Tea tree essential oil for use on the face. Tea tree essential oil. Application for face. Using tea tree oil on the face

Natural essential oils are unique biologically active natural compounds that are indispensable in maintaining the beauty and health of the face and body. One of the most precious of them is tea tree oil.

We will talk about its healing and cosmetic properties, features and how to properly use tea tree oil for the face in this article.

This essential oil is obtained directly from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca plant, which belongs to the Myrtaceae family.

A method called steam distillation allows one to extract all the unique substances contained in a plant from its leaves. This essential oil has a bright, warm and strong aroma.

It has been used for many centuries as a means of destroying fungi and viruses, and it also “works” perfectly in the fight against skin diseases and even the bites of some insects. Main active ingredients included in the composition:

  • Cineole.
  • Monoterpenes;
  • Diterpenes.

And also, unique and quite rare: viridiflorene, L-ternineol, etc.

What are the benefits of tea tree? This video will tell you:

Uses of tea oil

The range of its influence is very wide. Here is a list of possible medicinal and cosmetic effects that tea tree leaf oil has:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Antiviral;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Antifungal;
  • Painkiller.

It is used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of certain pathologies of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, gynecological diseases, for hair, face and body care, aromatization of air and baths.

At the same time, the most widespread is precisely how component many cosmetics. This is due to the high effectiveness of essential oil from tea tree leaves in the fight against many problems and diseases of the facial skin.

How can facial care be useful?

If you are periodically or constantly bothered by rashes on your face (pimples, blackheads), tea tree (oil) should be among your basic facial care products.

Using this product on the face allows you to deeply cleanse the epidermal layer, refresh the skin, dry out rashes, and increase elasticity.

In addition, it effectively fights herpes, irritation, and heals small wounds.

Properties of tea tree oil.

It is added to water, cosmetics (creams, gels for washing, etc.), natural hand-made lotions, tonics and masks. Let's look at some ways to use this unique substance in more detail.

Indications for use: oily, combination, problematic skin. Can also be used to care for dry and normal skin. In this case, it is used in combination with base oils or creams.

Tea tree oil for face: for acne

This product is one of the most effective ones used to care for facial skin prone to blemishes (rashes).

It blocks the development of new pimples, dries existing ones well, cleanses pores, heals and reduces inflammation.

It can be mixed with water or cosmetics, or can be applied directly to problem areas - it is one of the few oils that can come into direct contact with the surface of the skin (taking precautions, however).

How essential tea oil helps with acne, watch this video:

How to use in the fight against acne:

  • Spot on: apply the oil to a cotton swab and gently apply it to the problem area. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day until the skin defect (pimple, acne or herpes) completely disappears.
  • As a daily cleanser: add a couple of drops to a container of water or a bottle of your favorite cleansing gel, and then simply wash your face as you usually do (ideally, 2 times a day).
  • As a humidifier: add a few drops to a spray bottle or thermal water bottle, shake and use as needed.
  • Before applying a portion of night cream, mix the required amount with a couple of drops of tea tree leaf oil and apply to the entire surface of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Essential oils do not dissolve in water in the usual way, so if you prefer to use them to wash or moisturize your face, drop the required amount onto a few crystals of sea salt, then mix with water.

Tea tree essential oil is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly natural remedy, used to treat various skin problems, as opposed to chemicals, which can harm the skin and health.

Tea tree oil for face: anti-wrinkle

We use we provide high-quality nourishing and moisturizing formulations to eliminate premature aging skin or not If it is not cleaned well enough and a layer of sebum and impurities remains on the surface, then nutrients and oxygen do not have the opportunity to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, stop the process of wrinkles appearing, and smooth out those that have already appeared.

Using tea tree oil on the face will help solve this problem with the help of natural substances.

Its use will promote effective cleansing of the skin, adequate nutrition, and will also increase elasticity. Here are some of the most effective ways uses of this anti-wrinkle oil:

  • Washing: add 3 or 4 drops of essential oil (pre-mixed with several salt crystals) to 1 liter of water, shake and use the aromatic water to wash your face 2 times a day.
  • Also, masks, which we will consider below, help effectively fight wrinkles.

Recipes for masks with tea tree oil

  1. For wrinkles with clay:
    • Koalin (clay) – 1 teaspoon;
    • Sour cream – 1 teaspoon;
    • Etherol – 5 drops.

Dilute the clay with sour cream. Add butter to the resulting thick mass. If the mass turns out to be too thick (this depends on the fat content of the sour cream), add a little water.

  1. For wrinkles with persimmon:
    • Sour cream – 1 teaspoon;
    • Persimmon – ½ part;
    • Etherol – 4 drops.

Mash the persimmon with a fork. Add sour cream and tea tree leaf essential oil. Mix the ingredients well.

Should you use tea tree oil?
  1. For acne with egg white:
    • Fresh egg white – 1 pc.;
    • Tea tree essential oil – 4 drops;
    • Chamomile essential oil – 2 drops (optional);
    • Lavender essential oil – 1 drop (optional).

Beat the whites thoroughly with a whisk or fork until white peaks form. Add essential oils and whisk a little again.

  1. Mattifying acne mask for oily and combination skin
    • Fresh egg white – 1 pc.;
    • Potato starch – 2 teaspoons;
    • Etherol – 4 drops.

Beat the egg whites until white foam forms. Then add the oil, followed by the starch and beat thoroughly again. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, add a little more starch. But it shouldn’t be too thick either.

For those with oily skin, the mask should be applied to the entire face, and for combination skin, to areas prone to oiliness.

It can also be used by girls with normal skin if rashes appear on their face. In this case, the mask is applied pointwise or zonally.

  1. Firming and purifying film mask
    • Gelatin – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Milk – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Honey – 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Etherol – 5 drops.

Mix gelatin with honey and milk, add essential oil, thoroughly and beat with a fork. Place the mixture in the microwave and heat for 10 seconds. Then, apply very quickly to the skin, as the mask sets quickly.

Leave on face for 25 minutes. During this time it should turn into film. After the specified time has passed, carefully remove it from your face and wash with cool water.


In order to get the desired effect from using tea tree essential oil (as well as any other essential oil), without harming your health, you should follow two simple rules.

  1. Apply it only externally.
  2. Make sure there is no allergic reaction.

The tolerance test is very simple: apply a little etherol to your wrist or elbow.

Minor reactions such as redness and burning are not a cause for concern - you can safely use the oil.

If you feel severe irritation, itching or burning, then an allergic reaction is occurring and the essential oil is not suitable for you.

In addition, you should avoid getting the oil on the mucous membranes and eyes, as well as on the skin if there is a burn or frostbite on it. It makes sense to use only high-quality oil that is produced using technology and does not contain foreign additives, especially chemical ones.

The counterfeits that can now be found on the shelves may not only not bring the desired effect, but also cause harm to your health.

In a pleasant struggle for beauty, it is impossible not to use such a gift from nature as essential oils. The use of tea tree essential oil will help improve the condition of the skin without exposing it negative influence chemical components of classic facial skin care products.

The Melaleuca tree grows on the Australian continent, which has healing properties. Indigenous people used its leaves to prepare an antidote for snakes and insect bites. IN modern procedures Tea tree oil for the face is used in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. Due to the quality of the immunostimulant, the transparent aroma liquid is effective for rejuvenation.

Benefits of tea tree oil for skin

  1. Skin cell regeneration;
  2. Cleansing and removing toxins;
  3. Stimulating lymph flow;
  4. Normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The composition contains more than 400 unique compounds:

  • thujone;
  • pinene;
  • cymen;
  • limonene;
  • cineole

Indications: the presence of inflammation, redness, pustules, wrinkles, oily, problem skin.

Contraindications – allergies to the myrtle family, pregnancy, lactation. Harm can be avoided by first checking the reaction to the composition. Oil burns are possible if used in high concentrations.

Introduce into tonics, creams, ointments for cleansing and toning. Smearing your face with oil is necessary to protect against insect bites, just be sure to dilute it with olive or peach oil. Easy to compose compositions for lymphatic drainage massage, goes well with the basic components.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

The best homemade face masks with tea tree oil

Effective home recipes solve a whole range of cosmetic problems. By enriching the compositions with tea tree essential oil, the firmness and elasticity of the facial skin is ensured for many years. Tones and strengthens blood vessels, prevents the appearance of spider veins, stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

Tea tree oil mask for wrinkles

Result: allows you to reduce the number of wrinkles, whiten pigment formations, an anti-aging recipe. Eight/nine caring sessions will help achieve a long-lasting, noticeable effect.


  • tea oil;
  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • persimmon.

Preparation and method of application: after turning the fruit into a pulp, add chilled sour cream and tea ether. After cleaning the surface, place green tea bags on your eyelids and spread the rejuvenating mass into a centimeter-thick layer. After waiting half an hour, wash off the oil with a damp cloth.

Tea tree oil mask for acne

Result: a tea tree medicinal mask is effective against acne on the face. Cleanses the ducts, normalizes the functioning of the glands, relieves redness and inflammation. Apply tea tree oil carefully before going to the beach.


  • tea oil;
  • 5 gr. zinc ointment;

Preparation and method of application: thoroughly mix the pharmaceutical ointment with algae powder. Dilute with marigold decoction until a homogeneous paste is obtained, then add antibacterial ether last. Apply in a continuous, dense layer, following the blood flow lines. You can wash off with a cold infusion of tangerine peels after a quarter of an hour. Wipe your face with tea tree oil directly to purulent formations.

Anti-spot tea tree oil mask

Result: get rid of age spots, even out tone at home using nature’s recipes. The epidermis is cleansed and pores are narrowed after using a natural antiseptic.


  • tea oil;
  • 12 gr. cocoa.

Preparation and method of application: mix the sorbent with cocoa, dilute with distilled water, add leaf oil. After thoroughly steaming the fabric, distribute the finished mass with a sponge. After resting for twelve minutes, rinse cold water with wine vinegar.

Mask with tea tree oil and white clay

Result: refresh, remove the stratum corneum, skin care recipes, and also improve oxygen respiration.


  • tea ether;
  • 18 gr. white clay;

Preparation and method of application: add kaolin to sour milk, stir, add restorative oil. Apply past the eyelids, paying special attention to the wings of the nose and chin. Leave to act for half an hour, complete the procedure by washing with plantain decoction.

Mask with tea tree oil and starch

Result: smoothes out static and photo wrinkles, restores turgor and elasticity.


  • tea tree oil;
  • Art. spoon of starch;
  • coffee spoon of coconut oil.

Preparation and method of application: mix corn/potato starch with liquid oil coconut and aroma oil, can be diluted with milk until a homogeneous consistency without lumps is obtained. After cleansing with micellar liquid, use a spatula to distribute the mass, starting from the chin, with smooth movements from bottom to top. After resting for about thirty-five minutes, wash off the frozen composition.

Video: Benefits of tea oil for skin

Mask with tea tree oil and honey

Result: relieve swelling and signs of fatigue, normalize the condition of blood vessels, recipes for skin care.


  • tea ether;
  • 15 gr. honey;
  • 10 gr. chickpea flour.

Preparation and method of application: melted honey, combine with yellow powder, add aromatic liquid. After steaming your face with a herbal compress, apply the composition using rubbing movements. After resting for ten/twelve minutes, you can then finish with a contrast wash.

Mask with tea tree oil and baking soda

Result: has a peeling effect, deeply cleanses, removes toxins from the skin.


  • tea ether;
  • apple.

Preparation and method of application: combine the pulp of the baked fruit with oil and soda. After removing the makeup, apply with a sponge. Wait about six minutes, then rinse off the mixture and soothe the skin with macadamia oil.

Tea tree oil and protein mask

Result: to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, acids and minerals, it is worth using restorative procedures.


  • tea tree ether;
  • protein;
  • 5 ml mango oil.

Preparation and method of application: beat the egg whites with a mixer together with moisturizing oil, then add the tea ether. After scrubbing with oatmeal, use a brush to distribute the composition in layers. Enjoy for eighteen/twenty minutes, remove any remaining residue with a damp disc.

Mask for problem skin

Result: helps against inflammation, treats acne, normalizes pH levels.


  • tea ether;
  • Art. spoon of yeast.

Preparation and method of application: dilute the pressed mushrooms with warm yogurt, combine with aroma oil. Clean the skin with thermal liquid and apply the composition with a brush to all problem areas. After resting for ten minutes, wash.

Mask for oily skin

Result: mattifies, removes shine, improves structure.


  • tea tree oil;
  • Art. spoon of cognac;
  • Art. spoon of rye flour.

Preparation and method of application: combine rich vitamin powder with French alcohol and healing ether. After steaming the fabric over a nettle decoction, apply the composition without getting it on the eyelids and lip area. After fifteen minutes, finish with a cold wash.

Mask for dry skin

Result: restores firmness and elasticity, replenishes moisture deficiency nourishing mask for sensitive type.


  • tea ether;
  • yolk;
  • 2 apricots.

Preparation and method of application: turn the fruit into a pulp in a kitchen machine, add the yolk and tea tree. Apply a fairly thick layer to the surface and enjoy your beauty session for at least a quarter of an hour. Remove any residue with a damp cotton pad.

Video: Properties and uses of tea tree oil for the face at home

Well-chosen essential oils greatly enhance the effect of the plant cosmetic oil or cream, other cosmetics.

Essential oils have a very high concentration of active substances, and when caring for facial skin, they should be used in combination with base oils or applied pointwise.

Melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil– a product of high biological value, which is used in medicine and cosmetology; it is a powerful natural antiseptic, effective in the fight against skin diseases, healing wounds.

Many facial skin problems can be eliminated using this product.

Preparation and composition

The raw material for this essential oil is the leaves of the melaleuca tree, which grows in Malaysia and Australia. Valuable oil is extracted from them using steam distillation.

It has a pronounced spicy aroma and a pale yellow or pale olive color.

If we compare this oil with other essential oils, few can compete with its richness of composition, which combines about fifty organic components, including unique ones, not found anywhere else. And the composition determines the breadth of the spectrum of action and effectiveness.

Tea oil contains monoterpenes, diterpenes and cineole. The higher the content of diterpenes, the more noticeable the healing effect. But an increased content of cineole can lead to skin irritation.

A number of compounds contained in tea oil in amounts up to 1% or in the form of traces are almost impossible to find in nature.

Application of oil

With all the breadth of its spectrum of action, tea tree oil is recommended use exclusively as an external remedy.

It is used in aromatherapy, in the form of inhalations, as an additive to massage oils, in healing baths and compresses, for douching and rinsing, and also locally in concentrated form.

It can be used to treat gynecological, dental, skin, colds, fevers and disorders nervous system, eliminates cosmetic skin defects, relieves itching and pain from insect bites.

If we talk about tea tree oil in the context of facial care, it is used mainly in the following forms:

  • as part of cleansing and drying cosmetic masks;
  • in oily elixirs, lotions, tonics;
  • spot-on for cauterization of pustules, pimples, herpes;
  • for enriching natural homemade creams.

Tea tree oil is recommended for oily, combination and problematic skin prone to pustules and acne. If the skin is dry and normal, it can only be used as an additive to cosmetic products for the corresponding skin type.

For those who have never used this essential oil, It's worth doing a sensitivity test to make sure there is no individual intolerance, which is rare, but does occur.

The oil may cause mild redness and a slight burning sensation; this is normal; if the reaction is more severe, you will have to stop using it.

A burning sensation followed by a chill are signs quality oil, not fake. Pregnancy is a contraindication to its use.. It is necessary to avoid contact of undiluted oil with mucous membranes.

Oil properties

Like an antiseptic this oil used against pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and fungi; its use helps strengthen the immune system.

The main effects of tea oil on the body:

The antiseptic properties make tea tree leaf oil the most effective means against acne from all vegetable and essential oils used in cosmetology.

It can be gently applied with a cotton swab directly to the rash, being careful not to affect healthy skin.

The oil stops the development of fresh, barely appeared pimples and dries mature ones well, healing pustules and relieving inflammation.

It also has a whitening effect and eliminates spots that appear at the site of acne. In addition to the targeted use of undiluted oil, it can be added to masks and lotions.

A few more ways:

Tea tree oil is highly effective not only for acne, but also for more serious diseases and skin defects - warts, boils, eczema, dermatitis.

Using anti-wrinkle oil

One of The reason why wrinkles appear on the face is skin pollution, preventing the penetration of oxygen into the deep layers of the skin and nutrients.

Tea tree oil deeply and efficiently cleanses the skin, promoting its proper nutrition. It is also a powerful antioxidant, but in its pure form it is not used against wrinkles.

It can be added to masks and other cosmetics to increase skin elasticity and restore its structure. For example these

It is a natural antiseptic that is many times more effective than most pharmaceutical drugs. The effect of this oil on skin with acne and pustular rashes is clearly expressed; it suppresses the inflammatory process and stimulates tissue regeneration.

If there are focal problems, undiluted oil is applied pointwise to the lesions; in all other cases, it can be used to enrich masks, creams, and lotions.

This component goes well with vegetable oils, cosmetic clay, fermented milk products, herbal decoctions and green tea.

The skin of the face is most susceptible to both environmental factors and internal problems of the body. This is an age marker and projection map reflecting diseases internal organs. The efforts of many people are aimed at ensuring that their skin is flawless or close to it. A wide variety of cosmetics, professional and home, fights skin ailments. Tea tree essential oil is one of the products used in home cosmetology for facial care.

How is tea tree oil obtained?

Tea tree or melaleuca is a genus of Australian tropical trees and shrubs related to eucalyptus. Evergreen foliage is rich in aromatic essential oils. The oil is prepared by processing the leaves and distilling them together with water, resulting in the formation of a colorless or light yellow liquid that has a specific odor.

Australian Aborigines brewed tea from Melaleuca leaves, hence the name “tea tree.”

Beneficial properties for facial skin

Tea tree essential oil has the following healing effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Thanks to its properties, tea tree oil fights the manifestations of various types inflammation on the skin. So, with its help you can provide effective and efficient care oily skin y, prone to the formation of pimples, acne and pustular rashes. Tea tree oil eliminates redness, irritation and itching, while performing a drainage function, freeing pores from purulent foci.

Most store-bought acne products contain tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is a universal component of any mask that can be combined with other cosmetics. In addition to its main anti-inflammatory characteristics, in combination with cream and cosmetic clay, the oil has tonic, refreshing, rejuvenating and cleansing effects. Ether can be added both to purchased cosmetic products and to the natural ingredients of masks prepared by yourself.

Interesting combinations to moisturize the skin

Tea tree oil is used in combination with other essential oils. A good cosmetic effect is achieved when combined with peach and grape seed oil. If you regularly add 1-2 drops of these oils to skin moisturizers, you can solve the problem of dry and oily skin at the same time.

Combined type care

Vitamin E found in sour cream normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells

For combination skin, a mask with egg yolk and one tablespoon of sour cream is suitable, where you need to add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil. Leave the resulting mixture on the skin for 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask helps soften the skin, tea tree oil will improve the penetration of nutrients through the skin.

Recipe with clay for oily skin

Oily skin is a direct indication for the use of tea tree oil. For cleansing, use 1-2 drops of oil in combination with two tablespoons of crushed oat flakes, 100 ml of green tea and lemon juice (2-3 drops). This mixture must be evenly distributed over the skin of the face, and after 10 minutes, rinse off the mask with water.

Care for acne-prone skin

To eliminate acne, you need to add 1-2 drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils to the beaten yolk in combination with the same dose of tea tree oil. Apply the mask to problem areas with a cotton pad, wait 10 minutes and rinse with warm water, after which additional cleaning with tea tree oil lotion is advisable.

For acne, tea tree oil is also used in its pure form. To do this, you need to moisten a cosmetic cotton swab with oil and apply it directly to the affected areas. Leave for no longer than 30 seconds to avoid local burns.

What is the benefit in the fight against comedones?

The antiseptic properties of honey make the mask more effective

If you want to cleanse the skin of blackheads, 1-2 drops of tea tree oil should be added to the prepared mass of two tablespoons of pre-crushed oat flakes, one teaspoon of honey and 100 ml boiled water. The composition should be slightly liquid in order to be evenly distributed over the skin. Apply to the face with massaging movements, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. After 5–7 minutes, you need to wash off the mask with warm water. Tea tree oil will have a tonic effect, refresh the skin, and improve its metabolism.

How to use against wrinkles

Tea tree oil is used as a minor component to correct or get rid of wrinkles. By itself, it is not able to eliminate wrinkles and regenerate the skin, but the product cleanses the skin and improves oxygen absorption, which makes the skin less susceptible to wrinkles. As cosmetic product Clays (blue and white) are used with the addition of 1-2 drops of tea tree oil. Distributing the mask evenly on the face, while avoiding the contours around the eyes and lips, you must leave the composition until it dries completely. Rinse off with warm water using a sponge. Regular use nourishing creams in combination with tea tree oil will saturate the skin with beneficial substances, which will prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

Essential oil vs warts and papillomas

It is possible to use it for cauterization of warty formations and papillomas on the skin. To do this, add 10 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of water or aloe juice and stir. Apply a moistened cosmetic cotton swab directly to problem areas twice a day for 14 days.

How to use against herpes and seize

The bactericidal properties of tea tree oil are used in the healing of herpes on the lips and in the formation of angular cheilitis (seeds) in the corners of the mouth. In this case, the miracle remedy is used in the same way as described in the recipe above.

Bergamot oil is no less effective in the fight against colds on the lips.

Refreshing lotion

It is possible to use this product in the form of a lotion, which will protect the skin from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, cleanse and promote a tonic effect. To do this, add 10–15 drops of oil to 100 ml of green tea or rose water. The resulting lotion is used within a week, stored in the refrigerator.

Cosmetic ice

Tea tree oil is used to make cosmetic ice. To do this, add 10 drops of oil to 250 ml of warm water. Cool the product, pour into ice cube trays and freeze. The toning effect will appear during morning washing.

How it will help men

Tea tree oil can be used not only by the fair sex. Men may experience minor damage and wounds after shaving. Using oil in pure or diluted form can speed up the healing process. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply a cotton swab or disk moistened with oil to the affected areas of the skin. If the skin is prone to irritation or has increased sensitivity, then dissolve 5 drops of tea ether in one tablespoon of boiled water.

Video: Experience using the product

Contraindications for use

Tea tree oil is generally well tolerated, but there are a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic dermatoses or a tendency to allergic skin reactions;
  • bronchial asthma and the presence of an asthmatic component in bronchitis;
  • skin burns of 2nd and 3rd degree;
  • do not use on macerated skin (effect after prolonged contact of the epidermis with liquid):
  • undesirable during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • cannot be used in children under 6 years of age.

To exclude allergies, you must first apply the product to the inner surface of the forearm and wait 10 minutes. If there is no redness or itching, then the oil is safe and its use is permitted, but when using it in its pure form, you should still exercise extreme caution.

Well-groomed matte skin instills self-confidence. To improve appearance, we hide foundation pimples and redness. However, there is another way: not to cover up defects, but to cure them. Then “scenery” will not be needed. This is real if you use tea tree oil, which has amazing medicinal properties for facial skin. The product deals a crushing blow to the core of the problem - microorganisms. The healing oil is made from the leaves of Melaleuca, a tree that grows in Australia.

Anyone who has ever used tea tree essential oil on their face becomes a fan forever. After all, this is a universal weapon against harmful bacteria that cause skin problems. Healthy man coexists with hundreds of microorganisms without much harm to itself. But as soon as the hormonal system or immunity fails, favorable conditions are created for the rapid proliferation of microbes.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists distinguish such beneficial properties Melaleuca oils for face:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiviral;
  • healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • drying.

In addition to the listed qualities, the product normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Tea tree esters evaporate quickly. The smell of the oil is sharp, rich and reminiscent of a mixture of the aromas of camphor and spruce.

Using the miracle of Australian nature, they treat:

  • acne;
  • furunculosis;
  • acne;
  • herpes;
  • jams on the lips.

Tea tree oil gets rid of skin growths: papillomas, warts. For insect bites, it quickly relieves itching and swelling. For cuts and abrasions, the product is applied instead of iodine or brilliant green. This disinfectant kills streptococci and staphylococci - the causative agents of purulent inflammation.

Use of oil in cosmetology

One bottle of tea tree oil lasts a long time, and it is also relatively cheap. This is a concentrated product, which before use is usually diluted with a cosmetic base: base oil, alcohol, cream, honey, etc. Otherwise, burns or redness of the skin are possible.

It is practiced to add oil to purchased creams and tonics not only to treat existing acne, but also to prevent their appearance. Usually it is enough to add 1-2 drops of ether per 10 ml of the finished product.

Ways to use tea tree oil - video

Nuances of use

When applying melaleuca oil, follow these precautions:

  • apply only externally;
  • avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth;
  • do not apply to large areas of skin - irritation is possible;
  • do not reheat until high temperatures due to the risk of evaporation of useful substances.

Before the first session, conduct an olfactory test: mix 1 drop of ether with 5 drops of base oil, apply to cotton pad and inhale the scent by taking a few deep breaths. If there is no bronchospasm, cough, or difficulty breathing, the product is suitable for you. Then do a skin allergy test: apply the resulting mixture of oils to your wrist. If after 12 hours there are no signs of allergy on the skin, then feel free to use the product.

However, homemade masks are often more effective than store-bought products. For the compositions to work properly, follow the advice of cosmetologists:

  • Apply the mask only to a cleansed face along the massage lines;
  • unless otherwise indicated, keep the mixture for 20–30 minutes;
  • too liquid mixtures spread, place a cloth napkin on top of the composition applied to the face;
  • rinse with warm water without soap or gel so as not to reduce the cosmetic effect.

The frequency of using masks for blackheads, acne, wrinkles is 1–2 times a week. Preventive compositions are applied no more than 2 times a month.

When treating pustules, acne, papillomas, the oil is applied in its pure form 2 times a day until they disappear. But they do it pointwise, with the help cotton swab. These measures relieve inflammation and prevent the further development and spread of acne. After application, a burning sensation is felt for several minutes, this is normal. For sensitive skin, the ether is diluted with any base oil in a 1:1 ratio.

For oily, inflamed skin

Tea tree oil has the most noticeable effect on oily skin prone to rashes. A special lotion is prepared for daily care.


  • ethyl alcohol - 30 ml;
  • melaleuca ether - 15 drops;
  • mineral water - 100 ml.


  1. Dilute the oil in alcohol.
  2. Add water and stir.

Wipe problem areas morning and evening after washing.

Eliminates acne and relieves irritation with a mask made from the following ingredients:

  • raw egg white - 1 pc.;
  • tea tree oil - 3 drops;
  • lavender and chamomile esters - 1 drop each.

Mix the ingredients, apply to your face, and rinse off after the mixture dries.

To cleanse pores, eliminate greasy shine adopt a composition of the following components:

  • flax oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;


  1. Heat the honey in a water bath, remove from heat.
  2. Add linseed oil, stir, pour in ether.

For acne, use a nuclear mixture of two anti-inflammatory oils:

  • milk thistle - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tea tree - 2 drops.

For severe skin damage, use the mask 2 times a week with an interval of 3 days.

The following vitamin composition will also help eliminate rashes:

  • fresh mashed potatoes or avocado oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • melaleuca oil - 2-3 drops.

To heal inflamed skin, among other things, it is necessary to ensure adequate sleep and a balanced diet.

For dry and combination skin

Tea tree ether dries out the skin, so if you have a dry type, it is used only in mixtures for fat based. If you want to treat pimples and moisturize your skin at the same time, mix the ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • strong chamomile decoction - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Melaleuca oil - 2 drops.


  1. Beat the curd with the broth.
  2. Add ether and stir.

To deeply cleanse pores with dry skin, give preference to a gentle mask.


  • chopped oatmeal - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • blue clay - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tea tree ether - 2 drops.


  1. Dilute the clay with a small amount of water, add sour cream.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and mix.

At combination skin replace sour cream with kefir.

Dry skin is more susceptible to external influences and wrinkles appear earlier. This type needs daily application of cream: moisturizing in summer, nourishing in winter.

For blackheads

To get rid of open comedones with black heads, you will need a set of measures. The menu needs to be adjusted in favor healthy products, eliminate hormonal disorders and regularly use skin deep cleansing products. The best home remedy- homemade scrub.


  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tea tree oil - 4 drops.


  1. Brew some oatmeal.
  2. When it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, add oil.

Massage your face, paying special attention to areas with blackheads, for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. The product will cleanse pores of sebaceous plugs and normalize sebum secretion.

The fight against comedones is impossible without exfoliating dead skin particles. From salon procedures Fruit acid peeling and microdermabrasion are suitable for these purposes.

For wrinkles

“Crow's feet” not only give kindness to the look, but also hint at the age of their owner. The skin of the eyelids is thinner and drier than other areas, so it ages faster. To smooth out wrinkles, remove swelling and bruises under the eyes, apply a mixture of oils:

  • almond - 1.5 tsp;
  • grape seeds 0.5 tsp;
  • carrots - 2 drops;
  • chamomile and tea tree esters - 1 drop each.


  1. Soak cotton pads in water, then squeeze and apply a little mixture to them.
  2. Apply compresses for 10 minutes.

Such lotions also help relieve skin irritation due to barley and conjunctivitis.

To smooth out wrinkles all over the face, a variety of formulations are used:

  • combine 2 tbsp. l. castor oil with 2 drops of tea tree esters, neroli and incense;
  • dilute in 1 tsp. honey 2 drops melaleuca oil, add egg yolk, beat the mixture;
  • mix 1 tbsp. l. fresh cucumber puree with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 3 drops of tea tree oil.

Skin lightening

Freckles and age spots decolorized using a composition of the following ingredients:

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • cream - 1 tsp;
  • tea tree ether - 1–2 drops.

Preparation and use:

  1. Dissolve the ether in the cream.
  2. Add lemon juice and mix.
  3. Keep the mixture on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

The best time to bleach is in the fall or winter. The fact is that tea tree oil makes the skin susceptible to ultraviolet rays. Do not use lemon juice in case of integrity violation skin, neoplasms on the face.

For herpes

Fever on the lips is caused by a virus, the development of which is suppressed by applying tea tree oil to the herpes blisters. With daily application three times over 2-3 days, the inflammation on the lip goes away. You should not remove the crusts from the fever, the oil will penetrate through it. If the burning sensation is severe, dilute the product with soybean oil in a 1:1 ratio.

I would like to warn those who have never used tea tree oil against herpes. While reading the instructions, I did not remember that the product should not enter the body. One day after applying it, I accidentally licked the oil off my lip and swallowed it. As a result, I received severe poisoning, which I will remember for the rest of my life. Diarrhea with excruciating pain in the intestines lasted for a day. Therefore, I advise you to avoid swallowing the product in every possible way. If it gets into your mouth, rinse with plenty of warm water. My herpes went away then, but the joy of recovery was overshadowed by indigestion.

When jammed

Cracks and peeling in the corners of the mouth appear when immunity decreases and there is a lack of vitamin B2 in the body. To cure inflammation, lubricate the wounds 3 times a day with a healing agent. To prepare it, mix 1 tsp. unrefined flaxseed or olive oil with 2 drops of tea tree ether.

Seizures are a disease caused by streptococci or yeast-like fungi.

With demodicosis

If the skin is damaged by a mite, you will need to consult a dermatologist to eliminate all the causes that led to the disease. How aid medicinal lotion is applied.


  1. Brew 2 tbsp. spoons of string in 200 ml of boiling water. Strain and let cool.
  2. Separately, mix 6 drops of tea tree ether with 1 tbsp. l. ethyl alcohol.
  3. Combine the infusion and oil-alcohol solution.

After soaking a cotton pad in lotion, wipe your skin 2 times a day. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Contraindications and side effects

Tea tree oil is toxic and should not be consumed internally.

External use of the product is prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • individual intolerance.

For symptoms of melaleuca essential oil poisoning: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, drink 2 liters of salted water and induce vomiting. However, these measures are effective only for 1–1.5 hours after ingestion of the toxin. If there is confusion, loss of coordination, convulsions, or difficulty breathing, call an ambulance.
