8 simple ways to combat insomnia

According to statistics, about a third of all adults periodically suffer from insomnia (insomnia), and in every tenth it takes a chronic form. Insomnia often manifests itself as a problem falling asleep. The consequences of such disorders can be quite severe: if you cannot fully rest, your ability to work decreases, the activity of your immune system decreases, and your mood and memory deteriorate.

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If insomnia develops as a result of any disease, the main role in getting rid of it is played by the treatment of the underlying disease. The doctor may also prescribe sleeping pills, although not always: in most cases, a person who has problems falling asleep does not need drug treatment. In this situation, it makes sense to try to cope with insomnia using the methods that we will discuss.

Targeted muscle tension

During sleep, muscles relax. However, after a day’s activity, it is not always possible to immediately bring the muscles into this state. It seems strange, but rapid muscle relaxation is facilitated by sudden tension.

If you can't fall asleep, try squeezing and unclenching your muscles while lying down. You need to start with your toes, sequentially moving to your calves, thighs, and buttocks. Then use your arms, shoulders, and neck. A sharp alternation of tension and relaxation will calm you down and cause drowsiness.

Breathing technique “3 – 7 – 8”

This is one of the yoga techniques based on saturating tissues with oxygen and helping to stabilize the nervous system. You need to do this:

  • inhale slowly through the nose (the inhalation should last for 3-4 seconds);
  • hold your breath for 7 seconds;
  • Exhale smoothly and leisurely through your mouth (for about 8 seconds).

A few minutes of such breathing exercises usually lead to sleep.

Warming the extremities

They say that a room intended for night sleep should be dark, quiet and warm. The first two statements are quite true, but the third is not so clear. According to recent research, good sleep is associated with breathing cool air. That is why it is recommended to frequently ventilate the bedroom or turn on the air conditioner. Just don’t forget that the cold doesn’t help you fall asleep quickly. It is especially difficult to sleep when your limbs are cold. This means that the sleeping person’s room should be cool, but his hands and feet must be warmed. The easiest way is to put on thin woolen socks or put a heating pad on your feet before going to bed.

Choosing the optimal pose

Any body position during sleep has its pros and cons. For example, sleeping on your back is considered beneficial for the respiratory system and cardiovascular system, but is dangerous if snoring or apnea occurs. Sleeping on your side is recommended to relieve stress from the thoracic and lumbar spine, although this may cause numbness in the limbs. Sleeping on your stomach helps with digestive problems, but is harmful to the blood supply to the brain.

There is no optimal solution to the question of what position is best to fall asleep in. One thing is clear: you should not force yourself to lie in an uncomfortable position - discomfort will interfere with falling asleep and reduce the quality of sleep.

Placing a bolster under your knees

If you toss and turn and can't fall asleep, try lying on your side with a bolster or pillow under your bent knees (alternatively, hold the bolster between your knees). This pose will help relax the back muscles, relieve the spine and bring the lumbar region to the most comfortable position.

According to recent studies, sleeping on your side with a cushion under your knees is one of the most restful and quality sleeps. Some bedding manufacturers have even started producing small pillows specifically designed for this purpose.

Memories in reverse order

Among the reasons that prevent you from falling asleep normally, one of the first places is occupied by anxieties and impressions of the previous day. You can reduce arousal by using a very simple and effective method: “living” the events preceding going to bed in reverse order. You need to remember in detail and leisurely how you washed your face, undressed, watched TV, had dinner, drove home from work, etc. Rewinding events helps you calm down and relax.

Washing with cold water

It is believed that cold water invigorates, but this is not always the case. If you cannot sleep, you need to take cool water in your palms and put your face in it, holding your breath. After doing this several times, you will feel drowsy.

The effect of reducing arousal in this case is associated with the so-called diving reflex of mammals. This is a natural protective mechanism that slows breathing and heart rate, as well as lowers blood pressure when immersed headlong in liquid.
