Curls of flagella. How to curl hair of different lengths without a curling iron or curlers. Curls using plain paper

A beautiful hairstyle is the decoration and pride of any woman. And beautiful curls and wavy locks make a woman’s face even more attractive. Owners of straight hair should not be upset, because there are many ways to curl straight strands, giving them the most unexpected shapes. And for this you don’t have to go to the hairdresser. However, many people have no idea how to make curls without curling irons and curlers at home. It turns out it’s very simple, and the result is no worse than in the salon.

It is known that the use of hair curling products such as hot rollers, a special straightening iron and curling iron can change the structure of the strands for the worse. Hair can simply be burned when exposed to high temperatures. Despite the fact that modern curling irons have many advantages, even the highest quality, branded devices have one significant drawback - beautiful curls are guaranteed by high temperatures that are so dangerous for hair, and this is no less than 190 degrees.

Therefore, styling hair using such devices causes the following unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Hair quickly loses the necessary moisture, and dehydration leads to a slowdown in the production of collagen and elastin, which are vital for the normal structure of hair;
  2. Density and beautiful natural shine are lost, the hair shaft becomes fragile and brittle;
  3. The condition of the ends of the curls deteriorates, and they begin to split;
  4. When overheated, the hair follicles are also damaged, which can cause them to grow more slowly and fall out.

This applies not only to curling irons, but also to other tools - hot rollers and their electric counterparts are no less harmful to the scalp and hair. Metal curlers negatively affect hair statics, electrify it, and deform the structure of the hair shaft. Even the simplest plastic ones damage the strands, as they tear when tangled. If you use these products day after day, you can completely ruin your hair, which will then have to be restored for a long time and patiently.

The undoubted advantage of simple DIY curling methods is that they are safe to use, and the curling process itself does not take much time.

Therefore, it is worth considering that you can use more gentle methods for your favorite hair, and use heat styling as little as possible.

Available means

In order to create beautiful curls at home, you may need various available materials.

Typically used:

  • Thick paper;
  • Strips of fabric;
  • Hairpins;
  • Wooden sticks.

In addition, you can curl your hair using a bun, braids, flagella, buns, as well as using your own fingers.

When using one method or another, you should consider whether it will suit your hair length. For those who have average, any manipulation is convenient. If they are long, you can always make braids, twist the strands on paper curlers, or use flagella. It’s a little more difficult to come up with something with short hair - perhaps the best technique would be to twirl it around your finger or “snail”.

Having completely decided how to make curls without a curling iron or curling iron at home, you can begin to create your own personal masterpiece. In order for beautiful waves or curls to last longer, you will need to keep curlers and other devices on your head for a long time. It is best to perm at night to organize your hair for the next day. Thanks to hair foam, the result will be more stable, but you should never overdo it with the amount.

How to make curls without curling irons and curlers at home

If a girl has not yet figured out which method she likes best, which will suit her hair and make her irresistible, she needs to consider all the interesting options.

Paper curlers

Paper curlers will help create elastic curls, both large and small. It all depends on the thickness of the strand. First you will need waterproof thick paper, which you need to cut into rectangular strips. After they are rolled into tubes of the required diameter, a narrow cloth is threaded inside with the ends outward, so that the ends can be tied in the future. You can also use small hairpins for this purpose.

After washing your hair and applying a fixing composition to damp hair, you will need:

  • Separate strands of the same thickness, winding them onto paper and securing them using the chosen method;
  • You need to start twisting from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the forehead.

You can cover your head with a scarf at night to prevent the pieces of paper from slipping off while you move in your sleep.

Wrapping on rags

Wrapping it around cloths gives an equally amazing effect, but sleeping on them is much more comfortable than on rustling paper. To do this, cotton fabric is cut into strips from 2 to 10 centimeters, depending on the desired size of the curls.

The process is as follows:

  • The washed hair should be divided into equal strands;
  • The tip of the curl is placed on a cloth and twisted to the required height;
  • The edges of the material are tied.

If you keep curling all night, such curls can last about three days. Even when they disperse, the hairstyle will remain fluffy, beautiful, and more natural.


A very simple way to curl straight hair using a bun. It helps to achieve naturally falling, light waves that give your hair a special style.

  • You will need to tie a ponytail of wet hair at the back of your head;
  • One or two tight strands are twisted from the strands and both are tightly fixed with hairpins.

You should wait several hours, depending on the length of the hair, after which the resulting curls are straightened without combing, and varnish is applied.

For long hair, a similar technique is suitable:

  • The hair should be divided into four large strands;
  • Then the strand is twisted and rolled into a snail;
  • All four shells are secured using pins.

To make the curls more pronounced, you can twist more strands. You can achieve the formation of small curls by using the same method for small strands, of which there can be any number.

Braids of different thicknesses

Braids of different thicknesses are a traditional way of curling. The result is a wavy mass of hair. Some fashionistas also curl the ends to make their hair look more natural, so that the hairstyle is harmonious.

  • You need to braid the strands on damp hair;
  • The thinner the braid, the more pronounced the waves will be;
  • The ends of the braids are secured with an elastic band.

It is better to leave your hair in this state until the morning. The braids are unraveled and can be carefully combed if desired. This method is ideal for medium to long hair.

Headband or headband

Using a headband or an ordinary girl's headband, you can also create a beautiful hairstyle.

  • To do this, the hair, separated by an even parting, must be wound around a cloth or headband and then secured.
  • To prevent your hair from becoming disheveled ahead of time, you can put a light scarf on your head.

For a lasting effect, the procedure can be performed before bedtime. Before doing this, lightly wet your hair and dry it with a hairdryer after curling for 2-3 minutes.


Instead of a bandage, you can use an ordinary sock. Since you will have to sleep or walk in this accessory for some time, it is better to take a product made of natural fabric, besides, synthetics strongly electrify the hair.

  • To make a curling device, you need to cut off the finger part of the accessory.
  • The sock placed on the head should have the shape of a hollow pipe;
  • A tail is made from the hair, and the strands are pulled under the fabric and wound around it until it stops until the sock sits tightly on the head.

After a few hours you can get amazing waves throughout your hair.


Small “African” curls are extremely popular because, in addition to the beauty of the curls themselves, they give the hair additional volume. They can be made using ordinary hairpins.

  • Hair should be clean and damp;
  • Thin strands of hair are taken and wound in a figure eight onto a hairpin;
  • You can secure it with any small hairpin.

The curls must be completely dry. In order for your hair to lie beautifully, you will need to separate the curled rings manually. Cool curls do not last very long, so it is recommended to use various fixing compounds, as well as varnish.

So, with the help of all kinds of simple devices you can create large and small curls, playful ringlets, careless waves and even artistic chaos in the style of Hollywood.

Ways to make curls without curling irons and curlers at home are extremely simple and accessible to any woman. You can curl your hair on anything, even on your fingers, as long as you have the desire and time. But we must not forget that this beauty is very short-lived. Therefore, when curling, it is advisable to use a special gel or fixing foam, and after creating the hairstyle, use a small amount of hairspray. This way, the hair will be able to please the owner and her environment for a long time.

How to make curls without curling irons and curlers: video

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Gorgeous curls have always been considered a sign of beauty and sexuality. Today we will talk about how to make spectacular curls without the use of curling irons and curlers.


Method 1. Using an iron

An iron is a styler designed hair straightening. Despite the fact that using such a device is the most popular way to create even, smooth strands, today we will talk about how to straighten your hair without a curling iron or flat iron at home.

Technology for straightening strands using a hair dryer and comb

  • Laying should begin with the lower strands. In this case, the hair should be slightly damp. Before installation, a special heat protectant should be applied to them.
  • Select one strand, use a comb to pull it out (starting from the roots and moving to the ends) and dry it with a hairdryer.
  • Repeat the procedure with all strands, moving from the hair at the back of the head to the crown.
  • Fix the result with varnish.

Despite the fact that the iron is designed for straightening curls, you can quickly use it to beautiful curls and spectacular waves.

Curling strands with an iron at home

  1. Comb clean, dry hair thoroughly. It is important to remember that you should not curl wet or damp strands, as there is a risk of severe damage to them.
  2. Apply a special thermal protectant to your strands to protect your hair from the negative effects of high temperatures.
  3. Divide your hair into two parts with a horizontal parting. Secure the upper strands to the crown with a hairpin. After this, you can start curling your curls using an iron.
  4. Select one bottom strand and press it with an iron, moving 5-10 cm from the roots. Then you need to wrap your hair on a thermal device.
  5. Wait a few minutes and then quickly run the styler down the strand.
  6. Repeat the procedure with the remaining strands.

By changing the angle of the iron you can create spectacular curls different widths. In order to get perky curls (in the form of rings), twist the styler completely. To create light, chic curls, you need to rotate the tool 90 degrees.

The faster you run the styler through the strands, the more invisible the curls will be. To create bouncy curls, iron down very slowly.

Method 2. Using corrugated tongs

In order to create spectacular curls without a curling iron, just use special tongs with corrugated attachment. This styler allows you to create stylish hairstyles at home quickly and effortlessly.

However, it is important to remember that frequent use of corrugated curling irons can cause significant damage to your curls.

That is why before styling your hair must be treated with a special heat-protective mousse or spray. You should not curl on damp strands, as a corrugated curling iron, like other thermal devices, damages the structure of the hairs.

Technology for creating curls using a corrugated curling iron

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly and apply a heat-protective styling product.
  2. Divide your hair into several sections.
  3. Start styling from the roots, slowly moving towards the ends. To create small waves, you should choose special small corrugated attachments, and to create voluminous curls, wide curling irons with large plates are suitable.
  4. Fix the result with varnish.

Method 3. On paper

It's no secret that there are ways to create chic curls at home without curling irons, flat irons or other thermal devices. One of the most popular methods is curling hair onto pieces of paper. Using regular paper, you can quickly curl your hair without damaging or drying it out.

Technology for creating spectacular styling using paper

  1. Before you start styling, you need to make paper curlers. To do this, take thick paper (you can use cardboard) and cut it into small rectangles. Gently knead the paper with your fingers and roll it into tubes. Thread small pieces of dense fabric into the resulting tubes, which will serve as fastenings.
  2. Comb your slightly damp hair thoroughly and apply a special styling mousse.
  3. Divide your hair into sections.
  4. Curl each strand with homemade curlers.

Method 4. Using an elastic band

You can make beautiful curls using an ordinary elastic bands for Greek hairstyles. To do this, you need to roll slightly damp strands into bundles and then wrap them around an elastic band placed around your head. Despite the fact that this is a fairly simple way to curl your hair, its results will undoubtedly please you.

Not every girl has been endowed by nature with beautiful curls and voluminous hair. And sometimes you really want to change your image at least for one day and surprise others with a new image of the owner of chic curls! Traditionally, curling irons or curlers were used to curl hair, but these methods are gradually going out of fashion and women are increasingly resorting to alternative methods. The article is dedicated to fans of curls and those who are interested in how to make curls without curlers and curling irons.

Prelude to perm

Before you start curling, you should perform several steps:

  • wash your hair thoroughly using conditioner and conditioner;
  • apply all necessary hair styling products;
  • apply thermal protection;
  • dry your hair (unless you are going to curl it with a hair dryer).

How to make curls with a straightener

As it turned out, a straightener (in other words, a straightener) can be used not only to straighten unruly curls, but also to curl straight hair. The temperature of the plates should be maximum, somewhere around 180-200 degrees. To begin, divide your hair into two layers - top and bottom. Fix the top layer on the top of your head (you’ll get to it later), and you can start working with the bottom layer.

Select a small strand and grab it with a curling iron where you want your curls to start. Then make one turn of the strand around the iron, as if forming a ring, and slowly lower the tool down, as if straightening. Voila - the curl is ready! In principle, there is not much difference in how to make curls: with an iron or a curling iron, the result will be identical.

Blow-dry perm

The second way to curl is to use a hair dryer. Here, in addition to the hair dryer itself, you will need either a round comb or a diffuser.

Slightly damp hair should be slowly wound around a round comb, while treating it with a stream of hot air. In order for the styling to last longer, each finished strand must be blown with cold air.

For those who are interested in the question of how to make curls without curlers and curling irons, you can look at the diffuser. This is a special nozzle that has long protrusions over its entire surface. It is sold complete with almost any hair dryer. Everything is much simpler with her. Simply dry your wet hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser, bringing the hairdryer close to your head so that your hair seems to curl around the “fingers” of the diffuser. When they become almost dry, you need to apply a fixative and repeat the procedure.

Perm braids

Braids are the most common and classic method. Just braid yourself one or more braids and go to bed. The number of them depends on the size of curls you need. To make large curls, one or two braids are enough, but if you want small curls, then you will have to braid many small braids.

You can also curl your hair by tying a tight bun at the top of your head and leaving it in place for a while or overnight. True, the curls after this are not so durable, although their life can be extended by pre-treating the hair with special fixing agents.

Curls with your fingers

You can make curls at home using your own fingers. Twist the strand around your finger, forming a ring. When you reach the roots of your hair, carefully remove your finger without disturbing the shape of the ring and secure the curled strand on your head with a hairpin. After twisting all your hair in this way, leave it for several hours or overnight. If you don’t have much time to get ready, press each ring for a few seconds with a hot iron. This will significantly speed up the curling process.

Snail curl

Divide damp hair into small sections. Twist each strand in turn, making a tight, twisting flagellum out of it. Then fix each flagellum on the head in the form of a small bundle. At the same time, it should take the shape of a snail shell. Leave the creation overnight and unravel the bunches in the morning. The result of your efforts will be luxurious large curls.

"Hoop" curl

Another interesting way to make curls without curlers and curling irons is to use a regular hair hoop. Here you will need a circular hoop that has become very popular recently. Yes, yes, exactly the one used for Greek hairstyles.

You put it on your head and thread all the strands, one by one, under the elastic band of the hoop. It will be better if each strand is pre-fixed with varnish - the styling will be much more durable. Wear your Greek hairstyle for a while and then carefully remove the headband. At the end you will get spectacular curls.

Curling with rags

Our mothers and grandmothers also used this method. Creating curls without curlers and curling irons using strips of fabric is very simple, and most importantly, as they say, “cheap and cheerful.” Take some soft scrap fabric and divide it into thin strips. Divide washed and slightly damp hair into sections. Take one strand and fix its tip in the middle of the rag strip, tying a knot. Then twist the strand upward and, having reached the roots of the hair, tie it again with a cloth around the resulting “bump”.

It is best to leave your hair curled all night (this will make the hairstyle last longer) and spray it with hairspray. Since there was no varnish when our grandmothers were young, they used sweet water or beer.

Now you know how to make curls without curlers and curling irons. These are the simple methods you can use to temporarily become the owner of chic curls. They are quite simple and affordable, you just need to want to be irresistible!

Light wavy hair, curls or thick curls in the African style - they all allow us to transform without radically changing the style. But this hairstyle scares many people away because of the need to expose their hair to heat. However, the myth that beautiful curls require the hand of an experienced master has long been dispelled. And today we will tell and show how to make curls without curling irons and curlers in various ways, and depending on the length of your curls they will vary.

Curls on short hair.

At first glance, making curls on short strands of hair is very difficult, because neither a curling iron nor a flat iron can curl them into beautiful curls. But here improvised means will come to our aid. Here are some simple but very effective methods:

  • On your finger. This will take a little time, but you yourself have complete control over both the volume and size of the curl, and you can handle even the shortest sections. Just pick up the required amount of hairs and twist them around your finger. Spray thoroughly with strong-hold varnish and leave until it dries. This method is simply ideal for short and thin hair, because with its help, even at this length, you can create ordered spiral curls, albeit of a rather modest size;
  • With invisible people. Another option from the “cheap and cheerful” category, with which you can turn an ordinary bob or bob haircut into a wavy and playful hairstyle. We divide the hair into separate strands. Starting from the tip, twist the hair towards the roots onto your finger, secure the resulting circle with a bobby pin, and so on with each strand. As a result, we will get cute little bumps, which we also spray with varnish. Let it stand for about an hour, after which we remove all the hairpins.
  • Wet hair effect. It is impossible to come up with anything simpler. Apply hair foam to damp hair and actively knead it with your hands until dry. As a result, we will get a slight waviness + volume and very fast! This method works even on the shortest haircuts.

How to make curls on medium hair

The average length gives more room for experimentation, because here the hairs are much easier to style, and it’s much more convenient to work with available products. The easiest way to create curls is to do them using a hair dryer and a round comb. But if you want to do this no harm to hair, you can use these life hacks:

Greek hairstyle. Here you can kill two birds with one stone: walk around with a great hairstyle all day, and by the evening you will also get beautiful curls. This option is simply created for medium-length hair, since long hair will be too heavy for it, and short hair will constantly fall out. So, how to create your masterpiece. Apply a small amount of foam to damp hair, take a special elastic band (there are both simple ones and options with beautiful decor), and put it on your head. From below we distribute the hairs into separate strands, which we tuck into the elastic band. We try to follow the direction so that the curls are twisted in the same direction. This hairstyle can be worn all day, but if you don’t have time, dry it with a hairdryer and enjoy the spectacular waviness;

Rags. Women have always wanted to look good, but unlike us, they were not so spoiled by the abundance of tools and styling products for this. Therefore, I had to show all my ingenuity. The result is a budget-friendly and very effective way to curl your hair without curling irons or curlers. - using regular pieces of fabric. We cut it into strips 15-20 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. We treat slightly damp hair with any styling product and divide it into strands of a convenient thickness.

We twist the hair in the direction from the tip to the roots, trying to curl the curl as tightly as possible. Then we tie the loose ends again, watch the direction of the curl, otherwise the hair will stick out in different directions and you will have to look for an express way to straighten it. This method is most convenient to use for the night, since the strands will have enough time to dry naturally. If you are afraid that the entire structure will fall apart while you sleep, use a shower cap. In the morning, just separate it a little with your fingers.

On stiletto heels. A very convenient method for curling medium hair, which is just enough to distribute evenly over the hairpin. This is a rather unusual method of using it, and at first it is not very clear what can come of it all. Once you've filled your hand, you'll be able to handle curls in minutes. The starting position is still the same: the hair is slightly damp, divided into strands.

The tools you need are foam/mousse/varnish, a comb and the hairpins themselves. Apply a very small amount of foam to the strand and take a hairpin. Starting from the root, we wind the strand around a figure-eight hairpin and secure the tip with a bobby pin. If you need the result as quickly as possible, dry your hair with a hair dryer, but it is better to give it the opportunity to dry on its own, even if it takes several hours. We separate the finished curls a little with our fingers and spray them with varnish.

Poll: How long is your hair?

Maximum length

Long hair has always been outside of fashion trends, because it is a symbol of the gentle female nature. But figuring out how to put them into a simple and effective hairstyle is very difficult, which is why curls have become one of the most popular options. But not every girl will agree to put so much effort and effort into growing it, and then mercilessly destroy the regrown strands with a curling iron, flat iron or curlers. That's why we've made a selection of ways to get curls without damaging a single hair.

We are not talking now about toe-length hair, which is sometimes difficult to curl with devices specially designed for this. But with waist-length hair, the proposed options will do a great job:

Braids. This method has been familiar to us since childhood, when my mother would braid a couple of cute braids for us at night. By slightly transforming the weaving method, you can get chic curls that will retain their shape throughout the day. There is nothing new in the braiding method itself, it’s just that for uniform, beautiful curls you need to start the braid from the top of the head and pass it in waves over the entire head. Aesthetics don’t really matter here, unless you plan to wear this hairstyle all day, try to pull the strands as tight as possible.

It is advisable not to undo the braid earlier than after 3-4 hours, so it is better to braid it at night. And in the morning all we have to do is straighten the curls with our hands and sprinkle them with a little hairspray. You can also curl your Afro curls using braids, but the method is radically different. First, we tie a high ponytail on the top of the head, this will provide us with volume at the roots. Then we weave thin braids from it. To avoid getting a straight protruding end, wrap it around the pigtail and secure it with a small silicone rubber band;

Socks. Yes, yes, you read that right. To create large curls, we will need several pairs of ordinary socks. The principle is the same as with rags (see above), it’s just that here we take large strands. We divide the hair, dried after washing, into several zones, twist the hair on each of them into a separate sock and go to bed with such structures. In the morning we just straighten the curls and enjoy our hairstyle;

Handkerchief. Spiral curls can be done in a way that is absolutely non-traumatic for the hair. For this we only need a couple of scarves or bandanas. Conventionally, we divide the head into two sectors (along the parting or across, if you are going to sleep like that), tie a tight ponytail on each with an elastic band, around which we tie a bandana. We twist damp hair into a spiral around its free edges, turn the tip inward and secure it again with an elastic band. In the morning you will see beautiful spiral strands that need to be carefully separated with your fingers and lightly fixed with hairspray.

Do you need to create beautiful curls, but don’t have a curling iron, curlers, or flat iron at hand? Or do you just don’t want to spoil your beautiful and healthy strands? We know how to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons using grandma's methods, and we will be happy to share this knowledge with you.

Twist your hair in a bun

This method can be safely called the fastest.

  1. We moisten the strands with clean water.
  2. We collect hair in a ponytail.
  3. We twist them into a tight rope.
  4. We wrap it into a bun and secure it with a hairpin.

5. After 6-8 hours, pull out the hairpin and unwind the tourniquet.

6. Beat the curls with your hands and spray with varnish.

We twist our hair into rags

If you like to watch old films, you've probably seen court ladies with their hair sticking out in all directions. The picture, of course, is quite funny, but as a result you will get bouncy curls.

You will need a small piece of any unnecessary fabric (preferably cotton, synthetics will slide through your hair). Cut it into strips and get ready to spend another 10 or 15 minutes on the procedure itself:

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo or moisturize it with plenty of water.

Step 2. Comb them with a comb and divide them into thin strands.

Step 3. Place the tip of each strand on a rag curler.

Step 4. Screw it to the base.

Step 5. Tie the ends of the rag with a knot and move on to the next strand.

Step 6. Wait until the hair is completely dry. This process will take from 6 to 12 hours - it all depends on the air temperature and the thickness of the strands.

Step 7. Remove the rags from the head, straighten the curls with your fingers and fix the styling with varnish.

An alternative to fabric can be pieces of paper, juice straws, and even plastic caps from markers and pens.

Watch 3 more interesting videos:

Beautiful curls with hairpins

You can curl your hair without curlers and curling irons using regular hairpins.

  1. We divide the entire hair into small strands.
  2. We twist each strand inward in the same motion as with curlers.
  3. Having reached the base, we fix the ring with a hairpin or bobby pin.
  4. We continue until all the strands turn into neat rings.

6. We go to bed with this hairstyle, having previously wrapped our heads in a scarf.

7. In the morning, take out the bobby pins and pins from your hair, unwind the rings, beat the curls with your hands and fix everything with varnish.

Headband for beautiful curls

Hair bands are often used to create daily and evening hairstyles. Did you know that with this accessory you can quickly and easily create curly locks?

  1. We put a cloth bandage on the head.
  2. We moisten the hair that is under the elastic with water.
  3. We divide the entire hair into thin strands.
  4. We twist each strand and hook the flagellum under the elastic. We hide the tip in the previous strand.
  5. We wait patiently for several hours.
  6. We unravel the entire structure and form light curls.

Braids for bouncy curls

Traditional braids are the surest way to achieve curls without damaging your hair.

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo or moisten the strands with water.

Step 2. Divide the hair into thin strands (10-20).

Step 3. We braid each strand and tie the end with a thin elastic band.

Step 4. Spray the braids with hairspray.

Step 5. Go to bed.

Step 6. The next morning, undo the braids, form curls and fix with varnish.

Making buns for curly hair

Another great way that will literally take just a few minutes to complete.

  1. Moisturize your hair with clean water.
  2. We divide them into thin strands.
  3. We twist each of them into a tight bundle, and then wind it into a small bundle and secure it with a hairpin.
  4. We go to bed or wait 8-12 hours.
  5. We take out the hairpins from the bundles, unwind the flagella and form the styling.

A few more ways:

Curls with a hair crab

How to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons? Yes, very simple:

  1. Wet the strands generously with water.
  2. We divide them into several parts.
  3. We twist each part into a rope.
  4. We attach the tourniquet to the head using a hair crab.
  5. We repeat this procedure with all parts.
  6. In the morning we remove the crabs from the hair, untwist the flagella and do the styling.

Fabric spikelet for a sophisticated wave

Do you know how to braid a spikelet? That's great! But for wavy hair, you will have to make a small addition in the form of a piece of cotton fabric.

  1. Moisten your hair with water from a spray bottle.
  2. We divide the entire hair into several zones.
  3. We first prepare pieces of fabric according to the number of future spikelets.
  4. We wrap the base of the strand with a cloth and begin to weave a spikelet together with it.
  5. We hide the tip in the middle and tie it with an elastic band.
  6. In the morning, unravel the spikelets and lightly ruffle the hair with your hands.
  7. Spray with varnish.

To keep your curls as long as possible, take note of a little trick. Add a little strong-hold hairspray to the water you will use to wet your hair. During the procedure, regularly dip your hand in this liquid and run it through the strands. Do not comb the finished curls with a comb, they will fluff and create unnecessary volume.

As you can see, creating curls without traditional tools is not that difficult. Use any of your grandmother's recipes and create beauty with your own hands.
