Sports entertainment for children of the first junior group. Physical education entertainment in the junior group Summer sports entertainment in the 1st junior group


Target. Exercise children in crawling on all fours, rolling a ball, and jumping off a board. Strengthen the ability to move in a given direction. Create a desire to help the characters in the fairy tale.

Material and equipment. Toys: turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse. Climbing bars, board, stump, rope. A weighted ball for every child.

The instructor shows a toy turnip and asks a riddle.

A round, not a ball,

With a tail, not a mouse,

Yellow like honey

But the taste is not the same.

Children, today we will go to the fairy tale “Turnip”. Remember who planted the turnip? (Grandfather)

Let's show how my grandfather planted turnips. The exercise “Let’s sow a turnip” is carried out

Ivan, Ivan - the children follow the instructor,

Remove the weeds - bend forward,

To make the turnip grow, they form a circle, hold hands,

Sweet and strong.

The teacher places a turnip in the center of the circle. Show how the turnip grew - the children take a few steps back, expanding the circle.

A turnip was born

Both large and tasty.

And in pie and porridge

She's good.

Such a big turnip

You won't find it anywhere.

You can't go around on a horse

You can't get around it in a day.

Children run after the instructor in a circle like horses. The teacher places toys (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter) next to the turnip.

Instructor. It's time to harvest the harvest. The grandfather called the grandmother and granddaughter. How did they pull the turnip? (Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull). Remember which animals came to their aid? (Dog, cat, mouse).

The bug runs fast

He hurries to his granddaughter's call.

Show how Zhuchka runs. Children run on all fours. The teacher puts out toys: a dog next to a turnip, a cat on a stump.

Instructor. Bug called the cat.

The cat fluffed its tail

Hastened to help them,

She deftly jumped off the stump.

Can you do this?

Children take turns jumping off the board lying on the floor. The teacher puts out toys: a cat next to a turnip, a mouse under an arc for crawling.


Small stature,

Long tail

Gray fur coat,

Sharp teeth.

Here is a mouse peeking out of its hole. Show how she runs easily and quickly. Children crawl under the arc, then run on their toes. The teacher places the mouse next to the turnip.

Instructor. All the heroes of the fairy tale gathered around the turnip. Name and show them. Let's pull out the turnip together with them. Children stand one after another, pick up a rope, the end of which is held by the teacher, and at the instructor’s signal, pull the rope.

Instructor. Pull and pull, we pulled out the turnip. The teacher takes the toys one by one and speaks for them.

Grandfather. Mother turnip

Grandma. She was born to glory.

Granddaughter. Large and round.

Bug. Strong and yellow.

Cat. Juicy and sweet.

Mouse. And with long tail.

Instructor. The turnip is round and yellow, it slips out of my grandfather’s hands. How can I bring it home? (Rolls the turnip on the floor). What does a turnip look like? (On the ball). Help the heroes of the fairy tale deliver the harvest home. Children roll weighted balls across the floor, pushing them with both hands.

Instructor. Well done, they helped the heroes of the fairy tale. It’s not for nothing that they say: whoever tries, gets treated. Try what turnip tastes like.

The teacher treats the children with pieces of turnip.

Gramotkova Elena Viktorovna

Irina Sorokina
Sports activities for 1st junior group “How a cat and his friends saved a cockerel”

Sports activities for 1st junior group

"How cat and his friends rescued a cockerel»

Target: create a favorable emotional environment for children; improve health; consolidate the physical education skills acquired during the year; vaccinate friendly relations among themselves.

Equipment: hats cat and foxes, soft toy cockerel, house layout. Sports equipment: 3 medium hoops, wooden hoops, gymnastic bench 2 pcs., stands with a stretched rope for climbing, ribbed board 2 pcs. .

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter to the music group. The central wall is decorated with birch trees, a sun and colorful butterflies are attached. They stand chaotically, enters cat(child in a hat cat) .

“Hello guys! You know, I got into trouble. The fox stole mine best friend, Golden comb cockerel. He needs to be rescued urgently!

Educator: guys are you ready to go help the cockerel?

Children: yes.

Educator: Can we overcome obstacles?

Children: yes.

Educator: ahead of us are swampy swamps, deep rivers, huge fallen trees that block the way, high mountains. Are you afraid of such difficulties?

Children: No.

Educator: then let's go!

Children together with cat They walk through tall grass, go around large stones, and pass through marshy swamps. (Regular walking, walking with high knees, snake, jumping from hoop to hoop).

Guys, let's hurry to help cockerel. (Easy running)

We came to the clearing and rested a bit. (Relaxation. Lie on your back with your eyes closed.

The children rested and moved on cockerel to the rescue: they crawl under trees, climb mountains, cross a river across a bridge. (Basic movement: crawling under wooden gates, under a stretched rope on racks, walking on an inclined ribbed board; gymnastic bench).

We came to the fox's house. A fox came out from there with cockerel, who had already made friends, and invited the children to play and then dance. Outdoor games "Blow up the bubble", "Bunny".

Dance “Oh yes!”

Cockerel gives children a sweet surprise for their salvation.

Game description "Blow up the bubble"

Together with the teacher, the children become a close circle and begin "to blow the bubble": with their heads tilted down, the kids blow into their fists, stacked one below the other, like a pipe. At the same time, they straighten up and draw air into their tube and pronounce the sound "F-F-F". These steps are repeated 2–3 times. Each time it inflates, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble has grown a little larger. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst!

It turns out to be a large stretched circle. The teacher enters the circle, touches each pair of joined hands, then suddenly stops and speaks: “The bubble burst!” Everyone clap their hands, say the word "Pop!" and run into a huddle (towards the center). Repeat the game 2 times.

Game description "Bunny".

The teacher calls the child, who will play the role of a bunny, to invite the others to join hands and join in a round dance. The bunny goes to the middle and, pretending to have ears with his hands, squats down. Children follow the teacher and say the following words: (or sing a song) and perform the corresponding movements.

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this

And he moves his ears (Children squat down and use their hands to depict how a bunny moves its ears).

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws,


We need to warm our paws (Stroke first one hand and then the other, lightly clap your hands. Then stand up).

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump!


The bunny needs to jump (They jump on two legs towards the bunny standing inside the circle. They try to warm him up, stroke him affectionately. Then they return to their place, and the bunny chooses a replacement).

Play 2 times.

Description of the dance:

Children stand in pairs (the boy takes the girl by the hands, her arms are extended "boat"). Sing “Ay - yes, ah - yes, stomp your feet quickly, children dance merrily” (2 times). "Ay", and squatted down.

Educator: one, two, three - get up.

The dance movements are repeated 3–4 times.

Educator on behalf of cockerel:

What great guys you are! The cockerel was saved, having overcome all obstacles, and you played well and danced for it cockerel presents sweet prizes (Chupa - chups).


Questions for children.

Guys, did you enjoy the trip? cockerel?

Who stole cockerel?

What obstacles have we overcome?

Educator: guys, you accomplished a real feat today, saved a friend from trouble.


Evoke an emotional response in children play activity and the desire to participate in it;

Teach children to play together without pushing or hurting each other;

Teach more dexterous children to help other kids;

Teach children to sympathize and empathize with a fairy-tale character;


Teach children to listen to the teacher’s speech;

Develop color perception;

Develop attention;


Encourage children to run in different directions;

Strengthen children's skills in walking in a flock behind the teacher;

Continue teaching children to hop on two legs;

Teach children to run and stop at the teacher’s signal;

Main purpose of entertainment: To cheer up children, to show activity, independence and initiative in actions.

Equipment: forest (Christmas trees, flowers), swamp, stream (made of blue fabric), baskets with pine cones, mushrooms.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to take a walk into the forest “by train.” The kids take seats “in the carriages” (they line up in a column behind the teacher). The conductor blows the whistle and the train departs. Song "Train"

Let's go on a fun train. The train arrived, shu-shu-shu. The conductor announces a stop. The guys “get out” of the cars.

Instructor: Children! We arrived in the forest. There is a cheerful clearing here. But to get to it, you need to cross the swamp, then jump over the stream. Let's do some exercise first, then it will be easier to overcome the obstacle.

Early in the morning in order, the bunny does charging :

1. He raises his paws up and plays with them merrily.

He puts his paws down and plays happily.

2. The bunny turns his head, he’s so funny.

3. The bunny squats low, the bunny takes a deep breath.

(squat down and sigh).

Instructor: Now let’s take the baskets with cones and go to the clearing. Be careful, there is a swamp here! You need to walk through it without getting your feet wet.

Game "On a narrow path" (walking along the health path; children walk along the path one at a time, the instructor makes sure that the children do not push each other).

Instructor: Well done! Nobody got their feet wet! Now let's try to cross this stream.

Game "Jump over the stream"

You need to jump over the stream where it is wide (40 cm) and where it is narrow (20 cm)

Educator: You're probably tired. Now we will relax by this lake. Children “sit down” on the shore with the teacher.

(There is a knock on the door and a bear comes in.)

Bear: Hello guys, I came to visit you and want to play with you.

The game “At the Bear in the Forest” is being played

A game for the little ones. From all the participants in the game, one driver is selected, who is appointed “bear”. Two circles are drawn on the playing area. The 1st circle is the “bear’s” den, the 2nd is the home for all other participants in the game.

The game begins, and the children leave the house saying:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

And he growls at us.

After the children say these words, the “bear” runs out of the den and tries to catch one of the children. If someone does not have time to escape into the house and the “bear” catches him, then he himself becomes a “bear” and goes to the den.

Instructor: And here is a cheerful clearing. A beautiful carousel awaits us here (multi-colored hoop with ribbons).

The game "Carousel" is played.

Preparing for the game: the players stand in a circle with a diameter of 6-8 m. At the leader’s signal, they say loudly

“Barely, barely, barely.

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around

Everybody run, run, run.”

In accordance with the text, children walk in a circle, first slowly, and then gradually speed up their movements. After the children have run two circles, they gradually switch to walking, saying:

“Hush, hush, don’t rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two!

The game is over!”

The movement of the carousel slows down, the children lower their hands; The game is repeated, the children move in a circle in the other direction.

Bear: Oh thank you my guys, I had a lot of fun with you, I liked it with you and I prepared gifts for you (hands out candy). Together with the children we thank the bear and see him off.

physical education teacher

MB preschool educational institution No. 4 “Ekiyat” Republic of Tatarstan.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 40" Oktyabrsky district of Saratov

sports entertainment

(together with parents)

"Visiting the Clown"

for children of the 1st junior group.

educators Solovyova O.A.
Saratov, 2015

"Visiting the clown."

Sports fun with moms in 1 younger group.

Integration of development lines:
 Physical.  Social – personal.  Artistic and aesthetic.
Types of children's activities:
 Physical.  Communicative.  Creative.
popularization physical culture and involving children with their parents in healthy image life.
 Encourage children's interest in movement.  B game form consolidate basic movements.  Develop musical and rhythmic movements in children.  Teach how to play in a team and act on the teacher’s signal.  Promote the development of positive parent-child relationships.
 Gymnastic bench 2 pcs.,  skittles 6 pcs.,  large pyramids 2 pcs.,  wooden bricks 6 pcs.,  children's slide 1 pc.,  “footprints” cut out of cardboard 6 pcs.,  music center,  disk with children. songs,  clown costume.

Progress of entertainment.
(To the song “About Friendship,” from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear,” the teacher leads the children into the music room and places them on chairs next to their parents.) The teacher runs out from behind the scenes, dressed in a clown costume.
- Hello, kids, girls and boys! (Children's answer.) - Hello, dear parents! (Parents' answer.) - Would you like to play with me? (Answers from children and parents.)
One, two, three, four, five We came to play with you. We are very friendly with the game, both adults and kids!
. But before we start playing, we need to get to know everyone.
Let's stand together in a circle, take Mom's hand, pass the ball, say our name.
Game "Pass the ball and say your name."
(The Clown starts the game: - My name is Svetik. What’s your name? - passes the ball to the child. The child says his name and passes the ball to the next one, etc.)
That’s how cool it is, friends, I know everyone’s name!
Well, it's time to play, We will repeat all the movements after the Clown.
. One, two, three, four, five - We begin to repeat. We will clap our hands (everyone clap). Like this, like this... (4 times) We stomp our feet (everyone stomps). Like this, like this... (4 times) Let's wave our hands (everyone waves their hands). Like this, like this... (4 times) Let’s dance with our legs (everyone performs dance movements).
Like this, like this... (4 times) We can spin around (everyone is spinning) Like this, like this... (4 times) We can bow (everyone bows). Like this, like this... (4 times) We might get angry (everyone shakes their finger). Like this, like this... (4 times) We can make peace (children hug with mothers). Like this, like this... (4 times).
- Well done, guys! And the parents had a great time playing too! But I don’t want to play anymore, I want to dance a funny dance. Children and parents perform the dance-game “Boogie-woogie”.
- Well done, guys! And you know how to dance! But I don't want to dance anymore!
- What do you want now?
- I will walk around the hall and overcome obstacles! (The song “About Traces” from the film “Masha and the Bear” is turned on, the children follow the Clown, together with their mothers they go through the “Obstacle Course”, which corresponds to this age group. Mothers perform some obstacles together with their children).  Walking on a gymnastic bench (the child does it, the parents provide insurance).  Stepping with each foot over an obstacle (wooden brick) at a height of 15 cm (everyone does it).  Slide down a 70cm high slide (children do it, parents provide insurance).  Walking (or running) “snake”, running around the pins (everyone does).  Assembling a pyramid (the child takes a ring from a bucket and puts it on the stand).  Walking along “footprints” (footprints cut out of cardboard) (everyone does it).
- Hey, guys! Hey, well done! And the parents tried too! All obstacles have been overcome!

. I don’t want to walk anymore, I want to play ball. Yes, not in a small one, but in a big, big, big one! (The clown distributes to mothers balloons. Children and mothers play with balloons. 4-5 minutes.) (A dog is heard barking.)
- This is Tuzik, my friend, and how could he find me? (The teacher brings out a toy dog ​​and plays the role of Tuzik. The clown strokes the dog on the head.)
. I ran for a long, long time and my friends told me that kindergarten you went to play with the boys and mothers. It was on a sweet trail that I found you, because people don’t go on a visit without treats.
. Since you found me, let's play with us, you'll catch up with us. And the guys should run away and hug their mothers quickly.
Game "Shaggy Dog"
(repeat 2-3 times). (Tuzik lies in the center of the hall, mothers stand at the edges. The teacher invites the children to stand around Tuzik, the Clown reads a poem and brings the children to Tuzik.) Here lies a shaggy dog, he buried his nose in his paws. Quietly, quietly, he lies, Or is he dozing, or is he sleeping? Let's go up to him, wake him up and see if something happens?!
(The kids touch the sleeping Tuzik, stroke him. The dog suddenly wakes up, barks, and the children run away to their mothers)
Wow, what a great game they played! Are you guys tired? (Children's answers). Aren't you, moms, tired? (Answers from moms).
And I played great, I drove all the kids away. Svetik - candy, give me something sweet!
Tuzik - you are a beggar! Well, okay, for fun game I give you candy!
Thank you, Svetik! What about a treat for the boys and mothers?
. How attentive you are, Tuzik, you haven’t forgotten about anyone. I came to you with a treat, brought a big, big piece of candy. But I don’t remember where I put it, I was playing with you. Or maybe you, Tuzik, hid it? What to do?
. Maybe the guys and their mothers will help us find your candy? Clown. You, dear ones, walk around the hall and find my big candy! (Moms and their children walk around the hall, look for and find a large candy. The clown treats everyone with candy)
And it's dark outside. The house is waiting for us, and it’s warm there. Toys and soft pillows are waiting for us at home.
It's time for everyone to go home, Goodbye, kids, Goodbye, moms! (Clown and Tuzik go backstage to calm music.) (Children with their mothers leave the music room).

Summary of physical education entertainment with parents of children 2-3 years old “Top, top, stomp the baby”

Tasks: Develop children's motor skills, develop coordination of movements, spatial orientation.
To promote a sense of joy in children and parents from joint activities and games. Parents wait for their children in the gym to the accompaniment of music. Children appear one by one through a multi-colored tunnel. Parents meet their child.
Head of physical education: I suggest you go on a trip. Hold hands together, we follow each other, don’t rush, don’t lag behind.
The road has become narrow where we can put our feet.
- Exercise “Walking together.” The child stands facing the adult and places his feet on the adult’s feet. The adult holds the child's hands and they walk together.
Let's all stand on our tiptoes - we'll grow up right away,
Let’s all stand on our tiptoes – and that’s how we’ll go.
- Exercise “Walking on toes.” The child stands with his back to the adult. An adult holds the child by the hands and leads him on his toes.
Head of physical education: we need to cross the obstacles ahead of them (bumps, soft modules, tunnel...), we came to the clearing, let’s dance!
Song-dance with parents "Ay - yes."

Oh, what a mountain has grown in front of us. We definitely need to climb it. Are you ready to climb to the top?
- Exercise “Climb the hill.”
An adult holds the hands of a child facing him. The child climbs up his legs and torso. So we found ourselves at the very top of the mountain. Now we somehow need to get down from it. But you need to do this carefully so as not to damage yourself.

That bunnies can jump deftly, let's jump like bunnies.
- Exercise “Jumping”.
Our children will be bunnies, and our parents will be an obstacle, logs for the bunnies. An adult sits with his legs extended forward. The child stands on the side of the adult, holding hands, and jumps over.
Well done, I have a riddle for you.
The muzzle is mustachioed,
Lives in our house
Drinks milk from a bowl
Washing frequently
Chasing the tail (cat).

Surprise. From preparatory group girl in a cat costume.
Kitty: I have balls, let's play with them.
Game "Roll the ball".

The teacher invites parents and children to sit comfortably throughout the hall, standing opposite each other at a distance of 1.5 m. and play with the ball.
Head of physical education: put the balls down and start dancing.
Song-dance with parents “Squat” (start dancing and bow to your friend).
Educator: Well done, let's sit down to rest.
I was walking alone along the path (we show one finger)
My two legs walked with me (shows two fingers)
Suddenly three little hawks come along (show three fingers)
Oh, we saw a kitten! (claps his palms on his cheeks and is “surprised”, shaking his head with his palms)
He has four legs, (show four fingers)
There are sharp scratches on the paws (we scratch with our nails on any surface or knee)
One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)
We need to run away quickly! (run away with index and middle fingers)
Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat."
Children are in nests with their parents, parents are sitting in the lotus position along the edge of the carpet. A cat sits to the side. “The sparrows have flown,” the sparrows flap their wings and run scattered around the hall. The cat wakes up, says “meow-meow” and runs after the sparrows. They must quickly fly to their nests, to their parents. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher praises the children for the journey they have made.
- This is how long our road has been, let’s put the birds together on the Friendship tree.