Feeding cats. How many times a day should a cat be fed at different stages of its development? Diet for cats

In any regional supermarket you can find dozens of varieties of products developed by leading manufacturers for feeding cats. However, failure to follow the correct feeding regimen can lead to dire consequences. If there are not enough nutrients in a cat's daily diet, the pet may become malnourished, while abundant and frequent feeding, on the contrary, can lead to weight gain and obesity. Both the first and second phenomena entail serious problems with internal organs and the risk of premature death.

The importance of taking into account multiple components when choosing the optimal feeding schedule

A proper feeding schedule will help avoid dangerous diseases such as hepatic lipidosis, diabetes, kidney and intestinal diseases. Feeding a cat must be complete, balanced, and most importantly, timely, so it is important for pet owners to understand how many times a day to feed a cat and how to organize its diet so that it is playful, healthy and active.

There is no need to look for a quick and simple answer to the capacious question: how many times a day should you feed a cat? Since the optimal feeding schedule depends on the age of the animal, its lifestyle, living conditions, as well as the type of food used by the owner for feeding. For example, a cat that lives in a house and has free access to the yard can hunt outside. Such an animal needs a slightly different feeding schedule than an adult sterilized cat that lives within the walls of a city apartment throughout its life. In view of this, the feeding schedule should be tailored to individual needs.

Feeding animals with canned food and natural food

When choosing canned food or natural food as a food product, the owner should know how much a cat should eat per day and how much kittens should eat. Since the body of small kittens is not able to process large volumes of food, they must be fed frequently. Until one year of age, kittens need a special feeding schedule and constant monitoring of the process of weight gain. Thus, animals over two months old that have already been switched to a mixed diet should receive food at least four times a day, and meals should be distributed evenly throughout the day.

Upon reaching the age of three months, kittens need soft feeding about three times a day; for a smooth transition to a new feeding schedule, the owner of the animal can gradually increase the volume of portions every week. After the kitten is six months old, it can be transferred to two meals a day, typical for adults.

Adult cats that have already reached one year of age can be switched to a two-meal system for the rest of their lives.

This option is recommended by most veterinarians and is optimal for the development and normal functioning of the animal. Older cats are characterized by decreased activity and loss of appetite, so pet owners should take special care of their pet's diet. The recommended amount of food for a cat per day should be divided into small proportions that are given to the animal at least three times a day.

Feeding animals dry food

When answering the question: how many times should you feed a cat per day, you also need to take into account the type of food. Thus, the above recommendations are typical for feeding cats with ready-made canned food and natural food, but if the owners prefer to buy dry food for the animal, then they should reconsider the feeding schedule.

Balanced dry food with the correct dosage can provide the animal’s body with all the necessary elements, and a table that shows the norms for various pets will help you find out how much food a cat needs per day. However, adult cats can receive a bowl of balanced dry food twice a day. In this case, it is important for owners to ensure that the animal always has a cup with plenty of fresh water. When feeding a cat with dry food, it is important to provide him with food at a certain time in quantities commensurate with the weight and age of the animal.

The optimal amount of dry cat food per day, which is indicated on the food package, is designed for the average cat, so it is better not to use it as a reference value.

A veterinarian can tell you how much dry food a cat needs per day, who will examine the animal and select the type of food that is optimal for its lifestyle and stage of development.

In some cases, cat owners buy automatic feeders that constantly replenish the supply of dry food in the animal's bowl. Constant access to food is acceptable for some cats, but in most cases, free access to food threatens the cat with excess weight gain. Therefore, when buying an automatic feeder, you should know how much food your cat needs per day and program the device to supply food twice a day.

The best option for organizing nutrition for adult cats is morning and evening feeding. For these meals, the animal must receive its daily calorie intake, so it is important to know exactly how much food the cat needs per day and dose the food correctly. Experts recommend developing a specific feeding regimen and placing a bowl of fresh food at certain hours every day. This helps develop the correct daily routine for the cat and eliminates a number of behavioral problems.

Nutrition for any living organism is one of the most important aspects of life. Domestic cats are no exception, so caring owners pay a lot of attention to the questions of how often to feed their pet and follow the rules.
After all, how carefully a pet’s diet is chosen depends on its overall well-being, physical activity and mood.

Making a diet for a kitten

Every cat lover will be very happy and immensely happy when a little furry friend - a kitten - appears in his home. This cute ball of fur will make anyone smile even on the stormiest day, will always give its owner a piece of his enthusiasm and infect him with positivity.

A small pet already has its own character and habits, but it still requires attention and education. And in order for a tiny organism to grow and develop properly, it is necessary to take care of the optimal diet for it.

How to feed a newborn kitten without a cat

There are very sad cases when a mother cat dies after giving birth or a similar force majeure occurs. And if there is no other cat or even a small dog nearby that can feed the babies, then the person will have to take care of feeding the orphaned kittens on their own.

Kittens age from 0 to 10 days

In the first ten days after the baby is born, it should be fed with a special mixture, which is sold in veterinary stores. You can use a pipette, but a bottle would be preferable, because the baby needs to develop a sucking reflex.

Feeding should occur every two hours for the first three days, plus mandatory complementary feeding at night. Then you can feed every four hours.

For the first two weeks, the amount of the mixture should not exceed 30-40 ml per 100 grams of weight per day. Also, do not forget about a small amount of heated water.

And it is extremely undesirable to offer a kitten whole cow’s milk in the first month of life. A small stomach is not yet able to cope with such heavy food.

Kittens age from 10 to 30 days

You can prepare formula for your baby yourself without resorting to pet stores. This mixture should be continued to be fed to the kitten until the age of 1 month. All proportions must be strictly observed. The opposite can lead to an upset stomach of the little one.

  • Cow's milk, preferably not from the store - 50 ml;
  • Chicken yolk – 1/2 pcs.;
  • Powdered milk – 15 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 ml;
  • Grape sugar – 4 g;
  • Dry yeast – 2.5 g.

In extreme cases, you can use infant formula or diluted goat's milk.

It is important to remember that food must be heated to at least 30 degrees. Closer to the month, the amount of the mixture should be increased to 50-55 ml per 100 grams of weight per day.

Natural food (list of main important products):

The kitten is from one month to two months old

At this age, the furry baby is already eating from a plate on his own. At 2 months, the daily portion size increases to 200 grams.

  • Fresh meat broth;
  • Puree of boiled vegetables;
  • Children's cottage cheese without additives;
  • Formula or milk;
  • Boiled yolk 1 time per day (chicken or quail);
  • Lean meat or fish (pre-shredded)

The kitten is from two to three months old

At this age, a mustachioed pet needs to be fed at least 4 times a day. The daily requirement at 3 months increases to 300 grams.

List of permitted products:

  • Boiled porridge in water;
  • Lean beef or veal;
  • Raw chicken or quail yolk;
  • Kefir, low-fat sour cream or cream, fermented baked milk, biolact;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Boiled chicken meat;
  • Raw vegetables grated or mashed boiled;
  • Boiled white fish.

Age - three months

From the age of three months, kittens need to gradually introduce solid food into their diet, because this is the time when babies’ teeth change. The number of feedings is reduced to three times a day, and the daily food intake is increased to 360 grams.

List of permitted products:

  • Porridge with milk or water;
  • Lean raw and cooked meat;
  • Raw and boiled fish fillet;
  • Raw or scalded vegetables;
  • Cottage cheese or yogurt without additives.

The kitten is three to four months old and older

The fluffy little ball has grown a little, plays actively and is interested in the world around him. Now he requires up to 75% meat on the menu.

Here are some rules to follow when feeding meat to small kittens:

If the owner of a kitten who has already reached four months of age prefers natural food, you need to figure out what products, and most importantly, in what form to use in your pet’s diet.

Feed (dry and wet)

If the owner does not have the opportunity or time to prepare natural food for his pet, there is a choice between dry and wet food. Discussions about which one is better have been going on for years. Neither scientists nor veterinarians came to an agreement. Therefore, the choice should be made based on the individual characteristics of the furry baby’s body.

It is important to remember that dry food must be soaked in water for kittens up to three months.

What is a kitten not allowed to eat?

To prevent ingredients harmful to its body from getting into the main menu of a small cat, you need to know the list of what you should not feed it:

  • All foods with high fat content - whole cow's milk, cheese, butter, fatty fermented milk products;
  • Floury, sweet, especially chocolate;
  • Raw freshwater fish;
  • Corn, millet and especially semolina porridge;
  • Sausage, frankfurters, anything that contains a lot of salt and spices;
  • Raw pork;
  • Legumes and potatoes are poorly digestible by the stomach;
  • Fast food.

Any veterinarian will also advise not to feed your pet economy class food. They have no benefit for kittens.

How many times a day should you feed your cat?

Today there are a huge number of food options for cats of any type, size and age. Experienced breeders and veterinarians recommend various menu options for the full development of the cat’s body: from natural to premium dry and wet food.

Feeding your cat too much will make the cat overweight. A lack of nutrients will lead to depletion of the pet’s body. Both options will lead to a deterioration in the cat’s health and the development of chronic diseases, which, in turn, can lead to the early death of the pet.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to properly optimize the animal’s nutrition based on its individual characteristics.

Feeding standards by age

Every owner of a furry pet is interested not only in what to feed the cat, but also how many times a day it should be done. There is no definite answer to this question, because everything depends, as already mentioned, on the individual characteristics of each individual. The feeding norm for a domestic British cat that does not go outside differs from the diet of a mongrel cat living in a cottage and having access to nature.

The daily feeding rate for cats depends primarily on the age of the animal. Small kittens up to three months old should eat little and often. Starting from the age of three months, the furry baby is transferred to three meals a day. From about 5 months, closer to six months and until reaching the age of 1 year, you can gradually transfer your pet to two meals a day.

An adult cat, regardless of the type of feeding, should eat 2 times a day. This is the optimal diet for adults, recommended by most veterinarians.

Cats over 10 years of age are considered seniors. Their physical activity decreases, their appetite becomes unimportant. In this case, it is worth recommending that the animal be switched back to three meals a day, gradually reducing the volume of single servings.

Dry food feeding standards

How much dry food a mustachioed pet should eat per day is determined based on its age, weight and certain physical characteristics. The average daily requirement for a healthy active cat is 250 – 300 grams. Many food packages have calculations given for different weights and ages of cats, but these are also average data for healthy individuals of average weight, and they may not be suitable, for example, for a neutered cat or a pregnant cat.

Many owners are interested in what kind of food is best to feed their pet: dry food, wet food from bags, or give preference to natural food. For example, what is better to feed a nursing, pregnant, sterilized or neutered cat?

It makes no big difference what type of food to feed the animal, as long as the diet is properly balanced.

Artificial breeds, Scots, British and others, as well as breeds prone to metabolic disorders, such as Sphynxes, are best fed with commercial dry food throughout their lives. The usual natural diet is not suitable for them; dry food is the most rationally balanced for these breeds.

To determine the food consumption for a particular cat, it is advisable to have it examined by a veterinarian and give his recommendations.

Feeding standards for wet food

Some breeders and veterinarians recommend following the following proportions when feeding a cat with industrial food: feed 2/3 of dry food to 1/3 of wet food. Feed should be purchased from one manufacturer.

Wet food is usually produced in canned form or in small bags (packs)

Do not forget that you cannot mix industrial food and natural food, since it is difficult for a cat’s stomach to adjust to new food.

If an adult cat has been eating natural food since childhood, it will take him at least two weeks to accustom his body to store-bought food.


There are many options for distributing cat food depending on the age and weight of the cat. After all, there is a difference in how to feed a one-month-old kitten and, for example, an adult 7-year-old cat. Here is an approximate table for feeding a furry pet:

Cat weight

Feeding rates depending on the type of food

Healthy eating

Nutrition for weight loss

For an older animal

40 g -
45 g -
60 g -
75 g 60 g 60 g
60 g
8 kg 105 g 75 g
10 kg 120 g 80 g

But do not forget that these are generalized figures; only a competent veterinarian will select an individual healthy diet after carefully examining the animal.

Correct feeding process

When the owner of a four-legged mustache decides on the type and amount of food his pet needs, you can deal directly with the feeding process.

There are three main ways to feed adult cats:

  • System of free access to food. Most often, such a system accompanies feeding dry food. After all, it can be left in the air for a long time and it will not deteriorate. Often the owner is away from home during the day and fills a large heaping bowl so that his pet “doesn’t go hungry.” As a result, the cat may eat the entire bowl at once, which, of course, will not have the best effect on its health.
  • Restrictions on the amount of feed. This system is for cats prone to obesity. They calculate a certain amount of food that should be eaten at one meal, or use a special low-calorie food.
  • Feeding time restrictions. This method streamlines the pet's daily routine. The cat is fed at a certain time, morning and evening. Even if the pet has not eaten all the food at one time, the bowl is removed until the next feeding.

There are now various electronic and automatic feeders available for different feeding methods for domestic cats. They are adjusted to a specific time and portion size. Pet stores have a large selection of such devices. And which bowl is more profitable to purchase, simple or automatic, is up to the owner of the furry pet to decide, depending on the circumstances of his life.

Now every loving owner has the necessary knowledge to choose the right diet for their domestic cat.

If the pet is active, plays happily and feels great, then its owner did everything right.

The health of cats, like any pet, depends entirely on the care of the owner and his knowledge regarding the rules of keeping and feeding habits of the pet. By studying specialized literature and using the recommendations of veterinarians, you can choose the right optimal diet and understand how to feed your cat.

Principles of organizing a proper diet

If the owner has doubts about when and how often to feed the pet, it is worth adopting several techniques for optimally organizing cat dinners, which are recommended by veterinary experts.

Following these rules will help avoid digestive problems and protect against the development of obesity:

  1. Two feedings throughout the day is the answer to the question of how many times a day you need to feed your pet cat. It is preferable to do this in the morning and evening. Please note that an adult cat should be fed according to this regimen. A small kitten should be fed five to six times during the day. They are transferred to two meals a day after six months of life.
  2. Feeding at the same hours. This rule disciplines the cat; he does not get used to begging from the master's table.
  3. Limiting feeding time. It takes a cat 20 minutes to satisfy his hunger and get enough. If during this time he has not eaten all the food, it is still better to remove the bowl of food. This will help avoid unnecessary overeating. If the cat begins to lazily eat the rest of the food, it means that he is already full enough.
  4. Single serving limit. You should not add a daily portion of food at one feeding.

Regardless of the time and number of feedings, fresh water should always be fully available to the cat.

Cat diet in numbers

Feeding standards for cats depend on many factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • size and weight;
  • breeds;
  • health conditions;
  • lifestyle;
  • type of food - dry, canned, natural products;

The question may arise: does the number of feedings depend on calorie content? Depends directly. This is one of the most important factors that determine the size of portions and their quantity throughout the day.

A cat will need more food if its food is low in nutritional value. It is better to choose a diet that, without compromising health, will satisfy the needs of twice feeding, morning and evening. It is better to choose a higher nutritional value over the amount of feed.

The optimal calorie content of the daily diet should be about 70 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Depending on the calorie content, the weight in grams of the daily norm is determined at the rate of 30-60 g per kg of the cat’s weight and is about 250 g.

Thus, an adult, healthy cat weighing 5 kg can eat 250 g of food per day with a total calorie content of 350 kcal.

Cats have a high need for amino acids. The meat and protein component in their diet is preferable to vegetables or cereals. Carbohydrates in the daily amount of feed should be no more than 3%, fats – no more than 15%.

Reasons for adjusting average standards

There are several nuances that affect these numbers:

  • a cat eats more food than a cat;
  • more high-calorie food is necessary for an animal with high activity;
  • after giving birth, the cat needs to be fed as many times a day as she asks;
  • large breeds of cats also need to increase the average standards;
  • Some cat breeds are prone to metabolic disorders. For them, dry food that is more balanced in composition is preferable;
  • To maintain good reproductive function, a purebred stud cat must eat food with a high content of vitamin E.

To make sure your cat is getting enough food and has not lost or gained too much weight, it is recommended to have regular weighings. If the indicators go significantly beyond the limits, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, its type, composition, and calorie content. The optimal average weight for most breeds is 2-4.5 kg.

Norms for kittens by month of life

The decision on how many times a day to feed a kitten depends on the baby's age in months. During growth and development, the cat's body requires more feedings throughout the day.

From birth and during the first month

If a newborn kitten is separated from its mother for any reason, then the responsibility of feeding the kitten falls on the shoulders of the person. If you couldn’t find another cat that could feed you with its own milk, you should feed the kitten without a mother a special formula. You can use infant formula for newborns.

It is forbidden to give a newborn kitten whole cow's milk in the first month of life; this is a very heavy food.

To develop the sucking reflex, it is advisable to use a bottle when feeding. You can try feeding from a pipette.

During the first three days you need to feed every two hours, including at night. Then, by the 10th day of life, the interval between feedings is increased to 4 hours. For the first two weeks, the daily intake of formula for a kitten is 30-40 ml per 100 g of baby’s weight.

A one-month-old kitten should be fed exclusively with formula, increasing its volume to 50-55 ml per 100 g of weight by day 30. Then start feeding him adult food.

1-2 months

The age of a kitten from a month to two months is the time to accustom it to food in pieces. By the end of the second month, the kitten should eat about 200 g of food, which is divided into 5 feedings. You can offer him oatmeal or rice milk porridge with the addition of a chicken egg. If ready-made food does not cause digestive upset, then you can completely switch the kitten to natural feeding.

2-3 months

A 2 month old kitten needs to be fed 4 times a day. He can already eat about 300 g of food, cut into small pieces. For example, you can offer minced meat.

3-4 months

A 3 month old kitten needs to be fed 3 times a day. The total volume of food eaten is approximately 360 g. Until this age, pieces of dry food must be soaked in water when feeding. At 3 months, kittens change their teeth and can already be introduced to solid food.

4 months and older

By this time, the kitten’s menu should consist of 75% meat protein foods.

By six months, you can gradually transfer the grown kitten to two meals a day.

Nutrition for cats during special periods of life

The measured life of domestic cats changes greatly in some periods.

Illnesses and injuries, pregnancy, surgery, old age - all such changes in health require adjustments to the usual diet.

For example, nursing cats need more high-calorie food because their energy needs increase significantly. During the period of feeding kittens with milk, the volume of the daily diet should be increased, its nutritional value should be higher.

After sterilization or castration surgery, metabolism slows down in male cats. Therefore, their energy needs are reduced by approximately 25%. Appetite, on the contrary, may increase due to the lack of stress and dulling of the reproductive instinct. The owner should take these features into account in the postoperative period.

When preparing a diet for an animal after sterilization, you should give preference to low-calorie food. You can also feed a sterilized or neutered cat twice a day.

One should take into account the fact that after such an operation the frequency of urination decreases and the risk of developing urolithiasis increases. To avoid this, it is better to feed castrates with specialized food. Conventional food contains a lot of salt. This threatens the formation of kidney stones.

A sick cat usually needs a special diet, which is prescribed by a veterinarian. In especially severe cases, the animal has to be force-fed. After recovery and restoration of appetite, they return to their previous diet.

Elderly and aging cats' teeth deteriorate and other oral problems arise. Reviewing the cat's diet in this case is also very important. For example, replace dry food with canned food or introduce liquid natural dishes into the menu. You can leave only one feeding during the day. The optimal solution would be to reduce portions and increase the number of feedings. The diet of older animals should contain up to 10% carbohydrates.

Industrial feed: pros and cons

Industrial animal feeds are divided into two types:

  • wet food - canned food in the form of pates, pieces of meat with sauce;
  • dry granulated food - small crackers.

Feeding natural food will require a lot of knowledge, patience and time. With skillful preparation of a correct and balanced menu, such nutrition will be healthier and safer.

Ready-made food has its advantages and disadvantages compared to natural food.

Industrial feed is better for several reasons:

  • contains a complete balance of essential vitamins and microelements;
  • easy to calculate and control the size and number of servings;
  • long shelf life;
  • feeding with dry food is more convenient;
  • the opportunity to choose specialized veterinary food that meets the needs of a cat with health conditions.

Cats that eat only dry food must always have fresh water available.

Disadvantages of using industrial feed:

  • high cost of quality feed;
  • In canned food with sauce, more than half of the volume is water. Satiety with such food is reduced;
  • high salt content, which threatens the development of urolithiasis;
  • This food is addictive. It becomes very difficult to switch a cat to a different diet.

When feeding with ready-made store-bought food, you should pay attention to the mark indicating whether any type of food is complete. It can only serve as an additive to the main diet and does not satisfy all the nutritional needs of the cat.

When combining dry food with canned food, it is better to stick to the proportion - about 70% dry food and 30% canned food.

Some artificially bred cat breeds are susceptible to allergies and metabolic disorders. To maintain health, it is recommended to feed them only with fully balanced ready-made special food.

The right utensils for feeding

When choosing a dish for your cat to eat from, it is better to give preference to a shallow plate with wide edges. If the container is small in diameter or has high edges, this will cause discomfort while eating, as the whiskers will cling to the edges of the plate. Cats' whiskers are an organ of touch, a kind of sensor with which they navigate in space.

To optimize the feeding process, you can use automatic or electronic feeders. They have the ability to customize for a specific feeding time and portion size.

You should not blindly and unconditionally follow the rules and recommendations when creating a menu for your pet. Each of them is unique and inimitable, with its own characteristics and preferences. Careful observation of the cat, its reaction to different products or industrial feeds will allow you to choose the most suitable feeding option.

The ideal daily schedule for a cat.

If you could design the day just the way he or she wants, what would it be like? What schedule will make your cat happier? In this article we will try to answer how cats would like to eat, how cats would like to sleep, play and live!

Dream- Cats LOVE to sleep. Cats sleep more than people, but wake up much more often. Cats' sleep needs vary, some sleep 13 hours a day and some 20, but on average their sleep duration is 13-19 hours a day. How much and when they sleep depends on the level of activity in their habitat. Cat A cat living in a house as a pet sleeps more than a cat living outside, which needs to hunt to feed itself. Some cats will sleep more because they are bored.

Game- Cats love to play! By inviting your cat to play with different types of games (toys and/or games with you), you make her happy both mentally and physically. For example, a laser pointer is a pretty interesting way to play with a cat, even if you are watching TV, and feather toy- this is generally my favorite game for cat!

Interesting environment- Domestic kittens simply need an interesting environment for their growth and good health. Windows can serve as such an interesting environment. Cats can spend hours watching passers-by from the windowsill, enjoying street sounds and smells, and watching the birds at the feeder. Morning is the favorite time of cats sitting in the window, when they love to enjoy the sounds of the street. By the way, music can also be pleasant for some cats.

Water- Cats like to have constant access to fresh, clean water. Make sure the water in your cat's bowl is fresh. Change the water daily and rinse the bowl well.

Food- As a rule, cats eat several times a day. They eat often and in small pieces in several small portions. One of the best ways to feed your cat while maintaining its ideal weight is to leave dry cat food in such a way that the cat can eat often in small portions twice a day and in such a way that his appetite and preferences can be determined. Loss of appetite is one of the symptoms of disease in cats cat diseases.

Clean tray- Needless to say, cats love to go to a clean litter box. There should be at least one litter box per cat plus one in the house. Those. if you have two cats, you should have three litter boxes. Use a litter box that your cat likes and wash it often. If you use a litter box with a scoop, clean once or twice a day depending on how many cats you have. It is ideal to clean when there are no more than 2 or 3 stools in the tray. If more, then you are not cleaning enough.

Comfort- Cats value comfort; they need it to be neither too hot nor too cold. Most cats do well in a home environment, although some outdoor and indoor cats also do well. Cats in particular enjoy the comfort of home when it is very hot or very cold outside. If the cat is an outdoor cat, then he should have a warm shelter in winter and shade in summer with constant access to drinking water. Cats also love a soft, cozy bedding house placed somewhere higher, then they can carefully observe everything that is happening and feel safe.

Time- Cats love to fuss and spend time with their owners. Spending time like this makes them feel important and loved, just like you would feel when someone you love pays attention to you. Give your cat some time while watching TV. Most cats love to be petted or brushed.

An ideal daily schedule through the eyes of a cat:

7:00 - 8:00

Wake up and have a quick canned snack. Also fresh dry food. Open a curtained window or door and let your cat enjoy the open space.

Make sure your cat drinks enough fresh water. Change the water, make sure the bowl is full and the water in it is fresh.

Spend about 10 minutes just interacting with your cat and petting it. Pay attention to unusual behavior, fur, attitude, eyes, etc.

Clean the tray.

Fill the feeder with bird food.

Open secure window or door and let your cat enjoy the sounds and smells of the open air for a while.
9:00 - 12:00

Time for a quick nap!? Or time to keep track of how you go about your daily activities. If you are at work, then sleep.

12:00 - 13:00

Ideally, most cats will enjoy the opportunity to play. If you work all day, there should be an "interesting" window, cat toys and a house.

13:00 - 17:00

Dream again?! Or is it still a dream? Or still time to watch you!
17:00 – 19:30

Drink, dinner and play time. Change the water again and offer food. Please note cat appetite. Play longer and more intensely than in the morning. Let her play enough and burn off the energy she has accumulated over the course of a whole day.

Remove the tray.
19:30 – 23:00
- Quiet time with family: combing wool, grooming, brushing teeth, jumping on the couch, watching TV or just chatting.

Open a safe window or door and let your cat enjoy the sounds and smells of the open air for a while.

Owners are often interested in how many times a day to feed a cat, since the mood and health of the animal depends on this. The average cat eats about 125-300 g of food per day. But what exactly to feed the pet, give it dry food or regular food, depends on the preferences of the owners.

Owners are often interested in how many times a day to feed their cat, since the mood and health of the animal depend on this.

Many people are concerned not only about how many times a day cats should be fed, but also what is the best way to feed the animals. Often, owners refuse natural food, preferring factory-made food, which can be divided into categories such as economy class, premium class and super premium class. Which one to choose depends primarily on financial capabilities, because the higher the quality of the food, the more expensive it is.

Economy class meals are the most advertised product. Veterinarians point out a number of its shortcomings. The food is made from low-quality and cheap raw materials; it contains dyes and flavoring additives that are addictive. As a result of consuming such food, pets may develop health problems, for example, urolithiasis.

The average cat eats about 125-300 g of food per day

Premium food is a little higher quality and more expensive than described above. In addition to meat, it contains by-products, vegetable protein, preservatives and dyes. Such foods are safer, although they are not recommended to be consumed on a regular basis.

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