How I help my family. Essay on how I help my mother around the house. Mini essay “How I help my mother”

Today we will write an essay together on the topic: “How I help my mother.” This kind of work is very often assigned in primary school, it makes children think about what the role of parents is in the family and how they can be helped with household chores. As a rule, after writing an essay, they strive to do good and make housework easier for tired mothers.

In this article we will pay attention to the following issues:

  • What is a family for a child?
  • What role do parents play?

In addition, we will give an example - we will write an essay on the topic: “How I help my mother.” Of course, it’s better to write it yourself, with soul and love, because only you yourself can express your sincere feelings for dad and mom.


Where to start an essay on the topic: “How do I help my parents”? It is better to do this by characterizing the concept of “family” itself. Tell us about your loved ones, about your relationships. What significance does the institution of family have for you? To make your work easier, we will provide a small writing example.

To begin with, we will show our knowledge in the field of such a school subject as “social studies”. The family is the most important social institution. It is also called the cell of society. Among the signs of this we can include a common life and the activity of raising children. In addition, legal marriage can only be by mutual consent.

Now let's talk about what meaning this term carries for a child:

“Family for me is a fortress where you can relax and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. My family is very friendly and strong. Mom, dad and I often spend time together. On weekends we go on vacation in nature, we like to sit for a long time by the fire and talk about , what interesting things happened over the past week. In addition, our family loves active recreation. It is not only useful, but also very interesting, in winter we go skiing, and in summer we ride bicycles.

We love each other very much and always strive to help in everything. Together with mom we prepare food and clean up. I help my dad with repairs, and we walk the dog together.”

This is a short excerpt from a school essay. It can be endless. Tell us more about how you spend time together and how you help your parents.


What is the best way to start an essay on the topic: “How do I help my mother”? You can start the story with how you love your parents, who they work and what they do. Now we will again present a small excerpt from the essay:

“My mother is a real wizard in the kitchen, she makes incredibly beautiful cakes. It even seems to me that she doesn’t get tired of it at all, but just enjoys it. I love helping her. We can roll out the dough together, she allows me to make delicious decorations for her fabulous masterpieces. We enjoy spending time together and I love her very much."

How do I help my mother?

Where else can you start an essay on the topic: “How do I help my mother”? We offer the following option:

“My mother’s name is Svetlana. She has a very hard job - she sits at the computer all day and gets very tired in the evening. That’s why I always help her with everything. We clean together, prepare food. When my little sister Nastya starts crying, I I immediately run to her and give her a pacifier. Mom says that I am her favorite assistant.”

We saw how you can write an essay on the topic: “How I help my mother around the house.” We looked at several examples. It is better not to use what other children write, but to write your own essay. This is the only way you can convey your sincere feelings.

Tatyana Moiseeva
Lesson summary “Speech development, second junior group” topic: “How do I help my mother?”

Lesson on speech development, second junior group topic: "How do I helping my mom


TOPIC: "How do I helping my mom

Goals: Foster a sense of love and respect for mom.

Develop the ability to speak out on a topic from personal experience.

To develop the ability to correctly pronounce the sound C in words and in phrases speeches.

Develop coherent speech and memory.

Equipment: illustrations on the topic classes, sound recordings of songs.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads a poem:

"Beloved Mother"

The days are passing one after another,

And from others there is no trace.

And in this life I walk with a friend -

There is no one more reliable and loved in the whole world.

Who is this friend? I'll tell you straight,

Don't hide your secrets.

And this is just my mother

The most wonderful!

Educator: Guys, who is this poem about?

Children: ABOUT mom.

Confirming the answers, the teacher says that children should take care of their mom, help her. Shows illustrations on the topic classes, asks to name what is depicted on them.

Example. What is shown in this picture - Dishes.: (Plates, cups, saucers.) What does mom do about it? Cleans, washes, etc.

Children come to the table, there are pictures there.

Didactic game « Let's help mom»

Questions: -Tell me how you are at home helping mothers?

How do you take care of them?

Children make sentences based on the picture. ( Helping mom wash the dishes; I help clear the table, etc.)

Educator: Guys, I also want to tell you about mine mom.

The teacher tells the children about his mom:

My mother's name is Elena Ivanovna. She works on a ship as a cook. When she comes home from work, I try everything for her. help. She and I are preparing dinner together. I wash the vegetables, she cuts them and makes the salad. I try to keep my home tidy Houses: I clean the rooms, put things in order. Together with my mother we go shopping. I carry heavier bags so that mommy doesn’t get tired. I love my mother very much, I try not to upset her and I want her to always be healthy and cheerful.

And now, I want to listen to your story about mom.

The teacher encourages the children to write short stories, helps in compiling, starting sentences that children finish. For example: “My mother’s name is... She works.... I helping my mom...

Physical education minute

The teacher invites the children to remember the song that was prepared for the holiday of mothers.


Listen to the offer and repeat: “Sa-sa-sa-I was bitten by a wasp”.

Didactic exercise "Sound with". The teacher pronounces words and shows picture: Wasp, sun, plum, tit, etc. Children call and repeat the words.

“How I help my mother” - essay 3rd grade

Option 1

  1. My mom
  2. How we help

I love mommy very much and always try to help her. My mother works, and in the evening she has household chores. Mom says my biggest help is to do well in school.

On weekends we do a thorough cleaning of the apartment. Each of us has our own responsibility. Mom is preparing to eat. Dad takes out the trash and vacuums. My brother and I clean our room, water the flowers and go for a walk with Tuzik. In the evening we play board games together. It's always good in our family.

Option 2

  1. My mom
  2. My responsibilities
  3. Why is mom happy?

I think that mom needs help. After all, we are all one big family, which means everyone should help each other.

Every day, as soon as I come home from school, I run to feed our cat Mars. Marsik is now 2 years old, he is a very kind and affectionate cat. Then I take off my school uniform and carefully hang it on the hanger. Then I heat up my lunch. After eating, I make sure to wash all the dishes and wipe the table.

After a short rest I do my homework. I try to do everything myself so that my mother doesn’t have to sit with me in the evening. In good weather, I go out into the yard for a walk with friends. If it rains, I watch TV or read books.

When mom comes home from work, she is always very happy that the house is clean. Mom says that I’m great at keeping the apartment in order while she’s away.

Option 3

  1. My mom
  2. How to help mom
  3. I love helping my mom.

As we all know, mother cooks, washes, cleans, treats and cares for children, works and does many other important things. If mom does everything alone, she will have no strength left, she will get tired. Therefore, mom always needs to help.

The very least anyone can do is to always clean up after themselves. You should always wash the dishes after yourself, make your bed in the morning, and wash dirty shoes and floors. And go to the store and buy the necessary products. I'm in 6th grade, but I really want to please my mother with different goodies. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at cooking, but I try. Just yesterday I fried potatoes. Mom was very happy.

I love helping my mother because I love her, because she will have time for me. I like to keep secrets with her, watch movies. Mom teaches me to embroider and knit. We discuss the past day with her, go for a walk in the evening and plan how to spend the weekend. Take care of your mothers!

Essay “How I help my mother around the house” - 4th grade

Option 1

I am one child in the family, so I simply have to help my mother around the house. I'm still in school, I have enough free time. My family consists of three people: me, dad and mom. Dad works constantly and comes home only late in the evening. Mom also works, she is a doctor. The profession of a doctor is hard work, my mother works shifts. She gets very tired, and I always try to help her and do some of her homework. I love my mother very much, and I want her to come home from work and relax.

I can do a lot of housework: wash dishes, sweep and mop floors, wipe dust, take out trash. I also try to help my mother prepare dinner: I peel potatoes, go to the store.

Usually, my morning starts with going to school. After classes, I come home, do my homework, and begin household chores. First of all, I wash the dishes, then I vacuum, water the flowers, of which my mother has countless numbers, they are in almost every room. All the hassle takes about two hours, it’s not much, I always have a lot of free time.

We also have an aquarium with fish at home. Taking care of them lies solely with me. I feed them, clean the aquarium, and make sure they always have clean water. I am not allowed to have other pets. We have neither a cat nor a dog. My mother is allergic to wool - this is the main reason for the absence of such animals in our apartment.

My mother loves to cook, although sometimes she doesn’t have enough time. When she manages to find a couple of hours, she rushes to pamper us with something delicious. At these moments, I am always in the kitchen. I dream of becoming a chef, so I always carefully watch how my mother cooks. I help her prepare the necessary ingredients. I have already learned how to fry an omelet, how to boil eggs correctly: both soft-boiled and hard-boiled, in a bag. I can also fry potatoes. In general, my mother is calm for me while she is at work. I never sit hungry, I cook for myself. When dad comes, mom and I are already ready, a delicious dinner is always waiting for him on the table.

I love my parents very much and never upset them. They try their best to make sure I don't need anything. I also really want to have a brother or sister. Then I won't be bored.

Option 2

I understand how difficult it is for a mother to do more housework after her main job. Therefore, I try to do useful things for her every day, so that it would be easier for her, and she could relax after a hard day of work. I come home from school, then start cooking. I love making omelettes. I can make noodle soup, fry boiled chicken with carrots. I peel potatoes and cook soup. At the end I add seasoning. I love making crab salad. Partially cut vegetables and onions together with mother. I grind the meat in a meat grinder. I help make pies and dumplings. I fry potatoes with onions in lard, and help make preparations in the summer.

Afterwards, I wash the dirty dishes, wipe the table, wash the gas stove, wash small items, and take out the trash. Dust quickly accumulates on the shelves, I wipe it off every other day. I like to arrange books in alphabetical order. I put away dirty clothes in the laundry, make sure the cat has clean water, a dish, and a clean litter box. I water the flowers, sweep the floor, then wash it. I change my bed linen once every two weeks. Every day I go to the store for groceries and bread, buy cutlets, pasta, sugar, and washing powder.

I help decorate your home for the holidays. I love celebrating the New Year. I prepare for it in two weeks. I hang shiny garlands. I decorate the glass: I paint with white gouache, paste New Year's pictures cut out of paper, and make homemade garlands. Mom is pleased that I am trying to help her. She and I are like close friends. I can tell her everything. I bring my mother tea and food in bed when she feels bad. I serve medicines and brew tea from medicinal herbs. I can measure your blood pressure and give you an injection. I try to do my homework myself and not upset myself with grades.

Mom says that I am her best helper. We always try to help each other. Sometimes you have to sew, alter things, sew on a button or eyelet on a coat. I warm up dinner, lunch for my father, and he gives it to me too

card and I buy food. I can take my little brother for a walk, pick him up from kindergarten, put away his toys. Distract so you don't cry. We have a friendly family!

Option 3

My mother is the most beloved and dear person in my life. She is always ready to help me simply because I exist, without demanding anything in return. However, the realization of how much she did without it makes her chest feel heavy: like a weight on her heart. Therefore, I try to help my mother around the house as often as possible.

Of course, now I may not be able to fix a broken washing machine or a leaking faucet, but that’s not all the work of my loved one! Upon returning home, when Mom greeted me with a warm smile and hot borscht with sour cream, I loved to sit her down next to me and chat so much that she would start laughing and before she could blink an eye, I would pick up the dishes from the table and bring them to the sink. Mother looked with a slight frown, to which I just smiled, making her a cup of strong tea with a slice of sugar lemon. The dishes in my hands creaked under the pressure of cold water and sponges, and my mother told me fresh news.

In the evenings, to the rhythms of jazz, while Mom, cheerfully rustling the hem of her home dress, beats to the beat of light music, I, not lagging behind, grabbed a dust cloth and, spinning in a whirlwind like a top, began to brush away dust and crumbs throughout the house, under my Ma's joyful smile.

On weekends we have a global wash: dirty clothes from all over the house were collected and put into the washing machine, and after that, I put everything in a small round basin, took them outside, again sat my mother in a chair on the terrace, near the raspberry bush and began to hang white sheets. The wet fabric crumpled in my hands, which Mother was not angry about, but with the same noble figure she handed me a handful of clothespins.

On Thursday we went out into the garden together, she picked apples, and I was tasked with weeding the strawberries. When the berry season began, we often filled in. Taking a break from work, we liked to grab a couple of juicy fruits, straighten our backs and, having met two sly glances, laugh merrily. On such evenings, I was always waiting for a hot compote on the table and fresh news from my mother’s lips.

All help is important and, most importantly, all help is needed. I love helping my Mother, but not for cakes, sweets... No. For me, just one smile expressing an exhausted “Thank you” is enough. After all, I know how hard it is sometimes, after a hard day, to return home and, after standing at the stove for about an hour, pick up a rag, a broom, a dustpan…. And I understand this because I love and want to help.

Option 4

I live in my own private house. We have a large yard, garden and vegetable garden. Therefore, there is always a lot of work in our house. My parents do most of this work. And in my free time I always try to help them.

I have regular tasks for which I am personally responsible. First of all, every Saturday I clean my room and water the flowers on the windowsills. If my mother is very busy in the evening, I wash the dishes left over from dinner and put them in their places. In winter there is little work for me around the house.

It's a different matter when spring and summer come. There is a lot of work on the street, in the garden and vegetable garden. Then my mother asks me to help her. In the spring, the two of us plant onions, carrots, cucumbers and other vegetables. I love planting a vegetable garden and then watching the first young shoots appear. I also have to water the young seedlings.

In the summer, there is a lot of other work in the garden and vegetable garden. In June, strawberries begin to sing, which you need to have time to pick and prepare aromatic jam from it. Strawberries are followed by raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries and other fruits and berries. Mom makes compotes and jams from them. And I help pick the berries, wash them and peel and pit them, if necessary. How nice it is to drink tea with apricot jam on a winter evening, made from the berries you pick yourself!

We all love it when mom bakes a big cake or pie for big holidays. I watch my mother cook. Sometimes she lets me whip up the cream and spread it on the cakes. We decorate the cake together. This is where all our imagination is revealed. The cake can be decorated with fruits and berries, sand crumbs, sweets, and coconut. It always turns out original, beautiful and very tasty.

One of our favorite dishes is homemade dumplings. We usually make them by hand with the whole family in large quantities on the weekends. Mom prepares minced meat and dough, and my dad and I make dumplings. It's like a family tradition for us. It took me a while to learn how to make dumplings. At first they turned out ugly and not very neat. But gradually they began to turn out more beautiful. Now I make dumplings quickly and efficiently. Mom praises me for this.

I love my mother, that's why I like to help her with the housework. I wish everyone to take care of and love their mothers.

Essay on the topic “How I help my mother” - 5th grade

Option 1

If a mother does not say that she needs help, this does not mean that she does not need it. It's just that adults rarely show that they need something. But mom will be very pleased if you do the cleaning or wash the dishes. When a mother works all day at work, and then also has to clean up the house and wash the dishes, it’s somehow not very good. Try to spend at least an hour of your precious time cleaning up the mess or washing the dishes. This will undoubtedly help your mother. Coming home from work tired, she internally hopes that everything is fine at home and she can rest. It is in your power to justify such hope.

We live in a private house, where there is a lot of work all year round, regardless of the season and weather. We need to bring firewood and clear the snow. And you also have to cook to eat. In summer it is even more difficult. Taking care of the garden is also added. Weeding, watering. But how happy mom is when she comes home! The dishes are washed, the cleaning is done, food is on the table. When we lived in an apartment, we also had to walk the dog. Now she walks in the yard by herself.

This is why children are needed to help their parents. It's not particularly difficult. And it gives mom pleasure. And this is not only in a private home. There is also a lot of work in the apartment. When you come home from school, the first thing you need to do is do your homework. Next, you should tidy up your workspace. After wiping the dust throughout the house, it is worth doing a wet cleaning of the entire room. While you're walking the dog, you can take out the trash. Then you should start preparing dinner.

When everything is ready, you should wash the dishes. Now you can go for a walk. As you can see, all these activities are not particularly tedious, but necessary. When mom comes home from work, she should rest and not fuss around the house. Of course, there is no immediate desire to do anything. But you need to overcome your laziness, no matter what. Mother's sincere gratitude will be satisfaction for your work. When housework becomes a habit, everything will work out naturally. And mom will rush home from work knowing that everything is in order there. And she will have time to take care of herself and look even better. Take care of your mom!

Option 2

Mother! How much is hidden in this word. This is the dearest, dearest and closest person to everyone who will never deceive or betray. Who will always come to the rescue and help in difficult situations. A mother never envy her child. No one will ever replace a mother. Therefore, in order for her to remain young and beautiful as long as possible, mom needs help in everything.

Every day I try to help her, even if just a little, but still. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is make my bed, and then I start my morning routine. When I come home from school, I always have a delicious lunch waiting for me, after which I always wash the dishes. After all, mom is so tired.

Even in the evening, after a family dinner, you need to offer your help.

In the summer I also often help my mother. We have a large vegetable garden in which we work as a family. Planting, watering, weeding - I can do all this and do it often. We have beautiful front gardens in our yard. Mom loves to grow flowers in them and take care of them. I help her with this too.

We have a wonderful garden. Every year we make very tasty jam. I help pick the berries. I like peach jam the most, so I try to make as much as possible so that my mother can cook it quickly.

I love helping my family. After all, helping is our direct responsibility. Children, thus, show their parents their gratitude for life and upbringing.

I want all the children in the world to help their mothers, because they deserve it. Then the mother will always be cheerful, in her eyes there will be happiness, joy and pride for her child. She will never remain in debt and will thank you for help from above. Even if she doesn't ask you for help, you will still do something and she will be pleased.

Option 3

I want to start my essay with a story about my small family. In my family there is a father, a mother and a younger sister. My sister is still very young and all the help around the house rests with me. My dad is very rarely at work and at home all the time. For the eldest, as dad likes to say, I, the eldest son, remain.

My mother is the best in the world, she cooks deliciously, helps me learn my homework and plays with me. I always want to do something nice for her, so that she would be happy and smile more often. Every day I try to help her with housework: go to the store, sweep the floor, take out the trash, and so on.

Here's how my day goes: I wake up a little later on the weekend than on weekdays, since I don't have to go to school. And on this day I do small errands. For example, I make my and my mother’s bed, put pillows in the closet, make the bedspread nice and even. I also turn on the vacuum cleaner and go through all the dusty places throughout the apartment with the vacuum cleaner. I'm starting a war against dust. This help does not take much time, but at this moment mom is preparing a delicious breakfast.

When the whole family has eaten, I help my mother clear the table. And my mother smiles, and I feel pleased that I helped my mother, everyone needs me. Then I go to the store to buy bread, since the store is close, it’s not difficult for me to run quickly, and my mother can rest a little at this time. When I go to the store, along the way I throw out garbage in a trash can, which is not far from our house, where I live with my family.

These are the small tasks I do around the house. Mom praises me and says: “You are my helper!”, gently stroking my head. But I really am an assistant, I help my mother around the house as much as I can, because I’m already big, I’m already seven years old.

Option 4

Housework is very labor-intensive and time-consuming. And why should mom do housework alone? I'm already a big girl and can help her to the best of my ability. Women do not like housework, it does not give them pleasure, but there is no one else to do it.

Lunch won’t be cooked on its own, the laundry won’t be washed. It’s only in a fairy tale that there is a self-assembled tablecloth and a pike that fulfills all Emelya’s whims. In life, everything is not so fabulous. The buckets themselves don’t go home from the pump, no matter how you persuade them. And no magic words will help.

Our apartment does not have central water supply or steam heating. Therefore, mom carries water from the pump in buckets. Mom has a large 10 liter bucket. I take a smaller 5 liter bucket. And my mother and I go to the pump. Still, in two times I bring a total of a bucket of water.

I also go for firewood with my mother. Mom carries 5 pieces of firewood in her hands, and I only carry 2 pieces. But still, I am also useful. I go for firewood several times.

In winter, our yard is filled with snow. Mom takes a large shovel, I take a smaller shovel. And we begin to fight the snow. And then, if the snow is wet, we roll big balls and make a snow woman.

Suddenly my mother begins to smile mysteriously and glance in my direction. And the very next moment snowballs are flying at me. The snow battle begins. It all ends with the mother falling onto her back in the snow, quite childishly, with her arms outstretched like a big star. I fall next to you and we laugh together.

At home we start preparing food. Mom peels potatoes. She does it so cleverly. She peels the potatoes in a circle, and the potato skin turns into a spiral. I can't do it quickly and beautifully. Mom trusts me to peel the potatoes, which are boiled for salads, unpeeled, with their skins on. It's called "jacket potatoes."

Mom does everything so quickly. It seems that she has two or more hands. The kettle is boiling. She takes it off the burner and puts the borscht there to cook. While the meat is cooking, she cuts potatoes and cabbage. She peels and cuts the onions herself. She puts a frying pan on the second burner, cuts it and puts lard there. Then he lays out the potatoes cut into strips.

And all this is boiling and roasting at the same time. Mom quickly stirs the soup with a spoon, then takes a special silicone spatula and stirs the potatoes. When dinner is ready, mom pours borscht onto plates. He pours it into a bowl for the cats. They also love her borscht.

After lunch, my mother and I wash the dishes together to make it faster. We don't have a dishwasher. Mom washes dishes in a basin. I rinse it in another basin and put it to dry. I wipe the spoons and forks. That's it, homework is finished. Mom sits down at the computer, and I sit on the sofa and read a book.

Option 5

My mother is the most caring, kind, affectionate and beautiful. She has a lot to do: cook for us, wash, iron. When my brother and I are sick, she treats us. She also works as a teacher. If she does all the things alone, then she won’t be able to play with us because she’s tired. That's why I always help her.

When I wake up in the morning, I make the bed myself and place my toys there. I take off my pajamas and carefully put them on the high chair. If I have dirty clothes, I put them in the washing machine. I try to do well at school, because my mother says that good grades are also a help. After school I come home for dinner, and my mother and I start setting the table together. She gives me plates, cups and forks to set out. After lunch I wash the dishes myself. Mom is always very happy about this.

We have a cat Timosha. He is big and shaggy. I take care of him: I feed him, play with him, brush his hair. He always sleeps only with me. Sometimes I pick up my younger brother from kindergarten. The kindergarten is not far from home and they allow me to pick it up myself. Returning home, we watch cartoons or play different games. After that I sit down to do my homework. I try to do all the homework myself to make my mother proud of me.

It happens that mom and dad are late at work and they trust me to cook dinner for the whole family. I can only make simple dishes so far, but mom and dad like them.

Every weekend we have deep cleaning. Everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. My little brother and I are tidying up our rooms: wiping off the dust, putting toys and games back in their place. I also water the flowers all over the apartment. Dad vacuums and takes out the trash. And mom cooks us something delicious, for example, cookies or pies.

Mom loves it when we help her and praises us. And I love helping her. When we do all the work, she still has time to be with us. We can play or read a book. She also teaches me to sew and knit. It's good to have the whole family around.

Essay “About Mom” - 1st grade

Option 1

My mother's name is Yurkevich Olga Ivanovna. She is the best in the world and I love her very much. She works as a salesperson and loves her job. My mother loves flowers and order in the house. I help her clean the apartment. Mom is very kind and cheerful. I love my mother because she has a good soul. I’ll end my essay with a proverb: “A mother’s prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.”

Option 2

My mother's name is Ardashova Alena Alekseevna. She was born in the village of Bogdanovka on December 1, 1984. I went to school at the age of 7 and graduated from school at the age of 17. Then she left to study in Omsk. Now he works in a store as a salesperson. She's doing well at work. She is good-natured and treats people well. She helps a lot of people. My mother is the most beautiful and beloved. She is kind and her hands are always warm. She loves to sew, cook, and wash. And when I get a “5”, she is very happy. I help her carry firewood into the house and give her various gifts. My mom is the best in the world. I’ll end the essay with a proverb: “There is no limit to a mother’s patience.” This is about my mom.,

Option 3

Dear mother! I love you because you look after me and cook for us every day. You're trying to look after us as best you can. You are kind, beautiful and most beloved! You always try to finish your work as quickly as possible so that we have more time to be together. Mom loves us even when we play around. I see you so little, but it’s not your fault, you just have a long job, but you help us, you earn money for us. I wish you never get sick, that you are a queen, and that you can sleep!

Option 4

My mom is the best in the world! She is always kind and takes care of grandma! She will always calm me down and won’t tell anyone unnecessary things. She loves me very much, and I love her very much! Mommy will always support me. She loves me for who I am, and I love her very much (even though she swears sometimes). Mom always helps me with my homework, she is the best!

Option 5

My mother is very kind, smart, caring, beautiful! She does everything to make us happy, and I wish her happiness, health, and that no one offends her, a lot of rest, that everyone loves her, remain as beautiful and smart!

Option 6

My mother is very kind and beautiful! She loves cleanliness and is afraid of heights. Mother! I wish you all the best, health and happiness! I want you to be beautiful and slim, to rest more often and all the best!

Option 7

My mom is the best in the world! My mother brought me to the “Vzakh” school! She tries to do the best for me! She buys me gifts, she always supports me! When I wake up in the morning, she greets me with a smile! When I come home from school, her smile shines like a rainbow!

Option 8

Mommy always helps me, and mom and I go to the Vzakh school. My mother always knows what to do. She is very rarely angry. She once worked in a bank. Mom always loved me very much and never let me be offended! She is positive, successful, dear, I love her! I am very glad that I have such good parents! I love them!!!

Option 7

Mom is my love! This is the love of every person for life! My mother's name is Olya, she is kind and good! When I'm sick, she gives me medicine. Sometimes I get a little offended by her when I see her and her brother playing. And she was also an October child. I wish my mother happiness and joy, so that she does not get offended, so that she cooks deliciously and is the best!

Option 8

My mother is the person who is very valuable to me, she loves, she will not leave, she will support. My mother and I have a lot in common, for example, we are both forgetful! My mother’s birthday is November 15, just like Yulia Anatolyevna’s, but my mother is a different person. My mother says that she is ugly, but I am sure that she is very beautiful! Mom is a real housewife and cook, she is very responsible for our home, and dad and I love and appreciate her very much, she is the best mother. She is a cartographer, like Dad, I love my mom, she is the best!

Option 9

My mom is very good! She is kind, cheerful, caring, she is the director of “ZAASO”, this is a very serious job, she works from 9 to 18 o’clock. She gets very tired after work, but we play with her, this gives her more strength, and we continue to play!

This is interesting: The first school year is a great opportunity to think about eternal questions: Who am I? What am I? What am I interested in? Why do I feel good? Why do I feel bad? What do I want? What am I striving for? What do I value? Who do I love? etc. There are many questions and everyone has their own answer. Asking questions and looking for answers to them, learning to think and know yourself first of all, formulating and writing down your thoughts is useful from childhood.

I am one child in the family, so I simply have to help my mother around the house. I'm still in school, I have enough free time. My family consists of three people: me, dad and mom. Dad works constantly and comes home only late in the evening. Mom also works, she is a doctor. The profession of a doctor is hard work, my mother works shifts. She gets very tired, and I always try to help her and do some of her homework. I love my mother very much, and I want her to come home from work and relax.

I can do a lot of housework: wash dishes, sweep and mop floors, wipe dust, take out trash. I also try to help my mother prepare dinner: I peel potatoes, go to the store.

Usually, my morning starts with going to school. After classes, I come home, do my homework, and begin household chores. First of all, I wash the dishes, then I vacuum, water the flowers, of which my mother has countless numbers, they are in almost every room. All the hassle takes about two hours, it’s not much, I always have a lot of free time.

We also have an aquarium with fish at home. Taking care of them lies solely with me. I feed them, clean the aquarium, and make sure they always have clean water. I am not allowed to have other pets. We have neither a cat nor a dog. My mother is allergic to wool - this is the main reason for the absence of such animals in our apartment.

My mother loves to cook, although sometimes she doesn’t have enough time. When she manages to find a couple of hours, she rushes to pamper us with something delicious. At these moments, I am always in the kitchen. I dream of becoming a chef, so I always carefully watch how my mother cooks. I help her prepare the necessary ingredients. I have already learned how to fry an omelet, how to boil eggs correctly: both soft-boiled and hard-boiled, in a bag. I can also fry potatoes. In general, my mother is calm for me while she is at work. I never sit hungry, I cook for myself. When dad comes, mom and I are already ready, a delicious dinner is always waiting for him on the table.

I love my parents very much and never upset them. They try their best to make sure I don't need anything. I also really want to have a brother or sister. Then I won't be bored.

Option 2

I understand how difficult it is for a mother to do more housework after her main job. Therefore, I try to do useful things for her every day, so that it would be easier for her, and she could relax after a hard day of work. I come home from school, then start cooking. I love making omelettes. I can make noodle soup, fry boiled chicken with carrots. I peel potatoes and cook soup. At the end I add seasoning. I love making crab salad. Partially cut vegetables and onions together with mother. I grind the meat in a meat grinder. I help make pies and dumplings. I fry potatoes with onions in lard, and help make preparations in the summer.

Afterwards, I wash the dirty dishes, wipe the table, wash the gas stove, wash small items, and take out the trash. Dust quickly accumulates on the shelves, I wipe it off every other day. I like to arrange books in alphabetical order. I put away dirty clothes in the laundry, make sure the cat has clean water, a dish, and a clean litter box. I water the flowers, sweep the floor, then wash it. I change my bed linen once every two weeks. Every day I go to the store for groceries and bread, buy cutlets, pasta, sugar, and washing powder.

I help decorate your home for the holidays. I love celebrating the New Year. I prepare for it in two weeks. I hang shiny garlands. I decorate the glass: I paint with white gouache, paste New Year's pictures cut out of paper, and make homemade garlands. Mom is pleased that I am trying to help her. She and I are like close friends. I can tell her everything. I bring my mother tea and food in bed when she feels bad. I serve medicines and brew tea from medicinal herbs. I can measure your blood pressure and give you an injection. I try to do my homework myself and not upset myself with grades.

Mom says that I am her best helper. We always try to help each other. Sometimes you have to sew, alter things, sew on a button or eyelet on a coat. I warm up dinner, lunch for my father, and he gives it to me too

card and I buy food. I can take my little brother for a walk, pick him up from kindergarten, put away his toys. Distract so you don't cry. We have a friendly family!

Sample 3

My mother is the most beloved and dear person in my life. She is always ready to help me simply because I exist, without demanding anything in return. However, the realization of how much she did without it makes her chest feel heavy: like a weight on her heart. Therefore, I try to help my mother around the house as often as possible.

Of course, now I may not be able to fix a broken washing machine or a leaking faucet, but that’s not all the work of my loved one! Upon returning home, when Mom greeted me with a warm smile and hot borscht with sour cream, I loved to sit her down next to me and chat so much that she would start laughing and before she could blink an eye, I would pick up the dishes from the table and bring them to the sink. Mother looked with a slight frown, to which I just smiled, making her a cup of strong tea with a slice of sugar lemon. The dishes in my hands creaked under the pressure of cold water and sponges, and my mother told me fresh news.

In the evenings, to the rhythms of jazz, while Mom, cheerfully rustling the hem of her home dress, beats to the beat of light music, I, not lagging behind, grabbed a dust cloth and, spinning in a whirlwind like a top, began to brush away dust and crumbs throughout the house, under my Ma's joyful smile.

On weekends we have a global wash: dirty clothes from all over the house were collected and put into the washing machine, and after that, I put everything in a small round basin, took them outside, again sat my mother in a chair on the terrace, near the raspberry bush and began to hang white sheets. The wet fabric crumpled in my hands, which Mother was not angry about, but with the same noble figure she handed me a handful of clothespins.

On Thursday we went out into the garden together, she picked apples, and I was tasked with weeding the strawberries. When the berry season began, we often filled in. Taking a break from work, we liked to grab a couple of juicy fruits, straighten our backs and, having met two sly glances, laugh merrily. On such evenings, I was always waiting for a hot compote on the table and fresh news from my mother’s lips.

All help is important and, most importantly, all help is needed. I love helping my Mother, but not for cakes, sweets... No. For me, just one smile expressing an exhausted “Thank you” is enough. After all, I know how hard it is sometimes, after a hard day, to return home and, after standing at the stove for about an hour, pick up a rag, a broom, a dustpan…. And I understand this because I love and want to help.

Essay about Helping Mom

I live in my own private house. We have a large yard, garden and vegetable garden. Therefore, there is always a lot of work in our house. My parents do most of this work. And in my free time I always try to help them.

I have regular tasks for which I am personally responsible. First of all, every Saturday I clean my room and water the flowers on the windowsills. If my mother is very busy in the evening, I wash the dishes left over from dinner and put them in their places. In winter there is little work for me around the house.

It's a different matter when spring and summer come. There is a lot of work on the street, in the garden and vegetable garden. Then my mother asks me to help her. In the spring, the two of us plant onions, carrots, cucumbers and other vegetables. I love planting a vegetable garden and then watching the first young shoots appear. I also have to water the young seedlings.

In the summer, there is a lot of other work in the garden and vegetable garden. In June, strawberries begin to sing, which you need to have time to pick and prepare aromatic jam from it. Strawberries are followed by raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries and other fruits and berries. Mom makes compotes and jams from them. And I help pick the berries, wash them and peel and pit them, if necessary. How nice it is to drink tea with apricot jam on a winter evening, made from the berries you pick yourself!

We all love it when mom bakes a big cake or pie for big holidays. I watch my mother cook. Sometimes she lets me whip up the cream and spread it on the cakes. We decorate the cake together. This is where all our imagination is revealed. The cake can be decorated with fruits and berries, sand crumbs, sweets, and coconut. It always turns out original, beautiful and very tasty.

One of our favorite dishes is homemade dumplings. We usually make them by hand with the whole family in large quantities on the weekends. Mom prepares minced meat and dough, and my dad and I make dumplings. It's like a family tradition for us. It took me a while to learn how to make dumplings. At first they turned out ugly and not very neat. But gradually they began to turn out more beautiful. Now I make dumplings quickly and efficiently. Mom praises me for this.

I love my mother, that's why I like to help her with the housework. I wish everyone to take care of and love their mothers.

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My mom and dad taught me from a very early age that you should always help. Sometimes when I come home from school I want to eat and relax, lying on the sofa. But when I see my mother busy with something, despite my reluctance to do something, I go to help her. After all, I am her only daughter and who else but me will help her?

I remember the first time my mother asked me to take out the trash and go to the store to buy bread. I started crying because I had no desire to go anywhere. I was in first grade then and the store was opposite our house. In the end, I threw out the trash and bought bread through my “I don’t want it.” And I am incredibly happy and grateful that my parents taught me from childhood to be independent and always help my family and friends.

We live in our own home, and because of this we have more worries. In the fall we collect crops and leaves from the yard. In the summer I pick strawberries and pick cherries. In the spring I help my mother plant flowers and other vegetables. My mother loves flowers very much and she passed this love on to me. After all, it is so exciting and educational to care for a plant, watch how it grows and ultimately turns into an incomparable flower.

I study in the 5th grade and when I come home, my most important duty is to feed our old and fluffy cat named Zhuzha. When I brought him in from the street a couple of years ago, my parents said that I should clean up after him and feed him. Zhuzha should have been my responsibility. I was not happy about this, but having fallen in love with this cat, I like to look after and care for someone. I remember when she gave birth to three kittens, my parents did not know what to do with them. I gave them to my best friends. My parents praised me and said that I did well.

My dad works as a director in a company, and my mother is a cosmetologist, so after school I am alone with my cat for several hours. After I eat, I always wash the dishes and clear the table.

Mom comes before dad, so we cook dinner together. I usually help my mother cut something. And once I baked chicken myself! On weekends, my mother and I clean the house. I dust everywhere and it is my job to vacuum my room.

My dad works very hard to make us happy and live in abundance. Usually after dinner he calculates some numbers and pieces of paper that I don’t understand anything about. Despite how tired he is, I always help him calculate the amount on a calculator and help him cope with it faster.

I also really like helping my dad when he fixes something. I always give him the necessary items, and he tells me how to properly repair, say, an outlet. And on his days off, he works on car repairs, and I help him with everything I can!

A couple of times a month we go to the dacha where my grandmother lives. We all help grandma with cleaning the house and outside. After the work is done, mom and dad watch TV or discuss something. And I help my grandmother make her signature cherry pies and tell her all my news.

I am very glad that I learned independence from an early age and understood that you always need to help your family. After all, I am their only child, who should please and help in all household matters.
