Can pregnant women use cosmetics and creams? Cosmetics for pregnant women. Do special creams help against stretch marks?

Pregnancy is a period in a woman’s life that requires her to take responsibility and pay special attention to her health and lifestyle.

This has already been said more than once, but this is precisely the point that needs to be reminded as often as possible.

During pregnancy, every woman becomes incredibly attractive; a rare passerby, meeting her on the street, will not smile, because the expectant mother “glows” with happiness, it is not spoiled by extra pounds, split ends, or brittle nails.

Nevertheless, Beauty issues always concern pregnant women, each of them dreams of maintaining their attractiveness during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women use cosmetics? And how to do this without harming the baby? This is exactly what our article will be about.

The agony of choice

During pregnancy Women often experience problems due to hormonal changes. Stretch marks appear, nails become brittle, sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, so the skin quickly becomes oily.

All these factors indicate that a woman needs to choose cosmetics, which would effectively combat all these problems.

Many women are of the opinion that Using any cosmetics during pregnancy can cause harm to the unborn baby. I would like to immediately note the mythological origin of this judgment.

The fact is that any cream or lotion penetrates only up to the dermis level, and this is absolutely not dangerous for the developing organism.

It must be said that even doctors do not advise women to refuse from the use of cosmetics during pregnancy.

Firstly if the skin is accustomed to additional nutrition and daily care, then why deprive her of this?

And secondly, well-groomed woman When you see your reflection in the mirror, you always once again will smile and positive attitude and the mother’s peace of mind are incredibly important for the future baby.

The main thing is to choose the right cosmetics, because many of them may contain harmful substances, unnatural dyes and fragrances.

Best to buy natural cosmetics for pregnant women, which is produced on the basis natural ingredients, and also undergoes special clinical testing.

This type of cosmetics is considered safe and is recommended for use by health experts.

The most popular among women are cosmetics for pregnant women from well-known companies such as “Mustela”, “Mom Comfort” and “Our Mother”.

Products from listed manufacturers designed specifically for skin care for expectant mothers and effectively combats the most common problems women experience during pregnancy.

What are stretch marks and how to prevent them?

If with oily skin th, brittle nails and thinning hair can still be somehow combated with the help vitamin complexes And proper nutrition, then, as a rule, they leave a “mark” on a woman’s body for the rest of her life.

That's why it's very It is important to prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy, since it will be almost impossible to get rid of them.

Stretch marks most often form on the stomach, hips, chest and buttocks of a pregnant woman. Their occurrence is primarily associated with hormonal imbalances, as well as with the skin characteristics of each woman.

For some, the skin is quite elastic, it is able to stretch and recover without visible changes, while for others it looks like a sheet of paper and “tears” when stretched. This is exactly how they are formed striae(stretch marks).

How to prevent their occurrence? There are no special secrets here. Main, take care of your skin from the first day of pregnancy, cleanse, moisturize and nourish it.

Pregnant skin becomes more sensitive, so It is important to find those cosmetic products that will help achieve the desired result.

Conventional cosmetics are not a panacea in such situations. You should select products from special series for pregnant women.

Their composition contains natural ingredients and vitamins that increase skin elasticity. These are creams, lotions, oils, emulsions, etc. Selecting all the products according to your needs you may never know what stretch marks are!

During pregnancy, a woman's appearance changes. Along with breast enlargement and a rounded tummy, acne, stretch marks, and swelling often appear. These companions of pregnant women can be corrected with moderate physical activity, proper nutrition and use of skin care products. Modern cosmetics It is absolutely safe for pregnant women and is aimed at solving problems that arise during pregnancy.

To care for the skin of the body and face during pregnancy, a woman can partially use existing cosmetics. Additionally, you will need products aimed at solving specific problems: eliminating acne, age spots, striae.

The question of whether pregnant women can use cosmetics has long lost its relevance. Several decades ago, there was an opinion that when carrying a child, you need to give up not only creams, lotions, lipstick and mascara, but also cutting your hair. Today, attitudes towards care procedures have changed; many manufacturers produce products without harmful substances, suitable, including for pregnant women.

Few pregnant women need enough water and cleansers to care for their skin. Changes in hormonal levels and metabolism lead to problems that require the use of special cosmetics. Lotions, tonics, creams, oils and gels created for expectant mothers are hypoallergenic and safe for the baby.

Cosmetology for pregnant women means body treatments using sea salt and algae. Baths, wraps, and light massage (except for the abdominal area and in the absence of contraindications) will help you relax and relieve stress. It is allowed to make face masks using special cosmetics approved during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to carry out salon procedures that involve changes in temperature and use chemical reactions. These include: chemical peeling, massage with heated stones, hot wraps, as well as any use of essential oils. It is worth holding off on electro- and photoepilation and lifting.

The use of conventional cosmetics can cause dermatitis and the appearance of age spots.

Decorative cosmetics for pregnant women should be hypoallergenic. We need to more carefully monitor the expiration date of each product: mascara, blush, eye shadow, lipstick. If possible, you should stop using foundation, it closes the pores, enhancing the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the composition of cosmetics. Products with retinol, soy and bergamot are prohibited. If there are no allergic reactions, you can buy products from companies you already know. At the same time, it is worth giving preference to products with natural ingredients, and ideally, with a safety mark for pregnant women.

Rules for choosing cosmetics for pregnant women

The choice of cosmetics during pregnancy should be based on ideas about its safety and effectiveness.

To avoid unwanted consequences, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Natural cosmetics for pregnant women should be a priority;
  • you need to carefully study the composition of the product you are purchasing; if it only lists the names of chemical compounds, then it is better to refuse the purchase;
  • give preference to products that primarily contain oils, herbal extracts, and vitamins;
  • choose facial skin care products designed to eliminate age spots, high fat content, acne is a frequent companion of pregnancy;
  • To care for your body skin, you should purchase moisturizing lotions and creams, natural oils and means for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks;
  • it is important to pay attention to the expiration date; if it has expired, then the use of cosmetics can be harmful to health in general, and not just to the condition of the skin;
  • When choosing decorative cosmetics, you should give preference to products marked “hypoallergenic”; this will protect you from unwanted reactions of the body.

The most necessary products during pregnancy are cosmetics for stretch marks and facial skin care. The right choice and timely start of use will help avoid problems.

Choosing a remedy for stretch marks

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are one of the main skin problems during pregnancy. And the reasons are hormonal changes and weight gain. As a result of stretching and loss of elasticity, the inner layer of the skin is torn, and the damaged area is filled with connective tissue. At first, stretch marks look like purple scars, but after a while they turn white and become less noticeable.

Cosmetics for pregnant women against stretch marks help not only eliminate the problem that has already arisen, but also prevent its occurrence. It is best to start using the products in advance, as soon as the stomach begins to increase in size and stretch the skin. Stretch marks more often occur with insufficient hydration and a lack of vitamin E. Before they appear, the skin itches and flakes.

Cosmetics for stretch marks for pregnant women should be safe. You should be careful when choosing oils. They effectively soften the skin and retain moisture inside it, but can be dangerous when carrying a child and can lead to miscarriage.

Prohibited for expectant mother The oils are chamomile, mint, thyme, rose, oregano, cedar, ginger, nutmeg, fennel, parsley, basil, sage and cinnamon. All these plants may be present in other remedies for stretch marks, but in this case their concentration is much lower and cannot cause harm. The best option is to refuse to buy essential oil in favor of a softer option: cream, lotion, milk or gel.

Effective products for combating stretch marks should contain emollient oils (shea, jojoba) and components that improve blood circulation. Many manufacturers add vitamins, amino acids, collagen - all these compounds restore tissue. As a result, the skin surface becomes noticeably softer and smoother, flaking and dryness are eliminated.

Also, when choosing a remedy for stretch marks, you need to pay attention to the smell; it should be unobtrusive and mild. In most products, fragrance additives reveal themselves upon contact with the skin, so if possible, it is worth applying a small sample of the product to the inner crease of your elbow. This will help not only to better evaluate the smell, but also to identify possible allergic reaction.

In addition to the use of cosmetics, nutrition, wearing special underwear, bandages, etc. play an important role in the fight against stretch marks. water procedures And physical activity. Strengthening skin tissue should occur not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Choosing a facial skin product

Facial cosmetics are necessary, first of all, for pregnant women with oily and combination skin. These skin types are characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, leading to the formation of acne. There are many remedies that can cope with this problem, but not all of them are safe for the expectant mother and baby.

When choosing cosmetics for pregnant women intended for facial skin, you need to pay attention to the composition.

The following components are dangerous:

  • Salicylic acid. Widely used in products to combat acne and other rashes. It is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus and complications of the gestation process. On the packaging this component is designated as Salicylic acid, BHA, Beta hydroxy acid (BHA).
  • Retinoids. Compounds based on vitamin A. It stimulates the division of skin cells and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Causes developmental disorders in the fetus. The packaging of products containing retinoids may include: Differin, Retin-A, Renova, Retinoic acid, Retinol, Retinyl linoleate, Retinyl palmitate, Tazorac and Avage.
  • Phthalates. These are salts and esters of phthalic acid used as fragrances. Their toxic effect on the body has been identified for a long time.
  • Hydroquinone and glautathione. The compounds have a whitening effect by acting on the enzymes that synthesize melanin.
  • Dihydroxyacetone. It is present in self-tanners and leads to skin cancer, problems with the reproductive system, and mutagenic reactions.
  • Parabens. They are used in many cosmetics and increase shelf life. Causes breast cancer and disorders of the reproductive organs.
  • Ethylene oxide. It is a disinfectant component and makes the structure of the product softer. It has carcinogenic and mutagenic properties.
  • Hormones. Despite the fact that phytoestrogens are replacing animal estrogens, their effect on the human body has not yet been fully studied.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate. Carcinogen, dangerous at concentrations greater than 2%. Poisoning may occur when using products containing this compound.
  • Benzene. It is a toxin that affects the bone marrow, causing blood cancer and anemia.

Facial skin care products should contain as many natural plant ingredients as possible. During pregnancy, many cosmetics can be replaced with products traditional medicine: decoctions, infusions, mixtures.

Rules for using cosmetics for pregnant women

In order for the use of cosmetics during pregnancy to be truly safe, you need not only to be able to choose products, but also to apply them correctly:

  • Milk, cream, gel or lotion for stretch marks can and should be used starting from the 13th week of pregnancy. At this time, the risk of miscarriage is already noticeably reduced, and the belly is just beginning to grow. Regular use of such products helps prevent the formation of stretch marks for more later. Rub the cream (gel, lotion) into problem areas with light movements twice a day. It is best to carry out the procedure after a shower, then active ingredients penetrate faster and deeper into the layers of the skin.
  • It is enough to use facial skin care cosmetics once a day, best before bed, when the muscles are relaxed.
  • You should use decorative cosmetics only when necessary. The less often the better. It is better not to use concealers such as foundation, concealer, or powder at all. Before going to bed, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of dirt and makeup.

Review of popular manufacturers

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of cosmetics for pregnant women. Some companies specialize only in producing products for expectant mothers, while others create lines within the existing brand.

The most popular cosmetics from the following manufacturers:

  1. Weleda. The manufacturer from Germany focuses on natural ingredients that are harmless to pregnant women. The assortment consists of a tonic gel for feet and three types of oils: for the breast during lactation, for ruptures during childbirth, and for stretch marks.
  2. Chicco. Cosmetics from Italy. The line for pregnant women contains rice bran and wheat grain oils - components that moisturize and increase skin elasticity. For expectant mothers, they produce products for stretch marks, breast serum, face gel, shampoos, and insect repellent gels.
  3. Mustela. The French company produces a whole series of “9 months”; these cosmetics for pregnant women contain natural ingredients and are tested by dermatologists. On sale you can find breast skin care products, nipple care products, oil for stretch marks and much more.
  4. Avent. All products of this brand from the UK are hypoallergenic and contain shea butter, papaya butter, seaweed extract and milk proteins. The range includes creams for stretch marks and nipple care, moisturizing oil and shower gel.
  5. Sanosan. The manufacturer from Germany produces environmentally friendly products approved by independent European experts. The series for pregnant women includes a protective cream with panthenolm, an anti-stretch mark product, a moisturizing soap, a weather cream and wet wipes.
  6. Our mother. Cosmetics for pregnant women of the domestic company “Our Mama” are produced as part of the “Mama Comfort” series . The products are based on natural ingredients and enriched with vitamins. The range includes creams and gels for stretch marks, breast skin care, nipples, liquid soap, shampoo, multivitamin oil, etc.

Modern cosmetics for pregnant women are made on the basis of natural ingredients, with the addition of vitamins and amino acids. All products undergo dermatological control and are certified. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the composition, expiration date and the presence of marks on permission for use by pregnant women.

While carrying a child, a woman wants to look attractive more than ever. For this she is ready to put in a lot of effort. But can all products and procedures be used in the situation? What can harm an unborn child? After all, most cosmetics contain not very healthy ingredients. How to protect yourself and your unborn child while remaining a beautiful and sweet “pregnant woman” for photo shoots, which have become so popular lately.

Taking care of your face during pregnancy

During such a crucial period for a woman, when hormones, like a nuclear explosion, are produced by the placenta, pituitary gland and thyroid gland, a woman’s skin type may change. However, there is no need to panic. Only facial skin care needs to be changed. And based on the fact that pregnancy and cosmetics are not enemies, it is worth excluding only unsafe components contained in beauty products.

Those with dry skin should first of all give up soap in favor of, for example, micellar water. Choose a cream that is moisturizing, but does not contain hormonal components. It is desirable to contain vitamin E and a natural component - aloe vera.

If you have oily skin, and even more so problematic skin, it is better to avoid purchased products altogether. Try to switch to folk remedies skin care. Or watch very carefully so that it does not flash in the composition salicylic acid. Store-bought products can easily be replaced with masks made from cottage cheese and kefir or carrots and proteins. There are a lot of recipes for tonics, masks, and peelings at home in the public domain. Choose for yourself suitable option won't be difficult.

Taking proper care of your body

The main enemy of all pregnant women is stretch marks. During pregnancy, the skin becomes sensitive and elastic to be able to stretch to accommodate the growing fetus. Sometimes the tissue under the skin fails and ruptures. Rip scars are nothing more than stretch marks.

Based on the above, we can conclude that to prevent stretch marks, the skin needs to be regularly moisturized and fight to maintain its elasticity. Fortunately, there are now plenty of products designed specifically for pregnant women. You can buy and use it without fear for your health and the health of your little one. This needs to be done regularly. It is the systematic care that will allow you to avoid the appearance of “offenders”.

The only disadvantage of purchased products can be considered the cost, which sometimes, due to the promotion of brands, is not entirely justified. Therefore, in case of difficulties in purchasing expensive products, they can be easily replaced with oils. It can be olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, or wheat germ oil. And again, just don’t forget about regular use.

Taking care of your hair

Hair also goes through difficult times during pregnancy. They take on a dull hue, become dry, and begin to break. Just like your skin, your hair needs to be moisturized. And because Due to the risk of swelling, it is not possible to compensate for the lack of moisture by drinking water; you need to act externally. Use shampoos and conditioners made from natural ingredients containing plant substances. It wouldn’t hurt to forget about using hairspray for a certain period of time. If absolutely necessary, replace it with wax or foam. Paints for permanent coloring must be replaced tinted shampoos or tonics, but not without caution. Henna or basma can be an excellent solution for color correction. These are dyes, but natural ones. They are able to minimize negative impact on hair and scalp.

Taking care of your nails

Harmful fumes from varnish can be a source of concern for pregnant women. But sagging nails is the very first sign that a woman is unkempt, to which men react extremely negatively. What can you do? Use nail polish remover without acetone. Nails can be given beautiful shape and sand without resorting to varnish. Or choose a formaldehyde-free varnish.


For makeup, try to choose hypoallergenic products. It is advisable to avoid applying foundation, as it can cause clogged pores. Do not deny yourself eyeshadow and mascara. After all, makeup and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts.


It's no secret that during pregnancy a woman is not very friendly with odors, and sometimes even against them. Even if your favorite perfume causes headaches or seems suffocating, you should not force yourself. In this case, it is better to simply stop using perfume. Regarding deodorants, you can buy talc in stores selling natural cosmetics.

For a woman, pregnancy is the most beautiful stage of life. Every second she feels her baby under her heart, his movements, his heartbeat. Therefore, during this period it is unforgivable for the expectant mother to look indecent.

Can pregnant women use cosmetics - video

Any woman, even from a very young age, takes care of her appearance. And this is certainly welcome. Remember the expression: “Beauty is a terrible force!” Just 3 words contain a huge meaning.

Even in ancient times, women could attract any man with their beauty. Currently, cosmetology and cosmetic preparations can not only prolong the youth of the skin, but also turn even the “ugliest” into a real beauty.

At a certain point in life, a girl or woman dreams of a child. And now the long-awaited and joyful event has come for absolutely everyone. Your friends, mother and, of course, doctors at the antenatal clinic will tell you about all the intricacies of pregnancy.

But this article will help you properly care for your skin during 9 months of pregnancy, how to use and apply cosmetics so as not to harm the skin of your face and body, as well as your baby.

Many expectant mothers are afraid to use cosmetics for 9 months, and they are absolutely right. It’s better to forget about conventional means for a few months. Questions arise: what to use and are there cosmetics for pregnant women? Yes, and yes again. Yes, not simple, but natural cosmetics for pregnant women.

On store shelves and online stores you can find different means skin care throughout all months of pregnancy, but how to do right choice and don't make a mistake.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which in turn affects the condition of the skin. Skin The face can change type, for example, if the skin was oily it becomes drier or vice versa. The same applies to the epidermis of the body. But don’t worry, all these changes disappear immediately after childbirth.

Criteria for choosing funds:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not contain hormonal or animal ingredients;
  • lack of vitamin A;
  • availability of a hygiene certificate;
  • composition only from organic components.

How to avoid stretch marks?

We all know that the structure of the skin is not elastic. During pregnancy, the fetus grows and puts pressure on the abdomen, causing it to stretch. Stretch marks can be avoided if you take proper care of your body skin. Otherwise, these “horrible” skin breaks will remain with you for life. And no matter what plastic surgeons say, you cannot get rid of them. It is better to prevent this problem - stretch marks. And unique products from Weleda and Mustela manufacturers will help us with this.

Weleda for stretch marks

For more than 90 years, German Weleda cosmetics has been producing only natural cosmetics, developed together with doctors and pharmacists, and undergoing clinical and dermatological studies.

Weleda oil for stretch marks contains only organic matter: almond oil, jojoba oil, arnica flower extract, wheat germ oil, sandalwood, lavender, orange, limonene, citral aromas.

Weleda oil can be used from the first months of pregnancy, and, if possible, applied to areas of the body 2 times a day that are most susceptible to changes (abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest).

Weleda stretch mark remedy stimulates the production of collagen fibers in the skin, strengthens and nourishes it. Thanks to selected components, the oil maintains body skin tone.

More detailed information and reviews about Weleda stretch mark remedy can be read below.

Fighting cellulite during pregnancy

During all 9 months of pregnancy, do not forget about the “orange” peel. You can use regular cosmetics against cellulite, just carefully read the composition, it should not contain chemical dyes or fragrances.

Natural breast remedies

The expectant mother's breasts also require special care. The mammary glands increase in volume throughout the 9 months, stretch marks may appear, the Weleda remedy, which we discussed above, will come to your aid. What other dangers lie in wait for the breast? This is itching of the nipples and the appearance of cracks.

Mustela breast care product

Specially developed Mustela cream from French manufacturers can and should be used throughout pregnancy. Mustela cream has been dermatologically tested and does not contain harmful toxins or dyes, only patented ingredients. It maintains skin tone, relieves tension in the mammary glands, moisturizes and nourishes. Mustela cream contains: glycerin, avocado peptides, lupeol, calendula. It has a pleasant light texture and is instantly absorbed upon application. Read reviews from women who have tried mustela.

Foot products

Pregnant women are very prone to swelling of the legs. To prevent this phenomenon, use creams with a cooling effect. They will help relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs.

Don't forget about makeup during pregnancy

Again the question: is it possible to paint? It is possible, but only with modern safe decorative means.

Decorative cosmetics for the face, like any other during pregnancy, must be carefully chosen. Should be paid special attention for the shelf life of the product and the substances included in its composition.

When choosing face blush or shadow, give preference to those that contain mineral dyes. They do not cause allergies or redness on the skin. Don't wear eyeliner or nail polish. Avoid products that contain lanolin. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of a certificate, so you will avoid buying a fake.

Use lip gloss instead of lipstick. For cracked lips you can use chapstick Weleda. It is not only 100% natural, but also economical to use. Can be applied at any time of the year.

A pregnant woman herself is very beautiful, an incredible glow emanates from her. You should use face cosmetics as little as possible; try to pay more attention to the skin of your body, and, of course, to your baby.

And finally, love yourself and your future baby, use cosmetics for pregnant women from trusted manufacturers.

4.2 - Ratings: 36

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