Sick leave for caring for the 15th child. Sick leave for child care: payment, calculation, accrual. For how long will the doctor issue sick leave? days

A sick leave certificate for child care is a document that gives employees the right to receive benefits for a period of incapacity for work. And, of course, the rules for “sick leave” are constantly changing. Let's look at the nuances of calculating benefits and the rules for paying sick leave for child care in 2018. In this article we will give an example of calculating benefits.

How many days a year is paid sick leave for child care?

In Art. 6 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 talks about how much and how sick leave is paid for child care in 2018. IN different cases Limits on paid days are different.

Let us remind you that from April 10, 2018, an employee can go on sick leave to care for a child under 7 years old for an unlimited time, even for the whole year. Previously, there were restrictions of 60 days. The employee must notify the employer that his child is sick. And he can return to work, say, in three months, confirming this with sick leave. In this case, the employer does not have the right to apply sanctions. Moreover, the accountant will have to calculate sick leave according to the old procedure, paying for 60 (in some cases 90) days of sickness. And all because now the doctor prescribes sick leave without any time limits.

Let's take a closer look at how sick leave with a child is paid.

Let's present the information in the form of a table.

Child's age

Number of paid days of care

Outpatient treatment

Shared hospital stay

One at a time insured event

During the calendar year

For one insured event

Child under 7 years old

Child from 7 to 15 years old

Disabled child under 18 years old

A disabled child under 18 years old is infected with HIV

A child under 18 years of age with an illness associated with a post-vaccination complication due to malignant neoplasms

* The child’s disease is included in the List approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated February 20, 2008 No. 84n.

Example 1. An employee's fourteen-year-old child fell ill. A certificate of incapacity for caring for him was issued for the period from August 17 to August 31, 2018 (on the 15th calendar days).

Since in 2018 the employee did not have certificates of incapacity for work for the child, and recovery was within the 15-day limit, the employee was entitled to benefits for the entire period of care. After this, the limit of paid days in 2018 is reduced by a third to 30 calendar days (45 - 15).

On what date should the age of the sick person be determined for payment of sick leave for child care?

The child's age is determined on the date when he began to get sick. On the same day, a certificate of temporary incapacity for work is issued.

Let's say a person turned seven years old during an illness. However, on the temporary disability certificate, in the line “Age (years/month),” the doctor will indicate six years. This follows from clause 58 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

How is sick leave calculated for child care?

The general rules for determining average daily earnings are as follows:

- all payments and deductions for the previous two years of work are taken into account. In 2018, this is income for 2016 and 2017. A woman who was on maternity leave at this time has the right to replace the period with an earlier one if this will help increase the amount of sick leave benefits;

- the amount of payments for calculating benefits cannot exceed in 2016 - 718,000 rubles, in 2017 - 755,000 rubles;

- average daily earnings = amount of payments taken into account for the billing period / 730

Amount of sick leave = Average daily earnings * % depending on insurance period* Number of paid days of illness of the child.

The percentage of experience depends on the method of treatment of the child

We presented the amount of sick leave for child care in 2018 in the table:

Where was the treatment

Insurance experience

Amount of temporary disability benefit, % of average earnings


8 years or more

100% for the first 10 days and 50% for subsequent days of incapacity

from 5 to 8 years

80% for the first 10 days and 50% for subsequent days of incapacity

60% for the first 10 days and 50% for subsequent days of incapacity

in hospital

8 years or more

from 5 to 8 years

The maximum average daily earnings, based on which sick leave is paid in 2018, is 2,017.81 rubles. [(RUB 718,000 + RUB 755,000) / 730 days].

The minimum average daily earnings for accrual of sick leave benefits in 2018 is 311.97 rubles. (9489 RUR * 24 months / 730 days).

By comparing the actual average daily earnings with the maximum and minimum size, assign for payment the amount that is greater than the minimum and less than the maximum.

Example 2: An employee's fourteen-year-old child fell ill. This is the first case of a child's illness in 2018. The period of caring for a sick child is 17 calendar days from February 22. The amounts of payments subject to social insurance contributions were: for 2017 - 212,000 rubles, for 2016 - 206,000 rubles. The employee's insurance experience is 12 years and 11 months. Let's calculate the payment of sick leave for child care in 2018.

For one insured event, you can pay for no more than 15 calendar days (clause 2, part 5, article 6 of Law No. 255-FZ). However, the child was sick for 17 calendar days. Accordingly, the employee will be paid: for the first 10 calendar days - in the amount of 100% of average earnings (insurance period of more than 8 years), from the 11th to 15th days - in the amount of 50% of average earnings. We do not pay for the 16th and 17th days of illness.

The average daily earnings for calculating benefits is 572.60 rubles. [(RUB 212,000 + RUB 206,000) / 730 days]. This value does not exceed the established maximum (RUB 572.60).< 2017,81 руб. руб.) и больше установленного минимума (572,60 руб. >311.97 rub.).

The amount of benefits that the employee will receive will be: for the first 10 days of care - 5,726.03 rubles. (572.60 rubles * 10 calendar days), from the 11th to the 15th - 1431.50 rubles. (RUB 572.60 * 50% * 5 calendar days).

If the period of patient care coincides with vacation

Accrual of sick leave payments with a child during vacation (it does not matter whether it is annual, maternity or without salary) is not made (Clause 1, Part 1, Article 9 of the Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance...” dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). The only exception in this situation is the registration of sick leave during the period of annual leave directly due to the illness of the employee himself.

As provided in paragraph. 4 p. 40 of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n, sick leave cannot be issued in the event of a child’s illness during the parent’s annual, maternity or other type of leave.

Sick leave after dismissal

The employer is obliged to pay sick leave to an employee if he fell ill within 30 days after dismissal, did not manage to find a new job during this time and provided the necessary form at his previous place of work. However, this rule does not apply to cases of caring for children, but applies only to cases of loss of ability to work by the employee himself (Clause 2, Article 5 of Law No. 255-FZ).

Last update 02/10/2020Reading time: 11 min.

By law, if your child is sick, your employer will provide you with sick leave and pay for it. In this case, it is not necessary to be a parent; any close relative who cares for the child can apply for a certificate of incapacity for work.

There are restrictions on the amount of payment and the period of illness. In this article we will analyze in detail all the intricacies of the process and dwell on the features of calculating care benefits.

Who can take sick leave to care for a child?

A sick leave for child care is an official document that is issued by a doctor when a child is diagnosed with a disease and guarantees the payment of temporary benefits to a working relative. If previously only close family members - father, mother or guardians - were allowed to care for the sick, then since 2014 the rules have changed.

Now the doctor issues sick leave to any relative who will care for the child during illness. Situations are not allowed when, for example, sick leave is issued to the father, the mother or grandmother sits with the child, and the father goes to work.

Neither the degree of relationship nor whether the child lives together or separately with a caring relative is taken into account. The only point: a family member must work and be registered with the social insurance fund (FSS). Mothers who are on maternity leave due to pregnancy or caring for a child under 3 years old, but who work part-time or are engaged in light work, can apply for sick leave.

A certificate of incapacity for work cannot be issued:

  • for a schoolchild or student;
  • for an unemployed pensioner;
  • for a mother who is not working or is on maternity leave.

If a child has a long-term illness, sick leave is issued for several family members (in turn) within the period established by law, but only for one of them at a time.

The employer does not have the right to demand documents confirming relationship; to receive benefits, it is enough to present a certificate of incapacity for work with a stamp.
Grounds for release from work:

  • acute course of the disease in a child or exacerbation of the chronic stage;
  • treatment that will require the intervention of treating personnel or a set of measures using medications.

Sick leave is not issued for the treatment of chronic diseases in remission.

If two children are sick, one sheet is issued. If there are three or more, a second sick leave is issued. In cases where one of the children has already recovered and the second is sick, the certificate of incapacity for work is extended until the last patient is discharged.

Treatment can take place on an outpatient basis at home with regular visits to the doctor and drug treatment, or as an inpatient treatment in a day hospital or with hospitalization of the patient. In the latter case, serious medical intervention may be required and the child must remain in the institution together with an adult relative.

Registration of sick leave

To receive sick leave and release from work, the employee must go with the child to the medical institution at the place of registration of the minor. For outpatient treatment, the form is drawn up by the local doctor. He starts it at the first visit of the child with an accompanying person and extends it at the next visit. A relative must be present at every appointment so that the sick leave is extended in a timely manner and closed on time.

If inpatient treatment is necessary, a certificate of incapacity for work is opened by the attending physician in the hospital. A family member receives sick leave only if they are constantly with the minor. In both cases, the following documents will be required to open.

  1. Child's birth certificate.
  2. Passport of a caring relative.
  3. Child's medical insurance.

After opening the certificate of incapacity for work, it can be immediately handed over to the caregiver or it can be constantly kept by the doctor until it is closed. In the first case, the adult will need to take the document with him every time to a doctor’s appointment in order to renew it. The second option is more convenient, but the relative will receive sick leave only after discharge.

Always contact a medical institution in a timely manner, since the opening of sick leave occurs directly on the day of the first visit. It is impossible to prepare the document earlier, and it will also be impossible to come to an agreement with the doctor - each sick leave at the clinic is officially recorded in the order of priority.

Procedure for calculating and paying sick leave

The benefit amount is calculated based on the completed certificate of incapacity for work. If it is completed without errors or omissions, payments should be received within 10 days. The employee receives compensation along with the next payment of wages. The entire amount of benefits from the first day of sick leave is paid by the Social Insurance Fund. The principle of payment for the first 3 days by the employer, as in cases of illness of an adult, does not apply.

If an employee has 2 places of work and is employed there (for example, work and part-time work), he receives 2 certificates of incapacity for work. But only if the place of work has not changed in the last 2 years. In other cases, one sheet is issued, which the employee presents to the employer at the current place of work or at one of them.

How many days are paid

The Social Insurance Fund pays benefits for the entire specified period, so restrictions apply to the period for which a certificate of incapacity for work is opened. The timing depends on the age of the child and the method of treatment and is strictly limited both for one disease and for all sick leave during the year.

* In the case of a child’s disease included in the List of Diseases established by the Federal Authority.

As can be seen from the table, relatives of children over 15 years of age are entitled to only 3 days for each disease, and only in the case of outpatient treatment. This period can be increased to 7 days by decision of the medical commission. Treatment in the hospital is not paid for - it is believed that in the hospital the medical staff will be able to provide all the necessary care to such adult children.

In some cases, deviations from the general principles of calculation are possible:

  • During the quarantine period in kindergartens, a relative of a preschooler is paid for the entire period of stay at home with the child.
  • Relatives of a disabled child are paid for the full period of treatment within one sick leave, but not more than 120 days annually.
  • Care for HIV-infected children is paid without restrictions on the length of sick leave.
  • Providing care for patients with complications after vaccination or cancer is paid in full for the entire period.

If the paid sick leave period for a year has expired, but the child’s recovery must continue, the employee has the right to remain on sick leave. Exceeding the limit will not be paid by law, but absence from work will serve as a valid reason.

The employer must keep records of the total number of days of sick leave for child care.

Sick leave calculation

The calculation takes into account the length of service and the average daily wages employee. IN work experience Only the period of time from which the employee was officially employed and registered with the Social Insurance Fund is taken into account. Let us analyze the features of both factors in calculating the payment amount.

Employee's length of service and percentage of payment

If the child was treated in a hospital, then the entire amount of payments must be calculated relative to the length of the experience. When treating at home based on length of service, the first 10 days of sick leave are paid, then 50% of the average wage is taken into account.

In digital form, the data looks like this:

  • Work experience of up to 6 months is paid according to the minimum wage per month, but not less than 370.85 rubles for each day of sick leave from January 1, 2019.
  • With work experience from six months to 5 years, 60 percent of average earnings are taken into account.
  • Experience 5-8 years - 80%. Continuous experience from 8 years old, 100% of the average salary is paid.

Average daily earnings

When determining average daily earnings, several factors are decisive.

  1. Previous years of work. Only the last 2 years before the date on which the certificate of incapacity for work was issued are taken into account. For example, when calculating benefits in 2019, average earnings for 2017 and 2018 will be taken as the basis. If at this time the employee did not have a salary (for example, a woman was in 2017 and 2018), then the amount is taken for previous years, in our case for 2015 and 2016. If the salary for these years is less than the minimum wage or was absent (the person has not worked before), then the minimum wage is taken as the basis for the calculation.
  2. The amount of average income for the year. The average salary for the year cannot exceed the maximum base for contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. If there was a change in years in the selection of the period for which the payment is calculated, then the amounts are used for the corresponding year.
  3. All insurance payments for which contributions were accrued to the Social Insurance Fund. The calculation takes into account salary, bonuses, allowances, vacation pay, and travel allowances. Payment for sick leave, maternity leave or payment under a non-employment contract is not taken into account.

The amount of average daily earnings is calculated by adding the average annual amounts and dividing them by 730 days. The number of days always remains the same.

Example of sick leave calculation

Let’s assume that employee A. A. Izumrudova has been working at Golden Globe LLC for 6 years and 4 months. Izumrudova has a son who is 5 years old. In February 2018, she was on sick leave with him for 7 days. On October 18, 2018, the child fell ill again, and the mother turned to the local doctor, who prescribed him outpatient treatment and opened a sick leave. After 14 days, Izumrudova’s son recovered safely and was discharged on October 31. Citizen A. A. Izumrudova received a closed certificate of incapacity for work.

So, let's see how the payment amount will be calculated. The child is 5 years old, so for one case of sick leave a maximum of 15 days and up to 45 days per year can be paid. In our case, 7 days. + 14 days = 21 days This means that the citizen will be paid for the entire period of her sick leave.

Izumrudova’s average earnings for 2016 were 650,000 rubles, for 2017 - 700,000 rubles. We calculate the daily average:

(650,000 rub. + 700,000 rub.) / 730 days. = 1,849 rub.

The length of service gives a citizen the right to receive 80% of the average income for the first 10 days of sick leave. The remaining 4 days are calculated at 50% of the average wage:

RUB 1,849 × 80% × 10 days. = 14,792 rub.

RUB 1,849 × 50% × 4 days. = 3,698 rub.

In total, the total amount of disability payment will be 14,792 rubles. + 3,698 rub. = 18,490 rub. Remember that you will need to pay personal income tax on the payment amount.

Filling out a certificate of incapacity for work

The sick leave form has the official form established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The document must be filled out accurately and without errors; entries are made exclusively in the columns provided for this. Each item is divided into cells and filled in from the first square without gaps. You cannot go beyond the boundaries of the cell. It is necessary that each letter or number is completely contained in the square and does not touch its edges.

Let's look at an example of how to fill out a certificate of incapacity for work.

  1. The first few points are standard - information about the medical institution, date of issue of sick leave, full name of the adult, date of birth and place of work.
  2. In the paragraph “cause of disability” the numbers 09 are entered - for care.
  3. Information about the minor is entered in the “care” column. The first 2 digits are age, the next are the nature of the relationship (38 - mother, 39 - father, 40 - guardian, 41 - trustee, 42 - another relative). Next is the child's full name. In our case, there are two children cared for by their mother.
  4. The item “exemption from work” reflects all extensions of sick leave. The total period is calculated from the first to the last date. The position and full name of the doctor are also indicated. Below is the date from which the parent must return to work.

Filling with a gel pen with black ink is allowed; the doctor can enter data on the printer. The certificate of incapacity for work is divided into 2 parts: one is filled out by the doctor, the second by the employer.

Before taking the document to work, make sure that the health worker has filled out all fields correctly and without errors. An incorrectly completed document will not be paid for. The employer, for its part, attaches a full calculation of the payment amount, printed in free form, and enters only the final figures on the sheet. In our case, the item “at the expense of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation” is filled in.

Is sick leave paid during vacation?

Child care is not paid in cases where the caregiver does not need time off from work. Such cases include: paid leave, maternity leave for pregnancy and childbirth or to care for a child under 3 years of age, leave without pay.

Letter of Rostrud dated 06/01/2012 N PG/4629-6-1

Opening a sick leave is relevant if the adult is already returning to work from vacation, and the child has still not recovered. Then the vacation is extended, and sick leave starts from the first working day. If a child catches a cold before a planned vacation, only the days before going on vacation are paid according to the certificate of incapacity for work.

Let's give 2 examples.

  • The mother goes on paid leave from September 12. The child fell ill on September 8, and the sick leave was closed on September 20. In this case, the employee will be paid benefits for 4 days: September 8, 9, 10, 11.
  • The daughter fell ill on March 27 while her mother was on vacation. The mother goes back to work on April 3, and the daughter recovers on April 7. Sick leave opens from April 3 to April 7, and benefits are accrued for 5 days.

A working person needs to be attentive to the preparation of sick leave for child care, in order not only to provide the employer with a valid reason for absence from work, but also to receive the full amount due payment. Carefully study all the nuances in each specific case.


Good afternoon Tell me if I understand correctly. Our child is now in the hospital after surgery due to a fractured femur. Now his dad is lying with him, it turns out that dad can apply for sick leave for himself while he is in the hospital, and after discharge I can apply for sick leave for himself while the child is recovering (he will be in a cast for about 3 months)? I'm interested in the issue of registration, payment is not important in in this case.


Good afternoon! Please tell me how sick leave is paid for a 6-year-old child. We have this situation. In April, I was with him on sick leave, first in the hospital (we had an operation), then he was in a cast for 3 weeks. In total, sick leave I was 1 month old. They paid me 100% for it. In August we had another operation and we were also first in the hospital for 7 days (they paid me 100%), and then at home in a cast for 18 days (they paid me 50%). The sick leave sheet at the hospital was not closed for me and was left open. And in the hospital, during outpatient treatment, they issued me a new one, but marked a duplicate. They explained to me that since a duplicate means a continuation of the old sick leave, that’s why it is paid 50%, But if If they had closed it at the hospital, but opened it for outpatient, then it would have been 100% (the operation was carried out in one city. And we were treated on an outpatient basis in our own city) Was I paid for it correctly?



Hello Alena! As stated in Art. 6 255-FZ:

"in the case of caring for a sick child under 7 years of age - for the entire period of outpatient treatment or cohabitation with a child in an inpatient treatment facility, but not more than 60 calendar days in a calendar year for all cases of caring for this child.”

That is, for every child under 7 years of age (not disabled or suffering from serious illnesses) there is a sick leave limit of 60 days a year.

And they will write out their own sick leave for everyone and calculate everything.

But if children get sick at the same time, they will issue one sick leave. And here there is no general opinion: in some FSS I think that days should be counted for both, in others, that for one, because one insured event.


Quote from another site, but the essence is the same “You need to understand that the limit is set for one child, and not for one relative. Example: the limit of paid days per year, taking into account the child’s age and other factors - 60 days. First with a baby, 35 days The mother served 30, then the father will not be paid for the last 5 days of sick leave, since the limit (30+35=65) will already be exhausted."

question! But if I have 2 children under 7 years old, in this case is the paid limit 60 or is it still 120 days?

and... is this the law? or already decrypted


Good afternoon! Please tell me how to calculate payment for sick leave, code 09. Duration from 06/20/19 to 08/23/19

Our child got into an accident, from June 20 to June 23 he was in intensive care, from June 23 in the traumatology department to July 12 he had surgery. From July 12 to August 23 he was in outpatient treatment. The child did not recover, doctors predict a rehabilitation period of 8 to 12 months, then surgery, but the hospital was closed .



Please tell me how sick leave should be paid, I was in a hospital with my child in another city. The sick leave was opened from the day of the operation, the total period of sick leave was 35 days. The hospital issued one sick leave for the entire stay in the hospital. When I turned in my sick leave, they said that only 15 days of sick leave would be paid.

It is impossible to combine patient care and work responsibilities. A person receiving benefits cannot receive wages at the same time, since these are mutually exclusive things. A situation is possible when the child’s parent registers sick leave, receives benefits, and the grandmother treats the patient, while the parent works and receives remuneration for his work. This is wrong. If a parent provides the employer with a certificate confirming the child’s illness, then he cannot work at his workplace. Such a person receives compensation on a slip and does not work throughout the entire period of illness for which the sick leave is open. Sick leave for child care can be paid if 1, 2 or more children fall ill. Moreover, information about them can be reflected on one certificate of loss of ability to work if there are no more than 2 children.

Sick leave for child care

But only a maximum of 60 calendar days of sick leave for child care are paid during the year. If a child between 7 and 15 years old is sick, a child care bulletin is issued for a period of no more than 15 days for each case of illness. The number of cases is not limited. But during the year, a maximum of 45 days of sick leave are paid.

If a teenager over 15 years of age falls ill, sick leave to care for him can be obtained for up to 3 days, and by decision of the medical commission - up to 7 days. The total number of days per year is not limited, BUT a maximum of 30 days of such sick leave are paid. If your child requires outpatient treatment, you can receive sick leave.

Sick leave is usually issued for the entire period of illness if the child is under 7 years old. Sick leave can also be obtained for caring for a sick child, if the child is from 7 to 14 years old, it is issued for up to 15 days, in some cases it can be extended.


If two children are cared for at the same time, only one sheet is issued. If there are more children, then the doctor is obliged to write out an additional form that has equal validity as the original one. The legislation provides for cases when the same child is cared for during illness by different relatives.


In this case, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for each of them, indicating the exact period of time. Citizens provide completed forms at their place of work for payment. Payment for sick leave for child care is made depending on the number of days and disability code.

That is why, with a long-term illness, parents or guardians usually take turns caring for the sick person.

Sick leave for child care: calculation nuances

  • Home
  • Accounting and calculation of sick leave

An employee can receive compensation from the employer not only in the event of loss of ability to work due to his own illness or injury, but also in the event of a child’s illness (child care sick leave). This guarantee to the worker is provided by Article 5 of the 255th Law of December 29, 2006 (as amended on March 9, 2016). Compensation takes the form of a benefit due to loss of ability to work in connection with caring for a sick child; it is paid by the employer on the basis of a sick leave certificate provided by the employee, issued by a doctor.
The right to payment of benefits appears provided that the child’s illness occurred at the time the parent had official employment and a salary with mandatory deduction of insurance-type contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

Sick leave for child care in 2018

  • Sick leave for the following days (from April 17 to March 30) = 1763.89*50%*14 = 12347.23 rubles;
  • Total amount of compensation = 14111.12+12347.23 = 26458.35 rubles.
  • Sick leave to care for a child on vacation It is possible that an employee whose child is sick is on one of his vacations at that moment: All these cases are not a reason for issuing sick leave compensation. During the period of the child’s illness, the employee remains at home, does not leave his workplace and perform his duties, and therefore can calmly provide the necessary care for the patient. That is, the company should not pay its employee for sick leave for a child’s illness if it is open while he is on vacation.
    As soon as the vacation is over, from the first working day you can issue a certificate of incapacity for work (if this is still required), according to which the necessary compensation calculations are already carried out.

Until what age is sick leave granted with a child (cm)?

The dependence on experience is as follows:

  • 100% of the average salary - from 8 years of experience;
  • 80% - from 5 to 8;
  • 60% - up to 5.

Calculation of sick leave for child care When calculating sick leave compensation, you should go through the following steps:

  1. Determine the period for performing the calculation;
  2. Calculate the total number of days in this period, taking into account all weekends and holidays;
  3. Determine the total amount of funds paid for this period, from which contributions to the fund were paid;
  4. Calculate the average earnings for one day by dividing the total salary by the number of billing days;
  5. Multiply the daily average earnings by the corresponding percentage;
  6. Multiply the result of the last multiplication by the number of sick days.

Calculation nuances The calculation period is 2 calendar years (from 01/01 to 12/31) preceding the year of the child’s illness.

“atypical” sick leave for child care

Earnings for the last 2 years - 948,000 rubles. There were no sick days during this period. To calculate the benefit amount, you must:

  1. Calculate the average daily earnings:

948,000 / 730 = 1,298.63 rubles.

  1. Calculate the amount of benefits for the first 10 days of the child’s illness, taking into account the percentage of work experience:

1,298.63 × 10 × 80% = RUB 10,398.04

  1. Calculate payment for the last 5 days of sick leave based on ½ average earnings:

1,298.63 / 2 × 5 = 3,246.57 rubles. The total amount of the benefit will be 13,644.61 rubles. An example of how to pay sick leave for a child from 7 years of age until he reaches 15 years of age, if kindergarten the second child is quarantined, see

in the material “How sick leave is paid for child care.” Results Sick leave for child care is paid for from the Social Insurance Fund.

How to calculate and pay for sick leave to care for a child from 7 to 15 years old?

Sick leave to care for a 7-year-old child 7 years is the age limit within which a parent can receive compensation for the entire period of illness, while in total for the year, for all cases of illness, one can receive payment for sixty calendar days. If the child is already 7 years old, then compensation can only be received for 15 days for each case of illness. In this case, a total annual limit of 45 days applies.
If the treatment takes place at home, then the first 10 days are paid as the average daily earnings multiplied by the percentage corresponding to the insurance period of the parent for whom the sick leave was issued. Subsequent days are paid at 50% of average earnings. If treatment is carried out in a hospital, then the entire sick leave for child care is calculated based on the insurance period.

How is sick leave paid for child care?

The child is assigned to a children's clinic at the place of residence from the moment of birth until the age of 14 years; during this age period, in the event of a child's illness, mothers are required to give sick leave to care for the child until his recovery. In any case, to confirm that your child is sick, you need to call a doctor, who will write out a sick leave certificate, which must be presented both to work and to school. Up to 14 years old - you have it every right! Until the age of 15, you can definitely take sick leave to care for a child: Do you know the answer? 0 need help? See also: How old must a child be to get into the Sirius Center? At what age can you put your child on roller skates? At what age does a child have the right to decide where to study? At what age can a child be shown the film “Mama”? Until what age is a child entitled to a free seat on the bus? How old Baltic Fleet Russian Navy 18.

The amount of payment depends on the following parameters:

  • Duration of sick leave;
  • Insurance experience;
  • Place of treatment.

Article 7 of the 255th Law prescribes the relationship between the duration of the child’s illness and the amount of payment. If care is provided at home, then the first 10 days are paid depending on the parent’s insurance experience, the subsequent days are paid 50% of the average salary. When undergoing treatment in a medical institution, all days are paid according to the actual period of work of the parent with contributions to the fund.

That is, the percentage of sick leave payment is influenced by the actual insurance length of the person caring for the patient.

Young parents regularly have to deal with the fact that their young children are sick. If the mother has already left maternity leave, then in order to officially care for the child she will have to issue an appropriate sick leave. Payment for sick leave for child care depends on various factors, which include the citizen’s length of service, the age of the child, as well as the period for which the sick leave is issued.

Design features

A mother needs sick leave to care for a child quite often, since small children when visiting kindergarten We are constantly faced with various viruses and infections. This period is equivalent to registration of a regular sick leave when a directly employed citizen falls ill. Features of registration and payment of sick leave for child care include:

  • for the entire period when care for the baby is required, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued, and it is issued by the attending physician, but additionally certain information is entered into it by the head of the company;
  • this period is paid for with funds from the Social Insurance Fund;
  • the maximum and minimum payments are equal to the same values ​​that are assigned when applying for sick leave for yourself;
  • the amount of payment depends entirely on the length of work experience;
  • the duration depends on whether the child is treated on an outpatient or inpatient basis;
  • when calculating the period of incapacity for work, the number of sick children in the family is taken into account, so the sheet is not closed until all the children have recovered;
  • During certain periods, employees must face certain restrictions on receiving payment.

Not only the mother, but also the father at his main place of employment can apply for such sick leave.

What conditions must be met?

To register and pay for sick leave for child care, some factors must be taken into account to allow mom or dad to get relief from their work responsibilities. These factors include:

  • the child actually has any diseases;
  • To alleviate his condition, the presence of one of the parents is required, and it is also necessary medical care;
  • it is required to confirm that medical personnel carried out certain actions aimed at alleviating the child’s condition.

It is allowed to issue sick leave regardless of the diagnosis made by the attending physician. A certificate of incapacity for work is not issued if the minor has chronic disease, which is in remission.

When is a certificate of incapacity for work not issued?

The issuance of a certificate and payment of sick leave for child care is not carried out in the following situations:

  • a child over 15 years of age is receiving inpatient treatment;
  • the baby has a chronic disease that is in remission;
  • another close relative took annual leave from his job.

If, even under such conditions, it is necessary to leave work in order to care for a minor, then leave without pay can be taken out.

Duration of the period

Sick leave to care for a child in a hospital or at home can last a different number of days. This period depends on various parameters:

  • 60 days are provided per year if the child is not yet 7 years old, and it does not matter whether the treatment takes place in an inpatient or outpatient setting, but for particularly complex diseases this period can increase to 120 days per year;
  • 45 days per year are offered if the child’s age is between 7 and 15 years, and during one period of illness, sick leave can be issued for a maximum of 15 days;
  • if the child is over 15 years old, then during inpatient treatment it is impossible to issue sick leave, and if treatment takes place at home, then the parent can issue a period of incapacity for work for 30 days per year, but a maximum of 7 days is offered for one illness.

Often parents have to deal with the fact that quarantine is introduced in kindergartens. During this entire period, one of the parents must be at home, for which sick leave is issued. If a teenager over 15 years of age is being treated in a hospital, then the parents will not be able to officially issue a certificate of incapacity for work, since it is believed that doctors medical institution will be able to provide optimal conditions for the child.

Design rules

If a child is cared for during primary, additional or maternity leave, then sick leave is not issued. Therefore, the need for this document arises if a parent needs to go to work, and the child is still sick. You can apply for it even on a weekend, after which official payment is required, even if the days fall on weekends or holidays.

Other rules for registering and paying for sick leave for child care include:

  • Only one relative can apply for such a period, so one payment is assigned for one certificate of incapacity for work;
  • It is allowed for parents to take turns taking sick leave, and each of them receives payment from the Social Insurance Fund;
  • if parents have two sick children, they can receive payment for each child separately, and information about the children is entered on one sheet;
  • If a person caring for sick children officially works in several companies, then you can receive payment both in one organization and in several companies, but you must contact employers provided that the citizen has worked in each company for more than two years.

You can find out other important nuances of preparing this document directly from the doctor, since it is the doctor who is the first to enter necessary information into a piece of paper.

How is sick leave for child care calculated?

A citizen who takes out sick leave in order to care for his children is interested in what kind of payment he can receive at his place of employment. Therefore, it is important to know how sick leave is calculated.

Only the first three days of this period are paid by the employer, and the remaining funds are sent from the Social Insurance Fund. To calculate sick leave for child care, the employee’s daily earnings at a specific place of employment are taken into account. To do this, it is calculated how much money the citizen received during two years of work. After this, earnings per day of work are determined. The resulting value is multiplied by the number of days of sick leave.

For the first 10 days, the amount of payment depends on the length of service. Sick leave for child care is paid differently for different employees:

  • if the experience is less than five years, then only 60% of the average earnings are transferred;
  • if the duration of this period varies from 5 to 8 years, then 80% of the salary is transferred;
  • with over 8 years of experience, a 100% payment is assigned.

If the duration of sick leave exceeds 10 days, then in the following days the citizen can count on a payment equal to 50% of his average earnings.

How to determine average earnings?

To calculate sick leave, it is important to correctly calculate the average citizen’s earnings for one day of work. To do this, the accountant performs the following actions:

  • the total amount of the employee’s income for two years of employment is determined;
  • based on the obtained value, the average monthly earnings are calculated;
  • the indicator is then divided by the average number of working days per month, which makes it possible to determine a citizen’s income per day.

During the calculation, all cash receipts of a citizen are taken into account, represented not only by salary, but also by various additional payments, bonuses or other remunerations.

Calculation nuances

When calculating payment for sick leave for child care, it is taken into account whether the treatment took place in a hospital or at home. If the minor was in the hospital, then when calculating the benefit, all days of illness are taken into account, taking into account the parent’s length of service.

If the treatment was carried out at home, then only for 10 days the calculation is based on the parent’s length of service, and subsequent days are paid in the amount of 50% of the citizen’s average earnings.

How to fill out the accounting sheet?

The company's accountant must know what information is entered into the work time sheet at the citizen's place of employment. For this purpose, it is taken into account how many days of sick leave for child care were issued.

The report card indicates that the employee was on sick leave, for which the designations “B” and “19” are used.

Nuances for military personnel

There is no information in the legislation that military personnel can take out sick leave to care for their children. This is due to the peculiarities of calculating monetary allowances, since funds for military personnel are not transferred to the Social Insurance Fund. Therefore, difficulties arise in obtaining compensation.

Military personnel cannot take sick leave to care for a sick child, but they can count on leave for personal reasons. To do this, you need to submit a report to the unit commander. Such leave is allowed several times a year. But when drawing up a report, it is necessary to state that rest days are required to care for a sick child.

Nuances of registration for caring for a disabled child

If parents are raising a disabled child, they have the right to annually take out up to 120 days of sick leave to care for a disabled child. It does not matter whether the treatment takes place in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

If a minor is HIV-infected, then parents and other relatives are paid at the expense of the state for the entire period of stay with the child in the hospital.

Sick leave is issued in situations where complications arise after vaccination or serious cancer is detected.

When filling out a sick leave certificate, the doctor must correctly indicate the reason for the disability using a special code. If the child is officially disabled, then the number 13 is entered. If he has a malignant tumor or serious complications have arisen after vaccination, then code 14 is used. If the minor is HIV-infected, then code 15 is used for him.


Parents can apply for sick leave at their place of employment to care for their children. At the same time, they can count on paying for it at the expense of the employer and the state. The amount of payment depends on the length of service of the citizen, the period of care for the minor, as well as on the reason for registering the period of incapacity for work.

When determining the optimal period of sick leave, the age of the child is taken into account, as well as the nuances of his treatment.

At the same time, in medical institutions, when filling out a certificate of incapacity for work, the degree of relationship and documents confirming this fact are not asked. Grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts and other relatives can receive paid sick leave on completely legal grounds. Despite the fact that the degree of relationship in medical institutions is not requested, sick leave will be paid from the Social Insurance Fund only for those employees who cared for relatives. This fact is checked at the interdepartmental level by sending relevant requests without the participation of the citizen. Certificates of incapacity for work are issued only in a clinic or similar medical institution. Emergency or emergency doctors do not have the right to issue sick leave. Conditions for issuing a certificate A certificate of incapacity for child care is issued after the end of treatment.

Sick leave for child care

How to pay for sick leave to care for a child from 7 to 15 years old? The amount of benefits for caring for a sick child who received treatment in a hospital depends on the caregiver’s work experience and is calculated as a percentage of average earnings (SA): Experience (years) % of SA 8 and more 100 From 5 to 8 80 To 5 60 Read how to calculate length of service for sick leave here. If the child’s therapy was carried out at home, then the first 10 days are paid to the caregiver depending on the length of service, the subsequent days of illness - in the amount of ½ of the SZ. IMPORTANT! Payment of sick leave benefits is carried out at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund starting from the 1st day of the child’s illness.
The rule of paying for the first 3 days of sick leave at the expense of the employer is not applicable in this case. Example Employee Kotova A.M. provided a bulletin on caring for an 8-year-old child on an outpatient basis from 10/02/2017 to 10/16/2017 (15 calendar days). Work experience - 6 years.
By the way, at work I also received the first number. The boss yelled at me so much and said that I will ... wipe my daughter until she is 20 years old (((. Until she reaches adulthood! Only if the child is 15 years old or older, they will only give sick leave for 3 days, they can give it for 7 days for very serious indications. Up to 7 years of age, only 2 months of sick leave are paid during one calendar year, up to 15 years of age - only 1.5 months.


Sick leave to care for a child can be taken at any age. Only than smaller child, those more days is given and the more days are paid. The most convenient option for sick leave is given if the child is under seven years old (i.e.

it is issued for the entire required period).

Sick leave for a child under seven years old is given for the entire period while your child is sick. Sick leave with a child from 7 to 15 years old is given for 15 days (but for each illness). Sick leave for a child over 15 years old is given for three days (but also for each case of illness).

Sick leave for child care: calculation nuances

If several children fall ill, how is sick leave issued for each child 7–15 years old? If 2 children fall ill, 1 sick leave is issued simultaneously to care for a child 15 years of age or younger. If 3 or more children fall ill, additional disability certificates are issued. In this case, each document indicates:

  • each child's name;
  • periods of treatment;
  • age.

The period of validity of sick leave issued for 1 child in case of illness of the 2nd and subsequent ones is extended until the date of recovery of all children.

Ballots can be issued to several relatives in turn, subject to the following conditions: 1 sick leave per 1 caregiver.

Sick leave for child care in 2018

If there are three or more children, an additional sheet will be issued. This situation has the following features:

  1. If two or more children are sick, each one can be cared for different faces, in this case, a separate certificate of incapacity for work is issued for each sick person to present to the employer;
  2. One sick leave for one minor can be divided into several parts, issued to different family members caring for the sick child in a given time period.

Payment of sick leave for child care The sixth article of Article 255 of the federal law contains a limit on the number of paid sick days for each disease and in total for the year.

Until what age is sick leave granted with a child (cm)?

If the treatment was carried out in a hospital (during hospitalization), then, regardless of the child’s age, payment is made in the amount established by law. Calculation example For example, a person spent 15 days on sick leave to care for a child. Work experience is 9 years. The average salary is 20,000 rubles.

In this case, for the first 10 calendar days he will receive compensation in the amount of 6,666 rubles, for the remaining 5 - 3,333 rubles. Full sick leave is 9,999 rubles. The calculation is made using the formula: SD = SM/KM*KN, where SD is the average daily wage, SM is the average monthly wage, KM is the number of days in a month, KN is the number of days of disability. Since the work experience is more than 8 years, sick leave is paid in full.
Download to view and print (free) Federal law dated December 29, 2006

“atypical” sick leave for child care

For example, if a sick leave is opened by a stepfather or stepmother, who are not documented relatives or guardians, regardless of whether they live with the sick person or not. Changes in 2018 Since 2017, certificates of incapacity for work can be issued electronically. In addition, the time required for the rehabilitation of a sick child can be included in sick leave payments.

But the number of days that the Social Insurance Fund will pay parents remains unchanged. The maximum amount of sick leave benefits in 2018 will be 61 thousand 375 rubles. The Ministry of Health has submitted for consideration a bill according to which sick leave for the care of children over 7 years old will not be issued.

Currently, sick leave is opened when caring for children under 15 years of age.

How to calculate and pay for sick leave to care for a child from 7 to 15 years old?

The organization does not pay anything from its own funds, since this is not prescribed by law. The Social Insurance Fund transfers funds not to the employee’s account, but to the employer’s account, which then transfers them to the employee. Amounts The Federal Law “On Compulsory Social Insurance” No. 255-FZ implies the following amounts of payment when treating a child at home.

The first ten days in calendar terms are paid based on the citizen’s length of service (meaning the entire length of service, not with a specific employer):

  • with work experience of more than 8 years, a person can count on 100% compensation;
  • if the experience is less than 8 years, but more than 5, then payment is made at 80% of the amount;
  • for less than 5 years of work experience - 60% of wages.

The remaining days are paid at 50% of the average salary.

How is sick leave paid for child care?

In general, sick leave to care for a child, if necessary, can be taken until the child reaches the age of 15 years. But even if the child is older and seriously ill, you may be given sick leave, just as they will be given sick leave to care for any other member of your family. It’s just that these sick days (for caring for a child under 15 years old and for caring for a sick family member) will be paid differently. The question asked in the explanation is a little unclear to me. What does it mean “will they give me sick leave or will we go to the doctor”? In order to be issued a sick leave certificate, you simply need to either go to the doctor or call a doctor at home. In absentia with us sick leave are not issued, including sick leave for child care. the author of the question chose this answer as the best to comment If a child under 7 years old gets sick, the parent receives sick leave for any necessary period.


If the length of service does not exceed six months, then the benefit is minimal; for a full month it is no more than the current minimum wage (taking into account existing regional coefficients). Calculation example An employee’s five-year-old son fell ill; sick leave was opened on 04/07/16 and closed on 04/30/16. The entire treatment period took place at home. Insurance experience – 6.5 years.

Total earnings for 2014 – 600,000 rubles, for 2015 – 700,000 rubles. In 2015, the employee was on sick leave for 10 days. Calculation:
  1. Billing period – from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2015;
  2. Number of days = 365 + (365-10) = 720;
  3. Total earnings = 600,000+670,000 = 1,270,000 rubles;
  4. Average earnings per day = 1,270,000/720 = 1,763.89 rubles;
  5. Sick leave for 10 days.

Sick leave to care for a child 15 years old inclusive or not

Sick leave for child care for 3 years If the child is under 3 years old, and at the same time any of his parents is on registered leave to care for the child, then payment of benefits for sick leave issued due to the child’s illness is not carried out. If such leave is not formalized and the parent submits sick leave to care for the child, then the employer is obliged to pay for the entire period of illness indicated on the certificate of loss of ability to work. The amount of payment is calculated in the same way as for a child up to 7 years old.

If the age has reached or exceeded 3 years, then the period of parental leave ends and the parent is obliged to begin his work duties. If the child falls ill, the company pays for the entire sick leave in accordance with the rules prescribed for children under 7 years of age. Rate the quality of the article.
