Proper attachment of the baby to the breast. How to feed large breasts: advice for young mothers How to feed a baby if you have large breasts


I am very glad to receive letters from mothers who were preparing for childbirth using my materials, and of course I try to answer and help you.

Today we'll talk about proper attachment of the baby to the breast. But first a question:

Lyudmila, hello!
Please tell me how to persuade a 2-week-old baby to open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue so that he can latch onto the breast correctly? The mouth opens, but it seems to me not wide enough, the tongue does not stick out at all. In a calm state, he generally presses his lower lip inward.

As a result, from the moment of birth I lost weight (at birth I weighed 3040 g, at discharge I weighed 2850 g), and by today I have gained weight only 3010 g. It seems that he is eating normally, but the weight began to increase slightly only in the last four days, before that he just did not lose weight.


Congratulations on the birth of your baby. You are doing the right thing by paying attention to the quality of breastfeeding. Proper attachment will protect against many feeding difficulties.

It is worth understanding that initially, when a baby is born, he does not know how to latch onto the breast correctly. He has a sucking reflex, and the child sucks in obedience to it. And tracking down the correctness is my mother’s task.

How to teach how to take the breast correctly?

  1. The breast is placed into the child's wide open mouth.

The child does not understand our words, so we do the following: we pass the nipple over the child’s mouth STRICTLY from top to bottom. Never move the nipple from side to side, this will teach the child to turn his head, but will not achieve a wide open mouth.

We repeat the movement from top to bottom as many times as required. At some point, the child opens his mouth: maybe a little, or maybe wide.

What a wide open mouth means to your child can only be understood by carefully observing him. Catch the moments when he yawns, or when he cries, pay attention to how wide he can open his mouth - this is what we strive for when we want to attach to the breast correctly.

Usually for 5-6 small mouth openings, there is 1 large one. This moment needs to be seized and the breast placed deep into the child’s mouth. Your movement must be fast, otherwise you may be late.

  1. After your baby has taken the breast, you can go through the main signs of proper attachment and see if they are being observed.
  • The baby's mouth is wide open (like a chick's to which its mother brought a tasty treat).
  • The upper and lower jaws are turned out.
  • The tongue does not move back and forth; the areola (the dark part of the chest) lies on it.
  • The nipple is deep in the mouth, at the base of the tongue.
  • The tip of the nose and chin are pressed to the tita. You, as a mother, control this moment.
  1. You should not be in pain during feeding.

If there is pain, this is one of the signs that the attachment is incorrect and, most likely, the baby is sucking on the nipple and injuring the breast. The result of improper sucking can be abrasions, cracks, breast inflammation, and slight weight gain.

In order to stop worrying about your baby’s weight gain, you must take into account two important parameters:

  • weight gain per week (minimum 125 grams);
  • the number of urinations in 24 hours (should be more than 12) and I recommend reading this article Does a baby have enough breast milk?

Regarding the fact that in a calm state the child’s lower lip is retracted - this is a common occurrence. Correct bite, correct jaw structure is formed in the process breastfeeding, and gradually everything will return to normal.

We discussed the full picture of baby care and the basics of successful breastfeeding in the Happy Motherhood course: how to breastfeed and care for your baby

Only the necessary theory and practical videos on the topics:

  • carrying on hands,
  • soft technique of bathing in a diaper,
  • swaddling,
  • comfortable co-sleeping and feeding while lying down

will help you make the most “difficult” months of your child’s life easy and simple!

I also suggest watching my short video tutorial, which explains important points correct application. Be sure to check out:

Ask your questions in the comments!

The myth that a woman's breast size affects her milk supply is still widespread. Gynecologists never tire of repeating that these 2 things are not interrelated. The size, size and fullness of the breast is determined by the amount of adipose tissue, development pectoral muscles and heredity. And lactation (milk production) is ensured by glandular tissue in the mammary gland, consisting of lobules.

Those, in turn, consist of alveoli, in which formation occurs breast milk. In each breast of any size, the number of lobules is the same - 15-20 pieces.

The following factors primarily influence lactation:

  • frequency of putting the baby to the breast;
  • properly organized breastfeeding;
  • woman's health and lifestyle.

The baby should be fed on demand, usually every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night. The more often a baby suckles, the more it stimulates the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production.

Equally important is how the baby suckles at the breast. With the right actions of the mother, he deeply captures the nipple and areola and feeds until he releases the breast. Also, a nursing mother should take care of her emotional state, hormonal background and good nutrition.

Difficulty breastfeeding with a large bust

For those with large busts, it can be difficult to immediately organize the process of feeding a child. This is hindered by:

  1. The breast covers the baby's face during feeding, making it difficult for him to breathe. This uncomfortable moment disappears if you choose a comfortable position for lactation.
  2. The baby cannot grasp the entire areola of the nipple and sucks poorly, is capricious, and refuses milk. When using special equipment applying to the breast and the proper number of attempts, the problem can be solved.
  3. Difficulty choosing a place and position for feeding, in which it would be comfortable for both mother and baby.
  4. The need for constant careful care of the mammary glands. Large breasts need to be washed more often and kept dry and clean.

The best positions for feeding a baby

The classic “Cradle” pose will most likely have to be abandoned. In it, it is difficult for the mother to control how much pressure the chest puts on the child, and the back quickly gets tired. The most comfortable positions, according to breastfeeding experts, are:

  • Lying on your side. This position is convenient because it allows the woman not to strain her back. The mother lies sideways, the baby along her body so that the nipple is located opposite the mouth. To prevent the baby from falling backwards, you should place a rolled up diaper under his back or support him with one hand.
  • Lying on your side, baby in your arm. This position repeats the previous one, only the baby lies on the mother’s hand. It is suitable for newborns who cannot yet hold their head up on their own.
  • From under the hand. Here the child is placed on a pillow, the mother, in a half-sitting position, sits across the baby’s body so that his legs are behind her back and his upper body is under his armpit. The mother rests her elbow on the pillow and supports the baby's head with her palm. The position is also good because milk is released from the lower and lateral lobes of the mammary gland, and stagnation does not occur.
  • Sitting or half-sitting, placing a pillow under the child. The mother sits in a comfortable chair and places several pillows on her knees and sides, on which the baby rests. It is important to support the breast with your hand to relieve excess pressure on the baby's chin. The best way to do this is to grab it with your fingers in the shape of the letter “C”: palm under the chest, and thumb on top of the chest. It's like you're about to squeeze some milk out of your nipple.
  • On the changing table. The woman places the baby on the table and places her breasts on it, holding it with her palm to remove overweight. The height of the table should be enough for mom to not bend her back when standing.

Correct grip of the areola by the child

For a comfortable lactation process, the baby needs to latch onto the breast correctly. Moms have big breasts The nipple areolas become large and do not fit into the baby’s mouth. As a result, the baby slides onto the nipple, lets go of the breast and does not get enough. That's why it is important that the baby latch onto the nipple as deeply as possible. To do this, you need to create a fold of the breast parallel to the baby’s lips and, when he opens his mouth wide, insert the nipple into it.

Most likely, the baby will not be able to capture the areola completely, but most of it will be used. During feeding, the baby's lips should be slightly turned outward, and the chin should be pressed tightly to the chest.

Mom's rescues

The following items will help mother feed her baby:

Many mothers have heard that a baby should latch correctly. Questions often arise: how can you tell if your baby has latched on correctly? How can I get the correct grip? But it looks like our grip is wrong, and it’s not really possible to correct it, what should we do in such a situation?

So, with a correct chest grip:

The mouth is open wide, about 130-150 degrees or even wider.

If your baby doesn't open his mouth wide, check to see if he can tilt his head back when looking for the breast before you latch on. If your head is tilted forward and your chin is tucked into your chest, it can be quite difficult to open your mouth wide (try it yourself). And if you tilt your head back a little, the lower jaw moves more freely, and your mouth can be opened wider.

It also happens that the baby is located too far from the breast and manages to cover his mouth while the mother is putting the baby to the breast. As a result, the child grasps only the nipple, the grasp is shallow.

If the baby does not want to open his mouth or does not understand what they want from him, you can press the chin with a light sliding movement. But just with a slight movement, if you press, the reverse reflex may work and the baby will close his mouth. In some sources there was advice: if not
it turns out like this, try it “by opposite” - press your chin up so that your mouth closes. And the baby, as if resisting, will open his mouth.

You can squeeze a drop of milk onto the nipple, anoint the baby’s lips - all this helps to “turn on” the search reflex.

The child's lips are turned out.

The upper sponge may not be turned inside out, but it certainly should not be turned inward, into the mouth.

It happens that when applied, the sponges “roll” inward, or the baby himself attaches himself to the breast and sucks in the lips. They can be corrected: pull the upper sponge upward, towards the nose, and pull the lower sponge down, running your finger from the lower sponge to the chin. Adjust the lips carefully so as not to pull the breast out of the baby's mouth.

The correct grip is asymmetrical, the baby grasps the breast more from below than from above.

If a halo is visible, it should be less visible from below than from above.

The position of the baby at the breast plays an important role. It happens that the baby simply cannot latch onto the breast correctly if it is positioned too high above the nipple. Try moving your baby lower so that he is under your breast; when the mouth is closed, the nose should be at nipple level. Try a different feeding position, sometimes a different position is more comfortable.

If the baby latches onto the breast incorrectly, more from above than from below, he may often lose the breast, because... It’s difficult to hold the breast in your mouth. Also, it is this option that often leads to cracks.

When the baby releases the breast, the nipple should be round (as it was before feeding) and slightly elongated.

If the nipple is slanted, or not extended and, on the contrary, pressed into the chest, or pressed upward, pay attention to the asymmetrical attachment, where the baby’s lower lip is located during sucking. Often the lower lip is close to the nipple, and the baby latch onto the breast more from above. When the lower sponge is located too close to the nipple, various breast injuries (cracks, abrasions) often occur.

If the nipple is flattened or flattened, most likely the baby latched onto the breast shallowly, or was initially well attached, but during the sucking process it slid onto the nipple. If the baby has grabbed only the nipple or nipple and a small part of the areola, usually the baby's lips are slightly extended forward, the mouth is not open wide (about 90 degrees). In this case, feeding may be painful, breast chafing may occur (the nipple and a small part of the areola around the nipple becomes red and sore), and cracks may also occur.

  • To prevent the baby from slipping, make sure that he does not shake his head or pull his chest.
  • Place pillows under your arms and elbows to make it easier for you to support the baby's weight, as your arms get tired from long feedings. When feeding in a sitting position, place the baby on a pillow, then you will not need to hold the baby and his position will be stable.

There should be no pain when feeding!

The exception is the period of adaptation or the presence of cracks, but even then, with proper grip, pain may occur at first and gradually subside with sucking.

If it hurts during feeding and the pain intensifies during sucking, there may be several reasons for this. To understand and accept right decisions, it is better to seek help from lactation specialists. Often this is an incorrect attachment, but there may also be skin problems (for example, thrush) or a short frenulum in the child.

During sucking, no other sounds are heard except the baby's breathing and swallowing.

The baby's cheeks are rounded (not retracted). Ears may move while sucking.

Now about possible consequences improper breast grip.

  • Feeding can be painful. Or maybe not.
  • The chest may be injured, cracks and abrasions may occur.
  • Sucking becomes ineffective, and the breasts become less emptied. If the mother has a lot of milk and the breasts are very full, lactostasis may occur. Then, over time, the breast gets used to the fact that less milk is sucked out, and less milk comes in, lactation decreases.
  • If the attachment is incorrect, it happens that the baby cannot suck out enough milk, it is difficult for him. As a result, he remains hungry, does not gain weight, or loses weight.

But I would like to emphasize that these are all possible situations, and this will not necessarily happen.

If problems arise with the breasts, or the baby is not gaining weight, or weight gain has begun to decline, then, of course, you need to take up the task of correcting the attachment, because Correct latch and sufficient feedings are the basis for successful breastfeeding.

But it happens that a child, even with an incorrect latch, grows normally, gains weight well, it is not painful for the mother to feed, cracks do not appear and there are no other problems with the breast. Well, there may be some inconveniences, but you can live with them.

In general, mother and child feel good, but the grip is wrong. What to do? If the mother has a desire, you can gently and persistently retrain the baby, teach him to take the breast correctly. But there will also be nothing terrible if mom relaxes and leaves everything as it is. The child grows, the mouth also grows, the grip will change over time and this will become easier.

Enjoy the moments when you are together with your baby, catching these sweet moments!
Children grow up so quickly!..

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We tell you how to establish comfortable feeding with large breasts.

Breasts of size D or more for most girls are more of a virtue than a punishment. But everything changes as soon as you give birth to a child: large breasts immediately cause a lot of inconvenience! If she doesn’t strive to cover the baby’s face, then it certainly prevents him from sitting comfortably during feeding. In addition, the large nipple nipple does not want to fit in the baby’s mouth, as lactation consultants and pediatric books tell us. Panic begins, and thoughts about switching to mixtures! We advise you not to give in to it, but rather to study our detailed instructions.

Comfortable feeding positions

To prevent breastfeeding from causing discomfort, lactation consultants advise choosing positions that are comfortable for mother and baby:

  1. The most comfortable position for feeding is lying on your side. Find a comfortable position on the bed or sofa, place the baby so that his face is near his chest. You can support the baby's head and neck with your hand. Try not to make sudden movements in this position and relax as much as possible.
  2. You can put the baby on your chest, while lying on the bed, turning slightly on your side so that your chest tilts slightly to the side: this will happen more comfortable for the baby who does not yet know how to hold his head up.
  3. Some mothers find it convenient to feed their baby on a changing table. With this position, the chest will be completely located on the table. True, mom will have to stand at this time.
  4. For large breasts, hand feeding is also considered optimal. Place the baby on a pillow, take a comfortable position on the bed or sofa and place the baby under your arm.
  5. The classic “cradle” feeding position will become comfortable for mothers with large breasts if the baby is placed not on your lap, but on a pillow and leans back during feeding on the back of a chair or sofa.

Correct breast latch by baby

One of the main difficulties of breastfeeding is large nipple halos. The baby does not grasp the areola completely and may not be full and at the same time suckle at the breast for quite a long time. For mom, such “trash” can cause cracked nipples.

Therefore, it is extremely important to insert the nipple as deeply as possible into the baby’s mouth. To do this, form a fold from the breast parallel to the baby’s lips and insert the nipple at the moment when the baby opens his mouth as wide as possible. Of course, the entire halo will not be in the mouth, but most of it will still be used.

Devices for comfortable feeding

To quickly establish breastfeeding and do it with comfort and pleasure, add useful devices to the feeding process.

Nursing pillow

The C-shaped pillow that helped you out during pregnancy is also perfect for feeding your baby. It is convenient to place it under the baby, and then the breast will not cover the baby’s face. In addition, with such a pillow you will not have to lean on your elbow, which will make the feeding process (even a long one) as comfortable as possible.

Nursing bra

A nursing bra will not only help maintain the shape of your breasts during lactation, but will also significantly facilitate the process itself. With this bra, you only need to expose the nipple to feed your baby.

Breast pump

Many mothers with large breasts complain of stagnation of milk. This does not happen because of breast size (some people think that large breasts produce more milk than small ones). In fact, stagnation of milk can happen due to the baby's improper latch on the breast. During such periods, a breast pump will help out. Express milk until your breasts are soft and gradually establish comfortable feeding.

Being the happy owner curvaceous, this mother was sure that she would avoid problems with breastfeeding. But that was not the case...

The thirty-seventh story in the “Mother’s Milk” competition:Does size matter? Large breasts = no problems with feeding?

My son will cling to my chest tenderly, tenderly,
Smacking your lips sweetly, it’s warm here.
Love, care, affection are inevitable
The baby will absorb it with mother's milk.
I dissolve in my son without a trace,
And it's simple and easy to do:
Everything for him is healthy and sweet.
A priceless gift is breast milk.

When you wait with trepidation for the cherished words “You will have a child!”, and then you carry your universe under your heart, beginning to believe and realize that very soon your family will increase by one little citizen, even then, along with immense joy, many questions come - how to do everything possible and impossible so that the dearest little person in the world is as happy as possible from the very first days of his birth.

The thorny path to motherhood

The path to my motherhood was truly thorny, perhaps this became the fundamental moment in my persistent desire to breastfeed my son.

Mountains of literature read, an incredible number of Internet stories and videos, and a rough plan of action in mastering the intricacies of breastfeeding began to emerge in my head.

Being youngest child in the family and, in general, never seeing clear example feeding a baby, it didn’t seem like such a difficult task to me.

After all, wise nature decided this: a woman’s purpose is to give life, which means feeding her child should not become a huge problem.

I decided to make good use of my maternity leave before giving birth and began attending courses for expectant mothers, where the closest attention was paid to breastfeeding issues.

Even then, greedily devouring the stories of our mentor, I began to realize that feeding my baby is a very pleasant, but still work.

And then came that trembling moment when my long-awaited bundle of happiness was left alone with me, looked at me with his tiny button eyes, sweetly smacked his lips and... began to cry, hinting to the new mother that “I’m hungry.”

Milk rivers

This is where our son’s journey along the milky rivers of breastfeeding began. I finally had a clear plan of action in my head and there was absolutely no fear of the unknown.

But imagine my surprise when, after the first 10 attempts, I failed to put my son to my breast. Being a happy owner of curvy figures, I was completely unprepared for the fact that, it would seem, my dignity would, to some extent, become my disadvantage in the matter of breastfeeding.

My son was puffing, diligently turning his head and persistently trying to help me, while I tried to remember and put into practice all sorts of positions for feeding the child, but the verdict of the obstetricians and doctors who came by was not very comforting: without breast pads it is unlikely that I will be able to feed, the breasts are not developed , and it’s also big, a child can’t handle it on his own.

Even in moments of despair, I tried to pull myself together, and our perseverance and perseverance bore fruit - we were successful in that the baby began to latch onto the breast, albeit not on the first try, and eat very appetizingly.

Gritting my teeth in pain

Our first month with our son was filled with the sparkling joy of meeting and the struggle to ensure that over time feeding would bring both him and me only positive emotions.

Due to the fact that my son was not always able to latch onto the breast correctly, I encountered problems with cracks. I tried to feed exclusively with healthy breasts for a day or two so that the wounds could heal, but in my case this invariably led to a decrease in the amount of milk and breast engorgement.

Then I had to take a towel between my teeth and squeeze it as hard as I could, so as not to frighten the baby with an involuntary cry of pain, but continue to feed and strive to do it correctly.

From prolonged feeding in an uncomfortable position, my back began to hurt. I solved this problem by choosing a position that was acceptable for my son and me - lying down.

The crisis has not passed us by

Breastfeeding mothers are well aware of the concept of milk crises, when there is less milk than the baby needs, and sometimes it is worth incredible efforts to go through this difficult period with the baby and not be tempted to supplement with formula, especially in moments when you see how greedily the baby is looking for the breast and trying to get enough , but there is a catastrophic shortage of milk.

My son and I also went through several crises... Then he and I literally became one, and, like a little chick in a nest, we spent all the time inseparably next to each other, so that the baby could constantly be at the breast and thereby send a signal to my body to produce more milk.

There were difficulties with the formation of congestion in the chest, here again my son came to the rescue, who stubbornly dissolved these lumps, saving me from pain and fever.

Does everything seem so pessimistic?

In fact, everything is not so scary, you just have to endure and struggle a little, and luck will definitely smile along with a grateful baby.

How can you make the feeding process more enjoyable for mother and baby? My secret is simple - this should always be done good mood, with desire and love, secretly telling the baby how much you have been waiting for him and how much you love him.

Currently, The Romance of My Life is about to turn one year old. To this day, we still eat mother’s milk, even though our son already eats adult food a lot and willingly.

Until six months, I breastfed the baby only, on demand. For the first two months I followed the diet of a nursing woman, every day I introduced new product into your diet, carefully monitoring your son’s reaction.

To my great joy, we never encountered any difficulties with “tummies”, “gas”, “red cheeks” and other “charms” of the life of newborns, so I could be less scrupulous about my diet.

Dairy products have always been a priority for me, so with care I was one of the first to try cheese, and later other dairy products. In our case, the child is not allergic, so all dairy products were accepted with a bang.

It was worth it

Looking back, remembering the difficulties that we faced with our son when we were mastering the intricacies of breastfeeding, I realized one thing - that it was worth it, that there is nothing more natural and healthy for the baby than mother's milk.

That invisible thread of such intimate unity during the moments of feeding my baby will remain forever in my memory. At these moments I so wish that the whole world would wait, that time would not be so inexorable...

Having, albeit not very much experience in breastfeeding, I can say with confidence that it is really very pleasant for the mother, useful for the baby, since food is always nearby in the right quantity, desired temperature and this is very necessary for both the baby and the mother, because mother’s milk is not only food, but also wordless communication with her child.

Meet the dairy product!

The story is simply permeated with the poetry of motherhood! Bravo!

And the Savushkin Product company continues to introduce readers to tasty and healthy dairy products.

For a mother who has been on a diet for a long time, it is especially important to diversify her dairy menu. We recommend that the heroine try the Dutch Block Cheese.

Today, Dutch cheese is one of the most popular. It is very filling and goes well with other foods. It has a pronounced cheesy taste, while having a slightly sour aftertaste, which will only add zest to your favorite dishes. This is a cheese with a dense, uniform consistency, thanks to which it can be cut as you need at the moment.

Speaking about the benefits of cheese, it should be remembered that it is rich in minerals. It contains all the most important components of milk: vitamins, minerals and protein (by the way, protein is absorbed even better in cheese than in milk), which are especially important both for expectant mothers and for those who have already known the happiness of motherhood.

Dutch cheese is great for a light breakfast: For new mothers who don’t have enough time to prepare culinary delights, traditional sandwiches or canapés will be a real salvation.

Well, hot dishes and desserts with “Dutch” cheese will sound completely new and will delight not only young mothers, but also all their loving surroundings.

More more information You will learn about dairy products by joining the Savushkin Product groups on:
