How many toys does your child need to fully develop? What toys do children of different ages need? Toys are friends

Children's toys sometimes appear in the house even before the baby is born. Teddy bears and bunnies, dolls and bright cars surround the little ones from the first days of life. Sometimes parents and grandparents themselves cannot clearly explain why they are buying another car or set of blocks. Psychologists explain that behind the “overwhelming” of a child with toys is the shortage of beautiful toys in the childhood of adults, as well as the desire to express love to their offspring in this way.

But does a baby need so many toys? And what toys will really please the baby and bring benefits?

After some time, adults are disappointed to notice that most of their gifts are gathering dust on the shelves. Having unscrewed the wheels, torn off the paw from the bear or torn off parts, the child loses interest in the toy chosen with love. But at the same time he enthusiastically plays with pot lids or clothespins.

What toys does a child need?

1. Toys are friends

Very often, children aged 2-3 years become attached to one single toy for a long time. They sleep with her, walk and sit at the table to eat. There is nothing wrong with this; a child should have a silent protector friend at the age of 2-5 years, while he still does not have real friends. It could be a soft toy or a toy - a favorite cartoon character. Often this role is played by Paw Patrol toys. Friends' toys can change; as a rule, such “friendship” lasts up to six months, and then the baby has a new favorite.

2. Pretend Play Toys

Child psychologists note that role-playing games are very important for little ones. In them they “work out” their future roles - mom, dad, doctor, teacher, and so on. For the game, of course, you need attributes - doll dishes, doctor and hairdresser sets, and so on. But if a child wants to play, for example, in a store, and there are not enough paraphernalia for this, do not rush to run to the store to buy a set for this game. Teach your child to use substitute objects. For example, cut up colored paper and write numbers on it - let it be money. Make fruits out of plasticine, give empty jars or plastic bottles as goods. Using substitute objects in play develops a child’s creative abilities much better than ready-made toys.

3. Interactive toys

Talking, squeaking, singing and blinking animals are very popular today. Your baby will definitely want to have one. But you shouldn’t keep too many of these “button” toys in the nursery. Child psychologists say that when there are too many of them, the child stops playing role-playing games and fantasizes less. For a girl you can buy a cute, beautiful pink pony. Boys will like a more masculine character.

4. Educational toys

Do not confuse educational toys with interactive ones, even if they teach your child to count, name letters, and so on. Good old dominoes, cubes, construction sets, pyramids and nesting dolls are much more useful for mental development.

5. Sports toys

A child, starting from 1 year old, should have several balls of different sizes. With age, sports equipment needs to be expanded - scooters, bicycles, jumping ropes... And even better, a sports complex in the nursery.

How many toys should a child have?

Child psychologists recommend no more than 10 toys until the age of 3, and up to 15 until the age of 7. With more, the child simply will not play with them, constantly switching attention from one bright toy to another. So if you have been given a bunch of toys, put them away from children's eyes. And change them once a month. If you see that the child does not go to the block set for several days, remove it and offer another construction set instead. After a month, swap them. This way you will keep the toys intact, and the baby will enjoy the new game more often.

Happy Saturday, fellow accomplices!

Today I invite you to talk about the toys that we choose for our children. The post was written based on the results of a seminar held by the Center for Games and Toys of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. In my opinion, several rather valuable ideas were given there about what toys should be and what psychologists do not recommend buying. At the same time, in my opinion, there were some rather controversial issues. I'm interested in what you think on this topic - both those who have children and those who do not. And, of course, those who were once children themselves and also have a lot to say on this topic :)

First of all, why does a child need toys? Contrary to popular belief - not for entertainment or for learning, but for play - an activity that contributes to the development of the child. And it is on this basis that the center considers useful and useless (or even harmful) toys.

Currently, the toy market is not just experiencing a boom - stores (and with them children's rooms) are literally inundated with various dolls, cars, construction sets, and so on. At the same time, an abundance of toys is not only unnecessary for a child - it harms him, since it does not give him time to get used to this or that toy, or even often to remember it at all. But an emotional connection with a toy is very important for a child: a toy is not just an object, it is the story that the child puts into it.

In order for a child to develop, he needs space to interact with a toy: on the one hand, he reacts to the world around him in the game, on the other, he expresses himself. And in order to be able to interact with a toy, it must be able to be used in a variety of situations. Here are examples of bad and good toys: an ordinary wooden car - good (by the way, natural material is also important), a car with Luntik “built to death” into it, which can only be broken out - so-so, because no one else can be put in this car , this is a “closed” toy.

In general, the manufacturability of toys was named one of the serious shortcomings of current production. In response to marketing interests, it is made to walk, talk, hum, sing, and so on. This delights the parents - we were shown a bear that somersaults and funny falls on its back - everyone laughed, it really looks very cute and touching. However, the child’s interest will last about ten minutes, and then, when he sees that, by and large, nothing more can be done with the toy, it will be abandoned. It’s good if these functions can be turned off, but there are many toys that “can’t do anything” other than walk - they can’t be changed, sat down, combed, and so on, it’s impossible to do anything with them.

Experts call another disadvantage of current toys “monsterization”: this is a huge number of so-called scary toys, many of which are based on comics or cartoons. At the same time, the traditional Baba Yaga, for example, is quite suitable for games. In glamorous vampires, psychologists saw a danger for young children (preschoolers, primary schoolchildren) of blurring the concept of good and evil, since they do not consider these characters to be evil. To be honest, I personally think this is a rather controversial idea. So far, there are no longitudinal studies by the scientists themselves (this is a very recent phenomenon), so they definitely do not prohibit these toys, but they do not recommend them for use. Time, as they say, will tell.

“Educational” toys were called a huge misconception - for example, a caterpillar that names English words when you press buttons. A toy will not teach a child, only a person can do that. At the same time, a toy that combines different functions distracts the child from its main task - the game itself and development in the game. These educational toys do not work - psychologists involved in child development emphasize this and draw the attention of parents to this. Such toys are a marketing ploy, “two in one” and are aimed exclusively at parents.

Separately, we talked about such a phenomenon as gadgets for a modern child - what this threatens for his development and what can be done about it. However, since the topic is very large, it requires a separate post - we’ll just note that there is such a problem, and psychologists are working on it.

Now about what is suitable for a child.

First of all, these are various containers - for example, boxes. You can use them to make almost anything: an apartment, a closet, a car, and so on. Also good are toys that are not toys at all - these are objects from the world of adults, the function of which is unknown to children. For example, a curtain hook with a tassel - children, as a rule, do not know what it is - and they find a huge number of uses for such things. All sorts of small blocks are good that can be adapted in any way - from a “telephone” to, say, a bench for dolls. The toys themselves must be durable, it is better if they do not play a specific role (for example, the Pinocchio and Malvina dolls are not very suitable for creating a role-playing game - despite the certain plot that can be played out with them, their range is quite limited). At the same time, as a practicing teacher who came to the meeting (not a center psychologist) noted, these characters can be used to play out educational situations when a child is faced with ever-increasing responsibilities and workload.

An experiment was conducted in one of the Western schools. A lot of items were brought into the school yard that could be called “industrial waste” - this is the “clean garbage” that remains in production - some cardboard tubes, plastic hoses, pieces of fabric, tires and many other large things. Schoolchildren were asked to do something with them during breaks - and as a result, a film was made about the huge number of games they were able to come up with with these “impersonal” things - precisely due to the possibilities of manipulating them. In addition, all these items required some kind of interaction with each other, and this is also very important during the gameplay.

It turns out that the simpler the toy, the more variations of games you can come up with. A relatively small number of toys (there should not be too few) will allow the child to easily interact with them.

Usually, when parents go into a big toy store, they want to buy everything! After all, all the toys are so bright, interesting and useful in the game. However, don't rush:

Too many toys is much worse than too few!

Of course, any parent wants their child to not need for anything. But think about it, a missing toy can always be replaced. Most children love to play with all kinds of bottles, jars, buttons and other objects that can be found in every home than with their toy versions. So it is not at all necessary to strive to buy a toy for any occasion.

But exactly how many toys should a child have in order for him to develop properly and not feel deprived?

How many toys does a child need?

  • There shouldn't be a lot of toys.

If you notice that most of the toys you buy or give as gifts are collecting dust in boxes or on shelves, but your baby always plays with a certain set, then you have an overabundance of toys. Try removing some of the toys, leaving only your favorite ones on display. This simple trick will make life much easier for both you and your child: fewer toys and much faster and easier! In addition, after a while you can replace the current set with other toys if you notice that your baby is bored with these.

  • There should be no more than 1-2 pieces of each type of toy.

Undoubtedly, there are different ones, but some are suitable for a 2-year-old child, and with some the child will only begin to play at the age of 5-6 years. Remember: everything has its time! Do not buy several sets at the same time.

If we talk about a specific number, child psychologists agree that active toys (with which a child can play during the day, that is, those in his field of vision) should be no more than 15.

How to control the number of toys

  1. Divide the toys into sets. Toys for walking, toys for bathing, toys for the garden, toys for the home. This way, the child will play with different toys in different places, and he won’t get tired of them.
  2. Make sure that the toys you have are appropriate for the child's age. It should be interesting for the baby to play, and at the same time, toys should not be ahead of the child’s needs. Every age has its own toy.
  3. Ask friends and relatives stop giving your baby toys for no reason. If every time guests come to you, they bring a new toy to the child, explain the situation with a large number of toys at home and ask them to bring fruits, felt-tip pens, pencils, books, and coloring books as gifts (if they feel awkward coming empty-handed).
  4. Always be conscious when choosing a new toy. The child must really need it. Therefore, you should not buy toys in between, when you go to the store, or to prevent tears and scandal in a public place. This way you will only spoil your reputation, raise a blackmailer, and the toys will not bring any benefit.
  5. Buying toys as an apology for your absence, as proof of parental love, is not a good idea. Learn to express love and care in other ways: playing games together, going to the movies, hanging out with books.

We hope you understand that children absolutely do not need to have too many toys. Remember that the lack of toys stimulates the child’s imagination! In addition, children who do not have many toys tend to be more careful with them and appreciate what they have.

Children's toys appeared a long time ago. So, for example, historians counted the famous Kargopol clay toy duck - a whistle - 5 thousand years old. But toys probably existed 10 thousand years ago, and even more, but they did not reach us because they were made of fragile materials - clay, straw, wood. Since ancient times, a toy has helped a child adapt to the life of adults, developing in him qualities that will be useful to him in the future.

From birth, the baby becomes familiar with environmental objects, their properties and characteristics. At first, this knowledge occurs through direct observations, as well as with the help of toys and games. Understanding the importance of toys in the development of a child’s personal characteristics and qualities, they need to be selected in such a way that they become the first fascinating “encyclopedia” for him, helping him to understand the world of things, nature and man.

The selection of toys must be approached responsibly. On the one hand, they should captivate and occupy the child, and on the other hand, develop and enrich his personality, without distorting the child’s idea of ​​the world. Up to two to three months, the baby needs bright, colorful toys that are hung above his crib or stroller in such a way that he It’s convenient to look at them, to follow their movements with your eyes when the toys sway. For a child aged four to five months, toys should be hung lower, so that if he accidentally bumps into them with his hands, he can feel and grab them.

An older child, seeing a toy suspended at a short distance from his chest, himself reaches out to it. For these purposes, we need pendants of different shapes, images, and colors, which can have sound, light, and motor effects. The parents' task is to draw the baby's attention to these features and name them. The achievement of a baby of four to five months is the ability to grasp a toy well and engage with it for a long time. Toys suspended above a crib or playpen should be made of different materials (plastic, wood, PVC, fabric), have different colors and geometric shapes. It could also be some kind of images: butterflies, fish, sun, house, etc. The main goal of a child’s actions with toys at this age is to explore its various features - shape, color, sound, etc.

The first games must take place with the participation of parents. The baby willingly listens to them, responds to their remarks, repeats or continues actions with game materials. When the child is already good at grasping and engaging with a toy suspended above the crib for a long time, he should begin to be taught to roll over from his back to his stomach. Of course, he does not succeed in this right away; he needs to help the baby in these attempts. You can offer your child a rubber cat, horse, dog, other figures or rattles that are easy to hold in the hand. By striving for a toy, the child will be able to perform the desired action.

Special “Game Centers”, hung on the walls of the crib on one side or the other, allow the child to act independently, extracting various sounds from its components - images, turning on or off the lighting effects. The child, performing various movements in this way, quite quickly begins to independently turn from side to side, and then sit down and crawl. For such an older child, it is good to have a high chair with a fairly large table and a playpen in which toys are hung along the walls during playtime. A little. One on each side.

From seven to eight months, when the child can already crawl, he should be allowed to do this and lowered to the floor, onto a clean, well-washable carpet or special bedding. Planar, so-called “developmental rugs”, which depict semi-volume toys that, when pressed on them, produce various sounds, have proven themselves well during this period: a cow moos, a frog croaks, a train hums. These unusual effects attract the baby’s attention for a long time, encourage him to repeat the actions of adults again and again, and imitate the voices of animals.

Parents need to remember that the toy must be safe for the baby - at least 4 cm in diameter, and not have small parts so that he cannot swallow it. The toy should not have sharp corners or small parts. And the material from which the toy is made must be toxically safe. Make sure that the paint and varnish on the toys do not lick off.

At eleven to twelve months the baby is already taking his first steps. You can also interest and help him in this with the help of a toy. At this age, the child is especially interested in things that, when exposed to them, produce various effects - noise, crackling, rumble, sounds of an animal's voice. A small child at this age is a great explorer. He likes to disassemble and assemble objects, put them into one another, push toys into holes, open and close lids or doors. Children enjoy these activities and satisfy their need for cognition and action.

Wind-up and mechanical toys are suitable for your baby's amusement - a pecking chicken, a bear playing on a balalaika, a moving bull, trains, balloons and balls. In these games, adults play a special role. Parents, smiling, name the toy and its properties to the baby, explain their actions, and encourage him to have an emotional response. The baby will be very happy to look at toys in the form of an animal - eyes, nose, various bright details of the outfit: bows, hat, etc. TO

When a child learns to stand steadily on his feet, he will need toys that can be pulled along with him on a string or rolled in front of him. He watches with interest the actions of toy kittens, which, as the rolling toy moves, alternately pop out of their shoes, fluttering butterflies, and bouncing bear cubs. It will be interesting for him to carry the horse along with him, pull the ring and make sounds reminiscent of neighing (the sounds should not be too sharp or frightening).

Through toys one gets acquainted with the animal world. To do this, you can buy your child figurines depicting his different representatives - wild and domestic animals. He will willingly study with them in the room, in the bathroom, or on a walk. When buying such toys, adults need to pay attention to their properties: size, color, shape, ability to move, make sounds, etc. - all this will enrich the child’s ideas about the world around him.

Until the age of two, a child is not interested in the emotional and semantic meaning of a toy. He is interested in what can be done with this toy. It has been noted that children of this age like to repeat actions with the same object for a long time. This is explained by the fact that they show interest in its different properties. It is interesting for the child to learn that the cubes can not only be placed one on top of the other, but also placed one next to the other, loaded onto a car, placed in a box and closed. If you notice that your child is playing in this way, do not interrupt him, do not consider such actions empty and monotonous. They help the child see new things in familiar objects and rise to a higher level of generalization of their knowledge. You yourself can support your child’s interest in different uses of familiar objects and toys by showing him what he can do with them.

By the age of three, a child acquires some gaming experience. At the beginning of the game, he can determine what toy or item he will need, how he will use it, and what he will get as a result. The knowledge acquired by the baby during familiarization with the objects around him, he now transfers to his games. For example, having learned to use a spoon while eating, the baby will use it when feeding the doll. Therefore, before the next trip to the toy store, parents should think about what a new toy should be in order to continue the game that occupies the child (dishes for a doll, a garage for a car).

Children aged one and a half to two and a half years old love toys depicting domestic animals, familiar fairy tale characters, heroes of funny nursery rhymes: a dog and a cat, a cockerel and a chicken, a cow and a horse, a pig and a sheep, a duck. Children from two and a half to five years old already prefer to play with toys depicting wild animals (wolf, bear, fox, wild boar, tiger). Although this is largely due to the knowledge and ideas that come from books, from looking at illustrations. To form a positive attitude towards the toy and the animal it depicts, pay attention to the design - an elephant in an apron, a bunny in pants, a cat in a hat, a cockerel in boots, that is, animals that have human traits and reflect human activity. And in this case, the example of an adult plays an important role, who can show how to play with toy animals, causing a caring attitude towards animals. To develop these games, the child needs special items (paraphernalia) for caring for animals - a comb for combing the mane, a feeding bowl, a small house. You can take care of a toy animal together with your child - feed it, put it to bed, walk with it, etc.

Play is the only activity in which a child can show initiative and independence. Therefore, parents should support their child’s activity in play in every possible way. The apartment must provide a place for the child to play and store toys.

Parents themselves should enjoy playing with their baby. The boys watch with noticeable interest their dad’s actions related to technology, and then they themselves begin to play with the cars. They are fascinated by the railway with a steam locomotive and trailers on which toy animals are located. Thus, games and toys help in the formation of positive emotions and the establishment of contacts between a child and an adult.

It is necessary to say something about the doll separately. Interest in it is manifested in game plots of an everyday nature (washing, cleaning, preparing dinner, going to bed). These games occupy both boys and girls. This happens primarily because they observe their parents daily in these activities and reproduce them in the game. To develop such games, the child must have toys in the form of household items: tea and tableware, a bathtub, rags, a telephone, a handbag, a stroller, etc.

Figures of people and animals, various objects of gaming use are acquired and introduced into the game gradually: first, more familiar, simple ones, then requiring more experience of the child and imagination. Children begin to play with the doll gradually, learning from their father or mother - their play partners. The latter come up with new plots for these games - getting to know the doll, the doll is having lunch, the doll is waiting for guests, etc. These games solve such important tasks as familiarizing the child with objects, their properties, purpose, and speech development. When introducing a new or old, but half-forgotten toy into the game, parents should ask: does the child know what it is called, show how and where it can be played with: on the floor, on the table, in the bathroom. Then the toy that interests the baby is given to him for his free use.

If parents notice that the child is about to stop playing because he has already mastered the toy well, they can offer him a different play situation. For example, when offering plastic fruit, they tell the child: “We bought apples on the way, feed your daughter!” The children easily, as if they were just waiting for this, accept the offer, and the game continues. Toys for children of primary preschool age should be suitable for bathing, feeding, rocking, etc. Particularly important is the “mobility” of the toy - that is, the ability to sit it down, put it down, put it down. They are much more attractive to children than toys that sit in a fixed position. “Moveable” toys are more interesting for kids; they can play a variety of games.

Toys that no longer attract children's attention are removed. After some time, they can be given to the child again, and they will again delight and encourage the kids to play. During a walk, a two-year-old child can be given a toy spatula, scoop, or wooden hammer and shown how to use them. At the same time as the demonstration, it is necessary to explain in words what can be done with this or that object. For example, you say: “You can use a shovel to dig soil, snow, dig grooves, pour sand into molds” and demonstrate how this is done. After the child has learned to operate with these objects, you need to give the game a targeted character. For example, invite your child to build a “garage” for a car, or clear the “construction site” of snow.

If you only watch the game from the side, it will very soon become primitive: it will turn into random scattering of sand with a shovel or it will simply stop. To develop in children not fragmentary, but systematic knowledge about the world around them, toys are needed that help unite disparate information about animals, their habitat, and habits.

For the further development of a preschooler, play sets of co-scaled, complementary toys are needed: a stable with horses and foals, a poultry yard, a pigsty, a car park, etc. The child perceives sets of such toys as a single system. Similar sets (volumetric and planar) can be used for board games when staging Russian folk tales, songs, and nursery rhymes. In the family it is necessary to have, and with older children, to make several sets for theatrical games. Small performances performed with their help will make the child’s leisure time meaningful and will help him remember and retell familiar fairy tales or stories. And this is important for the development of speech, establishing contact with others, and overcoming the egocentrism characteristic of children.

Children from 4 years of age prefer realistic toys. They are also of educational interest for children, which consists, for example, in the fact that different objects, including toy animals, can be made from different materials. Thus, in games with toys, cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic attitude of the child to the world around him develops. When choosing toys for a preschooler, it is important to remember that they should be accessible and varied, in form and purpose, as well as aesthetically attractive. For the proper development of a child, games must be gradually complicated in accordance with the level of development of gaming activity.

To maintain your mood and health, it is important to have games and toys for sports in your home: balls, bicycles, scooters, jump ropes, etc. On a fine day, it’s good for the whole family to play bowls, football, volleyball, table tennis, etc. With the help of games and toys, the baby discovers the world. His life becomes varied, rich in events and impressions. During the game, the child learns to communicate, win and win, rejoice in his achievements and the successes of loved ones, take care and show attention.

The child gains his first knowledge, communication skills, and work experience through play. Therefore, he needs toys. These should not be “sophisticated” jeeps and three-meter lions - such things only cultivate in a child an unfounded sense of superiority over other children, but do not contribute to his cognitive, physical and social development. They must be appropriate for the child’s age and stimulate his interest in life and creativity.

Children of older preschool age (5-7 years old) can already play independently for a long time. They choose toys themselves, create a play environment, and develop the plot of the game. At this age they have certain gaming preferences. Therefore, before going to the store, you can already think through with them what they need to play, what toys are missing. In this case, again, attention should be paid not to individual, unrelated toys, but to the addition of those already available to develop the plot of the game. However, you should not get carried away with replacing every item in the house with gaming equivalents. It is enough to offer the child a method of play replacing the missing item to develop the play idea: - hold out a brick from a building set and say: - “Take a frying pan, bake pancakes” or - “Here is some soap, wash the doll’s hands, she got them dirty.”

In every home there are many items that will help replace missing items during the game: a kitchen bench can become a stove, sofa cushions can become a crib, etc. To develop the theme and plot of the game, you can successively purchase game sets of certain issues. It’s good if, first, parents read a book with their child or watch a video film on relevant issues. This way you can expand your child’s understanding of the world around him.

While swimming, walking, relaxing in the country. the child needs appropriate toys. Toys for outdoor games are especially important. Girls are fond of playing with jumping ropes, rubber bands, and balls. Boys love to ride bicycles, scooters, and roller skates. To fulfill the child's need for movement, it is good to have skittles, ring throw, serso, tennis rackets, and a target for throwing at a target. Boys will play with enthusiasm with radio-controlled waterfowl toys: - boats, ships, boats. It’s good if you can assemble them yourself from construction kit parts. How many toys does he need for this? Yes, in general, a little! The main thing is that they are different, awaken imagination, develop abilities, encourage play and appeal to the child himself.

What toy does your baby need?

Child's age Developmental value of the toy Name of toys and kits Significant properties and characteristics
From birth to 1 year Formation of indicative activity, revitalization complex Pendants
Active center
Active mat
Animal figurines
Insert toys
Different colors, shapes, sizes with different sound and movement effects
PVC, medium size
Development of movements Gurneys
On a stick, on a string.
Getting to know the world around you Dolls
Figures of people and animals
Play items (crib, stroller, doll bath)
Dishes (kitchen, tea)
Cars, bicycles
As tall as a child
Proportional to a child's hand
With various devices,
as tall as a child
From 1 year to 3 years Development of actions with objects Pyramids, nesting dolls, barrels
Cubes – inserts (bowls, barrels)
Plastic, various shapes, images, colors
Development of a child's sensory experience Cubes with pictures, constructor, puzzles,
Medium size mosaics
Lacing games,
Sets for playing with water and sand
Cognitive development Toys in the form of animals (sets: fish, birds; domestic, wild, etc.)
Children's lotto, dominoes (animals, plants, objects)
Child social development Doll, set of furniture, dishes and other household items
Development of movements Transport toys, sets of figures of people and animals commensurate with them
Balls, skittles, gurneys, rocking chairs, bicycles
Large-sized, shaped, with play properties.
Big and small
Development of auditory perceptions Toys with musical effects and in the form of musical instruments.
Development of positive emotions Fun toys (pecking chickens, lumberjack bears, etc.) Folk toys made of wood
From 3 to 5 years Intellectual and cognitive development Various board games
Puzzles, mosaics, constructors
Construction kits
Sets of figures and objects reflecting the lives of people in different situations, professions, history, based on children's literature
From various materials.
Various ways to connect parts
From various materials, volumetric and planar
Social development Thematic kits for theatrical games
Sets for games with transport toys (railway, cars, airplanes)
Items for playing with a doll
Set for games “Little Doctor”, driver, pilot, etc.
Mini football, basketball, etc.
Ready-made and homemade
Gradually becoming more complex by type, human roles in their use
Medium and small size, proportional to the doll and to each other
Playing with adults and friends
Physical development Tricycle, scooter, jumping rope, ball, ring throw, balance beam, swing.
Water and sand play sets
From 5 to 11 years Intellectual and cognitive development
Physical developmentAesthetic development
Constructors of various properties, issues
Board and printed games (little professor, mathematician, botanist, etc.)
Puzzles, mosaics
Checkers, chess.
Computer games with didactic content
Electronic toys
Ball, ring throw, target, scooter, two-wheeler
Sets for creativity and theatrical games
Toys of children's choice

It is very difficult to refuse the pleasure of giving a child a toy, especially if you never even heard of such things in your childhood (and this was the case). Not only parents, but also friends and relatives like to bring them to the baby - dolls, cars - all this brings a lot of joy at first, and literally after a couple of days it begins to gather dust on the shelves or on the closet.

Willy-nilly, you begin to wonder: how many toys does a child need, and does he really need so many of them? If you do not control the number of toys your child has, he will grow up to be a consumer, will not learn to appreciate what he has, and will demand more and more things! The exact number of toys a child needs is not indicated in any literature, because each baby is individual, as are his living conditions and upbringing. website suggests that you familiarize yourself with the general requirements for the number of toys a child has and urges not to take them extremely seriously, because the child’s individual inclinations must be taken into account.

How many toys does a child need: general requirements

Since a child’s ability to make choices develops as he grows up, you certainly shouldn’t overwhelm your baby with toys, so try to stick to one simple rule - the smaller the child, the fewer toys can be in his field of vision.

Before the child turns year, one toy will be enough for him, which can first be hung in the stroller and crib, and then given to the baby in his hands.

Up to two years, as the baby’s concentration abilities and attention span grow, the number of toys for simultaneous use may well increase. During this period, it is very important to teach the child to establish differences between objects - color, size, shape. Necessary at this age for the baby and educational toys.

Aged from 3 to 6 years Do not place more than 5 different games and toys in the child’s field of vision.

Be sure to instill in your children the habit of taking care of toys, neatness, and a love of order. By the way, if a child has half his room littered with “plastic”, keeping his living space clean and tidy will be quite difficult and uninteresting for him, unlike toys that he made on his own. If a child is interested in collecting cars, soldiers or figurines, you should not deny him this pleasure.

How to buy toys correctly?

You can certainly adhere to the rule “fewer toys - more outdoor games, creativity and crafts,” but nevertheless, it can be very difficult to refuse to buy “such a wonderful toy that Vanya will be delighted with”! Use our tips, and the number of toys in your home will decrease, and the relationship between you will only improve.

1. If you have a desire to once again show your baby how much you love him, there is no need to rush to the store for another toy. It’s better to play, tinker with it, chat or .

2. Before purchasing a toy, ask yourself the question “will the baby be able to do without it?” If yes, don’t even think about buying it.

3. You shouldn’t buy your daughter a hundred dolls; in this case, it’s better to give the baby a variety of accessories for an existing toy - furniture, dishes, outfits.

4. Do not keep toys at home that the child does not use - it is best to give them to an orphanage, this way you

5. Throw away broken or damaged toys: if you haven’t fixed them within a month after the breakdown, you won’t fix them again.

Forum member under the nicknamebambalero shares useful tips,

We almost always give large toys or things that children have asked for for New Years and Birthdays. Educational games, board games, family games - for no reason. Rarely, several times a year, buy small toys, usually timed to coincide with some occasion: the tooth fairy brought it, you learned to ride a bike, you won a competition. The third category - given to guests for their birthday, bought by grandparents and godparents. Before holidays and birthdays (read - before a new influx of toys), we inspect the toys, throw away what is unusable, and put away what we have outgrown or don’t play with for the kids in the orphanage.

If you are responsible when buying toys for your child, reduce the number of them in your home, you will thereby help your child learn to appreciate and love what he has, as well as invent his own entertainment and enjoy the anticipation of cherished gifts.

Video tip: Making toys from socks with your child
