How to choose green topaz. Topaz is everyone’s blue dream Stone star topaz

A beautiful and amazing stone - pink topaz. It symbolizes purity, sublimity, innocence and romance. This stone can play a very important role in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Stones of this color are very rare in nature. The bulk of crystals that are mined from the ground have a faded yellow-brown or milky-gray color. Therefore, the discovery of a pink stone is a great success for mineralogists. Topaz of this color is very sensitive to sunlight, so in the light its color quickly fades and the stone can become colorless within a week. To consolidate the effect, all stones undergo at least minimal heat treatment. Otherwise, jewelry with topaz will soon take on an unattractive appearance. This is why topaz is considered an evening stone. It shines in all shades in the rays of artificial light. Its amazing coloring will delight its owner for many years.

Red topazes are even rarer. Bright stones of rich, intense red color are only of natural origin. No heat treatment can give topaz such depth. A gold ring with red topaz will cost a lot of money. Therefore, such copies rarely go on sale - they are immediately snapped up by collectors.

Natural pink ones also cost a lot of money. A 1-carat gem will cost approximately $500. It is not difficult to check the natural origin of a stone, but it is better not to experiment, but to pay attention to its cost. If a stone left in the sun fades after a week, then its color is natural. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to return it to its original appearance. Unlike such topaz, stones that have undergone magnetron sputtering are very resistant to ultraviolet radiation. By re-processing it can return the lost color.

Jewelry with topaz is a wonderful talisman gift for Sagittarius, Leo, and Scorpio. appear cautiously. This stone is able to improve the mood of its owner, establish spiritual harmony and balance, and sharpen intuition. The variety of jewelry with topaz will allow you to choose the most beautiful and suitable thing for any representative of the fair sex.

A bracelet with topaz surrounded by diamonds will be an impressive gift for a mature woman. Like the ring with topaz, this masterpiece of jewelry will not leave any lady indifferent. It is better to give silver to a young girl. Even in combination with inexpensive cubic zirconia, pink topaz will shine with all the colors of the rainbow, reminiscent of the sincere feelings of a loved one.

It is worth starting the story by saying that the mineral has a rich history, but it is not known exactly why it is called that. Now there are two main versions: the first says that the stone received the name of the island where it was found for the first time, and the second draws attention to the similarity with the word in Sanskrit meaning “warm, fiery.” Leaning towards the second version, we can assume that yellow topaz was found first.

When talking about this mineral, most people now remember it in a blue hue. But this is not true, because many varieties of topaz have a rich color palette, it can be lemon, black, orange, green, there is striped topaz, rainbow topaz and many other shades and colors. In this article we will consider only the main types of products, their properties and astrological compatibility according to zodiac signs.

Video on the topic: Properties of topaz

Yellow topaz

Yellow topaz can be considered the most ancient topaz found by people. According to historians, the mineral was found more than two thousand years ago and is still mined to this day. The color of this type of stone has many shades from bright yellow to dark shades like brown. Yellow topaz is often called honey topaz or golden topaz. What shade the mineral will be is determined by the chemical structure of the stone, but it is worth remembering that topaz becomes a product that is processed using special technologies. The stone is very hard.

In different countries, yellow topaz had different properties that people attributed to it. Among the most popular properties, it is worth noting that it is considered the patron saint of students and teachers, inspires discoveries in the field of science, the stone is credited with healing properties, or it is said that yellow topaz can recognize lies. The stone can change color due to exposure to sunlight, so in ancient times it was believed that if this happened, then the person wearing the stone was unfaithful to his significant other. Now, of course, we understand that a change in color is not a sign of deception and we should not immediately file for divorce.

Previously, people did not even think about using topaz in jewelry. Tools were originally made from it. But times passed, morals changed, and this mineral became one of the best pieces of jewelry.

Spectral characteristics

The color range of topazes is rich. Any color of this type of mineral is attractive and unique.
Stones of this type come in a variety of colors, as if once upon a time a heavenly rainbow suddenly crumbled into billions of small pieces, forming deposits of these wonderful gems. Available in shades of blue, gold, yellow, white, pink, blue or even black, smoky stone has earned respect as a very beautiful and relatively inexpensive precious mineral.
When thinking about topaz, a blue, smoky stone immediately appears in the imagination, shimmering and sparkling. Yes, now this mineral is associated specifically with the color of the morning sky. A little earlier everything was a little different. Any yellow stone was certainly considered topaz.
And now the yellow stone is very common in this group, it has shades from bright yellow to deep brown. Orange minerals get their hue due to chromium impurities. The less chromium, the more yellow the gem, and it is often confused with beryl of the same color.
No less common is transparent topaz, which is also white or colorless. This gem is an aluminosilicate mineral and contains virtually no impurities. These stones are often irradiated to give them a particular hue.

The highly acclaimed blue topaz is a very practical stone. Unlike most of its counterparts, it is not susceptible to fading in the sun. The chemical composition of such a gem is aluminum fluorosilicate, which has voids in the crystal lattice. Often a mineral of a similar shade is obtained by annealing in quartz sand. Stones of natural blue color have a calmer shade, but artificially colored stones are very shiny and bright.

Blue and pink topaz can also be obtained from yellow stone through X-ray irradiation or heating. This procedure destroys the structure of the mineral substance, which leads to a change in its color in any direction.

Properties of gems of different shades

Amulets with this gem, regardless of the color of the stone, are very beautiful and always effective. Their magical features are simply excellent.
Each blue smoky topaz has a number of properties that are very useful to people who find themselves in a difficult situation or faced with insoluble difficulties. This stone helps you stay optimistic no matter what happens. Since ancient times, the mineral has been especially valued by sailors. They believed that a blue gem would help them find the shore and ward off the storm.
If we consider the magical characteristics of blue topazes, we should especially highlight their ability to fulfill desires and make dreams come true. Surely, the expression “blue dream” appeared precisely in connection with this ability of topaz, which has a blue tint.

Not only blue, but also golden topaz helps its owner achieve what he wants. Topaz, which has a golden glow, becomes a reliable talisman for those who constantly feel unsure of themselves and their abilities.
The color of purity, white, in topaz becomes a symbol of sincerity and honest intentions. If the stone is also smoky, then this indicates its ability to become an excellent amulet for those who strive to develop spiritually and never be satisfied with what they already have.

In other words, white stone is a mineral of development. Other gems also keep no less interesting secrets. For example, the opposite color black smoky topaz has very similar characteristics. In fact, black is just a term for dark rocks of the mineral. Perhaps this is what makes it so similar in properties to a colorless stone.

How to choose the color of a mineral

Possessing one shade or another, smoky stone acquires different properties. Such features help you better navigate your choice. The magical characteristics of a stone depend entirely on its color, and it is not so important whether it is a natural shade or an artificial one.
It became known that abandoned women tend to choose the golden smoky mineral. They were deprived of love, and a stone of such a warm sunny color will definitely warm you up on days of adversity and sadness.

The blue-hued mineral seeks to help achieve the goal. The most important condition that topaz adheres to is the requirement for the target: it must be light. Its implementation should not cause any harm. When purchasing a mineral to make your dream come true faster, you need to believe in it. Otherwise, all his magical abilities are lost to such an extent that even the most gifted magician will not be able to restore them.
When choosing topaz, you should take into account not only your needs, but also what zodiac sign you belong to. The smoky mineral of a yellow hue is very favorable to Capricorns. Also, a golden gem is very suitable for representatives of this sign, but it is contraindicated for Pisces and Cancers. The latter is much more profitable to purchase a talisman with heavenly shade topaz.
All the magical capabilities of the stone are enhanced if framed in a precious frame. The smoky gem looks great in silver, but framed in gold, it becomes several times more powerful.

An important point when choosing a product with this mineral is the attitude towards it. If a person is a follower and admirer of another gem, and buys this one for some other motive, then such a purchase will not lead to anything good. Every stone prefers to be loved and trusted. Then, regardless of whether it is golden or colorless, blue, pink or green, the mineral will direct all its powers to the one who needs them so much at the moment.

There is hardly a person in the modern world who is not aware of something that is familiar to almost everyone. But where the term came from, what types of topaz there are, where else this word is used in a slightly different context, probably only a few know.

Power of attraction

The most popular and most beautiful gemstone was given its name by the island of Zeberget in the Red Sea, which in ancient times bore the name Topazos. This is where the mineral was first discovered. According to another, later version, “topaz” from Sanskrit “topas” is translated as “fire”. The ancient Hindus called all precious colors topazes. At different times, some varieties of gems were mistakenly classified as these crystals. Similar misconceptions were associated with their huge range of colors.

So what is topaz? It is a semi-precious transparent stone of various colors. There are red, pink, orange, yellow. There are also colorless and shining options in many shades. They are relatively inexpensive and come in many types to suit every taste and color.

Groups of semi-precious stones

Natural topazes are divided into two groups based on color:

What is Sky Blue Topaz?

Topazes from the Sky Blue category are the most loved by the people. Minerals of this type are considered the most beautiful and exquisite jewelry stones, as if absorbing the clear summer sky. Their soft, bewitching shades, without a single hint of excessive brightness or intrusiveness, have won the hearts of more than one lover of precious stones. In Russia, a deposit of blue topaz was first discovered in the Middle Urals in 1722. Ural minerals were highly valued by European countries, which called them “Siberian diamonds” due to their high hardness, similar to that of diamonds. And soon the whole world learned about blue topaz: what it is and how valuable it is. Nowadays Brazil has a monopoly in the extraction of topaz, and therefore the blue crystal is called differently “Brazilian sapphire”.

Categories of blue topaz

Due to the insufficient saturation and brightness of the color of the mined topazes, they began to be subjected to an artificial process of refining. The essence of the procedure is the technique of enhancing natural color, adding the desired color to it. All blue stones are divided into three categories:

Magical properties of the stone

Topaz has long been considered a talisman that helps violent patients, a means of inducing calm and serenity in a person and driving away anger, rage, and resentment. During the Middle Ages, it was a symbol of kindness, prudence and joy. It was believed that wearing the stone for a long time contributed to the generosity, honesty and decency of a person. Topaz gives its owner wisdom, prudence, a clear mind, and creativity. Helps to endear the people around you and instills optimism.

Promotes conception in infertile women, cures liver diseases, nervous disorders, improves vision, gives girls beauty and charm, and gives wisdom. For those who do not know what topaz is, it will be useful to know that it relieves asthma attacks and is the best amulet for long journeys and at sea.

It develops people's intuition and foresight abilities. At the same time, topaz can subjugate weak individuals to its will and instill negative thoughts in them. The crystal is ideal for the cardinal signs of the zodiac - Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra. Recommended for Scorpio, but absolutely not suitable for Pisces, as it can have a bad effect on them. It is better to set topaz in cupronickel, which enhances the beneficial properties of the stone and brings peace of mind.


Gemstone lovers often have questions about what rauch topaz is and what category it belongs to. In fact, rauch topaz (from German rauch - “smoke”) is a transparent gray, dark brown and brown shade. The mineral is mistakenly classified as topaz, but it has nothing to do with it. Rauch topaz, like crystal, is a valuable variety of quartz and amazes with its luxurious smoky effect of spreading rays. It is considered the most powerful stone in terms of magical properties. It protects against magic, brings wealth, relieves stress and pain. With the help of this mineral you can achieve a state of nirvana and remove negative energy flows from the body.

Topaz in Photoshop

The name of the famous stone is also found in the world of computer technology. What is topaz in Photoshop? Topaz is a special set of software modules for Photoshop. They are designed to expand the functions of the program, paint simulation and other ease of use. In this case, Topaz is the name of a famous computer company that identifies its activities with the magical properties of a magic stone.

Now you know what topaz is, how many of its varieties are found in nature, what magical properties this transparent mineral has. Despite its exquisite appearance, alluring depth and attractive force, it should be worn with caution and only by those who consider themselves to be a strong person.

Pink topaz has a delicate, exquisite beauty and unique energetic properties. This stone is equally loved by jewelers and modern connoisseurs of beauty. Jewelry with pink topaz is very feminine and romantic; it brings freshness and charm to the images of its happy owners.

In addition, this stone has a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical well-being. Let's look at the properties of pink topaz in more detail - what kind of mineral it is, how best to wear it and what capabilities it has.

Description and features

Pink topaz is a semi-precious mineral, the delicate color of which depends on chromium impurities and the characteristics of the crystal structure. It must be said that natural pink topazes are quite rare and therefore highly valued. On average, a natural stone of this shade can have a price of five hundred dollars per carat. The brighter and more saturated the color, the higher the price. Also, the cost depends on the size of the stone and the presence of any defects.

In numerous photographs, pink topaz appears in a variety of shades, sometimes very bright and colorful. Most often, to obtain beautiful flowers, stones are subjected to heat treatment. From yellowish or colorless minerals, pink ones can be made in this way (needless to say, heat-treated topazes are cheaper than natural ones). But even natural pink topaz in the photo looks much brighter than its natural color - they are usually also processed to fix the color or make the shade more beautiful. In addition, natural pink topaz can lose its color in the sun, and with the help of heat treatment it is made more resistant to the effects of sunlight.


Jewelry with pink topaz is considered more feminine, since delicate colors are a classic, intended especially for lovely ladies. However, stones with more subdued and cooler shades of pink also look great on men's accessories.

For example, cufflinks with pale pink topaz will perfectly enliven the suit of a modern businessman, and the energetic properties of these stones will be useful in business and career. Brighter and more saturated colors of minerals are harmoniously combined with red and yellow gold, and delicate and cold ones - with silver, white gold and platinum.

Photos of pink topaz are often found next to colorless stones - precious, semi-precious, ornamental and simply artificial. Thus, these minerals “get along” well with diamonds, rock crystal, zirconium and Swarovski crystals, adding a unique twist and a certain romantic charm to the jewelry. Jewelry with elegant pink topazes fits seamlessly into looks of different styles - everyday, business, holiday and evening. They successfully emphasize the beauty of women of all ages - young girls, mature women, older ladies and the youngest girls.

Energy properties

These stones have healing properties, primarily for the human psyche. They help overcome stress, strengthen the nervous system, and help get rid of depression and insomnia. Ancient doctors advised people with unstable psyches and even the mentally ill to wear jewelry with pink topaz. The energy of the mineral strengthens the immune system, helps fight viruses and colds. It is also believed that this stone promotes healing after poisoning.

For love

The mineral helps in matters of the heart - it establishes harmony between lovers, reduces the risk of cooling and betrayal. He is able to restore the fading passion and ardor of relationships, win the favor of the offended “half,” and establish peace after conflicts and quarrels. Women who wear jewelry with this stone from time to time significantly prolong their youth, beauty and attractiveness. Men who possess the stone become strong and lucky, which makes them very attractive to women.

For inner harmony

Pink topaz has the ability to harmonize our internal state. It pacifies, lifts spirits, awakens interest in life, and helps to overcome grief. The energy of the mineral develops intuition and clarity of thinking, helping to see things in their true light and saving from illusory fears. The stone intensifies joyful emotions, and softens negative experiences. It charges us with vigor and energy, but at the same time it calms anger, anger and irritation.

For business

It is believed that pink topaz attracts the favor of our superiors - managers, teachers, large investors, etc. The energy of the mineral helps you see additional opportunities for career growth and express yourself with dignity. The stone gives its owner the wisdom and calmness necessary to make the right decisions, as well as eloquence and charm, helping to convey ideas to those around him. However, pink topaz does not like intrigue and dishonesty - it is ready to help in achieving success, but not through deception, intrigues and ugly actions.

Who should wear it?

Astrologers recommend wearing this stone to the signs of the fire element - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. Pink topaz will emphasize and enhance the best qualities of Fire signs - their activity, intelligence, love of life, inner strength and powerful energy. At the same time, he will give them wisdom, thanks to which fire signs will be able to weaken the negative aspects of their character, such as temper, vanity and self-centeredness. The mineral can be worn by Geminis - it will help the air sign to calm their emotions and make it easier to focus on the right things, help them not to scatter themselves and become more disciplined.

For Scorpio, pink topaz will help improve family relationships and give worldly wisdom, prudence and balance. In addition, Scorpio men and women wearing this stone acquire amazing attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. Also, this mineral is good for Cancers - it will make them less vulnerable and more sociable, and will help develop and realize creative abilities. Overall, pink topaz will come in handy for any sign during periods of tension, stress and anxiety.

Useful information

  1. Pink topaz is highly hard, but its structure is susceptible to splitting. In this regard, jewelry with this stone should be protected from impacts and other mechanical damage.
  2. The mineral should not be exposed to sunlight for a long time, otherwise it will inevitably fade and, as a result, lose its color, turning into a bluish-gray stone. This is especially true for natural minerals - heat-treated topazes are more resistant to sunlight, but they also fade.
  3. The stone should not be exposed to sudden changes in temperature, and also, you should not wear it constantly (it is better to wear it from time to time in suitable cases).
  4. If you are in a bad mood, have a headache, or just have a bad day, meditate on pink topaz, looking at its shades and the play of light from different angles. You will feel a surge of energy, and at the same time - calmness and tranquility.