If a military pensioner dies. Military pensions: right to receive, registration and amount. Increased pension payments


On January 1, 2016, a bill establishing two payments to spouses of deceased military pensioners came into force. According to its provisions, persons can receive accruals that are carried out by the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, and also insurance pension. The first payments are made to widows or widowers of persons who received payments either for long service or for disability. In the second case, accruals are made if the military pensioner had grounds for receiving it due to age or disability.

Receiving a second pension by a widow or widower of the specified category is possible if the following conditions are met:

The military pensioner died while the funds were being transferred to him.
The cause of death was illness, concussion, injury, or other injuries received by the person during his military service.
The widow (widower) of the deceased is also on an old age or disability pension, or has a dependent child who has not yet reached the age of fourteen.
The widow (widower) turned 50 years old.
The spouse of a military pensioner has the right to apply for a survivor's pension if she has a dependent child of eight years of age or less.
So, if the above conditions are met, you have every right to receive the second pension of a deceased military pensioner. But what is needed for this and where should a widow turn?

Where to go and what documents are needed

If you are applying for a state pension, the corresponding application and a photocopy of the supporting document are sent by registered mail to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The next step is to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund. There you will need to fill out an application in the prescribed form and attach a certain package of papers to it. It includes the following documents:

Identification document of the applicant (widow's passport).
Death certificate of a military pensioner.
A document confirming the fact of registration of the widow (widower) with the military commissariat.
Confirmation of the fact of his service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR and/or the Russian Federation.
Confirmation of relationship with the deceased (marriage certificate).
Confirmation of the right of a military pensioner to receive payments based on length of service.
Document confirming work experience deceased.
A document establishing the amount of earnings of a deceased person in the period from 01/01/2001 to 01/01/2002.
Other documents.
Additional documents that the Pension Fund may require include certificates from a medical institution.

Once all the basic conditions have been met, the Pension Fund is obliged to accept and consider your application. The legal period for this is 10 days. An exception may be cases in which the Pension Fund will need additional documents to make a decision. Submission of an application and documents to the territorial office of the Pension Fund can be carried out in person, through an authorized applicant (a document certified by a notary is required confirming his authority), or sent by registered mail. If the Pension Fund refuses, the applicant has the right to go to court to appeal this decision.

The state provides financial support to family members of military personnel who are killed or die as a result of their duty. A serviceman's survivor's pension is a separate type of state support, paid from the state budget. Retirees also receive regular pensions from it. The rules establish a special procedure for calculating the financial support of military relatives.

Conditions for calculating support for the loss of a breadwinner

A pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner is paid to relatives:

  • sergeants;
  • sailors;
  • soldier;
  • foremen

Relatives of deceased military personnel can count on a certain amount of support from the state if the death of the breadwinner occurred during the period:

  • during conscription military service;
  • no later than three months after its completion;
  • later than 3 months, but due to a wound, contusion, injury or illness received during military service;
  • no later than five years after completion of receiving a military pension.

The type of service itself (contract or conscription) does not affect the eligibility for payments. Only the size of the benefit depends on it.

Important: if the deceased committed a crime, which is established by the court, then the dependents are assigned a social pension.

Who is assigned this type of state benefit?

There are a number of conditions that apply to the recipient of a bereavement pension. Able-bodied citizens cannot apply for it. They need to take care of their own maintenance.

Important: the main condition for receiving state support related to the loss of a breadwinner is the applicant’s incapacity for work.

According to the current regulatory framework, such benefits are accrued to the following persons:

  1. military children:
    • minors;
    • until the age of 23, subject to full-time education;
  2. other persons under the age of 18 or 23 who are grandchildren, brothers or sisters of the deceased, under the same conditions;
  3. spouses;
  4. parents;
  5. grandmothers or grandfathers of a military man, if they have no other income (including another pension);
  6. unemployed relatives raising young (under 14 years old) children (grandchildren, brothers, sisters) of the deceased.

Special rights to military pension

The law defines situations when support is provided to relatives regardless of the fact of previous dependency. These include:

  • minor children of the deceased;
  • his father or mother, wife, provided that these persons have no other income;
  • parents and spouses of the deceased conscript.
Attention: military personnel who went missing during hostilities are considered dead. Their relatives are also provided with appropriate maintenance.

Preferential conditions for assigning maintenance to certain categories of citizens

Article 30 of Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993 defines preferential rights to maintenance from the state for the parents and spouses of deceased defenders of the Fatherland. They apply if the death of the latter occurs:

  1. due to injury received during combat operations at the front;
  2. during the period of captivity by enemies of the Motherland;
  3. during the performance of military duty abroad;
  4. in the direct performance of the duties of a military personnel.

The preferential condition is to reduce the age of the applicant by five years:

  • the wife and mother of the deceased receive maintenance after the 50th birthday;
  • husband and father - 55th anniversary.

In addition, the law provides for the assignment of this payment to each of the applicants who meet preferential conditions. Whether these people were his dependents before the death of the defender of the Motherland is not taken into account.

Attention: the same preferential procedure for assigning pension benefits applies to the spouse of the deceased who is raising a common child under the 8th birthday. In this case, such circumstances characterizing the applicant as:

  • age;
  • ability to work;
  • presence or absence of a place of duty.
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The amount of pension benefits for the loss of a military breadwinner in 2020

The size of the assignment to dependents is directly related to two circumstances:

  • the reason that caused the death of the defender of the Motherland;
  • the type of service he performed.

Relatives of officers and soldiers who served under contract receive maintenance depending on the amount of the military’s salary:

  1. 50% - if death is caused by wounds (military trauma);
  2. 40% for death from a disease acquired at work.

The amount of benefits accrued to the relatives of conscripts is calculated based on the established indicator social pension:

  • 200% if the breadwinner dies from military trauma;
  • 150% - from illnesses acquired in service.

Attention: the amount of social pension is 5180.24 rubles.

  1. Thus, as a result of the death of a conscript from injury, his dependents will receive 15,540.72 rubles each. every.
  2. If a soldier dies from a disease, then the amount of state benefit will be 12,950.60 rubles.
  1. Family of serviceman Khlamov A.G. has two children:
    • Alina, adopted in infancy, 7 years old;
    • Dmitry, born in marriage, 3 years old.
  2. The military wife never worked, she took care of the housework and raising children.
  3. In 2017, Khlamov A.G. died while performing a military mission in Syria.
  4. Since the cause of death is injury during the performance of the duty of a defender of the Fatherland, dependents receive the right to maintenance from the state budget.
  5. Its size is set at 200% of social benefits.
  6. Consequently, Khlamov’s wife A.G., his adopted daughter and his own son will receive 15,540.72 rubles monthly. every.

Thus, the total family income will be 31,081.44 rubles. When assigning pension payments, the age and working capacity of the deceased’s wife are not taken into account.

Increasing the amount of state benefit for loss

Increased bereavement payments are established by law in the following cases:

  • residents Far North the size increases by a multiple of the regional coefficient (subject to residence in the corresponding region);
  • disabled people of group 1 additionally receive 100% (Article 30 of Law No. 4468-1);
  • the same bonus is given to elderly dependents who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
  • Disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood are entitled to an increase in the amount of state support by 32%.
  1. The husband of citizen Stepanova I., living in the city of Vorkuta, died while participating in a military operation.
  2. Stepanova I. has been disabled since childhood, group 2. She has no work experience and has never worked.
  3. On legal grounds, she was assigned state support in connection with the loss of a breadwinner in the amount of 15,540.72 rubles.
  4. The payout increases:
    • by 32%, as disabled since childhood;
    • is a multiple of the regional coefficient by 160%.
  5. The amount of the survivor's pension is calculated as follows:
    • (RUR 15,540.72 + RUR 15,540.72 x 32%) x 1.6 = RUR 32,822
Attention: the regional coefficient applies to all social charges of a pensioner living in the corresponding territory.

The procedure for assigning state support to dependents of fallen soldiers

To get your due social support From state budget funds, applicants must submit an application with a package of documents confirming this right to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR):

  1. personally:
    • at an appointment with a specialist at a local branch;
    • in the multifunctional center;
  2. by mail;
  3. via internet connection:
    • on the government services portal;
    • on the official website
      Pension Fund;
  4. through a representative (an official power of attorney is required).
Important: there are no legislative restrictions on the time for declaring their rights for the families of fallen defenders of the Motherland.

Package of documents

To confirm the legality of the grounds for payments, you must provide the following documents:

  1. ID:
    • passport;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • other;
  2. document certifying the absence of a military personnel:
    • his death certificate;
    • court decision on missing persons;
  3. certificates confirming family ties:
    • about marriage;
    • about birth;
    • about adoption;
    • other according to circumstances;
  4. other documents:
    • certificates of family composition;
    • information about income or lack thereof;
    • about obtaining full-time education and others.
Important: if the breadwinner was a contract serviceman, then the package of documents should be sent to the government agency where he served (Ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs and others).

How is maintenance paid to the dependents of deceased soldiers?

Pensioners are given the opportunity to independently choose the method of receiving funds. Namely:

  • through the post office;
  • to a bank card or account;
  • through the services of an organization that delivers money (if there is an agreement with the payer).
Attention: if necessary, the recipient has the right to change the method of delivery of the pension. To do this, it is necessary to notify the payer in writing, indicating the new details for transfers.

On the timing of the assignment of survivor benefits

This type of state support is provided to former dependents from the date of death of the defender of the Motherland.
It is established for the period of incapacity:

  • until adulthood or reaching the age of 23 (if the fact of full-time education is confirmed);
  • until the disability is cancelled;
  • citizens retirement age- indefinitely.
Attention: when applying for support later than a year from the date of entitlement to it, the accrued pension is paid for a period of no more than 12 months to the date of application.

When do bereavement payments for a warrior stop?

Article 241 of Law No. 4468-1 describes situations in which the right to state support is lost by a pensioner. These include the following changes:

  • death of the recipient;
  • employment;
  • recognition of a person as able to work:
    • adulthood (or 23rd birthday under certain conditions);
    • abolition of disability and more.
Attention: the last payment is made in the month the above circumstances occur.

About the right to a second pension

Relatives of soldiers killed in military service are allowed to receive two pensions at once
. Such persons include:

  • parents of military personnel who died during conscription or died after being discharged from military service due to a military injury;
  • widows of military personnel who died in military service due to military trauma and who have not remarried.

The listed persons may be entitled to another payment from the Pension Fund of Russia, namely a pension:

  1. old age insurance pension (disability);
  2. social old age pension (disability);
  3. long service pension;
  4. social pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.
Attention: second pension provision appointed on the basis of a personal application in the manner prescribed by law.

As you know, many older people receive various payments and subsidies. As for the funeral benefit for a military pensioner, it is due to the relatives of the deceased. However, they do not always turn to the relevant authorities to complete the necessary documents and receive the payments due to them. This happens due to a simple ignorance of one’s rights.

The number of payments and benefits upon the death of a former military personnel in the current year is 4 main positions. If the person who passed away was a representative of a certain category designated by Russian legislation, his relatives, if they have documentation, can receive certain amounts. These are several types of payments, but only in certain cases can you receive them in full.

What is the funeral benefit for former military personnel?

The rules regarding the accrual and amount of payments are regulated by certain Russian laws. There are a number of legal acts in which you can find comprehensive information on this issue.

The situation with the burial of a former serviceman fits a series of articles of Federal laws:

  • “About the funeral process and burial”;
  • "About Veterans";
  • “On the expenditure of funds during the burial of deceased military personnel or persons who left military service”;
  • “On indexation of military funeral expenses”;
  • “On work on ritual provision for deceased military personnel or persons who have left military service.”

In total, this issue is regulated by a dozen laws.

It is possible to receive benefits that are due to the relatives of a retired military man after his death only if the situation fully complies with these legislative acts. Cash payments must be made at the expense of those executive authorities of the Russian Federation to which the deceased citizen belonged.

The amount of cash payments may vary significantly depending on the specific situation.

The relatives of the deceased must check the exact amount with the executive authority where the deceased served. The final amount of the benefit depends not only on the situation in the family and the financial situation of the military’s relatives, but also on the level of indexation. Like many other payments and compensations that are made in the Russian Federation, this amount is gradually growing.

Of the basic payments that are due to the relatives of a serviceman, money must be allocated for burial and making a tombstone. In addition, the pensioner’s family can count on receiving a one-time benefit. A separate amount is paid to the wife of the deceased. This is also a one-time monetary compensation.

But the possible cash flows don’t end there. In special cases, you can count on additional payments. For example, in certain situations, you can apply for a survivor’s pension, debt wages, if the pensioner was employed.

Moreover, Sberbank can also make some payments.

But this is in special cases, so the information must be clarified with representatives of the financial institution.

What documents are required to receive funeral benefits?

In order to receive funeral benefits for military personnel, relatives or official representatives must submit a number of documents to the relevant authorities. For each case, the list of papers will be slightly different. For example, if we are talking about organizing the funeral of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War or a participant in hostilities that took place on the territory of foreign countries, then in order to receive funds you must provide:

  • death certificate in the form of an original or a copy certified by a notary;
  • War participant's certificate;
  • a copy and original of a military ID, the role of which can be played by a Red Army soldier’s book and passport.

The identity document must belong to the applicant. In addition, papers may be required that will serve as proof of relationship with the deceased. Additionally, you must provide permission for the grave: original and copy.

If the pensioner was an employee of the Ministry of Defense, then the list of required documents will be slightly different. In addition to the death certificate and grave documents, you will need to provide the employees of the relevant authorities with the deceased’s pension certificate, which should indicate that he worked in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Relatives must provide papers that can be used to establish that they are indeed entitled to receive benefits.

For children, this will be a birth certificate, and for spouses, a marriage document.

This set of documents makes it possible to organize the funeral of a retired military man at the expense of the state. If this event was paid for from family budget relatives of the deceased, then they can apply to the relevant authorities to receive compensation. The payment is processed by the military registration and enlistment office. The benefit is paid in cash in the amount established at the time of application.

In addition to reimbursement of money spent on burying the deceased, relatives of a military pensioner can receive reimbursement for registration necessary papers for a funeral, transportation of the body to the morgue and cemetery, expenses for the purchase of a coffin, wreaths and various decorations, cremation and purchase of an urn, if such a procedure was carried out. Most often, in order to receive a refund for funds already spent, you will have to provide receipts or other evidence of expenses.

Who is entitled to funeral benefits?

This type of benefit is available to all former and active military personnel until the moment of death. These include several categories of Russian citizens.

First of all, this should include deceased or killed Russians who were dismissed from military service or from internal affairs bodies due to reaching a certain age. This category also includes military personnel who became pensioners due to health reasons or due to staff reorganization.

An important condition is that the deceased must have been in the ranks of the military for at least 20 years.

In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died due to injury or illness related to their professional activities can count on receiving funeral benefits.

The number of military pensioners should also include veterans of military service, military personnel who participated in the war or served in the active army. In addition, benefits are due after the death of a veteran of military operations that took place on the territory of another country.

How to get compensation for funeral expenses for a former military man?

Most often, the relatives of the deceased try to complete all the paperwork immediately so that the costs of this event become the concern of the state. However, if for any reason necessary documents were not completed on time, then you should collect the necessary package of papers in order to reimburse expenses for expenses already made.

As for how to receive compensation for a funeral, if the burial, as well as the installation of a monument on the grave of a military man, was paid for by his relatives, it is necessary to provide a certain set of documents to the military commissariat. Papers confirming expenses must be provided. If it was not possible to receive the checks, you will have to assemble an assessment commission, which will be able to determine the approximate amount of expenses. Based on these data, the amount of the amount due to be paid to the relatives of the deceased or his official representatives will be determined.

A death certificate of a retired military serviceman, a certificate from the cemetery about the burial place of the deceased, an identification card of a disabled person, a veteran or a person who was entitled to benefits must be attached to checks or an expense assessment report. Attached to this package of papers is an application, which must be written to a representative of the military registration and enlistment office. This document must indicate the reason for the need to reimburse expenses and the amount that the applicant can expect.

If the family of the deceased has already received social benefit, then you should not additionally count on payments due after the death of a pensioner.

Double assistance from the state in in this case not supposed to.

It is worth noting that in many large settlements in almost every region of the country there are military memorial companies, where employees not only answer all the questions of relatives of former military personnel, but also help in collecting documents and sometimes organizing burial events.

One-time benefit in case of death of a military pensioner

In 1993, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution according to which families of military pensioners have the right to receive a one-time benefit. The number of persons who are included in this category includes deceased pensioners who were once senior or senior officers, representatives of the commanding staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service, bodies of the penitentiary system and military personnel dismissed for health reasons, age or length of service of more than 25 years. . In this case, it does not matter whether the family will apply for a survivor’s pension or not; in any case, you can receive a lump sum benefit.

The amount of cash payments received by relatives may vary. It all depends on the pension that the former military man received. His wife is entitled to a one-time payment equal to 3 pensions, and each disabled member of the deceased’s family is entitled to 1 full amount. The calculation takes into account exactly the figure that was assigned to the pensioner on the day of his death. Even if the pension was later indexed, this will not affect the amount of the payment. In special cases, a family can count on an increased lump sum benefit. But on this issue it is necessary to consult with the local Pension Fund, since depending on the region and locality, as well as the status of the family, payments may differ slightly from the generally accepted ones.

A one-time benefit is provided to the husband or wife of a military retiree, regardless of age and financial condition.

In addition, payments are due to the children of the deceased if they were under 18 years of age at the time of his death. An exception may be a full-time student educational institution. In this case, payments will be due to those under 23 years of age.

If a former military man was dependent on a woman over 55 years of age or a man over 60 years of age, they were also entitled to a lump sum benefit after the death of the breadwinner. This also applies to dependents with disabilities.

In order to receive such payments, you must contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and submit a certain package of documents. This includes an application for benefits, a death certificate of a retired military serviceman, documents proving the right to receive payments, i.e., a marriage or birth certificate and the applicant’s passport. All documents must be provided in the form of copies and originals for verification of authenticity.

Survivor's pension

Another payment that relatives of a military pensioner can receive is a monthly pension. Those who have lost a deceased breadwinner can count on her. Most often, such payments are issued to children who have not reached working age.

Such pensions can be of 3 types: insurance, social and military.

If the deceased was a former military man with a certain rank or experience, then his relatives can receive a military pension. Payments are assigned to disabled or minor family members of the deceased. These include children whom the deceased took under his care. But there are certain peculiarities here. Adopted children can receive a survivor's pension only when they have lived in new family more than 5 years.

The survivor's pension for the family of a military pensioner is slightly less than 5,000 rubles per month for everyone who is entitled to such a payment. The only exception is the case when a person died during hostilities. If the cause of his death was an injury received in battle, then children and other disabled relatives can receive monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 2 official pensions due to the military. In case of death from an occupational illness of a military man, the amount of payments will be equal to one and a half pensions.

To apply for this type of benefit, you must provide the Pension Fund with an application, birth certificate or passport of the applicant, military ID of the deceased and his death certificate.

Special benefits after the death of a former military personnel

In addition to funeral monetary compensation, as well as one-time and permanent benefits, you can count on several more financial receipts. For example, if a military pensioner was insured during his lifetime, then after his death his relatives can receive insurance payments.

Often such services are imposed at the bank when issuing a card or when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Most people refuse additional life insurance. But it is possible that the deceased was still insured.

If this is indeed the case, you need to contact the insurance company and be sure to clarify this issue. If you have a policy in your hands, then there are problems in obtaining due payments should not arise.

Registration of insurance payment after the death of a Russian citizen is possible if the spouse or children of the deceased contact the company directly. Most often, it is necessary to provide a package of documents, which consists of a death certificate, the applicant’s passport, insurance policy, bank card number and the application itself. After a certain period of time, the funds must arrive in the applicant’s account.

Special payments include compensation from Sberbank.

This is not only available to retired military personnel. Any depositor who had savings at the Savings Bank on June 20, 1991 may receive some compensation. If the deceased did not formalize this payment during his lifetime, his relatives have the opportunity to receive 6,000 rubles. To clarify all the details, you must contact the nearest branch of the financial institution, and then provide all the necessary papers.

Military honors at burial and receipt of unpaid pension

This type of benefit is provided for a certain category of military personnel. The decree on honoring the military was signed by the President of the Russian Federation 7 years ago.

In this case, the entire organization of the funeral process falls on the shoulders of the highest authorities of the deceased. Funerals with certain honors are not due to all military personnel, but only to those who died in the performance of their professional duties.

The funeral process is accompanied by an honorary escort.

All funds that the pensioner did not receive during his lifetime become part of the inheritance of his relatives. The spouse or children have the opportunity to receive a pension that was accrued before the day of death of the deceased. It takes 6 months to process this payment. But there are certain difficulties and nuances here. First of all, it is worth noting that only the closest relative can receive an unpaid pension that was due to a deceased citizen. That is, only the official spouse or children should address this issue if there is no wife or husband.

In situations where the deceased was officially considered single, his lost pension becomes part of the inheritance. Thus, it can be received by a close relative or a person specified in the will, but only six months after the death of the pensioner. The procedure for receiving an inheritance will be the same as in any other case.

If your spouse will apply for the lost pension, you can submit documents immediately. You won't have to wait six months. To do this, the Pension Fund is provided with the applicant’s passport, death certificate of a former military man, documents confirming the right to receive a monetary payment, in this case a marriage certificate. In addition, it is necessary to provide a certificate of residence, and possibly evidence that the applicant lived in the same house with him at the time of the death of the deceased, and after that he was involved in organizing the funeral.

Payments, compensation and benefits upon the death of a military pensioner may differ slightly in amounts and speed of accrual. Much depends on the status of the person, locality and region. In some regions of the Russian Federation, an increased coefficient is provided. Most large size additions are celebrated in the capital.

A pension for the widow of a military pensioner in 2019 may be granted in certain cases.

Officers' wives can be classified as an unprotected category of citizens, because often the husband's career develops in such a way that he is forced to constantly change service cities. In addition, service in small towns does not allow a woman to build a full-fledged career and find a job. Therefore, when they lose their husband, many wives are left without their own pensions, since they have not earned the necessary work experience.

There are several types of payments to military widows:

  • civil payment;
  • husband's military pension;
  • payment in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

Civil payments are due to the wife under certain conditions:

  • reaching retirement age;
  • availability of the required work experience;
  • accumulation of necessary points.

The husband's military pension is assigned to the woman if he directly received it or was entitled to it. It could be prescribed to the husband in two cases:

  • upon receipt of disability.

In order for this type of payment to be assigned to a woman, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The pensioner received this payment or died no later than 5 years from the date of termination of its receipt.
  2. If a woman is left with a child under 14 years of age, provided that she does not officially work anywhere.
  3. The husband's death was caused by a work-related injury.
  4. The woman has reached retirement age or has a disability confirmed by a medical commission.

Payments for the loss of a breadwinner are assigned in certain cases by law:

  1. If an officer is declared missing in action under circumstances related to military service, or is in captivity.
  2. Death of an officer while performing a duty assignment.
  3. If the death of the husband occurred after he was transferred to the reserve due to an injury received while serving.
  4. After the death of her husband, who registered war pay, but died due to injuries received while performing official duties.
Thus, depending on the conditions under which the pensioner died and the life circumstances of the widow, she has the right to claim 3 types of pension benefits.

Double payout

The law establishes that citizens do not have the right to receive several payments at the same time for different circumstances. They must choose the highest payment level and apply for it. But this does not apply to the wives of officers. They have the right to receive two pensions at the same time. For example, if all the conditions for receiving a labor payment are met, a woman has the right to apply for it and receive payments related to the loss of a breadwinner.

But such preferential conditions are not established for all women, but only for those who really need them. If a woman really does not and cannot have an additional source of income. This benefit ends if the woman remarries. This is due to the fact that in this case the husband will be obliged to support the disabled person.

Preferential pension

The law determines that widows have the right to receive a military pension indefinitely, even if they have not reached retirement age, in certain cases:

  • woman's age is under 55 years;
  • being a dependent child under 8 years of age.
In this case, the wife’s earnings level and her official employment status do not matter. And she won't lose it if she marries again.

Pension amount

Size military pension depends on several factors. These include:

  • the cause of the husband's death;
  • rank and position of the military personnel;
  • length of service until retirement.

In 2019, a certain procedure for calculating military pensions for widows was established:

  1. If the death of a military pensioner occurred due to a disease acquired during his military service, then the widow will receive 40% of her husband’s payments.
  2. If the death is related to an injury received in military service, the wife will receive 50% of the husband's payments.

The calculation of the survivor's pension is made individually and depends on:

  • the sums of all pension coefficients;
  • from the amount of the second pension;
  • on the number of dependents of the military personnel.
These coefficients consist of many factors, such as length of service, position held, rank. If certain points were not taken into account when calculating this pension, you can apply for recalculation of payments only once a year, in August.

Payment processing procedure

To begin receiving a widow's pension, it is necessary to determine what kind of payment she is entitled to. The government agency to which the application must be submitted depends on this.

To apply for a military pension, you need to contact the Pension Fund where your husband received his pension. To apply for a labor pension, you can visit any Pension Fund. To apply for survivor benefits, you need to contact the Ministry of Defense. To submit an application, you will need to have a certain package of documents with you, as well as their photocopies:

  • husband's military documents confirming his rank and position;
  • own passport;
  • certificate of death of a serviceman;
  • medical reports on the cause of death and documents confirming illness or injury during military service;
  • papers confirming the official marriage between the applicant and the serviceman;
  • documents on disability;
  • the child's birth certificate;
  • work book;
  • any other documentary evidence of entitlement to receive this payment.
After the documents are accepted, the decision on assigning pension payments to the widow must be made within 10 days.

Benefits for widows

In addition to pension payments, Russian legislation still provides some benefits to widows:

  1. The time when the wife accompanied her husband on military trips is included in the work experience for no more than 5 years.
  2. If the deceased husband was a participant in hostilities, then a 50% discount on utility bills is granted. For other widows, discounts for this category are determined individually by regional authorities.
  3. Priority right to admission to kindergartens and schools, as well as military schools.
  4. If the husband died in the first year after retirement, his family can compensate for the costs of moving, provided that the weight of all property does not exceed 20 tons.
  5. Compensation for annual travel to and from the sanatorium.
  6. Free treatment, registration in departmental hospitals.
  7. Receive free prescription medications in these hospitals, as well as sanatorium treatment if it is prescribed in the medical report.
  8. Discounts on sanatoriums subordinate to the military unit where the spouse served.

In this way, the state provides financial support to women who remain financially unprotected after the death of their military husbands.

Currently, the spouse of a serviceman who died while performing an official assignment can receive pension payments. The procedure for calculating pension payments has a number of nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

Conditions for granting a pension to widows

The widow of a former military man can receive pension contributions if the spouse held one of the following positions:

  • officer;
  • ensign;
  • midshipman;
  • a serviceman who served as a contact (sailor, petty officer and other employees);
  • Russian customs officer and so on. The full list is enshrined in Federal Law No. 4468-1 dated February 12, 1993.

Payments to widows can be of the following types:

  • pension contributions;
  • supplement to pension;
  • child benefit;
  • compensation for utilities.

Pension payments are accrued to the widow if the following conditions are met:

  1. The death of the spouse occurred while performing an official assignment or due to an injury received during service or 3 months after transfer to the reserve.
  2. The former military man received a long-service (or disability) pension.
  3. The widow has no official place of work.
  4. The widow's age is 55 years or older.

In addition, there are two categories of payments, namely:

Pension from the Ministry of Defense

In this case, pension contributions are assigned if the deceased received a pension for long service (or disability).

If a military man became disabled during his service and died due to this pathology, in this situation the widow can receive a pension if the following criteria are met:

  • the age of the wife of a former military man is 50 years;
  • the child of the deceased serviceman is not yet 8 years old.

After entering into a new marriage, the widow's pension remains unchanged! Termination of pension contributions occurs in the event of official employment of the widow!

Civil allowances for widows of military personnel

Additional payments are reimbursed when a deceased member of the armed forces received an old-age (or disability) pension.

How can a widow receive pension payments?

To receive a pension, the widow must perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Visit the military commissariat for registration. The applicant must have a passport, a prescription, a personal file of the deceased, and a military ID.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund(Pension Fund). To the Fund's office, the widow is required to provide an application in the established form, as well as submit the following package of documents (it is necessary to provide copies and originals):
    • passport details;
    • a certificate confirming the death of the spouse;
    • birth certificate of minor children;
    • a document confirming relationship with the deceased;
    • documentation on the assignment of the deceased’s pension;
    • a certificate confirming the fact of caring for the child;
    • work book military man.
  3. Receive pension payments. Documentation review period - 10 days.

The pension is paid during the period of incapacity for work of a particular person. After the widow retires, contributions are made for the rest of her life.

Amount of pension contributions

The size of pension payments depends on the following parameters:

  • cause of death of the serviceman;
  • official salary;
  • surcharges for rank;
  • increases for length of service;
  • the length of service of the deceased.

Total pension amount depends on factors such as:

  • death occurred while performing an official assignment - 200% of the social pension;
  • a serviceman died due to an illness that appeared during service - 150%;
  • death due to military trauma - 200%;

The average social pension is 5,000 rubles.

If a widow moves to another region, pension payments remain unchanged!

Second pension for widows of military personnel

In accordance with Federal Law No. 400 dated December 28, 2013, since 2016, a widow can simultaneously receive two pensions after the death of her spouse.

First pension paid to a spouse who has reached retirement age or has a disability.

Second pension assigned to a widow if the serviceman received pension payments for age or disability before his death.

The procedure for assigning a second pension is practically no different from the methods for generating the first pension payments.

However, it is worth considering a number of features when calculating the second payment, namely:

  1. The amount of pension payments will be 50% of the deceased spouse’s salary if the military man died due to an injury during the performance of an official assignment and 40% if the cause of death was a serious illness.
  2. When calculating pension payments, Pension Fund employees take into account pension coefficients, which the serviceman “earned” during the period of service. In 2017, the number of points must be at least 7 (by 2015 - 30 points). To find out the number of points, the widow can make a written request to the Pension Fund.
  3. The second pension is assigned to a widow who has not entered into remarriage after the death of a soldier.
  4. Preferential pension accrued to the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the widow.
  5. The minimum experience in the law enforcement department of a military personnel must be at least 6 years. At the same time, the experience increases every year. So, by 2024 minimum experience must be 15 years.
  6. If the second pension is refused, the widow has the right to appeal to the judicial authorities to resolve this issue.

We bring to your attention a video that tells about the life situations of people faced with such a situation.

Many military wives cannot earn a decent salary labor pension, since they often have to move with their spouse to different military camps, where there is no suitable job for the wife. Therefore, the task of the state is to enable widows to receive not only a decent pension in the event of the death of a serviceman, but also to receive two pensions at the same time, which is discussed in this material.
