Young, thin, beautiful. The most beautiful body parts of a skinny girl. What can you say in addition?

Lucia Zarate

Most thin man in the world in all history, according to the Guinness Book of Records, this is a girl named Lucia Zarate. She lived in nineteenth century Mexico. Lucia was born on January 2, 1863 and suffered from Lilliputia, that is, pituitary dwarfism. By the age of seventeen, she had grown to only 43 centimeters. And she almost broke the world record in this indicator too. Her weight turned out to be unique - only 2.3 kilograms. Lucia Zarate was petite and tiny to such an extent that some mistook her for a doll while she sat and did not move. Even in the nineteenth century, there were smart people who decided to make a fortune on a unique girl. 12-year-old Lucia was brought to an exhibition in the USA. There she quickly drew attention, began to quickly gain popularity, and was later invited to the circus.

Lucia Zarate constantly had to gruelingly train and rehearse acrobatic performances. But such work bore fruit; the petite girl earned up to $20 an hour. In those days it was unheard of wealth. Over time, Lucia was able to “get fat” and reached a weight of 5.9 kilograms. At the same time, her waist circumference was only 15 centimeters. Physical disabilities helped the Mexican woman secure a comfortable existence for herself. And her fortune would have continued to grow if tragedy had not struck. The train Lucia Zarate was traveling on got stuck in the mountains. Most of the passengers died from hypothermia. Among the victims was the thinnest girl on the planet.

Isabel Caro

No one has yet broken the record of Mexican Lucia Zarate. And this is hardly possible at all, because a girl with an almost unique height had a unique weight. But among people with the usual height, there are also those who are distinguished by their thinness. A French girl named Isabelle Caro is recognized as the thinnest person. She was born in Marseille on September 12, 1982. The girl was underweight due to severe anorexia nervosa. Isabel suffered from the disease from the age of 13. Its cause was his own mother, who was constantly depressed because of her husband - he was almost never at home, he went on endless business trips. The woman developed a fear of loneliness and began to be haunted by thoughts that her daughter would one day grow up and leave her.

Then she began to forbid Isabelle to go outside. Absence fresh air, she decided, would contribute to her daughter’s slow growth. Meanwhile, little Isabel, who loved her mother very much, stopped claiming any contact with the outside world and even began to limit herself in food. Caro later wrote a book about her life, “The Little Girl Who Didn’t Want to Get Fat.” And after she realized all the mistakes of her upbringing, she began to draw public attention to the dangerous consequences of refusing to eat. Isabel showed off her body as an example.

In 2007, Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani organized a photo shoot called “No Anorexia.” In the photographs, Isabelle Caro appears naked. At that time, her weight was only 28 kilograms, with a height of 163 centimeters. Toscani's advertising campaign was designed to draw attention to the problems of anorexia and help people who suffer from it. Isabel Caro died on November 17, 2010 at the age of 28. Last days She spent time in the hospital with a diagnosis of acute respiratory disease. However, the true reasons for her death still remain unknown. A few months after her daughter's death, Isabelle's mother committed suicide.

The most big breasts Belarus

Lizzie Velazquez

Now the owner of the dubious title of the thinnest person in the world is Lizzie Velasquez. A 22-year-old American woman lives in Texas, studies at university and leads a normal lifestyle. She has normal height- 157 centimeters, but there are obvious problems with weight - only 28 kilograms. And, interestingly, the girl does not suffer from anorexia. The culprit of thinness is a mysterious unknown disease.

Doctors constantly examine Lizzie and take her tests, but do not find any abnormalities.

At the same time, the rest of the Velasquez family are absolutely normal: parents, brother, and sister. Lizzie herself was born weighing barely more than a kilogram. And the doctors in the maternity hospital immediately warned the parents that their daughter would have short life. However, Lizzie feels great, cheerful, cheerful and optimistic. The only inconvenience she has to experience is constant meals. The girl needs to eat every 15 minutes. The American menu includes only cakes, hamburgers, in a word, everything high in calories. Lizzie consumes up to 8 thousand calories a day. But they don't stay in Lizzie. The worst person in the world has already written a book about herself and her life. It is dedicated to how you can eat everything in unlimited quantities.

Hopkin Hopkins

The thinnest man in the world lived in the 18th century. Hopkin Hopkins was born in 1731 in British Wales, in the city of Llantrisiant. He suffered from chondrodystrophy, that is, inferior cartilage tissue. At the age of seven, the boy weighed only 8.6 kilograms, and at the age of 17, shortly before his death, his weight was 6 kilograms.

Skeleton Man

Another champion of thinness was Claudia Ambrosima Sewarta. With a height of 160 centimeters, he weighed only 16 kilograms. And there was no hope that he would gain weight. The thinnest man on the planet ate only a loaf of bread and drank a glass of wine every day. Sewarta was born in France on April 10, 1797. His parents were not rich and, in appearance, very stocky. After the birth of Claudius, everything indicated that the boy had inherited the build of his parents. And as a child he was absolutely normal child average height.

But over time, Claudia grew, but did not gain weight. At a fairly mature age, the distance from the spine to the sternum was only seven centimeters. In bright light, you could even see his heart beating.

Barbie from Odessa starred for American gloss


There is an unspoken belief that opposites attract. This rule at least applies to relationships between very fat and very thin people. Thus, a famous thin man named Peter Robinson, weighing only 30 kilograms, married a certain Bunny Smith, who weighed 240 kilograms. And in 1930, the 40-kilogram Gerald Lindoff married the 300-kilogram Bertha Lilley. These marriages were very successful at the box office. 06/25/06, Taina
"A woman should have something to hold on to." Well, of course, the men in Russia are weak, suffocated, and cannot stand on their own feet. Let them hold on to a bottle of vodka, although nothing will help them...

25/06/06, QoL
Of course, I love fat people, but I love normally built ones even more. But I also love skinny ones because of how easy it is to carry them in my arms.

08/07/06, doctorr
they are very highly moral, most likely with a rich inner world, and with piercings in the tongue. and they are also vegetarians.

17/07/06, Striped whale
It seems to me that people who wrote in the right column are jealous of thin girls, because a thin body is very beautiful. Fat people can’t lose weight, so they get angry. I’m skinny and there’s just no end to guys. Of course, the girls envy me, but I try not to pay attention to these fat-butted losers! Thin girls are more successful in life: they are not lazy, they win people over. They can change their style, any clothes fit well on them. Thin girls have always been and will be considered the most beautiful. My ideal is Victoria Adams, and now Beckham. Many people think that she is thin, but she has a beautiful and proportionate figure!

27/08/06, AnomAria
I did the math and found out that the vast majority of girls are in the right column! It makes you think about the simple envy of plump people towards thin ones... And there are a lot more guys in the left column. An elegant figure is beautiful, but when you like a “bag of fat”, this is already a strange deviation. And by the way, thin doesn’t mean flat, it means thin. There are flat ones even with a lot of weight, this is completely different.

02/09/06, Limpopo
I love both thin and fat! I just hate those who constantly discuss both. Well, what's the difference??? If a person is a bastard, he will be in any body.

24/09/06, Taina
For me, the words “slim” and “thin” are related concepts, to say the least - they are SYNONYMS, THE ONE AND THE SAME. After all, the lack of fat mass and the grace of lines are in any case beautiful, why not slimness? Moreover, weight is by no means the only and not the main “indicator” of thinness.

19/10/06, Girl
Well, not really when the bones stick out and there are no breasts. I don’t like people like that. But when she is thin, slender, breasts are in place, there is a waist, long legs, an easy gait, I love those)))

19/10/06, I'm like that
Pomusho herself is thin. With a height of 163, I weigh 50 kg. And not because I’m on a diet or watching my figure. This is my body constitution. I would love to gain 5-6 kilos, but it doesn’t work, it’s not good food for the horse, as they say. It's hard to buy clothes, the size is small, even in children's world go.

19/10/06, I'm like that
But I am so small, petite, fragile. Mine carries me in his arms, it’s not hard for him. I also like to curl up on his belly and sleep while he’s watching the TV. It’s easier on buses during rush hour; it’s easy to get to the exit, nimble.

19/10/06, Secam
Skinny girls look very harmonious next to me :-). I really like these, delicate, fragile, light. Of course this is not the main indicator. It is important that there is also something in your head. And from a purely aesthetic point of view, thin and slender people are pleasing to the eye...

05/12/06, Nox
in fact, this is all complete bullshit! No matter what kind of woman she is, someone will still love her. :) You can argue until you're hoarse about who people love more - thin or plump, it's a matter of taste. I'm skinny myself and I like skinny guys. So what? I'm not saying that people of normal build or fat people some kind of freaks. Why bark? But as for the fashion models, I can say that it’s all a rut, that they are on diets. They don’t sit, they eat whatever they want, as a rule. It’s just that this is a constitutional type - asthenic - a tall, thin person. At least you feed them for slaughter, not horse feed :)))

05/12/06, Nox
oh-oh-oh! But fasting to the point of pain in the stomach is already a clinic!!! Dear girls, stop torturing yourself immediately! You can’t deceive nature if you are a naturally appetizing chubby and you will never become a gazelle:-(((But is it bad to be an appetizing chubby? ;-D Everyone is beautiful as they are: natural thinness or natural fullness, as a rule, look organic, not conspicuous and not annoying, and there are lovers of both. But as a rule, it’s not skinny people who become clinicians, but girls with a body who dream of losing weight to the level of Kate Moss, who, by the way, has never been on a diet and has never been on a diet. in my youth I was very complex because of my “modest” volumes

05/12/06, like everyone else
I rather like harmoniously built... So that everything is proportional (well, so that there are no obvious disproportions, such as too narrow shoulders and a large butt), fat does not hang in folds, etc. I myself am thin, yes.. Already thin:) But thinness doesn’t suit everyone. I can name at least 3 girls, cat. I see them all the time and definitely can’t call them beautiful, they have no figure as such! SO thinness itself cannot be an adornment... I have a friend, she is plump, and this plumpness suits her very well. If she loses weight, she won't be so pretty anymore. But plumpness doesn’t suit me, I just have the opportunity to compare. I used to be plumper and looked worse than I do now. Much. And as for models... Not everyone has an unrealistically fast metabolism, and VERY many actually starve and exercise intensely, yes, yes... They just have such a constitution - tall height, narrow bones, but this does not mean that such a figure is given to them “out of the bush” :))

17/01/07, zu creep
And I like thin girls, I don’t like figures like 90-60-90... But unfortunately, no matter how hard I try to lose weight, I end up at 49 kg =(... It’s a pity... thinness within the normal range is very beautiful:)

17/02/07, Tanya18 45
There is nothing superfluous. and that’s right. I completely agree with the girl for whom this is the goal of life. I'm the same!

22/03/07, Metalkiller
I always really liked thin girls, and even tall ones. In my concept of female beauty it’s very beautiful, attractive and looks impressive - it’s not for nothing that they don’t hire people who are unable to keep track of their figure as fashion models.

04/04/07, Nafanka
I believe that if a girl is above 170, then she MUST be thin, otherwise she will turn into a cow! A shorter girl can be overweight, but a tall girl needs to take more care of herself. Otherwise, by the age of 30 you can turn into a healthy woman. Naturally, thin - in my understanding = slim. If I see a 180 tall bag of bones on the street, I will feel uneasy. I had such a headmistress, also with short hair. And how she lifted the boxes up, just like a crane!

08/07/07, Fireriddler
I only like these, but not flat models. Slender girls with small breasts, neat ass and slender legs just drive me crazy.

08/07/07, Evil auditor
ABOUT! Skinny girls are nice! Immediately there is a desire to feed and take care of the safety of such a delicate and fragile creature...

08/07/07, President PoeZZda
I don’t just love it: this is my favorite type of woman!!! Just like some people only fall for blondes or red-haired women, some only fall for chubby girls, and I only fall for skinny ones. They drive me crazy, I can’t help it (and I don’t want to!!!)... This is my obsession and my sweet nightmare!

20/07/07, EXPERT
Nothing of the kind! Guys don't like me fat girls! This is closer to the truth...) Personally, I don’t consider fat women at all (if the whole thing looks harmonious - one thing, but if... - another)) women as a sexual object... I am inclined to believe that the majority guys too! This is the same thing - who will you choose: Ruslana Pysanka or Avril Lavigne?) I agree, there would be those who would choose the first option, but! It's not serious...Older men? Probably due to lack of choice...or some other reason

20/07/07, Girl
Although I’m not a lesbian, I’m speechless from skinny girls, and if she’s also tall, then that’s it! That’s why I try to be like that myself. And I don’t care what fat women talk about to console themselves. And I don't care what fat losers think of me. And for me, the standard of a girl was and will remain a thin, fit girl, tall and with long hair!!!

25/08/07, Solidarnost
I love. I already wrote about this in the topic about Skinny Girls. They are very sexy. Although plump ones are nothing at all, just slender skinny ones are a mega blast!

13/01/08, Avdotya
They look sexier. I don’t associate a fat girl with a girl at all. She immediately goes from a girl to an aunt. And then to the grandmother. And the skinny ones rule! It's nice to look at them. And doing everything else with them is also nice.

29/01/08, KEY
I prefer thin girls and thin people in general. Overweight people look unaesthetic and sloppy. In general, of course, to whom what is given. But you MUST take care of yourself...

13/02/08, Kraftway
I love skinny girls and always have. I want to meet someone like this, this is my dream. Only now all the skinny ones are in great demand and it’s very difficult to find a free one, but I’m looking and hoping!

In contact there is a group - “40 kilograms”. The girls in it strive for this weight and create their own idea of ​​beauty. What kind of thin body parts do they find attractive and do men like this? Voting is for boys. Girls can test themselves for fatness.

1. - gap between legs

The dream of not only every anorexic woman, but also every first chubby woman is the cherished distance between her legs. Some of my friends call it "wheel alignment", others - "slingshot". In some girls it is pronounced, in others it is very pronounced, but there are also those girls for whom it is naturally very difficult to achieve perfection - no matter how thin they become, the coveted hole does not appear. Is it necessary? What do you say, boys?

2. - protruding collarbone

A fetish from the “heroin chic” era, when a skinny Kate Moss was on magazine covers. The protruding collarbone symbolizes trepidation and defenselessness, aristocracy and grace. True, other, not so flattering features often appear along with it - for example, protruding ribs. But here, who likes what. Do you like it?

3. - sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones

Example: Angelina Jolie. The girls believe that the more the cheeks “sink”, the better. A fan of this feature is the wife of a London billionaire and eccentric blonde, Kristina Sysoeva, widely known in narrow circles. To achieve such beauty, she not only constantly goes on diets, but also removed some of her teeth. Not in vain?

4. - narrow back and prominent ribs

It’s hard to disagree with the fact that an actress playing, for example, Juliet, should have a thin and fragile back. A wide, fleshy back with ridges on the sides is more suitable for peasant women with many children and other typical heroines. Therefore, our “40 kilograms” fight fiercely for protruding shoulder blades, a spine tearing through the skin and other signs of a ballerina. What will the men say?

5. - flat stomach

I think no one will argue here at all. A flat stomach is a fetish for all times. The only person I remember who thought differently was Quentin Tarantino’s heroine from pulp fiction, babbling about pie. In any case, a flat stomach, symbolizing that the lady is definitely not pregnant, really attracts men. Remember the 2000s craze for bare, pierced belly buttons? Same thing.

6. - pronounced waist

It would seem that there is nothing to argue about here, but I will try anyway. There is nothing wrong with a thin waist in itself. The bad stuff starts when they try to hypertrophy it. For example, they don’t get out of a corset for several years, or they remove their ribs, as Vika Vicious did, whom I have been observing for many years. There are rumors that Odessa Barbie had the same operation. Was it not in vain that they tortured themselves for the sake of men?

7. - protruding pelvic bones

A piquant mound of bone on low-waisted jeans - what could be sexier? At least that's what many people think
Do you like it?

Do you think these signs of thinness are beautiful? All or just some? What do you say?

It is very rare to hear from a girl that she would like to gain weight; most often you hear about constant diets and extra pounds. And how disappointing it can be when at 25 you look 20, have a slim and toned body, and people around you are constantly telling you: “Oh, you’re so skinny, you need to eat!”

And how do you explain to others that it’s not you who exhausted yourself with diets, but your body constitution is such, and nothing can be done about it, that’s why, when you’re happy with everything anyway. But it turns out that very thin girls also sometimes have a hard time, because such a figure is often difficult to call feminine and harmonious.

In order to hide excessive thinness, there are some tricks and unspoken rules, following which you will always look sophisticated and elegant.

For some reason, there is an opinion among girls that in order to hide excessive thinness, two extremes are necessary. One of them is buying clothes several sizes larger, but think about how funny thin arms look against the background of large sleeves of a sweater or thin legs in a huge skirt.

Another opinion is to buy things that completely hug your figure. There are, of course, things that will favorably emphasize your figure, but you need to make sure that this is not unnecessary, because you don’t really want to show off excessive thinness for everyone to see.

So, is it possible to choose fashionable clothes for very thin girls so as not to show off the angular curves of their figure? Thin hands, legs, hips, I want to add volume to the figure where they are so lacking, but this is absolutely unrealistic if you are wrapped in robes or covered with fabrics. To help you in this difficult task, we have prepared for you five recommendations for creating the perfect style.

How to choose?

Rule No. 1. Striped

Girls of absolutely all body types should know this simple geometric trick. It has long been a known fact that vertical clothing forces the gaze to slide from bottom to top, so the figure visually lengthens and narrows, adding a few more kilograms to excessive thinness.

But the horizontal stripe visually adds volume, and the wider the stripe, the more the figure expands. This, of course, does not mean that you need to turn into a striped suitcase, but, for example, a combination of a striped top and light trousers will definitely give your figure the missing volume.

Rule No. 2. Volumetric

As we have already said, narrow and tight clothes remain the owner curvaceous, and we need to choose clothes so that they hide excessive thinness, and do not emphasize it, like, for example, all kinds of turtlenecks and tight dresses.

We can say that you are lucky, thin girls can easily experiment with voluminous models, for example, with flowing blouses and skirts; fashionable loose-fitting ones that go well with trousers and shorts are suitable.

And if you are also the owner tall, can sit perfectly long dresses And . But, in order not to turn into a shapeless bag or an inflatable ball, it is better to dilute your outfit with a thin strap that will successfully emphasize the waistline, making the image both airy and graceful.

Rule No. 3. Ruffles and ruffles

What specific models should very thin girls not wear? This is especially true for dresses, which have recently become so popular; you want to follow the latest fashion canons, but this is not acceptable everywhere.

For example, models with sharp and deep necklines are absolutely not recommended for thin girls; you should also pay attention to the legs; if they are like two thin sticks, then it is better to avoid mini-length, because it will only emphasize the angularity of the figure.

And here are dresses with a variety of ruffles, frills and voluminous decor. Those that have a sun-flared or tulip style are better suited; they will visually add smooth curves where, theoretically, every woman should have them.

Rule No. 4. Proper shoes and accessories

It’s not always about clothes alone; you need to approach such things wisely. important points, like shoes and related accessories. Lately, bulky shoes have come into fashion, accompanied by thick high heels or weighty wedges.

But, regardless of height, such models will have to be abandoned, because they will visually emphasize the excessive thinness of the legs. It is better to choose elegant models, preferably with stiletto heels, and you should not abuse the height, 3-5 centimeters is enough.

As for various decorations, here too fashion is not on our side now. Such fashionable large earrings and beads will have to be left aside; in any case, you should not allow yourself to wear such clothes often. But elegant models, such as thin chains with a pendant, a pearl necklace, drop earrings - all this will look very harmonious on thin girls.

Rule No. 5. We follow the principle of multi-layering

An ordinary plain dress and shoes are not always interesting, but you are lucky, a slender figure allows you to experiment a lot, for example, combining clothes of different textures and colors, creating the most unusual combinations that are inaccessible to the owner of curvy figures.

For example, a voluminous dress, which is decorated with a belt at the waist and a knitted cardigan thrown on top, looks very interesting. You can wear a voluminous colorful blouse under a sheath dress, and a plaid shirt is perfect over a plain T-shirt.

What can you say in addition?

So, what other things should thin girls wear, and which ones would it be better to avoid? We must not forget that thin individuals often have very thin necks and protruding collarbones; they can be covered with a simple scarf or handkerchief; choose a blouse that is decorated with a bright frill or collar.

Small breasts are a common occurrence in thin girls; to hide this detail, you can take a closer look at blouses with a lush frill or flounces in this area; jackets that can be decorated with various draperies and patterns on the chest are also suitable.

By the way, you will have to give up too-tight trousers; trousers and skinny jeans can also emphasize the excessive slenderness of your legs. It is best to choose models such as flares from the knee or flares from the hip, which perfectly emphasize the hips, but hide “boyish” curves.

We must not forget about the color scheme; it is better to abandon the universal black color, and turn your attention to light colors, which also visually add volume in the necessary places. As for fabrics, for example, in summer soft and airy models look best. But the main rule must always be observed: clothes must be selected in size, only then will they look appropriate and harmonious.

The phrase “Beauty is a terrible force!” probably familiar to everyone. And indeed, sometimes the desire for beauty pushes people to do truly terrible things, forcing them to abuse radical methods for weight loss and leading to death.

One of the most terrible examples is the story of Valeria Levitina, the thinnest woman in the world. At 39 years old, Valeria looks like a living mummy - with a height of 172 centimeters, she weighs only 25 kilograms, like a 6-year-old child. And the worst thing is that the woman did all this to herself on her own.

In 1989, Valeria and her parents moved from Moscow to the USA. The young girl had a very beautiful appearance and easily won the beauty contest in 1994, becoming the owner of the title “Miss Chicago”. This was the beginning of the end for Valeria...

Lera got into the habit of constantly weighing herself as a child: all the women in her family had weight problems, so the caring mother constantly weighed her little daughter and was afraid that she was too fat. Having won a beauty contest in the USA and decided to become a model, Levitina began desperately to lose weight. For very short term The 19-year-old girl lost a lot of weight, but did not stop there - and by the age of 24 she weighed only 38 kilograms.

This is what Valeria looked like before - before she decided to lose weight

Now one of the thinnest people in the world, she lives in Monaco - only here, thanks to the constant sunny and warm weather, she feels more or less comfortable. Valeria can hardly taste food, and grocery shopping turns into hell. She finally managed to get rid of the eating disorder, which Levitina struggled with for more than 20 years, but the woman still cannot gain weight.

The story of Lizzie Velasquez is not at all similar to the story of Valeria Levitina - unlike the latter, Lizzie did not seek to lose weight on her own. The girl was born in 1989 with a very rare disease - neonatal progeroid syndrome, as a result of which her body is unable to accumulate fat deposits. On at the moment Velasquez weighs only 26 kilograms.

Newborn Lizzie weighed only 1.2 kilograms - and in 24 years she never managed to overcome the 27 kilogram bar. To simply survive, the girl has to eat every 15 minutes and consume from 5 to 8 thousand calories a day.

It is worth giving the girl her due: despite the terrible disease, which led to her becoming one of the thinnest people in the world, she did not give up and took up educational activities. In a few recent years Velázquez has written several books and given over 200 performances.

Lizzie Velasquez with her family - parents, sister and brother

Velasquez at an autograph session with his book “Be Beautiful, Be You”

The European media dubbed Ioana Spangenberg a “living hourglass”: the girl’s waist circumference is only 50 centimeters, and her weight is only a little more than 38 kilograms. Nobody knows what caused the extreme thinness: Ioana herself tirelessly denies in all interviews that she suffers from anorexia.

As a child, Ioana was a completely ordinary child, and she began to lose weight when she was adolescence. Despite all his efforts, Spangerberg can’t gain weight - although, according to his own statement, he eats pizza, chocolate bars and other sources of “quick kilos” every day.

In 2006, Spangerberg got married and began working as a fashion model - designers, apparently, are completely delighted with the “living mannequin”.

Men, for the most part, suffer much less from defects in appearance. According to statistics, only 15% of all patients diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia are men. However, for some men, the pursuit of beauty ends in tragedy. The most striking example is the story of Jeremy Gillitzer, a former fashion model who died in 2010 after a 25-year battle with anorexia at the age of 38. At the time of his death, he weighed only 30 kilograms and was one of the thinnest people in the world.

At the age of 12, little Jeremy was first diagnosed with anorexia, and by the age of 14 he learned to swallow laxatives so that he could lose 1-3 kilograms at a time. Over the next few years, the young man traveled to clinics - first private, and then, when his insurance ran out, public. And finally, a miracle happened - 20-year-old Gillitzer somehow recovered. With the same passion that he had lost weight before, Jeremy started working out at the gym, got a great figure and found work as a fashion model.
The magic didn't last long. In 2004, Gillitzer broke up with his first (and only) boyfriend, his mother became seriously ill, and Jeremy himself was involved in two car accidents within a month. Depression forced the successful fashion model to return to old habits. Unfortunately, this time attempts at treatment were not successful - Gillitzer died a few years later.
