What can be reused. Why can't you reuse a plastic bottle? How to reuse a plastic bottle

Tea bags are becoming more and more popular every year among lovers of this drink. After all, brewing it is extremely convenient and quick: you just need to pour boiling water over it, and in a couple of minutes the tea is ready. They drink it during breaks at work, in cafes, bakeries and trains. After brewing, the bag is usually thrown away. But is this always reasonable?

What is tea bags? These are rectangular or pyramid-shaped bags made of healthy filter material, inside which the tea itself is located. A string is usually attached to the bag to remove the bag from the cup. The filter material is most often made of wood or thermoplastic fiber. Some manufacturers use silk or nylon for these purposes. These materials are not able to dissolve in water, do not affect the taste of the drink and do not have a detrimental effect on our health.

And here the following question quite naturally arises: is it rational to throw away a tea bag after a one-time use? After all, no matter how many disputes there are about the quality of tea bags, it is still natural product, which has a certain set of useful properties. Therefore, when we throw a used tea bag into the trash, we are not doing the right thing. Of course, you can brew it again, resulting in a weak drink. But the list of reuses for tea bags is not limited to this. Here are eight common uses for this technologically innovative product after a single brew.

  • It relieves swelling of the eyelids and removes bags under the eyes. The beneficial qualities of tea leaves have been known since ancient times. It has a tonic effect on the skin, can relieve irritation and reduce itching. It was often used to wash the eyes when they got infected or became inflamed. Well, today there is nothing difficult about putting two freshly used tea bags on your eyelids and lying there for 10-15 minutes. The effect will be amazing.
  • As a healing agent for feet. A freshly brewed tea bag will help with calluses, abrasions, and the formation of rough skin on the feet and toes. To do this, after drinking tea, take a warm tea bag and secure it with a thread, for example, on the problem area. It is recommended to carry out such procedures in the evening, after a working day. Therapeutic effect can be strengthened if you first drop a little honey or aloe juice on the callus or corns.
  • As a means for washing and cleaning. Every employee is familiar with this situation: they drank tea and, in a hurry to begin their duties, hastily rinsed the cups. After this, most likely brown stains remain on the cup. To remove them, you need a whole set of cleaning products, which not every office has. In this case, a used tea bag will come to the rescue. Having saved it after a collective tea party, when washing the cup, they need to rub it along the brown streak, and the dishes will become crystal clean.
  • As a base for flavoring. The material of the tea bag does not have its own smell, but it perfectly preserves the aroma of the tea leaves in it. But after consumption, the aroma of tea from the bag disappears. At the same time, you can drop 2-3 drops of your favorite onto the dried bag essential oil. You'll be surprised how long it will last as a strong flavoring agent. It can be placed in a closet or in the toilet room. The pleasant smell will last for a long time.
  • As an odor absorber in the refrigerator. It has long been noted that even the most inexpensive tea varieties can absorb odors in the refrigerator. After all, we all know that the smells from sauerkraut, salted fish, salads or smoked meats permeate other foods in the refrigerator. Of course, you can put such food in food containers, but this is not always possible. To solve this problem, you can use previously brewed tea bags. The advantage of this method is that it can be easily replaced, since we drink tea several times a day.
  • For cleaning dishes from grease. This method of getting rid of greasy deposits on dishes will be useful to remember for office workers. After all, a special cleaning agent is not always at hand, but a used tea bag can be easily found. Quite effective way washing greasy dishes.
  • As a defender indoor plants. Many lovers of indoor plants have long appreciated beneficial properties tea leaves. Tea bags can be used in two ways after drinking the drink:
    • to loosen the soil in the pot. Dry tea poured out of a bag helps the plant roots get rid of excess moisture, thereby allowing them to breathe;
    • as drainage. You can place used tea bags in 1-2 layers at the bottom of the flower pot. They will not allow the soil to spill out, but will allow excess water to escape after watering.
  • When growing seedlings. This method allows you to significantly save on the purchase of special peat tablets. To do this, you need to remove the top of the tea bag along with the thread that is no longer needed. It is better to leave the tea leaves, pour a spoonful of fertile soil into the bag. Then place a plant seed in it. Several of these bags must be placed in a low container. It is also recommended to sprinkle some soil between the tea bags. This type of seedling preparation is very convenient because when watering, the water is distributed between the tea bags as evenly as possible, the roots of the sprouts do not mix with each other, and when the grown plant is planted, the material of the tea bag is easily torn by the roots.

The options for using used bags are not limited to this list, because human imagination is not limited. Everyone can benefit from this brew in their own way.

Plastic and cardboard containers for eggs, firstly, can be reused for their intended purpose. If you buy eggs unpackaged, they will cost less, since you won’t have to overpay for packaging. And to make it convenient to transport them, use an existing container.

Secondly, cardboard cells are great for growing seedlings before moving them into open ground or.


Thirdly, you can place a laptop that overheats during operation on cardboard cells. The textured surface of the container will not interfere with the access of air to cool the device.

2. Ground coffee

Ground coffee beans are suitable for use even after the drink has been brewed and drunk, but only after for cosmetic purposes. They make it effective. The easiest option is to simply rub the skin with a damp mixture.

A few years ago, housewives laughed at those who bought rags for cleaning, because they could use worn-out items for this. Now the situation has changed, and they look strangely at those who wash the floors with an old T-shirt. Nevertheless, using used textiles for cleaning is environmentally friendly and economical.

Another long-known, but half-forgotten option is to tear the knitwear into strips and knit a rug from them. With some care it will turn out complete.


4. Plastic bags

If you're still not sold on the idea of ​​buying and carrying it with you and continue to buy bags, at least find a reuse for them. For example, you can take a plastic product with you the next time you go shopping. And then it will perfectly replace a garbage bag.

Glass containers for pickles, coffee and other products will turn into ordinary jars if the labels are washed off. Branded lids can be a problem, but buying just the lid will be much cheaper than buying the whole dish. Jars can be used as candlesticks, flower vases, storage containers food products or various little things.


6. Toothbrush

An old toothbrush is convenient for cleaning crevices and hard-to-reach places, grout lines on tiles, and even vegetables.

Don't throw away your old shower cap. It can be used to quickly pack up shoes by covering dirty soles. And you won't have to spend money on a shoe cover.


8. Laces and ribbons

Laces and ribbons are useful for wrapping gifts and tying up anything that can be tied up.

You can paint a metal baking sheet or cover it with paper, find a couple of magnets, and you’ll get a board for storing notes and memos.


10. Plastic bottles

Small plastic bottles are convenient to take water with you. A special and more aesthetic container will cost you much more, but the difference between them will only be noticeable in photos on Instagram.

If you wrap wires or garlands around cardboard cylinders, they will not get tangled. Several cylinders and a box or suitcase can turn into an organizer for storing the same wires or other not very small things.


One broken hanger is two clothespins that can be used to close bags of cereals.


13. Ketchup bottles

Sometimes in public catering you can see that mayonnaise and other sauces are poured into ketchup bottles. No one is stopping you from repeating this trick at home and not spending money on special containers. At the same time, you can save money by buying sauces in large, but inconvenient to use jars.

Glossy publications can be recycled, or you can turn them into an ottoman or bedside table. In the first case, you need to secure a pillow on top, in the second, limit yourself to a magazine with a more or less hard cover.


15. Plastic food containers

Mayonnaise buckets, processed cheese containers and other similar containers are made of food-grade material, they perform their functions perfectly and you already have them. So you can do without buying such dishes.

16. Suitcase

An old suitcase can be turned into a comfortable pet bed. And to make the bed soft, the towels from one of the previous points will come in handy (before you wash the floors with them, of course).


17. Worn mittens

Can be stored in old mittens sunglasses, which will not be scratched or broken in such a case. For beauty, you can cut off the finger compartment on the mitten and carefully sew it up, but even in its original form, the mitten will do its job perfectly.

Today plastic bottles are the most popular containers for water, various drinks and liquid products due to the availability, low cost, practicality and ease of use of such material. Many people reuse plastic containers.

However, everyone knows about the dangers of this raw material, so you can only use safe containers with a quality certificate. Let's look at whether plastic water bottles can be reused.

The harm of plastic bottles

Some types of plastic bottles contain dangerous BPA chemicals. This is a dangerous element that penetrates water and liquid, and then, together with the product, into the human body.

An increased content of this substance and other chemicals leads to hormonal imbalances and disorders hormonal levels, delayed sexual development in children and even hepatitis A. In addition, this causes severe poisoning, digestive disorders, impairs material metabolism, and can provoke allergic reactions.

Another disadvantage of plastic is that during prolonged use, cracks and scratches appear on the material, in which harmful bacteria and organisms accumulate.

The most dangerous place in this case is the neck of the bottle. Studies have proven that the largest number of bacteria accumulate on threads, which subsequently become the cause of food poisoning.

If you reuse or reuse plastic bottles, you increase the risk of negative consequences for your health and the health of your household. Moreover, the risk increases in direct proportion to the number of times the container is reused.

If you still want to use a plastic bottle twice or more times, follow a number of recommendations that will help protect you from the harmful properties of plastic and bacteria.

How to reuse a plastic bottle

  • After each use, thoroughly rinse the plastic container in warm soapy water and dry the material. Pay special attention to the neck of the bottle. Do not use for washing hot water, as it will damage the plastic and the material will crack!;
  • Instead of soapy water, you can use vinegar or an antibacterial mouthwash. Such compositions will eliminate bacteria, disinfect and disinfect water. How to purify drinking water, see;
  • Use the plastic bottle for its intended purpose, i.e. Pour only water into the water container, oil into the oil container, and so on. It’s better to use a disposable container only once;
  • Choose containers with a wide neck, as such containers are easier to clean inside. For a bottle with a narrow neck, you can take a special brush with a long handle;
  • It is better to use reusable plastic water bottles, which are made of hard, durable and dense plastic. But even such containers must be washed and dried after each use using warm soapy water;
  • Since the neck and screw caps contain a huge amount of bacteria that enter the human body, use small bottles and drink the contents through a straw;
  • Choose products from high-quality and proven materials. The bottle can be used again if the packaging is made of polyethylene marked “2” or “4” or polypropylene with the letters “PP” and the number “5”. Containers marked “1”, “PET” or “PETE” should not be reused; the material will begin to release toxic substances upon subsequent use. The most dangerous category is 3 and “PVC”.

Types of plastic containers

A triangle of three arrows is placed on the bottom of the plastic container, inside of which there is a number and letters below it. This icon determines the type of material, depending on which seven types of packaging are distinguished:

  1. PET(E) or PET is a raw material for the production of disposable plastic bottles for water, cosmetics, vegetable oil and dairy products. Do not reheat in the microwave, fill with hot liquid and reuse;
  2. PEHD (HDPE) or LDPE is used as a material for the manufacture of milk packaging, garbage bags and packaging bags;
  3. V or PVC (PVC) is used to produce packaging film for products, shoes and furniture, for finishing and building materials;
  4. PELD (LDPE) or HDPE - low-density polyethylene, from which pipes and toys are made, cling film and bags, bottles for detergents;
  5. PP (PP) are the safest and suitable for repeated use and long-term storage of products. In such containers you can store hot dishes except fatty foods. Capacity allowed. They make containers for food, cups and bottles for drinking;
  6. PS (PS) is used for the manufacture of cups and bottles, trays and containers for food, and various plastic utensils. But the material is intended only for cold food and drinks. Plastic should not be placed in the microwave;
  7. O or OTHER includes the remaining plastics used in baby bottles, reusable water bottles and multi-layer packaging.

Polycarbonate or PET

For bottled water, polycarbonate or polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packaging is used. The safest plastic is considered to be polycarbonate, which is characterized by strength and resistance to high temperatures.

It can be reused, but only for storing water. In addition, polycarbonate retains its original taste and beneficial properties. drinking water throughout the year.

PET containers allow ultraviolet light and oxygen to pass through, which deteriorates the quality of the contents and increases the number of harmful bacteria. In addition, it is not resistant to shock and wear, or to elevated temperatures.

Such products can only be used once and it is not recommended to store water in PET packaging for longer than three months. Otherwise, such containers may become a source of toxic and infectious diseases, poisoning and allergies.

And dry cleaners. Use them to pack suits, dresses and other fancy clothes when traveling. This will protect your clothes from wrinkles. It will wrinkle less in your suitcase or.

2. Wrapping paper for butter. After using butter, do not immediately throw away its packaging. Store it in the refrigerator. Use this paper when you grease your baking pan.

3. Business cards. Use the blank side of the card to label boxes and jars. Simply tape the card to the top or side to immediately see what's inside.

4. Used envelopes. Cut off the corner of the envelope to make a bookmark. No more curled page corners! Just insert the end of the page where you left off reading. You can also use envelopes to store seeds.

5. Egg carton. You can use a large egg carton as a stand for your computer to keep it cooler. Small egg cartons are convenient for storing New Year decorations. Use them as an organizer for small items in boxes.

6. A box of tissues. Once the box is empty, you can use it to store plastic bags.

7. Newspapers. There are many ways to use newsprint. It shouldn't be thrown away at all. Cleaning glass and mirrors, cat litter and lining in the vegetable container of the refrigerator, protecting glass items, gift wrapping. This is just part of their application.

8. Spray bottles for window cleaner, etc. After the contents are finished, you must thoroughly wash the bottle with vinegar and can use it to spray home flowers. You can fill it with a window cleaning solution that you prepared yourself.

9. Nets for fruits and vegetables. If you buy, for example, potatoes, lemons or oranges in a nylon net, keep in mind that you can use it for cleaning your home and garden. Make a mesh ball and use it as a disposable sponge.

10. Food grade polystyrene substrates. If you buy meat in a tray like this, you can wash it with vinegar and wrap it in aluminum foil. Now you can use it as a disposable tableware for a picnic.

11. Old tights and stockings. Use old nylon tights as a rag to clean the hardwood floors. You can also use old stockings on the brush of your vacuum cleaner to find a lost earring. Use them to tie plants to supports in your garden.

12. Cardboard roll from toilet paper. Use toilet paper rolls to store electrical cords and wrap Christmas lights.

13. Peels of lemons and oranges. Place the peels in a gauze bag and place them on the shelves with laundry. The smell of citrus will be in your closet and on the shelves. To get rid of unpleasant odors in the house, burn the peel in . You can freeze a little or an orange and use them when you need to bake something.

14. Plastic bags can be washed and used. And the point here is not about saving, but about protecting the environment. In many European countries, large supermarkets have replaced plastic bags with bags made from recyclable material.

15. Banana peels. Banana peels should not go straight into the trash. she has a very wide application as shine for shoes, fertilizer for plants, softening of meat during cooking, useful additive to food.

16. Bottle caps. If the cork is natural and not plastic, it can be reused for lighting a barbecue, as an odor absorber in the refrigerator, as an original keychain, as a spool of thread, etc.

17. Onion peel. Add to broth for color and flavor. Use as a hair colorant or plant fertilizer.

18. Drink coffee Use as a remedy for cellulite, as a soil loosener in the garden.

19. Cucumber pickle is not only a hangover cure. It can be used as a marinade for meat, as a lotion for sunburn. They can be used to gargle with a sore throat.

Almost every item can be reused rather than thrown away. The main thing is that you understand that this is your small contribution to protecting the environment.

Ecology of consumption. Lifehack: There are a lot of things in our house that we are ready to throw away, but they are not garbage. Why not get creative and let them new life?

There are many things in our house that we are ready to throw away, but they are not garbage. Why not get creative and give them new life?

Every day people “produce” tons of garbage that pollutes the environment.

In view of this big problem, many experts are proposing various solutions and projects that would encourage people to reuse waste and reduce the “garbage load” on nature.

Learning to reuse things destined for trash is not easy. But knowing that it is possible, you can achieve it.

There are many things in our homes that we look at as garbage, but which in fact are not garbage. We'll share some ideas on how you can reuse things that seem useless.

Plastic bottles

If we want to be "friendly" to the environment, it's better not to buy bottled water at all. Sometimes we simply have no other choice, and we are forced to do it. But we can at least not turn plastic bottles into trash, but find other uses for them.

Why not turn them into small pots?

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottle and make several holes (drainage) in its bottom. Fill it with earth and you can plant whatever you want.
  • If you prefer something more creative, you can paint the bottles and turn them into in flower vases.

Old jeans

Are your jeans out of fashion or are they too small for you? If no one else wants to wear them or you want to turn them into something useful for you, there are many things you can make from them.

  • Cut off the legs, and from the top of the trousers you can make a beautiful bag. Of course, you can decorate it with any details you wish.
  • You can make it out of trousers purse or wallet.
  • You can make jeans look cute organizer, using parts of different jeans with pockets.

We constantly want to replace this piece of kitchen utensil with a new one, as it quickly loses its “marketable appearance”.

But there is no need to rush to throw it away; it can be used in another way.

  • Paint old graters and make them original lanterns in the garden.
  • Decorate the grater as you see fit and make it a place to store small “hanging” items.

Tin cans

We usually throw out one or two in a week. tin cans. Why do this if we can find very practical uses for them?

  • Wash the jar well and attach popsicle sticks to it. What do we have as a result? Practical candlestick or small pot.
  • Another option. Let's paint the jar, fill it with foam rubber, and put a piece of fabric on top. You'll get something like pin cushions.

This is one of the items that is very easy to reuse. From cardboard boxes you can make many different things, and if you put your imagination into it, they can turn out very beautiful.

  • Make something like this out of one or more boxes book bags.
  • Do it gift boxes.
  • To strengthen the cardboard, you can wrap it in paper soaked in glue, and you will get wonderful photo frame.

Burnt out light bulbs

Burnt out light bulbs classic shape can be used for home decoration.

  • Separate the top part of the light bulb, take out the “insides” from it, pour water into it and put some plants there.
  • To keep it on the table, you can glue it or make wire stand.

Glass bottles

Glass gives things a touch of elegance and we can use that.

  • We insert small light bulbs into bottles (they can be transparent or made of colored glass) and get wonderful lamps for the garden.
  • You can paint the bottle halves and make them decorative candlesticks that will decorate our table.

Egg carton

With some creativity, you can find different uses for a regular egg carton.

  • You need it stand for your laptop, so it doesn't overheat? An egg carton will perform this function perfectly.
  • In it you can place beautiful decorative flowers.
  • In such a box m You can store buttons crochet hooks and other small items. about published

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