Orthodoxy Easter c. When is Easter? Rituals on Maundy Thursday before Easter

Despite, what date Easter will be celebrated in 2017, it should be noted that this is the oldest and most revered holiday of the Christian faith. It is celebrated annually by believers all over the world, so the event has acquired a large number of different traditions.

Date and date of Orthodox Easter 2017

Orthodox Easter will be celebrated in 2017 April 16. This holiday does not have a fixed date, and it varies every year on a different number of days with Catholic Easter. The date of the celebration of Orthodox Easter is calculated using a table called the Gregorian or Alexandrian Paschal, depending on which calendar we are talking about. Both Easter days coincide, which means that date of Easter 2017, both Orthodox and Catholic fall on the same day - April 16. This happens infrequently; usually the coincidence of the Easter celebration dates of the two mentioned religious denominations occurs only in 30% of all cases.

Easter personifies the main natural and divine miracle that people have worshiped since ancient times. Now Orthodox Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who gave his life to serving humanity and accepted martyrdom in atonement for human sins. The Slavs had a similar one holiday, which also occurred in the spring - our ancestors honored natural spirits who die in winter, and come into the world alive again in the spring. Victory over death is the main ideological component of this spring holiday(see before Easter).

Easter traditions

The celebration of Orthodox Easter begins the day before with a festive service in the church. The main churches of the country receive the most people, who can see with their own eyes one of the main miracles of Easter - the descent of the Holy Fire. It is believed that it descends from heaven to earth and has special healing and cleansing properties. Candles are lit from it, the wax of which can heal not only physical, but also mental ailments.

Not only the Holy Fire became symbol of Easter. Another important component of the holiday is water, which is represented by Easter streams that bring renewal. The birth, continuation and resurrection of life are personified by Easter dishes - rabbit meat, Easter cakes, eggs.

Traditional dishes for Easter

Making Easter cake is an established holiday tradition. After lighting in the church, Easter cakes are given to each other, distributed to the poor and eaten by themselves. Painted illuminated chicken eggs are also a traditional dish for Easter. They also become the main attribute in Easter fun, in which you choose an egg and use it to break as many eggs as possible of those taking part in this game. However easter eggs carry a very deep context. The colored egg takes us to the events of the distant past, which are spoken of in the Holy Scriptures. Emperor Tiberius once doubted that the dead could be resurrected. He said that this could not happen, just as a white egg cannot turn red. And at that moment the egg in his hands turned red.

Easter eggs, fragrant Easter cakes, church services - all this awaits us on Easter 2017. Read more about the numbers, signs, rituals and history of this holiday further in the article.

On Easter, the entire baptized world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is why the traditional Easter greeting “Christ is Risen!” The history of the holiday, according to historians, goes back to Ancient Egypt.

The name of the holiday comes from the Hebrew verb “passover”, which means “pass over”. This refers to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. To protect your children from the tenth plague, in last night In all the houses where there were children, the door lintels were smeared with the blood of lambs. The lamb itself had to be eaten without breaking any bones. This sacrifice became a symbol of the Jewish Passover.

According to the Bible, the Last Supper was held on Easter. Instead of the lamb described in Exodus, Jesus sacrificed himself as the “Passover new Lamb, slain for the purification of the people once and for all.” Three days after the crucifixion, Jesus resurrected and this event is celebrated every year.

Christian Easter in 2017

Christian Easter 2017 is celebrated on Sunday April 16. The church doors will be open all night before the holiday to attend services, light eggs and Easter cakes. Easter cottage cheese is also a traditional Easter treat. According to the ritual, those who kept a strict fast before Easter must first taste the blessed egg, then the Easter cake, and then proceed to the rest of the dishes.

A favorite tradition for children and adults is the battle of eggs. The one whose egg survived wins, but the loser can calmly enjoy the treat. Traditionally, eggs need to be painted on Maundy Thursday.

Today they use for decoration:

  • various thermal stickers
  • hand painted
  • colorful crayons
  • decorative elements

Catholic Easter in 2017

In 2017, Catholic Easter falls on April 16. This is a rare case when both Catholic and Orthodox Easter are celebrated on the same day. Traditional symbols are Easter eggs and easter bunny, which is not in tradition Orthodox Church. It is believed that the Easter Bunny visits homes secretly and places treats in baskets.

Church services begin on Thursday and are held until the Great Resurrection. The evening of Holy Saturday is illuminated by the Liturgy of Light, the priest lights the Easter candle from a fire lit near the church. Then the priest brings the candle into the dark temple and the rest of the candles are lit from it.

Another tradition is called the Liturgy of Baptism, adults undergo the rite of baptism the night before the holiday.

Jewish Passover 2017

The Jewish Passover is celebrated for 7 days, it begins this year April 11 and will last until 18. Its second name is Passover.

Passover is celebrated in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, and on this day it is necessary to tell children about these events. The first and last days of Passover are officially considered public holidays in Israel. You need to prepare for the celebration in advance, clean your apartment or house and get rid of any fermentation products. Some families even set the table with special dishes for this holiday.

Holy week before Easter

The name “passion” symbolizes the suffering of Jesus Christ, and the entire week is devoted to preparation for the great holiday.

  • All preparations begin at Monday, you can already start cleaning the house in order to get it done before Thursday. Post on Holy Week the strictest, you can’t eat eggs, meat, dairy products and fish.
  • Tuesday can be dedicated to reconciliation with relatives and friends, as well as preparing and sewing seven new clothes for Easter.
  • IN Wednesday They are engaged in making Easter symbols from branches and straw - this decoration is hung in the middle of the room.
  • IN Thursday It is necessary to complete all the preparations at home for the holiday, prepare Thursday salt and paint the eggs.
  • Friday dedicated to prayer, any housework is prohibited.
  • IN Saturday it is necessary to prepare for the all-night service, put Easter cakes and eggs in baskets.
  • IN Sunday We celebrate the holiday of Easter with joy and joy. You definitely need to meet with your parents and relatives, christen yourself and beat eggs.

What do you do on Maundy Thursday before Easter?

On Maundy Thursday the main preparations for Easter begin. You definitely need to clean your house or apartment and wash yourself. On Thursday they also do a big wash, change bed sheets, curtains, tablecloth, preparing the house for a bright and clean holiday. When washing windows, coins are placed in a basin of water so that there is always money in the house. It is important to note that cleaning the rest of the days before Easter is considered a bad omen.

One of the signs says that money counted three times on Maundy Thursday will bring prosperity to the family. Housewives can start preparing Easter cakes, Easter cakes and painting eggs. Believers visit Temples for prayer and Communion.

Rituals on Maundy Thursday before Easter

According to the behests of our ancestors, observance of all rituals and customs foreshadowed a comfortable year, peace and harmony would reign in the family, and unmarried girls would meet their betrothed.

The most common rituals:

  1. Rite of Ablution, it is important to get up before dawn and wash before the first rays.
  2. The ritual of washing from silver, then evil spirits won't even come close.
  3. Love spell for a loved one, if there is not enough man in your life, then while tidying up, make a place for him, for his future toothbrush, razor, clothes.
  4. In Rus', a ritual of “sowing money” was often carried out; coins were placed in a sieve and on the street, while no one was looking, it was necessary to scatter them.
  5. Ritual of preparation Thursday salt, which cures diseases and brings happiness and good luck into the house.

Folk signs for Easter 2017

Based on how Easter goes, they used to be able to predict the future, for example:

  • Great luck awaits the one who comes home from church first
  • A married couple should celebrate Christ in private so as not to bring quarrels into the house
  • Hearing the sound of a woodpecker means finding your own home
  • Wash with red water colored egg- preserve beauty and youth for a long time
  • Thunderstorm at Easter for late and dry autumn
  • Frost on Easter for a fruitful summer
  • See in the window in Good Friday the first man - for three months of happiness and luck

When are Maslenitsa and Easter in 2017?

Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent; in 2017 it falls from February 20 to 26. Maslenitsa is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter, and the countdown starts at reverse side from the church holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. Maslenitsa, unlike Easter, has pagan roots and glorifies the Sun God - Yarila, and the pancakes, which are always baked all week, symbolize the solar disk.

Why is Easter celebrated on different days every year?

Easter is celebrated on the first full moon of spring and, depending on the sun, lunar calendar this date falls between April 4 and May 8. The holiday will mark the end of the 48-day Lent.

When is parent's day after Easter?

Radonitsa, or parent's day, is celebrated on the second Tuesday after Easter or on the ninth day after it. In 2017, Radonitsa falls on April 25. On the day of special remembrance of the dead, it is customary to visit the graves of departed relatives, bring them colored eggs and Easter cakes, sharing a meal with them and celebrating Easter.

What do you do on Good Friday before Easter?

According to the Bible, on the Friday after Passover, Jesus Christ was crucified on Golgotha. Believers must attend church on this day. The churches hold morning and evening services, and the doors are open to everyone.

On Good Friday you cannot:

  • clean the house
  • prepare
  • wash
  • have fun
  • work with the earth
  • listen to loud music
  • overeat

The whole day should be devoted to spiritual improvement and prayer.

Compliance with all signs and rituals, exact fulfillment of the instructions of the church is always at your discretion. May this holiday be bright and bring peace, harmony and prosperity to your family! Christ is risen!

Video: What to do for Easter, signs

Easter (Bright Resurrection of Christ) - greatest holiday Orthodoxy .
A holiday of all holidays. The celebration of all celebrations.
The longed-for and saving holiday of Easter is a day of great joy.

On this Sunday, Orthodox Christians celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the gift of life and eternal bliss.
Through Christ's death on the cross, human redemption was accomplished; through the Resurrection of Jesus, eternal life was granted to us.
Easter customs are increasingly taking root in the life of society. This is not only the Procession of the Cross accompanied by the ringing of Easter bells, the blessing of Easter eggs and Easter cakes, the Baptism of Christ (congratulating each other on the holiday, triple kissing and “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly He is Risen”, exchange of colored eggs).

How to calculate the date of Easter

The date of Orthodox Easter is determined according to the church Julian calendar, taking into account the calculated lunar calendar and the seven-day week.
The time of Easter is regulated by church canonical rules: Easter is celebrated on the Sunday following the first spring Full Moon, and it is forbidden to celebrate Easter with the Jews.
In accordance with these rules and assuming the accuracy of the nineteen-year "Metonic" cycle of repetition lunar phases In the Julian calendar, Easter tables (Paschals) were compiled, which determine the time of Easter celebration. The dates of Easter repeat cyclically every 532 years (Great Indiction).
In accordance with canonical rules, Orthodox Easter will always be on a Sunday in the period from April 4 to May 8 (March 22 to April 25, old style).

Unless otherwise noted, dates are given according to the new style.

Holy Week in 2020

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem precedes Holy Week. In 2020 Palm Sunday will be April 12th.
Holy Week (Great Week) is the last week of Lent before Easter.
Maundy Monday is the first day of Holy Week. In 2020 it is April 13th.
Maundy Tuesday – April 14th.
Great Wednesday – April 15th.
Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) – April 16.
Good Friday (Good Friday) – April 17, 2020.
Descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem (Holy Saturday) - April 18.
Holy Resurrection of Christ (Easter) – April 19 . Great Lent ends.

What date is Easter in Russia in 2020

In 2020, Orthodox Easter (Bright Resurrection of Christ) is celebrated on April 19 .

Orthodox Easter according to the old style in 2020

April 6 is the date of Orthodox Easter 2020 according to the old style (April 6 from Adam 7528 years old).

What date is Catholic Easter in 2020?

Catholic Easter is celebrated on April 12, 2020.
In 2020, Catholic Easter will again be a week earlier than Orthodox Easter.
Please note that Catholic Easter is always before Easter Orthodox, except in cases where the Easter dates of both Christian religions coincide.

What date is Krasnaya Gorka in 2020

On the Monday after Easter, Bright Week (Easter Week) begins.
On Sunday of Easter week, Red Hill is celebrated (on the first Sunday after Easter).
In 2020, Krasnaya Gorka will be on Sunday, April 26.
This Sunday, after the weeks of Lent and Easter week, the blessing of marriage is renewed.
Tuesday after Easter week(9th day after Easter) - all-church day of remembrance of the dead (Radonitsa).
In 2020 Radonitsa will be on April 28.

What date is Trinity in 2020?

On the fortieth day after Easter the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated.
In 2020, Ascension will be Thursday, May 28th.
On the seventh Sunday after Easter (on the fiftieth day after Easter) Pentecost (Trinity) is celebrated.
In 2020, Trinity Day will be June 7
Trinity Saturday (Ecumenical Parents' Saturday) in 2020 – June 6.
Next comes Trinity (Russian) week.
Monday June 8, 2020 is the Day of the Holy Spirit (Spirit Day).
Tuesday 9 June 2020 - Water Day(Farewell to spring, expulsion of the mermaid, Kostroma).
All Saints' Day (All Saints' Day) is celebrated on Sunday. In 2020, it will be June 14th. Also, this day preceding Peter's Fast is called Peter's fast.

When is Petrov's Fast in 2020?

On Monday, June 15, 2020, the Petrov Fast (Apostolic Fast) begins, which always ends on a fixed date of the year - July 12 (Peter and Paul Day).
The duration of the Apostolic Fast depends on the date of Easter. In 2020, Petrov Fast will last 27 days.

History of Easter

On Easter, the entire baptized world celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is why the traditional Easter greeting “Christ is Risen!” The history of the holiday, according to historians, goes back to Ancient Egypt.

The name of the holiday comes from the Hebrew verb “passover”, which means “pass over”. This refers to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. To protect their children from the tenth plague, on the last night in all houses where there were children, the door lintels were smeared with the blood of lambs. The lamb itself had to be eaten without breaking any bones. This sacrifice became a symbol of the Jewish Passover.

According to the Bible, the Last Supper was held on Easter. Instead of the lamb described in Exodus, Jesus sacrificed himself as the “Passover new Lamb, slain for the purification of the people once and for all.” Three days after the crucifixion, Jesus resurrected and this event is celebrated every year.

Christian Easter in 2017

Christian Easter 2017 is celebrated on Sunday April 16. The church doors will be open all night before the holiday to attend services, light eggs and Easter cakes. Easter cottage cheese is also a traditional Easter treat. According to the ritual, those who kept a strict fast before Easter must first taste the blessed egg, then the Easter cake, and then proceed to the rest of the dishes.

A favorite tradition for children and adults is the battle of eggs. The one whose egg survived wins, but the loser can safely enjoy the treat. Traditionally, eggs need to be painted on Maundy Thursday.

Today they use for decoration:

  • various thermal stickers
  • hand painted
  • colorful crayons
  • decorative elements

Catholic Easter in 2017

In 2017, Catholic Easter falls on April 16. This is a rare case when both Catholic and Orthodox Easter are celebrated on the same day. Traditional symbols are Easter eggs and the Easter bunny, which is not in the traditions of the Orthodox Church. It is believed that the Easter Bunny visits homes secretly and places treats in baskets.

Church services begin on Thursday and are held until the Great Resurrection. The evening of Holy Saturday is illuminated by the Liturgy of Light, the priest lights the Easter candle from a fire lit near the church. Then the priest brings the candle into the dark temple and the rest of the candles are lit from it.

Another tradition is called the Liturgy of Baptism, adults undergo the rite of baptism the night before the holiday.

Jewish Passover 2017

The Jewish Passover is celebrated for 7 days, it begins this year April 11 and will last until 18. Its second name is Passover.

Passover is celebrated in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, and on this day it is necessary to tell children about these events. The first and last days of Passover are officially considered public holidays in Israel. You need to prepare for the celebration in advance, clean your apartment or house and get rid of any fermentation products. Some families even set the table with special dishes for this holiday.

Holy week before Easter

The name “passion” symbolizes the suffering of Jesus Christ, and the entire week is devoted to preparation for the great holiday.

  • All preparations begin at Monday, you can already start cleaning the house in order to get it done before Thursday. Fasting during Holy Week is the strictest; you cannot eat eggs, meat, dairy products and fish.
  • Tuesday can be dedicated to reconciliation with relatives and friends, as well as preparing and sewing seven new clothes for Easter.
  • IN Wednesday They are engaged in making Easter symbols from branches and straw - this decoration is hung in the middle of the room.
  • IN Thursday It is necessary to complete all the preparations at home for the holiday, prepare Thursday salt and paint the eggs.
  • Friday dedicated to prayer, any housework is prohibited.
  • IN Saturday it is necessary to prepare for the all-night service, put Easter cakes and eggs in baskets.
  • IN Sunday We celebrate the holiday of Easter with joy and joy. You definitely need to meet with your parents and relatives, christen yourself and beat eggs.

What do you do on Maundy Thursday before Easter?

On Maundy Thursday the main preparations for Easter begin. You definitely need to clean your house or apartment and wash yourself. On Thursday they also do a lot of laundry, change bed linen, curtains, tablecloths, and prepare the house for a bright and clean holiday. When washing windows, coins are placed in a basin of water so that there is always money in the house. It is important to note that cleaning the rest of the days before Easter is considered a bad omen.

One of the signs says that money counted three times on Maundy Thursday will bring prosperity to the family. Housewives can start preparing Easter cakes, Easter cakes and painting eggs. Believers visit Temples for prayer and Communion.

Rituals on Maundy Thursday before Easter

According to the behests of our ancestors, observance of all rituals and customs foreshadowed a comfortable year, peace and harmony would reign in the family, and unmarried girls would meet their betrothed.

The most common rituals:

  1. Rite of Ablution, it is important to get up before dawn and wash before the first rays.
  2. The ritual of washing the silver, then the evil spirits will not come close.
  3. Love spell for a loved one, if there is not enough man in your life, then while tidying up, make a place for him, for his future toothbrush, razor, clothes.
  4. In Rus', a ritual of “sowing money” was often carried out; coins were placed in a sieve and on the street, while no one was looking, it was necessary to scatter them.
  5. The ritual of preparing Thursday salt, which cures diseases and brings happiness and good luck into the house.

Folk signs for Easter 2017

Based on how Easter goes, they used to be able to predict the future, for example:

  • Great luck awaits the one who comes home from church first
  • A married couple should celebrate Christ in private so as not to bring quarrels into the house
  • Hearing the sound of a woodpecker means finding your own home
  • Wash your face with water from a red colored egg - preserve beauty and youth for a long time
  • Thunderstorm at Easter for late and dry autumn
  • Frost on Easter for a fruitful summer
  • Seeing a man first in the window on Good Friday means three months of happiness and luck

When are Maslenitsa and Easter in 2017?

Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent; in 2017 it falls from February 20 to 26. Maslenitsa is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter, and the countdown goes in the opposite direction from the church holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. Maslenitsa, unlike Easter, has pagan roots and glorifies the Sun God - Yarila, and pancakes, which are necessarily baked all week, symbolize the solar disk.

Why is Easter celebrated on different days every year?

Easter is celebrated on the first full moon of spring and, depending on the solar-lunar calendar, this date falls between April 4 and May 8. The holiday will mark the end of the 48-day Lent.

When is parent's day after Easter?

Radonitsa, or parent's day, is celebrated on the second Tuesday after Easter or on the ninth day after it. In 2017, Radonitsa falls on April 25. On the day of special remembrance of the dead, it is customary to visit the graves of departed relatives, bring them colored eggs and Easter cakes, sharing a meal with them and celebrating Easter.

What do you do on Good Friday before Easter?

According to the Bible, on the Friday after Passover, Jesus Christ was crucified on Golgotha. Believers must attend church on this day. The churches hold morning and evening services, and the doors are open to everyone.

On Good Friday you cannot:

  • clean the house
  • prepare
  • wash
  • have fun
  • work with the earth
  • listen to loud music
  • overeat

The whole day should be devoted to spiritual improvement and prayer.

Compliance with all signs and rituals, exact fulfillment of the instructions of the church is always at your discretion. May this holiday be bright and bring peace, harmony and prosperity to your family! Christ is risen!

Video: What to do for Easter, signs

This is how people greet each other on this day, the day of the Resurrection of Christ, the day of Easter. Hundreds of believers, in clean and light clothes, flock to the Temples even before midnight. With bated breath they wait for the start of the great holiday. And now, the Easter fire is already sanctifying the gathered people, the bells are ringing with all their might, joyfully announcing to everyone the beginning of Easter - the great day!

Christians celebrate the victory of Jesus Christ over death, who died for our sins but rose again. Deliverance from everything sinful. This is the most important church holiday. He is the most magnificent, light and elegant.

Easter does not have a specific, exact date of celebration, but it must be Sunday, the first Sunday after the spring full moon. The date is calculated using a special table - the Alexandrian Easter.

What date is Easter in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025:

Orthodox Easter is celebrated according to the Julian calendar. Catholic in Gregorian.

Easter in 2020 - April 19

Easter 2021 - May 2

Easter 2021 - May 2

Easter in 2022 - April 24

Easter in 2023 - April 16

Easter in 2024 - May 5

Easter in 2024 - May 5

Easter in 2025 - April 20

The celebration of Easter is unthinkable without the Easter fire. This fire symbolizes the Light of God, which sanctifies people, giving them enlightenment. In the main churches of the country they are waiting for the Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which descends on the eve before Easter. This is a real miracle! Fire is born out of nowhere and ignites, giving people happiness and strengthening their faith. From the Church of the Holy Sepulcher it is transported to us. Lamps and candles are lit from it, and this is how he travels around the country. Many people keep the fire in the lamp after the service and maintain it for a year.

Also, on Easter, bells play, not only bell ringers, but anyone at this time can ring the bells, announcing the Resurrection of Christ. Easter treats are also required on this day. Of course, these are consecrated in the temple. The greatness of Easter is visible even here: Easter cake is essentially ordinary bread that we eat every day, but once a year, it becomes festive and solemn. Previously, every decent housewife had her own recipe for making Easter cake. And properly prepared Easter cake does not spoil within forty days. - an integral part of Easter, they are not only eaten, but also exchanged, and also given to someone.

When celebrating Easter in 2020 - 2025, do not forget that on this day everything bad and evil is abandoned. And a person, after prayer, with a pure heart and soul goes out to meet the good and the good. Just remember this as you celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. Rejoice in everything, because Easter is a symbol of eternal life!
