How to tie a men's scarf. Men's scarf How to tie a scarf on your face in winter

This accessory has firmly entered the life of the strong half of humanity and has long ceased to be just protection from frost. Now it's an elegant piece of clothing that can add a little sophistication and status to any suit. The variety of styles has given rise to a variety of ways to tie a scarf. Do you want to master this simple art? We'll tell you how.

Stylish and useful

A scarf should be worn if only for the reason that it protects the neck from cold, wind and rain. Tied appropriately, it will hide age-related imperfections, highlight cheekbones and a pleasant oval face. Whether you're wearing a coat, a pullover or a T-shirt, it will add a touch of class to your outfit. This is a versatile and very simple way to look fresh and modern. Many counter-argue that men's scarf only enlarges the face, making the image redundant, but believe me, if you find the right way How to tie it on your coat will transform you. Even your posture changes when the muffler gently falls from your shoulders, and after a while you will forever get out of the habit of wearing oversized jackets and shapeless sweaters, and elegant shirts and pullovers made of fine wool along with fashion accessory will stay in your wardrobe for a long time.

For an evening and a date

Today, many designers will tell you what ways to tie a scarf are in the fashion industry today. The simplest one is to wrap it around your neck and then tie it in one loose knot. The advantages are the simplicity and slight negligence that such a saffron gives to the image. The downside is that it is simple, so the method is only suitable for informal outerwear, if it is plain, the multi-color version will make you brighter.

A common mistake is to simply tie the ends of an accessory; if previously it looked elegant and relaxed, it is no longer in fashion. The ends hang shapelessly, so the fit silhouette becomes baggy, blurry, and the dignity of the figure cannot be emphasized. In the end, it's corny and too tired to remain relevant today.

For a special event where you can’t do without a jacket, a model made of thin wool or silk, tied with a tight, neat loop, is suitable. The soft shine of expensive material will give you the desired gloss and sense of status.

Types of nodes

Now about more advanced methods in which you will have to use a little dexterity. One of the knots is probably familiar to you, since it is popular today among both women and men - this is the Parisian knot. Everything is simple with it: fold the accessory in half, put it around your neck, and insert the free ends into the loop. This is a universal option for outerwear and for open-neck items: T-shirts, tank tops. Your throat will be warm and your face will be defined and toned.

A single knot perfectly expresses the image of a relaxed and confident metropolitan dandy. For it you need to select a simpler and thinner model so that it does not stick out like a rocker arm. There will be little heat from this method, but when thinking about how to quickly tie a jacket, you will sooner or later come to a single knot. This is done as follows: wrap the scarf so that the ends fall evenly onto your chest. You don’t need to tighten it particularly tightly so that it doesn’t look too military-like. After all, you are going outside, not to the barracks. The loop of a single knot can be stretched to the chest and then you can acquire a gloss of adventurism and self-sufficient modesty. This works flawlessly on girls of all ages.

A double knot is appropriate for the cold season, when it must perform its main function - insulation. Wrapped twice around the neck, it looks “puffed up”, which softens even the sharpest features of the face. The ends can be tucked under the loop and then it will look modern and stylish from under the stand-up collar.

Types of forms

  • Perhaps everyone can tie a scarf beautifully on their head, but not everyone is suitable for this manipulation, a lot depends on the shape, width and length of your accessory. Wide ones have a slightly bohemian touch, so they look great on creative casual outfits; they came to us from Latin America and are still popular.
  • Classic mufflers are an ideal option for a formal suit to protect a snow-white shirt and neck from rain and snow; it simply falls off the shoulders, expressing calm dignity and sophistication.
  • Long ones are a favorite accessory of creative fashionistas. You can tie it an infinite number of times, changing images with one wave of your hand. Rich colors and textures make it a necessary part autumn wardrobe, and even better if you have a whole set of them.
  • Nowadays, natural fine wool has appeared relatively recently in fashion, but has already become an indicator of status. Pleasant shine, softness and elegance of folds - all this instantly attracts the eyes of the fair half of humanity. Only in winter, with such an accessory, you can suffer from bronchitis - it is absolutely defenseless and non-functional at low temperatures.
  • The wide selection of accessories today makes one’s eyes run wild; there is no need to immediately rush to everything bright and labeled “trendy.” Real style is created exclusively individually, so even such a small thing as a scarf requires your imagination and a little bit of taste intuition

Beautifully tying a men's scarf

Not every man knows how to tie a scarf beautifully. In most cases, a scarf performs only one function - protection from wind and cold. Usually it is worn under a jacket or coat, without attaching much importance to this accessory. But once you experiment, the scarf will become part of a man’s new image.

How to wear a wide and long scarf

It is customary to wear a wide scarf with one edge thrown over the shoulder. Remember the indigenous people of Chile. It was their style that became the source of inspiration for creating the next trend. In addition, a wide scarf can always be folded in half and worn under a regular down jacket.

Classic scarf ideal for business style. It is not created for serious thermal insulation, but will always emphasize the importance of its owner. This scarf is usually thin and short, worn under a coat so that its edges are visible.

A long scarf allows you to fold it in half or wrap it around your neck. This is the most convenient and practical option: if you tie it tightly, the scarf will save you from frost, and if you wear it loosely, the accessory will give your image a special, unique charm.

Don't be afraid to experiment. A scarf tied over a jacket does not have to be classic black. Highlight this item of clothing. So, a gray or black scarf with a white ornament will look great over a strict black coat.

There are many ways to tie a scarf to a man; videos, photographs and descriptions will allow you to decide on a method that is convenient and practical for you.

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How to tie a men's scarf correctly

Such a seemingly simple piece of clothing as a scarf is becoming more and more popular every year. Designers have long moved away from boring black scarves that provide warmth during the cold season. Today it is fashion trend, which emphasizes style and individuality.

Those who claim that an “ostentatious” men’s scarf is an unnecessary glamorous item are deeply mistaken. A well-chosen scarf shows the neatness, desire for comfort and individuality of a true gentleman. In addition, doctors say that 60-70% of heat is lost through the back of the head. So stop wasting thermal energy. Wear scarves!

There are several ways to tie a scarf. Let's look at the most popular options.

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Stylish Parisian knot

A scarf tied with a Parisian knot looks great on a coat with a stand-up collar and a short leather jacket with a low collar. On a cold or rainy day, you can hide a scarf inside your jacket - it will reliably protect you from the wind and keep you warm.

Tying a Parisian knot does not require any special skills or knowledge. The scarf is taken in both hands and folded in half. The folded scarf needs to be thrown over the neck, and then the free two edges should be inserted into the loop formed. Now tighten the knot closer to the neck, but so that it does not choke or cause discomfort. Unfold the ends of the scarf and smooth out the knot. You can easily “play” with the image: change the tension of the knot and the thickness of the scarf.

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Elegant single knot

The single knot is very comfortable as it fits tightly to the neck. It goes well with a sports jacket and windbreaker. But this does not mean that this style is unacceptable in addition to a coat or suit. A scarf tied with a single knot adds ease, mischief, enthusiasm and freedom to the look.

To tie a scarf, you don’t need long stops at the mirror. You just need to throw the long end of the scarf over your shoulder and wrap it around your neck so that its edge is on your chest. One end of the scarf should be slightly longer than the other.

A loose single knot is one of the options for tying a scarf, in which the main thing is not insulation, but style. It is suitable for a jacket with a hood or a men's short coat. How to tie a scarf with a loose knot? This is done in almost the same way as with a regular single knot. Only the resulting loop should be loose and hang down. What is the permissible loop length? Choose this individually. Experiment with your image and clothes. There are no strict rules here. Remember that this is a style that gives the impression of slight casualness. The tighter the noose is tightened, the more serious the man’s image will seem. A loose scarf will highlight your hooligan nature, so choose a knot based on the type you want.

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Double knot and variations on its theme

The double knot is an excellent replacement for the Parisian knot. It will not only keep you warm in the cool season, but will also bring something new to a man’s look. As with the single knot, bring the long edge of the scarf over your neck. Since this is a double knot, do it twice. Now you can experiment. Loosen the first knot a little, and, on the contrary, tighten the second one. Or you can do the opposite. The hanging ends of the scarf can be tied with a regular knot, or you can leave them or hide them. The design options depend only on your imagination and the length of the scarf.

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False (fake) node

To tie a scarf with a false knot, drape it around your neck so that the ends on each side are the same. Now tie a knot on one side and pass the second edge of the scarf through it. After this, begin to straighten it, forming a beautiful and voluminous knot.

Whatever tying method you choose, you don’t need to stop at it if you are not a conservative. All stylists and designers advise experimenting with the look, periodically changing not only the method of tying, but also the scarf itself.

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Video demonstration of original options

Always remember that a man's scarf should not be tied very tightly, because it is not a tie. Convenience and functionality should always come first, and only then – a tribute to fashion. Of course, there can always be an exception. But it is comfort, and not the admiring glances of others, that allows you to feel self-confidence.

It only takes a few seconds to beautifully tie a man's scarf around his neck. Unlike various types of ties, this accessory does not require special skills or training. Unfortunately, most men, in principle, do not think about the fact that a scarf is not only warm practical thing, perfectly warming on cold days, but also an additional element of style.

And it's like winter version when you need to tie a scarf over your coat correctly, and about a fashionable summer accessory that elegantly fits your neck. In each case you can use various ways tying a scarf. Be sure to consider the characteristics of the accessory, especially the material and size, which may limit the types of nodes. Next, we’ll learn how to tie a men’s scarf beautifully and correctly.



Everything ingenious is simple. It would seem like a paradox, but one of the common ways to tie a men's scarf is to avoid any knots. Simply wrap the accessory around your neck and lower both ends (of equal length) onto your chest. This option is not suitable for protecting the neck from cold winds and severe frosts, but for formal events as an addition to a suit or tuxedo. It looks very elegant. In addition, the scarf can be carefully tucked under the folds of a coat (jacket), or worn with a blazer or sweater.


A popular way among fashionable guys to tie a men's scarf in the form of the famous Ascot knot does not protect the neck very well from the cold, but it looks stylish. Throw on a scarf medium length around your neck so that both ends hang on your chest, and then bring one part over the other. After this, pull the outer part of the scarf up with inside, that is, from under the bottom. Next, lower one end over the other and adjust the knot to your liking - closer to the neck, but not too tight. A scarf tied with an Ascot knot can be worn over clothing or tucked into a jacket or V-neck sweater.


A simple but very effective, practical and elegant way to wear a men's scarf in winter. Place the accessory around your neck and down your chest so that one end is noticeably shorter than the other. Then wrap the longer end around your neck. As a result, both parts of the scarf will be aligned in length. But not necessarily. Adjust the length of both ends as you see fit. The option is suitable for any type of winter clothing.


If you have a long scarf (more than 180 cm) made of not too dense material, you can provide double protection for your neck. Relevant for harsh cold climates. Following the previous method for tying a scarf, wrap one section around your neck twice and adjust both ends.


The neatest and most classic knot for a men's scarf. There is nothing superfluous and easy to do. Simply fold the accessory in half and wrap it around your neck. Then thread both ends of one piece through the loop of the other and tighten slightly until it is comfortable on your neck. Looks stylish with all types of clothing - from a casual sweater and jacket to an elite business suit and coat. It is advisable to use long scarf from thin fabric.


Very stylish and modern way tie a men's scarf, with both ends of the accessory on the back side, while keeping the neck completely safe and warm. Plus, you don’t have to worry about strong winds. Drape the scarf around your neck to create two equal parts at the front. Then throw each end of the accessory over the opposite shoulder. If desired, one end can be made short so that the other end can be wrapped once around the neck. The reverse knot looks good with trendy sweaters.


Perhaps, best way tying a men's scarf is really beautiful, stylish and secure. Place a scarf around your neck. One end should be slightly shorter. Then make one turn around the neck with the long end and pass it down through the loop. Thread the other end into the same loop and tighten the knot until it is comfortable. This method is suitable for both formal and informal clothing.

Above were presented the most popular and universal ways to tie a men's scarf. Essentially classic. Resourceful guys can experiment, for example, as when tying shoelaces. There are many options. You may be able to find an interesting knot with one of the types of scarves. In any case, use this fashion accessory in different times year and tie the scarf beautifully so that once again highlight your individual style.

Useful tips

Winter is the time when it’s time to warm yourself up, take out gloves, hats and scarves.

While it's hard to stay elegant under layers of clothing, with a little imagination you can create an interesting winter look.

Read also:20 original ways to tie a scarf beautifully

Now there are many types of scarves that will be fashionable this winter, and the options for how to tie them are truly endless.

Here are some ideas on how you can wear a scarf with a coat, jacket, or hood and look stylish.

How to wear a scarf beautifully

1. Toss casually

This style is ideal for a not-so-cold day when the scarf serves primarily as an accessory or an additional layer to your outfit. If the scarf is very warm, then casually throwing it around your neck, you can keep warm in cold winter weather.

2. Half loop

Simplicity is in fashion these days, and the less elaborate the scarf is, the more flattering your look will be. Simply place one edge of the scarf behind your neck. Looks very casual with a large scarf.

3. Loop

This is perhaps the most practical way wearing a scarf. Tying the scarf in one loop around your neck will not only keep you warm, but you won't have to worry about losing the scarf.

How to Wear a Scarf With a Coat

Very interesting way Wearing a scarf in winter not only emphasizes your silhouette, but also adds another layer of clothing. In addition, this method visually lengthens the figure if you choose a plain scarf or adds zest if the scarf is colored.

5. Belted poncho

Although ponchos aren't exactly in fashion right now, there is a way to bring them back into the fashion ranks. Simply wrap the poncho around yourself and secure it with a belt. It's practical and very stylish.

6. Secret node

The scarf can be tied so that it looks like a cowl scarf, and at the same time looks elegant and tasteful.

How to Wear a Scarf Cowl

7. Scarf-collar

A scarf-collar or snood is very comfortable. You can simply wrap it twice around your neck and you will feel a warm hug all day long.

8. Scarf in the color of your clothes

One of the latest trends this winter is a scarf to match the color of a coat or other outerwear. This is a pretty interesting style that adds dimension to your outfit without adding color or other texture.

9. Plaid scarf

A blanket scarf that literally hugs your shoulders is all you need on a cold day. This scarf will make you feel cozy and warm. In addition, it can always be worn as a shawl under a coat or jacket.

How to wear a scarf on your head

10. Scarf on your head

A warm winter scarf can warm not only your neck, but also your head, and at the same time look very stylish and feminine.

Girls love accessories and jewelry more. They can make everything look elegant. Most men are indifferent to the decorative items of their clothing. Therefore, they usually simply wrap a scarf around their neck and hide it under their clothes. But if you look at how to tie a scarf for a man in an original and beautiful way, you can create a stylish look that even an avid critic will like. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

So how to tie a scarf for a man without much difficulty? Stylists strongly recommend that the stronger half of humanity refresh their appearance with this accessory. A scarf can be used to decorate a jacket, a raincoat, or a coat. Shop windows are full of similar products of all textures and colors. Everyone can choose something to suit their taste.

Warm and beautiful

Most people wear a scarf just to keep warm and prevent a cold. This is a huge misconception. This detail is a fashion accessory that will emphasize individuality. Designers have come up with many ways to tie a scarf for a man. But not all of them are popular. Men have identified several simple techniques for themselves and are happy to wear colorful and calm scarves. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn into a glamorous, pompous turkey. Be careful with bright colors. Scarves with patterns, ornaments, logos famous brands- the most popular. Single-color models are preferred only by older people.

Lights of Paris

The Parisian knot is the most popular technique. A scarf tied in this way looks great on a coat, a jacket, or a leather jacket. The technique is very simple: fold the product in half, then throw it over the neck and insert the ends of the other side into the loop formed on one side. The width and length of the scarf can be any. This is a very simple yet elegant knot.


A false knot is a more complicated option, but also more interesting. Place the scarf around your neck so that one end is twice as long as the other, and tie a knot on it. Thread the short end into it and tighten it tightly. The result is an unusual knot that will look great on a sweater, shirt or jacket. It is better to use a long thin scarf.

Double Strike

If you have not yet decided how to beautifully tie a scarf for a man, you will definitely like this option. It is versatile and easy to use. Wrap the scarf around your neck in a double ring, and tie the remaining ends into a loose knot or hide it under your outerwear. This is excellent protection from the cold and beautiful decoration for the neck.


This is the most the simplest way highlight your style. The scarf does not tie at all, both ends just hang freely. This option looks good on outerwear. Notes of negligence and brutality appear in the image.

Ostap Bender

The most striking trait of your character is adventurism and love of adventure? Then this option on how to tie a scarf for a man is for you! We wrap the product around the neck twice, one end should remain longer than the other. Looks great with a jacket and shirt. On the street you will catch millions of enthusiastic female glances.

For the winter cold, the same option is suitable, only tightened tightly under the chin.

Evening out

Scarves, like all things, are divided into casual and dressy. Evening option The scarf can be made of shiny fabric or with a bright print. For going out to dinner at a restaurant or theatre, cinema, or visiting, glitter and gloss are very appropriate. There is no need to be clever with the knot. The scarf itself is already a decoration. And in tandem with a complex plot the result will be an exaggeration. Tie the scarf with a simple loop and hide it under your jacket.


For trendy young guys, a scarf that is braided and hangs down in the middle is suitable. Simply wrap it around your neck and braid the ends. It will turn out creative and attractive. This emphasis can be placed on a bright sweater or a body shirt. It looks very stylish and unusual.

Now simple scarves with complex weaves without patterns have become fashionable. Regular machine knitting and soothing tones are the perfect accessory for all occasions. This is a must have item in your wardrobe.

Wide long scarf - best friend in winter. You can wrap it around your neck several times and pull the ends back. The next day, perform another combination: a loose loop around the neck, one end of the scarf forward, the other back. Change your look every day, even with just one scarf. But if there are several of them, you have begun to turn into a fashionable object!


The name is noble, consonant. I really want to try this elegant knot for myself. For this technique you will need a small fabric scarf. Drape it over and adjust the ends to the same length. Now wrap one of them around the other and thread it through the resulting loop. The result will be a voluminous, but not tight knot. Feel free to put on a shirt, jacket or cardigan on top and head outside! All attention will be drawn to your person. This version of the knot has long been forgotten, so revive the fashion for this decorative scarf headband!

If you are not going to take off your jacket in crowded places, you can try an interesting knot from childhood. We put on a shirt, put a long wide scarf around the neck, making the ends the same length. We construct a cross on the chest and bring the ends behind the lower back, and tie it there. Putting a jacket on top creates an imitation of a vest, which is very unusual.

If it is not entirely clear how to tie a scarf for a man, the photo will help you understand the details.


One of the universal knots is the ends back. Suitable for any style of clothing, be it jeans and a sweater or a business suit. We make a double loop around the neck and fold the ends back. The throat is completely covered from the cold and wind, and the right color of the scarf will highlight the beauty of the face. You can also choose an accessory to match your eye color. Now you know how to fashionably tie a scarf for a man.

Great purchase!

A stylish scarf is an attribute of a real, fashionable man. Protection from the cold is important, but a bright image that stands out from the crowd doesn’t hurt. First you need to learn how to properly tie a scarf for a man. And then you can start your own experiments.

Having tried on an elegant look with a scarf at least once, men throw their elongated tracksuits, washed T-shirts and begin to dress elegantly. Give your loved one such a modest gift, explain to him how to properly tie a scarf for a man.

Changing your image directly affects your mood and state of mind. IN nice suit, shiny shoes and a fashionable accessory around his neck will make any man feel confident and comfortable. And for people who know their worth, life always turns out great.

Don't be a gray, inconspicuous mass! Look carefully at how to tie a scarf for a man. The diagram will help you understand complex nodes. Show a little imagination and complement your look with several accessories: a beautifully knitted scarf, a shoulder bag, a watch. And in the mirror you will see a completely different person!
