a regular notebook, or you can buy a special training diary - it is suitable for monitoring what you eat and training. You can also download free sample food journals to organize yours according to a specific pattern.

Computer programs

In this case, you can use the regular MS Excel program, which is available on every home computer and laptop. The good thing about the program is that you can enter formulas for calculating BJU and calories into it, which will allow you to automatically calculate the data. But the method has disadvantages:

  • You can’t take your computer with you everywhere, the same applies to a laptop;
  • knowledge of MS Excel is required, and if you have not worked with this program before, you will have to learn.

Of course, you can install MS Excel on your smartphone and carry out calculations this way - if it is more convenient for you.

Diary apps for smartphones

The choice of such programs is extremely huge - so you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. For example, you can download the Tolobovs’ diary. In addition, such programs also offer additional useful functions.


  • automatically calculate food intake and calories, including for a day;
  • create data history;
  • help calculate the norms of substances depending on your weight and lifestyle;
  • determine the normal water balance and remind you to drink water throughout the day;
  • the application is always at hand.


  • a limited number of dishes in the application’s memory – that is, it will be necessary to enter the required ones manually;
  • Often the application offers to buy an additional list of dishes, but there is no way to add them yourself;
  • The smartphone may run out of charge at the wrong time.

In addition, for the application to work, an Internet connection is often required - and it is not always stable. And in places of rest it may not be there at all.

Online diary

You can also keep your diary online by registering on a special service. In some ways, they are similar to smartphone applications, but you don’t need to download anything to your phone.


  • in such diaries they always offer a sample to fill out, telling in detail what and how to write;
  • automatic calorie and nutritional calorie counting;
  • additional functions to improve the power system;
  • the data is saved in an archive that will definitely not take up space in the memory of a PC or smartphone.


  • you need access to a PC or laptop, but this is not always possible;
  • “dependence” on the Internet connection.

Today that's all we wanted to tell you about food diaries. Did you like our article? -Share it with your friends on social networks! And also subscribe to our blog to always stay up to date with useful information! Be healthy!

Proper nutrition is a rather ambiguous concept, which everyone interprets in their own way, so many of the postulates of “proper nutrition” have significant differences. For some, this means not eating after six in the evening, for others, this means a ban on eating in fast foods, for some, this means refusing to eat flour, sweet, salty, smoked, etc. You can continue for quite a long time.

Definition of a food diary

This is a document where all food consumed is recorded. It is important to take into account absolutely everything without missing a single piece. It is necessary to write down the names of products, dishes, their volume, as well as the amount of energy value.

A weight loss diary is an excellent tool for monitoring eating behavior. It will make it clear what kind of food you eat, what quality and in what quantity. It will show where the diet is going wrong and tell you which workouts are optimal (if any).

That is, a weight loss diary will clearly demonstrate your eating habits. Perhaps he will encourage you to change them.

Where to keep a weight loss diary

There are several options for keeping a diary.

1. An ordinary notebook, notebook.


Speed ​​of setup (or rather, lack of it);

Low cost;



Lack of automatic calorie counting;

Sophisticated analysis of recorded data.

2. Microsoft Excel Application


Available on almost any personal computer;

Ease of use;

It is possible to save on a flash card and open on any device where this program is installed;

It is easy to count the calories eaten and, accordingly, analyze the results obtained.


All information must be entered independently (manually);

Create the correct formulas yourself.


Advantages of Microsoft Excel (see previous version);

The information file can be opened on any device with Internet access.


Disadvantages of Microsoft Excel (see previous version);

Quite a long time to enter information if you work on a smartphone;

Google Sheets are less functional than Excel.

4. FatSecret, running on iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms (tablets or smartphones, respectively).


One of the best applications for keeping a weight loss diary;

No application fee;

Clear interface;

There is no need to enter the names of the products yourself, they are all in the program;


You can bring in your own products and dishes;

You can specify the amount of both consumed and expended energy.


Insufficiently informative analysis of information.

How to keep a weight loss diary

If the weight stays the same and you can’t lose it, it seems that the portions of food consumed are small, a weight loss diary will clearly demonstrate where the mistake is in your diet and lifestyle. Perhaps you simply don't notice that you're eating more than you should, or you just need to add more physical activity.

Sample food diary

So, you decided to keep a weight loss diary. You can find a sample below. Once again, it is important to prescribe everything you take, be it a cup of tea, chewing gum or a small piece of chocolate.

A proper weight loss diary contains all these main points.


The main mistake is to quickly get bored with daily journaling. In this case, we must remember that there is no need to carry it on for the rest of our lives. Your diet and lifestyle will be clear and available for analysis within two to three weeks.

Having forgotten to register only one meal, do not rush to forget to record everything else. If you remember what was eaten, write it down, even if it is only approximate. And be sure to continue writing the remaining techniques. If you don’t remember at all, please indicate in the comments that there is one entry missing. The best weight loss diary is one that contains detailed information regarding your diet and lifestyle.

Don't forget that boiled foods have a different calorie content than dry foods. Therefore, there are two calculation options. The first option is to determine the weight of the food before cooking. The second is to use information on websites to find a lot of already prepared food.

There will be no disaster if for a day or two over a period of two weeks you are not able to record all the calories you consume in your diary.


After two weeks, a true picture of your diet will be obtained. After analyzing all the records, you can begin to gradually change your lifestyle, eating habits, etc. At the same time, it is important not to cross out your entire past life, but to make changes to your diet gradually, concentrating on one change. For example, over the next two weeks, increase the amount of protein consumed, without adjusting fats and carbohydrates. After two weeks, you can make adjustments to the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed.

Be beautiful and healthy!

Everyone associates the word diary differently. Some people remember school first, while others kept a personal diary as a teenager, to which they trusted their deepest secrets. Now we have to get acquainted with another variety - a food diary.

What is a food diary and why is it needed?

As a food diary, you can start a notebook in which you will make notes about your nutrition. It is needed to debunk misconceptions about food, when a person claims that “I eat practically nothing, but the weight is still growing.”

In order to understand the food system, it should be analyzed over a certain period. Take, for example, one week of constant recordings. A nutritional analysis will help identify instances when a person overeats when consuming food or larger quantities.
A food diary will allow you to be disciplined in your diet and develop the habit of eating correctly. It is especially difficult without this diary when there is a specific goal - to lose weight or gain weight.

Rules for keeping a diary

You need to write down everything you need for the day in a notebook. Everything is important - every portion eaten, bun, candy, even chewing pad. In a good way, you should write down the size and weight of the portion. It is clear that this is impossible to do during the day, so you can simply photograph them, and in the evening you can copy the data into a diary. Or take notes on your phone.

The notebook should reflect the following data:

What is eaten;
Serving quantity, volume. Can be measured in glasses, tablespoons;
Calorie content;
Point for food;
Reason for eating.

You can come up with your own point system. For example, by taste. Of course, this parameter is subjective, but this is necessary for a specific person personally in order to understand their eating habits.

Another very important parameter that cannot be excluded is the reason for eating. It is very important to write honestly here. This will allow you to understand how many times a day a person eats when he is really hungry.

But the most common reasons are other reasons for which extra pounds are gained. For example, “I was bored,” “I was nervous,” “we went to a cafe for company,” “I ate what the child didn’t eat.”

And our calculators will help you keep track of calories and foods from the right diet.

Famous nutritionists, developing the next technique, are trying to insert psychological subtext into it to make it easier to tolerate restrictions. But the real support for slimming people was the suggestion to keep a weight loss diary. So the result is before your eyes, and the incentive. This allowed me to look at myself from the outside. There is an opportunity to evaluate your efforts or laziness.

Why keep a diary

Keeping diaries makes you remember your goal every day and follow the intended path. Miscalculations in the diet hold back desires and direct ambitions in a different direction. Developing an attitude towards food plays an important role.

It is because of the lack of nutritional culture that problems with excess weight and health arise. And the information in the diary regularly draws attention to the amount of food, the ability to combine foods, balancing the diet, and diet.

Summarizing the role of a diary in the life of those losing weight, we can note its participation in changes in a person’s character, organization, patience and, of course, figure.

An ordinary student notebook can be used as a diary. Nutritionists advise having a beautiful diary to display all the information about your weight loss period. There will be enough space not only to record the process, but also other useful information. A beautiful diary design will become an additional incentive and association with something pleasant.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without gadgets. For those who like to work closely with technology, there are online weight loss diaries. After downloading the application to your phone, you can use the program’s functions and make personal notes when the opportunity arises.

How to lead correctly

Moving towards the intended goal, it is important to track the dynamics and intermediate results. Nothing inspires more than your own achievements. And in order not to forget about the direction, you need to make notes in your notebook every day, developing a habit.

This will help organize your daily routine, train patience and make more efforts to lose weight.

It is important to make entries correctly, strictly by day, and not to dilute the daily information with additional information. Otherwise, finding the desired entry after 10 days will be problematic. Everything needs consistency.

The daily block should contain points that determine the dynamics of the diet:

  1. Weight.
  2. Breast volumes, waist, hips, each leg at hip level.
  3. Daily diet indicating daily calorie intake. If additional foods other than the menu were consumed during the day, this should be indicated in the records. Also, it is worth entering data on the nutritional balance (ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
  4. (indicate the complex used and how many calories were burned).
  5. Result records daily changes in weight.
  6. Health Notes, changes in diet, desires to change something are introduced at the end of the main block.

Additional information may include:

  • recipes;
  • skin care tips;
  • website addresses;
  • new sets of exercises;

Online diaries

ideal weight app

It has become very convenient to use online diaries, which are always at hand. At the same time, you do not need to carry a notebook with you and make notes with your own hand in the most inconvenient places during walks, weekends, and business trips. Just download the app to your phone.

When you go to have lunch or a snack in a cafe, you can use an online diary to calculate the calorie content of your meals and prevent overeating.

The diary will become a reliable companion where you can add impressions, interesting recipes and recommendations, as well as record your well-being.

Popular and most convenient diaries:

  1. Diary of a losing weight mom:
    • Includes suggestions for diets that promote weight loss after childbirth.
    • Clear distinctions between permitted and prohibited foods.
    • Information on the correct composition of the diet, without affecting the quality of breast milk.
    • Forum, blogs.
  2. ABC of diets:
    • selection of diets;
    • calorie calculation;
    • information support;
    • automatic calculation of results;
    • forum, blogs;
    • recommendation for additional methods;
  3. Calorie counter “Ideal weight”:
    • Choosing an effective diet.
    • Calculation of calories of dishes.
    • Taking into account the rhythm of life and recommended daily caloric intake.
    • Daily entries with automatic calculation of results.
    • Recommendations for the use of cosmetics.
    • Support, list.
    • Tips for bodybuilders.
    • Articles, forum, myths and advice.

Functions of online diaries:

  1. Contains all individual data with periodic updates.
  2. Displays meals, exercise,...
  3. In a separate block collected your favorite recipes.
  4. Automatically produced, composition of fats/proteins/carbohydrates.
  5. Fixes dynamics of weight loss, physical activity.
  6. Gives an opportunity communicate with like-minded people, meet interesting people.
  7. The program can be downloaded to your phone and always have access to a diary to record your well-being and mood.

Sample diary

Eliseeva Alexandra

October 22, 2015

My details:

  1. Age– 22 years old.
  2. Height– 175 cm.
  3. Weight– 79 kg, waist circumference, hip circumference.
  4. Target– 65 kg.
  5. Deadline for achieving the goal– 2 months.
  6. Diet– low-calorie with a balanced ratio of proteins (30), fats (30), carbohydrates (40).
  7. Daily dietary allowance for weight maintenance: 2090 kcal.
  8. Diet (Kcal) for rapid weight loss (750 g per week) should be 790 kcal lower. Consequently, the nutritional value of the diet is reduced by 540 units, and the process is supplemented with moderate training to burn another 250 remaining calories daily.
  9. Total: daily nutrition should consist of up to 1500 calories + morning jogging and evening exercises for 10 minutes.
  10. Must be recorded daily and calculate the diet, making notes on weight changes, physical activity, and health status.


  1. Daily diet: oatmeal, chicken breast, vegetable soup, kefir, cottage cheese, biscuits. Total: 1468 Kcal. I really wanted to eat, I ate 2 apples (plus about 130 Kcal). I worked out with evening exercises.
  2. Drinking regime– about 2 liters (pure water, green tea, rose hip decoction).
  3. Weight
  4. Result– 0 kg.
  5. Notes: it's very hard to change right away


  1. Daily diet: omelette with vegetables, boiled veal, vegetable puree soup, yogurt, fruit, bread with... Total: 1503 Kcal. I wanted to have a snack again and ate an apple (plus 70 Kcal). I worked out with evening exercises.
  2. Drinking regime
  3. Weight– 79 kg, waist circumference – 75 cm, hip circumference – 103 cm.
  4. Result– 0 kg.
  5. Notes: Today it’s a little easier, but I’m still drawn to the refrigerator. I hung a diary on the food storage door. Works!!!

October 25, 2015:

  1. Daily diet: buckwheat, chicken breast, vegetable stew, milk, cottage cheese casserole, biscuits. Total: 1498 Kcal. I made it through without snacking.
  2. Drinking regime– about 2 liters (pure water, green tea).
  3. Weight– 78.5 kg, waist circumference – 74 cm, hip circumference – 103 cm.
  4. Result– 0.5 kg.
  5. Notes: Hurray, it seems the dynamics have started!


  1. Daily diet: oatmeal, boiled fish, mixed vegetables, soup, vegetable salad, fruit, biscuits. Total: 1488 Kcal.
  2. Drinking regime– about 2 liters (pure water, mint tea, rose hip decoction).
  3. Weight– 78.1 kg, waist circumference – 73.5 cm, hip circumference – 102 cm.
  4. Result– 0.4 kg.
  5. Notes: Well now it’s somehow more fun. Albeit little by little, but a good trend began, I had an incentive.


  1. Daily diet: omelette with vegetables, steamed veal cutlets, soup, freshly squeezed fruit juice, cottage cheese, whole grain bread. Total: 1502 Kcal.
  2. Drinking regime– about 2 liters (clean water, ).
  3. Weight– 77.8 kg, waist circumference – 73 cm, hip circumference – 101 cm.
  4. Result– 0.3 kg.
  5. Notes: something is not enough... Well, it became easier. I climbed to the 5th floor without shortness of breath. And, in my opinion, the intestines are cleansed. There is no feeling of hunger, the body gradually begins to rebuild. This morning I washed my face and noticed changes on the skin of my face. The color has become more even, there are no circles under the eyes. I like!