New Year questions for the quiz. New Year's quiz and an interesting New Year with your family! Fill in the missing words

Celebrating the New Year is always fun and sometimes unforgettable. If you prepare in advance, no one will be bored. A quiz for the New Year 2018 with answers will allow you to diversify the holiday, make it more interesting and fun. You can easily choose a quiz for adults, children, and the whole company. Don’t forget, in order to involve guests in participating in the quiz, it should be presented in an interesting way, accompanied by jokes, tasks and “punishments”. Regardless of where you celebrate the New Year - at work, at school, with family or friends, you can easily choose interesting questions.

New Year 2018 will be the year of the Yellow or Earth Dog. To attract the favor of the owner of the year, be sure to conduct a quiz about dogs.

At the same time, check how much you know about these animals that have become true friends for people. Both adults and children can participate in the quiz. Below you will find questions with answers, but you can supplement them with your own options.

  1. What is the name of the breed of dog that guarded the sheep flock? (Shepherd)
  2. What was the name of the dog that Turgenev wrote about? (Mumu)
  3. Which islands got their name from “dog”? (Canarian, “canus” from Latin translates as dog)
  4. What dogs are called gladiators? The breed was specially bred to participate in battles. (Bull Terriers).
  5. Which dog was the first to go into space? (Laika)
  6. What breed of dog was bred at the Chinese palace of the emperor and was kept secret for a long time? (Pekingese)
  7. What was the name of the dog with three heads in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, who guarded the entrance to Hades? (Cerberus).
  8. The name of which breed comes from the name of the country? (Spaniel from Spain).
  9. What is the name of the science that studies dogs? (Cynology)
  10. What was the name of Mickey Mouse's dog? (Pluto)
  11. Where do dingo dogs live? (In Australia, they are descendants of wild dogs that were brought to the mainland by colonialists)
  12. In which country should you not allow a black dog into your home? New Year's Eve? (In Greece)
  13. What breed was Kashtanka in Chekhov's story? (Dachshund-mongrel mix)
  14. In which country was the black terrier breed developed? (In the Soviet Union).
  15. Which dog has a purple tongue? (Chow-chow)
  16. What breed's name translates to "dog"? (Dog).

To attract guests to participate in the quiz, prepare gifts for them in the form of dog figurines or other small souvenirs in advance. Upon completion, determine the winner, the person who knows the most about dogs (gave the most correct answers) and reward him with a gift. Souvenirs can also be given to other participants.

Quiz for the New Year 2018 for a corporate party

If you are preparing for the New Year 2018 celebration at work, a fun quiz will help you have a fun time and ease the tension. It is not at all necessary to sit at the table all the time, drink and eat. Someone will be able to truly show off their knowledge. To make the quiz more fun, questions can be written on leaves in the shape of daisy petals and connected to form a flower (the questions should be invisible). Each participant tears off a petal, reads the question and answers it. For an incorrect answer, you can come up with some kind of punishment, for example, so that the participant crows or grunts, sings a song or dances. In general, whatever your imagination allows you to come up with.

The questions can be humorous, about the New Year, winter or other topics.

  1. What is the Snowman's wife called? (Snow woman)
  2. What else, besides spruce, does not change its color throughout the year? (Alcoholic nose)
  3. How to check that vodka is not “scorched”? (Put in the freezer, if it freezes, it means it’s of poor quality)
  4. Its size depends on the time of year (Day)
  5. What scent is associated with New Year's holidays? (Coniferous or fir)
  6. Not a snack, but winter salted them in a tub (Snowballs)
  7. What piece of furniture was sure to be used by children on New Year's Eve? (Stool)
  8. Can be used as a salad ingredient and be an organ (Carrot)
  9. Who stays slim in winter and summer, and who doesn't need to diet? (Christmas tree)
  10. What kind of prickly drink do adults drink on New Year's Eve? (Champagne).

You can diversify the quiz with your own questions related to the traditions of New Year celebrations, winter, and so on. During the comic quiz everyone can have fun and relax. A great way to break up the feast and fiery dancing.

New Year's quiz 2018 for the whole family

If you are celebrating the New Year 2018 with your family, the New Year's quiz will allow everyone to have fun, unite, adults to remember forgotten known facts, and children to gain new knowledge. Have someone read the questions and others answer. To encourage participants, you can prepare small souvenirs in advance. This will make it more interesting for children to participate in intellectual competition, and adults will also be pleased to receive a gift.

The quiz can be made even more interesting if you have the Lotto game. Let everyone take out barrels with numbers from the bag, and the presenter reads out the question of what is under this number. Questions should be written on a piece of paper in advance. They can be of this nature:

  1. Where is Father Frost's estate located? (In Veliky Ustyug)
  2. Residents of which Russian city are the first to celebrate the New Year? (Vladivostok)
  3. Why in Hungary they don’t apply for New Year's table poultry dishes? (Because happiness will fly away from home).
  4. In which country did the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year appear? (In Germany)
  5. What was the name of Father Frost? (Grandfather Treskun or Morozko)
  6. In which country do they throw away broken furniture and broken dishes on New Year's Eve? (In Italy)
  7. In which country was glass made for the first time? Christmas decorations? (In Sweden)
  8. What do you need to do for Santa Claus to receive a gift? (Sing a song or recite a poem)
  9. What piece of furniture brings the whole family and friends together for the holidays? (Table)
  10. What is the name of Santa Claus in Cyprus? (Vasily)
  11. In which country is the Santa Claus and Father Frost Olympics held? (In Sweden)
  12. How do the Chinese protect themselves from evil spirits on New Year's Eve? (Set off firecrackers)
  13. What do you call a winter sculpture made of snow? (Snowman)
  14. What magical instrument does Santa Claus have? (Staff)
  15. Who is the Snow Maiden related to Santa Claus? (Granddaughter)

The provided list can be supplemented with other questions. The number of questions depends on the number of people celebrating the New Year together. Each person may have one or more questions.

New Year 2018 quiz for children

If you want to arrange an unforgettable New Year's holiday for children, prepare a quiz for them. It will not only help you have a fun time, but will also bring benefits. Children will be able to test their knowledge and supplement it with new previously unknown facts. You can take the quiz both at home and on school holiday. The main thing is to prepare in advance and select interesting questions for intellectual competition. After the competition, be sure to hand out candy, sweets or other gifts to the children.

Questions could be:

  1. Who issued the decree to celebrate the New Year on January 1? (Peter the Great)
  2. How does Santa Claus get into the house? (Through the chimney)
  3. Where is Santa Claus's residence located? (In Lapland)
  4. What sound signal announces the arrival of the New Year? (Chimes)
  5. What kind of headdress does a Snowman wear? (Bucket)
  6. What does Santa Claus like to draw on the windows? (Patterns)
  7. Where does Santa Claus leave gifts? (Under the Christmas tree)
  8. What month does the year start from? (Since January)
  9. What animals help Santa Claus deliver gifts? (Deer)
  10. What winter character can't move without a broom? (Snowman)
  11. What was the name of the boy who was kidnapped by the Snow Queen? (Kai)
  12. To which country does New Year come first? (To New Zealand)
  13. Where does Santa Claus hide his gifts? (In the bag)
  14. What tree is decorated in southern countries where spruce trees do not grow? (Palm)
  15. What luminous decorations replaced wax candles on Christmas trees? (Garlands).

When selecting questions, the age of the participants is taken into account so that the questions are understandable and interesting for them, not too complex, but not overly simple. Let the New Year celebration be interesting and exciting. Choose quizzes for your guests, friends, colleagues or children and fill your holiday with new emotions.

Riddles - far from it children's genre. In ancient times, they played an important role in human life. A logic riddle is a kind of test of rationality. If you guess right, you will go from fools to princes, you will receive a princess and half a kingdom, as usual, in addition! And today, at a matinee for a child and at a holiday for a parent, at any celebration, New Year's riddles will come to the fore.

We have something for every taste: serious and humorous, simple and complex, for children and adults, with and without answers. All of them are about the New Year 2020 and its symbol - the rat. Entertaining and instructive, with and without rhyme, a little sad and funny. Have fun with our creative riddles!

It's time to prepare a festive dinner. What is the first thing every housewife throws into the pan?

What kind of fashionista comes to every home and sits as a guest at the table?
She is dressed in a warm fur coat, a special dark red color.
(Herring under a fur coat)

How many boiled eggs Can I eat it on an empty stomach on the first of January?
(One egg, because the rest will not be eaten on an empty stomach)

The rat, the symbol of the coming year, is a patient, intelligent, thrifty creature. But the question is this: can she call herself an animal?
(No, because rats can't talk)

About the symbol of 2020 - the rat

We honor the Rat in the New Year. Nobody remembers the old New Year anymore. The symbol of 2020 is a thrifty mother with many children, a nimble, sleek rat in a white dress, a slender, charming rat in a golden outfit, and a thrifty Little Mouse. Riddles about different little rats and mice are waiting to meet you!

It's funny and sad to the point of tears!

A keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing,
Little legs,
She has a corded ponytail
And he's afraid of cats!
(Rat, mouse)

I arrange myself cleverly:
I have a pantry with me.
Where's the storage room? Behind the cheek!
I'm so cunning!

She has been feeling for a long time
That the ship will go to the bottom.
She has no time for rye, no time for rice -
escapes from the ship

What do you call an endless, self-defeating, pointless pursuit, or a routine lifestyle that leaves no time for rest or entertainment?
(Rat race)

The female sex doesn't like her,
Always greeted with loud screams.
And hiding from her on the table,
When she comes close.
(Rat, mouse)

Funny with a trick (for adults)

When adults are alone at home, despite their age, they also like to play pranks. They arrange a banquet for themselves, come up with and solve riddles for the New Year. All sorts of tricky questions and puzzles are especially popular. They are suitable for both corporate events and ordinary fun company. Jokes for good health! All our jokes are given out for free!

Who got drunk on New Year's Day?
Who grunted and got into the shower dressed?
You guessed right, not a pig,
And he looks like a pig (husband)!

Question:“What is the most wonderful gift a woman dreams of receiving for the New Year? There's a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm, and its width is 7cm.” Guess your beloved's wish!

Answer: hundred dollar bill.

Question: Why does our beloved Grandfather Frost have a red nose?

Answer: Why does grandpa have a very red nose?
Maybe he got very cold on the road?
It's because the fabulous old man
I’m used to taking a steam bath in a hot Russian bath.

Question: “Who is dressed the warmest in this room?”

Who is not afraid to freeze
At minus thirty to the bones?
Maybe a fox fur coat
Someone hid one of the guests?

Look at each other
And answer me now:
Where is this fur coat?
What is invisible to the eye?

(herring under a fur coat on the table)

Question:“Have you ever wondered why a snowman, like a real man, has a bucket on his head and not a hat?”

The answers might be: one can assume that such a headdress is very practical - it does not get wet, does not fly off in the wind, and suits a snowman. Or maybe like this family tradition, and the bucket is passed down from generation to generation. Of course, anything is possible!

But in reality it was like this...
One New Year's Eve, the wife asked her husband to take out the trash. Reluctantly, he looked up from the TV, which was showing an old funny comedy, got dressed and went out into the yard... Two weeks passed. On the night of the old New Year the doorbell rang. The wife opened it - an unshaven, lost husband stood on the threshold. He handed his wife an empty bucket. She appreciated the joke, took the bucket and with great pleasure put it on her beloved husband’s head... This is such an unusual story for the whole family.

Why does this happen? Another funny poem:

If at night your doors
The animals opened it without a key,
They began to eat salad with peas,
Brazenly demand potatoes
Slurp loudly and laugh,
Don't be reflected in mirrors,
And tap your hoof,
And you see a little double, Look at the calendar:
It's not winter yet!
Don't delay, come on
Call an ambulance!

New Year's riddles for children

Children believe in miracles! Not only children 3-4 years old and preschoolers, but also completely grown-up high school students. They believe in a fairytale grandfather who will certainly come and give a miracle. Just like that, he will simply open the bag and give away the most valuable thing he has free of charge (that is, for nothing)! Let children's naive faith in miracles remain longer! The New Year lives in our mysteries. Each of them is not only fun entertainment with friends, but also a good lesson.

In verse:

The dear ribbon lay spread out on the Christmas tree.
The lights flash in different colors.
They are connected by a miracle - wiring.
The light bulbs are powered by the electric current itself.

Around the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
There is a round dance at school.
What is it, where are your friends?
I don't see anyone.

It melts quickly on your warm palm
Lacy little piece of ice.
It's a pity that there are no repetitions.
Each one is unique (snowflake.)

She is a beautiful queen.
Green and young
And on the top of my head it sparkles
Star of Bethlehem.
(Christmas tree)

Mice one after another
Behind the mice is a cat.
This is not hunting, this is
(round dance!)

Some from a fairy tale, some from a miracle
Came to us out of nowhere?
With a beard so fluffy
And with a childishly pure soul?
Who brought gifts?
Let's shout loudly:
(Father Frost!)

And when the guests arrive
And they will pour champagne,
Pull her ponytail -
There will be fireworks!

About what winter holiday They say?

This holiday is friends with the Christmas tree,
Hanging the lights in a row,
He has a green needle
He embroiders her outfit.

Children are not given into your hands,
Repeat their rhyme.
Dads laugh festively
They make fallen snow.

Moms in the kitchen finish cutting
A bowl full of Olivier.
Answer me, who knows
What kind of holiday is it outside?

(New Year)

Look, whose footprints are in the snow?
The enemy will never understand them.
Confused, the paths confused.
Even a wolf won't find him quickly.

But these are the tracks of a predator.
Run away to avoid trouble!
It's better not to joke with this beast
A hare can be swallowed right away.

Someone was covering their tracks with their tail.
To prevent a hunter from entering the house
Predators of unprecedented beauty
Khitroya Patrikeevna

Who is sleeping in the den and doesn’t hear us?
That's right guys, this is

Game "Cool". Finish the poem

Good luck and success await you,
If you eat from the Christmas tree (nut.)

You will travel around the world,
If you take (candy) off the Christmas tree.

You will become incredibly smart.
If you can find (lemon.)

You will be able to study “excellently”
If you eat a jar (of mustard.)

Suddenly you will find sausage on the Christmas tree,
Don’t share with anyone, but eat (yourself!)

I hope your sense of humor is okay?
Did you like cool riddles?

You can guess it very quickly.
This famous artist.
The news will show a film,
Even the President's address.
In the meantime, the chimes are striking,
He will show (holiday fireworks!)

The good old New Year is coming soon!
Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will come.
Guess what's in the wonderful bag
Will grandpa bring it this time?
And don’t just wrinkle your nose!
This is a rhetorical question!

Man has always been attracted to everything interesting and mysterious. The riddles contain drops of folk wisdom, the salt of the earth. For many years she improved, honed rhymes, deepened the idea, polished like a diamond. How many riddles are there? How many Christmas decorations or how many stars are there in the sky? There is a solution, but it is not given clearly. It's like printing the same picture and expecting a different result.

Try to compose yourself! At first short riddles. Look for answers in poetry or prose. Try writing simple children's or cool adult ones for a quiz. This is a great exercise for the mind.

2017 is already approaching. which means it’s time to start preparing for the holiday. For example, come up with treats for guests and entertainment program. After all, without food and fun, the holiday will turn into ordinary gatherings. The new quiz for the New Year 2017 is a gaming moment on New Year's Eve that you and your guests will remember. Quiz with funny questions and answers. Your guests will be happy to play and win.

Questions for the New Year's quiz can be very different. For example, about the New Year, about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, or about the year of the rooster. There are also questions about New Year's films and children's fairy tales. In general, there are many of them, and they are all varied, and your guests will like them.

Question 1.
Who was born in the forest, according to the children's New Year's song?
1) Blizzard
2) Hare
3) Song
4) Herringbone
Answer: the song says - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.

Question 2.
There used to be a popular game where a wolf caught...
1) Deer
2) Snowballs
3) Points
4) Eggs
Answer: In the popular game, the wolf was catching eggs.

Question 3.
Who's steamed and fried?
1) Potatoes
2) Pie
3) Chicken
4) Lamb
Answer: the song says - fried chicken, steamed chicken

Question 4.
What do they say when you do something at the last minute?
1) Until the camel spits
2) Until the cat scratches
3) Until the rooster pecks you in the ass
4) Until the stick falls on your head
Answer: they usually say - until the rooster pecks you in the ass!

Question 5.
This is perhaps the strangest tradition before the New Year.
1) Shave
2) Go to bed during the day
3) Make a wish
4) Go to the bathhouse with friends
Answer: go to the bathhouse with friends. We are talking about the film Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath, where friends go to the bathhouse every year on December 31st.

Question 6.
Joulupukki, Per-Noel, Babbo Natale - what do they have in common and why are they mentioned together?
1) They are all bald and have gorgeous mustaches
2) This New Year characters V different countries peace
3) These are pseudonyms of famous actors
4) These are billionaires from different countries
Answer: these are New Year's characters in different countries of the world. They play the role of Santa Claus in their countries.

Question 7.
What is the name of the children's fairy tale?
1) Cat, rooster and owl
2) Cat, fox and goat
3) Cat, dog and puppies
4) Who, rooster and fox
Answer: The children's fairy tale is called the cat, the rooster and the fox.

Question 8.
What toy is not on the New Year's tree?
1) Icicle
2) Rain
3) Snow
4) Star
Answer: there is no snow on the New Year tree

Question 9.
What did people who installed plastic windows lose?
1) Cold wind from the street
2) Air
3) Money
4) Frosty patterns on glass
Answer: there are no frosty patterns on plastic windows.

Question 10.
You won't believe it, but she lived in a hut, near the forest on the edge
1) Blizzard
2) Rapunzel
3) Winter
4) Old Witch
Answer: these are lines from a famous song - winter lived in a hut, near the forest on the edge of the forest.

Question 11.
If you arrived in Leningrad by mistake, then you...
1) Guest worker
2) Movie hero
3) Unlucky person
4) Man from the past
Answer: you are the hero of the film Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath. Exactly in the film main character flies to Leningrad by mistake of friends.

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This development of an educational and entertainment program will unite student teams and allow us to find out which of the children knows more New Year’s traditions.

(Slide 1)


Is New Year falling from the sky?
Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?
He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard?
He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us.

Guys, the long-awaited, unusual and most beloved New Year holiday is coming soon. But not many people know about the history of this holiday and its traditions. To find out the New Year's experts, we'll hold a New Year's quiz. A team is represented from each of the 4 classes of our lyceum. I invite them to submit their name and captain.

These guys are great, but let’s think without whom our competition would not have taken place. (JURY) Of course, the teams will be evaluated by the jury. Let's ask them to be strict but fair.

1 competition. Warm-up

We will ask questions to each team in turn, you will think and give an answer, be careful, if the answer is incorrect, the other team will answer.

  1. Which tree is a symbol of the New Year holiday? (Pine, spruce, cedar, fir)
  2. Name the snowman's headdress? (Pelvis, bucket, hat, cap)
  3. Where does Santa Claus get gifts for children? ( Out of the bag, from a sock, from a chest, from a safe)
  4. What is the name of Santa Claus's magic wand? (Scepter, club, rod, staff)
  5. Strings of lanterns on a Christmas tree? ( Garlands, confetti, beads, serpentine)
  6. What are New Year's crackers stuffed with? (Nails, salad, candy, confetti)
  7. What month, year ends and winter begins? (January, December, February March)
  8. Performer of a lullaby for the Christmas tree? (Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, frost)
  9. What is the name of the dance? Christmas tree? (Cha-cha-cha, waltz, polka, round dance)
  10. At what point does the New Year begin in our country? (10, 12 ,1,2013)

(Slide 13)

2 competition

People started celebrating New Year's Eve a long time ago. Our teams will be given a text where they will need to insert the missing words to make the story of the New Year's holiday.

(Slide 14) The guys fill in the missing words. The work is submitted to the jury.

(Slide 15) Let's check what needed to be inserted in the gaps.

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting lights on Christmas trees. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1. At the same time, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees, arranging fireworks and New Year's costume carnivals arose.

(Slide 16)

3 competition

In our country, the famous grandfather is Father Frost. He is dressed in a long red coat with white fur. Santa Claus has a long white beard and holds a staff in his hands. He comes to visit not only with gifts, but with his assistant, his granddaughter Snegurochka. Our children will need to find out what the name of Santa Claus is in other countries. (Slide 17)

Let's ask our jury to sum up the interim results. While they are letting them down, we learn how different countries celebrate the New Year, what the name of Santa Claus is in them.

(Slide 18) In the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Western European countries, Father Frost is called Santa Claus. He is wearing a red jacket
decorated with white fur, and wearing red trousers. There is a red cap on the head.

(Slide 19) Grandfather with a hooked nose Yultomten and the dwarf Yulnissaar. Both leave gifts on the windowsills on New Year's Eve.

(Slide 20) New Year's grandfather's name is Joulupukki. He has a tall cone-shaped hat and a red outfit. He is surrounded by gnomes in pointed hats and capes with white fur.

(slide 21)

4 Competition

They have many names, but they do one thing, give gifts. Now let's find the differences between Father Frost and Santa. Each team writes as many differences as possible. (slide 22)

(Slide 23)

5 competition. Musical

Who better to sing a song about New Years? You need to consult and decide what song your team will sing, and sing it better than your opponents.


The questions are over, friends!
And I praise everyone, guys.
The test has come to an end.
Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!
And who made a mistake even a little,
Not a good guy, but a hammer!

Well done! And now, while the jury is counting the points, we will find out how Father Frost differs from Santa Claus.

Well, now let's find out which class knows more about the New Year? The jury gives the floor. (Congratulations to the winners).


Connect the country and the name of Santa Claus in it.

Fill in the missing words.

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of _____________________. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated ______________.

More than 300 years ago, in 1700, King _____________ ordered the New Year to be celebrated _________________. At the same time, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees, arranging fireworks and New Year's costume carnivals arose.

Answers to assignments

New Year's story

For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting lights on Christmas trees. With the adoption of Christianity, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1.

More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1. At the same time, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees, arranging fireworks and New Year's costume carnivals arose.

Connect names and country

USA – Santa Claus

France – Père Noël

Finland – Joulupukki

Find the differences

Father Frost lives in Veliky Ustyug, and Santa Claus lives in Lapland. Santa Claus is a tall, strong, mighty hero. Santa is a short, plump, ruddy, cheerful old man. Father Frost's outfit can be any color except black, and Santa Claus's outfit can only be red. Our Russian Father Frost wears a warm boyar hat with fur trim, the kind worn by Russian tsars or very rich boyars. It is called "boyarka". Santa Claus wears a hat with a white pompom at the end. Father Frost's fur coat is long and richly decorated with gold or silver embroidery, which repeats the pattern of frosty patterns on the windows, with eight-pointed stars and snowflakes, and there is white fur along the edge of the fur coat, and an embroidered sash on the belt.

Santa Claus has a short fur coat with white trim on the collar, sleeves and along the hem, and a black leather belt on his belt. Santa Claus has white mittens on his hands or the color of his fur coat, and white felt boots on his feet. Santa Claus usually wears black gloves on his hands and black boots on his feet. The main attribute of Santa Claus is a staff, crystal or silver, with a twisted handle. Santa Claus sometimes holds a stick with a curved end and glasses in his hands. Santa Claus travels on foot or in a sleigh drawn by three horses. Santa Claus rides in a cart pulled by reindeer.

Santa Claus' assistants are good elves. Father Frost's faithful assistant and companion is his granddaughter, Snegurochka. Santa Claus solemnly enters the house, without any fuss he passes gifts from hand to hand or places them under the tree. Santa Claus sneaks through the chimney and hides gifts in stockings by the fireplace.


History of the holiday

What is the name of Santa Claus?

Find the differences?




1 point
for the correct answer

1 point per inserted word

Up to 3 points

For each difference 1 point

Up to 5 points


[ New Year ]

  1. There is a tree, this tree has twelve branches,
    Twelve branches have four rods,
    The rod has six tassels, the seventh is golden.

[year, months, weeks, days of the week]

  1. A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it is in front of you. We decorated the top with ruby...


  1. I took a plane ticket. Let's meet together...

[ New Year ]

  1. In winter I walk along a long road, through mountains, forests and valleys,
    And I, making my rounds, brought you to the Christmas tree...

[ New Year ]

  1. He comes on a winter evening to light candles on the Christmas tree.
    He starts a round dance - it’s a holiday.

[ New Year ]

  1. In winter, during fun times, I sit on a bright spruce tree.
    I shoot like a cannon, my name is...


  1. He tells everyone to dance, he makes everyone sing songs,
    He makes everyone happy and never gets tired.
    He has lived with us for centuries, friendly, noisy...

[round dance]

9.On what mountain did Elijah die?

[God took Elijah alive]

10. I was at the feast, but didn’t drink wine, what is it?

[head of John the Christite]

  1. How many of each type of animal did Moses take with him on the ark?

[ none. It was not Moses who built the ark, but Noah]

  1. Who in the Bible died because they cut their hair at the wrong time?


  1. A housewife's military weapon, a “symbol” of warmth and comfort?

[rolling pin]

  1. A hippopotamus flew across the sky, and a hunter with a gun ran along the ground behind him. The hunter fired and the hippo fell on him. Who is still alive?

[elephant because he flew out later]

  1. Which biblical hero died because he didn't get his hair cut on time?


  1. What question cannot honestly be answered “yes”?

[Are you sleeping? ]

  1. Two nails fell into the water. What does the corresponding Georgian surname sound like?


  1. You are sitting on an airplane, there is a horse in front of you, and a car behind you. Where are you located?


  1. There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where will you start?

[You need to get a piece of paper]

  1. A train left from point A to point B. Another train left at the same time from point B to point A to meet him. The road is single track, but they did not meet. Why?

[Not fate]

  1. Who is the founder of shipbuilding?


  1. What word always sounds wrong?

[The word “wrong”]

  1. Which river is the most predatory?

[ Tiger ]

  1. What can't you bake bread without?

[without crust]

  1. Big, green. Eats stones.

[large, green stone beetle]

  1. What is it: flies, rustles, and not rustles?

[ rustling brother ]

  1. What is it: in the sky, not on earth; the woman has two, the man has none?

[letter “B”]

28.What is the cow in front and the bull behind?

[letter “K”]

  1. It doesn’t live in the sea, it lives in a stove, it won’t fit in a barn, but two will fit into a wallet.

[letter “K”, USA]

  1. What stands in the middle of the Earth?

[letter “M”]

  1. The man has one, the crow has two, and the bear has none!

[letter “O”]

  1. Is it possible to jump higher than a nine-story building?

[yes, a nine-story building can't jump]

  1. Three related tractor drivers have a brother, Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers. Could this be possible?

[yes, if the tractor drivers are women]

  1. Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

[yes, it's a rider on a horse]

  1. What is this: standing black, on two legs?

[two one-legged blacks]

  1. What's warmer than a fur coat?

[two fur coats]

  1. If six Jews are sitting at a table, what is under the table?

[twelve tribes of Israel]

  1. What words exhausted Winnie the Pooh?


  1. Until when can you go into the forest?

[until the middle, then you will leave]

  1. What could be bigger than an elephant and at the same time weightless?