How to do lymphatic drainage massage yourself: detailed instructions. Lymphatic drainage is the key to beauty and health Self-administered lymphatic drainage at home

The lymphatic system is responsible for removing harmful substances formed during human life. Deterioration of the functioning of the lymphatic system leads to the fact that waste waste products are not removed, but accumulate, therefore, intoxication of the body occurs. In addition, lymph nodes help destroy germs. To stimulate the lymphatic system and facilitate the movement of fluid in the body, it is necessary lymphatic drainage massage.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

This is a physiotherapeutic procedure that removes toxic formations and excess fluid from the body. The main effect of lymphatic drainage is to increase the speed of lymph flow. This helps the organs quickly get rid of waste products and get more nutrients and oxygen.

The basis of a lymphatic drainage session is knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and the direction of movement of the lymph. This is an absolutely painless process based on stroking and pressing.

Cosmetology specialists and medical workers It is strongly recommended to carry out this simple but effective procedure at least once a week, which will help you look young without the intervention of surgeons.

Indications and contraindications

The following body problems may serve as the basis for prescribing a course:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • varicose veins of the extremities;
  • excess body fat;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • the presence of postoperative and burn scars and stretch marks;
  • weakening of lymph flow due to cellulite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • circulatory disorders in the extremities.

Like any therapeutic procedure, lymphatic drainage has contraindications:

  • acute stage of thrombophlebitis;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • various skin diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • benign tumors prone to growth;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • frequent headaches of unknown etymology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus of any form;
  • menstruation;
  • infectious diseases.

Zones for lymphatic drainage

Excess fluid can accumulate in different parts of the body, especially the face and legs:

  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage relieves swelling, redness, dullness of the skin, and changes in complexion. It is also prescribed for acne and the presence of facial wrinkles. It also helps with post-operative skin restoration.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the areas under the eyes is performed during a facial massage. This procedure eliminates puffiness under the eyes, restores elasticity to the skin, and gives a healthy, fresh look. Lymphatic drainage for the face and area around the eyes should be carried out by a specially trained cosmetologist or massage therapist in a salon, since unqualified handling in this case can cause harm to health. It cannot be performed if there are ulcers on the skin, neuralgia of the facial nerve, or cancer.
  • Lymphatic drainage body massage is used in anti-cellulite programs and for body modeling. It stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, which helps reduce body volume and weight.
  • Lymphatic drainage of the legs will help those who suffer from swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs. The session can be performed separately or as part of a general body massage. A serious contraindication in this case is thrombophlebitis.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

According to the degree of impact on the body, three methods can be noted:

  1. Superficial lymphatic drainage has a positive effect on small vessels. The massage therapist makes circular movements with light pressure on the tissue, which facilitates the movement of lymph to the nodes and relieves vascular spasms. To enhance the effect, you must first relieve muscle tension using relaxing techniques.
  2. The deep technique stimulates the muscle tissue layers accordingly. In this case, the most intense impact of the massage therapist on the patient’s body is assumed. In-depth techniques increase blood flow, improve muscle tone, dilate blood vessels, which helps fluid actively move through the intercellular spaces. This technique is excellent for reducing volume in the buttocks and thighs.
  3. Point or projection lymphatic drainage works on the projection areas of the main lymph nodes. This involves the use of microcurrent therapy, pressotherapy or LPG massage.

According to the methods of action on the body, there are two main techniques: manual and hardware, which often complement each other:

  1. Manual involves precise, gentle, measured influence of the massage therapist’s hands on the lymphatic areas of the body, so the qualifications of the master and his experience are very important here. The delicacy of the procedure improves its quality, which leads to excellent results. The intensity of the impact increases gradually towards the middle of the session. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the direction of movement from the lower part of the body to the upper, which allows the liquid to smoothly change the direction and pace of movement.
  2. Massage using equipment is based on the use of electrical impulses, which, when applied to tissues, stimulate the drainage of accumulated lymphatic fluid. It comes in the following types:
    • Galvanization. Metabolic processes in the skin are activated by low voltage current, which eliminates excess fluid.
    • Electroiontophoresis. IN skin Using electrodes, substances are introduced that stimulate the removal of toxic formations from the skin pores while simultaneously moisturizing it.
    • Process therapy. A special suit worn by the client and two connected microprocessors create pressure on the entire body, which accelerates the circulation of fluid and its elimination naturally. This is the most effective method, the effect of which is similar to the work of a massage therapist.
    • Vacuum massage. Increased drainage of lymphatic fluid causes the effect of negative pressure. This method is quite complex, requires perfect knowledge, and it is better to entrust it to a professional who can control the force of action, otherwise the epidermal tissue can be damaged.
    • Lymphatic drainage using microcurrents. Very low electrical impulses directed at the top layer of skin relax the facial muscles. This helps smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and around the lips.

Each method of lymphatic drainage has its own specific effect on the human body. Depending on the problem areas of the patient’s body, the following techniques are used:

  • Lymphatic drainage technique is used for anti-edematous body contouring. The masseur uses smooth and sliding rubbing, soft rhythmic movements and stroking. An in-depth technique involves affecting muscle tissue, the techniques in this case are performed more intensively. The same method is effective for preventing complications with varicose veins and in the anti-cellulite program, and has a calming effect.
  • Anti-cellulite technology removes hypertrophy of fat deposits, the so-called orange peel. Relaxation of soft tissues, removal of excess fluid and toxins, loosening of connective and fatty tissues restores blood circulation in areas affected by cellulite. It is done locally, in places with identified violations. If there are many such areas, then they alternate. The main goal of this technique is to restore microcirculation in individual problem areas, as this is the main thing in the treatment of cellulite.
  • The lipolytic technique focuses on reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. It is effective only in the case of local cosmetic defects of the body in combination with cellulite. The main condition for this is the absence of fluid stagnation, so this technique is used after eliminating lymph stagnation and anti-cellulite sessions. The essence of the technique is a smooth transition from superficial to deeper effects exclusively on the subcutaneous fat, so special techniques are used here that allow you to keep the depth of penetration under control.
  • Modeling technique on at the moment the most famous figure correction technique. When using this type, all attention is paid to the best effect on specific areas. The intensity of exposure is selected individually for each patient. This technique is very comfortable, there are no painful techniques, it significantly reduces the fat layer, facilitates the release of fluid, and makes it easier for the skin to breathe.
  • The lifting technique is used for acute skin disorders, for example, after sudden weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth. The technique enhances metabolism, stimulates collagen production, which prevents skin aging.

Carrying out the procedure - step-by-step instructions

A lymphatic drainage massage session includes three main stages:

  1. Preparation. The course is selected individually for each client depending on the problem. As a rule, preventive courses consist of 6 – 12 sessions held every other day. To achieve the best results, the patient should drink enough liquid before the session. The client undresses and lies down on the couch. Using a cleansing gel, the massage therapist removes impurities from the skin, then applies cream or oils. If you intend to use hardware, it is recommended to pre-warm the skin with a manual massage, and then apply a special composition. During the procedure, all conditions are created for complete relaxation of the patient; a comfortable air temperature in the room is always maintained.
  2. Execution. The principles of lymphatic drainage are based on the rules of classical massage. The procedure always begins with exposure to the lymph nodes. All further techniques are performed strictly along the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. Stroking should be gentle, wavy, performed slowly and quite softly. The duration of the session, depending on the size of the problem areas, ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Completion. At the end of the session, the skin in the treatment area is cleansed of any remnants of massage cream or oils (this can be omitted if you have dry skin), after which moisturizing milk or cream is applied.

There is no need to prepare specially for this procedure. There are only a few conditions, the fulfillment of which will make it more effective:

  • It is not advisable to smoke or drink alcohol during the entire course;
  • in the evening it is undesirable to take large amounts of food and liquid;
  • It is better to do it in the evening, a few hours after eating.

Before the session you need:

  • thoroughly cleanse the body by taking a shower;
  • It is advisable to perform scrubbing to improve the penetration of the product used by the massage therapist into the skin.
  • remain at rest for about ten minutes, preferably lying down;
  • necessary drinking plenty of fluids, preferably just warm water;
  • apply lymphatic drainage wrap to prolong lymph outflow.


Lymphatic drainage massage course – effective remedy relaxation and strengthening of the body. After the first procedure, there is lightness in the body, a decrease in swelling, and after a full course of 6 – 12 procedures, the following positive changes are noted:

  • body weight is significantly reduced, especially of edematous origin;
  • headaches disappear;
  • chronic fatigue goes away;
  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and acquires a healthy color;
  • mood improves;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • metabolic processes in tissues improve;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • figure imperfections are corrected.

Lymphatic drainage massage - before and after the procedure

Possible complications and side effects

Lymphatic drainage massage is a physiological procedure, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, it practically does not cause complications or unwanted effects. Sometimes after a session using the device, light bruises appear. The reason for this is increased vascular fragility, which is most often found in smoking patients. As a rule, these cosmetic defects do not cause concern to the patient and disappear quickly.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Not every woman, due to workload or financial problems, can afford a full course of lymphatic drainage massage. But if you devote literally a few minutes a day to it at home, then going to a massage therapist can be postponed.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for this procedure by studying the location of the lymphatic zones and the principles of lymph movement, which will allow you to get rid of unpleasant consequences if the procedure is performed incorrectly.

The first step is to warm up your body by taking a bath or shower. For massage, special lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite creams and essential oils are used, and the use of honey will make it even more effective, since honey enhances the removal of toxic formations.

No warm-up is required for home lymphatic drainage. To begin with, hand movements should be free, stroking, gradually turning into springy and patting movements, moving in the direction of the lymph flows. These movements should not be kneading or painful.

After completing the procedure, you need to rest for several hours, so it is best to perform it in the evening. The duration of a home session is no more than 30 minutes.

Massage therapists and cosmetologists strongly do not recommend performing lymphatic drainage facial self-massage at home. In any case, to carry out this procedure, consultation with a doctor is necessary to avoid undesirable consequences.

Cost of the procedure

The price of one session of lymphatic drainage massage is relatively low. The cost depends on the size of the area, the duration of the procedure and the qualifications of the specialist. For example, facial lymphatic drainage in a salon costs from 600 to 900 rubles. Massage of other parts of the body is a little more expensive - from 1000 rubles. The cost of lymphatic drainage of the whole body starts from 2000 rubles. and above. As a rule, a discount is provided for a course of 10-15 procedures in all salons and clinics.

The human body is 80% liquid. The cells and intercellular space are filled with lymph; its liquid composition allows blood to move through the veins and remove harmful substances from the body. Also, the lymphatic system helps useful substances and elements to be present in the human body. With constant stress on the legs, blood begins to move through the veins with difficulty, each time slower. Such downtime can cause blockage of the veins and prevent the outflow of fluid.

What is lymph and lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage makes it possible to influence capillaries and blood vessels. Improves lymph flow and the condition of lymph nodes. Normal functioning of the lymphatic system is very important for good health at any age. Thanks to lymph, waste and toxins are removed from the body. Being a liquid component of blood, lymph, with normal circulation, saturates it with beneficial substances and removes harmful ones. This is an excellent filter in the fight against infections and diseases. The older a person is, the less intense the outflow of lymph.

When a malfunction occurs in the lymphatic system, swelling of the face and legs, swelling and an unpleasant feeling of heaviness appear. Low mobility of lymph usually results in varicose veins and swelling of the lower extremities, as well as the development of cellulite on the thighs and legs. Massage to improve lymph circulation in such cases is simply necessary, since stagnation of fluid in the body can lead to more serious diseases. The load on your legs during the day is enormous, which is why they are the first to suffer from swelling and discomfort.

Types of lymphatic drainage foot massage

What is the difference between lymphatic drainage body massage and foot massage? Lymphatic drainage foot massage is done more intensely than a back or face massage. There are two types of lymphatic drainage foot massage: hardware and manual massage. Hardware requires special equipment and skills. Such procedures are carried out in massage parlors exclusively by specialists. But mastering the technique of performing self-massage is much easier. The result will not be long in coming if you follow some rules. Anyone can learn how to perform lymphatic drainage foot massage at home.

Manual foot massage can be:

  1. Surface. Great for beauty treatments and relaxation;
  2. Deep. Helps in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Superficial and deep massage differ in the strength of impact, pressure, and intensity of movements.

Superficial lymphatic drainage massage of the body and legs is performed by affecting the capillaries located close to the surface of the skin. This method will help in the fight against cellulite, make the skin elastic and improve the capillary system.

Deep massage acts on the deeper lymph flows and is therapeutic.

In what cases is lymph massage necessary and who is prohibited from this procedure?

Indications for the procedure:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • varicose veins;
  • to combat cellulite and excess weight;
  • with poor lymph circulation in the legs;
  • with a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle;
  • when stars and capillaries appear on the legs;
  • with sleep disturbances and constant feeling of fatigue.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs is prohibited when:

  • any damage to the skin;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • any cancer;
  • elevated temperature;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure and liver diseases.

Preparing and performing lymphatic drainage massage at home.

Anyone can master the technique of this massage; it is quite simple and understandable. Performing procedures manually does not require medical knowledge or special skills. With a little practice, you can perform foot massage on yourself and others. Remember that the procedure should not cause pain. Only light tapping, stroking and no strong pressure.

First, prepare workplace and the legs themselves. Unlike general massage, foot massage is carried out in sitting position. Make sure the room temperature is comfortable and eliminate all possible drafts. Try to relax and ask your loved ones not to distract you during the procedure. Clean your feet with soap, scrub or exfoliation. It is very good to massage your feet after taking a bath or steam room. Find a comfortable position with one foot on a stool or bolster. Raise your foot so that it is no higher than your hip and begin the procedure.

  • Apply massage oil or cream to the skin of your legs and feet, stroking them gently and smoothly;
  • Using stroking movements, without strong pressure, warm up the skin. Move from bottom to top. Start at the ankle, working towards the knee, and from the knee towards the upper thigh. Please pay attention special attention the back of the legs, doing lymphatic drainage massage for varicose veins. These movements will keep the lymph moving and help begin the drainage process. By entering the body at a faster pace, lymph will improve the body as a whole and speed up the movement of blood through the veins;
  • After the skin has warmed up well, begin to perform massage movements with the edge of your palm. Apply stronger pressure, repeating the movement several times in one place. Do not forget that when performing a massage in correct technique, you should move from bottom to top. Using these movements, work the muscles of the calves and thighs of both limbs. This procedure should relax the muscles and not cause any discomfort. You can feel the intense movement of lymph along the massage lines of your legs. This means that the procedure is carried out correctly;

  • The next step will be stimulation of the intercellular fluid. You should take your leg on both sides so that your index fingers and thumbs are closed. Using circular and spiral movements, massage first the lower leg, then the upper, moving from the ankle to the thigh;
  • The last stage of the massage for varicose veins of the legs should be patting and tapping the fingers on the surface of the skin. After completing the procedure, you can take a lying position, placing a pillow or cushion under your feet, and relax for a few minutes.

If you feel discomfort and heaviness in your feet, massage them too. Massage the foot with more intense movements, pressing your fingers on the skin and moving from the tips of the toes to the ankle. In the same way, only with less intense pressure, massage the outer part of the foot.

Lymphatic massage perfectly stimulates nervous system, will help get rid of stress and insomnia.

Additional means for better massage performance and duration of the procedure

Unlike anti-cellulite massage, which is performed every day, therapeutic massage for varicose veins, it should be done every 1-2 days. The course should consist of 12 procedures, and the anti-cellulite procedure lasts two weeks. Carrying out cosmetic massage for cellulite, use it essential oil with red pepper or your anti-cellulite cream. This will further warm the skin and improve blood circulation. You can also use honey or ground coffee. To do this, the mass should be applied to the thighs and combined with lymphatic drainage massage.

Using various cosmetics And natural masks for your feet, you will achieve even greater results. The skin will acquire a healthy tone and become elastic. By combining the lymphatic drainage procedure and the correct physical activity, you can easily lose weight and improve your overall health.

To get rid of varicose veins veins, you can use decoctions of herbs and medicinal creams that improve the outflow of fluid.

If you are constantly in a sitting position at work and at the end of the working day your legs are swollen and buzzing, then you should try the lymphatic drainage procedure. Many salons and clinics offer this service, but it is quite expensive. Having mastered some skills and techniques, you will be able to perform massage yourself. The difference before and after the procedure will be noticeable immediately. By doing massage regularly, you will get rid of swelling and improve blood circulation.


With prolonged stagnation of lymph, deposits form, which lead to the development of cellulite. By performing anti-cellulite massage of the lymphatic system, we provide additional fluid circulation and solve the problem of “orange peel” on the thighs. To better ensure the removal of toxins, you should drink enough clean water.

Before the lymphatic drainage procedure, be sure to drink a glass of liquid. For proper implementation and good results, it is prohibited to drink liquid for an hour after the end of the massage. This is necessary in order to allow the lymph flow to remove existing excess fluid and harmful substances from the body. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a therapeutic massage or an anti-cellulite massage, the result will be positive only if you follow all the rules for its implementation.

The technique of lymph node massage gives excellent results in both therapeutic and cosmetic procedure. By combining massage with a healthy lifestyle and physical activity, your body will look young and firm.

Start caring for your feet and taking care of your health with early age, because diseases and cosmetic defects are easier to prevent than to get rid of them later.

The lymphatic system of each person is subjected to a heavy load, because it is necessary to remove all decay products from the body. To improve the functioning of lymph flow and improve your health, you need to figure out how to do lymphatic drainage massage and whether you can master the technique yourself.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a physical effect on special lines of the body in the direction of lymph flow. It is necessary in order to improve and normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system of the human body. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins and waste from tissues and cells. If the system works perfectly, then the person feels good and looks great.

What types of lymphatic drainage massage are there?

With the help of massage, you can restore the functions of the system, normalize the removal of harmful substances and excess fluid. You can massage the whole body or individual areas.

Facial massage

Lymph nodes accumulate in the lower parts of the face and neck, which are responsible for filtering lymph throughout the body. If their work is coordinated, then immunity is high, and the penetration of harmful microorganisms is minimized.

If on delicate skin the face is treated correctly, it will become healthier and more elastic. You can perform this massage in front of a mirror at home.

By devoting just a few minutes a day to this simple procedure, you can see the following results:

- swelling will go away;

- the double chin will disappear;

- the complexion will become healthier;

- the facial contour will be clearer;

- oily or dry skin will become normal;

— shallow expression wrinkles will be smoothed out.

However, before you start lymphatic drainage massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the main contraindications. For the following diseases, massage is strictly prohibited:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Open wounds or fresh stitches.
  3. Inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  4. Cuperosis.
  5. Trigeminal neuralgia.
  6. Thrombosis.

Often, lymphatic drainage facial massage is prescribed for skin rejuvenation. It is not advisable to perform it before 25 years.

Before starting the massage, it is advisable to hold your face over the herbal decoction. To make the movements softer, cream or special massage oil is applied to the hands.

Touches should be smooth and go in the direction of lymph flow. Movements should be directed towards the contour of the face, starting from the center. Massage on the back of the head is done from the crown down and towards the occipital lymph nodes, which are located behind the ears.

You can’t rush, you need to do it slowly and carefully. During one session, the massage is repeated at least five times and lasts about 20 minutes.

Foot massage

In the lower extremities, lymph stagnation is possible due to a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight clothing, smoking and drinking alcohol. Foot massage is an excellent prevention of varicose veins and lymphostasis.

You can perform lymphatic massage on your legs yourself at home. With its help you can relieve pain, swelling, and also get rid of extra centimeters.

It is necessary to influence the vessels in the direction of the lymph flow, then the adipose tissue will be broken down and fatty acids will be removed from the body. If you stimulate the deep layers, the blood flow to the tissues will increase, and the muscles will become toned. In addition, the volume of the hips will go away, the shape will improve, and the muscles will tighten. You can learn how to perform a massage correctly by watching instructional videos.

Massage is contraindicated if you have the following problems:

- viral diseases accompanied by increased body temperature;

- any tumors, both malignant and benign;

- blood diseases;

— pregnancy and breastfeeding;

- thrombosis.

Before starting the procedure, the muscles are thoroughly warmed up and should be relaxed.

Algorithm for performing massage of the lower extremities:

  1. You need to sit comfortably on the sofa and put your leg on a chair, so the muscles will be relaxed.
  2. Hands are lubricated with massage oil and light stroking begins in the direction from the ankles to the knees, and then from the knees to the hips on both sides.
  3. Each time the intensity of the impact needs to be increased. You can alternate stroking with patting.
  4. The massage begins from the fingertips, gradually moving to the lymph nodes located under the knees.
  5. Next you need to move to the inguinal lymphs. To do this, the fingers rest on the thigh with inside and gradually move upward towards the lymph nodes.

The benefits of lymphatic drainage massage cannot be underestimated, because it has a rejuvenating effect on the body, in addition, the general condition of the body improves. The body will become toned, excess fat deposits will disappear, and the shape will become more attractive. The advantage of such a massage is that you can perform it yourself at home, without wasting money on expensive beauty salons.

Video selection

Lymph is a tissue fluid whose main task is to transport water and proteins into the blood from the intercellular spaces, as well as remove toxins and harmful substances. Its slow circulation in a certain area in the human body through special vessels and capillaries is called lymph flow.

Situations arise when the speed of lymph flow slows down even more, and stagnation occurs. This leads to the fact that cell regeneration stops, they cease to be saturated with oxygen, accumulate toxins, and age prematurely.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs (lymphomassage) is a therapeutic procedure that helps restore normal lymph flow, improve metabolism, have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and improve overall health.

Lymphatic drainage is performed on the limb (thigh, ankle, ankle), face and whole body.

The lymphatic drainage method is used not only as a method of treatment, but also to rejuvenate the body.

Reasons for slow lymph flow

Reasons slowing down the flow of lymphatic fluid is called:

  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • flaw physical activity;
  • work involving prolonged sitting in one place;
  • long flights and trips in transport;
  • bad habits (propensity to smoke);
  • taking certain medications;
  • overwork and stress, emotional turmoil;
  • age;
  • wearing uncomfortable or ill-fitting, tight underwear.

As a result of this disruption of the normal velocity of tissue fluid, the following changes occur:

  • the walls of blood vessels weaken, their tone decreases, elasticity is lost;
  • headaches appear and become more complicated chronic diseases, new ones appear (cellulite);
  • swelling occurs;
  • recruited overweight;
  • the skin becomes flabby;
  • immunity weakens, a person becomes more susceptible to viruses and colds.

Important conditions for completing the procedure

Relevant conditions for lymphatic drainage are:

  • no pain;
  • use of special oils and creams for the procedure;
  • taking a relaxing bath before the massage (using ethers);
  • drinking plenty of water during the treatment period (it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day, it is forbidden to drink for several hours after the session);
  • combination of massage with physical education.

Types of drainage massage

The following types of lymphatic drainage are distinguished:

  • manual – carried out by applying light pressure and smooth sliding of the hands in the direction of the lymph flow, special massage mixtures are used;
  • hardware – performed using various devices.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

This type of manipulation is attractive because it can be performed independently.

Indications and contraindications

Lymphomassage can be started if you experience:

  • overweight;
  • swelling;
  • varicose veins;
  • oversaturation of the body with toxins.

Lymphatic drainage of the lower extremities is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from diseases cardiovascular system, kidneys, acute bacterial infections, hepatitis, pneumothorax, osteoporosis, oncology, diabetes, skin diseases, herpes (in the active phase);
  • in the presence of skin defects (burns, wounds);
  • in the postoperative period.

Execution techniques

Manual lymphomassage is performed using several techniques. In accordance with them, its subspecies are distinguished:

  • superficial (muscles and skin are warmed by stroking, which helps restore blood flow in small vessels);
  • deep (allows you to influence deep tissues, promotes the outflow of lymph from internal organs);
  • internal (acts on lymph nodes).

Before you start performing the massage, you need to take the correct position (sitting on a low chair, your leg is on a high stand), soft in a circular motion apply cream or balm. Then they move directly to the procedure. Movements begin from the knee and move towards the hip. Then you should go lower (the ankle, ankle and ankle joint, foot are massaged).

The first stage of drainage consists of making light slides (with the edge of the palm), gradually the force of their impact increases, and pats are carried out from the bottom up. Then intensive stroking movements are carried out (from the toes of the limb upward). The lower leg is grasped with both hands and squeezed from the bottom up. The entire drainage procedure for each leg takes no more than seven minutes.

To carry out lymphatic drainage massage of the legs at home, they practice using a mixture of two teaspoons of honey and a few drops of essential oil.

It is rubbed in the palms and pressed tightly to the surface of the legs. Then they abruptly tear off their hands and apply it again. The procedure is performed until the mixture begins to roll off the skin in the form of pellets. Afterwards, self-massage is done on another part of the body.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the legs is aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body.

With its help, you get rid of many diseases, lose weight and change appearance skin (rejuvenation).

The price of hardware lymphatic drainage of the legs depends on the region and type of procedure and varies from 500 to 3000 rubles.


  • pressotherapy;
  • vacuuming;
  • myostimulation.


A procedure that involves the use of a special suit during a massage. A certain volume of air is alternately supplied to its various parts, and different areas of the skin are massaged alternately.


During the massage, special vacuum tubes are used. They move throughout the body and stimulate more intense lymph flow.


Myostimulation is a lymphatic drainage massage performed by applying current pulses to human tissues and organs. Muscles actively contract under electrical influence, which promotes their renewal and improves blood circulation and the movement of lymphatic fluid.

Benefits of massage

The positive effect of lymphatic drainage massage is as follows:

  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • psychological and emotional state improves;
  • relieves stress and internal tension;
  • lymph flow is restored, varicose veins are eliminated;
  • excess intercellular fluid leaves.

A full course of lymphatic massage includes 15 sessions.

Prevention measures

To avoid slowing down the flow of lymph in the body, you should remember certain rules for preventing the disease and strictly follow them.

For prevention purposes it is necessary:

  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • regularly visit a bathhouse or sauna (arteries and veins dilate, blood flow and lymph flow improve);
  • fulfill physical exercise(jumping on a trampoline or with a skipping rope);
  • take short walks after a certain period of time (5-10 minutes, especially when working sedentary);
  • practice yin yoga (in each specific pose, the body, under its own weight, presses on certain areas of the lymphatic system, thereby helping to eliminate lymph stagnation);
  • perform body lifts (lying on your back, raise both legs up, and support your waist with your hands for 2-3 minutes);
  • apply hydrotherapy (exposure to the body of alternately hot and cold water);
  • peel the skin (get rid of dead cells using a special brush);
  • practice deep breathing (must be done daily).

Lymphatic drainage massage of the lower extremities is a treatment method that helps restore normal lymph movement and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

To carry it out yourself, you need to have special medical knowledge (to understand the principle of lymph movement, to correctly determine the direction of lymph flow). Otherwise, a specialist will do the job better.

One of the most complex structures of the human body is the lymphatic system. Lack of physical activity, junk food and a number of other external factors lead to disruptions in its functioning, which has the most detrimental effect on a person’s health and appearance.

Disruption of the lymphatic system can cause metabolic pathology, swelling, cellulite and increased fat deposition. The solution to these problems is manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage. Specially developed techniques allow you to painlessly establish the normal functioning of lymph flow.

Causes of harmful changes

In order to increase the effectiveness of the intervention, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the lymphatic fluid, its movement and the causes of disorders.

Lymph is one of the components of the human internal environment, a transparent and viscous liquid, which is a type of connective tissue. Its presence in the human body contributes to the hydration and transportation of a number of components from soft tissues to the circulatory system.

Lymphatic capillary drawn in brown

Lymph acts as a kind of collector; it ensures the removal of toxins, unprocessed substances, and excess fluid. Slowing down these processes leads to edema, metabolic disorders, and fat accumulation. The causes of pathologies are:

  • Nervous disorders, stress.
  • Bad habits (alcohol, tobacco).
  • Lack of water in the body.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Lack of sleep, disrupted daily routine.
  • Excess weight.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.

It is possible to eliminate unpleasant phenomena only in a complex manner, fighting the cause of their occurrence and external defects.


All types of lymphatic drainage massage are carried out with the aim of correcting the figure and improving the condition of the skin. Direct indications for it are:

  • Edema.
  • Varicose veins
  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Intoxication.
  • Slow lymph flow.
  • Cellulite.
  • Local fat deposits, excess weight, tendency to be overweight.
  • Flabbiness of the skin, sagging soft tissues.


Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to clarify in what cases it may be prohibited. Regardless of whether a massage is performed at home or in a salon, contraindications to it must be taken into account. In order not to harm the body and not provoke unwanted complications, the procedure should be postponed if:

  • Fever, elevated temperature.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts, etc.).
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema and others).
  • Thrombosis.
  • Menses.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Oncology.
  • Infections.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Fragility of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If the type of massage being performed is hardware-based, the list of restrictions can be supplemented by individual intolerance to electric current, the presence of a pacemaker or metal implants.

Operating principle

Both manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage operate on the same principle. Their task is to restore the normal, correct flow of lymphatic fluid, which will ultimately ensure the release of tissues from toxins and waste. At the same time, the delivery of useful components and nutritional particles to the cells, on the contrary, is enhanced, metabolic processes are normalized, and fat cells are destroyed and removed. The skin tightens, acquires a uniform structure, and cellulite disappears. For positive result procedures are carried out 2–3 times a week.

Types of hardware massage

Lymphatic drainage massage of the body or face can be either hardware or manual. In the first case, the procedure requires less effort from the specialist and time from the patient with equal or greater effectiveness. There are several ways of such influence:


It is carried out using compressed air pressure. The procedure requires a special suit consisting of separate elements that resemble the principle of operation of a tonometer cuff. Air is pumped into them, and the material presses on soft fabrics, stimulating lymph flow and blood circulation.

Air is supplied alternately into the pressotherapy suit; the sensations during the procedure are relaxing and painless. As a result of exposure, fat cells are broken down, metabolism is normalized, swelling and cellulite are reduced.

Microcurrent therapy

The principle of operation of the technique is based on the use of weak pulses of electric current, which have the following characteristics:

  • Voltage - 11–14 V.
  • Frequency - 0.1–300 Hz.
  • Strength - up to 600 µA.

The charge supplied through the electrodes affects the entire dermis, muscles, and fiber. As a result of regular exposure, the patient can count on the following positive changes:

  • Activation of intracellular biochemical processes.
  • Improved metabolism.
  • Accelerates cell regeneration and enhances fibroblast production.
  • Activation of blood circulation and oxygen delivery to cells.
  • Synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Increased tone of facial muscles.
  • Removal of excess liquid.

Vacuum massage

    To carry it out, special devices or medical cups are used that act on the deep layers of the dermis using a vacuum. The impact provokes:
  • Normalization of blood circulation and lymph movement.
  • Metabolism optimization.
  • Active collagen production.
  • Breakdown of fats.
  • Skin cell renewal.

Vacuum exposure is not used to treat the area of ​​the lymph nodes and groin area.

Types of manual massage

Manual lymphatic drainage massage of the body often provides no less pronounced results than hardware techniques. Experts divide this method of influence into the following areas:

  • Surface. The goal is to stimulate capillaries and remove excess fluid.
  • Deep. The goal is to influence the lymphatic vessels, the outflow of fluid from the internal organs.
  • Interior. The goal is to influence the lymph nodes.

Professionals perform massage for 1–1.5 hours using various techniques, at home, it is recommended to reduce the procedure to half an hour and carry out using basic techniques.
