Why is feldspar useful for people? Feldspar is the building material of the Earth. Field and production

Feldspars* of all silicates are the most common in the earth's crust, accounting for about 50% of its mass. Approximately 60% of feldspars are contained in igneous rocks; about 30% is made up of metamorphic rocks, mainly crystalline schists; the remaining 10-11% is found in sedimentary rocks - mainly sandstones and conglomerates.

*Spars– minerals that have perfect cleavage in two directions. Origin of the term " feldspars"It's not clear. Perhaps most often, fragments of these minerals were found in peasant fields in the Middle Ages.

In terms of chemical composition, feldspars are aluminosilicates of Na, K and Ca, and occasionally Ba. Sometimes Li, Rb, Cs are present in negligible quantities as an isomorphic impurity to alkalis and Sr, replacing Ca.

Feldspars crystallize in a monoclinic or triclinic system, and both are hardly distinguishable from each other by morphological characteristics. X-ray studies show great similarity in the crystal structure of all spars.

There are many similarities in the physical properties of feldspars. All of them are predominantly light in color; relatively low refractive indices; greater hardness - 6-6.5; perfect cleavage in two directions intersecting at an angle close to 90°; relatively low densities - 2.5-2.7. By these characteristics, feldspars are quite easily distinguished from similar minerals.

In accordance with the chemical composition and parameters of the crystal structure, the group of feldspars is classified into three subgroups:

A subgroup of sodium-calcium feldspars called plagioclases. They represent a continuous isomorphic series of albite Na – anorthite Ca;

A subgroup of potassium-sodium feldspars, which, when high temperatures also give continuous solid solutions of K - Na, which decompose upon slow cooling into two components - essentially potassium and essentially sodium;

A subgroup of rare cal-barium feldspars called hyalophanes. They are isomorphic mixtures of K - Ba.

In this course, we will consider the most common feldspars, plagioclases and potassium-sodium feldspars.

Subgroup "plagioclases" or calcium-sodium feldspars

Plagioclases- (100-n)Na - nCa, where n is the content of the anorthite component (Table 1) - varies from 0 to 100. “Plagioclase” translated from Greek means obliquely splitting. Compared to other feldspars, in which the angle between cleavage planes (001) and (010) is equal to 90° or very close to this figure; for plagioclases it is less - 86°24 "-86°50".

Table 1 - Plagioclases

The Russian mineralogist and crystallographer Evgraf Stepanovich Fedorov in the 19th century proposed a very convenient and most rational classification, designating each plagioclase with a specific number according to the percentage of anorthite molecule in it. For example, plagioclase No. 72 is an isomorphic mixture containing 72% anorthite and 28% albite.

Sometimes, for general considerations in the taxonomy of igneous rocks, it is convenient to adhere to a rough division of plagioclases according to their composition, namely: acidic plagioclases - No. 0-30; medium plagioclases - No. 30-60; main plagioclases - No. 60-100.

Here the names “acidic”, “medium”, “basic” are not used in the usual sense - they are due to the fact that the content of Si0 2 (“silicic acid”) gradually decreases from albite to anorthite (Table 2).

Table 2 – Systematics of plagioclases



Plagioclases crystallize in triclinic syngony. Crystal Appearance. Well-formed simple crystals are relatively rare. They have a tabular and tabular-prismatic appearance (figure). Simple twins are rare, but complex polysynthetic twins, also observed in grains of irregular shape, are extremely widespread. In transparent thin sections, polysynthetic twins are immediately detected at baptized nicols and are so typical that they make it possible to quickly distinguish plagioclases from other minerals.

Figure – Albite crystal. The angle between (010) and (001) is 86°24"

Aggregates. Albite in voids among pegmatites is quite often observed in the form of druses or aggregates, plate-like crystals, sometimes called clevelandite. There are also granular crystalline rocks consisting almost entirely of plagioclase. Such are, for example, the sugar-like albite rock, which often forms metasomatically in pegmatites; anorthosites or labradorites of Ukraine, used as facing stone, etc.

Color white, grayish-white, sometimes with a greenish, bluish, less often reddish tint. Shine glass.

Varieties of plagioclase, which received special names due to certain optical effects:

Moonstone is an acidic plagioclase (but more often potassium-sodium feldspar), which has a peculiar soft bluish tint reminiscent of moonlight;

Aventurine or sunstone is an acidic plagioclase, as well as potassium-sodium feldspar, which has a beautiful sparkling-golden tint caused by inclusions of the finest flakes of iron luster;

Labradorite is the main mineral of the so-called labradorite stone, which is a basic or intermediate plagioclase, often revealing a beautiful iridescent reflection in blue and green tones on the cleavage planes.

Hardness plagioclases 6-6.5. Cleavage perfect by ; - natronsanidine (K,Na)

Monoclinic low-temperature series: - orthoclase K; - sotronorthoclase (Na,K)

Triclinic series: - microcline K; - anorthoclase (Na,K)

Thus, for compound K there are two monoclinic modifications - sanidine, stable at temperatures above 900°C; - orthoclase, stable below 900°C, - and one triclinic modification called microcline. In this course we will consider the most commonly found in nature orthoclase and microcline.

Orthoclase- K or K 2 O Al 2 O 3 6SiO 2 . "Orthoclase" in Greek means directly splitting. Indeed, the angle between the cleavage planes is 90°. The colorless transparent variety of orthoclase is called adularia. During heating at a temperature of about 900°C, orthoclase transforms into a sanidine modification, which differs in some optical constants.

Chemical composition. K 2 O - 16.9%, Al 2 O 3 - 18.4%, SiO 2 - 64.7%. Na 2 O is often present in amounts of several percent, sometimes exceeding the K 2 O content (sodium orthoclase). Impurities: BaO, FeO, Fe 2 O 3, etc.

singonia monoclinic. Crystal Appearance most often prismatic (picture). Simple doubles are quite common.

Figure – Potassium feldspar crystals

Color. Ordinary opaque orthoclases have a light pink, brownish-yellow, reddish-white, and sometimes flesh-red color. Shine glass, especially in adularia. Hardness 6-6,5. Cleavage perfect in two directions at an angle of 90°. Density 2,64-2,57.

Diagnostic signs . Macroscopically, orthoclases are quite easily recognized by their yellowish and reddish light colors, high hardness and the angle between the cleavages. It is impossible to distinguish orthoclase from the equally common microcline of similar color by eye (without microscopic examination).

Microcline- K. "Microcline" in Greek - slightly deviated: the angle between the cleavage planes differs from the right angle by only 20".

Chemical composition similar to the composition of orthoclase. Almost always contains Na 2 O in significant quantities. In addition, in green varieties of microcline ( amazonite) are established more often than in ordinary microclines and orthoclases, impurities of Rb 2 O (sometimes up to 1.4%) and Cs 2 O (up to 0.2%).

singonia triclinic. Crystal Appearance- similar to orthoclase, shown in the figure. Aggregates. In pegmatite veins it is often observed in the form of unusually coarse-crystalline aggregates that easily break apart when struck along the cleavage planes. The sizes of individuals, determined by cleavage, are often measured in tens of centimeters, sometimes even meters.

Color microcline is usually the same as orthoclase. There is a green variety called amazonite. This color can be heterogeneous, often confined to the periphery of the crystals, or spreads inside them in the form of veins, lenses or irregularly shaped spots, sometimes in proximity to veins of white quartz. Shine glassy, ​​slightly pearlescent on the cleavage planes. Hardness 6-6,5. Cleavage, just like orthoclase, perfect in two directions. Density 2,54-2,57.

Original intergrowths of microcline with quartz, called “Jewish stone” or “written granite” (picture), are common.

Figure – Regular intergrowths of quartz (dark) with microcline – “Jewish stone” or “written granite”

Diagnostic signs . By external signs microcline is indistinguishable from orthoclase. In transparent thin sections under a microscope, it is easily recognized by the characteristic lattice structure of individual individuals, clearly visible with crossed nicols. A non-lattice microcline is diagnosed by optical constants.

Good day, friends! What is feldspar, is it true that it is used for time travel and how justified is the belief in healing properties mineral? Read the article and draw conclusions about which stone to choose, what price is justified for the breed, and how to distinguish natural samples from fakes.

So, feldspars are the most common group of minerals on earth, classified depending on their composition, properties and place of extraction. In their purified form, they are all colorless; they acquire shades only due to inclusions of different shades. Let's look at the main types of spar.

Varieties of feldspar - how they differ

The main difference between different types of spar is the chemical formula. In addition, some structural features and deposits are important. There are three main subgroups of the breed:

  • plagioclases;
  • potassium;
  • potassium-barium.

Potassium minerals include microclines, adularia, sanidines and orthoclases. All of them are formed in granite or granodiorite, that is, in an acidic environment. These are durable rocks that, under the influence of weathering, can be transformed into minerals from the kaolinite group.

In terms of chemical composition, plagioclases are similar to samples of the second category and have the ability to twin. In turn, specimens from the third group are distinguished by the presence of the mineral celsian, which is rarely found in nature. This is a beige breed that is of some value to collectors and museums.

An interesting variety of the mineral is glassy sanidine. Most often it is found in certain types of potassium intrusive rocks, such as synnyrites, which owe their name to the massif of the same name in the north of the Baikal region.

The rock is adjacent to granite. It is not uncommon for the latter to contain more than 60% glassy sanidine.

Orthoclase gets its name from its cleavage at the right angle. Surprising is the fact that despite the violation of the proportions of orthoclase grains in igneous rocks, it ultimately forms tabular, almost ideal crystals with a face parallel to the lateral pinacoid. Typically, such stones are light in color; specimens of red or pink color– the result of the inclusion of hematite particles. Even less common are yellowish or gray. The main difference between orthoclase and other minerals is its low density.

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An interesting variety is written granite. It is formed by a combination of mica, quartz and spar. The mineral is also called Jewish due to its similarity with the ancient writings of the Jews.

Potassium triclinic spar with an identical composition to orthoclase is called microcline. The difference from orthoclase is in the amount of sodium replacing potassium; there is less of it here.

The plagioclase feldspar group is a constant series, starting from sodium albite plagioclase and ending with anorthite plagioclase. They are all twinned.

Another variety is Amazonite. It is used primarily as an ornamental decorative stone.

How much is spar valued at?

The cost of feldspar consists of a number of indicators of the rock, and primarily the type plays a role. The price reflects the degree of transparency, deposit, shade and even the effect of shillerization and iridescence on the surface. On average, you need to pay from 1 to 3 dollars per gram of green amazonite with inclusions.

Specimens of the same breed, but in a dark shade without inclusions, can be purchased for $10 or more. The most expensive among spars is considered to be the sunstone heliolite, which sells on average for 1.2-3 dollars per bead and about 100 dollars for a solid necklace.

Mineral composition

Almost all varieties of the mineral are similar in physical properties with the same chemical composition. Representatives of this rock are presented in the form of twin crystals, are distinguished by the presence of pearlescent or glassy luster, have an average level of hardness, perfect cleavage and have a distinct iridescent effect.

Man has been mining minerals for many hundreds of years and actively using them in everyday life and industry. From German the name of this group of minerals is translated as “splitting into plates.” The name in this case fully describes the structure and appearance breeds

Where are the stones mined?

Feldspar makes up about 60% of all mineral deposits in the Earth's crust. Basically, it is attributed to igneous origin, not excluding metamorphic formation. Specimens of the breed can be found in every corner of the planet.

Active microcline development is underway in Russia, Poland, Ukraine and some other European countries. Amazonite crystals are overwhelmingly mined in Africa, Brazil and India. China, Canada, Germany and Greenland are rich in Labrador. Particularly valuable samples are found in Finland. Active mining of orthoclase is carried out in Russia, Mexico, Australia, Italy and some other countries, and adularia predominates in Tajikistan, India, Switzerland, Sri Lanka and some states of America.

Cut options

Feldspar specimens are best paired with cabochon cuts. This type of processing allows you to emphasize the natural beauty of the mineral, making the effects of iridescence, shillerization, etc. even more noticeable. Colorless specimens can also be subjected to other cutting options.

What metals are they combined with?

The minerals are quite hard and durable, which is why they are popular in the jewelry world. From different types spar creates both simple and inexpensive jewelry and exclusive products and sets. Silver and white gold are more often used as frames for rocks with iridescence or pronounced cold shades, and less often medical alloy and cupronickel. Warm-colored stones pair perfectly with red and classic yellow gold.

Imitations of spar - what are they?

More often, glass with copper particles is used as an imitation of, for example, heliolite. Belomorite or adularia is counterfeited using frosted light-scattering glass.

The magical properties of the mineral: what psychics and magicians believe in

Stones from the feldspar group were chosen by magicians hundreds of years ago. Sorcerers, priests and mediums believed that with their help you can subjugate time, penetrating into the past and future at will.

  • Labradorite is considered the most powerful in terms of magic. This is a brightly colored mineral that can develop hidden potential, enhance intuition, and help master the ability to foresee. Wearing the stone is recommended for mature people who are able to control themselves and not give in to impulses and emotions.
  • An example of a talisman family hearth Amazonite and graphic pegmatite have always been considered. Similar properties are attributed to adularia and orthoclase. The latter is used as an indicator of the situation in the house. It is so sensitive that it changes color in anticipation of important events.
  • Wearing Amazonite is recommended for indecisive people with low self-esteem. The stone is able to instill self-confidence, give courage and determination, replacing rudeness and harshness with prudence and wise decisions.
  • Creative and public people often choose adularia, which is similar in appearance to a moonstone, as a talisman. The breed has the ability to clarify thoughts, develop imagination, and protect against the evil eye and dark energy.

Healing effect: how noticeable

Minerals from the feldspar group are really capable of influencing the health, mood and well-being of the owner as a whole. It is believed that it is enough to select correct sample stone in order to recover from illness without medical intervention.

  • For the treatment of hematopoietic and vascular systems Since ancient times, heliolite and amazonite from the microcline group have been chosen. Minerals promote normalization mental state, treat problematic skin, help cope with nervous tension.
  • Labrador, which has received especially high praise from magicians, copes with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and solves some problems of the genitourinary system. It is believed that the mineral helps improve sleep, get rid of nightmares and find spiritual harmony.
  • But in the fight against mental disorders it is better to use adularia and orthoclase. They help normalize the condition, improve the health of epileptics, and help get rid of malignant neoplasms.

Albite is used as a prophylactic for liver and kidney diseases, and beautiful andesine is used to combat depression.

Who needs to wear stones

Jewelry with feldspar, in particular with adularia and belomorite, is ideally combined with blond hair and the skin of blondes belonging to the “summer” color type. Brunettes can also wear pieces with vibrant green minerals and orange-red heliolites. Red-haired girls should pay attention to light green Amazonites and warm shades of orange stones from this group.

Spar and zodiac signs: who is suitable for them

Among the breed options, everyone, regardless of date of birth, will be able to choose a suitable sample for themselves. For example, astrologers recommend that Virgos, Aries, Scorpios and Leos choose Labradorite. But Cancers, Aquarius and Capricorns should pay attention to other varieties of the breed.

It is believed that all types of feldspar except microcline are universal in terms of astrological contact. For Scorpios, Aries, Cancers and Taurus, Amazonite would be an ideal option. Adularia is also suitable for these signs, as it can help realize hidden potential. Andesine can have the same effect, only this time on Leo and Aries. Albit can be safely worn by representatives of all signs, receiving support and energy from the stone.

Practical application of minerals

The properties of feldspar make it possible to practically limit the scope of its use. Typically minerals are used:

  • in the production of glass and ceramics (potassium spar is suitable);
  • in the construction industry for the production of glass, ceramics (calinite types are suitable);
  • for the production of rubidium and aluminum;
  • for the production of abrasives and cosmetic products;
  • in the manufacture of electrical products and mineral paints;
  • in jewelry making to create original jewelry and crafts;
  • in finishing works (external cladding with labradorite and amazonite);
  • for the disposal of radioactive waste.

In addition, feldspars are converted into expensive varieties of white clay, an integral raw material in a wide variety of industries.

Now you know that mica, quartz and feldspar actually form granite, you can distinguish between the different varieties of the rock and determine the right stone for you. Share the article with your friends on social networks - they will be interested in learning about the properties of spar and the peculiarities of choosing a stone according to your zodiac sign, magical and healing properties.

Team LyubiKamni

One of the most diverse minerals, taking on different forms, is the familiar feldspar. It is included in and some of its processed varieties are considered semiprecious stones: labradorite, moonstone, amazonite. A non-specialist would never attribute its different types to the same mineral - it has so many faces. It has a fairly significant hardness - 6

Feldspar has been used by people for a long time. For example, the secret of the finest and highest quality is precisely that it contains the above-mentioned mineral. Nowadays it is used in the production of glass and ceramics - why reinvent the wheel? Well, more or less decorative varieties of it are used for various kinds of decorations.

The mineral is very common: up to 50% of the earth's crust, one way or another, is feldspar.

Its decorative varieties are a little less common, but there are several large deposits in the world.

The mineral shungite consists of carbon and hydrogen. It is quite easy to mix it up with coal, but shungite does not burn. It is believed that this mineral has unique properties; even now pyramids, spheres, medicinal pastes, massage devices and, of course, are made from it. jewelry. In industry it is used as a material for filters.

Shungite is attributed to numerous medicinal properties. According to lithotherapists, thanks to its unique nature, it is able to purify water, cure asthma, allergies, burns, and joint diseases. Many believe that it also has the ability to protect, which is why quite often in apartments you can see shungite pyramids next to computers. Who knows, maybe this is not without rational grain. Only one thing is open in the world large deposit shungite, and it is located in Karelia.

Or pyrite - mineral yellow with a beautiful metallic shine. During the so-called gold rush, it became a frequent prey for inexperienced miners, for which it was nicknamed “fool’s gold.” However,

It is quite easy to distinguish pyrite from gold - it cannot be scratched with a knife, but it itself scratches glass without effort.

The ancients attributed special properties to this mineral; they believed that the soul of fire was hidden in it, which was reflected in its name. This belief was confirmed by the ability of pyrite to create sparks upon impact with a steel object. In modern lithotherapy, it occupies a place of honor. It is believed that this mineral normalizes and harmonizes all processes in the body. A variety of properties are attributed to pyrite: from protecting humans from negative impacts to pushing him to do some pretty questionable things.

The world of minerals is very interesting: the mysterious shungite, pyrite, which medieval alchemists tried in vain to turn into gold, feldspar, both ubiquitous and quite rare. How can one resist and not get carried away by mineralogy?

The basis of our planet is the earth's crust. Without it, the existence of all living beings would be impossible. The main component of the earth's crust was feldspar, which is the rock-forming material for many minerals. The mineral acquired its name from the words “bar” and “arable land” due to the fact that it could often be found in plowed fields. The common people called the stone peeling off into small plates. Mineralogists consider it a rock.

A mineral may occur as a separate mineral. Or it may be part of other minerals. In nature, feldspar is born due to fiery magma and an acidic environment. In this way it is similar to granite - a rock consisting of spar, mica and quartz.

Spars, which are part of the field group, are valuable because they are extracted from the depths by open-pit mining. In those places where geologists have discovered a mineral, a pit is dug. Then using special equipment From it the solid gift of the Earth is extracted.

Mineralogists have found that the common name “feldspar” hides several stones, deposits of which are scattered throughout the world.

  • The Democratic Republic of Madagascar supplies the world market with rare orthoclases of a beautiful soft yellow color.
  • There are huge deposits of moonstone in Ukraine.
  • The Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka gives heliotrope jewelry to the human community.
  • Canada provides Amazonite.
  • Greenland has developed mines where Labradorite is found.

Geologists mine a huge amount of high-quality spar in Russia.

  • The Ilmensky Nature Reserve is famous for having proven reserves of potassium spar.
  • The Republic of Karelia ranks first in pegmatite production. There are 72 deposits of stone that splits into plates.
  • The Baikal region has Amazonite deposits.

Physicochemical properties and formula

Spars are silicates having a framework crystalline structure. All varieties of fossils have the same physical properties and look like monolithic plates of heterogeneous composition. But their chemical composition different.

Mineralogists highlight the following physical properties of all spars:

  • Perfect (complete) or good degree of cleavage.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale is approximately 6-6.5.
  • Density is from 2.5 to 3.4, that is, the minerals have normal heaviness.
  • Transparency.
  • Light color.
  • Glass shine.

Some specimens of spar have iridescence. That is, they have an optical effect that manifests itself in the form of a rainbow glow, especially noticeable in bright light. This property is enhanced if the stone, with its disintegrating layers, is polished.

There are several types of iridescence of the breed:

  • Opalescence is considered to be a glow in bluish, greenish, pearly white and pale yellow tones. Or an iridescent shimmer of bluish-lilac or gray-blue tone, reminiscent of the iridescent color of the plumage of pigeons.
  • Adventurescence - bright dotted highlights on the mineral in orange-red, bright yellow and crimson shades. This property is caused by reflections of light from tiny hematitite plates scattered inside the spar.

The chemical formula of the stone looks like this - (Mx+M1-x2+) x(T2-x 3+,T 2+x4+)O8, where 0< х < 1. Шпат, входящие в группу полевых, обладают таким chemical property. Different representatives of the mineral react differently with concentrated hydrochloric acid.

  • Anorthite is easily dissolved by HCl, releasing a gelatinous precipitate - silica.
  • Basic plagioclases dissolve with difficulty.

Some specimens are acid-resistant and do not disintegrate in acid.

Colors and varieties

The rock includes several varieties containing silicon dioxide and other chemical elements as a base.

Potassium spar contains potassium and aluminum and the finest intergrowths of coarse albite. This combination gives the minerals the effect of shining with moonlight. This group of fossils includes:

  • Orthoclase is a universal crystal used by people in industry, jewelry, and as an ornamental material.
  • Moonstone (also called adularia) is a rare spar with an amazing color and shimmer, reminiscent of the light of a night star. The unique appearance of the crystal is valued by jewelers. Jewelry with moonstone inlays is simply amazing.
  • Microcline is a spar used in the ceramic industry for the manufacture of earthenware and porcelain products and technical ceramics. Decorative samples are used by craftsmen as jewelry and ornamental stones.
  • Sanidine is an industrial raw material for glass production.

Potassium-barium spar is quite rare in nature. This group of underground gifts also includes celsian, a mineral that is valued by collectors.

Calcium spar (also called plagioclase) represented by several types of underground gifts:

  • Albit is a mineral mined for the manufacture of ceramics, refractory and finishing materials.
  • Oligoclase is a stone that is not often found in nature and is called sunstone or fish eye. Used in jewelry.
  • Andesine is a gift from the Earth, used for the manufacture of fire-resistant, chemical-resistant, and heat-insulating products.
  • Labradorite is a spar from which craftsmen carve solid columns, statues and pedestals.
  • Bytovnit is a jewelry and ornamental material.
  • Anorthite is an inexpensive stone for jewelry.

If the splitting stone does not contain additional impurities, then it is completely colorless. But if nature adds an additional chemical element to its formula, then spar acquires a white or reddish, pinkish, yellowish, greenish color.

A lot of different processes and reactions take place in the depths of the Earth. Several minerals, when combined together, can create a new rock.

For example, when spar, quartz, and mica combine, they form granite, known to many people. This gift from the Earth is very hard and strong. But time is merciless towards such items. Over the centuries, granite breaks down into individual components. The quartz then transforms into sand, and the spar and mica form clay.

Fisheye spar (video)

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Cutting features and price

On average, the price per ton of spar reaches 80 - 100 dollars. This figure may decrease or increase depending on the quality of the raw materials and the amount of impurities. Sanidine specimens are considered the most expensive. Due to its physico-chemical properties and traits, it is used to create bone china. Not all crystals are suitable for such use, since the creation of the substance requires raw materials that are completely free of dyes. The price per ton of stones is also high, which differ in:

  • Rarities of color or shape;
  • Cleanliness;
  • Transparency;
  • Color saturation;
  • Degrees of perfection of the crystalline grid.

The cost of spar increases if the extracted mineral has the effect of iridescence or schillerization, that is, when the rays of the sun fall on the crystal, a rainbow or golden glow appears.

Scope of application

Due to its properties and a significant number of varieties, feldspar has found wide application in a variety of industrial sectors. Stone splitting into thin slabs use:

  • Together with marble in the manufacture of glazes for decorating ceramics. Spar is flux, and marble is needed to lower the melting point.
  • The crushed material is used as an abrasive substance for the production of whitening toothpastes.
  • Spar is used to insulate cables and electrical appliances to create non-conductive materials.
  • The rock is often used for cladding buildings, walls in subways, and also for creating monuments.
  • Solid earth gift is useful when burying radioactive substances, since by reacting with dangerous compounds, it neutralizes them or slows down decomposition.

Magical and healing properties

The solid gift of the Earth has many magical properties:

  • Spar will have a positive effect on a person’s existing abilities: he will be able to extra effort carry out routine tasks, concentrating your attention on more serious tasks that will help you move up the career ladder.
  • About the influence of the material on interpersonal relationships the ancestors knew. They gave each other pieces of this stone during conflicts, thanks to which a compromise quickly emerged. A similar ritual can be performed with the same piece of spar, passing it on to different people.

Use in jewelry (15 photos)

Astrologers' opinion

Spar is suitable for all people however, it helps earth and water zodiac signs more than others.

  • Taurus will be able to get rid of their fears by regularly rubbing the smooth surface of the spar. Despite further encounters with the phobia, the person will not experience any unpleasant sensations. His fear will finally disappear, and the person will be able to cope with a difficult situation without any problems.
  • Virgo will be able to prove himself in new areas of activity. Self-realization will seem impossible in a profession to which a person has devoted most of his life. In order not to miss his chance, he will change his occupation and find his true calling.
  • Capricorn, who has spar, can become a real seducer. The hearts of representatives of the opposite sex will be easy prey, so he can easily find the ideal partner, choosing from many options.
  • Cancer will be able to fulfill his dream, armed with spar. No matter what ideas he wants to implement, he will find the strength to do it. And new friends, who appeared due to chance, will become good helpers in this matter.
  • If the solid gift of the Earth falls to Scorpio, then he will be able to short term deal with the biggest problems. A person can easily find a way out of the most difficult professional situations, thanks to which he can attract the attention of his superiors.
  • Pisces, having acquired a crystal, will be able to find a common language with anyone. No matter with what intentions a person communicates with another, he will always get what he wants from the conversation.

Spar sunstone (video)

Artificial production and methods of distinguishing from counterfeiting

The most popular way to create an artificial crystal in chemistry is the synthesis of substances at high temperatures. The resulting stone consists of an alloy of glass with inorganic chemical elements.

There are several ways to help distinguish a fake from a natural stone:

  • Spar takes a long time to heat up, since the transfer of energy between layers is a long process. The glass will become warm in your hand in 2-3 minutes.
  • Despite the fact that in all physical and chemical properties a synthetic crystal replicates a natural one, it is lighter. Therefore, by comparing the masses of spar, you can easily determine which is real and which is fake.

Spar – amazing stone, which is quite common on our planet. However, its magical properties and influence on the signs of the Zodiac make it unique among other gifts from the Earth.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/polevoj-shpat-1.jpg" alt="feldspar" width="330" height="223">!} Spar is a common name of ancient origin for a whole group of minerals. Most often used in relation to feldspar, the properties of which are used in crafts and industry. The global significance of this stone, its varieties and features will be discussed further.

Feldspar as a mineral

The name of the term "spar" is borrowed from German language, where "Spath" literally means "bar". The first thing that should be mentioned about this unique stone is that it is the main component of the earth’s crust. If we talk about its mass, then feldspar makes up ½ part. Moreover, many rocks are nothing more than a spar variety combined with some mineral. As the stone disintegrates, it turns into clay or other sedimentary substances. That’s why there is so much of it in nature, and geologists even dubbed the mineral “the rock master of the planet.”

Spar minerals are silicates characterized by a complex chemical composition. There are three main groups:

  1. Na – sodium;
  2. Ca – calcium;
  3. K – potassium feldspars.

All varieties of the mineral are characterized by perfect cleavage. When stones split, as a rule, fragments of a prismatic shape are formed. Their surface is usually smooth. The hardness is decent, up to 6.5 in the Mohs measurement system. Another interesting property of the stone is layering: crystals can split into plates. This characteristic is called spar in professional circles.

Rock deposits are located in abundance on all continents. Mining is carried out everywhere.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> The only distinction between deposits is the variety of the mineral: for example, adularia is mined mainly in the eastern regions of the Earth - India, Tajikistan. Heliolite development is carried out in the USA, Madagascar, and in the Russian regions of Karelia and the Urals. Labradorite, amazonite are traditionally found in Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Mongolia, etc.

Precious varieties

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Among all the diversity of this remarkable mineral, there are several gems that firmly hold a high position among jewelry stones. The most valuable from this point of view is the moonstone. Its undeniable attractiveness is formed by the fine fusion of thin layers of orthoclase (pure potassium spar) with albite. The latter is a white sodium silicate. Moreover, the thinner the puff plates, the more noble and beautiful the blue radiance of the moonstone.

Another jewelry representative is heliolite, a solar stone. It shimmers with a yellowish or reddish shimmer. It owes its beauty to iron crystals (hematite, goethite). They are scattered throughout the structure of the host crystal and reflect light, which gives the color play of the stone. The most spectacular shimmer is obtained if the iron inclusions have a scaly shape. This stone is called aventurine feldspar.

Also, subspecies such as andesine, belomorite, labradorite, amazonite, etc. are used as ornamental jewelry material.

Applications of spar minerals

In addition to jewelry, practical use varieties of stone have been recorded in the following industries:

  • Potassium minerals are essential in the production of fine ceramics and quality window glass.
  • Potassium-sodium compounds are useful in the manufacture of building ceramic products, as well as durable technical glass.
  • Some species serve as raw materials for extracting aluminum and rubidium from them.
  • The texture of minerals of this group is suitable for the production of light abrasives, which has found application in the cosmetics industry and soap making.
  • Some species are used to make mineral paints and rubber.
  • Feldspar minerals are also involved in the production of insulators and electrodes, and cables for technical purposes.
  • Feldspar bars serve as an excellent facing mineral (amazonite, labradorite).

Healing and magical properties

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Since spar is a multifaceted mineral, it magical power manifests itself differently, depending on what variety it is represented by. Also in lithotherapy, the types of mineral divided their therapeutic functions:

  1. Feldspars of volcanic origin are a barrier against the evil eye and damage.
  2. Amazonite is a talisman of fidelity and marriage. It has a restorative effect on the heart and nervous system.
  3. Orthoclase is the keeper of family foundations and home. Magicians believe that if orthoclase begins to change color, this is a signal that the marriage is cracking, the spouses are on the verge of divorce.
  4. Moonstone is a concentrator of sensory perception, relieves mental disorders.
  5. Labradorite is a stone of knowledge of the world, an energy accumulator. Strengthens joints, heals reproductive organs.

Also, lithotherapists have noted the effective effects of albite for ailments of the excretory system, heliolite for dermatological problems, andesine for depressive conditions. There have been recorded cases where feldspar helped with epileptic seizures, reducing their frequency and strength. This ability is attributed to orthoclases and adularia. As an amulet, minerals should be presented to people who are fighting cancer.

Spar in astrology

For any zodiac sign there is a talisman among the types of feldspar. In a general sense, the mineral is universal in astrology. But if we add a little more specifics, the distribution of stones in this group according to zodiac signs looks like this:

  • Labradorite provides support to people born under the auspices of the constellations Aries, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio. Not suitable for Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius.
  • Adularia, especially in jewelry, is an effective and reliable patron of Cancers and Pisces.
  • Andesine is an assistant and stimulator of vitality in Aries and Leo.
  • Amazonite is a talisman of well-being for Aries, Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio. But he doesn’t get along with Sagittarius.
  • Albit is the best spar amulet for all zodiac signs, except Leo and all “water” constellations.

These are just a few interesting facts about feldspar. This mineral is infinitely unique. Despite its deep study, it still attracts both scientists and ordinary people. The many faces of the stone are its biggest mystery. And the proven fact that it is on the Moon and other space objects gives it even more attractiveness.
