On the cutting edge of trends: protruding “designer” nipples under transparent outfits. Why big nipples? The largest nipple of the female breast

Hello, today we will talk about the integral “decoration” of the female breast - the nipple and areola (NAC). Which form is close to ideal, and which requires correction? Women are quite often dissatisfied with the bust in general and this part of it in particular. So, the types of female nipples, their color and configuration are normal. If this topic interests you, read our article.

NAO zone: main parameters

The nipple-areolar complex is a sensitive, important, functional part of the breast. The SAC is one of the most easily accessible erogenous zones of the female body. And one of the most sensitive. In addition to receiving pleasure, every mother feeds her child with the help of a nipple.

This complex is different:

  • shape;
  • color;
  • areola size;
  • thick.

The complex is represented by a pigmented circle (areola), in the center of which there are protruding natural relatively dense formations (nipples). Its color is determined by the amount of pigment (melanin):

All these are variants of the norm. often depends on the size of the bust as a whole. But this is not an absolute indicator. Sometimes girls with neat breasts have a large nipple-areolar complex.

Main types of areolar zone

In addition to the actual shape of the nipple in women, different areas of the SAC are distinguished:

If you suddenly start growing hair around your areolar area, contact your gynecologist. Perhaps your hormones have gone wild.

Main types of nipples

Gynecologists distinguish 5 main types of nipples:

TypeAppearance of the nipple
ConvexSlightly protruding above the surface of the areola
FlatAlmost merging with the areola (not convenient for breastfeeding)
Plump (conical), merging with the areola
or Glass cutters
Large, cylindrical, visually hard nipples. The SAC area looks like a single whole, like a mound above the gland
Inversely convex (concave, retracted)Pulled inward and require correction, therefore making breastfeeding (breastfeeding) unlikely
AsymmetricalOne nipple has one shape (for example, convex), the other can be flat or concave

Additionally, large soft papillae are sometimes distinguished, like chewing gum (Chewy nipples). By thickness:

  • thick (massive with a wide diameter equal to the diameter of a woman’s little finger or a pencil eraser, Gumdrop type);
  • relatively thin with a small base.

By length they are distinguished:

  • short;
  • long (with a large vertical projection).

The difference is clearly visible in the photo. All this is considered a variant of the norm. Only a nipple with reverse convexity (inverted) requires intervention. Because feeding is impossible with such an anatomy.

A doctor’s consultation is needed if the shape of a woman’s nipple suddenly changes and becomes retracted (this may be a sign of cancer) or if hairs around the areola actively begin to emerge. With active hair growth in the SAH area, there is a risk of hormonal imbalance. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

However, women can adjust the shape and color of the SAC as desired by contacting. Many people do just that, “ordering” a heart-shaped areola or reducing the length of the nipple.

Women's breasts are the object of increased attention of all men without exception and a source of pride for women themselves. However, few people know five surprising facts that will help you take a fresh look at women's nipples. We know little about this seductive part of the breast.

Basically, this is their sensitivity to foreplay, as well as its direct purpose - feeding newborn children. The information will be useful and interesting for both women and men.

We will truly surprise you with the facts we offer and even help you accept some of the features of this part of the body!

Color and size of female nipples: what are the norms

Nipples can come in different shapes, sizes and colors. They are small and large, soft pink or dark in color, almost invisible. Often women with completely white skin have bright nipples, the color of which approaches dark brown. And that's normal and they aren't a sign of some illness.

It is worth knowing that the skin of the areola has red and brown pigments. The predominance of one of them determines the color of the skin in this area. By the way, during pregnancy the areola tends to darken - and this is also a normal phenomenon.

Women's nipples can have different shapes and colors. Shades from light pink to dark brown are normal.

How does piercing and tattooing of female nipples affect sensitivity?

Female nipples and piercings are a rather debated topic. And opinions in this case are radically divided: half of women and men say “yes” to such breast decoration, and the other half say a categorical “no”. And the last opinion is based on the fact that after a puncture the sensitivity of the nipples supposedly decreases. Yes, and there is a risk of infection.

Let’s say right away that piercing does not reduce the sensitivity of the nipples. Often it’s the other way around: it only gets stronger. As for infections, it all depends on whether the technician maintains hygiene in the workplace.

An interesting procedure is nipple tattooing - it helps to correct the shape and also make the color contrast with the skin tone.

Female nipples and piercings are completely compatible concepts. It is only important to choose a qualified craftsman who will maintain 100% hygiene of the workplace and tools. Sensitivity from such manipulation will definitely not decrease!

Hair on female nipples - when it's normal, when it's not

Yes, the area around the areola has hair - it is most often light, small and almost invisible. This is quite normal, and not at all a reason to be ashamed.

You should be wary only if there is a lot of such hair on the nipples, they grow hard and noticeable. This means that the body may have problems at the hormonal level - the predominance of androgens. Contact an endocrinologist who will prescribe all the necessary examinations.

If you strive for the ideal and do not want to see hair on your chest, then there are several solutions to this cosmetic problem:

Careful cutting with nail scissors;
. laser hair removal in a cosmetic clinic.

You cannot pluck hairs with tweezers - they can grow darker and thicker, and grow under the skin.

A little hair on and around the nipples is normal. If they are noticeable only to you upon closer inspection, then you don’t need to do anything about them. However, if they darken or their number increases, consult a doctor, this may be a problem with hormones.

Women have more than two nipples - sometimes it happens

Sometimes people are born with several nipples on their body. This is a kind of “reverse evolution” - an echo of the times when our monkey ancestors had several nipples for feeding their young. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “additional nipples.” And they are located on the body by themselves - breast they will not develop. For some people, they look like moles - nothing more.

It is worth noting that such famous people as Lily Allen, Tilda Swinton and Carrie Underwood were born with three nipples. Of these three, only Carrie Underwood had an extra nipple removed. The rest live quite calmly with this “defect”, considering it an integral part of their own individuality.

The third nipple on the body is one of the normal options. Therefore, there is no need to remove it or fear that a third breast will grow out of it. But if you have complexes about this, contact a qualified surgeon.

Inverted female nipples - norm and pathology

Some women's nipples have an inverted shape - that is, they seem to point inward to the breast. And this is also normal. There is no need to fear that this is a sign of illness and run to the doctor. Although it’s worth turning to it, because the only real drawback of this form is possible problems with feeding the baby .

Otherwise, inverted nipples do not pose any danger. The exception is if they previously had a “normal” shape, and then suddenly changed it. In this case, be sure to consult a female doctor - this is a dangerous factor and may indicate oncology.

Inverted female nipples are one of the normal variants. The only problem with them is that they can interfere with the baby's feeding. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor for additional examination.

Female nipples can be of different shapes and colors, small hairs grow on them, and there may also be not two, but three. All this makes each representative of the fair sex unique and inimitable. You should not think that there is some ideal shape or color, breast size and nipples themselves.

Nature intended diversity, so you shouldn’t be ashamed of your breasts just because they don’t look like the ones that a popular film actress or singer proudly “wears.”

Moreover, even famous people are not perfect - remember, for example, Lily Allen, who has three instead of two nipples. And she considers the “extra” nipple to be her highlight and is not going to remove it! Your breasts are definitely a reason to love yourself as you are.

You may be interested in: How to work with the shortcomings of your appearance.

The transparent fashion has brought a new beauty trend: many media figures in the West now flaunt their breasts clearly visible through their clothes.

This trend is not only loved by men: girls, it turns out, are also delighted with protruding nipples and want exactly the same ones “like Kendall’s.” All kidding aside, plastic surgeons are indeed seeing a surge in demand for surgeries to create “designer nipples.”

(Total 17 photos)

Modern girls like to show off their assets. You don’t have to go far: either Bella Hadid will appear at an event in a transparent Dior dress, or Gigi will come to a party in a T-shirt without a bra. And translucent nipples are an integral part of the image.

Bella Hadid boldly wears a tight translucent tank top over her naked body.

Her friend Kendall acts the same way.

Simple breast augmentation is no longer new, and there is something more interesting. American plastic surgeons note that more and more women are coming in demanding nipples like those of Kendall Jenner or Bella Hadid.

Bella Hadid.

The trend to “tuning” nipples has emerged in the West in the last six months and has reached its maximum closer to summer. It was caused by the fashion to wear a transparent top or clothes made of thin materials without a bra so that the nipples were visible. “You see a lot of celebrities now wearing see-through dresses,” say plastic surgeons in the US.

Rihanna, Sienna Miller, Rita Ora and Island Baldwin are just a few who set the trend for “protruding” nipples. Since December 2016, the demand for this procedure has increased 4 times!

Scout Willis.

So what exactly is the operation codenamed “Like Kendall”? Firstly, the doctor makes the nipples and areolas symmetrical - that is, he literally adjusts them to size. Secondly, it corrects the color. Some women want to make the shade lighter: then a laser is used. And if dark, then tattoo. Well, and the most important thing is the size: the surgeon models the nipples and makes them more convex. And after the operation and the recovery period, all that’s left to do is put on as transparent and tight-fitting a top as possible!

Kendall Jenner.

Trends are set by designers (Kendall Jenner at the show).

Gigi Hadid.

Sienna Miller.

Kylie Jenner.

Rita Ora.

Bella Thorne.

The very existence of breasts raised many questions among men. In 1300, the physician Henri de Mondeville wrote to the king about three reasons for placing the breast in this place:

  1. This is how you can see her best.
  2. Breasts warm the heart.
  3. Breast weight helps women maintain abdominal strength.

By 1840, knowledge about breasts was still very limited. Thus, the doctor Asti Cooper said that breasts help lower-class women withstand very strong blows in fights (beatings due to drunkenness).

Let's figure out what is now known about breasts and nipples and how to properly treat them.

Breast structure

The breast consists of adipose tissue, lobules, milk duct, and Cooper's ligaments. The lobules produce milk, the milk duct delivers it to the nipple, and Cooper's ligaments support the breast and give it shape.


Many women have different breast sizes, and this is normal. Paired organs are not perfectly symmetrical.

Facts about breasts and nipples

1. Nipples may not always be the center of pleasure.

Dr. Debbie Herbenick, author of The Coregasm Workout, says the nipples may not be the most sensitive spot, even on the chest. For example, some people's upper and sides of the chest may be more sensitive, or even the most sensitive on the body.

Dr. Lowe has made a separate video on how to properly touch your breasts. Take a look to understand the scale of missed opportunities.

2. Orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible

Researchers Sex on the brain: What turns women on, mapped out. from Rutgers University used MRI to show that nipple stimulation activates the same nervous system as genital and clitoral stimulation. True, nothing compares to the effect of exposure. The nervous system is the same, but the force of influence is different.


So, theoretically, an orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible, but it is still rare.

3. Evolution has neglected male nipples

Women need nipples to remove milk and feed their offspring. But the purpose of male nipples has long been an object of scientific interest. The fact is that nipples are formed in the womb before the genitals, since men and women are created using the same genetic code.

At 6–7 weeks of pregnancy, a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that lead to the development of the testes, the organs that produce and store sperm. After about 9 weeks of pregnancy, the testes begin to produce testosterone, changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. But by this time the nipples are already formed. Therefore, they remain a rudimentary formation.

Scientists believe that over time, nipples in men did not disappear because it was not important for evolution.

4. Nipples come in different sizes, shapes and colors

Many women worry about the way their nipples look, but you shouldn't. Dark, upside down, big, small, brown, light - this is all the norm. Here is the whole variety of nipples in nature.


Areolas, the colored areas of skin around the nipples, are just as diverse. They can be darker or lighter, very small or large. And areola hair is normal. Throughout life, the amount of hair on them changes. And during pregnancy, nipples and areolas may become larger and darker.

The small bumps on the areola are called areolar glands, or Montgomery glands. They are named after the scientist William Montgomery, who first described them in 1837. They are also sometimes called “gummy bears.” The fact that they exist is normal, but their purpose is unknown.

Elisa Port, chief of breast surgery at Sinai Medical Center, says the areolar glands can secrete small amounts of fluid, but they have no special function. Another school of thought is that because of the texture of the glands, babies may use them to find their way to the nipple. But this is just a guess.

5. Three nipples are not that uncommon

Harry Styles and Mark Wahlberg live with three nipples. Statistics confirm that this anomaly, also called a supernatural nipple, is more common in men. Rates range from 0.22% to 5.6%.

In theory, extra nipples can appear along the milk lines, which start in the armpits on each side and end in the groin.

Usually this is still one extra nipple. But there is a man Seven nipples in a male: World’s second case report. with seven nipples and a man with a nipple on his foot Case report: ectopic nipple on the sole of the foot, an unexplained anomaly..

6. During menstruation, breasts become dense and nipples become hypersensitive.

Dr. Sherry Ros says this is due to an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone 1-2 weeks before.

If you are someone who suffers from PMS, your breasts will become firmer, heavier, and more sensitive during your period. The nipples may even be painful when touched by clothing. It's best to avoid caffeine and tobacco during your period, as they can increase these side effects.

7. Implants will not interfere with breastfeeding

The implants are inserted behind the breast or behind a muscle, so they will not affect breastfeeding.

But the pleasant sensations from touching will decrease - both in the nipples and in the chest. Even complete loss of sensitivity is possible. Research Nipple-Areola Complex Sensitivity after Primary Breast Augmentation: A Comparison of Periareolar and Inframammary Incision Approaches. They also showed a connection between the size of the implant and sensations: the larger it is, the lower the sensitivity.

Breast reduction can affect feeding, and it is almost impossible to predict - much depends on the operation. If the nipple is displaced during this procedure, the milk ducts will be cut out and breastfeeding will be impossible. However, more and more operations are being done so as not to damage the nerves under the nipple and ensure blood supply.

It is better to warn doctors in advance if you plan to breastfeed in the future. Ask if the operation can be done in a way that preserves the milk ducts.

8. Breastfeeding is harder than it seems

There is a myth about the naturalness and ease of breastfeeding. But in reality everything turns out differently. If you're having problems, don't be afraid to ask your doctors for help or see a lactation specialist.

In addition, breastfeeding has consequences in the form of cracked and bleeding nipples. It's not harmful to your health, but it can be incredibly painful, so you won't want to breastfeed anymore.

During this period, your nipples need to be looked after and moisturized. Consult your doctor and find out which ointment is best for you to use. If the ointment does not help, contact a specialist again. You may have a yeast infection. It is easy to cure, you just need to notice it in time.

Inverted nipples can also interfere with breastfeeding - it will be difficult for the baby to latch on to them. In this case, silicone nipple shields will help. They apply pressure to the areolas and nipples and break the small adhesions that hold the nipple in place.

9. Breast cancer doesn't care about gender

Yes, the ratio is different: every eighth woman and every thousandth man can get breast cancer, but this is not a reason to forget about the problem.

If you feel that your breasts have changed or you feel some kind of lump, be sure to consult a doctor. Watch your nipples. If they peel, become crusty, harden, secrete fluid, or have scratches, go to the hospital. These recommendations are important for both women and men.

Here you can see how to check your breasts:

And also - touch your breasts more often. Research has proven UC Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. that it is not only pleasant, but will also help in the fight against breast cancer.

Nipples are mysterious things. Everyone has them and they provide the first nourishment many of us receive in life, yet they remain taboo. How much do we really know about nipples? The answer to this question may surprise you.

10. Look mom, there are no nipples!

We are so used to seeing nipples on people's chests that it is difficult for us to even imagine what a person would look like without them. However, missing nipples are a very real problem for people who suffer from alyea, a rare genetic disorder that prevents nipple development in the womb. People suffering from this condition are born with either one nipple or no nipples at all.

Atelia may be harmless in itself, but for most people it is a symptom of a medical condition known as congenital ectodermal dysplasia or Yunis-Varon syndrome. Congenital ectodermal dysplasia is a genetic disorder that can interfere with the normal development or function of teeth, hair, nails, and sweat glands. There are about 7,000 patients with this diagnosis worldwide.

Those people who suffer from Younis-Varon syndrome are even less fortunate. In addition to the problems with ectodermal tissues caused by congenital ectodermal dysplasia, the disease also affects their skeletal system, respiratory system and heart. The disease was first discovered in the 1980s, and fewer than 15 cases have been reported since then. While people with congenital ectodermal dysplasia can lead relatively normal lives if they give their condition and its treatment the proper attention, many people with Younis-Varon syndrome do not survive infancy.

9. Nipple prostheses

For those who are not at all aware of this, wooden prosthetic legs and iron hooks are no longer the only prosthetic legs available on the market. For those who want to get nipple prostheses, there are a variety of options. However, prosthetic nipples were created for a much nobler purpose than fashion, namely to provide emotional and psychological assistance to patients suffering from breast cancer.

The most proven way to get rid of breast cancer and prevent its recurrence is a surgical procedure called a mastectomy. This procedure involves the complete or partial removal of one or both breasts, which often involves the loss of the nipples. Women who have had to undergo a mastectomy experience a state of severe psychological distress caused by the loss of breasts and nipples, including a noticeable decrease in the desire to have sex. For these women, dentures provide a low-cost, risk-free alternative to costly and painful surgical repairs, and have seen a strong rise in popularity in recent years. Due to the fact that stress can be very detrimental to proper recovery after surgery and can even trigger the growth of cancer cells, nipple prostheses can even be called a life-saver.

Japan is home to some pretty weird subcultures and fashion trends, the latest of which is the obsession with pink nipples. Because permanent nipple discoloration methods, such as tattooing, can be painful and expensive, some people have turned to nipple cosmetics. The advantage of such cosmetics for nipples is that users can choose the color they like from a huge variety of colors, so that it matches their preferences or even their mood. With this nipple makeup, you can have a new nipple color every day, just like facial makeup.

However, Japan does not have a monopoly on nipple makeup; they were not even the first to invent it. The race for perfectly plush and pink breast tips began many centuries ago, namely during the Renaissance. In those days of chivalry and romance, the Venetian ladies of the court had a few secrets up their sleeves to please their knights in shining armor. One of these secretions was called "Levante cloth" (pezzuola di Levante), a small piece of material colored with pigment and used to give a beautiful reddish tint to the lips, cheeks and nipples.

In the modern world, one of the companies that was the first to produce decorative cosmetics for nipples was a company from the USA. In 1977, a San Francisco-based cosmetics company called Benefit decided to fulfill an order from an exotic dancer who wanted makeup “that would make her nipples stand out and appear pinker.” The result was a product called Benetint, which was typically used to tint lips and cheeks, but was created for use on any part of the body that a person desired to appear redder.

7. Women's crown

Koro is a cultural psychological disorder predominantly affecting Southeast Asian men. The disorder is characterized by intense paranoia, consisting of the fear that their penis is being retracted into their body. However, koro can also affect women, although it is much less common. Women who suffer from Koro believe that their nipples are retracting into their breasts, which may also be accompanied by a sudden retraction of their labia.

Traditionally, female koro is caused by possession by an evil female ghost or fox spirit. To treat this ailment, it is recommended to make loud noises, usually using a gong or fireworks, to scare away the ghost. If intimidating the ghost doesn't work, the next course of action is to drive it out by inflicting pain. The sufferer's head is first covered with a fish net, and then she is brutally beaten with branches. Her nipples are pulled back during the exorcism to prevent them from disappearing, which is believed to cause instant death.

It may seem rather strange that shrinking the private parts of the body can be fatal, but it must be borne in mind that in this matter everything comes down to yin and yang, the corresponding negative feminine and positive masculine forces of Chinese philosophy. An imbalance of these forces in the body is believed to lead to numerous diseases, depending on which part of the body is affected by the imbalance, which can lead to death. Koro is considered one of the diseases that appears as a result of an imbalance of yin and yang.

6. Nipple orgasms

Orgasms caused solely by nipple stimulation may seem ridiculous to most of us, but brain mapping studies have recently revealed its miraculous possibilities. Researchers at Rutgers University used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to look at the brain activity of women touching their bodies in different places. When women were asked to stimulate their nipples, the data collected showed that nipple stimulation lit up the same part of the brain associated with genital stimulation, leading the researchers to believe it had the same effect.

Before men start feeling left out, it's worth noting that there is good news for them too. Initial data from the study showed that the same response was observed in men.

5. The strongest nipples in the world

Anyone unlucky enough to have a purple nipple is painfully aware of how sensitive nipples can be, but for Sage Werbock, nipple sensitivity makes absolutely no difference. Werbok, who is best known by his stage name "The Great Nippulini", built his career as a nipple strongman, lifting or dragging heavy objects with his nipples.

Werbock was inspired to make a living from his Herculean nipples when he saw videos of strongmen lifting heavy things with their chests. He noticed that he had larger nipples than them and wondered if he could use his nipples instead of breasts to lift weights. He was absolutely right: The Great Soskiney can lift 32 kilograms on each nipple, which is why he broke the world record for the heaviest weight lifted by nipples in 2009. Apparently, having only one record was not enough for him, so he set another one in 2011, pulling a vehicle weighing 1,000 kilograms over a distance of 20 meters. Werbock accomplished these feats despite suffering an accident in 2004 in which one of his nipples was partially torn off during a performance. Even though it sounds pretty terrible, he stated that it didn't cause him any pain.

4. Fashionably exposed nipples

When we imagine women from centuries past, we always think of tightly laced dresses, modest clothing, and definitely not their nipples on full display. However, recent research into medieval fashion has shed new light on the topic. It seems that our venerable ancestors may not have been so different from modern people; in some ways, they were even more courageous. For example, bare breasts with nipples on display were a fashion trend among fashion-conscious ladies between the 14th and 18th centuries.

It all started with Agnes Sorel, mistress of the French King Charles the VII. Since King Charles's wife preferred to stay at home to care for her children rather than gallop around the court, Agnes soon took on these regal duties, acting as the king's consort during public ceremonies and functions. Given her influence over the king and her constant presence at court, Agnes gained great influence over the nobles, especially the women. Being one of the most beautiful women of her age, she loved to show off her feminine charms, in particular, to flaunt her wonderful breasts. She often deliberately ordered designs for her dresses that allowed her to expose one or both of her breasts, and many ladies of the court followed her example. Agnes's nipple-exposing antics became so outrageous to the Church that the bishop sent a complaint to the king, demanding that her sinful actions be stopped.

A few decades after Agnes's death, an influential noblewoman from Mantua named Isabella d'Este revived the fashion in the Italian and French courts. It was so successful that even the Queen of France joined in the nipple-baring fun. During this period, ladies of the court were so concerned with maintaining the perfect shape of their breasts and nipples that they hired wet nurses to feed their children, thus saving them from the disfiguring effects of breastfeeding.

3. Drugged nipples

Thailand is a beautiful country, rich in magnificent natural wonders and a piquant cultural heritage that attracts every traveler. The country has become one of the most visited destinations in recent years, making the tourism industry one of the largest industries. Much of the industry caters to the sexual appetites of foreigners, thanks to the country's liberal prostitution laws. The Thai gangs soon turned their attention to fleecing these wealthy tourists.

These gangs have a strange operating pattern that was discovered in 1997 after several gang members in the seaside resort of Pattaya were arrested during an investigation into the deaths of more than a dozen tourists due to drug overdoses. Their strategy is simple and irresistible: a woman or kathoey (transsexual) who is a gang member drugs her nipples, lures an unsuspecting tourist to a hotel room or other secluded place, and encourages him to lick her nipples, which knocks him unconscious. A couple of minutes. When the victim wakes up, he has nothing left except the clothes he is wearing. Thai police deny it's still going on, but if you're thinking about a holiday in Asia, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to cute strangers.

2. Polythelia or accessory nipples

Photo: Zureks

Human nipples usually grow in pairs, but thanks to some quirks of nature, 1-5 percent of the population has more than two nipples. Extra nipples, which are a condition called polythelia, typically appear along the milk lines of the torso, an evolutionary holdover from our multi-nipple ancestors. However, they can also grow on other parts of the body - one woman even had a well-formed nipple, complete with a halo and sucker hairs, growing on her leg. Because most extra nipples are not fully formed, they are often mistaken for moles or warts, meaning some people don't even know they have them.

In medieval times, extra nipples were called "witches' nipples" or "witches' marks" and were considered a sign that the wearer was in communication with devilish powers. Demonologists of the period believed that the extra nipple was used by witches to feed demons or similar creatures with their blood. These days, there is no longer a negative stigma associated with having extra nipples. In recent years, even some famous personalities have admitted that they have them.

1. Sucking the king's nipples

Royal ceremonies are undoubtedly very interesting to watch. However, if modern monarchs followed the same ceremonies and traditions as the ancient Irish, such ceremonies would be rated at least PG-13. To the ancient Celtic peoples, the king's nipples were considered sacred, and they demonstrated their submission through the ritual of sucking his nipples during royal ceremonies.

However, ancient Ireland was not always such a safe place for a king's nipples. Scientists examining the ancient remains of bodies found in the Irish moors have suggested that ritual mutilation of the nipples on these bodies is a sign that they belonged to high-ranking royal figures. It was precisely because the king's nipples were considered so important that cunning pretenders to the throne would often devise devious schemes to cut off the nipples of their opponents; furthermore, when a king admitted defeat in a war or was overthrown by his own men, his nipples would be cut off before he was killed.

In addition, it was believed that the king served as the consort of the Celtic fertility goddess, which in turn meant that famines or epidemics were the result of her dissatisfaction with her husband. In order to appease her and attract abundance to the lands, a sacrifice was needed. As a result, every time any misfortune happened in the kingdom, the king had to part with his nipples.
