"Taiwan" tattoo on forehead. “I tattooed “Betrayal”, but many people read “Ham”: how people with tattoos on their faces live Variants of tattoos on the forehead of girls. Vivid combinations and religious meanings

A tattoo is a great way to show yourself, your uniqueness and interesting type of thinking. Tattoos will be especially noticeable if they are tattooed on the forehead, under the eyes or in the chin area. What does it matter What will be affected and changed? And what's the best way to stuff it? Find out now!

Where does the trend start?

First, it’s worth understanding why people decided to get unique skin tattoos on the frontal part of the skull and on the face in general. There are several basic principles:

  • Fashion. On at the moment Unusual and obscure tattoos are very popular. That is why young people want to keep up with trends and be aware of all the new products, so that people can see it.
  • Significant event. This interpretation is, in principle, relevant for all tattoos on the forehead or any other part of the body. A person has some kind of situation that is associated with a tattoo, or religious characteristics.
  • An opportunity to stand out. A very small part of the population has tattoos on the face, much less on the forehead. This is a novelty for people, which is why they instantly notice the owner of a tattoo on his forehead.
  • Composition. For example, a person already has a tattoo on his body, neck or face. He needs to combine them or complement them. This is why people get extra tattoos.

Now you are familiar with the trend. You may have your own reason, individual and new. But we should not forget that any trend is a fleeting phenomenon. Think about whether you will worry and repent later.

The meaning of the tattoo. What's the point?

At the moment, society has not yet gotten used to the idea of ​​tattoos on the forehead, face and, indeed, other parts of the body. This is why you need to immediately get used to the thought of criticism of your art. So what might people think when they see a tattoo on your face? There are several options:

  1. The tattoo is located just above the eyebrows. Many historians explain this by saying that a person expresses his “I” with the help of a tattoo. Shows itself, its characteristics and manifestations. To put it simply, it immediately opens up your inner world.
  2. Below the eyebrows. This arrangement of the inscription speaks about the person’s well-being, his life situations and other internal experiences.
  3. Hair, below hair. All areas that a person chooses near his hair speak about his attitude towards society. If the tattoo is on the upper part of the forehead, then it speaks of an inextricable connection with a person, people.
  4. A photo of a tattoo on the forehead, which is located exactly in the middle, speaks of harmony in the personal world. It reminds you of inner peace. Many people get an eye tattoo there. This is where the “third eye” belongs! Physiologists believe that the endocrine organ, the pineal gland, is located in the middle. She is responsible for storing and processing information from the past. Responsible for his perception - the ability to see memorable moments.
  5. The entire forehead is associated with childhood memories. Most often, a tattoo on the forehead of girls is associated with something joyful and cozy - childish.

There are also unique meanings based on a person's religion and emotions. They, as a rule, are of an individual nature, requiring decoding.

Types of forehead tattoos

Many experts believe that tattoos on the forehead have mainly 2 directions - plot and written. Some divide them into comic and philosophical. To put it simply, some inscriptions can mean something to a person, to his soul, and some can be a trend.

Forehead tattoo ideas. Philosophy

Most often, people who choose philosophical tattoos on the forehead place them in the middle, starting from the hair growth. Some bend the inscriptions to imitate eyebrows.

Plot tattoos of a philosophical nature are made in the form geometric shapes. At the moment, one of the most popular topics is the vastness of space. If you like artistic direction, then this best option. Mix neon colors and other bright colors.

If you place a cross on your forehead, the tattoo will have not only a bright ideological meaning, but also a religious and spiritual one. The crucifix is ​​a universal image of the world as believers see it. A cross on the forehead is a tattoo of a complex religious nature.

It is interesting that the cross has 2 principles - feminine and masculine. The girl’s energy is contained in the horizontal line, and the masculine principle is associated with vertical stripe.

Tattoo ideas. Art direction

Plots that are considered creative have a more complex and incomprehensible interpretation. They are also unique and individual. From the artistic direction, you can highlight strokes and curls that are worth getting acquainted with.

Most often, neon ornaments are used by women. Artistic direction in a serious form is inherent in the weaker sex. Men prefer to get funnier and more incomprehensible tattoos.

Their interpretations are individual. Most often, the secret meaning of a tattoo lies in its location and the arrangement of individual parts.

Tattoo options for men

According to statistics, men are more likely than women to get tattoos in the form of an inscription. They prefer provocative characters with a touch of humor. There are also unique tattoos. For example, some people tattoo a joker on their forehead. There are variations in the "blood" style. A scratch that runs down the middle and is, as it were, “tightened” by various threads and laces. It is also very common to have a cross tattooed on the forehead. If an animal appears on a man’s face, then this is the personification of his qualities: justice, courage, kindness, etc. This tendency originates from the Slavs.

With the advent of Christianity this opinion changed. A tattoo of an animal, such as a wolf, began to express the ability to ward off evil spirits. They used to scare away animals. It turns out that the tattoo has become a kind of protection against evil spirits.

Guys very often get tattoos on their foreheads based on anime or manga. It not only looks stylish, but also represents the spirit of a person. Such memorable tattoos include the anime and manga "Naruto". Very often, guys and some ladies get Gaara tattoos on their foreheads. This character is famous for his strength and abilities.

Variants of forehead tattoos for girls. Vivid combinations and religious meanings

Not only men, but also women get tattoos. Very often such tattoos (on the forehead) have some kind of backstory, plot. These include tattoos of Hindu women. These are women who have one or more large dots on their forehead. Russian women get this tattoo if they are into yoga.

Red dots are characteristic of women who have a family. This color means that the lady has learned the wisdom of marriage. Among the artistic styles, you can choose animals and flowers, which most often take the form of a bouquet.


To summarize, I would like to say that a tattoo on the forehead, the photo of which is above, is a difficult choice. Most often, people stuff them to hide any flaws and emphasize their religion. There are a lot of ideas, ranging from simple inscriptions to entire lines around hair, eyebrows, etc. Tattoos on the forehead are divided into plot and philosophical. Happy stuffing!

There are several types of designs that can be tattooed on the forehead. Eat beautiful tattoos on the forehead - part of a composition that occupies the entire head or simply an independent work of art. There are funny tattoos on the forehead that can glorify you as a freak. But in the end it's original decoration your body.

Does this unusual tattoo hurt? Of course, this type of drawing is one of the most painful. The fact is that the bone on the forehead is located immediately under the skin, so the stuffing process is quite unpleasant. In addition, as with all drawings on the head or neck, the movements of the machine unpleasantly “feel straight to the head.” However, it is possible to endure this process. You just have to be patient.

What is stuffed most often? As indicated earlier, a tattoo on the forehead can be only part of a composition that occupies the entire head. If you are the happy owner of a bald head, the more convenient it will be to fantasize and add more and more new elements to the picture.

Often a cross is tattooed on the forehead. This symbol is very popular. It means different things in different cultures, but one of the most interesting meanings is Chinese. It is believed that the cross is a ladder that leads to heaven. Another idea for the forehead is an eye tattoo. The theme of the third eye, the all-seeing eye, is also quite popular.

While intoxicated, a thirty-two-year-old British man named Paul Firrell got a tattoo on his forehead - inscription "Taiwan" Chinese characters.

He has been living on this island for more than 13 years and has his own small bar in the city Kaohsiung, and also married a local girl. Thus Paul Firrell confessed his sincere love for the lands that the colonialists once called the word "Formosa". However, the photographs he posted on social network the next day he himself commented with words of regret about what he had done.

The guy left me just happy

Tattoo artist Wei Cheng said that his client really smelled of booze, but he clearly expressed his thoughts and, as the tattoo artist decided, was fully aware of what was happening. “I asked him several times if he was sure of his intentions? As a result, the guy left me just happy!”- says the tattoo artist. What do you say: in in this case, who is responsible? Should the artist have done such a tattoo or should he have sent the client home?

Thanks to the tattoo, the police knew exactly who was in front of them

After some time Paul Firrell got caught by the police for driving a scooter drunk. The police said that after his arrest he could not answer a single question, but thanks to his tattoo, they knew exactly who was in front of them. Now he faces a very significant fine.

Paul Firrell and had previously had trouble with the law: in Australia where he met his future wife, resident Taiwan, Paul was arrested for setting fire to a stall fast food. “I was very upset because they didn’t put ketchup on my hamburger!”- this is how he explained his action to the police.

Having been released on bail, he fled to the UK, and from there he moved to live with his wife on Taiwan. By the way, thanks to her, he received Chinese citizenship, and now she is going to file for divorce. Apparently, his new tattoo was the last straw.

As children, adults told us: “What tattoo?!” When you grow up, you can at least get a prick on your forehead!” “Big Village” found four Samara residents who took and tattooed them: we find out what kind of pain - physical and mental - the crosses and anchors on the face cause, how loved ones and passers-by react to them, whether a tattoo changes a person and whether you want to erase all this beauty.

Nastya Rosso


At the age of 15, I went to my tattoo artist and said that I wanted to tattoo my face. He answered with one phrase: “No, damn it, you’re too small for this.” I had to persuade him for a long time, and, as you can see now, I succeeded.

I have always been a supporter of such actions, and no one was surprised at my outburst: my friends had already gotten used to it, my relatives reacted calmly - everyone except my grandmother. She always wanted to raise me to be a real lady, and when she saw what happened to my face, she was silent for a long time, and then asked if I was injecting heroin. After the negative answer, however, I calmed down and after a while I got used to it. I already lived separately from my parents and I also tried not to be an eyesore for my grandmother.

For the first six months I flaunted my tattoos. I quickly got used to my reflection and wanted people to pay attention to me more often. But after a year, the constant glances in my direction began to freeze.

Grandmothers on the street periodically crossed themselves, some dropped their grandchildren off on the bus, and also shouted after me so that I wouldn’t breed. They reacted to me like I was a dinosaur.

But young people like my tattoos. I shoot nudes for famous photographers and my photographs are popular. Sometimes my tattoos are covered up because they don’t fit the concept of a photo shoot - in particular, they do this for “before” and “after” collages. But I don’t really like covering them up: face tattoos are a way to forget about a difficult past. When I cover them up, I again remember the pain and powerlessness of the days that today I would like to forget.

However, I recently covered up the tattoo myself in order to meet my boyfriend’s parents. As soon as I got on the subway, I realized that no one was looking at me and I missed it.

At the same time, I never thought about removing my tattoos because others don’t like them. For me it's cool and aesthetically pleasing, and nothing else matters. I didn't make them to wash them. But I don’t know what will happen in the future - people tend to change, and I don’t exclude the possibility that I will want to remove something from my face or body. I just try to live by logic: feel yourself, do what you want, and not what others want from you.

I often had to change jobs. For example, when I worked in a company selling apartments, ten deals out of a hundred ended unsuccessfully: employers and customers were biased towards me - they thought that because of the tattoos on my face I was incompetent or that I was simply too small for such work. I actually studied to be an actor-theater director, but I realized that this was not for me, and I consciously left my studies. In a year I'm going to apply to become an art critic, because art is what I am.

My body is proof of this. It's completely covered in tattoos. They are everywhere: from arms and legs to ribs and pubis. Everything is spontaneous: I never wait several months before a session, but immediately go and hit. Sometimes it hurts like hell, and sometimes I don’t even notice how it goes. It was the same with my face - I never made a sound during all the sessions. But the best thrill is the feeling after. Every time I look at myself in the mirror and see a new tattoo on my face, I happily swear. That's all. This is incomparable to anything.

After such tattoos, not only the appearance, but also the inner you - you find yourself in a different caste of people, going beyond what is permitted. When you have a tattoo on your face, you don’t care what kind of makeup you go out with or what sneakers you’re wearing. My motto in life is to simply look for yourself. And it doesn’t matter whether you have drawings on your body or whether you wear a leopard fur coat with striped leggings.

I believe that facial tattoos are a slap in the face to society. It turns out that those around me think more about my life than I think about them.

Pavel Malafeev

Entrepreneur, Harat's employee

At the age of 18, I got my first tattoo on my face - a small anchor. It didn't make much sense, I just liked the nautical theme. I tattooed the word Trust (translated from English as trust) above my eyebrow because I believe that without this quality no relationships in society are possible. The white rabbit is a reference to Alice in Wonderland. He is the coolest character who controls time. The rabbit often tells me, whispers in my ear, what needs to be done. By the way, the sketch came to me in a dream. And my very strong tattoo- a cross on the forehead. It shows my attitude towards religion: I respect the story about Jesus Christ, it is my favorite. From it you can glean something that is not visible on the surface.

I decided to get my face tattooed and realized that I had nothing to lose - my neck and whole body were covered with tattoos. It all started with music: as a child I was a violinist, and then I started playing guitar, drums, opened a recording studio, and organized concerts. I looked at the downtrodden musicians and thought: “I want tattoos too!” I liked being noticed. Everyone in the music community supported me, but passers-by on the street stared and stumbled. This made me feel scared, so I tried not to ride public transport, only by taxi. Buses sucked all the energy out of me. Sometimes the grandmothers turned into girls, flirted, discussed what kind of boys they were now.

There were no difficulties finding a job. I found an informal place - Harat's Pub. There are no strict standards here, no one points a finger at you. Before that I worked at a tattoo parlor called Riverside Tattoo. There was even a “Let’s kill your face for free” campaign. Anyone has used it - from teenagers to old people. At one point I had to leave for another job on business, and when I returned, I was simply amazed: even minors were beaten to death. Schoolchildren left the salon with eyes painted on their foreheads. I told the masters: “What are you doing, really? We will have problems." But no one complained. During the entire time the salon was open, we scored exactly thirty people. We can say that we participated in the birth of a new movement in Samara.

In my tattoo parlor they tattooed others, but I noticed that I myself was missing something. The cross on the forehead filled this void, and everything fell into place. It's cool that I'm not one of those guys who dream and don't dare. I'm the one who took it and did it. In addition, such actions helped me become more self-confident and overcome modesty - I consider this quality unnecessary in our world.

Denya Kolchanov

Tattoo artist

My girlfriend forbade me to get tattoos on my face, but I dared. Secretly from her, I came to the salon and asked the master to make my dream come true. At home, of course, I was a little upset, but then I thought more about how to explain my choice to my parents. They live in other cities, and I decided to just send a photo. Mom reacted calmly: she worked as a tattoo artist for a long time - and by the way, she gave me my first tattoo at the age of 13. Dad looked at the seal of Lucifer on my temple and asked: “What is this, a drink?” I was most ashamed in front of my grandparents, but they simply remained silent.

In general, no one has caused scandals for me at home; on the street this won’t surprise anyone - every second person is downtrodden, and it’s difficult to impress clients - I work in a tattoo parlor. True, after a while I still began to regret that I had gotten a tattoo on my face and thought about removing it - I began to develop real social phobia. It’s good that my friends convinced me to leave everything as it was: they said that it was part of me, and without it I would be different.

Recently I was thinking that there is a place near my cheek where I would like to stuff my knife hand. Or a crown of thorns on the forehead. But this is still in my thoughts, my face is pitiful. In general, I began to notice that getting a new tattoo for me is like buying sneakers: you wear them carefully for a couple of days, try not to get them dirty, and then you feel comfortable and forget about them until the next passer-by starts openly yelling at you stare. When you have 57 tattoos all over your body, it's hard to hide it.

I have one cool tattoo, although not on my face. At my ex-girlfriend I had a chubby friend, and I laughed at her all the time. One day, in order to hook it even more, I got it on my leg. overweight woman in an ice cream cone, wrote her name and sent it to her. The girl didn’t appreciate the joke, but I still really like this tattoo, it reminds me of that friend and fun times.

Problems with law enforcement agencies arise constantly. Every time I travel by train I am searched by the police. They think I'm driving drugs. For them, a tattoo with a spider on their hands is something from the zone. Because of this, I am often labeled as a person who has served time. Recently I was riding the metro near Zvezda. The female police officer gave me a real interrogation and threatened to take me to the police station. I looked at photographs of criminals on the wall and said that I looked like one of them - simply because I had the same dark hair. When she got tired of looking for leads, she let her go, but didn’t explain anything - and didn’t even apologize for the inconvenience. Over time, people on the street stop bothering you: headphones in your ears - good thing. Grown-up women and men are increasingly coming up and saying: “Beautiful!” I am sure that if you are a closed person and treat the comments of passers-by with aggression, then they will treat you the same. I'm open-minded, so I've never been told that tattoos on my face look ugly.

Almost all of my face tattoos have no meaning. I have a cobweb on my head with a butterfly and a spider, near my temples there is a razor and a knife - American old school. It feels like getting a tattoo on your head is like going to a dentist for a session, only it’s as if they’re treating your brain, not your teeth. And also this sound, when the needle taps on the bone... I could barely restrain myself - just so as not to interfere with the master doing the work. At one point he suggested splitting the session into two parts. But it hurt so much that I replied: “No way!” I can’t stand this again.”

In this matter, it is important to catch the line and understand when to stop. I won't get any more tattoos on my face. Every person has natural beauty, and if you fill your whole face with ink, it will disappear and you will become faceless.

Inscriptions on the face: “No depression - more aggression”, “Hate”

I have been interested in tattoos since childhood, I was interested in the culture itself, rather than what exactly was depicted on the body - I was never attracted to dragons, flowers and other crap of the same type. Closer to 20 years old, I filled my wrists with the words “Grace” and “Calm” - these are important characteristics of me. It all started with them: I bought my first tattoo machine and, frankly speaking, began to “mess things up.”

I thought that facial tattoos could fully reflect everything that I have experienced or incidents that are dear to me. The cross near the left eye is faith in myself, in what I see with my own eyes, without unnecessary emotions. The phrase “No depression - more aggression” is a symbol of freedom and self-knowledge: I never get overwhelmed, I do everything according to the rule: with zeal, aggression. Barbed wire on the neck and on the cheek is a well-known sign of “a century of freedom not to be seen” - I am not a prisoner or a criminal, but I depicted this as a sign that every citizen of Russia, no matter how much he denies, is in the shackles of our country, we are tied to her and to power. “Hate” above the right eyebrow is a sign of my indignation towards a society that looks at me with contempt. I don't care about them! And my face makes it clear without further ado.

Vladimir Kirillov, 22 years old, tattoo artist

Inscriptions on the face: “Whirlpool”

I got my first tattoo on my face at the age of 18 - it was a dagger on my temple. The inscription “Whirlpool”, filled in later, is an abbreviation for “My One Consolation - You”. It does not refer to any specific person, but rather a collective image of someone who helps to escape from life’s difficulties. My tattoos are a message to society, because people have a certain stereotype, they say, if you have a tattoo, it means you were sitting or just “moved away.” But with my manners and behavior I try to show that I am quite adequate, and you shouldn’t judge a person by his cover.

What will I do with my tattoo when I'm old? Basically, nothing. Yes, over the years they will not look the same as before, but even people without tattoos will not be beautiful and fit forever! We're all going to look like crap - it's inevitable. So what difference does it make, with or without a tattoo?

Victor Burner, 18 years old, tattoo artist

Inscriptions on the face: “Nothing personal”

When I lived and worked in a tattoo studio in Novosibirsk, I had many nervous breakdowns: there were almost no clients, since I did not want to engage in commercial projects - I thought to “beat” my sketches, developing tattooing as an art. After another depression, I decided to join the army, I even started packing my things! At that moment, I drew a sketch of a rose, which I liked so much, I wanted to wear it on my face: I gave up on my debt to my homeland and returned to work as a tattoo artist. The fragments that were in this rose became my feature - now I draw them to all my clients.

The inscription “nothing personal” was made by my “sidekick” when I moved to St. Petersburg. Since in Russia it is very difficult with subcultures, people of the old school do not understand such designs on the body and try to “ask for a tattoo.” However, after the inscription on my forehead, I didn’t encounter this - on the contrary, grown-up, stern men who looked like bandits from the 1990s shook my hand, and the elderly said that I was brave.

Ilya Glazunov (O.G.Blanko), 20 years old, rap artist

Inscriptions on the face: “Here and now”

I got my first tattoo at the age of 14, at 15 I got my sleeve completely inked, and at 16 I got my face tattooed. Everything that is painted on me is a certain message to society, which everyone understands and accepts as best they can. I don’t like to talk about their meaning and I get angry when people ask me about it, but all the drawings are made for a reason. For example, the inscription “Here and now” above the eyebrow speaks of my position not to put things off until later and to solve problems “on the spot.” This quality greatly helps me in my career: I play music and just recently signed a contract with the Moscow label XXVII Legion.

Neither in Moscow nor in St. Petersburg did I encounter a negative reaction to my tattoos: even if they tried, they calmed down after the response. The only people who scolded me at first were my parents, for whom it was a shock. But, naturally, I’m not going to remove the tattoo - I want to be in style both now and in my old age.

Egor Kornilov, 21 years old, tattoo artist

Inscriptions on the face: “Attack”, “Love”, “Speed”

I have “Attack” printed on the side - this is the name of my project to develop the art of tattoos and create a cooperative of artists from different directions. Also called my tattoo studio. On the other side, I have the inscription “Love” - I made it spontaneously, and then I realized that it is consonant with my last name - Kornilove. The “Speed” tattoo symbolizes me: energetic, I always need to do something, run somewhere. Plus, this is a piece in the puzzle of an antisocial tattoo project (I give similar inscriptions to many of my friends) - it should not be kitsch, although social patterns make it so.

The stripe on the chin is a continuation of the ray from the neck, and the branches on the temple are a gift from Minsk tattoo artist Ilya Medved, who made it with a simple needle, without the use of machines. This style is called “handpoke” and is characterized by the absence professional equipment, color splashes and a large-scale plot.

“We will all become decrepit, dry old men, only my saggy, painted skin will please the pathologists more.”

Maxim Obman, 20 years old, model Tann Model Management

Inscriptions on the face: “Sothebys”, “Christies”, “I"m not a real artist”

When I am asked how the Sothebys and Christies inscriptions are translated, I have two answers ready: 1) a smile for those who know that this is the name of the largest auction houses, that is, institutions that are responsible for 99% of the market contemporary art; 2) these are the surnames of my great-great-great-great-great-great-someone from the family, so as not to go into details and make the information as accessible as possible to the interlocutor.

“I"m not a real artist” (“I am not a real artist”) I filled in in addition to what is under my eyes. For me, there is one art - this is the market, speculation and capital. The auction is the game of the establishment.

With all this collection of inscriptions, it is difficult to get me to talk about culture, or to drag me to an exhibition. And no, I don’t regret stuffing them. All the most important things need to be hidden on the surface.

Anastasia Grishman, 21 years old, tattoo artist

Inscriptions on the face: “Hope”

I never gave of great importance tattoos - I perceive it more as art than a provocative message to society. All the drawings on my body were made according to my own sketches - I just wanted to keep them close to myself and show them to others. It doesn’t matter where they are - on the face or in a place hidden from prying eyes - the main thing is that the tattoo cannot be changed, it will remain with you in old age, like some impulse committed in youth.
