Napkin on a wooden frame. Napkin on a frame with nails - a master class for beginner needlewomen. Product manufacturing technology

A napkin on a frame that we will make with nails is a very simple but original craft idea. It can be created by children over 8 years old, beginning needlewomen, and in general, by all those who like to do things with their own hands. This napkin is perfect for decorating your home interior or as a gift to loved ones, relatives and friends. She can decorate a bedside table, dressing table, or holiday table. We stock up on time and try to make original napkins that will definitely surprise all your friends.

Working in this technique involves the development and formation of knowledge and skills in this type of arts and crafts. If it is performed by children, then there is also a cognitive mission for them, which consists in children learning various tools and devices, as well as a specific type of needlework. It is very good if the adult who supervises the work process tells the story of this type of needlework so that the child has a complete understanding of what he is doing. It is impossible not to say that this work is very painstaking, and, consequently, such qualities as accuracy, perseverance, hard work, patience, determination, patience are developed.

How to weave an unusual napkin on a frame with nails with your own hands

Weaving is one of the most ancient and interesting types of needlework. At first, leather, plant fibers or wool were used instead of ropes. They were used to weave clothes, baskets, and hunting bags. They learned to tie knots when people learned the spinning properties of certain plants, for example, nettle and hemp, from which ropes were made.

A napkin on a frame is a very original idea. Small napkins can be used to weave tablecloths, capes or bedspreads.

The material for weaving can be colored darning, iris, wool or synthetic yarn. You can use both new threads and those that have already been used, but have retained a good appearance. The color of the threads is of great importance for the beauty of the future napkin, since color is the main expressive means of the product.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Wooden hexagonal frame (the size of the frame depends directly on the size of the napkin you need);
  • 2 black balls of thread, 100 grams each, for warping the first row;
  • 1 ball of orange color;
  • 2 balls of blue;
  • Homemade hook from wire and pins;
  • Scissors;
  • A hook with which the finished napkin is removed from the frame.

Let's get to work. Let's take a wooden frame and hammer in nails every 3 cm along its perimeter; first, remove the heads from them and process them with a file. The height of the hammered nails should be approximately 1.5 cm. If desired, the nails can be varnished.

Weaving should begin by pulling the threads in the form of a mesh. This will be the basis. At one of the corners we fix the thread on a nail and tie a knot. Let's start winding the black thread onto the frame. It should be borne in mind that the density of the base depends on the number of layers. 2-3 layers will be enough. After the first layer of threads is wound, turn the frame over and continue winding. As a result, we should have 3 layers of threads, which are stretched, respectively, in three directions. The thread must be secured in its original place by tying a knot on the back of the frame.

We wind orange and blue threads in the same way.

We thread two layers of thread into the eye of a homemade hook and tie a knot.

Tie a knot in the places where the threads intersect. Using a working thread, grab the warp thread and pull it under the frame. As a result of these actions, a snowflake should appear on the front side.

We also tie knots at all subsequent intersections of the main threads. Pay attention to the photo.

From the wrong side, the napkin on the frame looks like this.

Next, a very important step is removing the napkin from the frame, which requires special care. So that the edge of the napkin does not have to be cut, carefully hook the hook under the warp thread, lift the napkin, pulling the threads off the nails.

As a result, we get such an original and beautiful napkin, made by ourselves.

The edges of the napkin can be made into a fringe. To do this, the warp threads must be cut from the nails.

The pattern of weaving a napkin on a frame is shown below.

There are many variations of weaving on the frame. Only one option was presented here, which you can take as a basis and learn how to work in this technique, determine the main points for yourself, and work on more difficult areas. To familiarize yourself with other weaving options, we suggest you watch several videos. Enjoy watching!

Video selection on the topic of the article

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Look what beauty you can create with your own hands! And no special talents are required here. Only patience and imagination!

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Let's take a frame like this (I think you can make it yourself if you want, the side of the hexagon is 24 cm, the distance between the outer studs is 23 cm, but this is not regulated anywhere). Let's take some more threads. It is better to take acrylic threads. They are stronger, and this is very useful when we knit and tighten knots




We start weaving with a knot like this to secure the thread to the nail


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fold it in half...

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and put it on the second nail from the edge

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We tighten...


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We wrap the nails in pairs, located opposite each other, parallel to one of the sides of the frame. I do two turns. You can do three at a time, it depends on the thickness of the thread. The thinner the thread, the more turns


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This is how we move from one pair of nails to another. Depending on the design of the napkin, you can wrap the threads through a nail, or you can wrap each nail. We will now wrap it through a nail


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When the first layer of threads on the frame has been filled, we move on to the second layer…. through the corner stud


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And similarly, we begin to wrap the nails located opposite each other, parallel to the other side of the frame. Also two turns


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When we have finished the second layer, we also move through the corner nail to the third layer, the threads of which are located parallel to the third side of the frame.


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I wind the threads in this position, it’s more convenient, the skein doesn’t cling to the nails


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When all three layers are ready...



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We cut the thread.


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And tie it in a knot




like this:


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To obtain a non-monochrome pattern, we take threads of a different color - lilac. And in exactly the same way, using the same scheme, we make three layers of lilac threads


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We cut the thread in the same way.


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and tie it in a knot...


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It turned out like this.


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Let's add a few flowers. We wind threads of a different color, darker, for example like this. If we want to get a flower meadow, then we need to fill the entire frame with threads. And we need several flowers around the perimeter. Therefore, to avoid a lot of scraps, we’ll cheat a little.


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Then take a pin and thread it like a needle


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Now we will fasten where the threads cross





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So, we tied a knot in the center


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The knot should look like the letter "F". Left - right, right - left and top - bottom




These are the bugs. You need to constantly adjust the threads so that the threads remain parallel and all the triangles are the same


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This is the wrong side. It is not very visible that the nodules go in a circle. In general, the threads with which the knots are tied can be taken in a contrasting color, then the flowers will be cheerful, with a bright center


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Remember I said that we would be cunning? Place a piece of thread, folded 4 times, into the crosshairs of dark threads


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And where there is no crosshair, and the threads go in one line, apply two pieces of thread folded 4 times


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It should look like this. That is, it was as if we were winding threads around these nails across the entire frame. But so as not to cut the threads and throw them away, we simply put the pieces in the right places)))


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Now we make flowers from dark lilac threads. We cut off the excess threads, leaving threads 1-1.5 cm long around the core. It is important to take into account two points here. First, the scissors must be sharp so that the edges of the flower are neat and not “chewed.” The second is to cut only the dark lilac threads. You cannot cut threads of a different color. So there's no rush here

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There were “extra” threads between the cuts. We take them out one by one

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Here they are, our flowers!

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Almost everything. We remove our napkin from the frame

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Now all that remains is to decorate the edges

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I just cut off the big loops

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You can also cut all the loops, then you will get a fringe along the edge. But I wanted a loop. Our napkin is ready!

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Here's another napkin. These flowers are obtained when we wrap each carnation

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Well, here's a napkin

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This is how the master class turned out. Sorry it's so long... Girls, I will be glad if it is useful to someone!

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If you make a homemade frame, it can be simply square:

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You can use it to create napkins like this!

54:86 54:91 MASTER CLASS on making napkins on a frame.

Frame is a wooden frame on which threads are stretched. For convenience, it is better to take a large frame, because... the product will be smaller due to the fringe, and the fringe reduces the appearance of the product.

To work, you need a hexagonal frame, fastened from planks, cut from thick plywood. Beginners can use a frame that has three slats, painted red, blue, and yellow (see Figure No. 1).

The dimensions of the frame depend on the size of the product being manufactured. If it is made from synthetic threads, it must be taken into account that they stretch greatly, so the frame should be twice the size of the product.
On each side, an equal number of small nails are driven in at an equal distance from each other. The density of the weaving depends on the frequency of nails.

First, we first wind the warp threads onto the frame, the thread tension should be medium:

When the base is ready, we also wind the threads for the pattern. Then we knit the pattern. The knot consists of three knots that capture each intersection of the threads. We take the bobby pin and thread a thread through it, fold it in half, tying the ends together. When the thread runs out, you need to thread a new thread through it.

After cutting the pattern, remove the excess threads. Tie the base in the same way as the pattern. When everything is ready, remove from the frame and trim the fringe.

Good luck with your work....

Weaving such a rug will not be difficult. If you love unusual wicker things, then this master class is for you. The rug is dense and warm. You can weave it from old knitted items, but you can use strips of any fabric. The edge of the rug is crocheted. We will need a frame with nails. The size of the rug depends on the size of the frame. The distance between nails depends on the thickness of the yarn used and the desired density of the rug. In the photo, the distance between the nails is approximately 1 cm.

Watch the video of how these rugs are deftly woven:

Another option for weaving a rug from T-shirts on a frame with carnations

To weave a rug, you will need a frame (a photo frame will do). You can make it yourself in dimensions of 30 by 45 cm with rows of nails with small smooth heads stuffed along the long sides. The distance between the nails is 2.5 cm. Please note that, unlike the first option, the nails are driven in only on two opposite sides of the frame.

We stretch the warp threads onto the nails in pairs. The base can be a neutral color. If you pull the rows tightly together, it will not be visible at all. If you weave loosely, then keep in mind that it will be visible.

Now take the working thread and begin to pass it either under the warp thread or above it.

When the first row is finished, pass the thread through the last warp thread and point it in the opposite direction. At your discretion, make the desired number of rows.

When you decide to change the color of the working thread, simply cut and tie the end with a thread of a different color. If you want to make a rug with fringe, connect the ends of working threads of different colors, leaving “tails”.

Periodically pull the woven rows towards the very first row. Place all knots and seams on the wrong side and carefully remove the item from the frame. Cut the loops in half that were secured to the nails, tie knots - this way the weaving will be fixed and you will get tassels.

The braided rug is ready!

But we don’t say goodbye to you here, come back again!

The following materials are used for weaving:
· Colored darning
· Iris
· Wool and synthetic yarn (both new and used)
For a napkin to have an aesthetic appearance, you need to know color harmony, i.e. consistency in color combinations. After all, color is one of the most expressive means on a napkin. The basis for a harmonious selection of colors is a color wheel consisting of the same colors as the rainbow:
· Red
· Orange
· Yellow
· Green
· Blue
· Blue
· Violet

The correct selection of color combinations plays a big role in the weaving of a napkin on a frame. Pure bright colors delight the eye and create an uplifting mood, while gloomy, faded and inexpressive colors can depress and cause a feeling of depression.

When choosing a material for weaving a napkin on a frame, a creative approach is required, and even some courage, and then the color scheme can give your product an original and unique look.

Work progress.

We begin weaving by pulling threads onto nails in the form of a mesh, which will serve as the base. At one of the corners you need to fasten a thread to a nail, go around two nails and pull the threads parallel to the red side

Then fill the surface in the same way in the other direction - parallel to the blue side, obtaining a second layer of mesh. Next, pull the threads of the third layer parallel to the yellow side.
You need to tighten the thread so that it does not sag. After this, secure the end of the thread with a knot. The result is a “snowflake” with six cells.

For the following floorings, intended for making a pattern (for example, flowers), threads of other colors are needed (taking into account the combination of colors). They are stretched in the same way as the mesh - the base. The more layers, the more magnificent the flowers are.

Next, you need to secure the napkin in the places where the flowers will be. Thread (for example, “iris”), tuck into a pin and tie, insert into the cell and output through the opposite cell 1a, fasten, output into cell 2 and output through cell 2a, and so on.
Thus, the thread must be passed through all six cells of the “snowflake” and secured on the wrong side with a knot. The thread is transferred to the other “snowflake” from the wrong side and secured in the same way
After all the “snowflakes” are secured, the napkin must be removed from the frame. To do this, the threads between the nails are cut in the middle on the back side of the frame.

In this case, the length of the fringe is determined by the distance from the line of nails to the inner edge of the frame. After this, you need to cut the threads from the front side using sharp nail scissors as shown in the figure and pull them out. It turned out to be a beautiful napkin.
