The world around us May 9 in the senior group. Lesson notes on "Victory Day" nood. Middle group “A” “Butterflies”

Program content: give an idea about the Victory Day holiday: learn to tell stories, answer questions, express your point of view, express positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading poems about Victory Day and listening to songs about Victory Day, cultivate respect for veterans.

1. The teacher suggests listening to the song “Victory Day” (music by D. Tukhmanov).
-What is this song about?
-What can you say about her? Is she cheerful, sad, solemn?
-When is Victory Day celebrated?
2. The teacher's story about the war.
On May 9, our country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day.
The war began on a summer Sunday, June 22.
There were no signs of trouble. And suddenly the radio announced that the war had begun.
War... What a terrible word.
They fought for the freedom of our Motherland on land, in the air and at sea.
-Who fought the enemies on earth? (Soldiers, artillerymen, tankmen).

-Who fought with opponents in the sky? (Pilots)

-And who fought the battles at sea? (Sailors, sailors)

Those who won and survived this war are called veterans.

On this day, for many years in a row, veterans have been congratulated by all the people of our country, given flowers, and thanked for defending our country from the enemy.
Flowers and wreaths are laid at the monuments. In the evening, the sky lights up with festive fireworks.
In our city there is also a monument to fallen soldiers - the monument to the Unknown Soldier. On May 9, residents of our city will lay flowers in memory of the soldiers who died on the battlefield.

3. The outdoor game “Airplanes” is played.

4. Children read poems about the war and Victory Day.

Robert Rozhdestvensky
On Earth
mercilessly small
lived and lived
small man.
He had a service
And a very small briefcase.
He received a salary
And one day -
beautiful morning -
knocked on his window
it seemed
They gave him a machine gun
They gave him boots
The helmet was issued
and small -
by size -
...And when he fell -
in an attacking cry
turning his mouth out,
then all over the earth
wasn't enough
to knock the guy out
in full growth!

Olga Maslova Thank you to the Heroes of Victory!!! Thanks to the heroes, Thanks to the soldiers, For giving PEACE, Then - in forty-five!!!

You won VICTORY with blood and sweat. You were young, now you are already grandfathers. WE WILL NEVER FORGET THIS VICTORY!!! Let the PEACEFUL sun shine on all people!!! May happiness and joy live on the planet!!! After all, peace is very necessary - for both adults and children!!!

Andrey Usachev What is Victory Day? What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day? This is a festive fireworks display: Fireworks fly into the sky Scattering here and there. What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is my grandfather's album. These are fruits and sweets, These are the smells of spring... What is Victory Day - This means no war.

FCCM. The topic is “Conversation about Victory Day.”

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about how the Russian people defended their country during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them.

Learn to answer questions in complete sentences, use synonyms and adjectives in speech.

To cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, and take care of them.

Activation of words: fighter, warrior, veterans, valiant, fearless.

Previous work:

Reading stories: S. Baruzdin “For the Motherland”, “Glory”, V. Tvardovsky “The Tankman’s Story”; memorizing T. Belozerov’s poem “Victory Day”, examining reproductions, illustrations, sets of postcards about the war.

Preparation for the lesson:

We prepared an exhibition with illustrations depicting the battles of the Great Patriotic War, war heroes, about the celebration of Victory Day, prepared the text of the poem “The Tankman’s Tale”, audio recordings: “The Holy War” and “Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major” by I.S. Bach, illustrations of medals.

Progress of the lesson:

May 9 is the most important holiday celebrated in our country. What kind of holiday is this? (Victory Day). Who remembers what kind of victory this was? Over whom? (Above the fascists). That's right kids. It was a terrible and long war. It lasted for four whole years. Early on a June morning, Nazi Germany attacked our peaceful country. The Nazis wanted to take over our country and turn our people into slaves. Everyone rose up to defend the Motherland, our army, women, old people, even children. Listen to the song that called on the people to fight the enemy, it’s called “Holy War.”

Get up, the country is huge

Stand up for mortal combat

With fascist dark power

With the damned horde.

May the rage be noble

Boils like a wave

There is a people's war going on

Holy war.

What was the name of this war? Who won this war? When did the war end?

At the very beginning of the war, the Nazis came very close to Moscow, the capital of our Motherland. But our brave soldiers did not allow the Nazis to approach Moscow, but themselves went on the offensive. This war was difficult, difficult and terrible; many people died in it. But the long-awaited Victory Day has arrived. Our valiant warriors drove out the Nazis and themselves came to Berlin. This happened on May 9, 1945. And since then, every resident of our country and residents of other countries celebrate this holiday.

May holiday - Victory Day

Celebrated by the whole country

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the ceremonial parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

The grandmothers look after them.

(T. Belozerov)

Soldiers and ordinary people performed many feats during the Great Patriotic War. For this, the government of our country awarded them military orders and medals. The most important award was the Golden Star, there were also the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star; medal "For Courage"; Order of Glory. (shown in illustrations).

There were many such people, because our people fought bravely and won. But not everyone lived to see the Great Victory. So that no one would forget the valiant heroes and their exploits, many monuments were built throughout the country in memory of war heroes, mass graves in which soldiers killed in battle were buried. Let's remember M. Issakovsky's poem “Remember Forever” (children read the poem).

Wherever you go or go,

But stop here

To the grave this way

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are - fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd, -

Remember forever - here lies

Your very best friend.

And for you and for me

He did everything he could.

He did not spare himself in battle,

And he saved his homeland.

(A minute of silence is declared in memory of the victims.)

In our village of Sergievsky, the memory of war heroes is also sacredly revered and cherished. In the center of the village, at the monument to Fallen Heroes, people who died in battles during the Great Patriotic War are remembered.

But there are few participants in the war left: many years have passed since the Victory Day. Our government takes care of its heroes and helps them. You, too, must treat the war veterans and all older people with respect and gratitude. They defended our Motherland and preserved peace on Earth. And we have one Motherland (children read Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Motherland”).

If they say the word Motherland

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch tree - shy

And a chamomile hillock...

And others probably remember

Your native Suzemsky yard.

The first boats are in the puddles,

Where was the skating rink recently?

And a large neighboring factory

Loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold...

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

This concludes our lesson. Take care of your Motherland, grow up honest and courageous, brave.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of the preparatory school group "Road Signs".

Prepared by the teacher of the MDOU TsRR d/s No. 15 “Orlyonok” Epifanovskaya O.V.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about warning, prohibitory, prescriptive, information and directional road signs and service signs. Develop spatial orientation skills and conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life. give an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and drive around the city correctly, to develop the ability to navigate the main road signs; develop logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment.

Equipment: presentation “Road Signs”, cards with individual lessons, markers.

OD move.

Guys, let's hold hands and give each other smiles and good mood. (all children and teacher stand in a circle)

We will hold hands together and smile at each other.

R There is a sound, an email has arrived. We read together with the children.

Educator: It’s interesting what’s in the letter. Formados people write to us and they ask us for help.

“Hello children. At night, on our planet Formados, robots ruined all the road signs. They believe that no one needs road signs, because no one knows what they mean anyway. Help us please! Otherwise, disaster will happen!”

Guys, what do you think could happen if there are no road signs on the city streets?

Sample answers from children:

Drivers will not know how fast they can go.

Pedestrians will not be able to cross the road.

Drivers will not know where to refuel and wash their car.

How can we help the Formados people restore order in the city?

We need to tell the robots what the signs mean.

New signs need to be drawn.

Do you know the traffic signs? Can you tell the robots, robots, what the signs mean?

I will ask Tatyana Valerievna to film your answers, and after class we will send a video letter to the Formados students. Do you agree? Well, let's begin.

The presentation “Road Signs” is on the screen. The teacher asks riddles, the children find the desired sign and point to it with the mouse.


Don't load the car here

Don't park, don't brake.

This sign tells everyone:

“He who stands here is wrong.”

When you need food,

Then come here.

Hey driver, pay attention!

Food station coming soon!

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrians pass!

There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!

They wander here in the middle of the road

Moose, wolves, rhinoceroses.

You, driver, don't rush,

Let the hedgehogs pass first!

This sign sounds the alarm -

This is a dangerous turn!

Of course you can go here,

Just be very careful -

Don't overtake anyone

Do not change passengers.

There is not just one sign here, but many:

There's a railroad here!

Rails, sleepers and tracks -

Don't joke with the train.

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

You named everything correctly, well done! You know a lot of road signs. And now let’s play the game “Funny Traffic Light”.

Tell us, why do we need a traffic light? (Traffic light regulates traffic)

Listen carefully: if the light turns red, stand still - the path is dangerous; yellow if it lights up, you need to clap, don’t be lazy; The green light says: “You can stomp - the path is open!” So, is the task clear? Then let's begin!

Well done! You were attentive and everything worked out for you.

Guys, what else can we do to help the inhabitants of the planet Formados? I invite you to consider situations on the road and answer the questions.

Children take cards with individual tasks (work in pairs). The teacher asks questions for the assignments, the children answer and complete the assignments.

TO When all the children have finished, we collect the cards in an envelope and send them by mail to the planet Formados during a walk.

Bottom line. Today we helped the Formados people. We told them about the rules of the road and the meaning of road signs. I think they will be very grateful to you.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.

Middle group “A” “Butterflies”.

Teachers: Kondakova N.A.,Epifanovskaya O.V..

Equipment: video projector, sets of Nikitin cubes according to the number of children, hoops, geometric set, skittles, prickly track.

Characters: Presenter, Dunno.

Hello, dear guests! Today is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. And today we will go on an exciting journey through space!

Dunno runs in.


Yeah! They wanted to fly away without me!

Who are you?


Well, here's your time! They don't even know who I am! I am a great astronaut! I was the first to be in space! I - ….

Children, was it really Yuri Gagarin himself who came to us? Well, hello, we are very glad to see you, sorry for not recognizing you right away.


No, I'm not Gagarin! I don't even know who this guy is.

Presenter (addresses the children):

Do you guys know who Yuri Gagarin is?

Children's answers. After the children's answers, tell a little about the first cosmonaut,

slide number 1 Portrait of Gagarin.

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first person to fly into space and spent as much as 108 minutes in orbit of our planet! He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year.


Oh, just think, 108 minutes! I could have spent the full 200 minutes there! And you, Gagarin, Gagarin!

Well, you're a liar! And you haven’t even introduced yourself to us yet!


I don’t even know whether to introduce myself to you now or not.

And I think I already know who you are. You are Dunno!


Well, somehow it didn’t even become interesting. I'll leave you.

Wait, don't go! Stay, I think you will still be interested in us!


Well, let me stay, but I don’t know if I’ll be interested.

And you stay and watch. And we're leaving! Now let's imagine that we are young cosmonauts. And we are going to make a space trip to all the planets of the solar system, and then return home to Earth.

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.


And what are you going to travel with?

Children's answers (on a rocket)


The rocket still needs to be built...

The task is to assemble a rocket.

Children assemble a rocket from Nikitin's cubes.

Host: Well, now we can go. We take our seats in the rocket.

Relay race “Team “To the start!” "

In front of the rocket, the leader holds a hoop that marks the hatch. The child climbs through the hoop and gets into the rocket.

1. Mercury - Slide No. 2

Here we are on Mercury! Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, it is closest to the Sun, it has no atmosphere, its temperature constantly fluctuates, and its surface is covered with craters.

And in order for us to safely continue our space journey, we need to complete the task.

Assignment: Children form 2 circles, one team around a red hoop, the other around a blue hoop.

Game "Rocket".

Teams walk around hoops and say words.

Fast rockets are waiting for us,

For walks on the planets,

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

The children run away in all directions.

After the words:

But there is one secret in the game,

There is no room for latecomers.

Children should gather near the hoops of their color and hold hands.

Dunno: All crews completed this task on this planet, we can fly further. We begin the countdown (all in unison): “3, 2, 1, start! »

2. Venus - slide No. 3

Presenter: Venus is the second planet of the solar system, almost the same in size as the Earth, its surface is hidden by thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and it is covered with volcanoes, craters, and mountains.

Task: space music sounds, you need to dance the dance of the stars.

Children are dancing.

3. Mars - slide No. 4

Game “Say the Word.”

Presenter: the fourth most distant planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system. On the surface of the planet there are craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts. There are 2 natural satellites - Phobos and Demos.

Assignment: aliens meet us on Mars, they don’t know how to speak in our language, you need to explain with gestures what you want:

Swim across the river

Have a delicious breakfast

Fly like a bird

Play football

Game "Confusion: Jump and Leap"


Let's test your playful, jumping, jumping energy and cosmic attentiveness! If I shout: “Jump,” then you, jumping, loudly and unanimously respond: “Jump!” And if I shout: “Jump!”, then you all jump up and answer: “Jump.” Do you remember? Let's begin!

4. Jupiter slide No. 5

Presenter: the fifth planet from the Sun, the largest in the Solar System.

Assignment: you need to solve space riddles.

Space mysteries

The clear firmament is beautiful

There are many fables about him.

They won't let you lie to me,

It's like animals live there.

There is a beast of prey in Russia,

Look - he's in heaven now!

On a clear night it glows -

Big Dipper).

And the bear is with her child,

A kind, nice little bear.

It glows next to mom

Small... (Ursa).

Planet with a crimson tint.

In military paint, boastful.

Like pink satin

The planet is shining... (Mars).

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

We need a powerful... (telescope).

A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it quickly... (rocket).

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English, astronaut,

And in Russian... (cosmonaut).

There is a special pipe

The Universe is visible in it,

See the stars Kaleidoscope

Astronomers in. (telescope)

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the Universe -. (comet)

There is a special spacecraft,

He sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler,

An artificial one flies in orbit. (satellite)

Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep

She can't sleep

There is light in the sky for us. (Moon)

5. Saturn – slide No. 6

Narrator: The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. Saturn is surrounded by rings that consist of particles of ice, rocks and dust. There are 62 satellites orbiting the planet. Titan is the largest of them.

Assignment: When preparing to perform various tasks in space orbit, in order to feel comfortable in a state of weightlessness, you need to practice properly. Collect as many scattered parts as possible from one of the spaceship's solar batteries.

6. Uranus – slide No. 7

Presenter: the seventh most distant planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the coldest planet in the solar system with a temperature of 224 °C. Uranus' core is composed primarily of ice and rock. Has 27 satellites.

Assignment: the inhabitants of the planet love poetry very much, so you need to tell them any poem (2-3 people).

On this planet, tests of agility, agility and endurance are carried out.

For example, a game with skittles. The game starts with 6 (4, 5, 7) people. They walk to the music around the 5 pins (3, 4, 6). As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the pin. Those who didn't have time sit down.

7. Neptune – slide No. 8

Presenter: The eighth and most distant planet of the solar system. It has 12 satellites, the largest being Triton. In the atmosphere of Neptune, the strongest winds among the planets of the solar system rage; their speeds can reach 2100 km/h. The core consists of ice and rocks.

Assignment: This planet has a very uneven surface. You need to walk along the path carefully so as not to fall into the crater.

8. Earth – slide No. 9

Presenter: the third planet of the solar system, the only one inhabited by living beings. The surface of the earth is covered with the World Ocean, continents, and islands. Earth's satellite is the Moon.

Presenter: Hurray! We returned home again to Earth. Now you and I know what planets are in our solar system, how many there are and what they are called. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!

Did you like our trip, Dunno?


Yes, it’s great here, I’ve learned so many new and interesting things. But it's time for me to go home! I’ll go tell Znayka what I learned. He'll be surprised!

Dunno runs away.

You are viewing: Home > Pedagogical and methodological activities > Summary of direct educational activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world on the topic: “Heroic pages of the Great Patriotic War”

Middle group.

Explanatory note.

2015 is an anniversary year in the history of our country. 70 years of the Great Victory! 70 years of memory of the Great Feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! There are so few left of those who gave us Victory! Veterans grow old and leave... How sometimes this thought aches in my chest... How many more words of gratitude for our bright future I want to say to them and bow deeply... We remember their feat! We are proud of the great sons of our mighty country! We will carry this memory and preserve it for centuries!

It is at preschool age that we begin to introduce children to such a terrible concept as war. We reveal the concepts: soldier, troops, army, Motherland, feat, veterans. In such classes, we not only introduce children to the history of the Great Patriotic War, but also strive to instill pride, respect, and appreciation for peace in our Motherland in the soldiers who gave their strength, health, and even their lives in this terrible battle.

It becomes very scary if

You hear the terrible word “war”.

Over the planet, over the whole world

She stretches out her black hands.

Does anyone really need this?

So that the cities burn with fire,

So that children hide in fear

And they forgot about the light forever.

I want the sun to shine

But not only over our country,

So that children all over the planet

Smiled with me

So that they wake up in the morning

And we saw the sun in the window,

And not the black smoke of fires,

Creeping along the ground.

Don't let this happen in your dreams,

And only my mother will dream

Or the golden sun,

Spring day, native land...

(Lines from the Internet).

Target: introduce the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Tasks: explain what the term “Great Patriotic War” means; to give the idea that it was liberating; develop the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia; to cultivate a sense of pride in their people, the desire to be persistent and able to defend their homeland.

Preliminary work: reading poems and stories about the war, reading stories about the exploits of soldiers, watching videos and photos of the war years, memorizing poems about the Second World War.


Multimedia equipment (laptop, projector, screen), presentation “The Great Patriotic War”, Audio recording of the sounds of bombing, Levitan songs “Holy War”, “Victory Day”.

Illustrations on the theme “The Great Patriotic War”; poster “Motherland is calling!” "; illustrations of fields, soldiers, army; photographs of WWII veterans, illustrations of preserved items after the war. Sheets of black paper, old toothbrushes, paints diluted in saucers with water.

Integration: communication, socialization, music, artistic creativity.

GCD move.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the Great Patriotic War and our defenders who defended our country during the years of this war. About those who defended our freedom, our Motherland with arms in hand. What is the Motherland for you?

Children: This is our home, our village, our country.


The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For everyone, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And laid so many on the ground,

That twenty years and thirty years

The living cannot believe that they are alive.

And straightened the ticket to the dead,

Someone close to you is coming

And time adds to the lists

Some others, some not.

Guys, this year marks the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Today we know about the war from books, films, and memoirs of war and labor veterans.

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. The vile enemy suddenly attacked our country, without declaring war on us, violating the peace treaty. The Nazis hoped for an easy and quick victory. They wanted to seize the rich lands of our country, and make the peaceful and hardworking inhabitants slaves. But they miscalculated; the entire people, young and old, stood up to defend their free, beloved Motherland.

Victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear. Women, old people and children worked in the fields, made shells, and repaired damaged tanks and planes. To defeat the enemy, it was necessary to arm our troops well. Designers and inventors have designed new types of weapons. These are "Katyushas", tanks, airplanes.

Screening of the multimedia presentation “The Great Patriotic War”.

Educator: In the first days of the war, the poster “The Motherland is Calling!” appeared. Look, the artist depicted our Motherland in the form of an elderly woman holding an oath in her hands, and behind her back the bayonets of the defenders of the Fatherland bristled.

Children look at a slide with a picture of a poster.

Educator: Why did the Nazis move their army against our country?

Children: In order for one country to become strong and rich - Germany. The enemies wanted to subjugate our people and rob our country.

Educator: Our country is big and rich. We have a lot of oil and coal reserves, iron ore. And how many rivers, forests, fields! What is grown in the fields?

Children: Bread (wheat, rye, potatoes, various vegetables).

Educator: The enemy wanted to capture all this. Enemy planes dropped bombs on the cities and villages of our country. A huge army destroyed people, destroyed cities, roads, factories. Who stood in the way of the enemy? Who went to defend the Motherland?

Children: Our army, soldiers.

Educator: Our army stood up to fight the invaders; at that time it was called the Army of the Soviet Union, or the Soviet Army. All adult men became soldiers and went to the front.

Educator: Bombs explode in war. Airplanes are flying. Tanks rumble. Shots ring out. The screams of soldiers are heard. The enemy is strong. But the defenders remember this rule: “Combat is a sacred thing, go boldly against the enemy! “Everyone as one stood up to defend their homeland. And men from our village went to the front. They became ordinary infantrymen, signalmen, artillerymen, machine gunners, tank crews - brave defenders of the Motherland. Pay attention to the stand. Here you see photographs of our fellow countrymen, heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Guys, who is a hero?

Children: A brave man. The one who accomplished the feat.

Educator: That's right, guys. Who was waiting for the soldiers at home?

Children: Mothers, wives, children, sisters.

Educator: Relatives and friends were waiting for the soldiers at home. We were waiting for news about them from the front from soldiers' letters. In them, the soldiers wrote about their love for their families, that the war would soon end and they would return home. But not everyone was destined to return. Many died on the battlefield. We, people living now, honor their memory and are grateful to them for the world that they defended.

Children look at slides with images of soldiers.

Educator: Guys, what do they call the people who returned from that war and now live next to us?

Children: Veterans.

Educator: On May 9, 1945, the Great Patriotic War ended, and a festive fireworks display was organized in honor of this event. Today, guys, we will draw such a fireworks display with you. And before we start drawing, let's take a little rest.

Physical exercise “Like soldiers.”

Stand up straight, guys.

We walked like soldiers.

Lean left, right,

Stretch on your toes.

One - jerk,

Two is a jerk

Have you rested, my friend?

Wave your brushes together

Now we need to draw.

Drawing with cotton swabs “Fireworks in honor of Victory Day.”

Educator: What color sheets of paper were prepared for you to draw fireworks? Black sheets? Why do you think black ones?

Children: Fireworks happen at night when the sky is dark and black.

The teacher shows image techniques.

Educator:(after drawing) guys, now let’s sum up our interesting lesson, which was dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, and tell poems about it.

1 child:

The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune -

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on familiarization with the environment and drawing for Victory Day, topic:
“Adults and children need peace on the entire planet.”
Introduce children to the concept of “war”, about the grief that it brought, about the heroic defense of our soldiers, about the significance of Victory Day for our people.
Develop the ability to select words according to a given characteristic.
Introduce children to the technique of painting using the “spray” technique.
Develop phonetic hearing and fine motor skills.
Cultivate respect for the liberating soldiers.
Audio recording of the sounds of bombing, songs “Holy War”, “Victory Day”.
Pictures on the topic “The Great Patriotic War”
Potato peelings.
Pieces of black bread.
Sheets of black paper, old toothbrushes, paints diluted in saucers with water.
Progress of the lesson:
Didactic exercise “What words are there”
Guys, do you think there are many or few words around us? (Children's answers). We are surrounded by a huge variety of words.
I suggest you search among the many words for “sweet words.” (Children's answers). (Candy, sugar, strawberries, chocolate, etc.)
Now remember and name the “funny words”. (Children's answers). (Holiday, circus, gifts, laughter, tickling, etc.)
There are sad words. What “sad words” can you name? (Children’s answers). (Tears, illness, injection, separation, etc.).
And there is a terrible word - the word “war”.
Why is the word “war” so scary?
Comparative listening to sounds in peacetime and wartime
Let's open the window. What sounds are coming from the street? (Children's answers: birds are singing, the wind is rustling the leaves on the trees, a car has passed, people are talking). These are good, peaceful sounds.
Many years ago there was a warm sunny day just like now. And suddenly people learned that our land was attacked by enemies and a war began. Planes flew in, tanks arrived, soldiers came with weapons, and immediately everything changed. These were the sounds heard from all sides. (Listening to an audio recording of bombing sounds). Did you like the sounds of war? (Children's answers). These are terrible war sounds.
What sounds would you like to hear every day? Why didn't you like the sounds of war? (Children's answers).
Conversation “War is scary”
Houses burned and collapsed, people died. (The song “Holy War” plays). Men went to fight, to defend their land, to drive away enemies. Women and even children worked day and night so that the soldiers had clothing, food, and weapons. (Show pictures and illustrations).
But our defenders did not immediately manage to drive away the enemies. After all, the fascist enemies prepared for war for a long time, they had a lot of weapons, bombs, planes, tanks.
The war brought a lot of grief. There were fascists in our city too. They kicked the children out of schools and kindergartens and settled there themselves. They took food and things from the residents of our city. They established their own rules: young people were taken to work far, far away in their own country, and after dark it was forbidden to go out, and whoever did not obey was killed.
And in other cities and villages people shed many tears because of the war. The city of Leningrad was surrounded by fascists on all sides. The enemies were unable to break into the city, but they did not allow anyone into Leningrad. Soon all the food in the city ran out and people began to die of hunger. Look, what is this? (Show) Potato peelings. What do we do with them? Throw it away. And in a city dying of hunger, these peelings were boiled and eaten.
These were the small pieces of bread the children received. (Show). And that was all the food for the whole day. Take a piece of this and eat it. Do you think you can get enough of such a small piece? (Children's answers). Of course not.
The Nazis completely burned some small towns and villages. There was not a single house, not a single person left. Many soldiers, women and children died.
But finally, our warrior-defenders managed to defeat the enemies. They began to drive them out of our land. And they drove them to their most important city - Berlin. And on this very day they announced victory over the enemy.
How people rejoiced at the end of the long war. Everyone congratulated each other, cried, remembering the dead, and fireworks flashed in the night sky.
And since then, every year on this day our people celebrate Victory Day. They congratulate each other on the fact that there is no more war on our land. They remember those who died fighting the Nazis. We thank the soldiers who defeated the Nazis and liberated our land from enemies. These warriors are now very old people, but on this Victory Day, they put on their orders and medals received for the heroic fight against the enemy, and go to the Victory Parade. (The song “Victory Day” is played. Show pictures of the parade.) In each The Eternal Flame burns in the city. Eternal is the one who always exists. The eternal flame always burns, never goes out and reminds people of the terrible word “war”, that this should never happen again. Adults and children need peace on the entire planet. There is an Eternal Flame in our city. Have you ever been near him? (Children's answers).
And Victory Day ends with festive fireworks. (Show pictures).
Today we will draw festive fireworks.
Physical exercise “Like soldiers”
Stand up straight, guys.
We walked like soldiers.
Lean left, right,
Stretch on your toes.
One - jerk,
Two - jerk,
Are you rested, my friend? Wave your tassels together
Now we need to draw.
Drawing using the spray technique “Fireworks in honor of Victory Day”
What color sheets of paper were prepared for you to draw fireworks? Black sheets? Why do you think black ones? Fireworks happen at night when the sky is dark and black.
Dip the tip of the bristles into the paint. Point the brush at a piece of paper. Run your index finger along the bristles away from you, like this - drops of paint will splatter from the brush. So the night sky lit up with festive fireworks in honor of Victory Day.

Attached files

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program content: consolidate children's knowledge about the Victory Day holiday; to cultivate in them a desire to learn about the heroic past of our Motherland through the example of the lives of their loved ones; cultivate a sense of pride in your great country; activate the subject dictionary and the dictionary of definitions.

Vocabulary work: Victory Day; defenders of the Motherland; heroes; brave - strong - courageous - courageous - fearless; awards; orders; medals; "The city is a hero."

Material: paintings depicting different holidays: New Year, March 8, Russian Independence Day, Victory Day; map of Russia, checkboxes for working with the map; personal photographs; squares of red, green, blue colors for physical exercises; icons with holiday symbols according to the number of children; DVD disc "Songs of the War Years".

Preliminary work: teacher's stories about the Great Patriotic War; looking at pictures depicting military awards: medals, orders; a conversation about what feats the war heroes received these awards for; reading excerpts from A. Alekseeva’s story “Lenya Golikov”; examination of paintings by K.F. Yuon “Parade on Red Square in Moscow on November 7, 1941”, P.A. Krivonogov “Defenders of the Brest Fortress” (fragment), B.S. Ugarov “Leningrad (1941)”, A.A. .Deineki "Defense of Sevostopol".

Description of the lesson

Children enter the living room and stand next to the teacher

Vos: What great holiday does our country celebrate on May 9? (Victory Day) Why is Victory Day celebrated on May 9? (On May 9, many years ago, our army defeated the fascist invaders).

Vos: On the table there are paintings depicting different holidays. Select a painting that depicts the Victory Day holiday (children collectively choose a picture).

Voss: Why did you choose this particular picture? (children's answers)

Vos-l (summarizes the children’s answers): The picture shows a gentle May day. The guys, together with the veterans, remember those who died in fierce battles defending our Motherland. I invite you to sit down and remember together how it was.

Children sit on chairs.

The soundtrack of the song “Holy War” is played, and on the screen there are stills from the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” The teacher reads a poem

Summer night at dawn,
When the children were sleeping peacefully,
Hitler gave the troops an order
And he sent German soldiers
Against the Russians, against us!
"Get up, people" -
Hearing the cry of the Earth,
The hero soldiers went to the front,
Bravely and bravely they rushed into battle,
They fought for the Motherland, for you and me.
First exactly 1000 days,
Then another 400 days
And after another 14 days
(So ​​calculated)
There was a war going on
It was impossible to get used to her
It was impossible not to think about her.
And she was kind.
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

The song continues for a few seconds

Question: Who stood up to defend our Motherland from the fascist invaders? (soldiers, sailors, border guards, pilots, women, children)

Voss: Guys, I propose to stand in a circle and play the game “Repeat - don’t make a mistake.” Be careful. I will throw you a ball and name the words, and you will repeat them in the same sequence:

  • Brave - strong - courageous;
  • Bold - courageous - strong;
  • Brave - strong - smart;
  • Smart - heroic - brave;
  • Heroic - fearless - brave;
  • Fearless - determined - courageous.

Voss: Who do you think can be called with these words? ( defenders of the Motherland, warriors, soldiers)

Voss: That's right. These wonderful words apply to the defenders of the Motherland. And who can name the words used to call heroes? Pass the ball to each other. The one who knows says the word; the one who finds it difficult misses a move. (Bold, courageous, courageous, strong, fearless, determined).

Physical exercise "Infantrymen, sailors, pilots"

Goal: development of attentiveness and memory.

Voss: Let's imagine that we are military. Military personnel must be attentive and strictly follow the commands of the commander. I will take turns picking up squares of different colors. The color red is the foot soldiers marching around the hall; green color - sailors are sailing; blue color - pilots are flying. Let's start!

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the map: “Tell me, what is this?” (Map of Russia and other countries).

Voss: You and I looked at the map and talked about the cities in which fierce battles took place. What title is given to these cities? (title "Hero City"). I will name and show these cities, and you will attach red flags to them: Moscow, Kursk, Stalingrad (Volgograd), Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Smolensk, Murmansk, Tula, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kyiv, Brest, Minsk (children together with the teacher attach flags).

Voss: There was a war here. Every family fought against the Nazis. Men and boys went to the front. Women and old people worked in military factories. Day and night they made shells for the front. Only in this way, all together, could we defeat the enemy.

Today I want to tell you about one family.

The soundtracks of the songs “Cranes,” “The Last Battle,” and Dark Night begin to sound quietly.” Stills from the films are not projected.

Voss: Look at the photo. Do you recognize anyone? It's me. When I was little, my name was Tanya, and I had grandparents (puts out photographs one by one). They lived in the small town of Shatura near Moscow.

(The teacher attaches a yellow flag to the map)

Before the war, my grandfather Vanya worked as a builder, and my grandmother Tanya as a nurse. When the Great Patriotic War began, my grandfather went to the front. In the war he was a sapper (photo of grandfather in military uniform)- neutralized enemy mines. This was very dangerous, since the mines could explode at any moment. For his courage, my grandfather Vanya was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals “For Military Merit” and “For Courage” ( exhibits a mini-stand with awards). Our family treasures grandfather’s awards with trepidation and pride.

When my grandfather told me about the war, I asked him: “Were you scared? Were you afraid?” And grandfather answered: “It’s always scary in war. But I knew that you can’t be a coward, you have to drive out the enemy, you have to defend your Motherland!”

And my grandmother Tanya worked as a nurse in a military hospital throughout the war. Together with doctors, she saved the lives of wounded soldiers. After the war, grandfather returned home. Both my grandmother and my dad, their son, were happy that my grandfather did not die in the war.

The sound of the phonograms stops.

Voss: Why do you think I told you about my grandparents? (children's answers)

Vos: I'm proud of them, and I want other people to know about them. Every person should know the history of his family. You will all go on vacation to your grandparents in the summer. Ask them to tell you about those of your loved ones who fought and defended our Motherland. And when you return, you will tell us about them. And people's memory of the heroes will be eternal!

Voss: Guys, tell us how people honor the memory of those who gave the most precious thing for their Motherland - their lives? (monuments are erected to them, books are written about them, streets are named after them)

Sun: May 9 - Victory Day holiday. And on holidays it is customary to give gifts. I also prepared gifts for you. I would like to give you badges with the symbols of this holiday. When you go to the parade with your moms and dads, pin these badges to your jackets. And all people will understand that you also honor the memory of the warrior-heroes of our Motherland.
