All episodes in the story are a Christmas tree. Description in the reader's diary of Zoshchenko's stories about Minka's childhood. No need to lie - Zoshchenko's story

Mikhail Zoshchenko is a famous Russian writer whose works were written in the genre of satire and aimed at exposing philistinism and the bourgeoisie. His most famous creation is a series of short stories about Lelka and Minka. Below is a brief summary of Zoshchenko’s “Yolka”.


The main characters of Zoshchenko's "Yolka" are brother and sister - Minka and Lelka. The girl was older, and at the time of the events described she was 7 years old. By nature, she was a very energetic girl. And her brother Minka was younger than her, and he tried to repeat everything after his adult sister. By the way, the story “Yolka” by Zoshchenko is autobiographical; this arouses even greater interest in the work, because it allows you to get to know the author better.

On the eve of the holiday

A brief summary of Zoshchenko’s “Christmas Tree” should begin with the fact that Minka (the story is told on his behalf), already as an adult, recalls one incident with a Christmas tree. He was five years old, and from that age he already remembered all the holidays. Of course, he had been shown the Christmas tree before, but he didn’t remember it yet. The boy was looking forward to the holiday and even spied on the preparations. One day, when their mother was in the kitchen, Lelya suggested that her brother go and look at the Christmas tree.

It was very beautiful: there were candies, apples, marshmallows, nuts and other decorations hanging on it, and underneath there were beautifully wrapped gifts. And, looking at all this splendor, the girl came up with something.

What did Lelya suggest?

An important episode in the summary of Zoshchenko’s “Christmas Tree” is the girl’s suggestion not to open gifts, but rather to eat something tasty. The brother supports his sister, and she immediately eats one marshmallow. Minka bites off a small piece of apple.

Then Lelya decides to eat not only marshmallows, but also one piece of candy. She was tall, so she could reach the most “delicious” decorations. Minka was short and could only reach an apple. Notably, he changes his sister's name by adding an augmentative suffix ("Lelishche"), hinting at her height.

Lelya teases her brother, saying that she will eat marshmallows, nuts and also take a cracker for herself. Minka almost cried from insult. He decides to pull a chair up to the tree so he can reach the other sweets. But the chair falls on the boy, he picks it up, but he falls again, now right on the gifts.

Lelya says that her brother broke off the hand of a porcelain doll. Then they heard their mother approaching the door and ran into another room. The sister tells her brother that his mother will probably punish him. Minka wanted to cry, but at that moment guests came to them.

Consequences of the trick

Children come with their mothers. They are all called to come to the tree, where they are told that they will be given a gift and a sweet treat. And now it’s the turn of the apple, bitten by Minka. Lelya says that the boy did it. In response, the brother says that it was his sister who taught him.

Mom decides to put the girl in a corner, and gives the boy who got this apple the train that was intended for Minka. He felt so offended that he hit the boy painfully. This boy's mother called Minka a robber, but his mother stood up for him. Meanwhile, one girl gets a doll with a broken arm. Mothers and children were offended by the owners of the house and left.

The main point in the summary of Zoshchenko’s “Yolka” is that the children’s father did not stand up for them like their mother, but, on the contrary, said that he did not want his children to grow up spoiled. He said that they would be left without sweets for a year, and then he would give the gifts to the guests.

Since then, the writer never again ate a single stranger's apple and did not offend those weaker than him. This short story teaches children that they should never take other people's things, and shows adults that sometimes they need to be strict in their upbringing so that children grow up to be good people.

The main characters of Mikhail Zoshchenko's story “Yolka” are a five-year-old boy Minka and his seven-year-old sister Lelya. One day Lelya persuaded Minka to secretly look at the New Year tree, which was decorated for the arrival of guests.

Taking advantage of the fact that mother had gone to the kitchen, the children went into the room where the Christmas tree stood. Lelya said that they would not touch the gifts, but she decided to eat one of the lozenges that hung on the tree. Minka could not reach the lozenges, and he bit one of the apples hanging on the tree.

Seeing this, Lelya ate another lozenge and took a candy from the tree. In response, Minka took another bite of the apple. Then Lelya decided to eat the third lozenge and take a cracker and a nut from the tree. The excited Minka, who could only reach the apple, took a chair to climb higher. But he couldn’t handle the chair and dropped it on the gifts lying under the tree. The porcelain doll's hand flew off from the impact. Hearing my mother's steps, my brother and sister ran into another room.

At this time, guests arrived with their children, and Minka and Lelya’s mother lit candles on the tree, after which she invited everyone into the room where the New Year tree stood. Mom began to give gifts to the children who came and treated them to sweets and fruits taken from the Christmas tree.

Noticing the bitten apple, mom called Minka and Lelya over to her and asked who bit the apple? Lelya said that Minka did it, and he replied that Lelya talked him into it. Mom decided to punish her children for their misconduct and gave the toy intended for Minka to one of the boys who came to visit. Minka got angry and hit this boy on the hand.

The mother of the offended boy began to be indignant and called Minka a robber. His mother stood up for Minka and a fight began between the adults. As a result, all the guests left, and Minka and Lelya’s dad came into the room. He put out the candles on the tree and said that he would give all the toys to other children. After that, he told Minka and Lela to go to bed.

From then on, Minka never again in his life took anything that belonged to others and never offended those who were weaker than him.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​Zoshchenko’s story “The Christmas Tree” is that it is always easier to suppress the first desire than what follows it. Lelya decided to try just one lozenge from the New Year tree, but it all ended in a quarrel with the guests and severe punishment from her father.

The story teaches not to succumb to other people's persuasion and temptations, but to think with your own mind. Minka, looking at Lelya eating lozenges, could not resist and also tried to get something from the tree, breaking the porcelain doll in the process. Lelya and Minka’s lack of willpower and their excessive curiosity led to a conflict at the New Year’s party.

What proverbs fit Zoshchenko’s story “The Christmas Tree”?

Live by your own mind.
If you chase someone else’s, you will lose yours.

The main character of Mikhail Zoshchenko’s story “Don’t Lie” studies in a preparatory class at a gymnasium. He is seven years old and his parents call him Minka. Minka has an older sister, Lelya, who studies at the same gymnasium. One day in the gymnasium an unpleasant thing happened to Minka. The teacher called him to the blackboard to recite a poem by heart. But Minka did not learn this poem, and the teacher gave him a one in his diary. When Minka showed the diary to Lele after class, she said that it was bad and that dad wouldn’t give Minka a camera for her birthday. Lelya offered to cover up the page with the bad mark, but Minka did not agree to this. In upset feelings, he went from the gymnasium to the park and sat there for a long time on a bench. And when Minka went home, he realized that he had forgotten his diary in the park. He returned, but did not find the diary. At home, the boy told his dad that he had lost his diary.

And, hearing this “ah,” the students also begin to squeal. The history teacher waves his hand at me. And he gives me a bad mark. At the end of the lesson I run after the teacher.

I catch up with him on the stairs. I can't say a word from excitement. I have a fever. Seeing me in this form, the teacher says: “At the end of the quarter, I’ll ask you again.”
Let's pull the three. “That’s not what I’m talking about,” I say. - If you call me like that again, then I... I... - What? What's happened? - says the teacher. “I’ll spit at you,” I mutter. -What did you say? – the teacher shouts menacingly. And, grabbing my hand, he pulls me upstairs to the director’s room.

But suddenly he lets me go. He says: “Go to class.” I go to class and expect that the director will come and kick me out of the gymnasium. But the director doesn't come. A few days later, the history teacher calls me to the blackboard.

He quietly pronounces my last name.

Give me your plate, I'll pour it. I don't give my plate and don't touch the pies. Grandfather says to my mother: “This is a bad child.” He doesn't understand jokes.
Mom says to me: “Well, smile at grandpa.” Answer him something. I look at my grandfather angrily. I quietly tell him: “I’ll never come to you again... It’s not my fault.” Let’s go to the table and eat pancakes.

Suddenly my father takes my plate and starts eating my pancakes. I'm crying. Father with glasses. He looks serious. Beard. Nevertheless, he laughs.


He says: “You see how greedy he is.” He feels sorry for one pancake for his father. I say: “One pancake, please eat.” I thought you would eat everything.

They bring soup. I say: “Dad, do you want my soup?” Dad says: “No, I’ll wait until they bring the sweets.” Now, if you give me something sweet, then you are really a good boy. Thinking about cranberry jelly with milk for dessert, I say: “Please.”

Analysis of the cycle of stories “Lelya and Minka” by M. M. Zoshchenko

To this Pavlik replied that he himself would accompany the policeman to his house. There they met Pavlik’s mother. She was surprised that her son was on the street and took him home.


My grandmother just woke up and reported that Pavlik behaved well and did not disturb her sleep. But her mother told her that Pavlik went out alone. Children's Hour This series tells about the most ordinary pranks and experiences of childhood, like the best books for children, which can also bring pleasure to adults.

Through a skillful interweaving of such fundamental motifs as the Seven Deadly Sins and the Ten Commandments, the author presents episodes from his childhood at the turn of the century. The author carefully avoids any linguistic excesses not only in his narration, but also in the speech of the characters, while trying to preserve the flavor and spirit of the times.

One more step

The next day, the teacher, having learned about the lost diary, gave Minka a new diary, but it also contained the ill-fated one. Then Minka, angry, threw the diary behind the cabinet that stood in the classroom.

As a result, he was given a third diary, in which there was not only a one for the poem, but also a two for behavior. In the evening, Minka covered up the pages with bad grades, as Lelya advised him.

The father, checking the diary, did not notice anything. But the matter did not end there. A woman came to their home and found Minkin’s first diary in the park.

The father opened it and saw one. He understood everything, but did not scold his son. He just said that people who lie look funny.

He also said that the truth always comes out. After these words, Minka felt ashamed, and he admitted that he had thrown the second diary with a bad mark behind the cabinet in the classroom.

Hearing this sincere confession, the father was delighted.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko is a famous and popular writer whose humorous works are enjoyed by both adults and children. The most famous for his cycle is “Lelya and Minka”, which contains eight short stories. This collection begins with the famous and entertaining story “Yolka”, a brief summary of which is presented in this article.

Outline of the story “Yolka”

To understand the content, you need an outline of it. The content for the reader's diary and retelling can be easily restored according to the following plan:

The main idea of ​​the story

Mikhail Zoshchenko in his story shows the behavior of two children on the eve of the New Year. All children love the New Year, because usually this holiday brings not only fun and a great mood, but also shows that parents should always Explain to children what the right thing to do in any situation.

After reading Zoshchenko’s story “Yolka”, all readers will understand what negative character traits and behavior the author is talking about. He speaks easily and calmly, emotional and interesting.

I was very interested in the story told by the author. It happened to him a long time ago, when he was only five years old. The author and his sister ate decorations from the Christmas tree and ruined gifts that were intended for other children. All these actions led to conflict breaking out between adults. It's a little unusual, but happens often in life.

Vika, 12 years old

The author put the main idea of ​​his work into the speech of the pope, who, having learned about the New Year's incident, not only punished the children, but also said that it would be difficult for them to live in the world with such behavior and such an attitude towards people would lead to them being die alone and suffer greatly from it.

I believe that only dad was able to act correctly in this situation. He gave all the good toys to other people's children and sent his own children to bed. This served as a wonderful lesson for Lelya and Minka. They never took someone else's again.

Alexander, 15 years old

It is worth living not for yourself, but for others. They don't like selfish people and they don't respect. Therefore, a person receives great joy only when he shares it with others.

Main characters

The main characters of M. Zoshchenko’s work are children:

  1. Lelya.
  2. Minka.

The sister was two years older than her brother, but she was very lively and always taught her brother something, although she herself did not always know how to do the right thing.

Having learned that the tree was decorated, that the gifts had already been prepared, she persuaded her younger brother, on whose behalf the story was being told, to sneak into a closed room and fool around a little there with the gifts.

Lelya did not want to concede to her brother in anything and set him a not very good example to follow. But what happened to them also influenced the children’s future lives, since they never acted like that again and always made only the right choice in their lives.

The author of the story is preparing for the New Year, which he will celebrate for the fortieth time. He recalls that at the beginning of his life he did not understand what a New Year tree was, although his mother, holding him in her arms, constantly carried him to her. But at five years old it's "decorated tree" was already perceived by the author of the story in a completely different way. He admired and rejoiced at them. The author of the story always looked forward to the New Year holiday.

Mom always decorated the Christmas tree, and the children peeked through the crack of the door to see how she did it. The author’s sister was already seven years old at that time, and she was also a very nimble girl. One day she suggested that her brother go into the room where the Christmas tree was to look while no adults were there.

The guys carefully entered the room and saw a beautiful tree and the gifts that were already lying under it. Lelya offered to eat one of the lozenges that were hanging on the tree. And Minka decided to take a bite of the apple. Lelka, offended by her brother, then took the candy, and then took a nut and a cracker. Minka felt offended, so he moved a chair to the tree, but then fell right on the gifts. It soon became clear that the porcelain doll's hand was broken off.

But the guys were forced to run to their room, as their mother’s steps were heard. It was already impossible to change anything, since the guests had already arrived, and mother called everyone to the Christmas tree. Mom said that all the children had to come up to her one by one, and she would give them a treat from the tree and a gift. At first, all the children who received the gift were happy. But then mom took the apple that Minka had bitten off from the tree and called her children. She immediately asked who did it.

Lelka, without hesitation, immediately said that her brother did it. But Minka immediately said that his sister taught him this. And the mother calmly replied that she would punish them both, and that she would now give Minka’s gift to the child to whom she wanted to give this apple. And this was the clockwork little engine that Minka talked about I've been dreaming for so long. Seeing the boy playing with a toy that should have been his, Minka hit the boy. He started crying. And his mother, indignant, took her son away.

But not only children, but mothers had a fight. The mother of the offended boy called Minka a robber, and Minka’s mother came to his defense. It soon became clear that other parents were unhappy and wanted to leave, since they received spoiled toys. Minka and Lelya began to drive away all the guests so that only they could get all the toys. But then dad entered the room and said that such upbringing only ruins children. He put out the candles on the tree and sent everyone to bed, and he was going to give the toy to the children tomorrow.

And now more than thirty years have passed since that time, but the author still remembers this tree and what happened then. Over the years, he never again took or ate someone else's food, and also never offended the weak. Therefore, everyone around me thinks that the author is very cheerful and good-natured person.

Analysis of the work by Mikhail Zoshchenko

The story “Yolka” has a deep meaning, as it carries moral lessons for children. The author beautifully depicts, using epithets and metaphors, how beautiful the Christmas tree looks, how children live in anticipation of the New Year's miracle and how parents fuss to give their children a big and wonderful holiday. Reading all this description is pleasant, since the reader himself is immersed in this atmosphere.

But this whole atmosphere is disrupted by one selfish act that children commit. Not only do they enter the room with the Christmas tree without the permission of adults, but they also eat candy that was intended for everyone. Minka's chair, which constantly falls over, breaks toys that other children were also looking forward to. And because of this behavior of children, the New Year's holiday turns out to be ruined. It's wonderful to read the final lines in the story that children still made conclusions and never again in their lives did they act in such a way that the people around them would suffer from their actions.

Andersen G-H. fairy tale "Spruce"

Genre: literary tale about plants

The main characters of the fairy tale "Spruce" and their characteristics

  1. Christmas tree. Young and stupid. I found out that I was happy only after losing everything. Naive dreamer.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Spruce"
  1. Christmas tree in the forest
  2. sun rays
  3. Where do the trees go?
  4. Christmas Eve
  5. The Sparrows' Tale
  6. The Christmas tree is being cut down
  7. The Christmas tree is being decorated
  8. Children dancing
  9. Tales of the Fat Man
  10. Christmas tree in the attic
  11. Enthusiastic mice
  12. Christmas tree in the yard
  13. The last fire.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Spruce" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. There was a young Christmas tree growing in the forest, which wanted to quickly become old.
  2. The Christmas tree dreamed of going to the sea or being cut down for Christmas
  3. The Christmas tree was cut down and placed in the large hall, and then decorated
  4. The Christmas tree was very beautiful, but the children stole the Christmas tree
  5. The Christmas tree was collecting dust in the attic and telling stories to the mice.
  6. The Christmas tree was cut and burned, and she realized that she was happy only in the forest
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Spruce"
We must appreciate the present, and not live in empty dreams of the future.

What does the fairy tale "Spruce" teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to appreciate and take care of what you have. Teaches you not to desire what you know little about. Teaches not to exchange an awl for soap. Teaches you to enjoy life, teaches you to be happy, teaches you to have fun. Teaches that everything in the world has its end.

Review of the fairy tale "Spruce"
This is a sad but beautiful fairy tale about a little Christmas tree who wanted something more, and who did not understand that she was wasting her best years. For some reason she really wanted to grow up. I feel sorry for the stupid and naive Christmas tree, she did not appreciate what she had and therefore was never happy. You can't live by dreams alone.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Spruce"
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
We don’t keep what we have, we cry when we lose it.
You don't know what you will find or what you will lose.
We must take from life everything that it can give.
Lives does not live, but resides.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Spruce"
A very beautiful young Christmas tree grew in the forest. She had a good place, the sun warmed her, and there were pine and spruce trees nearby. Children came to the Christmas tree, sat down to rest under it and praised the beautiful tree.
And the Christmas tree grew bigger every year and was in a hurry. She dreamed of becoming tall and grown up. So that the birds build nests on it, so that they can look out with the top of their heads into the free light.
And therefore the Christmas tree was not happy about the sun, nor the clouds, nor the wind, nor the birds.
In winter, the first two years the hare simply jumped over the Christmas tree, but already in the third year he began to run around. And the Christmas tree dreamed of quickly becoming an adult and old.
In the fall, lumberjacks came to the forest and cut down trees. They were taking away the felled trunks and the Christmas tree wanted to know what awaited them.
She asked the storks about the fate of the cut down trees, and the stork said that many of them become masts on ships and float on the seas. The Christmas tree also wanted to see the sea. She did not listen to the sun, which persuaded her to rejoice in its rays.
At Christmas time, other people came to the forest and cut down young Christmas trees. The sparrows said that these trees are taken to the city, placed in a warm room and decorated with beautiful things. And the Christmas tree dreamed of being among these lucky ones. She still did not want to enjoy freedom and the sun.
And now a year has passed. At Christmas time people came and cut down the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree lost consciousness from pain and came to its senses in the courtyard of a large house.
She was carried into the house and placed in a barrel of sand. The girls and servants began to decorate the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree really liked its outfit. She was looking forward to the evening. And in the evening the candles were lit and the Christmas tree became even more beautiful. She trembled with joy and suddenly the flame of one of the candles engulfed her pine needles.
The fire was quickly extinguished, but after that the Christmas tree was afraid to move.
And then the children ran into the hall and each one tore something from the Christmas tree. Then they danced around the tree, and when the candles burned out, the children were allowed to take everything that was on the tree.
Then the children sat under the tree and listened to the fat man’s tales, and the tree thought that this was all, and its happiness was over?
In the morning the tree was waiting to be decorated again, but the servant took it to the attic and abandoned it there. The tree stood in the attic for many days and one day mice came to it. The mice asked the tree to tell what it saw. And the Christmas tree told how she grew up in the forest, and the mice were terribly jealous of her. They said that the tree was happy, and the tree began to think that perhaps those days in the forest really were happy. And Elka began to tell fairy tales to the mice, and the mice listened to her with pleasure.
And then the tree was thrown into the yard and it remained yellowed and old. And everything around was blooming and fragrant. And the boys came running and began to trample its branches. Then the servant cut the tree and sent it to the fire. And the tree crackled in the fire, remembering summer sunny days and winter starry nights. And I regretted that everything was over.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Spruce"
