Nightmare - dungeons and locations - guides - order of light. Lucid nightmare in WOW: guide to getting the Vi mount. dungeon bosses "nightmare"

A huge puzzle was added with the release of patch 7.3, and the reward for solving it is a cool mount: Lucid Nightmare! The puzzle contains 7 big steps, a huge number of players were involved in solving them!

Lucid Nightmare

Well, let's not languish and solve all the puzzles together.

Zero step (preparation)

  • In order to quickly figure out where to fly, I advise you to install the addon in advance: Tom Tom
  • It is said that there is an addon for easier passage of the maze (Seventh step), and many people say that it doesn’t work, but I’ll leave it here: Lucid Nightmare Helper
  • There is a script for checking the completion of the quest:
    /run local N,t,d=("DAL","ULD","AQ","DEEP","GNOMER","VAL","MAZE","MOUNT"),(47826,47837,47841, 47850,47852,47863,47881,47885) for s,k in pairs(N)do d=IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s]) print(k,"=",d and "\124cFF00FF00" or "\124cFFFF0000NOT"," DONE")end
  • All images are clickable!

Step one

First, we need to go to Dalaran and find this item: Inconspicuous Note

Located on the table to the left of Orton Bennett.

It all started in 2104059
An absolutely wonderful sign.
(Not all letters rhyme).

How to decrypt:
1. Add up all the numbers, we get 21 -> 21st letter of the Russian alphabet "U".
2. The numbers are an anagram for the release date of Patch 3.1 (in which Ulduar was released). (2104059 = 04/15/2009)
3. The image seems to be a reference to the second phase of the battle with Yogg-Saron in Ulduar.

Obviously, we need to stomp in Ulduar.

Step two

We enter Ulduar, kill the Fire Leviathan and move on to the boss “Destroyer XT-002”. To the left of the boss in a pile of garbage there will be a lever, using which a field of lanterns will be built for you. The field contains 20x20 lanterns, 400 in total.

To solve this riddle you will need to draw a gear. (although it doesn't look much like a gear)

The diagram is in different forms, whichever is more convenient for you:

1000 years of imprisonment.
It definitely affects your sanity.

1000 years of imprisonment - Ancient Gods, we are heading towards them...

Step three

Our next goal is Ahn'Qiraj, the prison of the ancient god C'Thun. We need to get into the room that is to the left of him, next to the representatives of the dragons who give quests and all that. IN Abodes of C'Thun there is a passage into the room, go up the stairs, on the table you will find Brain Larva. When used, a game similar to Stonecraft begins. In it you need to score a certain number of points (play until you stop), as soon as the game considers you the winner, a An inconspicuous note. Playing is long and tedious, but don’t stop, the game will finish itself when it needs to :)

The coordinates of this pleasure in TomTom: /way 43 63

In the note we see the following:

Deeper than the greatest depths
The Throne awaits you.

The deepest place? Are we not there yet? Okay, let's find it deeper!

Step four

One of the deepest places in Azeroth is the Underdark! We fly into the location, enter it into TomTom /way 58 25 Thundering Depths and fly into the cave.

You need to find a crack in the cave. As soon as you find him, interaction with him will become available. You agree and find yourself in a cave with a chair, a skull and behind the chair a sign with the text:

To you…
Not a month...

The text of the tablet is the next riddle! If we rearrange the words, we get the name of the goblin - Rexam Vdolgnedam. This goblin is located in the Northern Steppes location, in Ratchet (/way 69 70). As it turns out, his surroundings and items are of no value to us, but we need his equipment. He is wearing a Shadow Mask. I advise you to craft it, since the price at the auction is very high (the recipe for the hat drops from Dwarves and the like in the Searing Gorge location).

After purchasing/crafting a hat, you should go to the rift. The skull lying there will become available for interaction. After using it, a note will appear in front of the chair saying:

A mysterious messenger may appear here.

Step five

It's not too obvious where to go, but... We're going to Gnomeregan! We move to the third level “Launcher” according to the coordinates (/way 36 35).

In front of you are ten digital panels, each of which you can interact with. Instructions on the wall:

01110111 00100 10010110 10101


01001001 10000


The numbers on the panels can be in the range from 1 to 9. Let's figure it out a little:
Three parts of the code represent the abilities of the murloc battle pets: Falling Murloc, Power Attack, Piercing Gaze. These abilities deal 684, 560, and 1110 damage respectively. After combining we get:

What is 180 in the instructions? These are degrees! Let's unfold!

In the instructions +1111111111, add one to each number. We get final combination :

As soon as you enter them, the following note will appear in front of the panels, in which...

You realize that the time for games is over.
When you wake up screaming.

A little explanation of how this riddle was solved (from Eipril in the comments on WoWHead)

How the riddle was solved (clickable)

If anyone is interested in the binary code in Gnomeregan and how it was solved. I tried to figure it out and double-checked everything myself.

We solved it using a Chinese tablet. The meanings in it were very different from all other languages:

2211112353211232 235211422212212
235352111112212 23212221222142211

They converted it to binary, starting from 0, the number means the number of zeros or ones in a row in the code, and changing alternately.

For example 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 = 00 111 00 1 0 11 000 1 000 11 0 1 0 1 0 11 0000 1 (picture for clarity - /a/zdBYv)

We got a big binary code:



This code was converted to hexadecimal:


The results obtained were converted into ASCII code:

9b5a 4eba 589c 843d 64ca 5168 529b 885d 9b54 9b54 773c 5149 675f

Substituted in Unicode and got Chinese characters:

%u9b5a %u4eba %u589c %u843d %u64ca %u5168 %u529b %u885d %u9b54 %u9b54 %u773c %u5149 %u675f = 魚人墜落擊全力衝魔魔眼光束

Notice that these are the names of three murloc abilities: Falling Murloc, Power Attack, Piercing Gaze.

The first person to guess the code was a person under the nickname Azariux (discord). He took the damage of these abilities, put them in a row, turned them 180 degrees and added +1111111111
It turned out 684-560-370*3 (lasts 3 rounds) = 6845601110 - turned to 180 - 0111065486 +1111111111 = 1222176597

It was not possible to find a solution with the Russian\English\German version of the code (and no one bothered to look for it after the riddle was solved) If a way is found, I will definitely update the comment.

UPD. A solution has been found. And it is somewhat easier than the Chinese solution, but it does not work in Russian :)

Let's take the code:
01110111 00100 10010110 10101
11110111 01100 01111111 01000
10111101 11001 00111111 10010
01001001 10000
01011011 11110 11110001 11111
11100000 00010 11111111 01000
10110111 10101 01111111 00001
10101110 11111 00110000 01000

The code alternates chains of 8 and 5 characters. If you take the number of ones from the eight-digit chain and multiply it with the number of ones from the five-digit chain, you get a number. If we substitute this number into the English alphabet, we get a letter.

For example:
01110111×00100 = 6×1 = 6 = F
10010110×10101 = 4×3 = 12 = L

In long chains we simply count ones:
011010010110100111010110 = 13 = M

If we continue to multiply the chains in this way, we get the letters - F L N G M R L C M T Y C H R G Y B M. We get our abilities " F A L LI NG M U R.L. O C" = Falling Murloc; " M IGH T.Y. CH A RG E" = Powerful attack; "E Y E B E.A. M» = Piercing gaze

Well, then, as in the Chinese scheme, we take the damage of abilities, make a series of 10 numbers out of them, unfold them, add ten ones and you’re done! 🙂 April

Step six

The next target is Val'Sharah, Legion's current content zone. Heading towards the house ( /way 66.21 36.56), we enter, we see on the left Nightmare tumor. Click on it and the game begins... We are required to untangle the threads so that they do not intersect.

After completing the assignment, a note will appear on the floor with the following content:

What you are looking for is hidden within.

Step seven

We're flying to Pandaria! To location - Summit of Kun-Lai. We fly according to the coordinates /way 53 49 and we enter the room. We move all the way, in front of the statue stands Urn.

If you interact with her, a message will appear:

The runes on this urn indicate that it contains the remains of the great mogu soulcaptor. These are mostly warning signs.

We accept the challenge and move to an unknown location called “Endless Halls”. These halls truly amaze with their infinity. The task before us is redeem five runes located in any room on a pedestal. To extinguish the rune you will need to find sphere rune colors. There are five colors in total: blue, red, yellow, green, purple. . Raise the sphere and extinguish the rune of the corresponding color. It's so elementary!. Each player has their own location, so it’s impossible to draw where the spheres and runes are, you’ll have to look for them yourself. People say take a piece of paper and a pen/pencil and start marking the rooms. The landmark is the pedestal in the center.

After you extinguish all the spheres, go into any room, as a result you will find yourself in a room with a note in which you will find the following:

The way is open.
The path to the greatest secret, not revealed by anyone.
A fitting end to a journey.

Step eight

Well, finally we are given the opportunity to pick up our miracle Yudo mount. We go to Dead Wind Pass, to the crypt near Karazhan. By coordinates /way 39 73 We go down to the very bottom and on the mountain of skeletons a cool new mount, Lucid Nightmare, will be waiting for you. Graz! 🙂

If you find a discrepancy or have a question, use the comment form below and I will definitely answer :)

Finally, the tragic story of the fallen Kromed will become public. The story of the unhappy love between Kromed and Ropstin will unfold literally before your eyes. You will witness a love drama, sadder than which the world has never seen.


  • Solo dungeon (you will not be able to enter if you are in a group);
  • Rollback time is 22 hours;
  • Monsters lvl 38;
  • Short completion time and good experience;
  • Named bosses from which various types of armor and accessories can drop;
  • Four additional items will be given to help you;
  • The zone requires an introductory quest, which you can take upon reaching lvl 37;


  • You can get golden weapons of any type and a shield from the Kaliga series at lvl 38;
  • Traditional blue items from the Fallen Judges series (armor clothing and hats, valuable mainly as skins for boss armor) at lvl 38;
  • Green decorations;
  • Complete the task to improve your current lvl 35 weapon (blue), and receive the judge's golden weapon at lvl 35.
  • After completing this instance 15 times, completing quests, you can get the animal - Rotan silver disk (Ring).

All higher the above is taken from Goha
from comrade RedTiger
Next, I’ll start making a gag ;)


To get into the Nightmare solo dungeon, you need to go through a chain of three very primitive quests.

  1. Distribution of fake stigma.
  2. In search of the source of nightmares
  3. The essence of nightmares (actually already the entrance. And it’s done inside the dungeon)
Distribution of fake stigma:
told you about the problems with false stigmas and shared my suspicions about Karuching ah, a merchant from the Dark Cloud guild.

You gave the paper coupon found by the legate. But Shego said that she took away all the stigmas Gertia (sorry, this non-script is not yet on the database, so no link).

You managed to find Gertia and received a false stigma. After this, you were visited by a strange vision.
You conveyed the stigma to Legate Ferento and reported on the research. When the legate heard about the vision, he was very surprised.

In search of the source of nightmares:

and were able to watch how she tried to save her beloved Robsteen.

Well, actually, we are inside.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the caring Korean GreenPisovians protected three bad elite endangered animals, henchmen of the main local radish, from us breaking in for the first time;) The map shows the places where they were walled up behind iron bars. When passing by for the first time, you can... well, make faces at them, throw bananas... photos are not allowed, photos are paid, 50 rubles. from a local photographer, the fine for a private photo is to face the bars;) But the second time they will let you in and shake their paw, and squeeze their neck tighter, and in general, according to the entire program of German cinema;)

We made a reservation... Let's go:

We land at the “Landing Place”, walk through the boring-gloomy-terrible-like-in-the-Abyss caves, making it clean and mob-free. We reach a hall with a generous corpse...

...we do mortally bad things to everyone and talk... to the corpse! Why are you surprised, this is a normal phenomenon for Korea, they talk with carrion at every step, and they even have a law on the mandatory presence of a pay phone in every house for international negotiations with corpses;) This asshole, in gratitude that we listened to him, sells us a ring exclusive, called Rokan, does all kinds of bad things to mobs at our behest;)

We pull out the Rokan summoning icon onto the quick access panel, and with Rokan’s help we smash to hell the wall protecting further mobs from us...

...we put on a sly, sneaky face and go to intrigue GreenPeace, destroying all the animals right up to the farthest room in this dark cave. And the room is closed, let's arrive. And standing in front of that room is an overseas monster, called the Gatekeeper Cyclops... Oh, what a monster, we hit him in the head, we take away the key...

...we open the gates and continue the most exciting activity - the extermination of those listed in the "Red Book";)

Having cleared the entire room, we poke into the sphere behind the now dead priest Khyes...

...we see a cartoon. In which we find out what kind of bastard and radish this Kaliga really is and heroically move “Under white little hands...” - “.. and to prison.”
In prison, a little, just a little, we get a little angry and smash the iron bars to hell;)

Then it’s clear and understandable from the map, it becomes boring to describe;) We roam everywhere, demolish everyone, rejoice in the victory;)
This is if you are here for the first time. And if it’s the second time, then you already have a choice. ;)

On the map we see little rooms separated from the pioneers by bars; on the second pass these same bars will not be there, and in these rooms there are bosses, and this is where we begin to forgive our inner toad - and chavs are more interesting to us - lots and lots of blues of different classes , for the sake of cool black and dark blue skins (if you’ve already bought the clothes for silver coins), or to fuck 30 percent chance take red-haired picker in class ;)

If the toad ordered an exclusive picker, then we don’t touch the bosses in the secret... now no longer secret... rooms with a finger or a glance, let them stand in their casemates and become covered with dust and mold, it’s their own fault, no one invited them there, claustrophils ;)
Then the main one, as at the end of the road, is Kaliga, who will be alone and can give us the key to the display cases with delicious pounders... But in this version, he will be evil and armored.
We’ll talk about the nuances of this passage, or rather the killing of its evil incarnation, a little later and in more detail, but for now we’ll continue;)

If your toad ordered a bunch of cool blue, then we’ll go to hell with all these crawlers-in-the-cracks... they, having received a decent dose of slaps on the head, shout “Nicht schisn” and hide, as it turns out later - the bastards are going under the wing of their “folder” Kaliga. And at the end of the road we will meet both him and these henchmen, but they will be weakened to the point of disgrace, to the point of simple boredom, to the point of yawning;) It is from these tortured and shamed ones that a little blue is falling.

Well, that’s again later, but now let’s look at the passage itself with a solemn march through this prison. As you can see in the screenshot above, only after getting into prison and smashing the bars to hell, we see Chief Jailer of Baal , you don’t need to think for long here, we immediately blow the horn and start looting, and in the pockets of this - already corpse - there is a key to pass further, that is, games of humanity and walking around the walls, leaving him alive are in no way appropriate;)

Let's take the key...there's no need to kick the corpse, no need, we are cultured, raised in the best boarding houses of Elysium, Daevas;)

And we continue moving, the next target is a chest, but some kind of garbage has grown in front of it, Residence Guard Commander , and after all, the bastard not only showed himself, he also pocketed the key, a radish, from the bars behind which Kromedshi’s beloved Robstin. Well, again, we politely ask him to give him the key, we hit him on the head, clean out his pockets, with two fingers, of course, we won’t talk shit, it’s so delicately aesthetic... we search the corpse, grab the key and open the chest, in which lies the second, skill in this dungeon, delicious. We drag it to the quick access panel, right next to the Rokan call button. You don’t let Rokan sit idle, do you direct it towards mobs? ;)

We go to Robsteen, lift the bars, becoming even “kinder”, since we already see not Robsteen behind bars, but his corpse, and some kind of garbage standing over him.
So good, we cheerfully demolish this garbage, and, looking around the surroundings with a peaceful look, “who else is there to kick in the face here?”, we notice from above, on the steps, another victim of kindness and affection;)
A bullet to him... and this bastard is trying to set mice on us,
on us...
We use the newly received Explosive Sphere, the mice, flapping their wings according to all the laws of tragedy and ballet, settle on the floor. We flash our eyes and knives towards this rat breeder,... he doesn’t understand... he’s a fool,... there aren’t a lot of fools on the planet - we erase the dunce from the map :)

We enter the residence... Those who didn’t hide are not to blame;)
In the center of the room there is an exclusive piece of garbage, called the Tower. By poking at the turret, we get a buff for 5 minutes, a shield that blocks up to 500 hits for five minutes... well, whichever ends faster - 500 hits or 5 minutes;)
You can poke around at this masterpiece of sculptors as much as you like, and every time we will get those same five minutes :)

We demolish everyone who is below and not hidden, and go to the garden to admire the flowers, grass and evil gardeners... the corpses of evil gardeners through our efforts;)
Moreover, even if you have hated Botany since school, it is still advisable to go, since there is a great fountain there that restores 200 HP every 2 seconds, and the flower grows... no, not scarlet, a kind of overgrown cotton, but this extremely useful weed ;)
He gives us a third skill goodie.

We return to the Residence and go up the side stairs, there we see an interesting sphere and some two people in front of it. These two according to the old scheme... on the head;) and we poke into the sphere and get the fourth, last skill bun in this dungeon;)

Hurry, all the goodies are collected, we can move on, fully armed, so to speak.
From here to the left is another henchman of Kaliga, to the right is further passage, if we want a tasty picker, then we turn left, spit in the direction of the Henchman, turn to the right and go on to transfer mobs from the “Red Book” to the “Book of the Dead”;)

We go into the catering canteen and demolish all the cooks, waiters and other visitors there;) On the tables we see a “Fruit Basket” and “Fried Fogus”...
Of course we eat, it will disappear, there is no one here to eat, they don’t eat corpses;)
Moreover, this food is not simple, but witchcraft, Silushkaff adds;)

Having filled our belly, we go to be satisfied spiritually. Where? Yes, to the library, of course;)
There, if you go up the stairs, there will be a third Henchman in the “Library of Forbidden Literature”. If he doesn’t give us a gift, then we won’t break our legs - we’ll wander up and down the stairs;) Let’s go straight to a kind of ABC-book athlete who can read a book and hit it bless him;)

We dodge his primer, hit him in the horn, grab his primer, which turned out to be the key, insert it into the niche...

woo-a-la, the shelf with books turned out to be a secret door, behind which the bastard radish Kaliga is hiding;)

And here we can say to the inner toad: “You see, I listened to you, did as you wanted, so now, green cracker, a month without croaking or breathing.” Of course, she will still croak the next day, but isn’t it a thrill to talk to this reptile like that? ;)

Depending on how you walked, sparing the Henchmen, or demolishing them, the picture inside the outer room will be slightly different. If you didn’t touch them, then Kaliga will be alone and will fight like the last time, which is by the way for him in any case;)
And if you still tormented the minibosses, then, as you noticed, with their last breath they gave you a “handle” and shamefully ran away under the auspices of Kaliga... they walk through walls, their sorcerer faces. ;)

The screenshot shows an option with untouched Henchmen.

Killing tactics:

1. Kaligi with his jackals. The tactics here are serious, cruel, and merciless...
Yes, let's blow them to hell without unnecessary problems;) First the jackals, and then Kaliga, that's it, we'll get the blue out of them and enjoy life :)

2. Kaligi one . This is where the fight will be more interesting.
Near him there are two bedside tables with balls on them. His aggro zone is simply awesome, a sharp-eyed bastard. We rush at breakneck speed and demolish these very spheres without further ado, because they charge him and become even nastier.
The spheres were demolished, Hurray!.. Yeah, schazzzzz. He the bastard begins to call for statues standing near the walls, we tear down the statues, we continue to beat him... It’s not enough for him, he also calls for a statue, we crush it too. Let's take it down. And also, there are witch circles near the walls, and in them they give you all sorts of goodies, so stay in them;) In the right one, in particular, HP increases;)
We take it down, pull out the key from it, and joyfully waving our pigtails, we run to the stained glass window of our class to pull out the little girl from there :)
I passed as a chanter, so I pulled out the Staff;)

Applying for a Schengen visa involves many difficulties for the applicant. First of all, only those who have the opportunity to prove their financial solvency can obtain such a document. A personal account statement is a document that owners take to provide information about an active or closed deposit. It includes information about the account number, the name of the bank where the service is provided, F.

I. O. of the client and operations during the selected period of time. It can be provided at the client’s request online or in the office of a financial institution. extract from the personal account for the nominal account; mini-statement for a deposit or an unallocated metal account; bank card statement - credit card or debit; a certificate confirming that the client has accounts, cards, deposits and available balances available with Sberbank.

Quite often, an extract from a personal account refers to any of the documents listed above. This approach is not in the full sense legally correct; for example, a certificate about the status of a deposit in Sberbank is not a full-fledged extract. However, this does not prevent it from being used by a large number of market participants. An account statement can be provided when applying for a visa abroad, for legal proceedings or to other organizations.

There are data without which an account statement cannot be considered a legally binding document. Not a single law or regulation in the Russian Federation regulates the provision of bank statements or approves its uniform form. Embassies of various countries sometimes require a statement of a citizen’s personal account to obtain a visa to their country.

As a rule, each embassy has its own recommended balance that should be on the client’s account. The statement confirms the person’s solvency and availability of funds. Detailed article. The author shares his experience. People find answers here. Articles from experienced lawyers Infographics Ready-made solutions Examples from practice.

Extract from the personal account for the nominal account. Mini-statement for deposit and impersonal metal account. Debit or credit card statement. Certificate of availability of accounts, deposits, cards and available balances. Get details. Details for transfer. For civil servants - declare income and liabilities. Information about the availability of accounts and other information. For candidates for elected office. Documents issued for special election accounts of candidates.

A bank statement is a document reflecting account movements for a certain period, as well as the final balance. Account currency; Movements on D-tu and K-tu and final amounts of crediting and writing off; Information about counterparties; Balance at the beginning and end of the specified period. Working with a bank statement is to view: where and in what volume funds were transferred from the account, the size and sources of the amounts credited, and also find out the final balance.

This information is useful for the following actions: Controlling movements on the account; Reports to tax and other regulatory authorities; Visa processing and other purposes. An extract from the apartment’s personal account confirms a person’s registration at a specific address.

Content. 1 What is an extract from a financial personal account. 2 Information. 3 Where to get it. 4 How to get it. 5 Necessity. 6 Find out the personal account number at the address. 7 Who has the right. 8 What to do in case of refusal. 9 Validity period. This document displays all information about persons who have the right to use living space involved in a real estate sale transaction. What is an extract from a financial personal account? A financial account must be opened by the owner of the apartment. It is registered on real estate.

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We will try to present the most complete guide to the new location in aion 2.0 - Nightmare. In this dungeon the tragic story of the fallen Kromed will be revealed. The story of the unhappy love between Kromed and Ropstin will unfold before your eyes. You will witness a love drama, sadder than which the world has never seen.

Features of the "Nightmare" location:
* Rollback time is 24 hours;
* Monsters level 38;
* Named bosses from which various types of armor and accessories can drop;
* Four additional skill items;
* The zone requires an introductory quest, which you can take upon reaching lvl 37;

How to get into "Nightmare" in aion 2.0

Get into a nightmare in the new update in aion You can go through a chain of quests, individual for each race:

From the Elyos, the first quest can be taken from Ferento in the Interdika Fortress (Fake Stigma). Then just do a chain of quests until they lead you to Rainia, so she will show you the way to "Nightmare".

For Asmodean, the quest is taken in the same way, only at its own location, in the Beluslan Fortress from Nera (Strange Assignment). Complete quests that lead you to Bridget, and enter the dungeon.

While passing the dungeon, you get good experience, and you don’t need much time to complete it; there are also repeating quests that are done inside.

There is a quest after completing which 10 times you will receive the pet Rokan.

There is also a quest to improve the weapons knocked out in the Sanctuary of Fire, completing it 20 times you will receive a necklace of Tears of Kromed (magic or physical to choose from), which can be exchanged together with a blue weapon of the judge class for a gold Kromed.

Here's an example: you give the NPC Judge's Dagger + Tears of Kromed in return you receive the Silver Dagger of Kromed.

There are named bosses in the dungeon from which you can get blue armor for any lvl 38 class. Well, and accordingly, the main boss is the Fallen Judge Kaliga, from whom the key drops out that opens Kaliga’s weaponry, and you choose a gold weapon for lvl 38 according to the class.



- Explosive Sphere– deals a physical blow to surrounding enemies, stunning them. Cooldown 2 minutes.

- Ball with magic potion- completely restores health, repels enemy attacks for a certain time. Rollback 10 min.

- Sleepy pollen– puts the selected enemy to sleep for a while, after which it explodes. Rollback 5 minutes.


Dead by Daylight is increasingly being visited by maniacs from popular horror games. The first of them was Michael Myers, and the latest, at the moment, is Freddy from A Nightmare on Elm Street. Today we will tell you a little about what this character is strong at and what weaknesses he has. We’ll also tell you a little about effective assemblies.

Nightmare (Freddy Krueger) is the weakest among all maniacs, who can be purchased for 175 rubles in the chapter “The Nightmare on Elm Street”. It is recommended to play it only at the initial stages (ranks 15-20), since for later stages it is useless and most often will only bring disappointment to those who play it.

Nightmare's Strengths

  • The ability to see a sleeping victim throughout the map, which gives a good advantage and control throughout the map.
  • While the survivors are not in a dream, they do not see you, but only hear a children's song about Freddy and can be aware of your presence by the moving grass.
  • In a dream, survivors receive a huge penalty to the speed of action and pray for any skill to quickly get out of this unpleasant state.
  • Useful personal perks that go great with our red and black gardener.
  • Nearby the surva are highlighted with a light blue outline

Nightmare's weaknesses

  • The transition to sleep takes time. On average, this is 7 seconds, but with offerings, the time can be reduced to 5. During this time, the surva can do something useful, for example, brazenly open the gate, heal the surva lying dying, remove the victim from the hook in front of you, and so on.
  • Freddy is short, which reduces visibility in corn fields
  • There is a possibility that the survivor will be taken out of sleep right before your eyes.

Despite the fact that more advantages were listed than disadvantages, only the first disadvantage covers all the useful properties of the strengths.

A few words about Nightmare's personal perks

Now let's move on to the personal perks of the Nightmare himself. They are quite useful and most of them do not require any situations to occur. And we’ll start with “Bright Flame,” which increases the speed of your actions depending on the number of running generators. This is a pretty useful perk, especially in the later stages when combined with Reload.

The next good skill is Remember Me, which also has a big impact late game. This perk slows down the opening of the gate for an additional 30 seconds. This is especially noticeable in a dream, because in Freddy’s world the speed of actions is reduced by another half and opening the gate becomes quite a difficult task. Also, survivors are highlighted on the map and Nightmare knows when they are at the gate.

The last perk is not that useful, but in certain situations it extends the time to destroy survivors. This is the Bloody Warden. When hanging a victim on a hook, if the gate is open, of course, the entity closes the exit for 60 seconds and allows you to carry off another Dwight in watermelon pants.

Perk builds for Nightmare

There are not so many builds on Fredi, but they are all working and bring a lot of joy.

"Just like Mom makes to me."
Take “Bright Flame”, “Remember Me”, “Corruption: No One Can Hide from Death” and “Corruption: Destruction”. The first perk will speed up our actions depending on the number of running generators. The second and third skills are designed for the late stage of the game, since “Remember Me” will slow down the actions of the survivors, and NOED will allow you to quickly deal with them and drive them away from the goal. And “Corruption: Ruin” will significantly prolong the game.

“We are lively lumberjacks.”
The emphasis is on slowing down the actions of survivors and speeding up the breakdown of boards/generators. To do this, we will take “Thanatophobia”, so that for each wounded the speed of the survivors’ actions is reduced, and “Corruption: Destruction”. For breakdown, we will take “Beastly Strength” and “Bright Flame” so that the rate of breakdown of boards and generators will be about 35% faster (I haven’t calculated exactly).

And remember! NEVER! Never use the Reboot perk on Freddy. And if you installed it, then you know very well how to remove the game.

As a result

To summarize, I would like to say that playing Nightmare is a dilemma. On the one hand, he is endowed with enormous strength and is able to effectively deal with single targets. On the other hand, he is very weak against a well-coordinated team.
