Skyrim the wonderful world of bikinis. The most unusual bikinis for the beach season (photo). Bubble Wrap Bikini

The right gift for a girl should be beautiful, useful and memorable. But most importantly, it should please not only the woman, but also the man who gave it. Friends, forget about mimosas, perfumes and other banalities. Give the lady of your heart a BIKINI. After all, no matter which side you look at, better than a gift you can't imagine... Next is a review of ten of the most impressive, exciting and innovative bikinis.

Designer Susan Rosen proposed a bikini model made from real diamonds, the total weight of which was 150 carats. Of these, only 51 carats weighs the oblong diamond used to make the panties, and 30 carats weighs the rectangular diamond that complements the first one. Two diamonds weighing 15 carats each were used to make the top, and oblong stones of 8 carats each gracefully hang below them. All this splendor is framed with fastenings and clasps made of platinum. And don't be afraid that this work of art will pull you to the bottom, not at all, all the platinum threads are so thin that you will barely feel them.

Of course, this bikini covers almost nothing, but just think what a delight it is to sunbathe in the sun, while shining with all the colors of the rainbow. The cost of the unusual bikini is $30,000,000. The money is huge, but your beloved is more valuable than money, and in this modest swimsuit she will be the most seductive and sexy.

Bikini with C-Strings.

Women's C-Strings panties were created in the shape of the letter C, which the erotic underwear takes on the body. Although it is difficult to call underwear a piece of fabric stretched on elastic wires, which is “attached” to the body with the help of two silicone inserts.

However, it is believed that C-Strings are ideal panties for evening wear, because it is unsightly when under a tight, tight-fitting dress, the ribbons on the hips stand out...

If, instead of ordinary life jackets, the actresses of the TV series "Baywatch" were dressed in similar inflatable bikinis, the ratings of the series would break all conceivable and inconceivable records. Just imagine busty Pamella Anderson running in such a uniform along a hot California beach among vacationers. The psyche of many men could be irreparably damaged.

Do not forget that in addition to the visual effect, inflatable bikinis play an important functional role, helping their owner to stay afloat. From now on, rescuing drowning people is the business of the bikinis of the drowning people themselves! But even if a lady in such a bikini still manages to start drowning, men from all over the beach are guaranteed to come running to her cries for help.

Bikini made of air bubbles.

Since ancient times, people loved to look at the fire, listen to the murmur of water and burst air bubbles on packaging polyethylene. Therefore, no man can resist a lady dressed in air bubbles.

After all, such a miracle is not only pleasant to look at or touch, but you can also pop bubbles on it in a fun way! Two pleasures at once are always much better than one and who knows when.

Excessive tanning can lead to the most dire consequences, because ultraviolet radiation in large doses is harmful to humans. The creators of these bikinis came up with a great idea to equip the bra and panties with indicators of the intensity of sunlight. Cute balls at the ends of the ties change their color when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The owner of such a bikini always knows when it’s time for her to move into the shade.

Bikini "Geekini" for fans of computer games.

It’s hard to believe, but it turns out that fans of computer games also have girls. And sometimes even the girls themselves become geeks and gamers. Bikinis called "Geekini" were invented just for such people. Previously, only a fisherman could see a fisherman from afar, but now gamers can easily distinguish each other even on the beach.

The ambiguous slogan “Press Start”, placed on the bra and panties, looks extremely life-affirming and encouraging, as if inviting the viewer to go through several levels of new exciting toy. As they say "Press the button, you will get the result".

For hopeless romantics, let me remind you that at the last level of any game a bloodthirsty monster always appears and brutally deals with the gamer. Don't know where he's hiding here?

The theme of gadgets and scientific and technological progress is continued by bikinis from solar panels, which may be of interest to already established couples of gamers and computer maniacs. To finally conquer her gamer prince on a white PlayStation, the girl just needs to make a small upgrade, replacing the previous “Geekini” with a new swimsuit made of solar panels.

No normal geek can resist the temptation to charge up energy right on the beach through a USB port located in a girl’s panties.

Beauty must be protected, groomed and cherished. Some women take this literally by wearing a hand-shaped bra on their beauty. This bra looks impressive and funny. Surely there would be many men who would want to be in his place. You can give such a bra paired with the G-Strings panties, which were described above.

Lady Gaga unwittingly created a trend by wearing a dress made of meat. Nowadays, entire bacon bikini competitions are held in the United States: girls create swimsuits from strips of pork tenderloin, and a strict jury chooses the best one. Of course, you can’t swim in such a suit. Only if you walk down the catwalk a couple of times.

The love for minimalism sometimes takes bizarre forms. For example, c-strings have no side straps at all and are held in place by wires built into the frame. Putting on such an outfit is very simple: slightly unclench the structure, apply it to the body and release it. They say it is quite convenient and does not interfere with movement. Bonus: you can feel like Eve, from clothes - only a leaf.

Rope bikini

Another option for lovers of minimalism. Extreme minimalism.

Dissolvable bikinis

A real product produced by a German company. The bikinis disappear when the girl enters the water. Irrevocably. Great idea for a joke! True, a little cruel. Therefore, it is also suitable as an idea for revenge against offenders.

Inflatable bikinis

It looks, of course, strange, but it is very practical: a bikini will prevent even a very poor swimmer from drowning. It's like a life preserver built into a swimsuit!

Solar bikini

Solar panels are a pretty fashionable thing, so it’s logical that they thought of applying them to bikinis, because it’s in a swimsuit that we spend a lot of time in the sun. Why not put this to good use? The swimsuit accumulates energy and has a connector where you can connect a phone or tablet - and the device will be charged.

Bikini for solar tattoos

A cute thing - a swimsuit with a small curly hole. The skin at the site of this cutout will tan, but under the swimsuit it will not, and a pattern will remain on the body. Solar tattoo!

Precious bikinis

Perhaps the most useless thing in our selection. Designer Susan Rosen proposed a bikini model made from real diamonds, the total weight of which is 150 carats. It’s scary to swim in this, and they won’t let you on the red carpet. All that remains is to wait for an invitation to a beach party of millionaires - this outfit will probably come in handy there.

Bubble Film Bikini

Who doesn't love popping bubble wrap! The designers invited the girls to please their chosen ones and created a swimsuit that can be “snapped” directly on the lady’s body. True, it's a one-time thing. For modest girls, bubble swimsuits are made opaque - the film is sewn onto the fabric. For the uninhibited - a bikini made of one film.

Bikini with UV detector

Hundreds of books and articles have been written about the dangers of the sun for the skin. The designers figured out how to control the dose of ultraviolet radiation: they built a sensor directly into the bikini. There are two versions of such a swimsuit: one with a sensor built directly into the fabric, the other, simpler, with parts made of smart fabric - when the amount of ultraviolet radiation received becomes too large, they change their color.

Bikini with hand bra

A rather bold decision for girls with a good sense of humor: a shaped bra male hands. Even if you are alone, you always feel this kind of support. And men around dream of being in the place of a bra.

Geekini for gamers

Joystick-shaped bikinis will delight men who are passionate about computer games, but also not forgetting about the girls.

Packman bikini

Another gaming story - bikinis inspired by the legendary game.

Bikini tuxedo

Serious event by the sea? Come in a tuxedo - bathing suit.

Fair warning!
The mod and the images contained within are completely adult in nature. The armor (if you can honestly call it that) is intentionally and UNREASONABLY EXPLICIT, and is in NO WAY intended to maintain realism or ENT friendliness! If you are offended by adult mods in general and are somehow viewing this now, then MAYBE now is the time to enable the adult filter feature. Continue, I'll give you time for this. I can be patient. Once you've taken care of that little detail, enjoy your false freedom here on the Nexus (and let those of us who like that sort of thing just be).
Just wanted to say...

A collection of impractically designed armor designed to resemble everyone's favorite women's beachwear, the bikini. Designed by someone with the hands of God and with the support of a group of crazy perverts with whom it is better not to do anything. By the way, one of them is overly obsessed with photographs you have of your lady dowager, naked from the waist down. Apart from this, what else can be said about this mod? The inscription “BIKINI ARMOR” in the title is for sale!
Also, this mod is not for the faint of heart.
...or excessively bashful.

Where to look?
The first book is in Riverwood. The rest are scattered throughout Skyrim (see screenshots).

Update: 1.8d
- Fixed problems with shoes;
- The location of the book “Wolf Armor-Bikini”, as well as the book “Rawhide Armor-Bikini”, has been slightly changed for a faster search for the book;
- Fixed unexpected conflict of slots for shoulder pad elements of Dwemer bikini armor;

Please note the fact that you will have to re-download all the presets for Bodyslide and sets of meshes for your bodies, if necessary, because they have been updated.

Update: 1.8c
- Added a breastplate for the Dragon Bone Armor Bikini set;
- Changed long dragon bone boots to create a more armored appearance;
- Added descriptors to elements that did not have them (enchantments that are only intended for helmets can now be applied to gorgets);
- Added in-game information about which blacksmithing perk you need, along with the corresponding book if you need to obtain said perk;
- Changed ownership of some books to prevent unwanted theft;
- ... and many other bug fixes that I may have forgotten about.

Update: 1.8b
- Fixed the inability to create Steel Plate Bikini Armor if you have the corresponding book in your inventory.

Update: 1.8a (optional)
- In the "Optional files" section, on the translation page, an optional .esp mod file has been added, which allows you to get all the armor sets at the very start of the game, i.e. This option rolls back the mod version to update 1.8.

Update: 1.8a (edits)
The translation has been slightly corrected.

ABOUT update: 1.8a
- Armor can no longer be purchased from Alvor;
- Books on crafting have been added and scattered throughout Skyrim;
- Re-added cubemaps to all armors that originally supported them * Bodyslide files only upon request from NiseTanaka *;
- Added a new male follower;
- Officially added "Bikini Guardian Armor" with full support for female characters;
- Added a new gorget for the leather set;
- ... and many other bug fixes that I may have forgotten about.

Update: 1.7
- Fixed iron gloves "02" and "04" to support beast races;
- Added steel plate skirt;
- Old-fashioned bikinis have been transformed into CBBE Bodyslide;
- Removed the .esp file for the light version of the armor, because Starting from version 1.6 there will be inconsistencies. Anyone who has it is advised not to use this file.

Update: 1.6
- New minor corrections, the author does not write what exactly was corrected;
- Added cyborg gloves to the “Dwemer bikinis” section (use the 60th slot);
- A basement has been added to Alvor's store, containing chests for each type of bikini with constantly updated contents.

Possible conflicts:
-Can't wear thongs and bras at the same time!? Conflict with "SOS Schlong", use the Revealer option in the SOS MCM menu.
- Some parts of the armor are invisible (shoulders, legguards and apron most often) Conflict with "Devious Devices" and " "
- Clothing from this mod will take up 15 of your armor slots at a time, which means that it will take up slots that may be used by other mods for this or that clothing and jewelry. Remember this!

If you don't want to make armor, then use the mod.

I would like to add a little of my own. You can use high-quality armor retexture by CaBaL. It will replace poor vanilla textures with better ones that are more pleasing to the eye. Plus, you can only use textures, and you can delete the .esp files and the folder with scripts altogether. You don't really need them. This may be important for those who have many .esp files. Brief instructions for installing this entire miracle are here.

- Skyrim;
- Official DLC Dawnguard;
- 1.07.03;
- Body UNP, CBBE or 7BO (one of the options);
- ;
- ;
- .

Installation:(can be done manually or through NMM / MO managers)
1. Download the main mod The Amazing World of Bikini Armor v1.8d(weighs 110 Mb) in section Main files on the Nexus and install manually or using mod managers. Activate in the launcher in case of manual installation.
2. Download translated esp files on translation page 1.8d,in section Main files on the Nexus. Place it in the Data folder in the game and agree to the replacement. Activate it in the launcher.
3. Download (optional) in the Optional files section on the mod page on the Nexus website, meshes for tel UNP, UNPB or SVBE. There are no meshes for other bodies yet. Perhaps they will be added in the future. Download and install using managers or manually. Agree to replace the files.
4. Download (optional) in the Miscellaneous section on the fashion page on Nexus, sets of Bodyslide presets for CBBE bodies(CBBE Bodyslide Files) or for the UUNP series of bodies (UUNP HDT Bodyslide Files) if you know how to use Bodyslide.

* This mod is a collection of all the mods by NiseTanaka, that is, all in one. This mod includes all the assemblies of this author, combined into one .esp file, so if you have any clothing mods installed from this author, then remove them.
** You can see more screenshots!

NiseTanaka is the one true god of all things bikini;
Diablio is a useful UUNP conversion buddy;
Daymarr - supports us in terms of things for SSE, and is also just helpful;
Kofman77 is that depraved S.O.B. (look up the transcript on Google. I probably won’t write this), who constantly asks about photographs of girls naked from the waist down. And, I almost forgot, he makes conversions for CBVE and... other crap.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has expressed their love and support for my buddy Nisa Kun. Without him, our modding experience would have been less and we would never have known that such stupid and vapid humor, amazing intelligence and artistic ability could come from a modder like Nise-Kun.
Shine on, crazy diamond!
(Shine On, Pink Floyd)
