Hairstyles for school: easy and beautiful options for every day. Hairstyles for school: easy and beautiful options for every day Option for long hair

Hairstyles for girls for school should not only be neat and beautiful, but also comfortable.

It is important to braid the child’s hair so that it does not get into the face or fall into the eyes. A hairstyle with braided elements, in which all the hair is removed, will give a girl a neat appearance.

For a schoolgirl primary classes It is appropriate to use bows. It is necessary to teach a girl how to take care of her hair during childhood, so the child must be prepared for the fact that she cannot go to school with her hair down; discipline and the student dress code do not allow this.

Quick hairstyle for a schoolgirl

If you don’t have time in the morning, then you can style your child’s hair for school using one of the quick and beautiful options.


You will need several small rubber bands. This hairstyle will look especially good on long and thick hair.

  1. Comb the strands along the entire length.
  2. Pull it into a ponytail at the top of your head or neck.
  3. Divide the resulting tail into equal parts of 5–7 cm.
  4. Place the elastic bands at equal distances from each other.
  5. Pull your hair to the sides between two elastic bands so that you get voluminous “lanterns”.
  6. Secure the strands at the temples with hairpins so that they do not interfere with the girl.

This hairstyle is very popular among both teenagers and younger girls.

Hairstyles for girls for school with braids

Girls' childhood is always associated with braids, which mothers love to braid for their little princesses.

Braids have many variations; it is important for a girl’s mother to be able to braid her hair with at least three strands.

Loose curls in braids

You will need one hair tie or ribbon. The hairstyle is suitable for both long and medium hair. For girls 7 years old who have just started school, such a hairstyle will be irrelevant, since it is better for younger children to remove their hair completely.

  1. Comb your child's hair.
  2. Take identical strands from your temples.
  3. Braid an equal braid from each strand.
  4. Connect both braids with an elastic band or ribbon at the back of the head.

Thus, the curls will not get into the child’s face, but will be loose, which is what all girls love so much.

People's braid

You don’t have to look far for options; our grandmothers used to braid their hair beautifully for school. Taking ideas “from the people” is a great option. This weave is suitable for girls with long hair, preferably thick hair. You will need a satin ribbon.

  1. Comb the curls thoroughly.
  2. Divide them into two parts, making an even parting.
  3. Braid two braids with the base above the ears.
  4. Carry out weaving with the launch of a satin ribbon.
  5. Connect the end of the right braid to the base of the left and vice versa.
  6. Tie the remaining ribbon into bows.

This weaving is suitable for girls in school, in primary grades. Goes well with school uniform. Please note that the ribbon should not be bright and thereby stand out. The best choice is tape white or bed shades.

In order for your child to sleep longer in the morning, you can choose a hairstyle that can be done in 5 minutes. Also, a quick hairstyle option is good for those who tend to be late.

Lump on top of head

You will need a special Velcro elastic band or clips to collect the curls into a bump.

The option is suitable for girls 10 years old as well as for girls 12 years old and older. Curls collected in a cone are fashion trend, which has returned from the past and has become relevant today.

Baby dragons

You will need two elastic bands.

Not every mother knows how to make a “Dragon” hairstyle, but everyone can learn how to braid a pigtail over the head, collecting more and more strands as they braid. Gradually all the curls will go into the braid.

  1. Comb the strands and divide them along the parting into two equal parts.
  2. Take a strand at the base of your forehead on one side and divide it into three parts.
  3. Make the first movement as if you were weaving a regular three-strand braid.
  4. When throwing a strand in the weave, add a new curl to it. It is important that there is an equal amount of hair in them.
  5. Thus, braid the braid from the head to the neck and secure it with an elastic band.
  6. Braid the hair on the other side of your head in the same way.

Video: Braiding a dragon

Such hairstyles for school are extremely relevant, since all curls are removed by braiding. They will not interfere with the child’s active lifestyle: physical education classes, dance classes, and play during breaks.

School hairstyles can also be formal; they are relevant for holidays such as Knowledge Day, March 8, or Teacher's Day. Simple hairstyles with curls are suitable for long-haired girls.

Curls overnight

Quick hairstyles may not take any time at all in the morning, because they can be done in the evening. The positive aspect is the final result, the negative is some discomfort during sleep. You will need curlers.

  1. Wash your hair or dampen it with water.
  2. Divide into strands of equal thickness and curl with curlers.
  3. Lightly dry with a hairdryer.
  4. In the morning, remove the curlers and arrange the strands so that they look beautiful.

For teenagers, you don't have to do any more hair tricks. Loose curls will look natural. For girls studying in primary school, curly hair can be pulled up into a hairstyle and decorated with a white bow.

Curls with a curling iron or iron

It’s easy to curl children’s curls using a straightener or curling iron, but you need to remember that such tools damage the ends of the hair. This styling can be done for teenagers in 5 minutes.

It is better for first-graders not to expose their curls to tools. Older girls can do their own curls.

You will need a curling iron or straightener. It is not necessary to use mousse or varnish.

  1. Comb dry hair.
  2. Divide them into strands of equal thickness.
  3. Turn on the curling iron or iron and wait until it heats up.
  4. Twist the strand using the tool of your choice.
  5. Do not hold the strands under the hot tool for too long so as not to damage the hair structure.

Curls are a common styling option for a holiday; on a weekday, a girl will attract attention. Perhaps the child will hear many compliments from classmates and teachers, which will have a good effect not only on self-esteem, but also on the desire to take care of himself. This is important for the fair sex.

Hairstyles for school can be chic, but they take time to achieve. Typically, complex designs are fixed with hairspray or mousse, hairpins and barrettes.

For a girl who loves attention to her person and wants to look feminine, weaving will bring pleasure. It can complement any outfit.

This topic is relevant for high school girls who begin to pay a lot of attention to their appearance.


You will need silicone rubber bands and studs. Weaving is quite impressive, and with proper skill it will take about 7–10 minutes to complete.

  1. Separate a strand in the temple area.
  2. Weave reverse braid so that each new strand is braided underneath.
  3. As you weave, each stitch needs to be slightly pulled out, these will be the petals of a flower from the hair.
  4. After braiding the braid to the end, secure it with a silicone rubber band.
  5. The braid must be twisted in a circle and secured to the head with hairpins.

This hairstyle is suitable for a girl not only in a regular school, but also in a dance school. Relevant for ballerinas and other dancers. You can add a special touch to this hairstyle with glitter hairspray, which should be applied to the woven flower.

Braiding is in fashion, so this hairstyle is suitable for both junior and senior schoolgirls. It is suitable for both long and medium hair.

You will need silicone rubber bands and hairpins.

  1. The girl needs to tilt her head down.
  2. Comb your curls thoroughly.
  3. Select three strands and start a standard braid French braid. (Note: A French braid is a four-strand braid.)
  4. At the border of the back of the head, secure the braid with a silicone rubber band.
  5. The remaining strands must be twisted into a neat bun.

A girl with long hair will find this hairstyle not only pleasant, but also comfortable. This is a unique balance of beauty and comfort.

It is important to teach your child not only to be neat, but also to be independent. A girl should be able to braid her own hair. Of course, without training and lack of necessary dexterity it will be difficult to do this.

Make sure that the hairstyle she gives herself is neat, so that there are no loose strands or flyaways from her hair.

fish tail

This is one of beautiful hairstyles in French style. Ideal for medium-length or long hair. It is important for a girl to understand the pattern in which the braid is woven so that her hands remember the movements. You will need silicone rubber.

Step-by-step instructions for a schoolgirl:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. Try to divide them into two parts yourself and make an even parting.
  3. Separate a small section of hair from the right.
  4. Weave it under the left side of the separated hair.
  5. Repeat the procedure on the left.
  6. Thus, a thin braided braid will begin to form in the center of the head.
  7. Complete the braid and secure the result with an elastic band.

Don't forget to teach your child how to properly care for their hair. Before doing any of the above hairstyles, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. This is best done with a wooden or plastic comb. Iron teeth damage hair, especially at the ends. Hair should always be clean; this is the first rule of a successful hairstyle and a neat appearance for a girl.

It is important to know that before going to bed, you must take your hair down, undo your braids, and comb your strands. The scalp should rest, so you should not go to bed with styling or braiding.

Learning to braid your own hair can be difficult, but it's worth it. While weaving, the girl will not only show independence, but will also develop coordination, which is important for a child. Another plus is the development of patience and perseverance.

Video: Daily weaving with a spikelet

You can start learning with a three-strand braid, and then move on to more complex hairstyles. Braiding and creating hairstyles can become a hobby for a child. Such hobbies always have a positive effect on the development of girls.

Get ready for school in the morning when it’s dark. And it's cold. And I want to sleep. But it is necessary. In general, it’s difficult to get ready for school in the morning. And also hair, and also hairstyle. After all, you want something interesting, you want to be beautiful, you want to be the brightest girl in the class. Not like others. After all, almost everyone now wears long flowing hair and it’s so banal.

But you shouldn’t think that it’s easier for parents to get their child ready for school. In the morning, when it's dark. And it's cold. And get ready for work yourself. And the child wants to sleep. But every girl should be a princess. And just braiding your hair in regular braids is so boring.

So, we have for you options for simple hairstyles for school. Easy hairstyles for school for both little girls and older girls, which can be done in almost 5 minutes.

Hairstyles with braids for school in 5 minutes

Let's start with braids. A waist-length braid or two side braids are, of course, a thing of the past. You can make school much more interesting.
The simplest option is to tie a tail and weave from it classic braid. It's not that interesting, but it's something new. The tail itself can be tied either at the back of the head or high on the top of the head. Another option is to make a low side ponytail and braid it.

You can also braid two braids from the temples on the sides of the head, and then simply collect them into a regular ponytail at the back of the head.

Two braids braided on the sides can be put into two side buns, which will also be interesting.

You can weave colored ribbons into your braids, use bright elastic bands, and colored hairpins.

Another option easy hairstyle for school - a braid-rim around the head. For this hairstyle:
1. comb your hair
2. near, say, the right ear, separate three strands of hair and braid it, throw it to the left ear
3. and tie with an elastic band or secure with a hair bobby pin.

The rest of the hair in this hairstyle can be left loose, since the braid will act as a headband.

Hairstyles with ponytails for school in 5 minutes

If little schoolgirls can braid braids, then high school girls will prefer hairstyles with ponytails. And there are also interesting hairstyle options that can be done in 5 minutes.

For example, a hairstyle with an inverted ponytail. To make such a tail, you need:
1. braid your hair in a low ponytail
2. then pull the elastic down a little and use your finger to make a hole above the elastic itself,
3. and then pull the tail through this hole.

This hairstyle can be decorated with an elegant hairpin.

Another option is to make a cascade of ponytails. To do this you need:
1. comb all your hair to one side,
2. then separate one strand of hair from the top from the side of the crown, another from the side of the forehead and tie them into a ponytail with an elastic band,
3. then stretch the ponytail through the space above the elastic band, take two more strands of hair from the sides and gather them into a ponytail, grabbing hair from the top tier,
4. pull the tail again through the space above the elastic band,
5. repeat 5-7 times, depending on hair length.

And thus, you will get a cascade of ponytails.

You can also braid the always trendy high ponytail - a ponytail. To make your ponytail thicker, you can use a trick. Namely, braid one ponytail on the top of the head, collecting hair at the temples and on the crown of the head. Braid the second ponytail from the hair remaining at the back of the head. And after that, lay the upper ponytail so that it covers the lower elastic band. Hair in this hairstyle will visually appear longer and more voluminous.

Hairstyles with buns for school in 5 minutes

You can also wear bun hairstyles to school. First, a classic bun. This hairstyle is best suited for high school girls. At the top or back of the head (high and low buns, respectively), the hair is tied with an elastic band, and then the strands are twisted in one direction and laid around the base of the ponytail (around the elastic band), secured with hairpins.

More interesting option classic bun for schoolgirls

You can make your hairstyle with a classic bun more interesting. The hair is gathered into a ponytail at the back of the head or on the top of the head, after which it is divided into two parts and braided into two braids. These two braids are placed around the base of the ponytail (around the elastic) and secured with bobby pins.

A more complex version of the bun hairstyle is the donut bun hairstyle. But it is also done in literally 5 minutes. For this hairstyle you will need a donut, for example, in the form of a soft foam ring.

1. Next, we tie the hair back into a ponytail at the top of the head (high bun) or the back of the head (low bun).
2. Then we put a donut (foam ring) on ​​the elastic band and cover it with hair.
3. We hide the strands of hair inside the hairstyle and fasten everything with hairpins.

First of all, a hairstyle for school should be practical and sustainable. If the hairstyle is loosely secured or very light, then after a couple of hours there will be no trace left of it, especially if there is also a physical education lesson. At the same time, the hairstyle should not tighten the hair too much, so as not to interfere with blood circulation, because the head will hurt and the child will quickly get tired. And the main requirement for a school hairstyle is that it does not take much time to create.

We offer hairstyle options for different lengths hair that will make the image complementary and individual for both little girls and older girls.

Even if the hair is short, it still needs to be braided so that the hair does not hang down, because it will get in the way and distract the child from studying. The hairstyle should be neat and practical, but with short hair there are not many hairstyles that can be done for school. But you can still play with the parting and different rubber bands. Short haircut can be complemented with a hoop or a beautiful hairpin.

On short hair You can also make ponytails or braid a spikelet along the hairline from the bangs.

Average length hair is the most practical for creating a comfortable and beautiful school hairstyle. You can make a wide variety of hairstyles: braids, braids, ponytails, buns and much more.

Beautiful bun for school

A bun is perfect for school, and it’s not at all difficult to make; you first need to make a tail and secure it with a good elastic band. We put on a bagel, and leave one thin strand for braiding. We distribute the hair that remains in the donut evenly and begin to weave a braid. Then wrap the remaining braid around the bun and secure with hairpins. You can decorate the bun with a bow or a beautiful hairpin.

Bow hairstyle in five minutes

First, comb your hair well and make a high ponytail, and when you scroll it the last time with an elastic band, do not stick the ponytail out to the end (photo below). Then you divide the hair into two parts and make a bow from the remaining hair, secure it with a bobby pin and the hairstyle is ready. Don't forget to secure your hair well so that the bow doesn't fall apart.

Another option for a bow is to make it on the side, so the hairstyle looks more playful.

Low bun

Comb your hair well, gather it in a ponytail at the back of your head and tie it with an elastic band. Divide your hair in the middle above the elastic and pull the ponytail into this hole from bottom to top. Then gather the rest of your hair into a bun and secure it with hairpins; you can also decorate it with a beautiful hairpin.

Volume big beam in 5 minutes

Comb your hair and make three ponytails at the back of your head. When twisting the tail for the last time, do not pull it out to the end (photo below). Then we fluff out the ponytails and secure them with hairpins to make one big one. messy bun.

Hairstyle for long hair for school

The most practical hairstyle for long hair for school is a braid or ponytail. But, you can refresh these options in different ways and unexpected details.

We offer to beautifully beat the tail and make it interesting.

You make a regular ponytail and secure it with a good elastic so it can last all day. Then you make an unusual braid from the tail using elastic bands ( step by step photos below) along the entire length, at the end you straighten your hair a little and you can also decorate it with a bow or a hairpin.

Second tail option: make a ponytail, but not high, take a strand of hair and circle it around an elastic band, secure with hairpins. Then take thin transparent elastic bands and tie them to the tail, at approximately the same distance. Fluff your ponytails a little to create volume.

Beautiful braiding for long hair

Braids will look beautiful on any hair, but on long hair Oh, you can create whole masterpieces. You can decorate ponytails, buns and simply loose hair with braiding. Braids can be located anywhere - on the bangs, on the top of the head, on the back of the head.

These weaves can't be made in five minutes, but they look absolutely amazing.

Hairstyle of Anna and Elsa from the cartoon

The hairstyles of the main characters from the cartoon “Frozen” were loved by many; almost every girl who watched the cartoon wants a hairstyle like Anna and Elsa.

A hairstyle like Anna's is ideal for long hair. A braid is made of three strands, to which new strands of hair are gradually added from the sides, only the strands should be equal in thickness.

A selection of stylish and simple school hairstyles for teenagers:

Comb your hair well, tilt your head down and start French braiding from the bottom hairline. Finish the braiding at the crown and gather all the hair into a ponytail. Take a donut and twist a voluminous bun, secure it with hairpins.

Make a ponytail, but a little sloppy. Then braid two braids, loosen them a little and braid them into a bun.

Every mother dreams of her daughter looking the best in her class. To do this, it is important to learn how to translate ideas into reality. Many parents strive to turn their daughter into beautiful doll With chic dress and neat hairstyle.

It is worth remembering that children may have problems with appearance, and this is mainly due to lack of time. Below we will figure out what easy things there are for girls to go to school, which can be done in just 5 minutes.

Why do you need easy hairstyles?

Usually, parents have no more than five minutes to get their child ready for school. This is enough to create a beautiful and practical look.

Every year, five-minute hairstyles are becoming more and more in demand, the pace of life is constantly increasing, children do not have time to have breakfast, get dressed for school and get ready for clubs. Not all mothers know how to beautifully pin up their hair or make a bun to create a work of art.

It is important that the image is simple and comfortable for the child. This way you can save a lot of time.

Inverted tail

Most girls school age have gorgeous long hair. One of the best everyday options is an inverted ponytail. It is comfortable to wear. When creating such an image, nothing will stand out from the hairstyle; it can easily be corrected, especially when rushing to an event. A beautiful hair clip would be a great addition.

There are several varieties of inverted. You can leave a couple of strands in front or provide bangs.

A good addition are interesting earrings. They decorate the image, since the girl’s ears remain open.

To do your hair you need to follow the instructions:

  1. The hair is combed with a comb with fine teeth (sharp teeth are not suitable). It is best to choose wooden combs, they are much more useful.
  2. Next, the strands are tied into a loose, low ponytail. Any rubber band can be chosen. Afterwards the curls are pulled down a little. A hole is made above the elastic line, and the strands are carefully pulled into it using your fingers. At this stage, the basic steps for creating a hairstyle are completed. As decoration finished image artificial flowers, hairpins, and hoops are used.
  3. If time permits, you can additionally braid the end of your ponytail into a braid if you want to curl your curls.

Creating an image for girls in 5 minutes can be entrusted to children. It is important that they are not late for school. Light and beautiful images they can create on their own. As an option, you can delegate the creation of a hairstyle to your dad.

French braid

The most famous version of the five-minute hairstyle is the French braid. This fashion technology for daily use is available to almost every mother.

The secret to a quick hairstyle is this:

  1. If the girl has unruly hair, then before starting to create the look, it is best to wet the curls a little.
  2. To make the hairstyle original, the parting is not straight, but to the side.
  3. To maintain the shape of the French braid during the day at school, the use of fixing agents (gels, varnishes) is allowed. It is important to keep your hairstyle as natural as possible.

The French braid is practically no different in complexity from a regular ponytail. Therefore, young mothers can easily cope with it.

First, the middle strands are separated at the temple. It is divided into three identical curls. Next, the braiding begins. Only the outer strands are captured. This is how you get a French half-spikelet. If desired, the hairstyle can be further decorated. Stylists recommend using bright satin ribbons.

To the very easy hairstyles primarily the tail. You can do it yourself in 5 minutes. This is the most popular option for every day for going to school. This image may be different every time.

How to make a tail correctly:

  1. First, the hair is slightly moisturized.
  2. The tail is tied in the middle of the back of the head.
  3. The resulting hairstyle is divided into three identical curls.
  4. Each part is divided into two more, it is important to twist them together. This is how the strands become like a real rope.

Please note that at the final stage the three bundles are connected to each other. As a result, they are secured with an elastic band small size. The hairstyle is decorated on top with an accessory.

Style and modesty: how to be in trend

Almost every school has its own dress code. It leaves no room for interesting, beautiful, and most importantly easy hairstyles.

No need to be upset. Strictness does not always mean monotony. There are many interesting, memorable hairstyles. The braided ponytail is no exception. This is the most popular and frequently used look for girls in 5 minutes.

At the first stage, the curls are carefully combed. Afterwards they are divided horizontally into two parts (it is important that they turn out the same). Styling is much easier if you wet your hair first.

Please note that the upper part is made larger and wider than the lower part. A simple braid is woven at the bottom of the strands. The remaining strands are braided into a low ponytail. The hair is secured with an elastic band. Depending on how long the girl’s curls are, the tail is wrapped in a braid. It is important to make sure that the elastic is not visible. Most often a shiny bobby pin is used.

Secret styling

Secret styling is popular in videos for children. Many people wondered how the main characters wore their long hair well without using hairpins. What could hold the hairstyle from the inside? The secret is that a beautiful and comfortable headband was used. It encircled the head (an additional connection at the bottom helped with this).

The hairstyle is simple to perform. First, the hair is combed, then the headband is carefully put on. In the next step, each strand is wrapped in turn. Tips in mandatory hiding.

Please note that the back strands are wrapped first, the front curls are removed last.


A fishtail is another variation of the popular bun. There are times when you need to completely remove your hair. In such situations, this hairstyle helps out. This is an alternative to a regular bunch:

  1. First, the hair is combed properly, then it is gathered into a high and tight ponytail. He must subsequently hold the bun. For such purposes, you need a small but dense elastic band.
  2. The middle of the tail is intercepted with another elastic band. The remaining part of the strands is braided into any braid.
  3. The result obtained is secured with an elastic band. Afterwards the tail is thrown back and neatly laid out. To secure the result, bobby pins are used (you can replace them with beautiful stilettos). It is not necessary to lay the bun very tightly, as this may result in losing most of the styling volume.

To make the hairstyle more careless, the braiding can be stretched a little at the end. A tight braid is a more formal option. To complete the look, the tail is wrapped in a bun, its tip hidden with a hairpin.

Ponytail in the form of a waterfall

The ponytail, which looks like a waterfall, has become very popular in the last few years. This is due to increased styling requirements.

It's pretty simple hairstyle, which does not require more than half an hour. The image always seems complete.

To make a waterfall ponytail you need to follow these steps:

  1. The tail is tied high on the top of the head.
  2. Next, the braids are braided. It is important to first separate the middle strand.
  3. The base of the tied ponytail is wrapped in a braid.
  4. A few curls straight from the ponytail are added in addition to the braid.
  5. Next, you need to wrap the braid around the tail again. Please note that its location should be slightly lower than the previous one.
  6. Until the length runs out, you should continue weaving. At the end, the curls are tied with a thin elastic band.

If necessary, you can consult with the girl which hairstyle she likes best. It is possible that he will be able to repeat the execution of the image on his own.

To do this, it is enough to show and tell your daughter several times how to do her hair correctly.

It's important not to focus on just one hairstyle. There are only a few dozen options for how to connect a braid and a ponytail. There is no need to be afraid of experiments, especially if they can be done in five to ten minutes.
