The percentage of idiots in each stratum of society. Levels of IQ values ​​and their interpretation. How do people really get rich?

Smart man or not is a rather subjective concept. Is it determined by IQ or is it all about achievement?

About 50 percent of people have an IQ between 90 and 110, 2.5 percent of people are mentally retarded with an IQ below 70, 2.5 percent of people are superior in intelligence with an IQ above 130, and 0.5 percent are considered geniuses with an IQ above 140.

While the debate over who is considered smart will probably never go away, few would argue that these people are some of the smartest in the world. Here are the 10 smartest people alive, according to independent web publication

1. Stephen Hawking

This is probably one of the most famous people from this list. Stephen Hawking became famous for his progressive research in the field of theoretical physics and other works explaining the laws of the Universe. He is also the author of 7 bestselling books and winner of 14 awards.

2. Kim Ung-Yong

IQ 210

Kim Ung-Yong is a child prodigy from Korea who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. At the age of 2, he was fluent in two languages, and by the age of 4 he was already solving complex mathematical problems. By the age of 8, he was invited by NASA to study in the United States.

3. Paul Allen

IQ 170

The co-founder of Microsoft is certainly one of the most successful people who turned his mind into wealth. With an estimated net worth of $14.2 billion, Paul Allen is the 48th richest person in the world, owning numerous companies and sports teams.

4. Rick Rosner

IQ 192

With such a high IQ, it would hardly occur to you that this person works as a television producer. However, Rick is no ordinary genius. His resume includes working as a stripper, a waiter on roller skates, and as a model.

5. Garry Kasparov

IQ 190

Garry Kasparov is the youngest undisputed world chess champion, winning the title at age 22. He holds the record for longest holding the title of number one chess player in the world. In 2005, Kasparov announced the completion sports career and devoted himself to politics and writing.

6. Sir Andrew Wiles

IQ 170

In 1995, the famous British mathematician Sir Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem, which was considered the most difficult mathematical problem in the world. He is the recipient of 15 awards in the fields of mathematics and science.

7. Judit Polgar

IQ 170

Judit Polgar is a Hungarian chess player who, at the age of 15, became the youngest grandmaster in the world, surpassing Bobby Fischer's record by a month. Her father taught her and her sisters chess at home, proving that children can achieve incredible heights if taught early.

8. Christopher Hirata

IQ 225

At the age of 14, American Christopher Hirata entered the California Institute of Technology, and at the age of 16 he was already working at NASA on projects related to the colonization of Mars. Also at the age of 22, he received the title of Doctor of Science in astrophysics.

9. Terence Tao

IQ 230

Tao was a gifted child. By age 2, when most of us were actively learning to walk and talk, he was already doing basic arithmetic. By age 9, he was taking university-level math courses and at age 20, he received his doctorate from Princeton University. At the age of 24, he becomes the youngest professor at UCLA. Over the years, he has published more than 250 scientific papers.

10. James Woods

IQ 180

American actor James Woods was a brilliant student. He took a linear algebra course at the prestigious University of California, Los Angeles, and then was accepted into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he decided to leave his studies in politics for acting. He has three Emmy awards and two Oscar nominations.

“For the brain to think, it has to be deceived

This is not God's law. Every person has a choice how to behave. In the Bible...

Look, all the biblical ideas came from one scientist. His name was Zarathustra. He was called by one king, who wanted to organize the work of his subjects with minimal costs, so that they would not work under pressure, but themselves. The king paid Zarathustra properly, and he came up with the Unitarian religions with the Ten Commandments. People who profess such a religion become guilty from the moment they are born. But this is all a mockery of people. And it was invented by one person to control fools.

Maybe it’s good that they all came up with this. What would be the point of living without religion?

But because it is very difficult to explain to fools that it is impossible to steal and kill. They don't understand. They want to eat and they want to live. And yet they don’t want to do anything. This is the law of primates. You and I (in a confidential whisper) are primates. And since it is impossible to convince everyone not to steal or kill, a system of ethical values ​​was invented that costs absolutely nothing, but in which one must believe. Do you understand? Religions are a way of non-forcefully organizing a flock of sheep into a certain manageable group. Why do you think religions were created?

I don't know why they were created, but...

To separate the smart from the fools. Because there are always about a thousand times fewer smart people.

What, none of the smart people believe in God?

Then I treat myself like a fool.

Well, you just have to work on yourself.

What if a person lives alone and does not have to obey anyone? For example, monks who accept the schema...

And this is the same as getting into a 600 Mercedes. No difference. Simeon the Stylite, who sat on the pillar for over thirty years, was doing the same thing as the young man in the Lamborghini in Switzerland. Showing off... This is not just my position or my delusion. My position is manifested in practice. That is, in the most practical way - in everyday life. I can predict the result, but someone who goes to a synagogue, for example, cannot. This advantage, unfortunately, comes at a very high cost. Because in any science there are two criteria: prediction of the result and the method of a known additive. If we change the input conditions of any event by a certain amount, then the result should change proportionally.

That is, the smart ones control events, while the stupid ones don’t understand anything and pray to God.

Yes, unfortunately. What can you do..."

Lukyanova N., I call you a monkey. An attempt by the female brain to understand Professor Savelyev (interview with Professor Savelyev Sergei Vyacheslavovich), Russian Reporter magazine 2010, No. 6, p. 51.

The highest IQ level is for an Australian mathematician, the author of the Green-Tao theorem, his name is Terence Tao. Getting results above 200 points is a very rare occurrence, because most of the inhabitants of our planet barely score 100 points. People with extremely high IQs (over 150) can be found among Nobel laureates. It is these people who move science forward and make discoveries in various professional fields. Among them are the American writer Marilyn vos Savant, astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, phenomenal reader Kim Pik, who can read a page of text in a few seconds, Briton Daniel Tammet, who memorizes thousands of numbers, Kim Ung-Yong, who already studied at the university at the age of 3, and other famous personalities with amazing abilities.

How is a person's IQ formed?

IQ level is influenced by several factors, including heredity, environment (family, school, social status of a person). The test result is also significantly influenced by the age of the test taker. At the age of 26, as a rule, a person’s intelligence reaches its peak, and then only declines.

It is worth noting that some people with exceptionally high IQs found themselves completely helpless in everyday life. For example, Kim Pik could not fasten the buttons on his clothes. Moreover, not everyone had such talent from birth. Daniel Tammet gained his ability to memorize huge numbers of numbers after a terrible attack of epilepsy as a child.

IQ level above 140

People with IQ scores over 140 are the owners of excellent creativity who have achieved success in various scientific fields. Famous people with IQ test scores of 140 or higher include Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. Such geniuses of their era are known for their outstanding abilities; they make an incredibly high contribution to the development of knowledge and science, creating new inventions and theories. Such people make up only 0.2% of the entire population.

IQ level from 131 to 140

Only three percent of the population has high IQ scores. Famous people with similar test results include Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These are successful people with high mental abilities; they can reach heights in various fields of activity, science and creativity. Want to see who is smarter - you or Schwarzenegger?

IQ level from 121 to 130

Only 6% of the population has an above average intellectual level. Such people are visible in universities, since they are usually excellent students in all disciplines, successfully graduate from universities, realize themselves in a variety of professions and achieve high results.

IQ level from 111 to 120

If you think that the average IQ level is around 110, then you are wrong. This indicator refers to above average intelligence. People with test scores between 111 and 120 are usually hard workers and strive for knowledge throughout their lives. There are about 12% of such people among the population.

IQ level from 101 to 110

IQ level from 91 to 100

If you took the test and the result was less than 100 points, do not be upset, because this is the average for a quarter of the population. People with such intelligence indicators do well in school and universities, they get jobs in middle management and other professions that do not require significant mental effort.

IQ level from 81 to 90

A tenth of the population has a below average intelligence level. Their IQ test scores range from 81 to 90. These people usually do well in school, but most often do not go on to higher education. They can work in the field physical labor, in industries that do not require the use of intellectual abilities.

IQ level from 71 to 80

Another tenth of the population has an IQ level from 71 to 80, this is already a sign of mental retardation of a lesser degree. People with this result mainly attend special schools, but can also graduate from regular schools. primary school with average marks.

IQ level from 51 to 70

About 7% of people have a mild form of mental retardation and an IQ level from 51 to 70. They study in special institutions, but are able to take care of themselves and are relatively full-fledged members of society.

IQ level from 21 to 50

About 2% of people on Earth have a level intellectual development from 21 to 50 points, they suffer from dementia, moderate mental retardation. Such people cannot learn, but are able to take care of themselves, but most often have guardians.

IQ level up to 20

People with severe mental retardation are not amenable to training and education, and have an intellectual development level of up to 20 points. They are under the care of other people because they cannot take care of themselves, and live in their own world. There are 0.2% of such people in the world.
