Who should you not give a watch to? Have you been given a watch as a gift? Signs that exist for this occasion. Signs why you should not give a watch to your loved ones

When going to some special event, to people close or dear to you, a completely logical question arises - what to give as a gift so that you like the gift. There are a huge number of answers; in today’s souvenir market there is a great choice; you can choose any item depending on a person’s hobbies, age and life position.

However, for a long time there has been a dispute over the donation of certain things. Superstitious people who firmly believe in omens say that by giving this or that thing, you will certainly bring disaster to the person who was given such a gift. Skeptical people, on the contrary, say that these are just prejudices of the past and nothing will happen. There is no consensus, and each person must decide for himself which side to take. In order to make your choice a little easier, let's look at both sides together.

Surely many have heard a similar thing from older people - under no circumstances buy a watch as a gift. Moreover, this sounded like a statement, but to the question - why you can’t give a watch, no one could give a full and detailed answer.

The history of the origin of superstition

There is no exact and unambiguous answer to this question, however, many are inclined to believe that this tradition came from Ancient China. The fact is that the people of this country were extremely wary of any innovations and the unknown mechanism instilled horror in ordinary people. Add to this the almost complete similarity of the hieroglyphs denoting sudden death and time. For some time, even at the legislative level, it was strictly forbidden to give watches for the New Year. It is the New Year that is the main holiday of the Chinese people; accordingly, under no circumstances should this celebration be overshadowed, under pain of the death penalty.

There is another opinion where such a superstition came from - in medieval Europe it was considered bad form to give birthday gifts that emphasized one’s position in society and age. Clocks and mechanisms equivalent to them personify the record of time, constantly indicating that the days of life are running away. It is a historically recorded fact that Louis 16 ordered the execution of one of his closest associates, just because he presented a wall clock to the king’s wife as a wedding gift.

A similar belief existed for a long time in Russia. Illiterate sections of the population were terribly afraid of such mechanisms, attributing to them witchcraft origin. No one dared to keep chronometers at home that kept track of time, citing the fact that when the mechanism stopped, the days of the owner’s life would stop.

Is it possible to give such gifts to a loved one?

Superstitions rooted in people's minds, as well as folk objects, have a sharply negative attitude towards gifts from this series. It is believed that a wristwatch given to a spouse will not bring anything good and, on the contrary, will create problems for the husband.

Married couples risk their marriage by accepting such a souvenir. The sign states that as soon as the clock stops due to a breakdown, problems will immediately come to the family, including divorce.

If you decide to give a watch to your beloved woman or friend, you risk facing a wall of misunderstanding. Turning to signs, if your chosen one trusts them, such a gift silently hints at the end of the relationship.

In general, you should give gifts to women as carefully as possible; it’s all about a strong emotional perception of seemingly ordinary things. Without wanting it, a representative of the fair half of humanity can turn on the negative platform she has invented, which will smoothly turn into negative energy.

When planning to give your mother a wrist or wall clock, also treat the gift with the utmost caution. People of the elderly or older generation take such superstitions very seriously, and therefore your gift may be misunderstood, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Young people have a very superficial attitude towards prejudice, and therefore, if you decide to give a present in the form of a fashionable watch to your son or daughter, you will not go wrong. Today, the choice of watches is simply huge, ranging from rare ones to the latest innovations. All that remains is to choose the right theme in which the watch will be made and most likely your child will like the gift.

Chronometers cannot be given as housewarming gifts to near and dear people, otherwise troubles will settle in their home, which will eventually lead to a break in relations. Agree, almost everyone heard a similar thing, and most importantly, believed in it. However, as we have already learned, there is no reason for concern, even moreover, watches simply need to be given to young people if they themselves asked for it.

How to give and receive chronometers as gifts

When accepting a watch as a gift, be sure to pay close attention to the person giving such a gift. If a person is close to you and his intentions are pure, then feel free to accept, since nothing bad will happen, a souvenir presented with an open heart and pure thoughts cannot harm.

Avoiding sticky situations by bringing chronometers as a gift, ask for change in return, so it will not be a gift, but a purchase and, accordingly, nothing bad can happen.

It would seem that a watch is the most successful gift for any occasion: wrist watches, wall watches, mantel watches and interior watches – the choice is so great that you can choose a suitable option for each. But it is with this accessory that various prejudices are associated, in which some people believe and others do not.

Signs: to believe or not?

There are several signs associated with watches that were invented at different times in different countries.

  1. The most common belief is that A watch given to a loved one will definitely lead to a quarrel or separation from him. This is especially true for gifts for the other half. For newlyweds, this accessory will bring quarrels and scandals, so they are also not given as gifts for weddings.
  2. In Chinese culture, gifts watches have a negative meaning. This is due to the fact that the translation of the phrase “giving a watch” in some Chinese dialects will be interpreted as “invitation to a funeral.” Thus, the gift turns into a hint of wishing the person a speedy death. Despite the fact that such a sign is justified only by the consonance of words, most Chinese unquestioningly believe in it.
  3. According to Western superstitions watches are considered sharp objects (because they have hands), and it is undesirable to give such things as a gift, since they can bring their owner a lot of misfortune.
  4. In addition to negative beliefs, there is also one is positive: It is believed that a watch given as a gift will bring good luck to its owner.

That is why, before refusing such a gift as a watch, you need to understand that most signs are purely psychological in nature, without any evidence base.

Who definitely wouldn't like such a gift?

Regardless of how you yourself feel about signs, there are categories of people for whom a watch as a gift will absolutely not like and will not suit:

  • If the person to whom you are going to present such an accessory constantly spits over his shoulder, and at the sight of a running black cat freezes in anticipation of another passerby, then it is better to abandon such a gift idea and choose something more suitable.
  • Most often, girls believe all sorts of superstitions, so for them even a chic branded watch can cause discontent and even tears. Looking at them, she will think about the bad every time and, in the end, will instill in herself a belief in the worst.
  • If the birthday boy is scrupulous about his age and carefully hides it, then the watch may be a reminder to him that time cannot be deceived or stopped, and he will be even more upset. This is especially true for elderly or seriously ill people.
  • There are people who live only in accordance with their own life rhythms, and therefore do everything according to their own time. Therefore, the watch is unlikely to be useful to them.
  • If the birthday boy is an unpunctual person, constantly late wherever possible (at the same time, those around him often reproach him for this), then by giving him a watch, you can offend him very much: he will regard it as a hint and will be upset.

You were given a watch: what should you do?

If you were presented with a watch for your birthday, then you should not panic and blame the giver for anything. First you need to put aside negative thoughts and think about some points:

  • Not all people know about existing beliefs and choose gifts solely on the principle of “practicality and attention.”
  • It is unlikely that the person who gave you an expensive gold watch with diamonds wishes you death or strives for separation, because this is at least illogical.

Whatever the gift, you need to accept it with gratitude and a smile so as not to offend anyone, and to be on the safe side, perform all possible “rituals to neutralize” evil forces.

If these actions still do not bring you proper joy, peace and make you think about bad things, then just sell the watch.

How to deceive omens?

If you don’t want to give anything other than a watch for your birthday, then there are several options so that the gift does not correspond to any bad omens:

Arguments for

If you still doubt the advisability of such a gift, then you should pay attention to the following arguments:

  • They will always remind you of who gave them, because a watch is a practical thing, and the need to know the time will never go away.
  • For a business person, it is very important to follow your personal schedule, and when you have a watch on your wrist or in your office, it is much easier to do this. Therefore, this gift will in no way disappoint such a birthday boy.

  • For women, they can serve as an excellent addition to the chosen style, especially since manufacturers are now producing models that look more like a small work of art and serve more for decoration than for measuring time.
  • There are many cases when a watch becomes a family heirloom and is passed on from generation to generation without thinking about any signs.
  • To ensure that the gifted watch carries the meaning you intended, you can engrave it to avoid ambiguity. For example, having given your beloved girl a watch with the inscription “Together forever!”, she will definitely no longer think about any prejudices associated with separation and quarrels.

Which ones to choose?

Despite the abundance of various electronic devices nowadays that have a time measurement function (phones, tablets, etc.), it is much easier to see the time on an ordinary watch, because it is enough to just look at them and not perform any other actions.

If you are not scared by any superstitions, then you can safely buy such an accessory - they will be useful to any person, and in terms of usefulness, wrist ones are no different from interior ones.

Birthday celebrants who spend most of their working time at business meetings and meetings, you will like the classic wrist models. Therefore, you need to choose items with a stylish strap and it is better if it is made of leather - this will give them a more respectable look. Particular attention should be paid to the dial: it must be clear and accurate (no hieroglyphs or inscriptions like “What difference does it make?”). In addition, business people can be presented with interior clocks: tabletop clocks made of noble wood would not be a shame to give as a birthday present to either your best friend or your strict friend.
If the birthday person loves all sorts of modern gadgets, then an electronic watch with different functions will be a great addition to his personal collection. In addition to the usual measurement of time, they contain stopwatches, calendars and even weather instruments (barometers and hygrometers). A watch can also be a creative gift, and the choice of such models is now very large: with funny inscriptions (for example, “Here and now!”), unusual shapes and measurement formats (they look more like spy devices). If the birthday boy has a sense of humor, then he will definitely like such a gift.

Beautiful ladies will like watches that are more suitable as decoration, therefore, they may not even have a time measurement function. For example, instead of digital values, the dial has a beautiful picture and arrows - it will be difficult to accurately determine the time using them (only approximately). But you can choose from all the forms typical of decorative jewelry - bracelets, pendants or rings. To make your gift unique, it is enough to make a special engraving to order. For wrist models, laconic inscriptions are more suitable (for example, “As a keepsake!”), and for interior models you can make large phrases. These could be quotes, short poems or simple words of gratitude to the birthday person. Special “couple” watches are sold for lovers, which are two identical models made in the same style, with one single difference: they can be distinguished by gender (female and male). With this gift you will divide your time in half - between you and your significant other. To avoid any incidents associated with signs, it is worth paying special attention to the quality of the purchased mechanisms: they must be reliable and durable. Otherwise, the birthday boy may actually think that you deliberately want to shorten his life with such a gift.

If you bought a watch as a gift and are still tormented about whether the signs will come true in your case, then remember that all superstitions were invented by people just like you.

Perhaps in this way they tried to explain the events that took place in their lives and thereby simplified their existence. But millions of people have given and will give watches for birthdays and other holidays, leaving all fictitious prejudices without attention and enjoying only the joy of the pleasure given to the birthday person.

A watch is unlikely to be on the list of things to give to family or friends. This is because giving them is considered a bad omen. Let's figure out where this superstition came from and who should not be given it, as well as what needs to be done to neutralize the negative consequences.

The history of the sign

There is no single version where the belief originated. It is believed that it came from China (considering that it was in this country that watches were invented, it is quite logical). There are several versions.
Giving a watch is equivalent to wishing death. As confirmation: the similarity of the hieroglyphs indicating the end of life and the chronometer. This opinion has existed among the Chinese since ancient times.
A sign in Japan says approximately the same thing. In the homeland of sakura, watches are given to an enemy, wishing him death.

Another decoding of Chinese origin: such a gift foreshadows separation from a person. From the moment of delivery, the hands seem to begin a countdown to the separation that will certainly follow. The starting point will be stopping or breaking the hands.

Among the Slavs, superstition lies elsewhere. There are several versions:

  • a gift brings emptiness, disappointment, pain and other misfortunes into the life of the recipient;
  • with the watch, a piece of the presenter’s fate goes to the recipient, that is, the latter’s lifespan is reduced;
  • promises separation from a loved one, soulmate, divorce for spouses.

There are those who believe, as in Eastern culture, that death is approaching. Conclusions were made based on observations of people participating in the act of giving and receiving.

In the west, a connection was identified due to the shape of the arrows. Their sharpness in chronometers evokes a resemblance to cutting objects, which are not recommended as gifts. They are a magnet for dark forces, attract troubles and can ruin relationships with other people.

Who should you not give it to?

According to the superstition, it is better not to give time meters as a gift:

  • Mom. The chronometer may upset if she is already aged. The accessory will remind you that with every movement of the second hand, life becomes shorter. Based on this perception, you should not give a watch to an elderly father or another person.
  • To my husband. According to the Slavs, wrist products are harbingers of separation. If the couple is already married, family quarrels will be a negative consequence. The end result is divorce. This applies to the wife as well.
  • To the other half.“Do you want to get rid of me?” - the first thought that comes to mind when a girl or guy in a relationship presents the other with a watch. The result is separation.
  • To my beloved, because the chronometer takes away feelings.
  • A watch can measure life itself, so for men/guys are a strong opponent. The second version says: representatives of the stronger half of humanity are simply nervous that there is no way to keep everything under control.
  • Girl, woman. They perceive a gift as a hint of age. To dispel superstition, it should be presented not as a chronometer, but as a piece of jewelry. A watch bracelet is quite suitable.
  • To my son. It is believed that a time meter brings anxiety and sadness into the life of a loved one. This is not what you wish for your own child, so you should refrain from giving a present.

The occasion matters too

Celebrations that are not suitable for gifting watches include birthdays and weddings.

A personal holiday adds to the year every year. This can be a burden to a person. Consequently, everything that reminds of the passing of time will be perceived with a negative message. And the main function of a chronometer is to calculate hours, minutes and seconds.

On your wedding day, the most likely gift will be a wall or tabletop model to decorate the future family hearth. But any sharp objects (in chronometers these include hands) are not good; quarrels and separations are possible.

How to give a watch correctly?

The sign can be bypassed. To dispel negative spells, it is enough to turn a gift into a purchase. This will allow you to make a symbolic payment (small coin or low denomination bill) at the time of presentation of the watch. Thus, violating the ritual of gifting will also destroy the negative consequences of the sign.

Note! It is better not to pay off with large coins. More effective is a handful of coins that are not counted when transferred to either party.

Collectors will not be upset by a gift in the form of a watch. They cannot help but know about the sign, but they have long been convinced that an accessory with a ticking mechanism does not bring any misfortunes.

And there is no need to panic about the delivery. It is important to consider the personality of the donor. A positively minded person is unlikely to wish evil, which means there are no prerequisites for negative consequences from his gift.

If you accept a watch from a stranger, if you have strong faith in the omen, it is better to be careful. As a last resort, try to pay off, as written above. If you failed to make a “deal”, try to give them to another person.

What watches cannot be given as a gift?

The superstition applies to all types of ticking mechanism. A wall or table clock serves as an excellent decorative element, and at the same time helps the inhabitants of a home or office plan their affairs. However, the sign negates the positive features, which is why models for interior decoration are not suitable for gifts.

And if they treat wall or table clocks with caution, then there’s no point in talking about wrist clocks. The accessory is constantly worn. For a non-superstitious person, a chronometer will evoke positive and pleasant associations, because it will be perceived as a sign of attention. For those who believe in the omen, the watch will evoke negativity: the giver wishes evil. Needless to say, the relationship will eventually deteriorate?

Giving a watch is a good omen

Superstition does not work with colleagues. In the business world, presenting a stylish timepiece as a gift to partners is considered a sign of respect and value. The main thing is that the watch is good, and not a cheap Chinese fake.

The chronometer is suitable as a gift for friends. Especially men. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are not so superstitious, so an officer’s watch, an expensive brand or a multifunctional one will be perceived positively.

Some versions allow giving as a gift to parents. The connection between them and the children is so strong that superstition cannot break it. The watch will become not so much a gift as a manifestation of attention to loved ones.

There is no scientific basis, but if a person believes in the negativity of time meters, the subconscious comes to the fore. The thought will stick in your head, parallels will be looked for. And there will be. As a result, the culprits of the misfortunes that have occurred in life will be the chronometer and the one who handed it.

To avoid getting into trouble with a gift, before purchasing and presenting a watch, you just need to make sure how much the recipient believes in such a sign. Doesn’t attach much importance, then a watch is an excellent option for a practical and useful gift that will definitely be used. Especially if their purchase was in your plans, then saving money will become a powerful antidote against a bad aura.

What we believe in comes true. That’s the whole reason for the bad omen “you can’t give a watch.”

Every second person has a rather impressionable character. We believe people's opinions, signs and superstitions, sometimes without even fully thinking about why we act this way. It’s just that from childhood we are convinced of certain things and, growing up, we are firmly convinced of their correctness. Although sometimes every person has well-founded questions. For example, why can’t you give a watch for a birthday?

There is probably not a person in the world who has not asked his friends why this gift is not suitable for a holiday. Most people answer unequivocally: because. As a result, each of us feels bewildered, because a watch is a valuable thing that everyone needs, especially the birthday boy.

Let's try together to find out why in our time it is not customary to give another person a watch, or maybe it is still possible. This will be discussed in our article today.

What if you can?

You can do whatever you want in this life. And accordingly, you are free to give your loved one whatever you want. The watch costs a lot of money, and the birthday boy will definitely take this into account. In addition, a watch is an accessory that will not gather dust on a shelf for years, never once pleasing everyone with its usefulness and beauty.

They can delight not only their owner, but also his children and grandchildren for many years. After all, everyone knows that watches and rings are usually passed on by inheritance. Therefore, if you are far from any kind of prejudice, then you can safely give a watch for your birthday.

It is important not to forget to take into account one important thing. The person you are about to give the watch to should share your distrust of superstitions. Otherwise, you will simply “kill” the person with your gift. And you will forever leave a sad imprint on his soul.

Signs and superstitions

The tradition of depriving the hero of the day of the opportunity to receive a magnificent watch on his birthday has its own history. Moreover, there is not a single sign in the world that is associated with watches. Let's look at the main ones:

  • The Chinese are to blame for everything. Well, maybe not entirely, but at least this great nation is to blame for not giving watches. From the moment people began to use watches for their intended purpose, the Chinese began to use this accessory in a very unusual way. Using the watch, they invited relatives and friends to the funeral. Such associations do not evoke pleasant emotions.
  • One way or another, they are associated with negativity. Judging by Slavic legends, if you accept a watch as a gift, you will bring troubles, sorrows and emptiness into your life. There is no scientific evidence for this fact.
  • According to another superstition, years of a person’s life are stolen. Thus, such a gift will make a person say goodbye to his youth faster.
  • For many years there has been a superstition that watches can separate a couple in love and take away their feelings.
  • The most severe sign says that the moment the donated watch stops working, its owner will die. Suspicious people are especially afraid of the fulfillment of this superstition, so they do not want to receive such a gift.


Even if the birthday boy doesn’t really care about all the signs, you can seriously offend him by giving him a watch. If he is not particularly punctual in life and at the same time often hears the reproaches of others because of this shortcoming, then when he sees the watch, he will instantly understand what you are hinting at. The mood will be spoiled, and after this it is unlikely that the birthday person will wear them and come on time.

A freedom-loving person doesn’t need them either. For him, time is fleeting and does not matter, and your gift will be a signal that it is time to stop. Not everyone likes to receive educational gifts.

Elderly people will also not be happy to receive such a gift. It's sad to realize that the best years have already passed. A watch, especially, will remind you of this sad fact. Therefore, it is better to never give them to grandparents.

For the same reason, they should not be given to people with serious illnesses. Believe me, they appreciate every second of life even without a watch. So on their birthday it is better to give them attention and love.

What should I do if they were given to me?

If you believe in omens, do not rush at a person with your fists when you see them giving you a watch for your birthday. First of all, say words of gratitude and give a ransom for the watch. This should be symbolic money. Thus, you did not receive the watch as a gift, but bought it.

If you are so sensitive to donated items, then give them away or sell them in the near future. Put it out of sight and enjoy life as before.

Now you know all the subtleties associated with this accessory, so decide for yourself whether to give them for your birthday or not. There is no evidence that they are negative, but signs don’t just appear.

Superstitions are often the main prerequisites for refusing an attractive, useful gift. In this case we are talking about clocks - wall, manual, mechanical, electronic. It is generally accepted that watches cannot be purchased as a gift. This promises discord between the recipient and the donor. But is this really so, we have to figure it out by turning to the origins of the belief.

Where does the sign come from and why should we believe in it?

Before choosing a watch as a gift, you have to determine where the belief of the ban came from and what is the reason for it. In this case, there are two versions.

The first version is a ban from the beliefs of Western peoples. The arrows have a corresponding point, which is why they are classified as dangerous objects, like a knife, dagger, or other types of bladed weapons. Objects pose a threat and are also believed to attract evil spirits. As a result, an accident may occur to the person who presented the clock mechanism, or who is carrying the gift.

The second version is a belief that came from China. The Chinese believe that giving a clock mechanism of any kind means inviting the recipient to the funeral. According to the presented version, there are several explanations:

  • the gifted product begins to count down the time until separation;
  • stop of the arrows - the time of parting with a lover or donor forever (they talk about both separation and death);
  • they begin to count down the time of death of the recipient;
  • to present a product means to wish the death of the recipient.

The signs are all creepy, so people listen to them when they believe in superstitions in principle.

Interesting! The Slavic people have a different opinion about why giving a watch is considered a bad omen. It is believed that the giver brings pain, emptiness, and provokes disappointment to the recipient. There is a belief that speaks of taking life from oneself if a gift is prepared.

Who else doesn't need to give such a gift?

The signs about watches don’t end there. There is a whole list of recipients to whom it is not recommended to give the attribute in question:

  • It is not recommended to give to women. In this case, we are not talking about superstition, but about possible offense. Girls tend to believe in omens, so a gift may simply offend them. Especially when it comes to your girlfriend. She may take this as a quick separation and program herself to separate.
  • Should not be given to birthday people. On birthdays, the heroes of the occasion often experience emotional depression. Some people complain about approaching old age, some feel tired from the year they have lived (there is a scientific explanation - people become energetically vulnerable on their birthday), others’ plans for the holiday did not come true. A gifted product can become an additional element to a bad mood.
  • Should not be given to the elderly or sick. They may regard the gift as a symbol that time is passing, but little is measured for them.

You cannot give a watch to everyone who believes in omens. Therefore, if you come up with the idea of ​​making such a gift to someone you don’t know well - a boss, a teacher, someone you like - it’s better to refuse it.

Why you shouldn't give a watch to your loved one

You should not give the product to your girlfriend. In this case, the guy is pleased with an expensive model if he does not believe in omens. Speaking of girls, giving them a watch is a terrible omen, leading to separation. It is noteworthy that girls can regard the gift as a hint of a desire to break up. Sometimes a scandal cannot be avoided.

They give the mechanism to a respectable man who has a high status, is used to dressing stylishly, and pays a lot of attention to the choice of men's accessories - a tie, cufflinks, a lighter, a cigarette case. A gift with a clock mechanism will come in handy if the girl gets the style right.

Pay attention! When asked which watch is best to give to a girl, the answer is categorical - none. Especially when it comes to a lover. It is allowed to give a product to a girl if the young man intends to show interest. The gift model chosen is expensive, stylish, branded.

Who can you give a watch to?

Having figured out why it is impossible or not recommended to give a watch to a loved one, an elderly person, or a birthday person, you should consider the questions of who is preparing such a gift. The following list of potential recipients is identified - for them such a gift is considered as the main option:

  • It has already been described above whether it is possible to give a hand or wall clock to a loved one who does not think about signs. The answer is clear - it is allowed, even for a girl.
  • You can give an antique watch for a birthday to a birthday person who is a collector. It is not an important factor here what household items he collects - antiques, namely watch mechanisms of various types. It is important that the item is old and of historical value.
  • They give it to a loved one, even if he knows about the omen and is suspicious. You just need to choose brutal officer models, Swiss watches that will “beat” all prejudices with greatness.
  • Men can also give it to a woman if she chooses an attractive model with iridescent dancing crystals on a leather belt. Even girls who know about omens will like such gifts. It will be especially nice if the mechanism comes with a gold or gilded bracelet with additional engraving.

Separately, the question is considered whether it is possible to give watches of any model for a wedding to newlyweds. Young people can also regard a gift of this kind as a bad omen. You can avoid dissatisfaction by presenting the product unexpectedly. It is recommended to give preference to special models of wall mechanisms in which photos are inserted. It is better to choose a photo in advance, of course, where happy young people will be depicted.

Is it possible to give a gift watch or is it bad?

Over-giving gifts is always bad. The sign indicates the fact that the recipient transfers good luck, the happiness inherent in the gift, to another person. But if they gave a watch with a style that is unattractive to the recipient, they pass the gift on to someone else - he may like it. There is nothing wrong with this, but the donor may be offended by this fact - it is better to give donated items to people who are not part of the donor’s common circle.

It also does not matter whether the antique watch is presented as a gift to a woman, a man, a lover, or an elderly recipient. If we are talking about a family heirloom, the watch mechanism can and should be given away in order to preserve its value among relatives.

How to give a watch correctly and avoid bad omens and superstitions

Having decided why you can’t give a watch to your girlfriend and other people, if you have a strong desire, the question arises of how to avoid troubles. There are several tips that can be used as a “bypass” of signs:

  • If the recipient is upset at the sight of the gift, the giver is recommended to pretend that he did not know about the omen. In the absence of positive dynamics in the situation, it is necessary to stipulate the fact that these are just superstitions. You are allowed to argue with the recipient that nothing bad will happen - this is more interesting.
  • When it comes to questions about how to give a watch as a gift, bypassing omens, the surefire way to avoid troubles is highlighted. To do this, the recipient gives the donor a couple of coins - a purely symbolic amount, which acts as a payoff to evil spirits.
  • Considering the fact that hands are a threat, it is recommended to give an electronic watch as a gift. In the same way, electronic household models are given as gifts - wall-mounted, table-top.

The clock mechanism can be different, so superstitious people or when giving a gift to a superstitious person should pay attention to the numerous varieties and models.

What to do if you were given a watch

If you find yourself in the recipient's shoes, you should be smart and use the following tips:

  • Don't panic. It is recommended to cast aside all doubts and superstitions and enjoy the gift.
  • Giving a watch does not mean that the giver wished you trouble. If you have bad thoughts, pay off his evil intentions and the possible invasion of evil spirits.
  • Throw away a gift if it reminds you of possible trouble. Similar rituals are performed with - it cannot be kept in the house. Take the donated clock mechanism outside the house - re-gift it, throw it away, break it, etc.

You can believe in omens, but you should always remain sober and not make mistakes in relation to the donor. They don’t always think about troubles; some don’t even know about prohibitions. Therefore, it is recommended to thank for the gift and attention, and only then decide to further sell the ill-fated product.
