Why doesn't Eucharis bloom? Why eucharis does not bloom and what to do with the plant Why eucharis does not bloom

The Amazon lily, or eucharis as it is also called, has the main advantage that this plant can maintain its attractiveness and decorativeness all year round.

But if the “beauty” has ceased to please its owners with its splendor, it is worth thinking about why eucharis does not bloom.

Today, more than ten species of this overseas plant are known, and all of them equally form beautiful, delicate and fragrant flowers on the arrow of the peduncle, resembling daffodils in appearance and shape. So what do you need to know in order to achieve abundant and constant flowering of eucharis?

Alluring elegance lily

Eucharis has been known for a long time and takes root well in ordinary city apartments. This wonderful flower came to us from the tropics of South America, where it adorns the humid Colombian Amazon forests with its grace. But for some reason last years Eucharis undeservedly goes into oblivion, having come to terms with the fact that he is oppressed by exotic beauties. Although it is completely in vain that flower growers refuse the Amazon lily. This, at first glance, simple flower is in no way inferior to expensive “aristocrats”. And in some ways it even looks much more advantageous and interesting.

The specialness of eucharis is emphasized by its name, which is translated from Greek as “graceful”, “pleasant”, “calling”, “alluring”, “attractive”. From a biological point of view, it is a herbaceous bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family. Among the most popular are: grandiflora, masterza, white, sandera and toothless.

The main advantage of the Amazon lily is its decorative effect. The flower has beautiful large shiny and succulent leaves, slightly wrinkled with longitudinal veins. And even in winter, eucharis remains intact and does not lose them. Otherwise, if this does happen, it is worth reviewing the watering regime and gradually reducing it.

Eucharis is ideal for beginner gardeners who do not yet have experience. Caring for it is quite simple and easy. In order to make friends with the “Amazon”, you need to take into account some features of caring for her.

It is necessary to replant an exotic plant correctly. This is always done after the lily has bloomed. It is then that numerous “babies” form on the bulbs, which become cramped. And, of course, as a supportive “therapy” during active reproduction and growth, the flower needs good feeding, consisting of mineral fertilizers and organic matter. But more on that later.

Eucharis "graceful": long live flowering!

Amazon lily good conditions should bloom twice a year. This usually happens late autumn and in mid-spring. Only when the eucharis feels caring hands does it respond with abundant and long flowering, throwing out several long arrows, on which spectacular milky-white flowers are collected in umbrellas - they reach 12 cm in diameter.

However, many novice flower growers are surprised, they say, why eucharis do not bloom. After all, the plant is considered unpretentious in care. Everything is true, but there are exceptional cases - for example, the beginning of rotting of the bulbs due to too much watering. It is worthwhile to provide a drainage hole in the pot where the eucharis grows in order to promptly remove excess water. It is best to combine the time of watering with washing the leaves of the plant. And further. You can use well-dry soil to determine when it’s time to water the plant. If it is still wet, you should stop watering.

Another reason why a well-groomed eucharis does not bloom may be that the pot is too spacious. The arrows of flower stalks appear only when the soil is completely “populated” with children. Therefore, transplants should not be done frequently - it is better to carry them out once every 3-4 years.

From time to time, experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing the soil in the pot where eucharis grows. You can use a universal mixture of substrate for flowering plants and soil for cacti. If desired, it can be replaced with dry ground mullein. It is advised to use fertilizing only when replanting a flower - a period when it especially needs it.

What should you know about replanting an Amazon lily? After all, the flowering, growth, and life of the overseas beauty entirely depends on how correctly it is carried out.

In addition to the fact that you need to plant the Amazon lily with several bulbs, the plant needs 10 days of rest. During this period, eucharis does not need to be watered in order to allow the plant to take root and gain a foothold in the soil. And for this to happen as soon as possible, it is better to place the pot in a place with diffused light. Open window sills, especially those with access to the sunny side, are contraindicated for eucharis at this time. It should be remembered that after transplantation the plant is especially vulnerable and therefore we must not forget about the correct temperature regime. There should be no overheating or hypothermia of the flower.

With this proper care beautiful and delicate eucharis flowers will constantly delight their mistress, and experienced gardeners will always wonder how you managed to grow this exotic plant.

Video: Why eucharis does not bloom

Leaves no one indifferent. Its white flowers are large in size and have a wonderful aroma. The plant blooms annually, and some experienced gardeners achieve flowering twice a year. But sometimes the plant still refuses to bloom. And the most important thing here is to determine the cause and eliminate it. Because the lack of flowering indicates some mistake in caring for this flower, which can affect its health and development. Let's look at the reasons why eucharis does not bloom at home, mistakes in caring for the Amazon lily, and what to do with the plant.

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

Any mistake in caring for eucharis can affect its flowering. But if some reasons necessarily lead to the absence of flowers, then others may not have such an effect on this plant. Sometimes, even with improper care, it still blooms, but sparingly.

The most likely reasons for the lack of flowering include the following:

  • The pot size is incorrectly selected;
  • No rest period;
  • The plant is affected by diseases or pests.

The main reason why eucharis fails to bloom is the lack of a dormant period. A flower growing indoors at the same temperature all year round will soon lose its vigor and stop blooming. And they can only be restored by creating a period of rest for him.

The wrong choice of pot size greatly affects the flowering of this species. Inexperienced gardeners think that a large pot of eucharis will be spacious and comfortable. Therefore, achieving flowering will not be difficult. But this flower has its own developmental characteristics. The pot for it should be carefully selected in size and shape.

Often, especially in summer, the plant is attacked by harmful insects. This may also affect its flowering. But eucharis will not bloom only if there are a lot of pests. If they are detected and destroyed in time, this will not affect the further development of buds and flowers.

There are other, less likely reasons why a plant refuses to bloom:

  • Incorrect temperature and watering;
  • Insufficient air humidity;
  • Lack of fertilizing and replanting.

Incorrect watering and temperature conditions, as well as dry air, can affect flowering only if it has already led to plant disease. Minor errors in care usually do not lead to such consequences.

Flaw nutrients can also lead to a lack of flowering. But for this, eucharis must not be fed or replanted for quite a long time. A slight nutritional deficiency is not the reason why a plant will refuse to bloom.

The problem is in the pot

For eucharis to bloom abundantly, it must be planted in a tight pot. It should not be very small, but the root system of the plant should touch its walls.

Often this flower is planted in a large pot “not growing”, and then they cannot get a peduncle to appear. This is quite natural. After all, until the roots of the plant grow so much that they touch the walls of the pot, it will not bloom. And this will not happen soon in a spacious pot.

When transplanting eucharis, the size of the pot is chosen depending on the size of the root system. It is necessary that the roots do not reach the walls by more than 1 cm. This will provide space for the plant to develop. But the root system will quickly grow to the walls of the pot, and the plant will begin to bloom.

To quickly achieve lush flowering, experts recommend planting several eucharis bulbs at once in a tight pot. Then each bulb will release a peduncle, flowering will be abundant.

Sometimes the plant refuses to bloom even in a cramped pot. Here you need to pay attention to the age of the bulb. Each specimen of Eucharis can grow buds only when it reaches a certain age. Very young plants cannot flower. Only specimens in which babies have begun to form on the bulbs are capable of blooming.

You should also pay attention to the shape of the pot. It shouldn't be too high. In a tall pot, the natural drying of the soil is slowed down; its bottom layer can remain wet for a long time. And since most of the plant’s root system is concentrated at the bottom of the pot, stagnation of moisture will quickly lead to root disease.

The ideal shape of a pot for eucharis should be such that its height is equal to the diameter of the pot. It may be a little larger, but good drainage is required to remove excess water.

Rest period

The period of rest for eucharis, together with preparation for it, is usually 3 months. They start it 2-3 weeks after the end of flowering. Within a month, the plant is no longer fertilized, and its watering is gradually reduced. As a result, they stop watering it completely, and when the earthen ball is completely dry, it is transferred to a cool and shaded place.

The temperature for wintering eucharis should be within 15-17ºС. In these conditions it is kept, practically without watering, for 2 months. All this time the flower is being watched, as soon as its leaves lose their elasticity and droop, the flower is watered a little. But it needs very little moisture, just to slightly moisten the earthen lump.

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After the end of the dormant period, the flower is brought into a warm room and the previous watering and fertilizing are gradually resumed. In this case, the plant wakes up and soon throws out a peduncle.

With this cultivation, eucharis can bloom 2 times a year. But for this it is necessary to organize 2 periods of rest. They can occur in winter and summer or in spring and autumn.

In winter, a dormant period for the plant is easy to organize. To reduce the temperature, it is transferred to a cool veranda or a glazed warm loggia. In summer, achieving the optimal temperature is much more difficult. Therefore, in the summer, the plant is simply placed in a shady place where it will not be exposed to sunlight. Without watering, eucharis will be able to rest well in the summer and gain strength before flowering.

If the plant does not bloom, it can also be given a rest period. After this it usually blooms. In this way, you can ensure the flowering of eucharis at any time of the year.

Diseases and pests

The flowering of eucharis can be affected by some diseases that have settled on it. The most common diseases of eucharis are fungal infections. They are quite difficult to treat, but without treatment they lead to the death of the plant. A flower affected by fungi loses foliage, does not form flower stalks and gradually dies. The most common diseases of eucharis are:

  • Root rot;
  • Gray rot;
  • Red burn.

Root rot is not visible in the early stages of development. Then the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out. When inspecting the root system, you can see a lot of rotten, blackened roots. The photo on the right shows healthy plant roots.

Gray rot affects the leaves of the plant. Small areas covered with gray mold appear on them. Diseased areas grow and cover all leaf blades.

Red burn affects the bulbs, leaves and flower stalks of the plant. Reddish areas are visible on the bulbs. The leaves are covered with red elongated spots. Peduncles are deformed, buds do not open.

To combat fungal diseases, it is necessary to use antifungal drugs. They treat the above-ground part of the plant, and in case of root rot, water it at the root. It is recommended to soak the bulbs in antifungal solutions before planting.

Eucharis suffers from the following pests:

  • Spider mite;
  • Thrips;
  • Shchitovka;
  • Amaryllis mealybug.

All these pests, multiplying in large numbers, can weaken the plant so much that it not only fails to bloom, but may even die. If harmful insects are detected, it is necessary to treat the bush with an insecticide solution (Aktellik, Fitoverm). The treatment is repeated until the pests are completely destroyed. It is better to use acaricides against spider mites - means to combat harmful arachnids.

Other reasons

There are many other reasons for the lack of flowering of eucharis. The most likely ones include the following:

  • Sudden temperature fluctuations and excessive watering;
  • Low air humidity;
  • Lack of replanting and insufficient feeding.

In unstable temperature conditions, when there are sharp changes in air temperature, eucharis bulbs slow down their development. Such conditions are unfavorable for the plant. It does not grow leaves and does not form a large bulb ready for flowering. Flowering in such conditions can be expected for quite a long time.

Intensive watering is unnatural for the plant. In addition, stagnation of water in the soil quickly leads to the development of fungal infections that attack the flower and kill it.

For regular flowering of the plant, you need to maintain high air humidity during the warm period. Without this, the leaves become deformed and dry out, the buds do not open or the flower stalks do not appear at all.

Humidity is maintained by spraying the flower. During the period of budding and flowering, you need to ensure that water does not get on the flowers and buds. At this time, it is better to install the plant in a tray with a moistened substrate.

For proper development It is very important to feed eucharis in a timely manner during the period of growth and flowering. And once every 2-3 years it is replanted with a complete replacement of the soil. This is necessary to ensure that the flower receives enough nutrients. If these procedures are not carried out, the eucharis will bloom less and less often. In the end, it will refuse to bloom at all.

Eucharis is the name of a genus of bulbous crops in the Amaryllis family. The plant is widespread in South and Central America. The tropical crop is often called the Amazon lily. There are about twenty species of plants. The flower "eucharis" means "most lovely" and also "graceful". Decorative leaves of rich shade are especially valued. Delightful delicate inflorescences fill the entire room with an amazing subtle aroma. The round bulb of the Amazon lily reaches more than five centimeters in diameter. On top is a modified plant root, densely covered with golden scales. Eucharis blooms in mid-autumn. Under favorable conditions, the plant is capable of shooting arrows twice a year.

The Amazon lily must be protected from direct sunlight.

Correct lighting

Amazon lily prefers even, diffused lighting. The plant is also capable of maintaining bright colors in partial shade. To grow eucharis, you should prepare window sills on the west or south side of the building. The indoor lily does not tolerate exposure to sunlight.


Eucharis needs to create comfortable warm conditions. In summer, the optimal air temperature for a flower is from + 23 to + 30 degrees.

In winter, a cool room should be prepared. The thermometer mark should be at +15-+18 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate drafts and gusts of wind. Open windows in winter can harm the Amazon lily. Just a few hours of cool air causes leaves to fall.

How to water a plant

The Amazon lily prefers uniform substrate moisture during the active growing season and flowering. In waterlogged soil, the root system begins to rot. In a few days the plant will die.

After the inflorescences wither Amazon lily enters a period of rest. During the entire rest period (about forty-five days), you can water the plant no more than twice.


The indoor lily responds well to high indoor humidity. A plant without inflorescences can be regularly sprayed with settled water. room temperature.

It is important to monitor the condition of the leaves. It is not advisable to allow water to stagnate at the base of the vegetative organs.

At the stage of budding and abundant flowering, spraying should be stopped. Inflorescences can die from drops of water.

Eucharia should be wiped periodically. Dust often accumulates on the leaves. It is recommended to use a dry sponge first. After removing the dirt, you can treat the areas with a damp cloth. Failure to follow the recommendations may clog the stomata. The leaves of the crop will not be able to continue gas exchange with the environment.

How to perform a transplant

The indoor lily can actively develop in one container for about four years. It is recommended to replant the grown plant after the first flowering as the bulbs grow. Young Eucharis should be replanted annually. If the colonies of modified roots do not fit in the pot, you should change the container.

To grow eucharis you need to use large, wide pots. It is advisable to lay a thick layer of drainage at the bottom of the container.

The procedure must be carried out using the transshipment method at the end of March. Eucharis reacts heavily to loss of moisture and damage to the root system. For transplantation you need:

  1. Gently loosen the substrate using a small garden spatula.
  2. Spread out the massive roots.
  3. To avoid damaging tangled areas, you can rinse the root system with running water.
  4. Separated bulbs should be planted at a depth of about three centimeters.
  5. If you are replanting an acquired bulb without leaves, you need to place the eucharis in a container with the crown part up. The top should remain on the surface of the earth.
  6. It is necessary to compact the substrate thoroughly.
  7. The plant should be constantly inspected for three weeks. Successful rooting can be seen due to the bare area.
  8. You should rarely water your indoor lily. You can determine the need to moisten the substrate by touch.
  9. If the planting material has leaves, it is necessary to spray the plant regularly.
  10. In conditions of high humidity, new leaves will appear on the bulb within 45 days.

Rest period

The Amazon lily differs from other representatives of amaryllis in the absence of a pronounced dormant period. The plant does not shed its leaves in winter. The loss of vegetative organs indicates damage to the crop. Eucharis may die.

The plant does not have a pronounced rest period.

After flowering, it is advisable to reduce watering for sixty days. The plant will be able to regain its strength.

Need for pruning

Eucharis does not need constant pruning. It is enough to clear the crop of fading flower stalks as it wilts.

Additional information about planting and replanting a flower can be found in the video:

Amazon lily in an open area

In tropical countries, eucharis is grown as a garden crop. The plant can maintain freshness for a long time. Therefore, the lily is often cultivated for cutting.

IN northern regions a flower is grown in a greenhouse and winter gardens. The indoor flower lily is especially popular.

Flower growers often experiment with eucharis. The container plant can withstand the outdoor conditions of a temperate continental climate in the warm season. It is advisable to prepare a protected place in the gazebo or on the balcony. The flower will be able to maintain its decorative properties provided there are no sharp temperature fluctuations and sudden night cold snaps.

Eucharis on outdoors can only be kept in a closed container.

Indoor lily - secrets of growing

soil mixture

To plant eucharis, you need to prepare a substrate from humus, leaf soil, aerated softened peat, and clean river sand. It is also recommended to use Nitrophoska and wood ash.

Top dressing

The growth of green mass of eucharis depends on the quality and timeliness of fertilizing. How to apply fertilizer correctly? For the Amazon lily, you should prepare a mineral mixture for flowering indoor plants or "Nitrophoska". Half a teaspoon of the product should be poured into one liter of water. It is recommended to use the solution no more than three times a month.

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to moisten the soil. Fertilizer in combination with a dry substrate can cause burns to the stems and leaves.

How to choose a flower pot

Eucharis grandiflora should be planted in shallow, wide containers. The container must be stable. Several large holes need to be made in the bottom to drain excess water.

What affects Eucharis grandiflora?

The Amazon lily differs from other members of the family in its unpretentiousness. The plant easily forms buds every year. With proper care, you can get a profusely flowering crop.

To create a spectacular bush, you can plant several bulbs in a large container. Regular feeding stimulates the formation of numerous leaves. Eucharis is not recommended to be planted in a group with other plants. The indoor lily needs to create enough space.

Despite the significant benefits, complete non-compliance with the rules of care can cause plant damage and the appearance of pests.

The main danger among insects for Eucharis are scale insects. The appearance of brown plaques on leaf blades and stems indicates damage to the flower.

The cleaned plant must be treated with a soap solution. It is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water. All areas should be sprayed with Actellica solution. You will need 0.15% drug. For one procedure, it is recommended to use two milliliters of the product and one liter of settled water.

Dry air combined with high temperature environment contributes to the settlement of thrips on lilies. Insect colonies primarily settle on the lower parts of the leaves. On the top of the plate you can see characteristic light marks.

An ornamental plant can cause significant harm to the body. It is not recommended to grow the plant indoors with children.

The entire amaryllis family contains high concentrations of the alkaloid lycorine. The component stimulates vomiting and causes severe poisoning. Accidental consumption of parts of the plant can lead to tragic consequences. Eucharius is included in the category of the most dangerous plants.

How to propagate lilies at home

A large accumulation of daughter bulbs on the mother plant creates curvaceous eucharis. A cramped space at the initial stage reduces the development of indoor lilies. Insufficient nutrients and tangled root systems can cause the death of all plants in one container. Therefore, as the lily grows, you should transplant the separated bulbs into new containers. A sufficient volume of the pot stimulates the flowering of the crop. Annual separation of small lilies is allowed.

It is advisable to perform disconnection during transplantation. Only mature children are suitable for spreading eucharis. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully. Fragile roots can be easily damaged.

Reproduction of Eucharis by bulbs.

Separated bulbs should be planted in pre-prepared wide containers with several holes. At the bottom of the container you need to line a drainage layer of crockery shards, expanded clay or pebbles. On top you will need two handfuls of clean, medium-grain sand. About five children can be planted in one pot. The planting depth should not exceed five centimeters.

Why plant Eucharis in a group? Several representatives in a tight container guarantee lush flowering. Single plantings of lilies will not be able to form inflorescences until the bulbs need to grow.

For children you will need to mix a special substrate. You should prepare:

  1. compost;
  2. leaf soil;
  3. loam;
  4. coarse sand.

Modified roots also respond well to heather, deciduous and turf soil. Heather substrate can be replaced with peat.

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom?

For eucharis to bloom, it is necessary to ensure proper rest. Excessive soil moisture reduces the likelihood of buds forming.

The main sign that a young plant is ready to produce buds is the formation of daughter bulbs. If inflorescences have not appeared this season, it is necessary to give the plant two months of rest.

Flowering can be stimulated using stratification.

If eucharis does not bloom for a long time, you can use the little secret of experienced flower growers. The effect of low temperature stimulates the production of buds. It is necessary to move the flowerpot to a cool room. The ambient temperature should not exceed + 15 degrees. The substrate should be completely dry.

After 30 days, it is necessary to return the plant to its permanent growing location and create the hottest conditions possible. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the lily. The plant should not form new leaves. It is not advisable to allow old vegetative organs to be shed.

Planting material

Eucharis can be purchased in grown form. A container culture with a height of 15 cm is sold in a container with a diameter of 15 cm at a price of 2,600 rubles.

Rooted lily shoots can be purchased on gardening forums for 100 rubles.

Elegant indoor flower, which appeared in subtropical forests on the banks of the Amazon River, has two common names:

  • eucharis (eucharis);
  • Amazon lily.

This flower is loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, beautiful flowering twice (three times) a year and a pleasant delicate aroma.

The most common varieties are considered to be: Eucharis grandiflora or Grandiflora, Eucharis white, Eucharis toothless or Callifuria.

Eucharius has large, oval, pointed leaf blades. Their width is approximately 20 cm. Length is about 40 cm. Color is dark green. The leaf surface is slightly wrinkled, with prominent veins. The leaves of the plant live for several years. Young leaves are initially curled into a tube, but straighten as they grow.

The flowers are large (up to 10 cm), snow-white, slightly drooping downwards. They are found on long (up to 60 cm), straight, leafless stems.

How to care for eucharis at home

Where to put the pot with eucharis

Eucharis does not like bright lighting. He prefers partial shade. Therefore, it is not advisable to place a flower pot with a plant on the southern windows. Lily will feel comfortable on an east or west window or on a shelf inside the room. In summer, the flower can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. Just first you need to prepare a special canopy for it, which will protect the plant from the rays of the sun and from rain.

Air humidity and temperature

In the room where the Amazonian plant is located, for its active growth and flowering, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24º to 28º Celsius. At lower temperatures, its flowers become smaller. After flowering (in the resting phase), the flower is provided with a temperature range from 17º to 19º Celsius. If the room temperature drops to +10ºC or lower, the lily will begin to shed its leaves, and the plant bulb may rot.

It is not necessary to organize special humidity in the room where the flower is located. It needs to be sprayed periodically and the leaves wiped off dust with a damp cloth.

During flowering, these manipulations should be performed with extreme caution. Water that gets on flowers can cause brown spots to form on them.

How to water eucharis

Moderate watering is considered optimal for the plant. In the case of the Amazon lily, they adhere to the following condition: “It is better to underfill than overfill.” Watering is carried out with settled water at room temperature. The excess water that remains in the tray of the flower pot is drained. The next watering during the growth period of the lily is carried out when the earthen ball dries out by a third of its volume, and during the dormant period, when the earth dries out, by half of its volume.

What and how to feed Eucharis

To feed eucharis during the growing season, alternately use mineral and organic fertilizer complexes for plants in the flowering phase. They can be purchased at the store. The frequency of feeding is twice a month. During the dormant phase, the plant is not fed with fertilizers.

Common mistakes in caring for eucharis

Ignorance of the main requirements of cultivation plays a negative role in the development and growth of the Amazon lily. The home flower Eucharis requires proper care, and if agricultural practices are followed, it gives a luxurious appearance of green leaves and an abundance of delicate flowers.

If the leaves on Eucharis turn yellow and die taking turns is a natural process. Yellowing of all leaves at the same time indicates problems with the plant such as:

  • excessive or weak watering;
  • low (less than +10ºC) room temperature;
  • sunburn of leaves.

The plant can be “cured”. It is necessary to remove it from the pot and inspect the bulb for the presence of putrefactive zones. Cut off such areas, treat the cuts with ash, dry them and replant the plant.

  • If the plant is left for a long time without watering, its leaves will become limp. Watering should restore the elasticity of the foliage. But if there is hypothermia due to a window being open in winter or transportation, the leaf turgor may not be restored.
  • If the leaves of an Amazon lily curl and wither, then it is either sick in a draft or its roots are damaged.

Reproduction of Eucharis by children

When growing a plant indoors, the easiest way is to use the vegetative method. Moreover, the Amazon lily has a large number of"baby". In March or April, they can be planted in separate containers with previously prepared soil.

An important point: only well-formed “babies” can be separated from the mother plant. Otherwise, the bulbous seed material will die.

How to plant eucharis, look at the video:

When and how to replant eucharis

Amazonian lily does not like transplants. Therefore, if the plant is healthy, blooms well and does not “fall out” of the flower pot, it can not be disturbed for three to four years.

A healthy flower is transplanted when many “children” have formed and they interfere normal growth flower.

The daughter material can be used to propagate the plant, or it may not be separated from the mother flower. In the latter case - transplanting into renewed soil without separation - you can achieve more luxuriant flowering of the lily.

March is the most favorable month for replanting a plant. A healthy plant is transplanted into prepared soil using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen coma.

If the flower bulbs are rotten, they are carefully removed from the soil and washed with water. Then the rot is removed (cut). The cut surface is thoroughly disinfected by immersing it in a fungicide solution. Then sprinkle the cut with wood ash.

Depending on the initial planting material (bulb with and without leaves), there are two options for planting the plant.

Planting Amazon lily with leaves

Leaves are not trimmed before planting, only those that are yellowed and dying are removed.

  • Planting depth - 5-6 cm.
  • The container for planting is tall, not wide, with a hole in the bottom and drainage at the bottom made of expanded clay or small pebbles.
  • - the first 3 weeks are moderate, as the soil dries out.

Planting an Amazon lily without leaves

Before planting, the leaves are completely cut off at a height of 1 cm above the bulb.

  • Planting depth - the top of the bulb looks 0.5 cm above the soil surface.
  • The container for planting is 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the diameter of the bulb.
  • The soil is half sand.
  • Watering is moderate for the first three weeks, as the soil dries.
  • The location is bright and warm.

If you planted an Amazon lily bulb without leaves, the plant will grow new leaves approximately 40 days after planting. The fact that the top of the bulb is above the surface of the ground will make it easy to observe the growth and development of the plant.

Earth for eucharis

Eucharis loves fertile soil with good water and breathability.

The most convenient way is to purchase special soil in a store. You need to choose soil marked “For plants of the amaryllis family.” If this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

  • humus 1 share;
  • leaf soil 2 shares;
  • river sand 1 share;
  • peat 0.5 share.

The plant must be provided with drainage from coconut shells, expanded clay, and small stones. It will remove excess moisture.

Why eucharis does not bloom at home and how to make it bloom

Provide the plant and it will delight you with beautiful, fragrant flowers two or three times a year. The lily's flowers open one at a time and bloom for up to ten days each. Gardeners can create an artificial watering and fertilizing schedule for the lily, which will ensure that the plant blooms multiple times throughout the year.

  • January + 1st half of February = rest period
  • 2nd half of February + 1st half of March = active growing season
  • 2nd half of March + 1st half of April = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of April = active growing season
  • May + 1st half of June = rest period
  • 2nd half of June + 1st half of July = active growing season
  • 2nd half of July + 1st half of August = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of August = active growing season
  • September + 1st half of October = rest period
  • 2nd half of October + 1st half of November = active growing season
  • 2nd half of November + 1st half of December = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of December = active growing season

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom? Errors in care video

Sometimes the plant does not bloom even though it seems to be in optimal conditions.

This means the gardener made a mistake. Here are the most common:

  • Incorrect landing. The young plant is planted in a wide container, the diameter of which is many times greater than the diameter of the bulb. The tighter the plant is in the pot, the faster it will bloom.
  • Sudden change in room temperature. The plant will form weak flower arrows or its bulb will rot, and flowering will not occur if the eucharis is constantly in a draft and in a state of stress.
  • The resting phase has not been maintained. It should last about a month and a half. During this period, the plant is not fed and watered rarely. The lump of earth should be half dry. This is checked using moisture indicators, wooden sticks or the weight of the pot. During the dormant period, the plant needs to have good lighting.

Eucharis diseases

Gray rot

This disease is often found in plants of the amaryllis family, which includes the Amazon lily. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Botridis. Plants located in damp rooms with low temperatures are susceptible to the disease. First, the leaf plates of the affected flower soften, lose turgor and darken at the edges. Then the infected areas are covered with gray mold and they die.

Prevention measures: removal of infected areas of the plant, treatment of the flower with products containing copper (copper sulfate solution, Fundazol, Topsin-M).

Stagonosporosis (red burn)

Plants located in rooms with sharp temperature fluctuations or waterlogged plants are susceptible to the disease. First, oblong red spots appear on the leaves, buds, and bulbs. Then the leaves wither, the flower stalks and buds bend and bend down, and the bulbs rot. Eucharis withers and dies.

Preventive measures: use of high-quality bulbous material for planting, treating the bulbs with a fungicide before planting for half an hour (Rovral, Oxifom, Maxim) and subsequent drying (48 hours).


Fungus gnat (sciarids)

Black midge. Its females place eggs directly on the root of the plant. The larvae that emerge from the eggs feed on the root tissues and inhibit it. The result is a weakened, non-flowering plant.

The reason for the appearance of midges is waterlogged soil in a flower pot.

Preventive measures: Treatment (watering) of the soil with Oktara solution at the rate of 0.8 g per liter of water, adjusting the frequency of watering.

Spider mite

Appear on something that is in a dry and warm room. The plant weakens, the leaves turn yellow and droop.

Prevention measures: in case of a small number of pests - treatment of the above-ground parts of the flower with a solution laundry soap, at mass destruction- treatment with acaricides (“Kleschevit”, “Fitoverm”, “Sunmite”, “Akarin”).

Amaryllis scale

The pest settles in the scales of the bulb. The flower dries out, the leaves and peduncles lose their original shape.

Prevention measures: spraying the plant and soil in the pot with insecticidal preparations (Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Lily eucharis (lat. Eucharis) belongs to the genus of bulbous plants of the Amaryllis family. The genus has about 20 species. Translated from Greek, “eucharis” means “graceful,” which, no doubt, characterizes both the flowers and leaves of the plant. In its natural habitat, in Central and South America from Guatemala to Bolivia, the eucharis flower grows in the lower tier of moist forests, in the shade. Eucharis is also called the “Amazon lily”, since the largest number of species of this plant is found on the eastern slopes of the Andes, in Colombia and western Amazonia. The Eucharis plant was brought to Europe in the first half of the 19th century, and very soon it became a recognized and popular plant in our gardens and window sills.

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Planting and caring for eucharis (in brief)

  • Bloom: 2-3 times a year.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light, partial shade.
  • Temperature: in the warm season – 18-22 ˚C, in winter – 16-18 ˚C.
  • Watering: during the growing season - 2 times a week, during the dormant period - after the top layer of the substrate has dried.
  • Air humidity: increased, the plant requires regular spraying of the leaves and maintenance on a tray with wet pebbles.
  • Feeding: liquid fertilizers for flowering plants with a reduced nitrogen content twice a month only during the period of active growth.
  • Rest period: not expressed, but it is advisable to give the plant a rest after flowering for 1-1.5 months.
  • Transfer: after flowering once every 3-4 years.
  • Reproduction: seeds and babies.
  • Pests: spider mites, aphids, thrips and scale insects.
  • Diseases: gray rot, staganosporosis (red burn).

Read more about growing eucharis below.

Eucharis flower - description

Eucharis amazonica is a bulbous plant. The spherical bulbs of Eucharis reach a diameter of 6 cm. The leaves are dark green in quantities from 2 to 7 pieces, wide, lanceolate, on long thick petioles, up to 55 cm long, up to 20 cm wide. The texture of the leaves is slightly wrinkled, with protruding longitudinal veins. The fragrant flowers of eucharis, appearing on a peduncle up to 80 cm long in August or September, resemble daffodils - large, white, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences of 3-10 pieces, with a crown, the color of which, depending on the species, can be green or yellow. The Eucharis fruit is a three-chambered leathery capsule.

Caring for Eucharis at home

How to care for eucharis

Caring for eucharis is simple, but before we tell you about keeping eucharis at home, we want to warn you that the eucharis indoor plant requires significant space. In all other respects, this is a very unpretentious flower. For example, despite the fact that eucharis is not a shade-loving plant, you can place it near any, even northern, window, and it will feel great and look great.

Only avoid direct sunlight at midday on the leaves and flowers of the plant so that bright sun didn't burn them.

In the photo: Eucharis flowering

A comfortable temperature for eucharis is 18-22 ºC, even in winter it does not require cool maintenance, 16-18 ºC is enough for it, but try to protect the flower from temperature changes and drafts, otherwise the next flowering of eucharis will not be so abundant and the flowers will become smaller. Eucharis should be watered twice a week during the period of active growth, and a little less often during the dormant period. You need to focus on the condition of the substrate: it should not dry out completely, but the top layer should be allowed to dry. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, otherwise the bulb will rot!

The indoor eucharis flower is a tropical plant in nature, and therefore requires high air humidity, which can be achieved at home by regularly spraying the leaves with settled water at room temperature. You need to spray Eucharis constantly, especially in winter, when the air in the room dries out from constantly running heating devices. If spraying is not enough, keep the eucharis on a tray with wet pebbles, and wash its leaves in the shower or wipe with a damp sponge from time to time. Stop spraying only during flowering, from the moment the peduncle appears, otherwise, if moisture gets on the flowers and buds, they will begin to turn brown.

In the photo: Eucharis flower

Eucharis fertilizer

Feeding of eucharis is carried out only during the period of active growth and flowering, twice a month. Preferred liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants with a low nitrogen content (Agricola, Bone Forte, Fertica-Lux). There are recommendations to use mineral and organic fertilizers alternately for fertilizing. As soon as the plant fades, stop feeding.

Eucharis transplant

Eucharis is replanted once every 3-4 years during the dormant period, when the eucharis has already bloomed, trying not to disturb the earthen ball, since the plant reacts to damage to the roots and even to simply disturbing their position very painfully.

The soil chosen for the plant is nutritious, consisting of leaf, turf, fibrous peat soil, as well as rotted cow manure and sand. The pot is chosen to be wide rather than deep.

The bulb, together with a lump of earth, is immersed in a new pot to a depth of 4-5 cm on a two-centimeter layer of drainage material and, adding soil, compact it, filling the voids. Transplanting eucharis does not involve separating the children from the mother bulb and then planting each one in a separate pot, because, planted alone, they do not bloom for a long time.

Reproduction of Eucharis

Eucharis reproduces occasionally by seeds, but most often by children. Unlike other bulbous plants, the mother bulb and the eucharis bush itself must be divided so that 4-5 bulbs remain in each part - this way the roots are less damaged, and the divisions take root more easily in their new pots, quickly growing overgrown with children. These divisions will be able to bloom this year.

Concerning seed propagation, then this path is long and exhausting for both the grower and the plant, especially since the seedlings bloom no earlier than after five years.

In the photo: Growing eucharis at home

Eucharis after flowering

Unlike other amaryllis, Eucharis does not have a clearly defined dormant period - it does not shed its leaves. But any plant must rest in order to gain strength for the next flowering. Therefore, as soon as the eucharis fades, remove the unnecessary flower stalks, gradually reduce watering, stop feeding altogether, and let the plant rest for a month and a half. You may or may not want to move it to a cooler room. When the plant begins to produce small shoots - a sign that the plant is waking up - begin to gradually increase watering.

Pests and diseases of eucharis

Harmful insects and possible diseases of eucharis

At good immunity In terms of pests, Eucharis still sometimes suffers from thrips, scale insects and spider mites.

I won’t open America for you if I add that this only happens to the weakened improper care plants. You need to fight these insects with systemic insecticides (Aktellik, Fitoverm), which you will find in any flower shop, but it is better to prevent pest invasion by following the rules for caring for eucharis.

In the photo: Large eucharis flower

The most common disease that affects Eucharis is gray mold. The cause of the disease is high air humidity at low room temperatures. The first step is to reduce watering and treat the plant with preparations for gray rot - a solution of Bordeaux mixture, Champion or Topaz in case of mild infection. If severely damaged areas are found, they should be cut out to healthy tissue and the plant should be treated with copper-containing contact preparations - copper sulfate, cuproxate, oxychome.

Eucharis does not bloom

With proper care, eucharis blooms twice or even three times a year. But what to do if eucharis does not bloom for a long time? It is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

In order to achieve rapid flowering, several eucharis bulbs are planted in one pot, because a single bulb will not bloom until it has acquired a large number of children, and this can only happen after 3-5 years. This is the most common reason why eucharis does not bloom for a long time. Other reasons are associated with improper eucharis content - drafts, temperature changes. Refresh your memory of the rules for caring for a plant, correct your mistakes, and the problem will resolve itself.

Pictured: Eucharis outdoors

How to make Eucharis bloom

Place the plant in a cool, shaded place for the winter, reduce watering, allowing the earthen ball to dry out almost completely, and stop feeding - this will be a good shake-up for the eucharis, which will begin to grow in the spring and will definitely bloom.

Eucharis turns yellow

If just a couple of leaves turn yellow, it’s not a big deal. But if the number of yellow leaves increases and dark spots, that is bad sign. This happens because there has been a sharp change in the conditions of the plant - this is why the leaves of eucharis turn yellow: from drying out or waterlogging of the soil, from hypothermia of the plant.

In the photo: Eucharis in the garden

Eucharis leaves are falling off

If the leaves of Eucharis turn yellow and fall off, it is necessary to check the condition of its roots, remove rotten areas, treat the wounds with crushed coal and plant the plant in a new substrate. Keep the flower warm after transplantation, water it moderately and protect it from sunlight. If no rot is found in the roots, re-read the rules for caring for the plant and identify errors that could lead to this situation.

Types and varieties of Eucharis

The most common types of Eucharis in culture are:

Eucharis grandiflora

The bulbs of which have a diameter of 3-6 cm, broadly lanceolate leaves, on long petioles, white, fragrant flowers, up to 12 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 3-6 pieces, peduncle length from 60 to 80 cm. Blooms in May, August and winter . Homeland - Colombian Andes.
