Clown tattoo meaning in prison. Meaning of tattoos: clown, jester, joker. Clowns in cinema

The clown is always associated with celebration, jokes, fun and laughter. Unforgettable moments of childhood are associated with him, when, coming to a circus performance, we waited with bated breath for a funny person to appear in the arena, performing all sorts of tricks and amusing the audience with sparkling jokes.

Clown tattoo

Considering the ambivalent attitude towards clowns, in the art of body painting clown tattoo It is customary to portray good and evil. After all, some people happily perceive artists of this genre, while others experience fear.

The main purpose of entertainment artists is to make the audience laugh and amuse them. Therefore most often clown tattoo carries positive emotions: a good-natured facial expression, eyes sparkling with laughter, bright colors. And the evil character looks gloomy, with a crooked grin, dull eyes and evil facial features. Given the contradictory meaning of the image, clown tattoo sketch will also be different. Yes, and their semantic meaning will be different.

So what does a clown tattoo mean?:

  • The smiling clown characterizes its owner as a carefree and cheerful person, who can be boldly called “the life of the party.” They face all adversity along the way with a sense of humor and are always ready to kindly make fun of themselves and those around them;
  • Luck, success, furor. From time immemorial, jesters served at court, and received either punishment or rewards for their jokes. Therefore, their life always depended on luck. To become the darling of fate is the purpose of the jester's outfit, behind which lies a person capable of winning and going towards his goal “without fear or reproach”;
  • The talent of a player and a winner. Joker clown tattoo is directly related to playing cards and indicates the high skill of its owner;
  • The crying clown is an expression of melancholy, a person prone to pessimism and forced to play not by his own rules;
  • Evil clown tattoo personified with cruelty, aggression, sadism, hidden under the mask of a jester. Sometimes, behind the image of an evil clown, there is a betrayal that has left an indelible mark on a person’s soul. Then the jester's mask is a parody of the contradictions of life, when something light, kind, bright turns under the yoke of circumstances into dark and gloomy.

Scary clown tattoo, most likely inspired by movie images of villains dressed in a clownish clown outfit. The Joker is Batman's main opponent. Mentally ill people dressed as clowns from the movie "Clown House".

Studio “Beat Unbeaten” offers to make tattoo clown on hand, leg and other parts of the body. Masters full information about clown tattoo meaning for men, and women, will help you make a choice and create an image at a high level. Our address: St. Petersburg, st. Chernyakhovsky, 5.

Clowns are born macro-generators of jokes and witticisms. Seemingly the epitome of circus, magic tricks, fun and laughter, this magical word, which has become synonymous with a vibrant genre of art, is not as simple as it seems. This is especially evident in tattoos depicting clowns. Their double, contradictory meaning and piercing, colorful shades of the pinned pattern simultaneously attract and frighten. Regardless of the color palette (black and white or multicolor), only one thing remains the same: with a catchy and remarkable Clown tattoo you will not go unnoticed!

Ingenuity and intelligence, or is it still stupidity? A little history...

Since ancient times, these heirs of tradition have been the favorites of rulers of all stripes. Their causticity, mockery, wit, affectation and fearlessness amazed and attracted. In Rus', only jesters were allowed to criticize and ridicule the sovereign and the authorities. They could talk whatever they wanted. Moreover, if the jester was too stupid and narrow-minded and angered the king, he was immediately decapitated. That is why only the smartest and most cunning clowns remained at the courts. They managed to hide behind a veil of humor a sharp satire on the life of kings. Often, the rulers simply lacked the intelligence to understand the true background of the clownish speeches, because often those close to power understood it much more than the rulers themselves. That is why tattoos with clowns are, in some way, a symbol of leadership and superiority. It’s not for nothing that even in card games the Joker has a higher value than the king and queen.

The meaning of Clown tattoos and their interpretations

Depending on the type of image: a quick-witted prankster, aka a jester, a fool (a simpleton or just pretending to be one), a good or evil clown, or maybe a card joker - the Joker - and the meaning of the tattoo will vary.

  • The image of jesters conveys luck, good fortune and fortune. This is a certain distinctive feature of the gentleman of Luck. The owner of such a tattoo constantly strives to beat fate and catch a lucky break “by the tail.”
  • A laughing, kind clown is a sign of carelessness, frivolity, foolishness and unbridled fun. People who choose such a tattoo are not characterized by despondency, they are easy-going, characterized by endless love of life and optimism. They are often called the “soul of the party.”
  • The evil clown is a sign of true evil, a cruel monster mocking its victim in a peculiar manner. Symbolizes a predisposition to lawlessness and sadism, coercion and oppression, carries horror and fear. This is the embodiment of aggression and negativity. However, sometimes the image of a creepy clown-villain is nothing more than a betrayal that brings incredible pain and torment, marking a person’s soul with painful memories and leaving unhealed scars.
  • The Joker is a passion for adventure and audacity flavored with aggressiveness, coupled with cruelty and deceit. This is a player with a high level of professionalism, intelligence and talent, who exploits living people in his “games”. Often mentally unstable.
  • A saddened (crying) clown is a symbol of melancholy, loss of spirit and melancholy. A role forcedly played by a person, against his will: you have to play and smile, although “the cats are scratching at your soul.” Despite the tear-stained eyes, the face is so kind and complacent.

As a rule, tattoos with these colorful characters are the privilege of the male half of humanity. However, if a girl is confident in herself and is not afraid of daring and daring experiments, she may well prefer a similar pattern for herself. Remember one thing, no matter what sketch you choose to reveal yourself and create your appearance, a tattoo with the image of a clown will always look expressive, lively and impressive.

The clown tattoo has a double meaning. On the one hand, the jester makes everyone laugh, which means he himself is a merry fellow and a jokester. On the other hand, since ancient times people have laughed not only at good jokes, but also at the ugliness of people, their pain and fears. A sketch of a tattoo depicting a jester can be either black and white or color, but the elegance of the picture does not suffer from this.

Jesters have always been favorites of rulers - for their sharp mind, causticity, antics and courage. But the little clown rarely became rich and famous, but he received a full slap on the wrist. Dressed up in a cap with bells, he is a little tyrant, but at the same time a victim of the crowd.

There are several varieties of clown tattoos - jester, joker (card joker), good and evil clowns. The meaning of a clown tattoo is humor, playfulness, talent, carelessness, the variability of life, playing for luck, acting.

If the tattoo depicts an evil clown that looks like the devil, then this is a symbol of coulrophobia (fear of clowns). As a rule, this is a sign of betrayal, violence and fear.

Clowns in a traveling circus were always a source of joy, creating the atmosphere of a stupid booth and dressing up like children themselves: a red wig, a brightly painted face, ridiculous clothes of a gigantic size. The laughing clown tattoo represents victory over the difficulties and prose of life, bright and unconventional talent, optimism and talent.

Nowadays, you can increasingly see a sinister clown tattoo depicting a character from a horror film or thriller - this image is so full of negativity. It could be a bandit clown, a dead clown, a killer clown - covered in blood, with eyes full of hatred, with a distorted face. This is a real symbol of evil, a monster taking revenge on ordinary people.

In the criminal world, a clown tattoo also carries a negative meaning - it is a deceiver, a swindler, a dishonest card player, a cheater.

Evil clown tattoos are often chosen by men prone to aggression, who consider the image to be their “second self.”

Another option is a sad, crying clown. This image is a symbol of melancholy, a role that a person is forced to play against his will. A kind face, a funny hat and tear-stained eyes.

Regardless of the meaning, a clown tattoo is masculine. It can be one color, but more often there are colored tattoos, very bright and noticeable.

Clown tattoo video

Below are photos of clown tattoos from different artists.

On one of the trams in St. Petersburg, clowns were handing out oranges. Gifts were given in honor of International Vitamin C Day. It was held for the first time in 2016.

If it were the 17th century, it would not have happened. The reason is not even the lack of trams. Clowns would not be trusted with gifts.

The English, who used the word clown to name harlequins, referred to drunkards and poor people as such. Ever wondered why all clowns have noses?

The historical prototypes of modern merrymakers did not need to attach foam rubber.

Clown is translated from English as “hillbilly”. It turns out that the first clowns were considered ill-mannered and uncouth.

Where then does so much come from? clown tattoo? The fact is that the literal translation of the name is no longer relevant.

Let's look at its modern perception and meaning through the prism Clown tattoo.

Meaning of clown tattoo

The trust in clowns in the 21st century is evidenced by the fact that one of them was elected to the lower house of the Parliament of Sao Paulo. This is a French city.

In the 2010 elections, the merry fellow was supported by almost 1,500,000 citizens. So, from a modern point of view, clown tattoo photo, which may have political overtones, and not just entertainment.

Politics is power. Clowns are endowed with it not only in life, but also in life. Suffice it to recall the “merry fellow” from “Batman”, or the clown from Stephen King’s “It”.

Negative images, exploited in evil clown tattoo and point out that the authorities do not always end up with the good ones.

At the same time, it is difficult to deny intelligence to the clowns from the works.

Even the fact that superheroes sometimes manage to defeat them does not bless the minds of the merry fellows.

The real service of the jesters of past centuries to kings and kings was also a kind of fight with superheroes.

They hired jesters for entertainment and laughter. The stupid ones angered the rulers and lost their heads. Only smart clowns remained in the courts.

They managed to cover up with humor a sharp satire on life and rulers. Tsars and kings rarely had the ingenuity to understand the background of clown speeches.

Therefore, in a sense, with jesters there is leadership. It’s not for nothing that it is even valued above kings and queens.

In terms of the clown, it is an inversion, that is, a changeling of the king. The ruler is first, the jester is last.

But, in the mystical order of things, the latter becomes the second, close to power and, sometimes, understanding it more than the first. Here what does a clown tattoo mean?.

However, in historical context there are several images of merry men with different meanings. Actually, clowns, after all, are narrow-minded individuals, jokers.

But jesters are smart pranksters. There are also buffoons. These are traveling comedians.

Accordingly, the image of the latter is included in clown tattoo designs, having an aura of romance, travel, attachment to specific places, things and even people.

We will study the external differences of the images, as well as their additional meanings, in the next chapter.

Types of clown tattoos

If selected clown tattoo on leg, or another part of the body, it is necessary to draw that same nose. The face becomes white.

Bright, curly hair is also typical. They are of no use to jesters, since the head is covered by a two-horned hat.

There are also options with many “horns”, but initially there were only . This is due to the Christian tradition of seeing jesters.

Therefore, the clothes of satyrs are similar to the outfits of evil spirits from Hell. Hence the association of jesters with evil. It turns out that echoes of Christian views are “heard” in “Batman”.

The wandering buffoon comes from France. In fact, the name of the profession translates as “clown.”

However, there are external differences, and differences in the organization of your business. The buffoons not only traveled, but also scolded.

Their humor is rude and impudent, but improvisational. There were no prepared scripts. The buffoons “came out” of Del Arto’s comedy.

These are street theater performances. They contain images. So that the crowd could grasp their essence from afar, the actors wore.

That’s why they are also available on buffoons. Jesters don't wear makeup at all. Clowns apply makeup. Buffoons become heroes clown mask tattoo.

There are sad clown tattoo, cheerful, angry. Some of the images are cartoonish, others are realistic.

There are jesters full of life and those who resemble zombies, with cyanosis, bare skin, and bruises.

There was also a division by gender. Least common plot clown girl. Tattoo with jesters - a classic of the genre.

Tattoos are also divided into partial and full images. Accordingly, only the comedian’s mask, or the whole person, is drawn.

Clown tattoo for men

Men's clown tattoos, as a rule, are made in -, or other contrasting colors, for example, -.

More often they choose sketches with evil comedians. They look like skeletons, have fangs, like vampires, and have a cataract instead.

In general, the paintings are reminiscent of scenes from horror comics, more loved by men than by women.

The jesters turn out to be smoking pipes and gambling.

But the most extreme tattoos involve transferring the faces of clowns onto real people.

More often,

At all times, people who give fun to others have been very popular. These were interesting personalities who were always in the center of everyone's attention, participated in celebrations, and were close to famous historical figures.

Clowns and jesters had an ugly appearance and were always funny and brightly dressed. They were considered not particularly smart, but this is a mistaken opinion. Their main function was to amuse and entertain people, but not with simple jokes and tricks, but by ridiculing actions or qualities of character and behavior. And for this, you see, you need to have a sharp mind, talent, and the ability to cheat.

Nowadays, a tattoo depicting such a funny person is very popular. But clown, jester and joker have different meanings, although they are somewhat similar to each other.

The clown is a reasonable character. He knows how to laugh at failures, but knows when to be serious. A clown tattoo means that a person solves problems easily and laughs, and overcomes difficulties.

But sometimes a clown can be very scary. The image of an evil clown means pain, anger or fear. Often such a tattoo is done in order to overcome the fear that the clown symbolizes.

In addition to fun and aggression, the image of a clown can carry a symbol of sadness. Then this character is depicted sad, with a tear running down his cheek. A sad clown tattoo is a sign of unhappiness and sadness.

It happens that a clown is depicted with a weapon. This tattoo is a symbol of destruction. A clown without a body is a symbol of anger, a clown tattoo with a red nose means hatred.

The most suitable places to get a clown tattoo are the back, chest, shoulder or arm.

A jester tattoo has different meanings. It means that a person is not as simple as he tries to show himself, he is very smart and wise. If a person plays card games, then the jester tattoo symbolizes excitement, risk-taking, danger, and fraud.

Just like a clown, a jester can be sad. The sad jester tattoo symbolizes the inner state of a person, his soul, the desire to take off his masks, not to pretend to be anyone.

The joker tattoo is of particular importance. This is a very popular design borrowed from a card deck. This tattoo symbolizes a gambler, a gambler, a swindler. The joker tattoo gained popularity after the release of the film “The Dark Knight.” In it, the joker is a crazy, but smart and inventive villain. The joker tattoo symbolizes a controversial, extreme, risky person.

Sometimes the joker is represented as a woman. This is a symbol of the variability of life, the insidiousness of fortune. Such a tattoo means that you need to rely only on your own strengths and capabilities, without trusting anyone.

A tattoo depicting a joker, a clown or a jester has a deep meaning, because behind the mask of a laughing simpleton hides a strange person who only adheres to the image of a fool. In fact, under the mask of stupidity and strangeness lies intelligence, cunning, passion, and unconventional thinking.
