Wild West! - Western style in clothing. Country style in women's and men's clothing, history, description of clothing and photos How cowboys dressed

Westworld continues to be a source of inspiration for designers. You can see this by looking at the new fall-winter 2018 – 2019 collections by Alberta Ferretti, Beautiful People, Dsquared2, Isabel Marant and others...

This style, like many others, originally belonging only to men, is liked by girls. Even its individual elements, harmoniously combined with items of clothing of other styles, make a vivid impression. Leather is the main attribute of the cowboy style. And to recreate the look in the spirit of the Wild West, you should take a closer look at things made of brown and red leather.

Cowboy-style items are practical and comfortable. As decoration, real cowboys most often used fringe, which in ours modern fashion decorates fashionistas, and in various style directions. Lacing can also be an ideal decor for a cowboy style. And then, girls don’t have to look like a real cowboy - a guy in worn-out chaparrejas.

Photo above - Alberta Ferretti
Photo below - Coach, Dsquared2, Isabel Marant

Women's cowboy style is more multifaceted and complex than that of cowboy guys, who were mostly simple shepherds, and their things did not have complex decoration and richness. To reproduce the image of a cowboy's girlfriend, you should pay attention to summer dresses, sundresses and skirts. With their help you can create an attractive look in a cowboy style.

How to Wear Cowboy Style

Designers more often suggest girls to give preference to a combination different styles with cowboy elements. In the 2018 – 2019 collections there are many things made of suede, including boots. It is worth paying attention to jackets from the Coach 1941 collection, capes from the Beautiful People or Isabel Marant collection.

And the Etro collection, which I already talked about, presented amazing outfits in the spirit of the Wild West, using elements of a cowboy style and ethnic style Indians Only unlike historical events in fashion, cowboys and Indians do not fight among themselves, but live harmoniously with each other.

Designers advise giving preference to natural materials. Warm ponchos with an ethnic pattern, suede or leather jackets, large scarves around the neck or a wide scarf will look good in the frosty cold. A fringed bag and a felt hat can complete the look.

Coach, Dsquared2, Beautiful People

Some scuffs and even rips in your suit will bring you closer to the Wild West style. But don’t get carried away by large holes in jeans or shirts, because real cowboys took care of their clothes and wore leather chaparrejas, the so-called pants covers. Thanks to them, the pants did not fray internal sides feet from riding, did not get dirty from road dust, and feet were protected from thorns and twigs of plants.

In the cowboy style, embroidery and appliqués on leather will look good, while dresses and skirts will have lace trim and frills, and fabrics will have folklore-themed ornaments. Skirts can be different lengths. Add red boots with a loose top, and you can consider yourself a cowboy girl. Check, especially in a shirt, is an indispensable print of cowboy clothing, as is a hat.

To become a cowboy you don’t need to invest a lot of money in purchasing outfits. Jeans, a checkered shirt, a hat and red boots. This is it finished image. Please note that if there are boots and a hat, they must be cowboy ones. The image will be irreparably damaged if you choose these two items incompatible.

Dsquared2, Isabel Marant, Re Done

Cowboy style accessories

It’s not difficult to find a cowboy’s belt in new collections, because a lot of things are acceptable in a woman’s costume. Remember the beautiful girlfriends of cowboys from Hollywood films. If you are wearing a dress with lace frills, then a corset belt will suit it, emphasizing your femininity and thin waist.

Cowboy boots cannot have a heel greater than four centimeters. They also feature a narrow toe box and a wide cuff to allow you to easily tuck in your jeans. But designers allow both themselves and fashionistas to experiment - they offer high-heeled boots, which visually lengthen the silhouette and make the image attractive and feminine.

In addition to high heels, boots can be decorated with chains, buckles, appliqués, and fringes. However, in the summer, creating women's suit in a cowboy style, boots can be replaced with shoes or sandals with fringe.


In addition to the mentioned items of clothing, which in combination with each other or in addition to other styles were somehow reflected in the images created by designers in the new season 2018 - 2019, there are also capes, blankets, scarves, vests, and jackets. You can complement your image with them, creating your own individual style.

Cowboy style suits any girl. But mostly romantic people with a penchant for traveling turn to him.

Today, designers do not try to adhere to the established rules of the cowboy style. This style is bold and shouldn't be taken too literally. When creating an image of cowboy clothing, you can deviate from the norm and add a little glamor. Luxurious accessories made of exotic leather will help with this.

Vanessa Seward
Zimmermann, Alberta Ferretti

December 24, 2015

Would you like to be transported for a day to those times when stern men talked about matters of honor, women were proud and daring, and the real fun was not nightclubs, but country dancing, shooting tin cans and chasing the worst enemy - the Indian?

Why not? Without stereo systems, light music and computer games, people really knew how to have fun! Nowadays it’s not like that: nowadays pathos, glamor and extended body parts “rule”. Therefore, if your birthday is in the warm season, and you want open-hearted fun, here is a good option for Wild West themed parties!

In order not to miss anything important, I suggest this scenario:

1. Time of year and time of meeting.

The optimal time of year to hold a Cowboy Party is summer. Meeting time – 12-14.00. Costumes must be prepared in advance, so guests will only have to put on their outfit and arrive on time. Please note: the most suitable day of the week is Saturday. Surely your party will turn into a daily marathon of entertainment, so Sunday will serve as an excellent healer and “sleep” before Monday!

2. Invitations.

Be creative, but don't overthink it. Draw holiday attributes (cowboy hats, boots, funny Indians) or print out a coloring book for children with suitable characters.
For the invitation base, use scrapbooking paper (in country colors) or regular craft paper.
Write the text using a liner ( capillary pen), or colored markers.

Greet guests by forcing them to introduce themselves at gunpoint. You can come up with a password, something like: “I am Walker, Texas Ranger!”, and for the Indians: “I am the leader of the Cheyenne tribe!”

3. Take care about costumes!

Naturally, for everything to look natural in the spirit of the Wild West, everyone must be prepared both externally and internally. That is, be cheerful, loud and always ready to pull a pistol from a holster or an arrow from a quiver.

Read more about images.

Cowboy man: jeans, sew on fringed overlays, wide leather belt, plaid shirt, neckerchief, cowboy hat. Cowboy-style leather boots are desirable. If they are not there, choose shoes with long toes: what if the boots are hidden under wide jeans?

You can also add characters such as sheriff(what without a servant of the law?)
And bandit(who, of course, is wanted for a hefty reward!).
Cowboy woman: almost everything is the same: jeans or denim shorts (skirt), a plaid shirt (or a blouse with a deep neckline and ruffles), cowboy boots, wide leather bracelets, a gun holster or a rough belt, “natural” makeup (but red is allowed pomade). Hair is loose or braided in two braids. A cowboy hat would also be appropriate.
If girl "not a cowboy", replace some elements with a similar country style: a knee-length or floor-length skirt, a thin blouse (light or colorful), maybe a denim vest or jacket. The hairstyle is the same.
Indians: these costumes are more difficult to construct. The ideal option is to rent it. You can try to make an outfit from scraps of brown fabric (preferably suede) and any available material (feathers, bright jewelry, paints...). Perhaps there are sandals with high ties. Pay due attention to your makeup! This is half the image.
In case those invited do not find some small but important attributes, stock up and be ready to hand them over at the entrance.
To better get used to the role, invite guests to watch several films - classics of the relevant theme (westerns): “Buffalo Bill and the Indians”, “Pancho Villa”, “The Long Haul”, “The Lone Ranger”, “Once Upon a Time in the West”, “Good , bad, evil”...

4. Venue and decoration.

The ideal place for a Wild West-themed party is a cottage (in cowboy parlance: “family ranch”). The holiday will be noisy and loud.

You will have to work hard, since the area that needs to be prepared is very large. A room in a country house, or an equipped tent should be decorated with red flags, wildflowers and spikelets should be placed in vases made of vines, and bright feathers can be added. If you can organize a counter in the style of a retro bar, it will be a wonderful highlight of the party! Hang retro curtains. Cover the furniture with tablecloths of a characteristic color: red and white checkered or retro flowers. Hay bales will look harmonious both in the yard and near festive table(these are not European-quality renovations!).

Hang something like lasso, cowboy hats, horseshoes throughout the area, and place rows of tin cans or beer bottles on the fence.
Hang it at the entrance to the yard big poster“Wanted” with a photo of one of the guests (find out who will choose to play the bandit). Be sure to indicate the amount of the reward (preferably in kopecks: so many zeros, but real if the Hero demands the entire amount). Organize a couple of beautiful targets (easy to make from foam and paint it), and also place cacti throughout the yard (of course, from foam, draw the needles with a marker - it will turn out very funny!). On the street, conditionally divide the territory into half cowboys and Indians. For cowboys, a haystack and wooden benches. For the Indians - a wigwam and a fire. All this can also be easily built using a simple scheme.
Organize colorful retro posters.

5. Music.

Entertainment is necessary and important. First of all, it's loud music. Remember how much space is occupied by waving your arms and skipping, which they call dancing! By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to watch a couple of videos before the holiday; it will be great if many people pick up the songs, the dances, and the spirit of the reckless people! Suitable tracks will be hits from: Anne Murray, Gene Watson, George Strait, selectively songs by Madonna, Pink, as well as tracks from the mentioned films!

6. Entertainment.

We start talking about competitions a few hours after the start of the celebration: let the public adapt and get used to the roles. If we talk about two warring “groups” (cowboys and Indians), who today decided to reconcile for the sake of a common friend (the birthday boy), then the competitions must be chosen correctly. Cowboys and Indians must compete, otherwise the specialness of such an unusual company will be lost. I offer the following options:

Competition "Who is more". Two teams throw into tin cans. The team with the most coins in the bank wins.

Competition "Bullseye". The cowboys take turns firing five shots from children's pistols, the Indians from a bow (it is quite possible that the bow will be a problem - stock up on darts!). Each one has his own target. The one with the most “wounds” wins. If both teams hit (all five times), then the one who hit closer to the center of the target.

Competition "The candle was burning." Two people (one from each team) must put out three candles using a water pistol from the same distance.

Competition "Drive me, horse." Each team has a horse and a rider (a guy and a girl, respectively). It's simple: we run to the fence and back. The fastest horse wins. In the second option, two participants must ride a wooden toy horse. (26-2)

Competition "In Search of Treasures". Give two teams a poorly drawn map that they must use to find the treasure. Whoever figures it out faster takes the treasure. A bottle of good alcohol acts as a treasure.

The team that scores more points receives a gift. Let it be something edible, otherwise it’s hard to please 5-6 people at once. If the award is for one person, it could be a modern cowboy-style hat, a leather belt or a flask.

Be sure to think about what songs you can sing around the evening fire. Or maybe your company loves scary or just interesting stories...

7. Menu and drinks.

Cowboys, like Indians, are a people with an appetite. Save the light appetizers for a French-themed party. Coarsely chopped meat, barbecue, baked chicken thighs, shish kebab, balyki, and ham will be popular here. Stews and pilaf with vegetables in large containers are also suitable.
Don’t be afraid to add some spice to your dishes – it’s appropriate today! Drinks also require a choice. Cowboys go great with tequila, whiskey, beer and (yes!) milk! The latter is generally their native drink. But the Indians have their own favorite “drink of the gods” made from cocoa beans and various spices. In short, make them cocoa; without it, the Indians did not have a single feast.

In conclusion. Don't forget to take a lot of photos. They will certainly turn out to be exclusive.

Let your friends appreciate your hard work and you'll have a great time kicking your heels off the hardwood floor and shouting that "if there's no meat in the roast beef, it's not roast beef" or "The sheriff doesn't care about Indian problems"!

Cowboy style is a fairly popular trend in clothing. Worn jeans will be appropriate both for a walk and at a noisy party.

History of cowboy style

The cowboy style originated in the nineteenth century. This direction came to us from the USA. The Wild West is endless pastures, and therefore there was an urgent need for brave cowboys who could lead large herds of bulls into the corrals. It was these shepherds who became trendsetters. Beginning in the 1930s, the image of cowboys became heroic, and therefore these characters began to appear in films, advertising, music videos and other areas of art. This is how the cowboy style won the hearts of millions of fans not only in America, but throughout the world.

Cowboy style elements

Cowboy style, like any other, consists of a number of basic things that shape it. So, the first thing you should pay attention to is shoes. Chunky leather boots in black or brown were most popular among the shepherds of the Wild West. In modern fashion you can also find cowboy shoes, ankle boots, boots and even sandals. Another integral element of country style is a hat with a curved brim. It is she who gives the image completeness.

The plaid shirt is perhaps the most popular element that characterizes the cowboy style. It can be blue-green - whatever. Checks can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow if you want to focus on the top part of the wardrobe. When complementing your look with accessories, make sure they match in style and tone.

Cowboy clothing style is primarily about comfort and practicality. So, boots play almost the main role in the entire wardrobe. Traditionally, they had a narrow, slightly turned up toe. And this is not just a design decision, but a necessity due to frequent horse riding. As for the heel, it should be wide and low. Here, again, a practical role is noted (thanks to him, the leg did not slip out of the stirrup). But the boot should be high (almost to the knee) and wide enough so that jeans can be tucked into it and provide ventilation.

Cowboy style cannot be imagined without leather or curved brim. At the same time, all kinds of straps, ribbons, buckles and ropes are unacceptable. The hat should be extremely simple to protect your head from rain or sun, but not cling to tree branches during crazy races. This accessory was invented by John Stetson in 1860. It is worth noting that cowboys had an unwritten rule that they always wore a hat and boots. Violators were ridiculed.

Cowboy style for women is a great way of self-expression. But, following fashion trends, you risk blending in with the crowd, and therefore you always need to add individual details to your image. For example, it is not at all necessary to wear jeans and a shirt. Wear a delicate dress in a small flower with a wide leather belt and a hat. Thus, an ordinary girl's outfit will turn into a cowboy outfit.

Particular attention should be paid to makeup and hairstyle. They should complement the image, not contradict it. Eye shadow, lipstick, blush - everything should be as natural as possible. As for your hair, it is better to braid it or make a ponytail. Straight or slightly curled curls will also look harmonious.

Fashionable solutions

Creating a cowboy style for women is much more difficult than for men, because fashionistas do not agree to limit themselves exclusively to shirts and jeans. In addition, not everyone can combine things beautifully on their own. That is why you can use several template solutions, namely:

  • IN summer heat the ideal solution is a light cotton dress white(possible with ethnic embroidery). To make the look truly cowboy, wear a wide belt, matching lace boots, and also take a small handbag decorated with fringe. To protect your head from the sun, don't forget a hat.
  • The cowboy image may well be romantic. To do this, take as a basis long dress in a large cage or small flower. On top you can throw on a leather vest or jacket with fringes. The hat will add mystery to the look.
  • A plaid shirt is a great base for a youthful look. Wear it with jeans, shorts or skirts. The shirt can be worn on its own, or over a T-shirt or T-shirt.
  • Autumn brings with it not only cold, but also a new interpretation of the cowboy style. The bottom remains the same - jeans and boots. The top part of the wardrobe is a knitted wool cardigan in a neutral color or a warm, voluminous poncho with an ethnic pattern. A fringed bag and a matching hat are the perfect finishing touch to a cowboy look.

Party in cowboy style

Ordinary holiday gatherings at the home table or in restaurants will no longer surprise anyone. Event organizers are constantly looking for new directions. Thus, a party in the style of “Cowboy Party” (“Wild West”) is considered to be a fairly popular event. Initially, such holidays were held in America, after which they spread throughout the world. Here are the main elements of such a party:

  • dress code - plaid shirts, hats, ripped jeans, leather boots and accessories;
  • country music;
  • place - it is best to spend such holidays outdoors or on a farm;
  • surroundings - horses, wooden decor, cacti, etc.

Wedding: scenario in cowboy style

A wedding is one of the most important events in life, and therefore its organization should be approached with special responsibility. Boring gatherings in a restaurant are replaced by a cowboy-style party. The scenario of such a holiday has nothing in common with traditional painting in the registry office. That is why registration should be immediately transferred outside the city. In this case, we must forget about the flower arches, balloons and pink ribbons. Everything should be as natural as possible. And the newlyweds should come to registration not in a “limousine”, but on horses.

After the official part, it’s time to move on to entertainment, which should also be organized in this direction. So, it is worth including certain points in the script.

  1. Live piano and guitar music (no popular tracks - only Wild West tunes).
  2. To prevent guests who don't like dancing from getting bored, give them cards and dice (you can organize a game with prize drawings).
  3. Skip the traditional toast (have all guests prepare a Texas-style congratulations to the newlyweds in advance).
  4. Organize at fresh air Activities such as darts, bottle shooting, lasso throwing.
  5. The first dance of the newlyweds is a modern tradition, but it can be played out in a fiery cowboy style.
  6. At the end of the evening, you should bury the tomahawk under the song about love and fidelity.
  7. During breaks between dances, the toastmaster can give a quiz on knowledge of cowboy terms.


Despite the fact that the cowboy style was originally masculine, the fair half of humanity also fell in love with it. Boots, trousers, shirts and hats that seem rough at first glance only emphasize fragility female figure and natural grace. It is important that things for a cowboy look can be found in almost any closet. Surely every girl has shirts, jeans or a suede belt and bandana in her wardrobe. If you want to buy new things, then give preference to well-known American brands, because it was in these parts that the cowboy style originated.

It is worth noting that the traditions of the Wild West are actively used not only in clothing, but also in the practice of organizing parties and special occasions. Thus, cowboy-style holidays are one of the most popular trends. Weddings deserve special attention. The peculiarity of such a celebration is the atmosphere of naturalness and ease. There is no artificial decor, as well as template scenarios. Boring, hackneyed competitions are replaced by real cowboy entertainment, live saloon music and unbridled fun. The ideal place for such a holiday is a farm or a country plot.

Olya Style

Men's clothing has always attracted girls, because it liberates and makes movements comfortable. Ladies all over the world appreciate the elements of a men's suit: shirts, trousers, ties. There is no exception cowboy style for girls, which will be discussed.

The world learned the cowboy style of clothing thanks to films about the Wild West, which show dashing cowboys in tandem with their troubles and dashing girlfriends.

Cowboy clothing is incredibly practical, comfortable and beautiful, which attracts girls all over the world. Each of us wants to be at least a little like a real cowboy’s girlfriend, or even like him. The cowboy style is characterized by the following features:

  • Natural fabrics in light colors
  • Finishing with embroidery, fringe, lacing in large quantities (!)
  • Floral and folklore ornaments
  • Checkered fabric
  • Jeans
  • Cowboy boots
  • Cowboy hat
  • Skirts from mini to maxi with fringe or lace petticoat
  • Vest.

Rules for creating a cowboy style for girls

To avoid any obstacles when creating a cowboy style, you should pay attention to these rules:

  • You must only purchase items that were made in the USA or Mexico. Buying Chinese and European counterfeits is unacceptable. Of course, this applies to those cases when you want to create original image in a cowboy style, not used in a bow fashion trends European fashion designers
  • Never wear cowboy hat no cowboy boots. However, no one will scold you if you wear boots without a hat. Also, give up such a trend of bygone years as a hat on a string that dangles on the back
  • The size of the belt and buckle can vary. You may prefer a small, rough buckle or an oval one.

The difference between men's and women's cowboy style is small, because girls simply go crazy about the clothes of handsome cowboys! The main elements of a cowboy wardrobe are:

  • Cowboy boots. Without cowboy boots, the image of a cowboy is not the same at all; more precisely, it is no longer a cowboy style, but some kind of casual one. The boots should be special, have a narrow, slightly upturned toe, a wide, recognizable shaft that will easily allow you to tuck jeans into the boots, as well as a heel, the optimal height of which is four centimeters. Regarding the latter, I would like to add that modern fashionistas calmly flaunt higher heels, which make the figure seductive and toned. Material for women's cowboy boots, exactly like in male version, natural leather in brown tones appears. However, in the modern interpretation of designers, you can find other color options, including beige, cream and black. The modern decoration of cowboy boots is also pleasing to the eye - buckles, hooks, fringe, lacing, chains, etc.
  • Cowboy hat. Yes, this is exactly the hat with the wide brim curved up. Just in case, let us clarify that the brim of the hat is curved on the sides, and its color in the traditional version matches the tone of the boots. The crown of the headdress has the shape of a trapezoid and tapers slightly at the top. There are small dents on both sides of the hat. The hat must be made from genuine leather high quality and not have any decorative elements. When putting it on, do not forget that if you are going to a real cowboy party or to another cowboy environment, you must wear boots, otherwise their absence will be considered bad manners. But if you just want to use cowboy features in your everyday style, you can wear a hat decorated with a brooch or feathers, even in tandem with sandals.
  • Jeans. Special models of jeans from Levis and Wrangler are welcome, which are perfect for wide boot tops. The looks also include discreet regular jeans that have no decoration.
  • Chaparejas or chaps. This is the name given to traditional cowboy clothing that protects jeans from premature wear. Chaps are worn over jeans. As a rule, chaps are made from genuine leather or animal skin.
  • Shirt. It can be a plain or checkered shirt, although original version A monotonous option, devoid of any print, is welcome. Shirts with flaps and inserts are popular in modern fashion.
  • Belt. It matches the color of your hat and boots and, of course, is made of leather. Classic version involves equipping with a small plaque, and in modern fashion plaques of any size and shape are welcome.
  • Revolvers and holster. If you are planning to visit themed party or conduct a photo shoot in a cowboy style, then be sure to wear them. In ordinary life, of course, you won’t need them.
  • Jacket. Material – leather or suede, decor in the form of inserts and flaps is very appropriate. The presence of lacing or fringe is relevant.
  • Skirt. In traditional female version A long plaid skirt with pleats is trendy. You can wear it with a belt, cowboy boots and a hat, as well as a monotonous light blouse.
  • Handkerchief. It is enough to tie it around your neck in a cowboy style and hide the knot in the décolleté area.

We said earlier that fashion designers take some liberties when designing outfits and decorating them, which sometimes conflicts with the original cowboy style. There is also a benefit to this, because cowboy clothes with fashionable elements make the girl’s image feminine, graceful and at the same time a little rough and daring, which allows you to advantageously use the elements and create looks in a cowboy style, intended for everyday life - commuting, walking, romantic dates. Let's take a closer look at what these trends are.

  • Shirts. Designers also offer monogamous shirts - white, red, mustard, brown, grey, black and even pink and blue shirts, as well as checkered shirts that women love. The optimal length is mid-thigh, making it easy to tuck your shirt into your jeans. However, there are also shortened options that allow you to wear a shirt over jeans. Such options can have both short and long sleeves, as well as three-quarter sleeves. A wide belt that can highlight the waist will allow you to complement the shirt. The shirt should be made of a natural, “breathable” material, such as cotton or flannel.
  • Shoes. High-heeled boots with high lacing and a narrow top are popular. These boots can be combined with a short skirt or worn over skinny jeans. The girls are also presented with high suede boots in light and dark tones with fringes on the sides and sandals, which fashion designers also suggest using when creating a cowboy look. Agree, it’s not always convenient to walk in boots, even natural ones, in hot weather, but sandals are what you need! However, you should not wear a cowboy hat with these shoes. If you still want to use a headdress when creating a cowboy style, then preference should be given to other models (pill-type hats, etc.).
  • Skirts, dresses and sundresses. Despite the fact that the cowboy style presupposes brutality, designers still suggest adding romance, which will benefit fragile young ladies. Cowgirls can wear a short one denim sundress in tandem with a wide leather belt with a large buckle, short dress mustard-brown color with inserts, or maybe even a maxi or miniskirt, decorated with lots of ruffles. If you don’t like dresses, then you just need to unbutton the top couple of buttons on your shirt and put on a top or T-shirt underneath.
  • Handkerchief. A cowboy scarf is traditionally tied around the neck in a cowboy fashion, but you can experiment by tying it around your head, hips or arm. Such frivolity will add a little zest to the cowboy look!
  • Poncho. It can be tied near the hips and draped over the shoulders. Checkered ponchos and all sorts of knitted options in variegated and pastel colors are popular.

There are men who prefer brutal and strong women, rather than fragile and innocent. If you meet such a man on the way, it is likely that romantic date in a cowboy style will make a worthy impression on him. All you have to do is put on a cowboy outfit and retire somewhere on the ranch.

Wild West! – Western style in clothes

Last time we got acquainted with the jockey style. But “equestrian history” has another direction, and this is the Western style, or country (from the English country - village), as it is also commonly called. If the jockey style, originating from England, shines with its elegance and laconic chic, then the western style is distinguished by its working simplicity, naturalness and practicality. English aristocrats rode horses for hunting and fun, but American cowboys rode horses for income.

Unusual and comfortable, the Western style is loved by millions of people around the world. Few people decide to dress completely in country style, but some western attributes are a great way to highlight your individuality.

Historical background

Country style comes from the 19th century. Then Europeans began to explore new lands of the American West, looking for better life and gold. Elegant clothing was not suitable for the development of land, since, above all, comfort and convenience were needed. The settlers were the founders of the country style.

Then Western farmers liked such practical clothes. They appreciated the wear resistance of the dense denim and skin.

Cowboy clothing has a lot to do with cowboys. Their era began around 1865. The cowboy's job was to herd livestock (mostly wild) into pens. They also drove around the ranch, repairing fences, looking for stray cows and moving cattle. Cowboys worked on ranches and had fun at rodeos. Both had very specific requirements for clothing: comfort, non-staining, wear resistance. Therefore, the main attributes of a cowboy were jeans, boots, a hat, a vest and a plaid shirt.

Interestingly, it was not only men who were cowboys in the Wild West. Women were called "cowgirls" and had been in the cowboy ranks since the 19th century. At that time, this was rare, because women mainly took care of the house, and did not know how to stay in the saddle, moving in wagons or in a special side “female” saddle. However, women did not always become cowgirls of their own free will. They performed hard work on the ranch due to the death or absence of her husband. And some ranchers couldn't pay the cowboys for their work, so his daughter or wife would help him out by doing the cowboy's work. They were dressed appropriately to make it comfortable to move and ride.

Later, women even began to participate in rodeos and became professionals in these competitions.
Rodeo competitor Annie Oakley (1900)

Long dresses became a problem for female cowboys, while wearing men's clothing was considered the height of indecency. This is why skirts became shorter, as pioneered by famous rodeo competitor Anne Oakley in 1900.

The clothing of women who lived on a farm, ranch or small town was very simple. Blouse with a skirt or dress, made from natural fabrics. The clothes were closed and comfortable, spacious and layered. Village women valued their honor highly and hid their bodies from prying eyes. Therefore, the clothes were multi-layered, because the curves of the body were not visible.

Men mostly wore leather trousers because they did not get worn out from riding in the saddle. Hats protected cowboys and farmers from the sun and rain, and high boots protected from snake bites and were comfortable for riding.

Main features of country style

Goals: convenience, simplicity, naturalness, practicality, naturalness, durability;

Fabrics: natural (linen, cotton, leather, knitwear, fine wool, suede, jeans, burlap);

Color range: brown and its shades (sand, beige), gray, turquoise, blue, light blue, white, red, yellow;

Colors: checkered, small flowers, monochrome, geometric patterns (traditional Indian colors);

Country style clothes

Wide long skirts


Leather jackets
High boots with fringes
Leather boots with low, stable heels/moccasins

Leather boots(Cossacks)

Blouses made from natural fabrics
Rough knit cardigans
Wide leather and suede belts


Jewelry from natural stones and wood
Leather gloves
Bags with fringes


Straw/felt/leather hat

Western style looks


Ralph Lauren

Derek Lam
