How to cut out templates from paper. Vytynanka. Openwork paper cutting, templates. Templates for volumetric flowers

Hello friends!

The anticipation of the approaching holiday is no worse, and sometimes even better, than the holiday itself. Especially when it comes to everyone’s favorite New Year. He makes us plunge into childhood, believe in magic and miracles. After all, we lack this so much in everyday life.

Everyone cooks, decorates their houses and apartments, creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. The streets are decorated with bright garlands of lights, snowmen, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, New Year's deer and, of course, animal symbols of the coming year look at us from the windows.

If you can’t resist and want to decorate your windows and impress everyone with beautiful paper applications - vytynanka, then this article is for you.

The art of vytynanka is a type of needlework that involves cutting out a variety of shapes and patterns. It originated in ancient China in the 7th century AD. It spread to Europe, including Russia, only in the 20th century. And is now widely used as decoration for windows and other indoor spaces.

Vytynanka can truly be called real creativity, because the works of some masters can be called masterpieces, striking in their technique and subtlety of execution.

To create a vytynanka you will only need plain paper A4 format, small scissors, a stationery knife and a simple pencil. You can use those printed on A4 sheets, draw them yourself, or buy embroidery kits in specialized craft stores. If you have prepared everything necessary materials, you can safely get to work.

Vytynanka for the New Year 2020 - templates in the form of a Rat

The symbol of the coming year is the White Metal Rat. A vytynanka with her image can be made not only by adults, but also together with children, using funny and very cute templates.

And you can use these stencils, for example, to decorate the windows of your office.

For the most patient and diligent, we have prepared stencils of openwork mice.

Vytynanka numbers and letters to download and print

Where would we be without the cherished words “Happy New Year 2020!” To make this greeting truly decorate your window in a festive way, we recommend using original templates of letters and numbers, selected especially for you.

For example, here is a stencil with mice.

The next template also contains the symbol of the coming year.

Unusual openwork numbers

Tip: to make the numbers look better on the window, do not cut off the dark outline, but cut out only the gray details, otherwise they will lose their attractiveness.

For lovers of the classics, here are the numbers.

You can cut beautiful letters with "snow caps".

Snowflake letters to create a New Year's mood

Snowman vytnanka templates for windows

Another New Year's character that you shouldn't forget about is the snowman. With it you can find a lot of beautiful protrusions, cut them out, decorate your home or office with them and enjoy the beauty made with your own hands. Here you will find templates of adorable snowmen.

This is such a wonderful snowman.

You can make it even better with the help of shaped hole punches. The drawings on them can be found completely different, including New Year’s themed ones with snowflakes, bells and stars.

Agree that the snowman has become more cozy and cute.

You can choose stencils of good-natured snowmen in the company of animals, for example:

Teddy bear


Or cute bunnies

Snowflakes for cutting out for the New Year of the Rat 2020

Well, where would we be without the graceful and sophisticated beauties of snowflakes on our windows? They create a frosty pattern even in a snowless winter and make the mood festive.

Before you start, read a few tips:

1. To cut, you will need to fold the paper into a triangle, resulting in 12 layers. Therefore, do not use paper that is too thick for snowflakes. Agree, this will be very inconvenient.

2. There are several ways to fold paper for snowflakes. It is best to use the method shown in the photo below.

We suggest you use these options for snowflake stencils.

Having finished cutting out the protrusions, you can safely move on to decorating your home. You can simply stick them to the window with tape or soapy water, or you can just put an outline. For this:

  • spray the glued protrusion with toothpaste diluted with water;
  • white or blue gouache or artificial snow;
  • leave to dry a little and carefully remove the drawing from the window.

The result will be the effect of glass on a frosty morning.

Be creative, create comfort and New Year's atmosphere with your own hands. Creative success!

IN modern times applied art is the most exciting hobby for many. Some paint pictures, some knit openwork patterns from threads, some are passionate about wood carving, and some simply make paper weaves.

The concept of vytynanka

The term “vytynanka” comes from the Ukrainian word “vytynat”, which defines the action of cutting.

Paper vytynanki is one of the directions of Ukrainian applied cutting of beautiful patterns, ornaments, images, figures, landscapes and other subjects on paper. One of the most simple types vytynanka is New Year's snowflake, cut from any paper material.

Few people can answer the question of what vytynanki are, despite their wide distribution. Many people practice this art in free time without even knowing about it interesting name and origin.

Carving vytynanka has gained particular popularity in modern times. Today, to implement your ideas, you can choose absolutely any paper material, the varieties of which can’t be counted on one hand.

Many people learn about what vytynanka is (photo below) only after visiting applied art exhibitions.

There is no way to pass by such beauty.

Historical past of Vytynanka

What are vytynanki and where do they come from? The first examples of this art were made in China during the advent of paper as such and the first primitive scissors. Since paper was an expensive and rare material, animal skins, dried plant leaves, wood, and dishes were used as a basis for carving in Ukraine. Paper vytynanki spread to Ukraine only in the middle of the nineteenth century. Their main purpose was decoration

Vytynankas of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are distinguished by their high artistic skill. In each isolated region and in different segments of the population, the most beautiful works acquired individual features of the presentation of material, form, technical dexterity, sense of rhythm, proportions, silhouettes, and richness of ornament.

The purpose of vytynanka in modern times

Knowing what vytynanki are, many craftsmen find the most extraordinary purpose for them. They decorate crafts, Greeting Cards, photo albums and photo frames, shelves in the kitchen, large protrusions are used as paper decorative curtains for windows, paper tablecloths for tables, they make the most beautiful paintings and wall panels, they are used as a stencil for inscriptions or applying ornaments and patterns to other surfaces; with the help of protrusions, the facades of modern houses are painted.

Tools and material for making vytynanka

For the skillful work of making original beautiful openwork patterns Professional vytynanka masters use the tool of their ancestors - chisels. Modern craftsmen of applied needlework give preference to industrial special sets, which include a thick mat, often wooden, several types of sharp scalpels with blades of different sizes, scissors, spare blades, and a metal ruler.

The basis for the vytynanka is paper of different densities and sizes. It all depends on the master’s imagination. You can cut on xerox, white, colored paper, cardboard, corrugated sheets, wallpaper. You can not only make carvings on paper, but also use wooden bases, clay, stone, metal or fabric for this purpose.

Design options for work performed using the vytynanka technique

Depending on the manufacturing technology and artistic style, vytynanki are classified into the following types: openwork - these types of products are made from a sheet of paper, the image is contained in the slots; silhouette, in which the image is the silhouette of a tree, a person, etc.

Depending on the complexity of the work on making the protrusions, they are divided into simple single ones, made on one sheet of paper, and complex colored appliqués - on several sheets of multi-colored material.

Depending on the technique of execution and the method of presenting the image, complex protrusions are divided into harmonious (large-scale products, the integral image of which is made of several elements folded in an alternate order, forming a harmonious ornament) and overhead, which are stacked on top of each other in a slide.

The shape of the vytynanka can be varied - oval, square, round, triangular or rectangular; there are often works in which there is a uniform variety of shapes, creating a complex structure of the product.

Depending on the subjects cut out on paper, the following groups of vytynankas are distinguished: figurines - the silhouettes of birds, riders, dolls, and natural contour elements are depicted on the canvas; rosettes - an openwork type of design, made up of stars, diamonds, suns, squares; trees - parts of trees are depicted - branches, trunks, crowns with the presence of additional elements - berries, fruits, birds; ribbons - images of various one-sided or double-sided ornaments; wallpaper - free filling of the canvas beautiful patterns; firanks - complex ribbon protrusions; tsatsanki - works with a pronounced decorative and thematic character; exhibition copies - manufactured specifically for participation in exhibitions of printing products.

Having understood what vytynanki are, many people predisposed to imagination strive to learn as much as possible about the technique of performing work and product patterns. There are a lot of them. An attractive vytynanka (schemes of examples are shown in the photo below) is made on the basis of a wide variety of pictures printed on paper with any type of writing object (marker, felt-tip pen, pen, pencil). The complexity of the design depends on the skill of the work maker.

Vytynanka, the schemes of which were invented by the master himself, turns out to be original and not repeatable in any detail of the plot, and such works often end up in exhibitions. The more imagination you show when creating a template, the more elegant the result is.

Many handicraftsmen, of course, use standard examples paper carvings using the "vytynanka" technique, the patterns of which are drawn from various sources. An excellent option for a pattern for vytnanka is an overlay pattern for satin stitch embroidery.

A variety of paper patterns (schemes - as professionals call them) can be taken from beautifully illustrated books. You can cut out all sorts of details on paper - both large and small; a special sharpened scalpel copes with any piece various kinds main material.

Professional craftsmen most often take on complex subject compositions, but beginners in this business should start learning the art of weaving with simple, uncomplicated ornaments and landscape images.

How to make a stencil protrusion?

Paper protrusions - diagrams for creating designs on other substrates (wood, metal, stone). A flat surface is not always taken as a basis; ornaments are carved on cylindrical shapes, spherical and oval spheres. In this case, stencil protrusions help to apply the design evenly and beautifully to perform symmetrical work.

A stencil is made by cutting out the necessary shaped holes on paper.

How can I use the stencil?

Any protrusion can be used as a stencil. What can you do with so-called stencil templates?

Yes, anything: apply a design to paper, fabric, walls with paints, ultimately getting the most beautiful artistic paintings, for dishes - plates, jugs, cups, glasses, vases, lamp shades - chandeliers, sconces; decorate hedges with ornaments using one standard template of some kind of pattern; used in carving pictures on wood and drawing them on metal.

Vytynanka for windows

A very interesting and most unusual version of the vytynanka is carving on newsprint. This practical method has prompted many craftsmen to create paper curtains that can be used instead of blinds.

The newspaper canvas is large, it can be folded in several layers and create examples of original ornaments and plots, which can later be repeated on clean, beautiful paper.

The vytynankas on the windows look very original and fun.

While admiring the beautiful works made in the vytynanka style, a desire arises to do something similar with your own hands. Where should a beginner start?

Firstly, you need to purchase a special set of tools, since ordinary scissors, which are used to cut everything in the house, can be used to make beautiful work Not sure it's going to happen. The paper should be cut clearly along the line. Many small details require the use of scalpels for paper carving.

Secondly, choose a very simple template for the future product, decide which parts will be cut out of it, mark them with a pencil so as not to mistakenly cut out a detail of the main pattern of the protrusion.

Thirdly, you should choose a base on which the finished protrusion will be glued. This can be cardboard or velvet paper, or a woven fabric base.

Fourth, evaluate your perseverance, since work requires attention and concentration.

Fifth, to get started, you should choose plain white copier paper, which is easier to cut than corrugated or cardboard.

New Year 2019 is coming soon - a holiday of magic and gifts. How to beautifully decorate a house for the holidays is already a pressing question for many. A simple and elegant solution is window protrusions. These paper decorations will help create a New Year's, festive atmosphere in your home and add a touch of joy on the eve of the upcoming holiday.

Using ready-made templates, as well as stencils, it is easy to create fairy-tale themed characters.

Where are they used?

IN kindergarten You can keep your children busy creating a vytynanka on. For kids younger age you need to offer simpler templates, preferably without the use of scissors and other sharp objects. In any case, adult supervision is required (the presence of a teacher or parent nearby).

For older people, you can use stencils with patterns and small details. A stationery knife will come in handy here to cut the product clearly along the contour.

For the upcoming New Year of the Pig 2019, you can create figurines of piglets, pigs, and wild boars of different sizes. It is believed that decorating windows with themed protrusions can bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity. A huge number of stencils are offered on the Internet. Just download them to your desktop, transfer them to paper and cut them exactly along the contour. A very exciting activity.

Following tradition, most decorate windows with vytynankas on New Year and Christmas holidays. Beautiful figures They delight the eye not only of the owner of the house, but also of passers-by. Cute applications create a festive atmosphere, filling your home with comfort and warmth.

Professionals in the field of interior design and decoration offer a variety of paper figures such decorative elements as artificial snow, ribbon lanterns. The only condition is that everything should look festive and create the appropriate mood.

Snowflakes on the windows

Surely everyone has seen snowflakes on the windows on the eve - it looks cute. But it's not just limited to paper products. There is a separate independent direction in hand mad, when the main task is to clearly cut out the most complex elements for decorating windows and walls of a room. This type of needlework is called vytynanka. Today, its use is limited not only to decorating windows for the holiday.

In fact, this craft has a thousand-year history, dating back to the ancient Chinese culture of room decoration.

Snowflakes, which decorate the windows of houses from year to year, are also protrusions. True professionals in this field create stunningly beautiful and intricately crafted paper masterpieces.

Openwork cutting can be used not only for holiday decoration. There are other options for using them. For example, make a stand for a glass on.

A painting using this technique will complement the room in an original way.

The most best works masters tend, as a rule, to preserve. A great option is to place it in a frame under glass and decorate the walls of the room. It is recommended to make the background contrasting and of the same tone. Thanks to this, the smallest detail of the composition will be visible. An openwork painting carefully placed under glass will be preserved for a long time.

Volumetric postcard

Cards cut from paper (kirigami) - good idea for holiday greetings. Basically, paper products act as additional decorative elements. They look beautiful together with ribbons and paper products created in a different style.

As an example, a greeting card decorated with flowers using the quilling technique. By including fantasy and imagination, you can create a very interesting composition.

Vytynanka: how to draw

Thanks to the developed modern technologies of the Internet, making a vytynanka is as easy as shelling pears. Just find the figures you like, download them to your computer for free, print them in A4 format - the stencil is ready.

How to make a New Year's vytynanka

Creating beautiful paper vytynankas for the New Year 2019 is a fascinating, long process that will require diligence, patience, and attentiveness. The more complex the idea, the more effort you will have to put in.

It's great to be creating holiday decorations on the windows with the whole family, when everyone is busy with their own business and participates in the general process. Even the little ones will find something to do here.

The work consists of several stages:

  1. Place a sheet of paper with a template on the layout. Carefully trace the stencil.
  2. Using a cutter (stationery knife), precisely cut out the protuberance in accordance with the contour. Movements should be smooth, from top to bottom. It is recommended to start working with small details inside the layout.
  3. At this stage, the protrusion is cut along the outer borders. Here you can use scissors or a knife. Both items must be sharpened.
  4. For volumetric protrusion You will need several paper parts. For fastening, regular PVA glue is used.

Decorating the house with ready-made vytynankas

How to secure a paper decoration

For sticking paper decorations Use a soap solution or glue on the glass. For better subsequent removal of protrusions, it is better to use the first method. It is also easier to stick with soap.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a brush. After running it through the soap, apply it according to the shape on the drawing. At the end of the holiday, such protrusions can be easily removed from the surface of the glass. Just wipe with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth - and there will be no traces.

Here's another one possible variant How to attach a paper decoration to glass:

  • glue the protrusion using soap;
  • make an imitation of snow from a toothpaste solution by spraying it onto the glass with a brush.

Be sure to involve the whole family in the process. This will lift your spirits and create a favorable climate in the family.

New Year's decorations on the windows

Openwork airy vytynankas can create a fabulous holiday atmosphere long before its onset.

The cutting templates presented below were prepared specifically for the New Year 2019. There are different thematic images here, they can be combined to create unique compositions.

The presented templates can be easily transferred to colored paper, foil or cardboard. As a result, you can create a whole New Year's story: Grandfather Frost surrounded by animals with a reindeer team and a bag of gifts. Don't forget Pig - . Options for stencils and templates are located below.

Snowflakes remain popular. These are obligatory companions of winter time and the New Year. Perhaps snowflakes are the simplest option: you just need to trace the template, carefully drawing all the contours, and glue it to the glass using a soap solution.

To create a real landscape, you need to take a simple toothbrush. Dissolve a small amount of paste in water. The resulting composition is applied to the glass in the form of splashes. To create them, you need to lower the brush into the solution and run your finger along the brush, pointing towards the window. A couple of simple movements and there is a beautiful magical snowfall on the glass.

Toy figures are no less popular. There are a lot of options: from ordinary ball-shaped decorations to the most intricate and unusual ones. Don't be afraid to experiment - creativity is more appropriate here than ever. It doesn't hurt to add a golden or silver color to the decoration.

Another New Year's theme is candies and other sweets. They can be used to decorate not only festive table. Protrusions on windows in the form of sweets, gingerbreads, lollipops, and even cupcakes will look good.

New Year's vytynanki on curtains

You can decorate not only windows with vytynankas on New Year's Eve 2019 and Christmas. With the same success they can be used to decorate curtains and curtains. Below are several options for such decorations for the Year of the Pig.

Schemes and templates of New Year's vytynankas

There are many options for decorating windows with protrusions. There are many templates and stencils on the Internet. To make your choice easier and not waste a lot of time searching, the most common ideas are presented below.

In 2019, vytynankas in the form of:

  • five-pointed star;
  • snowmen and snowflakes;
  • pigs;
  • angels;
  • Father Frost and granddaughter Snegurochka;
  • bells;
  • bunnies, bears and other animals;
  • candles;
  • numbers and thematic inscriptions. For example, you can print out the “Happy New Year 2019!”

Vytynanka or in other words, kirigami is a great opportunity to get creative and take a break from everyday affairs. This useful and exciting work will bring several hours of joy and pleasure from creativity.

The activity perfectly relieves stress and promotes relaxation and rest. You should choose a time to work on the protrusions; it is advisable that no one distracts you from the lesson. You need to approach the creation of decorative elements in a good mood, without rushing anywhere.

The golden autumn has come. Let someone miss the past summer, and you and I will live in the present and enjoy any weather and any time of year. After all, autumn is not only about rain and slush, it is also about colorful leaves, mushrooms in the forest, chestnuts and acorns, a harvest festival at school and kindergarten... To create a good mood for yourself and those around you, you must take the time to autumn decoration home, class or group in kindergarten. First of all, we recommend that you decorate the windows, and here autumn vytynanki will come to our aid. On our website you will find a lot of different templates for autumn vytynankas. See below.

Vytynanki is the art of paper cutting. This type of creativity appeared a long time ago. Presumably in the 9th century in China, simultaneously with the invention and spread of paper. In autumn, vytynankas are the most popular autumn leaves. Maple, birch, oak... different colors and sizes. Those who are concerned about finding patterns for autumn vytynankas are, first of all, kindergarten teachers or teachers primary classes who need to decorate a group or class for the autumn holiday.

It is appropriate to decorate not only windows, but also walls with protruding leaves. Fall leaves hanging on strings from the ceiling or chandelier look beautiful.

Unlike New Year's vytynankas, autumn vytynankas should be cut not from white, but from colored paper suitable colors. The best paper for autumn vytynankas is yellow, red, orange, brown and crimson. It is convenient to cut out the protrusions with a stationery knife or a special breadboard knife. Nail scissors are also often used to cut out protruding patterns. You can glue autumn bulges to windows using soap diluted with a small amount of water or tape.

Patterns of autumn vytynankas

To download a template, click on its icon.
