It's all about love - overheard stories. What is important for husbands to remember about their wives on maternity leave? No visible results

I often work night shifts, so I take food with me. More precisely, I take what my wife prepares for me and puts it in her bag. One day, tired, I decided to have a snack. I take out the package and anticipate what my beloved has prepared this time. I look, and there is a note with sweet words about love. In the morning I returned home and put a reply note to her in my coat pocket. Now it’s our tradition to exchange messages with my wife. I read at work and enjoy it like a schoolboy; my soul becomes warmer.

I'm on maternity leave, and my husband works constantly. He gets up early, comes in the evening and almost falls off his feet. Usually in the morning I get up with him, prepare breakfast and accompany him to work. Today I wake up and my husband is not there. I look at the time - 10 o'clock. I’m angry that I overslept and didn’t see him off. I go into the kitchen: the plates are washed, everything is neatly laid out, the table is cleared. On the table there is a bouquet of flowers and my favorite cookies, and next to it is a note: “Your job as a mother is more important than mine. Kiss you". I could barely hold back my tears.
Winter, snow and ice everywhere - terribly slippery. I recently had back surgery and am now very afraid of falling. I walk in steps like a penguin. And from work you have to walk home across a bridge from which you have to go down the steps. And now, after another day of work, I walk on the ice, thinking with horror about the upcoming icy steep steps. I approach the stairs and see my boyfriend, flushed in the cold, clearing the last steps of ice. If not this real love, then what?

I broke up with my first guy because I didn’t prepare a 3-course dinner after my shift at work. I left the second one a week before the wedding because I didn’t help his mother with strawberries. He didn’t care that I had a terrible allergy to this berry. Recently we started living together with a friend from our youth, it’s about to get married. Sometimes I arrive after 10 pm from work. The house is clean, dinner is heated, he makes tea. And no matter how lazy I am, I want to cook 3 dishes for him and go to my parents for potatoes.

I have jet black hair and very pale skin; if I paint my eyes brightly, I look like a real witch. I was on the subway, an old lady comes in, looks at me and starts crossing herself. I decided to joke, began to pretend that I was doing magic, and began to make magical movements with my hands. The guy sitting next to me saw the chip and began to shake, roll his eyes, saying that he felt that something was possessing him, the grandmother was in shock, I could hardly hold back my laughter, the people in the carriage were choking with laughter. At my station, a guy ran out after me. We have been married for 5 years, at the wedding the first toast was to the superstitious granny in the subway!
My husband and I have very busy schedules, we are almost constantly at work, and we don’t really have any time for ourselves. Sometimes there’s even no time to have lunch. We get up early, go to bed late, and are exhausted from the day. And then the other day my glove tore, and new couple I can’t find time to go. For a couple of days now I’ve been forgetting to sew it up in the evening, but I don’t have time in the morning - I’m still walking around, freezing.

And then I wake up, and my husband got up earlier and sat so intently sewing up my glove. Even if he rarely gives me flowers and gives me compliments, it is precisely such actions that do not allow me to doubt for a minute the sincerity of our feelings and great love!

In the evening I sat at the kitchen table and colored a picture with colored pencils. The idea was interesting, and in order not to confuse anything, I sorted all the pencils and laid them out in a special order. In fact, it took up the entire table. In the morning, my husband served breakfast while I shouted “ah-ah-ah, I overslept!” ran around the house.

I go into the kitchen and see that my neatly laid out pencils are no longer on the table. I was upset, of course, but not too much, because I’m a bungler myself, I should have moved them somewhere in the evening. And then I went into the bedroom and saw my pencils on the computer desk. My husband shifted it. In the order that I had. All 50 pieces!

First love. They loved madly, understood each other perfectly. But I thought I was still too young for Serious relationships, and exchanged it for parties with friends. Now I’m 27, behind 6 years of constant drinking and frivolous relationships. Recently we met by chance in a shopping center, it turned out that she was already happily married and had a son. We sat in the cafe for 4 hours, talking about life, about the past. Both admitted that it was the most best time in our life.

I came home and burst into tears. How stupid I was to trade her for all this. Friends, appreciate what you have, appreciate those who love you, because in our huge world it is so difficult to find your soul mate! And once you find it, hold it tight and don’t let go!

Dear mothers, have you ever encountered such a situation when you wake up in the morning completely without a mood, you are sick of the thought that now you have to cook porridge, wash the children’s butts, gather everyone for a walk, clean the apartment during naps and cook dinner for your husband... and so day after day...

As a result, you are unhappy with everything all the time, you start yelling at your children, arguing with your husband...

What's happening? Are you really bad mother and wife? Has your husband really changed so much: he used to love you and help you, but now you have to nag him even to hang him? new hook in the hallway for children's coats.

Where can we escape from all this? And how can you get your smile and good mood back?

I should reassure you! Everything is fine! It’s just that ordinary maternity depression has attacked you. And it’s quite easy to cure. The main thing here is not to engage in soul-searching, but to understand that it was just depression that visited you, and not that you are a bad mother and wife who cannot cope with her responsibilities.

Where does this depression come from?

First of all, from monotony. Every day the same thing. Butts, porridge, walks in the park, sleepovers, whims, scattered toys, cooking dinner, bathing, more whims and going to bed, sometimes lasting for hours... you get up 2-3 times at night to see the child, you won’t get enough sleep again, and in the morning everything starts all over again... And there is no end to this cycle!

How to manage everything? How to leave time for yourself and your husband? How to learn to relax in this non-stop?

The second reason is the lack of opportunity for self-realization. Household chores and washing up are not very highly intellectual activities, so your personality simply begins to go on strike due to the fact that you do not give it a creative outlet.

Some moms try to find this creative outlet in early development children, but is this right? Is this method suitable for everyone?

Another common cause of depression is simply the banal inability to talk to someone in normal human language, without “BIBI”, “MU”, “KAKA”. After all, because YOU are on maternity leave, your brain does not stop working, some thoughts, ideas come to you, and you want to discuss all this with someone, find support. Husband? The husband came home from work tired, he needed to eat and rest, and then the children were screaming, they had to be bathed and put to bed... Finally, the children fell asleep. I was just about to relax, and then you start pestering me with your fix ideas. But you need to think about them and answer you something. What a place to relax! Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to simply growl at you so that you don’t pester them with their nonsense. But in fact, he simply has a defensive reaction, because he, like any person, needs rest and he defends his right to it, since you are trying to deny him this right.

So, for now there are more questions than answers. Therefore, I will move on to specific proposals for getting out of maternity depression.

1. Find something you love. Anything, the main thing is that you like it and inspire you. Start blogging, cross-stitch, make collages, edit videos, knit toys, make soap, make natural creams... Whatever your heart desires! And be sure to carve out at least an hour a day for this favorite activity.

2. Don't forget about yourself and your vacation. Minimum program: eat regularly and well, rest for at least 20-30 minutes during the day while the children are sleeping (sleep, just lie down, meditate - choose to your taste), take a hot shower or bath before going to bed and smear your favorite hands with cream.

3. Leave home without your children for at least 2 hours a week. Go to a cafe with your friends, to the cinema with your husband, go shopping. Plan your trip around your children's bedtime to make it easier for grandmothers and aunts to deal with them. Even dad can sit with the children for 2 hours a week!

4. Look for new friends who are interested in your ideas. If mothers on playgrounds do not share your views, find some Club on the Internet where your like-minded people will be. Regularly call them on Skype, discuss your plans, do joint projects. The Internet now provides almost limitless possibilities in this regard. In the end, create such a club of like-minded people yourself.

5. Create a holiday yourself! Buy yourself an elegant home suit that you will be happy to wear in the morning. Buy some special house slippers. Or, conversely, change into Evening Dress and wear high heels in the evening before your husband arrives. Buy yourself some nice little things: a nice hairpin, a notebook, a pen, even a special glove for cleaning the sink. Create a holiday always and in everything, even in seemingly completely ordinary, everyday affairs.

Love yourself, pamper yourself, don't forget about yourself! After all, the happiness of those around you depends on your happiness.

Believe me, any child would prefer 30 minutes of playing with a smiling, happy mom, when she completely belongs to him and is completely in the game, two hours of some forced, tortured games with which you play with him not from the heart, but rather out of necessity, because you think that you should spend maximum time with the child and develop him as much as possible , even at the expense of personal time and hobbies.

And any husband will be more happy to accept your smile as a gift from you, Nice dress at dinner and a tender kiss before leaving for work than a perfectly tidy apartment. Remember, as in the joke... My husband comes home from work, everything is clean and comfortable, it smells of borscht. His wife comes out to meet him - her face is sweaty, her legs are swollen, her head is a mess, she was trying hard for the house... The husband says to her: “It’s so nice at home, dinner is waiting, there’s shine and cleanliness all around, there’s nowhere to spit!.. Unless only ON YOU!” And then we wonder why the husband has changed so much... But this is a topic for another article...

Natalya Mukhina



Natalya Mukhina, hello.
Thanks for the detailed story. After some time, the psychologist will comment on your situation and help you find answers to all your questions.

Hello, Natalia! It is difficult to find a common language when spouses have different views on education and each other's responsibilities. You take care of the house and the girls alone, and your husband works from dawn to dusk, and everyone thinks that he has more work and responsibility. Maybe your quarrels with your husband were preceded by some changes: moving, changing jobs (or changing work status in the company), meeting new friends, starting kindergarten youngest child? What topic do quarrels usually happen about? What do you want to achieve from your husband during a showdown? Is it possible to take time and calmly, honestly talk about what is happening?

Yes, we moved into a new building last September, there were renovations and a lot of problems, before that we lived in a rented apartment, my husband’s parents took part in buying the apartment, they contributed a large amount of money. It was with the move that such serious quarrels and shouting began; before, my husband had not allowed himself to do this. We dreamed so much about our own apartment and with such inspiration we chose everything together for renovation. then in the summer of 2015 I went to my parents, my youngest daughter got sick, we ended up in the hospital, the eldest daughter stayed with my parents and our departure was somewhat delayed, we only communicated by phone, my husband transported things to the new apartment himself, and when we returned I felt coldness from him , and from the first day the USSR and scandals began, he told me what a feat he accomplished by transporting all the things himself and how difficult it was, while I was lying with a small child with pneumonia in the summer. In his own way, he often makes decisions himself without consulting me; it was his idea to move on his own, because we would be an obstacle to him and would only get in the way and interfere with our problems. According to him. The eldest daughter went to kindergarten in a new place, he takes her in the morning, along the way. the change of job took place to the place where he had always dreamed, a decent place in the civil service, accordingly, a team of young people, smart, educated guys.
Our quarrels are mainly about children's issues, because I don't trust him with the children, I'm not able to dress the children myself, go out for a walk, if I go out with a dressed child it will freeze him, I have absolutely no understanding of how to communicate with children, and my instructions are perceived as moral teachings, constantly the children's questions are answered by I'm busy, wait, I'm drinking coffee, I'm working, I don't have time, I generally never have time to eat, this, of course, irritates me the most, this approach, while at work I can spend hours talking on the phone with strangers and spend a lot of time attention, give valuable advice, spend the whole day off.
I asked more than once to go to work at least one day on the weekend, to which I was told no way, I won’t stay with the children for the whole day, it’s stressful for me, you want to deprive me of rest, maybe I’m writing chaotically, but my head is a mess and confusion. I have a constantly irritated state, children take all my strength and the same thing every day and nothing else, maybe I’m also wrong about something and I want to understand this,

There was also a phrase that simply shocked me, my husband says at our work, young girls earn good money, I wish I could have a wife like that! according to him, respect is deserved by those who have achieved something themselves, the rest are simply not interesting to him,

Natalya Mukhina

Natalya, judging by your description, your husband does not know how to handle small children (especially since they are girls) and is afraid of not being able to cope with them if left alone. Perhaps both he and you had certain expectations about married life, and the reality turned out to be more complicated than you both thought. The difficulty of mother’s work is difficult to overestimate, but so is the husband, who is forced to actively participate in public life and earning money to support the family has a great responsibility, which at times turns out to be an overwhelming burden.
His words about young girls who earn good money touched one of your pain points: forced to sit on maternity leave and limit your communication with the outside world, you do not yet have the opportunity to realize yourself in the profession, and in connection with this you experience some feeling of guilt and your own inferiority (which is normal for new mothers). Have you told your husband that his words offended you? When talking about your feelings and desires, try to use “I-messages”: “I’m sorry to hear this because I’m already trying my best,” “I’m very tired, and I think you could at least help me sometimes.” sit with the girls, because they are not so small anymore”, “I am sad and unpleasant that quarrels constantly occur between us - I am trying to understand why this happens, what do you think?” By talking about your feelings, you draw your husband’s attention to the fact that now it is difficult not only for him, but also for you.
It’s worth mentioning separately about moving: this is a certain stress for a middle-aged person - after all, we all get used to this, and the older we are, the more difficult it is to adapt to new conditions. It is believed that complete acceptance of a new place takes about 1.5 years, so you need to give your husband a little more time to finally get used to your new home.
If your husband agrees that lately you have begun to quarrel more and move away from each other, you can try suggesting that he visit a family psychologist - what do you think?

Thanks for answers. but with the offer to visit a family psychologist, I’m even afraid to offer it. I'll try though.
Always in quarrels, I am almost always the first to reach a truce, he just waits for everything to pass and be forgotten, he never apologizes or admits he is guilty. to the question why not apologize - the answer is I can’t ask for forgiveness, I’m not used to it. I can’t bring myself to do it, etc.
I will, of course, try to be more tolerant, but I don’t know how long it will last me. a visit to a psychologist would probably be the best option figure it out, but men usually react with hostility to these proposals.

Natalya Mukhina


Thank you, Elena: the dialogue provides a clear example of the use of “I-messages” when she talks about her feelings and experiences. This is indeed a very effective technique, another thing is that when it comes to practice, it is crowded out by overwhelming emotions, and we again slide into habitual patterns of behavior (blaming and aggression towards another).
Natalya, over time people change (especially if they value relationships), and if your husband does not listen to your requests and needs for a long time, then there will be a reason to think whether you both need such a relationship... Now I recommend that you try to care more about yourself, accept help from loved ones with children and devote time to your interests, communication with friends, self-education. Perhaps soon the husband will finally adapt to his new life, and everyone will feel better.
Maybe your husband is now having problems at work on top of everything else: try asking him about this and support him if necessary.

Good afternoon I read Elena’s article about I-messages, it’s all good, it’s all so correct, one might even say ideal.
My husband and I had a quarrel over some nonsense, one might say, I gave the child a hat and told him to wear it outside. he did not hear or did not understand or forgot. not known, didn’t put it on, ... He told me to go, go, we’ll figure it out without you. I went with my eldest for diagnostics to a speech therapist, at that time he was supposed to take a walk with youngest daughter. there was a cold wind outside, in general the child was frozen (I am so sensitive to the little things in his words, because the child is sick, suffered from bronchitis and pneumonia, and you need to be more careful with her so as not to catch a cold, I always worry and this is not secret) I said in a slightly raised tone why I didn’t put them on, I said everything and gave it, I freaked out and left the building (I was irritated), I was struck by the indifference and weakness towards my children. Getting into the car, I told the children that your mother is crazy and hysterical, we are going home (we were going to buy shoes eldest daughter at graduation), in the car he started yelling in earnest, I also couldn’t restrain myself and asked him not to yell in front of the children and while driving, he suddenly braked, all the passengers leaned forward, I said that in this state you can’t drive, you have to take children on foot walking, in general it was apparently enough. we arrived home, I fed and put her to bed, and left with my eldest to go shopping. My husband puffed up like a bubble and has not spoken to me for 5 days, has no contact, sleeps in the kitchen, ignores me completely, he shouted at me with such anger in the car, that I even felt scared, as if he hated me, My daughter in shock asks me why dad is so angry, he was the first to start yelling at you, the child is stressed. It’s very hard for me from silence, I can’t stand it. I was always the first to try to talk and reconcile, I think a day of silence can be erased from life. this time I don’t want to get tired of being the first to put up, I don’t think that I somehow offended him greatly, what should I do in this case? He can’t even stop in a fit of anger, several times he even threw something small, a baby’s pacifier, at me, for example (it hurts), or just in a fit he can throw something, in general, such attacks scare me, I’m afraid of him in this state, I try walk away and stop talking. I get the feeling that he’s mocking me, he’s decided to get to me, and he says that I’m annoying him. Of course, I’ve been on maternity leave for 6 years now, I don’t have any income of my own, I’m financially dependent on him, and he, in turn, wants to leave me 1000 rubles, maybe he’ll forget, that is, I have to constantly ask him for money. that I would leave it. I consider this a mockery, it’s tantamount to him asking me for food every day. I really don’t like that children see and feel our moods and behavior. I don’t want them to bring this to their family.
I’m in favor of talking, telling someone you don’t like something, who you’re not happy with, and not doing things that irritate someone.
I’m constantly waiting for something from him, he’ll come, we’ll talk, he’ll hug, kiss, etc., he comes like a beech, sits silently, is tired, doesn’t want to talk, is constantly sick, has a head or something, constantly thinks about work,
I don’t know how much I ask and expect for myself, but I feel very bad, not loved, not wanted, not in demand, not needed, I never thought that with my husband I would ever feel so lonely. Would you like your opinion on this matter? what to do in such a situation?

Natalya Mukhina

“I am in favor of talking, saying who doesn’t like what, who is not happy with what, and not doing what annoys someone,” I join your position, Natalya. The question is that you can express your thoughts in a state of anxiety or irritation, and then your husband perceives not so much the meaning of what was said, but rather your intonation, to which he becomes irritated in response.
You wrote that you have been on maternity leave for 6 years: during this time, a woman, as a rule, becomes very tired of household responsibilities, constant childhood illnesses, monotony and her financial dependence on her husband. By shifting most of the responsibility for what is happening onto him, you seem to make him guilty of your own lack of demand in the outside world (work, communication with friends), of the feeling of your loneliness (no internal fullness, diversity, understanding communication) and admit to your own powerlessness, but this is wrong. You can start changing the situation with yourself: what can you do to overcome the feeling of abandonment? Perhaps you have long wanted to do something new, and now it’s time to realize your desire? Think: what can you improve in your appearance, and how to diversify your day - something comes to mind?
Regarding your husband: in your couple you seem to have certain roles: the husband is inattentive to the children, sometimes aggressive and cruel, emotionally closed, that is, a negative character, and you are constantly taking care of the children, busy with the housework, trying to be tactful and patient, often the first to make peace - clearly a positive character. Does this role situation remind you of something from the past? Perhaps your parents' relationship, maybe your husband's behavior is similar to the behavior of your father or another significant man in your life? Also, often a life situation is a repetition of the scenario of a favorite fairy tale from childhood - can you say something about this?
And one more interesting thought: by making your husband “bad”, you yourself remain “good”. How important is it for you to be correct and try to contain your negativity? At peak moments, anxiety and irritation break out in you (as in the situation with your daughter’s hat), but in everyday life, can you calmly express your dissatisfaction with something, or, on the contrary, do you try to hold back?

In our couple, initially the husband was always calmer and more balanced, and I was initially more emotional, sensual, and he always had a good effect on me with his calmness.
I am gradually accumulating negativity because I cannot call when I want to say something, or discuss an answer. I'm busy, whatever you want, I'll call you back, forgets. etc. write to Viber (this correspondence is killing me in general) so people will completely stop talking; it’s easier to write.
or a phone call, I pick up the phone. my husband’s voice, and it’s you, I accidentally dialed the wrong person to call you. beeps... and constantly rejects my calls, almost never answers the phone right away. It got to the point where I stopped calling him altogether. which is also not correct, it seems to me. So we move away even more and we have almost nothing in common, I mean interests,
I try to restrain my dissatisfaction, they accumulate because there is no way to express my thoughts and discuss them (you need to make an appointment in advance with your husband) he doesn’t consider it particularly important, it’s just nonsense
. can’t call, comes late, sleeps on weekends, rests or works again, or is tired, or doesn’t want to talk to anyone at all,
Of course, I may not be a gift either, but for some reason I wasn’t like this before, for some reason I became like this next to him, I really don’t want this feeling. It’s not my fault that I’m still interested in our relationship. I don’t want to bother him either,
As for my favorite business, I already have it. I’m a hairdresser, I love cutting hair, I enjoy my work, I don’t have the opportunity to work yet, I wanted to do it one day off, but the answer was no.
Regarding the change in appearance, I try to keep myself in shape, take care of myself at home, there is no financial opportunity to visit the salon,
I would like to visit a fitness center, a swimming pool, and a stylist.

May 19, 2016 The fact that you accumulate negativity due to your husband’s disdainful attitude towards your calls contributes to irritability, self-doubt and periodic emotional outbursts. Try to tell your husband every time (if it doesn’t work over the phone, then after work) that you are calling with the hope of a calm conversation, but in response you receive a callous remark and hang up, and this really offends and upsets you. Perhaps the husband really has a very intense work process, and any third-party intrusion in the middle of a weekday makes him so nervous that it would be better not to call, but to wait until the evening and discuss everything over dinner?
Now you are in a state of increased anxiety due to the frequent illness of your children, the need to constantly take care of them, the lack of fulfillment of your desires and interests, professional lack of demand and the inability to communicate with other people as freely as before. You have accumulated a lot of fatigue over the years, and now it is important to understand what you can change in your life in order to raise your self-esteem. We talked a little about work and self-care - maybe you have some interests that you haven’t gotten around to yet? It's time to remember them and start enjoying it for yourself.
I would recommend that you and your husband seek advice from a family psychologist: when over the years each life together Mutual grievances and claims accumulate, it is difficult to figure out whether love remains in the relationship, or whether it is just going along the way. Is this option realistic for you, Natalya?

Why do men’s ideas about their wives on maternity leave not always correspond to reality? For a man, his wife on maternity leave is like being on vacation. A spouse who does nothing, who has plenty of time, suddenly becomes irritable, unkempt, and often refuses affection, citing fatigue - what is the reason for such changes? What do husbands need to know about the benefits of maternity leave and how to help their spouse avoid depression?

Men, mistakenly believing that maternity leave is like a vacation, often expect too much from their significant other. In their opinion, a wife should always be blooming, joyful, smiling and trouble-free, because she does nothing all day. The expectations of the stronger sex can be understood - they are busy earning money, which they spend entirely on their family, sometimes denying themselves a lot.

When husbands don't get what they want in return, they become disillusioned, thinking that they are no longer loved or valued. The continuation is known - the breakdown of relationships, the search for a mistress, divorce. To avoid such problems, it is important for men to understand how difficult it is to care for a child in maternity leave.

No visible results

While on maternity leave, a woman does many things during the day, but at the same time she does not see the results of her own activities. For comparison, in the workplace, every action has a logical conclusion, for example, a deal is concluded, a report is made, a car is repaired. Ultimately, the person doing this work receives a monetary reward for it.

On maternity leave, everything is different - washed dishes immediately appear in the sink again, cooked food disappears almost instantly. And sometimes mom can’t finish the job she started at all, because Small child constantly makes adjustments to her plans. Typical situation– the woman began to iron the linen, but the baby woke up, which means ironing is postponed, because the child needs to be fed. If the baby is capricious, the mother should calm him down, play with him, change his diaper. Then it was time to get ready for a walk, now again there was no time for ironing.

The constant lack of results drives women on maternity leave to depression. This condition is associated with a lack of the hormone dopamine, which is produced when a person receives satisfaction from the work performed.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Lack of Gratitude

The daily grind, accompanied by a lack of gratitude, deprives women on maternity leave of joy and motivation. If family members - husband and children - do not say a simple “thank you”, the keepers of the hearth have nowhere to draw strength to perform numerous chores around the house. Awareness of what you are doing the right job That your efforts are appreciated by your family inspires women. In order for a wife and mother not to suffer from depression, she needs to be thanked for the care she has shown - for the cleanliness of the house and for a delicious dinner.

Work from dawn to dusk

The working day of a woman on maternity leave begins long before her household wakes up, because she needs to feed her husband before leaving and cook fresh porridge for the baby. In the evening, when the children have fallen asleep, she cannot allow herself to rest until she tidies up the rooms and washes the dishes. During the day, mothers also have almost no time to quietly drink tea or lie down. Do not forget that often a small child wakes up at night to eat or drink. Working around the clock is an unbearable burden that is placed on women’s shoulders. It is important to understand how difficult it is for the wife and to appreciate her efforts.

Monotonous environment and lack of communication

When a child appears in a family, a woman’s communication with her friends is almost reduced to zero. The new mother loses contact with the work team, and her entire environment is her baby and her husband. Perhaps the spouse believes that it is enough for the other half to talk with other mothers on the playground or in the clinic. However, this communication cannot be called full-fledged and inspiring, because in the conversations of unfamiliar women, only topics of everyday life and raising children are touched upon. The same environment and lack of time to meet friends has a depressing effect on women.

Understanding the problems a wife faces during maternity leave will help maintain a good relationship with each other and avoid family breakdown.


Daily life of mothers
