What is the best day to post advertisements? How to put up advertisements. How to print advertisements. Methods and secrets. Post advertisements with maximum effect

Seven tips on how to advertise with maximum effectiveness. Posting advertisements is an inexpensive but very effective way of advertising. Minimum investment – ​​maximum result. Perhaps this is how we can characterize the posting in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. But it’s not enough to just print an ad; you need to know certain nuances:

How to glue correctly;
where to glue;
how to behave in case of extraordinary situations.

This will be discussed in the text below.

Post advertisements with maximum effect

If you decide to put up advertising yourself and want to improve your quality indicators. Or do you want to locally offer your services or things using the old and proven method to your neighbors? Great! So, seven tips from the company Posting St. Petersburg, which will help you post more advertisements and increase the influx of customers, are just for you!

1. Choose the right places to post your advertisements

Places to post advertisements must be chosen based on your target audience. If you want to work as a tutor, then there is no point in posting advertisements on the other side of the city from you. It is better to place goods for motorists or the B2B sphere along the road, etc. Of course, the most interesting places for posting, from the point of view of target coverage, are: stops, entrances (outside and inside), pillars, on streets with a high pedestrian flow and other places with a high concentration of people . However, these places are often not available for legal posting, and if a police officer catches you posting on such “advertising media,” you may be issued an administrative fine. The company "Post-up St. Petersburg" has an up-to-date database of places where there is a maximum concentration of people, where legal posting and distribution of advertisements is possible.

2. To post advertisements, use reliable glue

Ideally PVA, if not, then any other strong glue. You don't want the wind to blow your announcement, do you? or a child? or a harmful janitor? The latter will break it in any case, but it will take him much more effort. However, there are pitfalls here too. If your advertisements are posted illegally, then it may be necessary to remove advertising materials from protected sites. Then the glue that was designed to preserve your ad for many years will need to be removed somehow so as not to pay for property damage. In this case, the promoters of our company carry with them various materials for placing your advertising products, so that in the event of a conflict situation, they can simply and without consequences remove the advertisement from any surface.

3. Properly post advertising at eye level

As practice shows, this height is most effective and gives a good response. A sentence at eye level is adequately perceived and remains in memory. In addition, the quality of the advertising message and the paper and print format itself have a significant impact on the conversion (response). You can read more about this in this article.

4. Having the right “equipment” will help you quickly put up advertisements.

A backpack where you can conveniently place advertisements (without jams or tears) and glue, gloves and comfortable shoes - such uniforms are the best option. Remember, the right choice of work clothes is the key to a productive working day. Convenience of placing advertisements, glue, keys and other things is a guarantee of high speed and ease of operation.

5. It is important to post advertisements at the right time

The janitor finishes his work (after about 11-12 o'clock), perhaps this is the time for you to start working. However, not all areas are covered by wipers every day. Posting time also depends on the type of your advertisement and target audience. For example, a good option is to post an advertisement inside or near entrances half an hour to an hour in advance, when people start returning from work (you can start from 16-17 hours).

6. Post advertisements without disturbing your neighbors

The unspoken rule of the poster is to respect your colleagues. Will you be pleased if your ad is sealed? No. So don't do that. However, as with almost any rule, there is an exception. If an advertisement “steals” a place, that is, it is pasted in such a way that it interferes with others, then it will definitely be “buried” under a new offer.

7. Stress resistance

Don't quarrel with housing cooperative managers, concierges and janitors. These comrades are very valuable personnel in your work. If you are on good terms with them, then they may give you some concessions: other people’s advertisements are torn down - yours remain, the janitors do not drive, the concierges are not rude or rude (and even greet politely) and other pleasant moments. Try to find a common language with these guys. If it doesn’t work out, then there’s no point in getting into trouble - they like to call the police.

That's all. Of course, as in any other advertisement, he must perform his duties efficiently and competently. Good luck to you and remember, you can always contact us for help in distributing your promotional products: layout, sticking up, doorhangers, etc. The company "Unsticking St. Petersburg" is a reliable assistant for your business!

How to glue advertisements so that you work as quickly as possible, and the ad hangs for a long time and does not get torn off with the first gust of wind? When posting advertisements, all the details are important: the design of the leaflet, the format, the quality of the paper, the location of the posting and, of course, what kind of glue or tape it is “attached” to. The consumer spends a long time choosing an agency, the designers meticulously develop the layout, coordinate it with the customer, make amendments and adjustments, and finally send it to print... Phew, it would seem that’s all - you can paste it on poles and stops so that potential clients are aware. But, for some reason, the time and money spent are wasted – in the literal sense of the word. The machinations of competitors? Extremely responsible janitors? Inexplicable and anomalous? Everything is much more prosaic - an unsuitable adhesive base.
In this article we will look at the main ways of placing advertisements on various surfaces, their positive and negative sides. And how to glue it so that it sticks:

How to glue ads quickly and firmly?

  1. Which glue to choose

1.1 What to glue? — PVA glue or polyvinyl acetate is a universal gluing solution. Its prevalence was facilitated by both the low consumption and low cost of the emulsion, as well as its excellent bonding properties. From the chemist's reference book: adhesive capacity 450 N/m, complete drying time up to 24 hours, frost resistance more than 4 cycles. However, what is good for a chemist is not so good for an advertiser - in windy weather outside it is very inconvenient to apply liquid glue to paper. Slow setting does not allow you to quickly stick the ad in rainy or windy weather. So by the time the work is checked, there will be nothing left of the advertisements. Another disadvantage of using PVA glue for gluing advertisements is that it freezes. In St. Petersburg there is winter 9 months a year and the fact that the glue freezes during operation is a significant drawback. Another disadvantage: pasted advertisements may become somewhat deformed (uncoated corners lift up) and look unpresentable. However, when the temperature outside is above zero, it provides fairly fast work, is cheap and, if necessary, can be removed from the surface with a damp, warm sponge.

1.2. What to glue with? - Glue in the form of a pencil. The solid prototype of liquid PVA is very practical, easy to use, does not take up much space in your pocket or bag, does not stain clothes and does not deform paper. But it runs out quickly and is expensive. In addition, manufacturers are trying in every possible way to reduce its consumption by adding stabilizers and hardeners to the pencil composition. As a result, the glue is applied in a very thin layer and does not adhere well to the rough surface. This version of PVA glue does not have such disadvantages as: deformation of ads and freezing, but instead, the pencil is dry in any weather and must be moistened to use it

1.3. What to glue with? - Glue - spray. A universal tool for posting advertisements, thanks to which you can achieve high speed. However, it has a high price and is difficult to remove from the surface in case of controversial situations.

  1. We stick ads on Scotch tape

Just like girls, tape comes in different forms. Today on the market you can find packaging, painting, metallized, reinforced... If the last two options are the priority of builders, then packaging and painting products are used everywhere. For posting advertisements, classic, transparent tape is suitable, which costs mere pennies. However, the paper does not look very neat under a layer of transparent but noticeable film. Scotch tape tends to deform the canvas and does not withstand many frost cycles.

In this case, the following options are used for posting:

2.1. Molar tape

The main advantage is easy removal from any surface. With molar tape you can achieve high speed work. This type of tape is not transparent and covers part of the ad, therefore, it is usually glued along the edges. Result: relatively low consumption and, as a result, low price. Of the minuses, poor sizing, not suitable for working in cold weather outside.

2.2. colored tape

Great for more visible posting purposes. However, you need to print ads under such adhesive tape with a margin around the edges, as it will hide some of the fields of the ad. The downside is the price. Colored tape is quite expensive, but the speed of posting advertisements will be reduced due to more complex work with tape.

2.3. clear tape

A universal tool for different types of advertisements. The advantages are good grip and price. Of the minuses are marks on the surface, speed of work.

  1. Using a stapler

If you attach advertisements to a wooden surface, then the best option is to use a stapler. It is best to use a construction option with wide brackets. Keep in mind that staples damage the surface and if the paster is “caught red-handed”, you can pay a fine for damage to property.

To ensure that there are no problematic situations in your activities, and that your work is not overshadowed by the agony of choice, we recommend turning to professionals in the field. Call 448 34 54 and we will take care of all the work on your advertising.

After all, even such an insignificant trifle as glue or tape can ruin even the best undertakings and ideas. Entrust this work to professionals. Happy advertising and good glue!

I won’t write anything about creating ad content—there’s plenty of information about that on the Internet. And information business guru Andrey Parabellum teaches this best. If you want to write ads that actually sell, be sure to study it!
Today we will talk about how to put up ads, so that they hang longer, and how to print advertisements it is correct that they gave the best effect. I’ll also tell you WHERE to glue them.

Given: you have in your hands a plump stack of advertisements with a terry brush of tear-off phones. (I will consider such advertisements as the most effective, because the client is lazy by nature, and he is usually too lazy to copy contacts from sheets. And then he tore the piece of paper into his pocket and went).
Required: place them so that they bring maximum effect, that is, provide.
Let's solve the problem.
First of all, let's decide on the location.
If you are interested in preserving the reputation and good name of the advertised company, never, hear, NEVER spoil the walls of houses, pillars and all other places not intended for this with advertisements. Especially if you use glue a la “super moment, even a cop won’t tear it off.” I would call this “pasting everything and everyone” advertising spam. This is an elementary manifestation of disrespect for the city, for the people. " But it works, more ads mean more buyers, you object.". This is just one side of the coin.

On the other hand, the company’s reputation is noticeably shaky, because the very fact of posting it in the wrong places scares off many potential clients. Do you need such a reputation?

So here’s how to see in which case there will be more sales.

For fun, walk around the city and look at the advertisements that are neatly displayed on special signs. Remember your emotions.

Now look at the ones scrawled haphazardly on the walls. Remember your emotions.

Now try to explain to YOURSELF how the impressions differ in the 1st and 2nd cases. Write your answers in the comments to this article.
Usually, in cities - large and not so large - there are special boards in front of the entrances for these purposes. Yes, the boards are intended EXACTLY for these purposes. Don’t listen to the grumbling grandmothers that these structures are only used for housing and communal services announcements. I personally found out from lawyers - there is NO law prohibiting posting advertisements on these signs. Hang yourself boldly, and sincerely wish your grandmothers good health and personal happiness, because they are not grumbling at you because of a happy life. They are only trying to compensate for their internal complexes and anger. Moreover, you are doing the right thing - you are not covering walls, doors, etc.

In large cities, large billboards, also intended for these purposes, appeared right on the streets. You need to work as a scout for the first time and find out the locations of the notice boards.

So, the locations have been chosen.
Let's move on. Well, here in front of you is a simple design made from a piece of plywood with a frame. It is plastered with a mountain of advertisements. Somewhere one on top of the other. Solid lumps from glue. Advertisements are large and small, pasted evenly and not so smoothly. Some can be easily torn off, some are firmly attached - with a whole layer of tape.

Observations show that the majority of advertisements (%70-75) are made blankly on white paper, without graphic inserts. This the main weakness of most ads, on which we will profit.

Who will read the black and white font?
, with which all the boards are covered? Whose gaze will such a piece of paper attract? Remember what ads catch your eye? I'm willing to bet they're definitely not white. Except against a dark background.
Therefore, comrades, this is some practical advice for you all: print ads in color. Better in several colors.

At worst, buy colored printer paper and print your ads on it. Better paper of several colors. Colors for advertisements should be bright and light. There are good sets (5 colors, 50 pieces each) - pastel colors. Take this. The most ideal option for the street.
Let's not take the case when you order glossy, beautiful advertisements from a printing house, but print them yourself - on a printer. Here, guys, arm yourself with printed advertisements in SEVERAL colors.

I'll explain why later.
Now another good question: gluing method.

Traditionally, glue is used for this purpose. Well, I bought a couple bottles of glue - with a ball for ease of application. I was running around, gluing - I got tired. Well, you stand in front of the board, in front of the door, looking for a flat place to put a piece of paper and apply glue. It is especially difficult when the house is brick and the ad is large. And if there is little glue left in the bottle, it’s a disaster. It must be held vertically and puffed up, squeezing out the remaining glue. Plus dirty hands. Plus, in the cold it’s not fun at all.

Therefore, after suffering for a month, switched to scotch tape.

Some preparation in a warm, cozy house (gluing tape) - and outside you know, go and glue. In addition, when your ad is torn off the board (a favorite pastime of janitors and grandmothers), no traces are left on the board.

The board does not deteriorate, and this is respect for other people’s work and the city as a whole, and this, believe me, comes back a hundredfold. The tape covers your ad or part of it; it is difficult to stick anything else on top of it. In the worst case, this “something” is then removed from your loved one with a slight movement of the hand (checked several times!). So there are only advantages, In my opinion.
Now, perhaps the most important thing is placement on the board.

If your ads are A4 in size, then there’s not much to choose from - it’s usually half a board. So just hang it closer to the door. Usually there are fewer ads. Therefore, a choice arises: where to put it?

I read somewhere. that it should be hung at the eye level of the average person, somewhere - which is higher. But, gentlemen, we live in Russia. Here, people generally don’t have such a hectic life in general.

That’s why a person coming home from work (and that’s when he’s most likely to read the ad) usually looks down.

And only at the door he looks up... at the intercom level. Therefore, the height of the advertisements is approximately the level of the intercom. And closer to it horizontally. It is also human nature to read from top to bottom, so your ad will be read last, and this is remembered.
Next is the frame. Everyone knows that ANY information catches the eye and is read more often if it is in a frame.

Anything, be it just a border of a different color or a gold circle or something else. So we have to make an artificial frame on the board. For this, we will need advertisements on pieces of paper of different colors (not white!).
The frame can be the board itself (usually white - from a layer of previously torn advertisements and liters of glue). But the holy place is usually not empty, and the board is usually advertised (unless you got there right after the raid of another heroic grandmother).

If there is free space on the board, for God’s sake, hang it there and don’t cover other notices.

It is better to respect other pasters, since particularly embittered pasters will then take merciless revenge. One even called me and was very, very indignant.
Now we look at the prevailing color on the board.

If the ads are mostly white, the color of yours doesn't really matter.

If not, then try to hang the ad in a color that contrasts as much as possible with the background.

If the background color is dark, hang something light and vice versa.

For example, on a green background you can hang pink ad.

To Yellow - blue, to Red - yellow or green.

It stands out a LOT. And it catches your eye.

In addition, if on the same board from time to time you post advertisements of different colors, then they will not “become familiar” to people.

Well, for example, there is a yellow advertisement “custom furniture”. Then it is sealed. Then it hangs again.

People get used to it, and after a few weeks it’s already for them “ That yellow spot over there is custom-made furniture, I don’t think I need it«.

If the colors change, then people will pay attention to the ad every time.

In general, it was written somewhere that ANYTHING, EVEN THE BEST the ad starts working after 5-6 impressions- i.e. people seem to get used to the advertised product/service and begin to trust it.

It’s the same with advertisements - checked. In reality, after 5-6 “hangings” the calls begin.

So, great luck to everyone in their endeavors. A journey of 1000 km begins with !

P.S. In no case do I want to offend grandmothers here. I love grandmothers dearly, I try to understand evil grandmothers, I try to forgive terribly evil and offensive grandmothers, but sometimes it boils over!

Liked? Then tell your friends!

Finally, the day has come when I found the time to write an article about real earnings on the Internet, which few people know about and many do not believe. Namely, about posting advertisements online!

Yes, yes, you heard right, and this can be done online. If there was a question about part-time work in ordinary life, you would first of all say that posting advertisements the simplest and most affordable option. Indeed, this type of income is so common in everyday life that it is difficult to find a person who does not know about it. But you just have to ask any of them if they have heard of posting advertisements on the Internet and 99.9% will say they haven’t heard.

Low awareness of this issue is explained by the small number of sites that provide the opportunity to earn money, posting advertisements on the Internet.

When people learn about this type of income, a number of seemingly completely incomprehensible questions arise. Where and how post advertisements? Who gives this kind of work and how much do they pay for it?

Let's keep calm future millionaires, first things first.

1.How can you post advertisements on the Internet?
If you have been familiar with the Internet for several years, then I think you know such a thing as “free message boards”. If not, no problem, I’ll explain everything now. Free bulletin boards are sites on which some people post advertisements, the same as in newspapers, only completely free, and other people view these advertisements. It's simple!) This is the answer to how you can peck advertisements online. The advantage of this type of ad placement is that you can place almost any information. Text, pictures, addresses and telephone numbers. And most importantly, you don’t have to spend money on paper and printing your ads.

2. Who will pay us for this, since you can do it yourself and for free?
Just like in everyday life, when you need to post a certain number of advertisements, you make a choice - do it yourself, or hire someone to do it for you for a fee. Also on the Internet, you can place advertisements on free boards on your own or seek help from a special service that offers such services. But this service cannot work on its own; it needs both clients and pasters who will fulfill orders.

3. Tell me how much they pay, let’s go to work, don’t be tormented!
And the pay, when compared with other ways of earning money, is very good - 2.12 rubles for each advertisement placed. Moreover, if you take into account that all the work consists of copying and pasting text and pictures, and at the same time you are sitting at home, peacefully drinking tea and listening to your favorite music, then this is absolutely gorgeous).

Before you get started, let’s calculate how much you can actually earn from this. Well, let's start with the fact that the work is monotonous. Therefore, it all depends on your perseverance and the speed of your mouse. Average placing one ad takes from 40 seconds to 2 minutes for me, for you this time can be either less or more, depending on your agility.

Let's take the longest time of 2 minutes and take it as the average time to complete the task. It turns out that you can realistically place about 30 ads in an hour, which is 63.6 rubles per hour.

If you take my time to complete a task, which is on average 1 minute, you get approximately 60 ads per hour, that is, 127.2 rubles per hour. Pretty good, I think. But don’t rush to rejoice and count the money you haven’t yet earned. In the first days posting advertisements will take up much more of your time than you think, perhaps even up to 3 minutes per one. Over time, you will get the hang of it and do it faster, but you also need to take into account time for lunch, switching music, absences for personal needs, and so on and so forth. The real figure for an 8-hour working day will be 500-800 rubles.

So, if you think that this type of income is right for you, let's talk about registering on the site and the work itself.

First, you need to register a WebMoney wallet, to which all the money you earn will be transferred weekly, every weekend. There are a lot of articles on the Internet describing registration; it is simple and does not require any special knowledge. So let's move on.

Register in the project: REGISTRATION

After simply registering and confirming your account in a letter that will be sent to your email, you will need to log into your personal account and select “Earnings” from the menu. Here, very carefully enter your Webmoney ruble wallet number, to which the money you earn will be transferred, because changing it later will only be possible with the help of the site administrator. From the drop-down lists, select your year of birth, social status and field of activity. Then click the button below to confirm the entered data.

We have filled out the information, now all that remains is to activate your account and begin posting advertisements. You have two activation methods to choose from:
1. Instant activation - by depositing a symbolic amount of 20 rubles, which you can earn in 20 minutes by posting 10 ads.
2. A free option, in which you need to visit the project website every day for a week and be active.

Why is this being done? Service is interested in quality posting advertisements, therefore, it opens access to income only to those people who are serious about working for a long period.

I would advise not to waste time and, having chosen the first option, get to work immediately. People who trust me will do so. Well, if you are tormented by doubts and 20 rubles is not such a symbolic amount for you, then wait a week, you have the opportunity to choose.

Happy earnings!

P.S. Due to the somewhat changed situation, I am writing a small addition to the article. Previously, there were few posters, and there were more than enough advertisements for everyone. Now people sensed a real opportunity to make money and grabbed a joint). It has become common for advertisements to end for a certain period of time, but then appear again.

Despite this, this income still makes sense, just think of it as a side hustle and not a serious job. Work while there are advertisements and engage in other types of income when the advertisements end.


Most popular articles

On the Internet, newspapers and employment magazines you can often find an advertisement: “Job for students: advertisement poster. The schedule is free." At first glance, the work seems simple and attractive. You walk around your neighborhood and post notices. But... Few people know that these are the workers most often left without wages. Because they don’t know: even such a simple position has instructions. Not all employers inform students about them. And for failure to fulfill duties they are then fined. Or, if the employer is not deceiving, the police may punish you for posting leaflets in the wrong places. In order for the job of “advertiser” to bring even a small income, you need to take employment very seriously.

Job description

Finding a job posting advertisements is easy. It’s more difficult to get a job properly. Even employers should familiarize themselves with the instructions defining the main points of his work.

The applicant must know: only the division has the right to hire a poster. The paster reports to him. He should follow the recommendations of other, lower-level managers only if they do not contradict the instructions of his immediate superior. The job of “advertiser” requires the following knowledge:

  • Locations of routes between them.
  • Rules for posting advertisements.
  • Terms of payment for your work.
  • Own rights and obligations.

If employers at least somehow introduce applicants to the latter, they rarely talk about the rules for posting. And they exist.

Rules for posting advertisements

There is one more subtlety. If you place leaflets only in the designated places, then there will be no response to them. Therefore, experienced pasters recommend placing them on the walls of houses, entrance doors, pillars, and shop windows. But... This, firstly, is contrary to the Law. Secondly, such a poster can simply be beaten by local residents. Conclusion: the job of “posting advertisements” requires intelligence and the ability to make quick decisions. This is simply necessary, because the standard instructions very clearly indicate that it is the poster who is personally responsible for:

  • violation of the provisions that determine the order of operation of the enterprise;
  • improper performance of one's duties (for example, violation of the law);
  • material damage caused (in particular, he may be forced to paint at his own expense the wall on which he stuck the advertisement).

The job “Advertising Poster” brings in pennies. Before you start, you should think carefully about whether this is necessary.
